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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 AnnlTrffcSfty&DwntwnInt (2) Ç\~ ~ T~~ -- ., v CITY OF DUBLIN \ <~ AGENDA STATEMENT \ City Council Meeting Date: May 11, 1992 . '\ (::::) c~· -.í (!/ \' }l <'I ~?':> , <,,~ X< <., 'Ç ^-' '\ j~ y -7 SUBJECT: Annual Traffic Safety Report and Downtown Intersection Monitoring Report by: Public Works Director Lee Thompson EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) 2) 3) Traffic Safety Report Downtown Intersection Monitoring Report 1991 Traffit Flow Map and 1988 Traffic Flow Map (for comparison purposes) Accident Location Map to be displayed at meeting 4) RECOMMENDATION: Receive report FINANCIAL STATEMENT: No specific physical improvements have been recommended by this report. The cost of future monitoring and reporting is budgeted in the Engineering Operating Budget. DESCRIPTION: In 1987, the City Council directed Staff to prepare an Annual Traffic Safety Report which would identify locations that incurred a significant number of traffic accidents over the previous year and make recommendations for possible improvements. This traffic safety report is combined with a "downtown intersection monitoring" report per the Downtown Specific Plan recommendation. ANNUAL TRAFFIC SAFETY REPORT Following is a summary of the information contained in TJKM's report. A total of 223 reported accidents occurred in 1991, 16 of which were injury accidents. This is significantly lower than the average of the four previous years, which was 263 accidents, 66 with injuries. Traffic volume has increased during this time. It is hoped that the downward trend in the number of accidents can be attributed, at least in part, to Dublin's proactive approach to traffic safety and increased enforcement. In previous years, safety reports concentrated on intersections and löcations which incurred more than five accidents. In compiling this year's report, intersections and street segments were selected which had incurred more than three accidents and then calculated the accident rate for these locations. The resulting accident rates were compared with the State average, and those locations which exceeded the State average were analyzed. Table II of TJKM's report identifies the locations for which calculations were made and the comparative accident rates. The accident rate is a function of the average daily traffic (ADT) and is calculated as follows: For street segments: # of Accidents x 1,000,000 ADT x Miles x 365 (accidents per year per million vehicle miles.) For intersections: # of Accidents x 1,000,000 ADT x 365 (accidents per million vehicles entering the intersection per year) -- -- - -- - -- -- --- -- -- - -- -- -- --- - - -- - -------- ---- - ----- - -- --- - - - - - - - --- --- --- --- --- --- ITEM NO.~ CITY CLERK FILE~ COPIES TO: Carl Springer, TJKM The philosophy behind using this method is that int~rsections and roadway segments with high traffic volumes tend to incur more traffic accidents as a matter of course. An intersection with a moderate number of accidents and high traffic volume would have a comparatively low accident rate. For example, the Dublin Boulevard/Dougherty Road intersection (ADT 46,375) incurred a total of 11 accidents and the Dublin Boulevard/San Ramon Road intersection (ADT 61,125) incurred a total of eight accidents in 1991. Neither of these locations exceeds the State accident rate because of the high ADT. An intersection with few accidents but very low traffic volume could have a comparatively high accident rate. Such an intersection may need more attention than a location with a higher number of accidents and a high ADT, depending on the types of accidents that occur. Three intersections and four street segments were found to have accident rates higher than the State average. Following is a discussion of the conditions and recommendations for these locations: Galindo Drive Between Bellina Street and Valencia Street The short segment length and low estimated daily traffic volumes combine to create a very high calculated accident rate for this residential area. Two accidents occurred on the road segment in 1991. Both involved property damage only and were- caused by northbound vehicles on Deervale Drive improperly negotiating the left turn onto Galindo and striking parked vehicles. It is recommended that Staff continue to monitor this location relative to drivers' ability to negotiate the turn. Dougherty Road Between Sierra Lane and Dublin Boulevard Four out of the five accidents that occurred on this road segment involved vehicles making left turns into or out of Pak N Save. These movements are now prohibited by an asphalt median that was installed in front of the driveway as a result of a recommendation in last year's safety report. Since accidents of this type have been eliminated, there are no further recommendations for this location. Dublin Boulevard Between San Ramon Road and Regional Street Five accidents occurred in this street segment. Two of these were related to vehicles entering the Chevron driveway on the northeast corner of the Dublin Boulevard/San Ramon Road intersection. In both cases, the cause of the accident was related to the fact that the curb lane was wide enough to accommodate two vehicles side by side. The conflict was between vehicles turning right into the driveway and vehicles intending to make a right turn at the intersection. Staff has made a recent striping change which clearly delineates a separa<te right turn lane; therefore, this type of conflict should not occur in the future. Amador Valley Boulevard Between Regional Street and Starward Drive Four accidents occurred at this location involving vehicles making left turns out of the private driveways of the Albertson's and Shamrock Village shopping areas onto Amador Valley Boulevard. There