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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 ApprvEncrPrmtAlmondPlz (2) CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: May 26, 1992 SUBJECT: Approval of Encroachment Permit - Almond Plaza Driveway on San Ramon Road Report by: Public Works Director Lee Thompson EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) 2) 3) Resolution and Encroachment Permit Exhibit "A" Plot plans showing proposed entrance Copy of Deed Restriction RECOMMENDATION: ~í.~AdOPt resolution issuing encroachment permit subject to the f 4/~ Zoning Administrator's approval of PA 92-022. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The cost of staff time for this project is paid by the applicant. DESCRIPTION: Mr. Ted Urban, a representative for Mr. David Malcolm, owner of Almond Plaza Shopping Center on Regional Street (location of the Sizzler, Payless Shoe Source, and other businesses) has submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit/Site Development Review (PA 92-022) for a new shopping center entrance off San Ramon Road. There is an existing deed restriction on the property which relinquishes the property owner's rights to access San Ramon Road (see Exhibit 3). The State originally acquired abutter's rights from the property owner a number of years ago. Subsequently, the State relinquished the San Ramon Road right-of-way to the County of Alameda. The City assumed all of the County's rights to the road upon annexation. The City Attorney has advised that, because of the deed restriction, the property owner must obtain an encroachment permit from the City Council in order to obtain driveway access to San Ramon Road. A Zoning Administrator hearing for this project is tentatively scheduled for June 3, 1992. City Council approval of the encroachment permit must be obtained before the Zoning Administrator can act on the application. The encroachment permit approval would be subject to subsequent approval of the Conditional Use Permit/Site Development Review by the Zoning Administrator. Public Works Staff has reviewed the proposed location of the driveway and feels that such access would not adversely affect traffic on San Ramon Road. Because of its proximity to the San Ramon Road/Amador Valley Boulevard intersection, Staff has recommended the new driveway be "in-only." The applicant has concurred with this recommendation. Per the City Attorney, the encroachment permit approval is not assignable and is proposed to be revocable at the desire of the City upon three months' advance written notice. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution granting an encroachment permit to Mr. Malcolm, subject to the Zoning Administrator's approval of PA 92-022. a: (corres)\may\agstdwy -- --- --- --- -- - ----- -- - -- - -- ------------ --- - -- --- --- --- --- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --- ITEM NO. ß..1 COPIES TO: Mr. Ted Urban Mr. David Malcolm File: PA 92 - 022 CITY CLERK . FILE RESOLUTION NO. -92 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN GRANTING AN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO DAVID MALCOLM FOR DRIVEWAY ACCESS FROM SAN RAMON ROAD BETWEEN AMADOR VALLEY BOULEVARD AND DUBLIN BOULEVARD TO PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7150 - 7222 REGIONAL STREET WHEREAS, the State of California acquired abutter's rights to San Ramon Road (formerly State Highway 21) from the owner of the property identified as Assessor's Parcel Number 941-305-23 (7150 - 7222 Regional Street) on December 8, 1955; and WHEREAS, the State of California relinquished all rights to San Ramon Road to Alameda County in 1968, together with all abutter's rights previously acquired; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin assumed all rights of the County of Alameda upon annexation; and WHEREAS, David Malcolm, as property owner, desires and has requested access to San Ramon Road; and WHEREAS, right to access from the property to San Ramon Road is owned by the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council may grant an encroachment permit to the property owner for a curb cut, allowing access to San Ramon Road; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby grant an encroachment permit (Exhibit "A") to David Malcolm, as property owner, hereby allowing driveway access to San Ramon Road, subject to Conditional Use Permit/Site Development Review (Planning Application No. 92-022) approval by the Zoning Administrator. