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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.2 Rec Report Spring Qtr (2)y~ ~ ~ CITY UF DUB~IN A G E A1 D A.. S T AT E 1~f L N T SUBJECT EXHIBITS ATTACHED RECOMMENDATION ~/ ~~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL P~ESZ`IIUG DATE: .T(7LY 27, I992 Spring Quarter 1992 Recreation Report - Report by Diane Lowart A. Class Status Listing B. Senior Center Attendance Report ~~~v v Receive Report Nane DESCRIPTION . The foTlowing report sumrnarizes the activities conducted by the Recreation Department during the Spring quarter encompassing the months af ApriT and May. Adult Sports A total of "75" teams participated in the Spring AduTt Softball program which consisted of "9" Men's Leagues and "4" Coed Leagues and, in addition, a new Church League was scheduled far Sunday afternoons. The Spring League began on April 12 and concluded with championship games on June 29. The total number of players was "1,125". AT1-Star games which proved to be very exciting highlighted the mid-season. The new Adult Volleyball program drew "12" teams during the 1992 Spring season. The teams were divided into "B" (intermediate) and "C" (novice) leagues and games were scheduled at the Wells Middle School Gymnasium on Wednesdays and Thursdays. League play began on May 4 and concluded with play-off games on July 8. Interest in the program has prompted Staff to look into the possibility of offering a late Summer and Fall league. Afterschool Recreatian The final two months of the year were busy ones for Afterschool Recreation participants with a number of special events occurring at both sites. At Murray, the children dyed Easter eggs for a hunt at their site and participated in a Track Meet competition in April. The Nielsen site participants took a walking excursion to Lucky's Pizza where they enjoyed pizza, video games and a mavie. In May, Murray participants got soaked in Water Wars I and II, acted in a"horne-made" video, traded sports cards on Sports Card Day, played games on Field Day and generally had a good time! Nielsen participants "gat sTimmed" and took the "physicai challenge" at. their pouble Dare Day in May and also participated in a track meet of their awn. Each site ended the year in a special. way; Nielsen had an end of the year barbecue and Murray participants went to the pool for a swim day and pool party. Attendance at each site was site was strong until the final week of the program, when it decreased slightly. Average daily attendance at Murray was "26" participants per da~y and "32" at Nielsen. Bath sites had "65" registered participants each. AQUatics The Dublin Swim Center apened for the 1992 season on April 20, 1992. Recreational swimming raas offered Monday through Friday from 1:00-5:OOp.m. during Spring Break (April 20-24). The pool remained open only on weekends for recreational swimming through May 31. The total Spring attendance was "3,179" with an average of "176" swimmers per day. A total of "5" birthday parties were also scheduled and a Lifeguard Training course was offered in late March which drew "6'~ students. ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM NO. COPIES TO: C~ C K F~~E 9 ~ 3 0 i' ~ ~ AGENDA STATEMENT~- Spring Quarter 1992 Reereation Report Page Two Leisure Classes Leisure classes continue to- be well attended. Preschool age programs were especially popular this quarter, as evidenced by the need for extra classes of Tiny Tumblers and Just You and Me. New programming successes incTuded Past Lives, Tole Painting and Framing and Matting. Past Lives was previawed in the "Eye on Dublin". sectian of the Valley Times and Viacom taped the class for the Valley Magazins Show. Past Lives will be offered again in the Fall. Returning adult classes included Golf, Ballroom Dancing, Dog Obedience, Tennis and Karate, which are continued successes. A class status Iisting is attached in Exhibit A and a comparison with previou5 quarters is shown below: Sprin.~91 Winter `91 Spring '90 Classes Offered Youth 36 32 31 Adult 47 38 30 Tatal Classes Conducted 64 60 43 Total Enrollment 534 570 . 