is no effective solution along this segment which would maintain left turn access to the businesses in the shopping centers. If the problem persists, a potential solution may be to prohibit left turns òut of the driveways and continue to allow left turns in, similar to the situation on Dublin Boulevard in front of Orchard Supply. It is recommended that Staff continue to monitor this location. Intersection of Amador Valley Boulevard and Burton Street The two accidents recorded at this intersection were both related to unsafe maneuvers by drivers and not to correctable aspects of the intersection itself. No improvements are recommended. Dougherty Road and Sierra Lane Dougherty Road is a divided arterial at this intersection which, for most of 1991, had two southbound lanes and one northbound lane. Staff recently restriped the northbound direction to create an additional lane. The intersection is controlled by a one-way stop on the Sierra Lane approach. Five accidents occurred at this Page 2 intersection in 1991 with no definite pattern. At 1east one of the accidents which occurred would have been correctable by installation of a signal. It is recommended that a signal warrant study be conducted at this intersection. Amador Valley Boulevard and Stagecoach Road Three accidents occurred at this location, with varying causes. None of these accidents were correctable by intersection improvements, and no mitigations are recommended. DOWNTOWN INTERSECTION MONITORING REPORT This program is part of the Downtown Specific Plan adopted in July of 1987. Five intersections have been monitored annually since 1987. Turning movement counts were taken in February of 1992 (used for 1991 analysis) during the p.m. peak hour at the following intersections: · San Ramon Road/Amador Valley Boulevard · San Ramon Road/Dublin Boulevard · Dublin Boulevard/Regional Street · Dublin Boulevard¡Village Parkway · Dublin Boulevard/Dougherty Road Table I of TJKM's report indicates the total volume entering each intersection from 1987 through 1991. The growth rate was calculated between 1990 and 1991 for eacR intersection, as well as from 1987 to 1991. The two intersections showing growth over 1990 are San Ramon Road/Dublin Boulevard and Dublin Boulevard/Dougherty Road. This trend is generally true for the past five years. These intersections are "gateways" to the City and incur traffic with origins and destinations outside Dublin. There has been a decrease in traffic at the other three intersections: San Ramon Road/Amador Valley Boulevard, Dublin Boulevard/Regional Street, and Dublin Boulevard¡Village Parkway. It is assumed that the reason for the decrease is the decline in retail sales in Dublin in 1991. Volume to capacity (V/C) ratios were calculated for each of the five intersections to determine the levels of service (LOS) during the p.m. peak hour. Table II of TJKM's report shows a comparison of the LOS for 1988 through 1991. All of the intersections continue to operate at an acceptable LOS of D or better. At all five intersections, the V/C ratio was better in 1991 than in 1988. This condition can be attributed to either geometric improvements or a drop in traffic volume. Four of the intersections experienced an improved level of service over 1988, and the Dublin/Dougherty intersection remains unchanged. a: (apr)\agstsfty Page 3 Memorandum Date: May 1, 1992 Project No.: 157-001 To: Mehran Sepehri, City of Dublin From: Carl Springer Christopher S. Kinzel Subject: 1991 Traffic Safety Report . Each year the list of reported accidents within the City is reviewed to determine if there are serious traffic safety problems that can be corrected. The following study report provides a description ofthe overall accident trends in the City, identifies locations where traffic safety is below average, and makes recommendations to revise traffic control to enhance vehicle safety. In summary, the 1991 traffic safety analysis has found that · The total number of reported accidents decreased to the lowest level since 1987 (15 percent reduction compared to the previous four year average). · Seven roadways and intersections were found to have accident rates that are higher than the State average for these types of facilities. · Only one location is in need of traffic control improvements. All other high accident rate locations were found to have current and standard traffic control measures. Accident Trends The 1991 reported accidents were totalled by severity and compared to the previous accidents for 1987 through 1990. The resulting accident trends are listed in Table 1. Table I Traffic Accidents By Year Accident Type Number of Accidents - Four 1991 Year 1987 1988 1989 1990 Average Total Percent Change Property Damage Only 197 207 202 179 196 207 +5% Injury 58 62 73 72 66 16 -76% Fatal 2 0 0 0 1 0 N/A Total Accidents 257 269 275 251 263 223 -15% 1 " -retJçç¡ L/ :~~Þ.;ÆI'-1~ësPOè::\ ~ --"....~._- Memorandum Mr. Mehran Sepehri -2- May 1, 1992 157-001, Task 8 The total number of accidents decreased 15 percent compared to the previous four year average. Property damage only accidents are 5 percent higher, but recorded injury accidents decreased by 76 percent over last year. (Changes in definition and recording of injury accidents may have contributed to the apparent décrease.) There were no fatal accidents. The 223 accident total for 1991 is the lowest total of any year since annual reports were tabulated beginning in 1987. Method for Selecting High Accident Locations High accident locations were selected by reviewing the 1991 Accident Spot Map, and calculating the accident rate for road segments or intersections. The map is a graphic record of the collision reports prepared by the City of Dublin. The accident rates were then compared to State average accident rates according to the type of roadway or intersection. Any locations