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the encroachment permit is a revocable license which may be withdrawn by the City Council at will upon three months' written notice, that the encroachment permit is not assignable, that the encroachment permit may be recorded by the City, and that all other standard conditions imposed upon encroachment permits by the City Engineer pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 7.04 apply to this approval. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 26th day of May, 1992. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk a: (corres)\may\resodwy 1,t; ~:',~-,'~ , '. ,. :i~:~ 1 'R~l~UÁíiðN ~'D 'PEeMrr EXHIBIT "A" OF J{ESOLUTION CITY OF DUBLIN UBLIC WORKS DEPARTML..f 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 (415) 833-6630 510 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT PERMIT TO DO WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF DUBLIN MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 7.04 AND ANY SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS SHOWN OR LISTED HEREIN. Applicant/Permittee: Permit Number: 92- Name: Address: David ~1i11cülITl 1676 N. California Blvd. Walnut Creek CA 94596 510/295-1833 Receipt No. Fee: $ Bond: $ Phone: PLEASE READ THIS PERMIT CAREFULLY. KEEP IT AT THE WORK SITE. TO ARRANGE FOR INSPECTION, PHONE 833-6630 AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU START WORK. _._---_._~-_.._-~_...-._.__._--~--_._~._------- JOB LOCATIONnn_~;~~~~!:~~~~~I__- DESCRIPTION OF WORK: GRANTING Of DRIVEWAY ACCESS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OUTLINED IN RESOLUTION NO. ADOPTED ON MAY 26, 1992. USA Identification Number Length 01 Excavation__,__ 1.1. Width 1.1. Depth It. ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO THE GENERAL PROVISIONS PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS PERMIT AND TO THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (To be filled in by Public Works Inspection Department): PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE AND KEEP CURRENT A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC LIABILITY AND WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE WHICH NAMES THE CITY OF DUBLIN AND ITS EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS AS ADDITIONAL INSUREDS. ALL TI~ {l'IS OUTLlNU) IN RESOL.UTION NO. MA Y L 6, j '1'J L . ADOPTl::D ON Prosecution of Work: All work authorized by the permit shall be performed in a workmanlike, diligent, and expeditious manner, and must be completed to the satisfaction fa the City Engineer. Liability and Damages: The permittee shall be responsible for all liability imposed by law for personal injury or property damage which may arise out of the work permitted and done by permittee under this permit. or which may arise out of the failure on the part of the permittee to perform his obliga- tions under said permit In respect to maintenance and encroachment. The permittee shall protect and indemnify the City of Dublin, its officers and employees, and save them harmless in every way from all action at law for damage or injury to persons or property that may arise out of or be occasioned in any way because of his operations as provided in this permit. Signature 01 Permittee GiW~Ì@:WX l'layür ~ ~ Date:___,_________________ Date of Issue: Work Completed: Inspector:_ -~-~ oPW - 001 :1 E U ~D _L )f , " I l;; nl ~i Œ \-,--'-1 r In ~ J7 F -C <, 0 ;' pI tJ ~ 61 !- 7" ", ,~ L ' fi- <r ;" :s:::- ID iL 'u I, 1\1 .S: :~ . . t' CJ ~' o 1- ~ \ -'Ò ::0 o ~ ~ uj 0' 72· ~i' 'û"\,' \ i \ I r ""j , II I I L ,,-' LI · , \' I' I (l-r~,--,--r'I""~"" " .,. . L'S 0N\Þ!N'tlð n~f\â' 0 I ,.;, " 1 ,,~,~~,,:"r-1 L. " ,UO".J,b>\:f -( ~L -,,'ilL II II _: H,ì/J--Jl··.. ..,...., ......-, 1_~!Æ6l ~ Q cld~ I! l,nl I ,1 _ < ~ Il_]'- I" ~=\:'A 1:1 3 ~ I \1' I I.,d.. I'. __ _ ' " (0") I ,,'" -,.' . .., I " ;1', . .,' \ f· Çî' , ¡11:!br'.. .J)lllllliITrlIIITillll1·1..¡· -'.....-.. ~. '-) I I ¡ì;¡' I,:._- ¡,/;I\ è- ' UlI11111 \.,1 ~ e I" .' __', II = ,) ~ ,. 0 I I ":> I f (¡ 'I' . - £Ì L - I' ' - ; ~ I I ,711) I : -!'.; =-~ ==~..: .-- ::= .---:-' . ~ ~ II I ..': '''}' ,~":j "":."" . : == ' .,H n" ,,'f' _. r I "..,' "';;..' 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