546 Preschool The final session af the school year began on March 9 and aoncluded on June 5 when all participants graduated. Al1 three classes were again sold out, with '~20" students enrolled in each for a total enrollment of '~60" students. Special highlights of the session inciuded Easter parties, trips to the Discovery Zone in Pleasanton, and the Annual Ice Cream Social. Graduation ceremonies for each class were held on the final class meeting. Seniar Center The Legal Assistance service for seniors was added to the Senior Center program in April. Attorney Catherine Hsiau will be in attendance at the Center on a monthly basis. The Annual Easter Luncheon was attended by "80" seniors and the Easter Bunny. Average daily attendance for April was 84. May is the traditional start of the vacation season for seniors. Many of the Center's regular attendees hit the road aiong with their peers, however "85" joined in celebrating Mother's Day with a buffet lunch and "From the Back of My Closet" fashion show. Thirty-five (35) seniors attended a showing of Beach Blanket Babylon in San Francisco. The average daily attendance for May was 77. Attached in Exhibit B is a Senior Attendance Report. Special Events The following two Special Events were held during the Spring Quarter. The Easter t1Eggs"-travaganza and Play Day was held on Saturday, April 18 from 9:30-11:OOa.m. at the Shannon Community Park. The activities offered included the traditional egg hunts, a magic show, egg toss games, face painting, bubble painting and a special visit from the Easter Bunny. This event was sold out with "210" registered participants. In addition, over "200t° spectators were in attendance and "25" volunteers were on hand to assist with the activities. The City-Wide Spring Flea Market was held on June 13 from 8:d0a.m.-2:OOp.m. at the Dublin Civic Center. There were "46" vendors and approximately "400!' shappers that participated in the event. Oriqinally the flea market was scheduled to take place on the Dublin Sports Grounds parking lot, however there was a need for parking near the playing fields due to Dublin Little League games being scheduled that day. Consequently the vendors were placed on the grass and fauntain area in the Civic Center Pla2a, and the back parking lot. o' • ~ AGENDA STATEMENT - Spring Quarter 1992 Recreatian Report Page Three Overflow parking was arranged through Chevron on their Sierra Cou~rt property. Reserve police officers and maintenance staff were on hand to control traffic. This year Goodwill was invited to bring a truck and accept donations from the vendors. Goodwill received 38 donations. Teens The change of the fee structure helped to increase the attendance at the Teen Drop-In Center. The average daily attendance increased to "12" participants, up from °t7" during the first session. The number of passes sold were; 19 - Full Session Passes, 1- 30 Day Pass, 3.- 12 Day Passes, and 66 - One Day Passes. Attendance and participation in the lunch time activities continued to be strong. The number of students who participated would vary, depending upon the activity. Average lunchtime attendance was '130'4 students per lunch period. The school year ended on a positive note for both programs. A Student versus Teacher/Police Department/Recreation Department softball game and barbecue was held afterschool on Wednesday, June 3, with over "150" in attendance to play and specta~e. The final lunchtime activity was a tug of war, in which over "150" students from each iunch period participated. Yauth S orts Vol.leyball Ieagues for elementary school age children were offered during the Spring quarter. Play began on March 30 and ended on June 6. Three teams were formed with the "21" registered participants. Games were held at the Wells Middle School Gym and practices were located at Nielsen and Murray schools. Each team experienced a great deal of improvement throughout the season. Both parents and participants enjoyed the program. PA'fE '//O8%92 PGRR03 PN[7HBEP, PROGRAM NAMM~ ~ L A S S S T A T ll S L I S'P I N 6 