that were found to have a higher rate (worse than statewide average accident rate) was noted for further study. For 1991, the high accident locations were selected according to the accident rates. This represents a change from the method used in previous years which was based only on the highest total number of accidents. The disadvantage of the previous method is that it tends to identify safety issues only on the higher volume roadways, and often misses possible problems on lower volume streets. For this reason, TJKM believes that the accident rate comparison provides a more meaningful standard for identifying high accident locations. The accident rates for roadway segments between intersections were calculated by Equation 1. The roadway daily volumes were taken from the 1991 Traffic Flow Map prepared by TJKM for the City. The length of the roadway segment was interpreted to be the distance (in miles) between the A ~À_ ts 1 000 000 A ilk Rat cc~n x, , adjoining intersections. Typically, roadway segment cc nt e= ADTxMilesx365 calculations are more appropriate for rural settings h I di b . (Eqn. 1) Roodway Segment Rate where t ere are onger . stances etween major intersections. When applied to short segments, the resulting accident rates can be artificially high compared to State averages. For intersections, the accident rates were calculated by Equation 2. The intersection daily volumes were taken as the sum of each approach to the intersection. The accident rates were compared by AccilkntRate=Accilkntsxl,OOO,OOO facility type with the standard rates published in ADTx365 Caltrans' 1990 Accid£nt Data on California State h I d 1 d I . fi h (Eqn. 2) Intersection RaÛ! Rig ways. n or er to se ect stu y ocabons or t e traffic safety study, the ratio of the calculated rate for a given location to the Caltrans rate for similar facilities was taken. -.---.-.....,.-,..----.-, . Memorandum Mr. Mehran Sepehri -3- May 1, 1992 157-001, Task 8 1991 High Accident Locations Table II indicates the seven high accident locations (four were intersections, three were roadway segments) in 1991 ranked by this ratio. '~Other locations that had three or more reported accidents, but better than average accident rates are also listed. Collision diagrams, included in Appendix A, were prepared for the high accident locations. Roadway Traffic Safety Improvements 1. Galindo Drive between Bellina Street and Valencia Street (Collision Diagram 1) The short segment length and low estimated daily traffic volumes combine to create a very high calculated accident rate for this residential intersection. However, only two accidents occurred on the road segment in 1991. Both involved property damage only, and both were caused by northbound vehicles on Deervale Drive improperly negotiating the left turn onto Galindo Drive and striking parked vehicles. Recommendations: Continue to monitor the Deervale Drive curve. 2. Dougherty Road between Sierra Lane and Dublin Boulevard (Collision Diagram 2) Four of the five accidents that occurred along this road segment involved vehicles making left turns into or out of the Pak 'n' Save driveway on Dougherty Road south of Sierra Lane. These movements are now prohibited by a concrete median that was installed in the center Dougherty Road in front of the driveway, as recommended in TJKM's 1990 Traffic Safety Report. Therefore, since accidents of this type have now been eliminated, no further mitigation recommendations are made along this road segment. Recommendations: None. 3. Dublin Boulevard between San Ramon Road and Regional Street (Collision Diagram 3) Ofthe five accidents that occurred along this road segment, two involved vehicles entering the Chevron driveway on the northeast corner of the Dublin Boulevard/San Ramon Road intersection. In both cases, the cause of the accident was linked to the fact that the curb lane on the westbound Dublin Boulevard approach to the intersecÜon is wide enough to accommodate two vehicles side-by-side. The additional width caused conflicts between vehicles entering the Chevron driveway and vehicles maneuvering to turn right at the intersection. Planned improvements to Dublin Boulevard should alleviate this type of accident. Recommendations: Continue to monitor the Chevron Driveway. -"=~.,.,. ,-.".-.--"'-'-><-" rIJ = o .... ..... 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Amador Valley Boulevard between Regional Street and Starward Drive (Collision Dial!I"am 4) The three accidents that occurred on this road seiment involved vehicles making left turns out of private driveways onto Amador Valley Boulevard. Drivers exiting driveways on this segment must be cautious due to roadway curvature as well as somewhat heavy volumes on Amador Valley Boulevard. There is no effective solution along this segment which - maintains the current driveway access. However, if the problem persists, the left turn access from the driveways onto Amador Valley Boulevard could be prohibited by constructing a raised median island that permits only left turn movements from Amador Valley Boulevard. This would be similar to the left turn channelization on Dublin Boulevard at the Orchard Supply Hardware driveway. . It is suggested that this locatio'n be monitored. Recommendations: Continue to monitor accident problems related to left turn movements from private driveways.. ---- Intersection Traffic Safety Improvements 1. Amador Valley Boulevard and Burton Street (Collision Diagram 5) Amador Valley Boulevard is a divided arterial at this intersection \\ith one travel lane and a bike lane in each direction. This intersection is controlled by a I-Way STOP on the Burton Street approach. The adjacent land uses are single family residential homes. The two accidents recorded at this intersection were both related to unsafe maneuvers made -- - .