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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.04 Transportation Partnership Program (2) CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: APRIL 27, 1992 SUBJECT: State-Local Transportation Partnership Program Report by: Public Works Director Lee Thompson EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) Resolution 2) State-Local Entity Agreement Supplements No. 002 and 003 RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution approving the Program Supplements to the State-Local Transportation Partnership Program and \ authorizing Mayor to execute the Agreement supplements. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: See below. DESCRIPTION: Background In 1988, the State-Local Transportation Demonstration Program was created by Senate Bill (SB) 140. This program provided state funds for local entities on highways and exclusive mass transit guideway projects for transportation improvements. Most of the provisions in SB 140 depended on the passage of a Transportation Bond Act in June of 1989. After the Bond Act did not pass, the Department determined that the State-Local Transportation Demonstration Program should continue. A year later, the program became the State-Local Transportation Partnership Program under SB 300. Instead of bonds, the funds for this program came from the State Highway Account and were included in the Governor's annual budget. In September of 1990, the program was further modified by SB 2829. SB 2829 extended the withdrawal period for projects in the 1990-91 fiscal year and changed the critical dates to coincide with the State's budget process. As a result of previous legislation, the Partnership Program is a continuous program. Each cycle within the program begins with the application submittal on July 1 and allows a maximum of two (2) years to start and a maximum of five (5) years to complete. The legislative intent of this program is to identify eligible locally funded projects which are ready to construct with minimum State planning and review. - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ITEM NO. COPIES TO: Preston W. Kelley, Caltrans C:U/V- Y CLERK FILE 0 The Master Agreement for this program, which is similar to the City's agreement with the State for Federal Aid Urban funding, delineates the various responsibilities which the City must undertake in order to receive funding. These responsibilities include contract administration, audits, right-of-way purchase (where applicable) , and completing required paperwork. The Program Supplement is project-specific. Supplement 002 pertains to the Dublin Blvd. Extension and Supplement 003 pertains to the 1991-92 Annual Street Overlay Program (both of which projects have been let for construction) . Funding To be eligible for program funds, the proposed project must increase capacity, extend service to a new area, or extend the useful life of the roadway by ten years through rehabilitation projects. The program funds can be used for construction contract items and a maximum of 10% for construction engineering and contingency items. In June of 1990, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 76-90, which authorized the Public Works Director to apply for State-Local Partnership funding. Accordingly, the City of Dublin has applied for funds for the City's annual repair and overlay projects, the Dublin Boulevard Extension, and the Dublin Boulevard Widening. For Fiscal 1990-91 (Cycle 1) , the State share of the Annual Street Overlay Project (Contract 91-02) is $106,252.24, which is 21.773% of the original application estimate. This amount is less than the 50% share authorized by SB 140 due to the number of eligible projects submitted by other agencies, all eligible projects being funded on an equal percentage basis out of the 250 million dollars annual allotment. For Fiscal 1991-92 (Cycle 2) , the State share of the Annual Street Overlay Project will be a maximum of $141,702 and the share of the Dublin Blvd. Extension will be a maximum of $346,376. The actual funding will be based on 30.02% of the lesser of the applied for amount, the bid plus 10% contingency and construction engineering, and the final contract price plus construction engineering (not to exceed 10%) . Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution (Exhibit 1) approving the Agreement for Supplement Nos. 002 and 003 and authorizing the Mayor to execute. a:agenda\s1tp0427 2 - RESOLUTION NO. -92 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT FOR SUPPLEMENTS NO. 002 AND 003 FOR CYCLE 2 STATE-LOCAL PARTNERSHIP FUNDS (SB 300) WHEREAS, Senate Bill 300, a multi-year program, is funded by Proposition 111 adopted by popular vote in June of 1990, and allocates funds to construct locally supported transportation projects that require a minimum of State planning review; and WHEREAS, matching funds can be derived from various local sources, including Local Sales Tax, proposition measures, the Transportation Development Act, Local Bonds, Assessment Districts, Uniform Developer Fees, and the General Fund; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin has two projects under construction (Annual Street Overlay and Dublin Blvd. Extension) which have been accepted by the State- Local Partnership Program as eligible for matching funds; and WHEREAS, local jurisdictions desiring to participate in this program are required to execute the Agreement and the Annual Supplements for State-Local Partnership Program funds; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dublin executed the Master Agreement and the Cycle 1 Funding Supplement at its meeting of October 21, 1991; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin authorizes the Mayor to execute the Agreement for Supplements No. 002 and 003 for Cycle 2 State-Local Partnership Program Funds (SB 300) . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of April, 1992. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Ir�.; :r L:: vr.: ^-r.•a is!�:,y't:� AAA P_E'�O WTI off.➢ STATE OF CALIFORNIA-BUSINESS, TRANSPOF I AND HOUSING AGENCY PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPUI I I ATION APP, 0 7 1992 BOX.7310 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94120 (415)923-4444 pLyi YOR S April 5, 1992 04-Ala-0-Dbin SB92-5432(118) (119) Mr. Lee Thompson City Engineer City of Dublin 6500 Dublin Blvd. P.O.Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 Attention: Don Santina Dear Mr. Thompson: Enclosed in duplicate are Program Supplement No's. 002 and 003 to Local Agency- State Agreement No. SLTPP-5432. Please have this Agreement signed by the appropriate officials. Return all copies of the agreement together with a certified copy of your Board's Resolution authorizing execution. We will return one original executed agreement for your files. Any changes to the funding or the Special Covenants of this agreement should be discussed with this office. Sincerely, PRESTON W. KELLEY District Director By Moe Shakernia Local Streets & Roads Engineer of 2o�2Ar� �A���r-t�TS Date: April 1, 1992 PROGRAM SUPPLEMENr," 'O. 002 Lo( Dn: 04-ALA-O.-DBLN to Project Iv. ,er: SB92-5432(118) • STATE-LOCAL TRANSPORTATION I E.A. Number: 04-9,29855 PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM AGREEMENT NO. SLTPP-5432 �� This Program Supplement is hereby incorporated into the State-Local Trans- portation Partnership Program Agreement for State Share Funds which was entered into between the Local Entity and the State on 10/21/91 and is subject to all the terms and conditions thereof. This Program Supplement is adopted in accordance with Paragraph 3 of Article I of the aforemen- tioned Master Agreement under authority of Resolution No. approved by the Local Entity on (See copy attached) . The Local Entity further stipulates that as a condition to payment of funds obligated to this project, it accepts and will comply with any covenants or remarks setforth on the following pages. PROJECT TERMINI: DUBLIN BLVD FROM DOUGHERTY ROAD TO TASSAJARA ROAD. TYPE OF WORK: NEW STREET LENGTH: 0. 0 (MILES) PROJECT CLASSIFICATION OR PHASE (S) OF WORK [X] Construction/Construction Engineering/Contingencies Estimated Cost State Share Funds Matching Funds FY92 $ 346, 376 Local OTHER OTHER $ 1, 193 , 419 FY93 $ 0 $ 847, 043 $ 0 $ 0 IFY94 $ O CITY OF DUBLIN STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of Transportation By By DEPUTY DISTRICT DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORTATION, DISTRICT 04 Date Date Attest Title 1 hereby Certify upon my personal knowledge that budgeted funds are available for this encumbrance: Accounting Offic Date 7i $ 346376. 00 Chapter statutes Item ea Program 1BC1 Fund Source AMOUNT 467 1990 2660-101-042 90-91 C 258010 042-T 346376.00 04-ALAN DATE: 04%01/92; SB92-5432432 (11(118) PAGE: 2 SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS 1. It is mutually understood between the parties that this contract may have been written before ascertaining the availability of legislative appropriation of funds, for the mutual benefit of both parties, in order to avoid program and fiscal delays that would occur if the agreement were executed after that determination was made. The total amount of State-Local Transportation Partnership funds payable by the State shall not exceed $346376 to be encumbered and reimbursed as follows: FY 91-92 $ 346376 FY 92-93 0 FY 93-94 0 Any increase in State Partnership funds will require a revised program supplement. Any decrease in State Partnership funds will require a revised finance letter. 2 . The State Funds Share is calculated based on the lower of the approved eligible application amount or the eligible award amount. 3 . The Reimbursement Ratio for this Cycle 2 (91/92) project is 30. 02%. Date: Apri 1, 1992 PROGRAM SUPPLEMEN'i _40. 003 Location: 04-ALA-0-DBLN to Project Number: SB92-5432 (119) STATE-LOCAL TRANSPORTATION E.A. Ner: 04-929856 PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM AGREEMENT NO. SLTPP-5432 L` %� -� This Program Supplement is hereby incorporated into the State-Local Trans- portation Partnership Program Agreement for State Share Funds which was entered into between the Local Entity and the State on 10/21/91 and is subject to all the terms and conditions thereof. This Program Supplement is adopted in accordance with Paragraph 3 of Article I of the aforemen- tioned Master Agreement under authority of Resolution No. approved by the Local Entity on (See copy attached) . The Local Entity further stipulates that as a condition to payment of funds obligated to this project, it accepts and will comply with any covenants or remarks setforth on the following pages. PROJECT TERMINI: VARIOUS CITY STREETS TYPE OF WORK: NEW STREET AND OVERLAY LENGTH: 0 . 0 (MILES) PROJECT CLASSIFICATION OR PHASE (S) OF WORK [X] Construction/Construction Engineering/Contingencies Estimated Cost State Share Funds I Matching Funds IFY92 $ 141, 702 Local OTHER OTHER $ 545, 378 FY93 $ 0 $ 403, 676 $ 0 $ 0 FY94 $ 0 CITY OF DUBLIN STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of Transportation By By DEPUTY DISTRICT DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORTATION, DISTRICT 04 Date Date Attest Title I hereby Certify upon my personal knowledge that budgeted funds are available for this encumbrance: Accounting Office Date 9 z $ 141702 . 00 Chapter Statutes I Item I Y r rogram �BC� Fund Source AMOUNT 467 1990 2660-101-042 90-91 C 258010 042-T 141702.00 04-ALA-0-DBLN DATE: 04/01/92 ' SB92-5432 (119) PAGE: 2 SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS 1. It is mutually understood between the parties that this contract may have been written before ascertaining the availability of legislative appropriation of funds, for the mutual benefit of both parties, in order to avoid program and fiscal delays that would occur if the agreement were executed after that determination was made. The total amount of State-Local Transportation Partnership funds payable by the State shall not exceed $141702 to be encumbered and reimbursed as follows: FY 91-92 $ 141702 FY 92-93 0 FY 93-94 0 Any increase in State Partnership funds will require a revised program supplement. Any decrease in State Partnership funds will require a revised finance letter. 2 . The State Funds Share is calculated based on the lower of the approved eligible application amount or the eligible award amount. 3 . The Reimbursement Ratio for this Cycle 2 (91/92) project is 30. 02%.