3-0140-01 PEE WEE BALLET 3-0141-O1 TINY T[R~LERS 3-0141-02 'l~1Y TUt4BLERS 3-0142-01 SDPER TUMBLERS 3-0190-01 JUST Y0~ & ME 3-0190-C12 JOST Y00 & ME 3-0190-03 JUST YOII & ME 3-0191-01 SING-ALONG TI2IE 3-0192-O1 TIhSE FOR ~5i0' S 3-0192-02 TIME FOR ~+70'S 3-Oi92-03 7'I~fE FOR '!4a0' S 3-0192-04 T4~ FOR '1W0' S 3-0192-05 TIME FOR 7W0'S 3-0201-01 STORIES CRAFTS MORE 3-0202-01 DRAWING FOR CHILDREN 3-0211-01 PARENT BND CHILD EBSTER 3-0211-02 GIFT FOR MOMt~IY &PID ME 3-0216-02 CIlJTHES PBINTING FOR KIDS 3-0219-01 PORCELBIIN DOLLS 3-0240-U1 TAP & BBLLET 3-0241-01 ADVANCED ,IAZZ DBNCE 3-0242-01 TAP & BBLLET (BDV.) 3-0243-01 JAZZ DANCE 3-0244-01 KARATE (BEG.) 3-0245-01 KBRBTE (BDV•) 3-0296-01 BU1~'ER BOWL 3-~247-01 STRIKES & SPARES 3-0248-01 TENN~IS (BEG./ADV.BEG.) 3-0248-02 TE2~]IS (BE6./BDV.BEG.) 3-0245-03 TENNIS (BEG./ADV.BEG.) 3-0248-04 TENNIS (BEG./BDV.BEG.) 3-'J249-O1 JIIDO 3-0275-01 BEGI2II~IING PIBNO 3-0275-02 ADVANED BEG~TING P7~tI0 3-0280-01 IINO, D(l5, TRES! SPANISH 3-0290-01 AR75~ORKS 3-0404-O1 FRAMItdG AND MATTING 3-0405-01 FASTEL WORKSHOP 3-0409-02 QDBI.ITY PHOTO BLBOMS 3-0410-01 TOLE PAINIZNG 3-0410-02 TOLE PflIN~ING 3-0~15-01 ' FIRST BID-INFANTS & CHILDREN 3-0417-01 PORCELBIN DOLL MAKING 3-U41R-O1 FABRIC PAINTING 3-0418-02 FABRIC PB.aITING 3-0422-01 JUJTTSD :s-0422-02 JDJITSD 3-0422-03 JUJITSU 3-0442-01 KARATE ~-0442-02 KARBTE ~-0442-03 Y.ARBTE I27~flJM MA%Il~IU LITLIT L~P 9 lE 9 15 9 15 9 15 6 12 6 12 6 I2 8 16 6 12 6 12 6 12 5 12 6 12 8 14 7 12 4 5 4 5 4 5 2 20 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 90 14 9 20 10 18 6 12 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 6 5 99 5 99 4 12 8 15 5 25 8 12 2 8 6 12 6 12 10 15 5 25 5 12 5 12 ~t Zp 4 20 4 20 9 14 9 14 9 14 PEOPLE REGISTERED 16 15 lo 12 12 12 4 16 11 12 12 12 22 14 3 3 14 5 4 8 9 15 18 3 4 3 4 5 7 5 3 1 1 12 5 6 11 9 13 3 5 POSITIONS AVAILABLE 0 0 5 A 3 9 0 $ A 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 X 2 2 5 X 20 X 1 10 11 7 5 5 0 12 X 5 4 5 ~ 6 g 94 99 X 12 X 1J X 18 12 g 8 7 9 14 X 24 X 0 ~ A 14 9 11 1 11 9 PAGE: 1 DATE %/08/92 ~PGRR03 PNUMBER PROGRAM N9ME 3-0443-01 TENNIS 3-0443-02 TENNIS 3-0443-03 TEPRiIS 3-0443-04 TENNIS 3-0444-01 GOLF 3-U494-02 GOLF 3-0444-03 GOLF ;;-0444-04 GOLF 3-0445-01 GOLF (ADVgNCID) 3-0445-02 GOLF (ADVANCED) 3-0448-05 TENNIS 3-0451-01 C~JLOR AN9LYSIS 3-04S2-O1 TOT SAVER CPR 3-0455-01 BBSIC LIFE SUFPORT/CPR 3-0457-01 INTRO TO T'AI CHI CHOAN 3-0457-02 I21TR0 TO T' AI CHI CHUB2t 3-0457-03 INTRO TO T'BI C}~ CHf7gN 3-0457-04 INTRO TO T'AI CHI CHUAN 3-0461-01 BBSIC FINBNCIBI. PLBNN.ING 3-0464-01 BALLROOM DE~ICIN7G 3-0464-02 BALLROOM DANCING 3-0471-01 BEGINtT.ING PIANO 3-0473-01 TRU£FLES 3-0480-01 PUPPY RINDERGBRTEN 3-0481-01 DOG OBEDIENCE 3-0481-02 DOG OBEDZFNCE 3-0481-03 DOG OBEDIENCE 3-0482-01 PHOTOGRAPHY BASICS 3-0485-01 PAST LIFE 3-0486-O1 BIJY~IG A NEW VEHICLE 3-0486-02 VEHICLE MAINTFNANCE 3-0488-01 STRESS CONTROL CLASS STATUS LISTING IIT~iUM MAXIHU LIMIT LItiIT 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 6 9 b 9 6 9 6 9 5 9 5 9 4 10 5 10 8 15 5 8 5 12 5 12 5 12 5 12 10 20 10 60 10 60 8 ?20 6 12 10 15 10 16 10 16 10 16 6 12 20 55 5 20 5 20 4 20 PEOPLE REGISTERED 10 3 8 8 9 8 8 3 4 1 1 1 5 2 2 10 23 1 7 13 16 13 5 24 4 POSTTIONS AVHILBBLE 0 7 2 2 0 1 1. 6 5 ~ 9 X 9 9 X 15 X 7 X 7 10 12 10 10 37 60 g 119 C 12 g 8 3 0 3 7 31 20 X 2o X 16 PAGE: 2 X= Canceled Classes C= Combined Classes A= Added Classes - 'r' " ~ DUBLIN SENIOR CENTER ~ ~ , • ATTENDANCE REPORT • . QUARTER: SPRING 1992 ACTIVITY APRIL FRAY BALLROOM DANCE 62 30 , BLOOD PRESSURE `-15 BRIDGE (SOCIAL) 120 136 BRIDGE (LESSONS) 23 24 BRIDGE (MONDAYS} 148 1~8 CHINA PAINTING 24 8 JAZZ BAND 12 16 CRAFTS 15 16 EXERCISE 32b 232 HEALTH SCREENING 34 15 HICAP 1 LEGAL ASSISTANCE 4 3 LINE DANCE (BEG) 133 78 LINE DANCE (INT} 128 78 ' LINE DANCE (THURS) 60 54 LUNCH 325 231 MEETINGS 5 4 NEEDLEWORK 22 23 PINOCHLE 8 8 POKER 43 44 POOL 6 QUILTING 35 33 SPECIAL EVENTS 85 TATTLETALES 43 28 TAX HELP 8 THIRD THURSDAY 13 TRIPS 35 WOODWORKING 36 35 WORKSHOPS 18 TOTAL DROP-INS 194 184 TOTAL ATTENDANCE 1846 1533 AVERAGE ATTENDANCE 84 77 VOLUYdTEER HOURS 285.5 275.5