- by drivers, and not to correctable aspects of the intersection itself. No improvements are recommended at this intersection. Recommendations: None. 2. Dougherty Road and Sierra Lane (Collision Diagram 2) Dougherty Road is a divided arterial at this intersection with two through lanes in each direction. The intersection is controlled by a I-Way STOP on the Sierra Lane approach. The adjacent land uses are commercial businesses to the west and east. The five accidents that occurred at this intersection yield no discernible pattern. However, traffic conditions at the intersection may warrant a traffic signal. Recommendations: TJKM recommends that further signal warrant analysis be performed at the intersection. 3. Amador Valley Boulevard and Stagecoach Road (Collision Diagram 6) Amador Valley Boulevard is a divided arterial at this intersection \\ith one through lane in each direction. Stagecoach Road is an undivided arterial north of the intersection \vith --,~_.""'~"-'- Memorandum Mr. Mehran Sepehri -6- May 1, 1992 157-001, Task 8 one through lane in each direction with an adjacent parallel one-way street used by local residential traffic. South of the intersection, Stagecoach Road is a driveway for a residential subdivision. The intersection is controlled by a traffic signal. The causes of the three accidents at this intersection consis£éd of: a vehicle running a red light, an intoxicated driver, and an inattentive driver. None of these accidents are correctable with intersection improvements. Therefore, no mitigations are recommended at this intersection. Recommendations: None. .----,..-- APPENDIX A: COLLISION DIAGRAMS -~"""."'" ....~-"....._"'--,.-.'" ACC DATE TIME LEGEND: 1 06-21-91 14:53 ç- Right Angle 2 08-21-91 00:18 D I -cr- Left Turn --0- Rear-End -0- Head-On :0 Side Swipe, Rear-End . () . Side Swipe, Head-On ~IKE Pedestrian, Bicycle -0:«+ Backing (L) Daylight (0) Darkness 0 Property Damage D Fixed Object @ Injury . Fatal 0> Parked Car 'VA-. Out of Control ~ ~. ~ ~ .... ~ ? Collision Diagram [J] ,--~--",.-.,-_.., - CITY OF DUBLIN LOCATION: Galindo Drive between Bellina Street and Valencia Street PERIOD COVERED: 01-01-1991 to 12-31-1991 DATE COMPILED: 04-21-1992 íi ljkM North 157-00n8 - 4/92 - CK ACC DATE TIME LEGEND: 1 01-09-91 ~ Right Angle 2 03-01-91 I 3 03-13-91 -cf Left Turn 4 05-06-91 -0- Rear-End 5 05-24-91 6 08-01-91 -0- Head-On 7 08-19-91 :() Side Swipe, Rear-End 8 08-23-91 . () . Side Swipe, Head-On 9 09-14-91 10 11-12-91 ~IKE Pedestrian, Bicycle 11 11-27-91 -0<"'- Backing (L) Daylight (0) Darkness 0 Property Damage 0 Fixed Object 0 Injury . Fatal 0> Parked Car "'V\I4. Out of Control Collision Diagram W ..-~.,~..... ..... w----.-........._...........--.. ", = CITY OF DUBLIN LOCATION: Dougherty Road between Sierra Lane and Dublin Blvd. PERIOD COVERED: 01-01-1991 to 12-31-1991 DATE COMPILED: 04-21-1992 .. likM North 157 -00 1TB - 4/92 - CK ACC DATE TIME 1 2 3 4 5 02-07-91 10-07-91 11-15-91 11-15-91 12-08-91 LEGEND: ç- I -cJ -0-- -0+- ;-u-- · C) . I ~IKE ~ (L) (0) o o ø . D> ~ Right Angle Left Turn Rear-End Head-On Side Swipe, Rear-End Side Swipe, Head-On Pedestrian, Bicycle Backing Daylight Darkness Property Damage Fixed Object Injury Fatal Parked Car Out of Control Collision Diagram W ..__..._._.".-.-_.~-- .~ LOCATION: Dublin Blvd< between San Ramon Road and Regional Street PERIOD COVERED: 01-01-1991 to 12-31-1991 DATE COMPILED: 04-21-1992 íì ljkM North 157-OO1T8 .4/92 - CK ACC DATE TIME 1 2 3 08-30-91 11-05-91 11-10-91 LEGEND: 1:= -0---- -0- : () ~ ~IKE --o~ (L) (0) o o @ . 0> "2/1IL.. Right Angle Left Turn Rear-End Head-On Side Swipe, Rear-End Side Swipe, Head-On Pedestrian, Bicycle Backing Daylight Darkness Property Damage Fixed Object Injury Fatal Parked Car Out of Control Collision Diagram W _.~"._._'."~'._'" LOCATION: Amador Valley Blvd< between Regional Street and StarNard Drive PERIOD COVERED: 01-01-1991 to 12-31-1991 DATE COMPILED: 04-21-1992 .. North ljkM 157-001T8 . 4/92· CK ACC DATE TIME LEGEND: 1 2 01-16-91 09-19-91 15:34 L 20:55 0 r- -.cJ -0-- -0- : () . () . I ~IKE --+()«<+ (L) (D) o D o . 0> ~ Right Angle Left Turn Rear-End Head-On Side Swipe, Rear-End Side Swipe, Head-On Pedestrian, Bicycle Backing Daylight Darkness Property Damage Fixed Object Injury Fatal Parked Car Out of Control Amador Valley Blvd. CITY OF DUBLIN LOCATION: Burton Street and Amador Valley Blvd. PERIOD COVERED: 01-01-1991 to 12-31-1991 DATE COMPILED: 04-21-1992 Collision Diagram W -..--.----.- .. likM North 157-001T8 - 4/92 - CK ACC DATE TIME LEGEND: 1 2 3 03-17-91 05-15-91 12-12-91 cr ~ -0---- -cy- :0 . () . ~BIKE -0«+ (L) (0) o o @ . Q> 'VVt-.. Right Angle Left Turn Rear-End Head-On Side Swipe. Rear-End Side Swipe, Head-On Pedestrian, Bicycle Backing Daylight Darkness Property Damage Fixed Object Injury Fatal Parked Car Out of Control Amador Valley Blvd. CITY OF DUBLIN -0 co o cr: L: () co o () Q) 0) co êï5 LOCATION: Stagecoach Rd. and Amador Valley Blvd. PERIOD COVERED: 01-01-1991 to 12-31-1991 DATE COMPILED: 04-21-1992 Collision Diagram W ,-~ "-_. ..~,-~~..... .. ljkM North 157-oo1T8 - 4192 - CK :!ß/fJ[;{} DATE: April 21, 1992 TO: Mehran Sepehri FROM: Carl Springer SUBJECT: Downtown Dublin Traffic Monitoring Background The traffic counts for the annual Downtown Dublin traffic monitoring program have been completed. The program is part of the Downtown Specific Plan adopted in July 1987. the monitoring program consists of traffic counts taken annually at key intersections within and leading to the Downtown area. Five intersections have been monitored annually since 1987. Turning movement counts were conducted in February 1992 (used for 1991 analysis), during the p.m. peak hour at the following intersections: . San Ramon Road/Amador Valley Boulevard · San Ramon Road/Dublin Boulevard · Dublin BoulevardlRegional Street · Dublin BoulevardNillage Parkway · Dublin BoulevardJDougherty Road San Ramon Road and Dougherty Road are major commuter routes providing important north- south mobility between San Ramon and Pleasanton. These roads provide access to the heart of Dublin via Dublin Boulevard and Amador Valley Boulevard. The intersections < of San Ramon RoadJDublin Boulevard and Dougherty RoadlDublin Boulevard serve as gateways to the City, but their operation is very much affec·ted by through traffic with origins and destinations outside of Dublin. Analysis Table I indicates the total volume entering each intersection from 1987 through 1991. The growth rate was calculated between 1990 and 1991 for each intersection, as well as from 1987 to 1991. The two intersections showing growth over last year are San Ramon RoadJDublin Boulevard and Dublin BoulevardJDougherty Road. This trend is generally true for the last five years at these two intersections. The intersection of Dublin BoulevardIDougherty Road has shown an average growth of 6.7 percent per year over the last five years. The intersection of San 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 214, Pleasanton, California 94588-2754 . (5~ PLEASANTON· SACRAMENTO, FRESNO, WALNUT CREE< 6 T:OLÙr-:J[C'CCW \ ~~crišfê'li ciJ ~iER=T _.... _~_.. H'"~''''~ Mehran Sepehri -2- April 21, 1992 Ramon RoadJDublin Boulevard has shown an average growth of 1.1 percent per year over the last five years, with a slight drop in volumes in 1990. The increase in traffic at the intersection of San Ramon Road/Dublin Boulevard is probably due to the residential growth to the north-west otSan Ramon Road. The increase at the intersection of Dublin BoulevardJDougherty Road is due to the residential growth to the north in the Dougherty Road north of Amador Valley Boulevard region and the Blackhawk area. The widening of Dougherty Road has contributed to the traffic increase by creating a better alternative route to Interstate 680 for residents in the Blackhawk or Crow Canyon areas. The decrease in traffic at the intersections of San Ramon Road/Amador Valley Boulevard, Dublin BoulevardlRegional Street, and Dublin BoulevardNillage Parkway is probably due to the reported drop in retail sales for the City of Dublin in 1991. Volume to capacity ratios were calculated for each of the five intersections to determine the levels of service (LOS) during the p.m. peak hour. Table II shows a comparison of the levels of service for 1988, 1989, 1990, and 1991. All of the intersections continue to operate at acceptable levels of service as defined by LOS D or better. The intersection of Dublin BoulevardlRegional Street improved from LOS D to LOS B. The improvement in level of service is probably due to the drop in retail sales as mentioned previously. Conclusions Over the last year the level of service at four of the key intersections remain unchanged. Only at the intersection of Dublin BoulevardlRegional Street the level of service improved over the previous year. At all five of the study intersections, the volume-to-capacity ratios are better in 1991 than 1988. This is due to either geometric improvements to the intersections or a drop in traffic volumes to the shopping centers in the area. Four of the intersections experienced an improved level of service over 1988. At the intersection of Dublin Boulevard/Dougherty Road the level of service remains unchanged over 1988. SBE/nk Attachment 157-001M.lSB ,-,-,-, .~.--.......,.~-.,..'--. -- ..... 0 0 0 M ... Ø') = M 00 ~ t- Q,) Ø') , ,...¡ d C'Í (0 ..... , ~ I I I to- Q,) CO _ø. 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'3 1.0 2.0 1.0 2. 1 375 LEFT SPL I T F'HASE? y " < v 138 774 483 LEr-T THF:U F: I (3HT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------..- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------.- STF:ECT NAi"1E: SAN F:AMor~ FD. ~.F'L I T FHASC-:" ~.~ CAF'AC I T/ \.,} /C F:?:', TIC:: CF: IT: CAL ----.--.-----.-----------------------------..--.----.-.-------------------------.-------------.-- t1C',,'EI'1E!<: OF.: 1:3 I NAL '<./OL-UI'IE Af\ ..., :c-;-r:-r¡ ....''-.~'_II ~~ ''y-"'Di..-L1r1E -:-:- \.} /C: -------------------.------------------------------------.------------------ LEFT (L) 1500 ( ~!:)~::..: O. <-,~, c (I. (J'j.2':) 0.2345 1 '"='C' ....w ::::05 ~ 774 138 150(' NB F: I I3HT (F,') 48':} THF:LI (, ) 774 ! I . 33f)() SE F I (3HT (, F'<.i ·ït=- ( . ) * 1 5()O ( ) ( j ~ )'. } ~_J . · · . THPU (T 'J 474 474 4'j50 I · ) . ,,~r:.: -- · · t. - .c··. LEFT ( L ! 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"TO'; ;~L \.-!=1_IJ!~I~ --. TCI -- C~~ i~::::: ~'. ;'-._ì·-·,7 : G ~ (;.. c'~, ~, INTERSE!::T:ON L[VEL OF S~F:'~':::E: ·i A:::,3USTED r-Cií~: F:Ii:J~·:T TUr;:r; [:~; FEL' I)E' \/e 1 ¡:¡Pi20 by T .Jt::::": T '( a.r: '=.p (::'( t ¿:. t i C!í; C r~,¡¡ ~Lt 1 t ~\r-¡ -: .~, ~'l E L"4. 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()5C~O 1'::::,J40 u 204;:1 \)[II._UME - TO-C;:'¡PP,C I 1'1 f?A T I 0 FOP THE I \ITEF:SECT I '=!~I: ADJUSTMENT FOR LOST YELLOW TIME: -------.------------.--------------------------.--.-..-------..----------------------.-------- TOTAL VOLUME-TO-CAPACITY RATIO: INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE: * ADJUSTED FOR RIGHT TURN ON PED (:1.. (;5 B :O£~velc'pE~cJ by T,H::I'1 T\'¿,I,Cr.:lu,rtc\ti,:::·r, C,:::,r'~,LÜt¿\rìt'::;, i~·l,c,,".':>Hìt,=,n, C;:ì. 1':;"3(; VY -'''-"..,_......._._.._~".",,- lN~ERSECTION: ~ REGION~L ST. and DUBLIN BLVG. COUNT DATE: 02/18/92 TIME: 4:00-5:00 PM J tl ************ CUMULATIVE COUNTS *************** CUMULATIVE COUNTS ************ END _____ S8 ----- ----- WE ----- ----- NB ----- ----- ED ----- LINE TIi'1E F:GHT nwu LEFT PCj -n THF:U LEFT PCjHT HII?U LJ:':FT F;::¡::iHT H.JF.:U I_EFT TOTAI_S 4: 15 4: :30 4:45 5: 0 5: 15 5: 3() 5:45 6: 0 5() 11 27 2'3 178 --------------.-- -------------- --------------- -------------- ------ ~-~ 1::"1:::" ~I..J r::-.-. ,J¿ 382 17 42 4'3 57 '32 113 133 151 15 31 15 ..~'~) !=- r.:- ,--I,~I 1 j 1 l ~=!4 L ::~j::; :=:,:~~: '-j,ï'-' ..::. ~::J ..:.. 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'='1':::' ,tol 7'3 705 1527 217í 2830 3G47 4438 5165 5T75 COUNTS ************** ----- EB ----- LINE RGHT THRU LEFT TOTALS PEAk -IDUF: PEF: I OD : 4 : 45 TO ~! : 45 \.'DL_== 2'3'35 F'E(~f::: 1 .::- MI f4 FE F: I OD: 4 : 11:::" TO ~--~ ~:) '.)fJ~_ "7.: - ...J . ...J : ~:;:.:::~ 153 51 ,,-, I";" Ciï \_, I I ::18 273 3G2 --------.---------- --------------- ------ 84 84 .-::; ,-,1 ~"288 358 E,3 3'~J .-.... ¡~ ) .' ~} 7·1 '34 11 ~'j 128 155 lS3 L:bc3 1115 1338 1:5::3 1b'::0 .:.1-35 514 58() 7(}5 r;.-,.-, D.::'¿ E,44 65'3 817 7':') 1 72:3 50'3 COUNTS ****~********** ----- EB ----- LINE RGHT THRU LEFT TOTALS -. .-- _ _ _ _ -- -- -. -. ...~ -'- _ .«- - .-. .-- - _._- :~ 3 3 () ::':)42 2 '3 1 1 2 '::rj 5 2'}':+5 =============================================================================== 4:24 471 75 82 _____M___________ 238 :3E. 1 ()'j 102 ''::'.;'' '~I:~ 31_ 1 (),=. 8l=:, 1 '37 E~E:2 87 8T:::: :245 :,¿b':~1 2GO 35 104 3E: 1 ()5 38 '3:3 -,--".~,~-"'" - 1 - 7'~ .- ,~ - '~j - S'~, ,:1- ...:" ~- / - 1 l .:)b (::'.5 ,- - - 1 '~I , 1::"'-" .I, ,,J "J - 1 - ,::j. ::j'j ~ ~- i :[ ~, - " - ,.-, ~. ,..::, ~~ ~ '.;) '~"::> 1. ., c= '-' , ;:.1 .;.. w 0 ..J ¡ 7 1 , 4 Lt:, I::: 1 ' 1. :.1 -=-1 ,-, ~l - r; '..::' 1.-':' ..;.. ¡ ~~. - " - I - ) " -- n _:0 :..1 - .;:.. "- '.::} --, "7 = ~7 - , , - , <:..' , , ,"- C) ..:- n "1- " 4 E, -, 'J C' '::::; .::..\ ~ (:, 'j ,~ - ;j ,-, ( ) 7 L.' ..:- ..:..' .L ~-:~: <> 1-7 TJKM INT ~SECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS ~~~ / :2 -7 / '~I :~~ INTERSECTION 3 SAN RAMON RD. and DUBLIN BLVD. DUBLIN COUNT DATE/TIME: 02/25/92 4:00-6:00 PM PEAK HOUR: 4:45- 5:45PM CONDITION : P.M. EXISTING FILE 157001.i - ---- -- -..--.-.'-- - -..----- ---_.- - ---- -------- -.- -- -- - - -- - -.- -.- - - -. - - -~ -" -- --- - --.- --.-.---.-- - --- ------ ---------.-.--.----.----.-----------.-------------.---------.------------.--------------.---------- L_EFT F' IC:iHT T H F: U LEFT 1 38 f387 245 , , '. --- v --- : 282 .-:. 1 1 0 '"' () -, ( - ) .~ 1 ( - ) ..:.. . ...:..' . ..:... . . - , . 1\!fJF:TH 151 F:ICiHT :3TF:EET \I¡~I'IE: DU8L HI BLVD. THF.:U 147 ---> 2.1 (1"10. OF LANES) 1.0{--- 155 THRU ::;F'L I T F'HPISE'-;:' F: I CiHT 381 1 ( - ) ( - ) '-' ( - ) - to" - ( - ) . - .'- . - -::.' .. .. ~. . cJ ~ . - <. ---- . . --- ", ,.' 'I v 470 1050 '37 1 LEFT THI?U F: I 131-1T STPEl:::T 1'1;:lr-1E: SPd\1 F:AI-IDr, FD. 1003 LEFT \1 T ~3PL I T FH(';~,[-;:' I'} ¡-1 (] './ E t'1 r:~ 1,1 T OR I C~ I \!(;L 'jOLUt'lE rmJLJSTED '.JOLUr-1E·j':' .-----------------.-.----..----------------.--.------------------.------------.----.-----.-.---..-.-..-...--------.--------- -----.----------.--.------------.-------------------------------------.-----.---------.--..--------.-----.-- F';:c,T II] IVI /' C~· C(iF'I':;C I TV 1..) /C: cr:: I T I C{\L ____ ___ _. .____ - _.___ ____ - - __ .____ .__ .._._.._ __ __ __ __ - _._ _. __ - - - ___ _~..._ __ - ..___. __ - - - - - - - __ - - _._. __~ __ _. __ __. ._u ._.. __ _ _ __ __ __ .____ r-If: F.: I l~iHT ( F.: ) '37 1 0 .~ ~~~7( )( ) ( " I ,( )i )( « ) THPLJ (T ) 1 ()5() 1 ()5() .:.!·'~!50 " « ) - 1 - 1 « "-, ..c. LEFT ( L ) ,:: '70 '1-70 2700 I ) 1 74 1 ( ) , 74 1 . ,L Sf: F: I GHT (i?) THPU (T) LEFT (L) 1 ;:::~:: 0, 1500 4':'15() ----------.--..------------------------.--------------.---------.----------.----.---------- (ì 17'::J'-:' ... .L .' ._. .._ (1.. 1 ;'='~-':: '.:::' .::-' ;" ,--,,-,""",",! ~:::. C) ... :=-~':l5 2 4 :-~ ~; Iii.) __._____ __ __._ _. ___. __. ____ ___._ .__..._____ _.__._ ____ _._ __._ n_ _ _._ ._. _ _. .__ __ _ __ _ _._ __ -- -.. .-- -. ... --. .-...... .-.. ..- .-. --. -.- -- -- .-. .....-- .--- .-- - --- ---- (1. 11:-=:= E8 f::ICiHT (P) THF:U (T) LEFT (1_) T , - L ;::::J 1 147 170* 147 23:2 1500 31S0 2700 .-",.-, .i':"'~~ 4:2';:1 .:-~35() -.- -.- --.- -- - - - -- -.-.- - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - ..- - - - - .-- -- - - -- -- - --.- -'- - -- -- -- - - _.- .-.- -- -- -- - -- -.- - ..- - -- -- - - - - - --- (1.. O'~.!C3!~, (J .. '.)(}()~) (). ":)'~1i)7 (I .j 1:~:::: o. (",'!·E,; (I. 1 (I 't 4 [,J[i r", I 131--n ( r"' ) 1 5 , ~, 't<\' 1 500 , , ()()2( ) I". I':. .L ...:;., THF:U ( T ) 1 S5 , (;S 1 l~,50 I ì 1 '. - )( - )I ! , - - LEFT ': L :> 1 003 100:::: .-,-'" - If - ) ( ) ::::7 " c;' ( .. ¡ "~ , c- . .'/ .. - ~ ~, - . ,~ ./ .L ".) =:==:=======:=============~===~====:=====~=============:===~=~========:==~~:==::===== (). 8L~. O. ()5 VOLUME-TO-CAPACITY RATIO FOR THE INTERSECTION: ADJUSTMENT FOR LOST VEL~OW TIME: ---.-- ----------.------- -------------- ------- ----.---------- ----.---------------- -- -- ---- ---------- Tcnr-iL_ ~)(JLUI'1E - TDuCAF'iC\C I T/ F:A T I (]: INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE: * ADJUSTED FOP RIGHT TURN ON RED Developc'd hy TJI:::r'1 T(a,r\spc,rt¿iti(::,n CI::'rl~:,ultalltcò, -"-_...,.......__."...._.,..,"'"',,.~_..... .. (). ~0: '.:~ ;.) F' 1 - - - - .. L - c':.:.:\'..:::.C.~. J', !_Iíl. C¡ë; , 1 '::t::'u) Y Y I Nn::F:S:=:C:T I O¡;: 3 :~3{.~ì,1 i?¡:::¡J'llJi'l I~:D" d.n cj l)Um_II'1 <:,;_'/U" (00NT D~TE: 02/25/92 TIME: 4:00-5:00 PM L.! ;:;1,_ [;1 ************ CUMULATIVE COUNTS *************** CUMULATIVE COUNTS ************ END ----- 58 ----- ----- WB ----- ----- NB ----- ----- EB ----- LINE TIME F.:(3HT THF.:U LEFT F.:(3HT THI?U LEFT F.:CjHT THF:U UTT f?13HT THF:U LEFT TOTALS .:+ : Ic:::" 18 20'3 3':;'1 ,J 4: 3() '""'c:::" 372 1 1:3 -=-...J 4: 45 51 563 1G6 ~5 : 0 74 744 246 5: 15 1 13 '376 2¡3E, c:::". 30 142 1 :25'::1 336 "J. 5: 45 18'3 1450 41 1 G: (> ·-.·-1,...... 1632 474 ..::.....::.....::J '1.-, ..::JL ~,,-, ....J~ 253 ----------.----- --------------- -------------- -------------- ------ (;5 r=-, "_1/ 410 E.42 10'3 134 13(:' ~~_l ':::It, 132 1:32 '::'1[3 f3G8 115G 1405 lS45 1C-:3 4 ':J 260 2':)(' :¿b1 2'::)6 :¿b1 4':;il 748 ']'::15 ~"2 :: 4 'j5 L::' 2t<~ ..:.:11 187 317 ~;8'= 4'] 1 EOEi t':'.'=18 ~~'""' I / ,.:} :]5 67 1'3 41 10:; 150 25':1 345 :::::::3:3 413 1345 2442 3788 508':' 5741 8:~:-:j5 '3578 10850 ************** PERIOD COUNTS ******************* PERIOD COUNTS ************** END ----- 5B ----- ----- WB ----- ----- NB ----- ----- ED ----- LINE TIME F.:GHT THRU LEFT RGHT THRU LEFT RGHT THRU L~FT RGHT THRU LEFT TOTALS ~------------_._- - ----.- --- - - _.- --.- 4 1 c:::" 1 8 '::'1 - )'j 3'3 .,.-, 2 (~, ~3 : ,J ,_:, ...:.:. ..:.0"':':' "+ 3() 1 1 (:',3 7'j ,-,.'-, - .1::7 1 .:I- ., : / ..::.... ~:..I ..- '-' I 4 45 1 E, 1 '3 1 .:1-F3 ':1,4 ~) - - ~ ,..:' ...:_,-''':- 1:= : ( - I .'-.'Ï 1 Q 1 8~) ~~5 :'::E, :,-~~::~ ('J ,J - ..:.:. ...:..) 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TJKM IN- ~SECTION CAPACITY ANALVSI? 2/27/'J2 INTERSECTION 4 VILLAGE PKWY. and DUBLIN BLVD. DUBLIN COUNT DATE/TIME: 02/19/92 4:00-6:00 PM PEA~ HOUR: 4:30- 5:30PM CONDITION : P.M. EXISTING FILE 157001~i --. .-.- - ._~-------- ---_.- .----- - ----- - ._- -- - - - .-- - -_.- -- .--- -.- -. -- -- - -- --. -- - - ----- ------ -- ,-- -- -- --- -- -- --- __.. .___ .___ ____ __ _ _ ____ .______ ~_ _ u_._ ___ __ ..'M _ __ _._ __ _ - - .__ __. ._. ..n. _._ n_ 'n"' ___ 0-- _.n __ _.. _ _... _. ____.._ ___ -. - -. -..---."- _.- ---- F.: I C:iIH TI-JRU LEFT 1 E.,'j '-0'" '-or=- 1 ..:.:..::..' .::.'~ .. " : .-.-- \/ --- " .' '"'c=" 1 - 0 1 ( - ) 1 ( - ) .''') () .~ 1 ( - ) ..::.'~ ..:... . - . - ..:... . - 577 --- :. - 1 (NO. OF LAI\IES) ..:.... 48 1 . 1 1 . 0 1 . <) 1 . 0 '. --- ' . v LEFT THRU F: I 13HT STF:EET rj{~1'1E: 2.0< 1.0 v 1.:=:7 101 U::F:-T THF:U ,-,e:" ,,::...J I? I l~jHT r,IOF:TH 375 F: I C:i 1--1 T "'~7 1 THPU ~3n;::EET r,li~',ME: DU8L 11\1 £1L \ìD. ') I LLPII::JE PfJ..JY. =:':.:' LEFT SPL I T PHP,SE'? N :::;Pi_ I T F'I-I(.;SE:-' V - __.__ - _______.___ _~ .._.._ ~______~_.___ .___._____.___.._ .___ __._ - - ..._._ - - .._ _u __._ __ _._ __ ___ ___.._ _ _._ ___ ,_._ --- -- --'- --.-.-...- .---- - ---"--~--'-_._'--'--~--- - --.- --------- -------..---- --- -- --...- -'- - --.. -"- --- --..-.- -.-- -- -- --- -- - --- ..-- -- ,,- .-- .--- -- _.-_....~ - -- --- :::(1 T I [I I..,) /C: !'10VEI'1ENT DF I '3 I I\IAL \)OLUI'1E P,DJL,I:3TED 'v'CJLUI"IE '\>- C('¡='I~C I rr' I,) ../ c: Cì?ITICAL ----------- -- --------.-- --- -.- ~-- --- -.- ~-- -- .-- - - -- -...- .-.-- - ..- .-. -.. .-- --. -- .-- - ..- ~- -- -... -. - --. - -- -- .-- -.- -.,.---- - -- - -- ------- , 06 1~_ I,m I? II3HT (F: \ nwu '.T) LEFT (1_) :~~5 () '>::- 101 127 1 ~~ () I.) (\. f-)()()I) \) ~)~].~-Y ()" (i:::"t 7 101 127 1 E,SC' 15'J'J ------_._----------~._------_..._-_.__._--_._-----------.-.-------.----------------.-----.----.--.---------- Sf:: F:ICiHT (:?) ¡HFLI (T:; UTT ( L ) 1 (::,'=1 () ~I:- 1.501.) '-, .--' ~.;;", t t.:} I.~ ~) ..~ .::" ~- ç:-- ..¡ "'::.'h.I.l ~:Sl '.~~~'" -I () .- - -- ,--. --. .-. - ._- -. .-- -- .-. -- ..-. ----------~._-----------------_._. EB F: HJHT <: p) THPU (T) LEF'T (L) T + F:: ,,' ',\::. , ,-, ·t'.~ 15::)(~ (.. " r)()()I.) 1~1 .. 0 1 :~.:~: '::1 I ~ I" 1 =: ,.~:; (1 (:... 1 ::::()(J 577 ~~' 1 5C1 r=77 ~I l ::::51 ::::51 2700 J 15(> ---. .-- -- .--. -- --- --- - - -- ~ --. ..-.--. -.---.- ._~ -- .---.--.---.--.--- I~\. (!=::=-~() i). 1 ::B~2 (.¡.. 13()·J 0.1:::::00 G:~5 ':'. 1'='::=:4 --.-----.---------------------------------------..----.--.--------------.-.------------------------- ~.JB PI (:¡HT (F.:) THI?U (T) LETT (L) '"'~= ,:j .I ~_I l'~'8't 571 3'] 151.)() l:ì" 1. :>20 I~j. :L -7 :=:: 0 '.). l ~.~ ::~: C¡ (ì . ():2 t=-, I:) ===:=================~==============:===:===:=:==~=~=~~===:=====.:=:===~=:=:==:=:=:=:=:===~~ ~2:=: I:) () 571 3'=! 15(J() (). 5:~ VOLUME-TO-CAPACITY RATIO FOR THE INTERS~CTION: ADJUSTMENT FOR LOST YELLOW TIME: 0" 10 ------------------------ --.---------- - - ---.--- - - -- --. ._---. -. -- .- -... -- -- -- -- - --~----- --- ----- -- TOTAL VOLUME-'rO-CAPACITY RATIO: 0"S2 n.,ITEF:SECT I [ji',j LE')CL OF ':JEP') HT: E: * ADJUSTED FOR RICiHT TURN ON RED Developf~cI by TJI<r'1 T)'c:\r'~¡p':,'(të,.tio:'n C,=,n':õult",nt::::. :~'l ¿','c',c,fìtc,n, CA, l'~":!O 'IV "~,._--;--".... .... Tj'.ITr:::F:::JECTliJl';; 4 ')II._Lt,CiC ::'!<_i,)'(. ,;nd j)U[-;I._I~'! UL_\/Ü. [,I....I':,L.I!'i COUNT DATE: 02/19/92 TIME: 4:00-5:00 PM ************ CUMULATIVE COUNTS *************** CUMULATIVE CiJUNTS ************ END ----- 58 ----- ----- WB ----- ----- NB ----- ----- EB ----- LINE T H1E PI3HT THF.:U LEFT F.:I~jHT THF:U LEFT F:CJHT TIII?U I..EFT 1?(3HT THF:U LEF"T TOTALS 4: 15 4:30 4:45 5: () 5: 15 5: 3() 5:45 6: 0 4'-' '31 130 180 234 260 C" ,.-:. w I"':'" 10 ______________ ______________ -----_.____0__--.---- _______________ ------ 75 1..:...:. 157 244 .-,"'t ..::.~ 7 18 1 'j e,!,() 4rJ 'j 1 ::=::'j 77 155 GOO 1224 1878 257'3 3301 3'381 4E.15 51-'35 ************** PERIOD COUNTS ******************* PERIOD COUNTS ************** E~,m ----- SB ----- ------ l·m ----- ----- ~,!8 ------ ------ EB .----- L I ~,IE TIME PGHT THRU LEFT F:GHT THRU LEFT RGHT THRU LEFT RGHT THRU LEFT TOTALS 4: 15 .:¡.: ::=::0 4: "f~:5 ~5: (> ~5: 1 5 s: :::0 5:45 (=,: 0 11 14'-' 17 234 25 31': 231 :':::88 30 ""-~ .-, r-", ...::...::-. Sf) .-, r:.- ..:':'.....J :~~5'=J .--------------- ------------.------- -----.- '"' - 8 --,- 1 ( , , \ ,.-J ,,- I - , ~, t - - ""::'" ....:..\ - ..:.... -- - 5 1 ( ! 1 I - .:.. - ,L ~. ~:~ ( - ) ,::, " 1 - - ~ - '-' 1 - :3 ,:¡. 1 - ,-, - .,- c' 3'::'1 400 .-,r¡c::- -i:"":";w 32L-t 53.:.1- 41 '1 '1'-' ..::.....::. 87 1 t)(¡ 51:=-' ;:~E.:3 331 400 517 5')G bf-::, GOO E.24 5:54 701 722 [,GO (:',;:::5 57'3 *************** HOUF: COUNTS ********************* HOUF COUNTS *************** BEGIN ----- S8 ----- ----- W8 ----- ----- NB ----- ----- EB ----- LINE T I I"IE r.::m-n HIF:U U::FT 1?(3HT THF:U !_EFT F:CiI-n THi?U I_EFT FI:¡HT THF:U LEFT TOTALS 4: 0 of: 1 ~~ 4:30 4:45 5: () .:.l3E, S 76 50 (;2 7:. 7e) ·:to '~4::::: 11·~' 141 1S4 181 22::::: ¡=:,4 t::'- ,::,,::, ,~ ~ ___.._._.______._______ ._.w_ __._...__ ~,~ _.._,__.___..._.,___ _______________. - - ---'--- -. -- ----------- .-- ~- .-- -- --- 15(' 17=: 43 :"::C"CI I ,_.'J :33(. 410 4 '=:,t 3 5'31 G87 30 34 41 4G 53:2 815 f,e>:.:: '352 555 1111 44 :31 'Y54 '31 lOE,4 7 , =,1 =) 1 ,-" :':"-/ -,--, 1 ...- ,.:, - ...;:., I 1 1 - 1 1 5 1 ' .'1' - \ :3';::' ,- - ~ ~, 1 t 'f 1 ,+ 1 ,=..':j '- '.::'" ._:,~ ':'1 1 E, ~:.: I - 1 1 1 1 t:=..=: '31~, (3 - ,,=- 50 1 'l 1 "-:1'-: b j .:,:,~I '-''-...' ., - " '::J :-:J 1 .-:'¡ 1 1 7 ,.J ..c. ,-' .' ( ) .-,~ '-' 1 E: 1 1 8 7') - ...:_,~ ....:.' 1 1 --, 1 ( ) 1 1 , - \ .I 1 J - - c- i ) <=- (- '.' ,- ,'-, :L .J ,.) \.-.'0....} ...:..'..;:. cr::.- ~C:.'() ,-,,-,Fï , , ..J '..:'....:.:.. .:.J 4 - 'e- , , .-,c.=- 1 " ,__I J ~I._( 4:::-è 5~;4 =:;C.. 1 4 1 5~ - 1 1 =:3(:, - :2 ~:; 7 '=~ 2701 2757 ~"2738 - - .._ - _.. ______._ .___ _._ ___ - - - _.____ .__ - ____ - - _. __ __ ._. __ - ____ - _. __ ___ - - __ __ ._.. - __ - _. ._u _ _ __ _ __ __ _. __ __ _ __ ___.. .__ _ __._ _.. _ __. __ _ __ - ..- -.- _.._--.- -- _.- -.-.- -----.- ~- - -- -+_." -- - ,- -- - -. - -- - --- --. -.-.- -- -.-- .--.--- - --.- -.- - -- -.- -..- -- -- -.. - - -- -.- --. --.- -- - -- -- -..- - .-.. - -- - - --'- --- 2 f; U; 3()3 ,...",.,.-, ":",..:;¡.a:.:. --------------- -- ----- ---.--..--- 4:2 0=- ---y."":, 7:~:5 1 - ,. - 1 ( ) ,-' / ..:.. .. .,:....:.. ,y::~ b 70 ".-, 1. - " - 1 ~, ":'::L..::. ..-.~. .;:, 3') E, '32 .I " 1 4,:t i 'r 50 8 78 '~-:I=: , .i .- l 1 ~ . t:¡ 54 c- '38 1 1 - 1. 4:2 'j ,-' ,"- 2G 4 r'~ 'J5 1 3'J 1 - 1::)0 ..:- 43 7 '38 7 1 1. 47 1 ( ) 2'3 c- ':;b E, .",,:. 1 4'3 7 o-J ,.:.. 1 8() .-.r::- .-, l -- ~3 ~:: oj. 53'::~ 4 1 J:':' ,....I ,;:, .:- i ';I~~ - ,L'::" .-,.,r; ~~:(:' 1 :-':;54 40 .I" ..:.:. \_J ,~'.."':"CJ 1 G,'=J .'-, ...-, ,-,r::;- 1 .-, --, 1":'7 :.:)7 1. 3'3 L..::J ~J ...:.. ...- ,-' l '7'-;:' 2.:1- '--.~: ,..-,.-+f.-. 574 ,t '~, .' \._, ..:;.. <--I / ";:;.' .,~ 1 c,;,,·-, - 1 ."t::' :::::4 1 577 '="0 ..J.::' ,.:.. ,:..' / .J '_'\...1 PEt::;f H [I U F: F'CC' I OD : 4 : 3() TO 5 : 1 , ,--IC=¡~'::: ~757 ,_I'·. -- F'EP,f< 1 0=- 1'1 I I\~ FE I? I OD : c- : ( - ) TO 5 =-'1 ,-,I _ 7'~"~' .J .J - " ," I_.'L- _."~,,'_... ..--.--..,.-.-.,.- TJKM INTERSECP-' I (rtF'ACITY ANf;L YSIS 31 1'32 INTERSECTION 5 DOUGHERTY RD. and DUBLIN BLVD. DUBLIN COUNT DATE/TIME: 02/20/'32 4:00-5:00 PM PEAK HOUR: 4:30- 5:30F'M CONDITION : P.M. EXISTING FILE 157001. i -----------------------------------------------------------------,------- ------------------------------.-------------------.------------------------- RIGHT THRU LEFT 35 1107 10 " r~OUH " --- v LEFT 79 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.1 % F: I GH T SHEET NAME: THRU 33 .,' 1.0 (NO. OF LANES) 2.2<:--- 44 THRU DUBLHj BLVD. RIGHT 1095 ') c 2.0 2.1 1.1 1.1 ....,J ", " V v 934 924 E/3 LEFT THRU RIGHT STREET NAME: DOUGHERTY RD. 109 LEFT SF'LI T F'HASE':' Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPLIT PHASE? Y MO\"'EMENT ORIGINAL VOLUME ADJUSTED VOLUME* CAPACITY V/C RATIO CRITICAL V/C ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NB RIGHT (R) 59 t. '3 1500 0.0460 THRU (1') 924 924 3150 0.2933 LEFT (L) '334 934 2700 0.3459 0.345'3 T + R 993 3150 0.3152 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SB RIGHT (R)' THRU (1) LEFT (l) 35 1107 10 o * 1107 10 1500 3300 1500 0.0000 0.3355 0.3355 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.00E,7 EB RIGHT (R) THRU (1) LEFT (L) 10'35 33 79 2700 lE-50 1500 81 * 33 7'3 0.0300 0.0200 0.0527 0.0527 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WB RIGHT (R) 3E, 35 1500 0.0240 THRU (T) 44 44 3000 0.0147 LEFT (L) 109 109 1500 0.0727 0.0727 T + R 80 3000 0.0267 T + L 153 3000 0.0510 T + R + L 18'3 3000 O. üt.30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------.---------------- VOLUME-TO-CAPACITY RATIO FOR THE INTERSECTION: ADJUSTMENT FOR LOST YELLOW TIME: O. :31 0.05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL VOLUME-TO-CAPACITY RATIO: INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE: * ADJUSTED FOR RIGHT TURN ON RED 0.87 [I Developed by TJKM Tyanspoytation Consultants, Pleasanton, CA, 13'30 YY ._~....._." ....-...,..,--".-,- I !\ITER:31:::CT I OI', : ~.5 DûUC:iHEi?TY!<:D .:;ì.n(J DULl!... 1 i·1 DL'ID" u' l_ [¡,¡ COUNT DATE: 02/20/92 TIME: 4:00-5~00 PM ************ CUMULATIVE CûUNTS *************** CUMULATIVE COUNTS ************ END ----- SB ----- ----- WB ----- ----- NB ----- ----- EB ----- LINE TIME RGHT THRU LEFT RGHT THRU LEFT RGHT THRU LEFT RGHT THRU LEFT TûTALS -------------- ---.----------- ----.---.-.---.----- -----.----.------- ------ 4 : 15 16 ·-.c:-t= 8 ":':"'-'--1 ,:: . ~ 30 27 4r-,,-, 1'-' 00 4 : 45 44 762 16 5: ( - ) 54 1014 EJ - 5: 1 5 ~5'3 1326 21 5: ~J() 62 15'~5 ~~ t::" : 4t::' 6'::¡ 1 7'31 .-......... d -) ..:..~ t~ : 0 86 2C)'j3 27 7 15 2E, ~,- ..:,l::, 41 51 5(. 61 1~ :24 56 76 104 137 20 1 be:¡ '-::' ,J.-' ~~::::'1 ~LlO 701 ':;127 1 ~~-:,E, 1 :! =:: 5 17'='5 200G 11 1'3 31 41 45 ~,-, .J.":' 5·+ 54 (:',8 ':H 110 133 1 ~:;7 5S 176 " 1006 1':;1'33 3047 4080 534'3 E,468 751u 85·51 ************** PERlûD CûUNTS ******************* PERIOD COUNfS ************** END ----- S8 ----- ----- WB ----- ----- NB ----- ------ EB ----- LINE T I ME RGHT THRU LEFT F.:I::ìHT THI?U LEFT F.:f3HT THRU U::rT F'C:iIH THF.:U I_EFT TûTr:;LS ,: .: 15 4:30 4:45 :5: 0 ~.5: 15 ~3: 3() 5 ~ ~~5 G: 0 18 .-,,-, L(:2 ~~ ,::; / t::'r") .J~ b:¿ 70 165 32 38(;; 4':j,5 1 (~ 255 --------------- ----.----------- -----------.------- ------.-------.---- ------- ..:.......;:- 1 1 1 J 10 '-'~I""I ..;.:......:,...;j :::i ,'I "r 4 11 1') q '-. t::' ,..J 10 r::" .J t::' ,J 1']4 -.,..~ I ~ ~-::~(i8 ·:.t<3 577 (:j I,) :~:~_l ':'...3 2l~,l ."""'.>- ''::' 3~: j 2E"::' ~~é l~, 0 ':::'11 11 r-, D 1 :_ 10 4 / - ,.:.. ,.:.. 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