HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 DFA TempExhibitUseCCLobby (2) :.~ _.~ . CITY OF DUBLIN . O>~- AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 27, 1992 SUBJECT: Dublin Fine Arts Foundation (DFA) Request for Use of civic center Lobby for Temporary EXhibitions ftr~(prepared by: Paul S. Rankin, Assistant city Manger) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: ~tter Dated January 15, 1992 from DFA Executive . 'iirector RECOMMENDATION: ~ :onsider Request and, if appropriate, approve of facility use and authorize Staff to approve Exhibits where the value of the items displayed does not exceed $5,000 and does not conflict with lobby use which is already reserved. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: city may experience minimal costs if assistance is required for moving display cases. Loss or damage costs are limited to within the city's deductible. DESCRIPTION: In July of 1991, the City council approved the first temporary exhibition sponsored by DFA. The Foundation displayed fine art books in display cases in the Civic center lobby. The display cases were constructed for DFA through contributions from businesses in the area. The proposed project described in Ms. Baer's letter involves the display of collections from local residents which are of an artistic, historical or educational interest. It is the Foundation's hope to identify several collections which could be changed between February and May. The selection of items to be exhibited would be approved by a jury from DFA's community Advisory council. The Foundation has also requested City council approval of a summer Exhibition centered on the theme of "transportation." The Foundation would intend to obtain loaned work from artists and galleries for a period of two months. This proposal is still conceptual and DFA does not currently have detailed descriptions of the work available. In discussions with the Executive Director, it was indicated that they tentatively anticipate this Exhibition between June and August. - In the event that the proposed EXhibitions utilize the portable display cases, this could limit the flexibility for use of the lobby area. currently, there are reservations by groups which may result in a conflict. Staff will contact the groups affected to determine whether the Exhibition can be accommodated with their layout. DFA will be advised of all dates where the Exhibition would conflict with current reservations. Groups making reservations in the future would be advised of the use of the lobby for displays. As indicated, the proposed timeframes for which approval is being requested is February through August. Due to the fact that the actual content of these Exhibitions has not been defined, the potential financial exposure in the event of a loss cannot be identified. Staff developed a detailed inventory form utilized for the previous display. This provided the city and DFA with a record of the loaned material, the condition of the material and the value. staff would propose to utilize similar records for these displays. Staff would also recommend that the city Council authorize staff to approve the display of any Exhibit where the value of all articles exhibited does not exceed $5,000. This would be equivalent to the city's current property insurance deductible. Any displays where the value exceeds this amount would require city council approval. staff would recommend that the City council consider the request and, if appropriate, authorize Staff to approve Exhibitions where the value of the work displayed does not exceed $5,000. PSR/las a:L127Co11.agenda#8 ----~-------------------------------------------~---~---~~-----~-----~----- ITEM NO. .8.1 COPIES TO: Lynne Baer, DFA Executive Director Ron Nahas, DFA President CITY CLERK FilE ~ J.j ~j .J .. i .J ..\... 1. ~.. .- l . .i~1 1. .l.. .J. l t 1..) L ..... I '-..1 1.. " J.j ~. .tl... ..l . {~q,", '{'~v . ~- January 15, 1992 Mayor Peter Snyder city council Members city of Dublin Dublin civic Center Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Mayor Snyder and City Council Members; The Foundation requests the approval for a series of exhibitions in the Civic Center lobby. This series will be called "Dublin Collects". The Foundation will present a series of exhibitions consisting of collections from local residents that are of artistic, historical, or educational interest. We are currently collecting names of residents who have expressed an interest in showing their collections. Each collection will be displayed for a maximum of 6 weeks in cases in the lobby from the beginning of February through the Spring. A jury from the Community Advisory Council will select the collections to be displayed. We would also appreciate approval for a summer exhibition, titled "Transportation". As Dublin is the "crossroad of 580/680, vehicles of all kinds are vital to the city's existence. Contemporary artists have used vehicles as sUbject matter in both humorous and serious ways. The works will be borrowed from artists and galleries for a period of two months. We also hope to have other events and programs around this exhibition. The Foundation appreciates the City Council's continued support of our efforts to integrate art into public spaces of the community. Both exhibitions meet our goal of making art a part of everyday life for the citizens of Dublin. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions. Best regards, ~b~ Lynne Baer Executive Director cc: Ron Nahas, President, DFAF 1'.1). UH\ ~Iq:.!, IH'BLI'. C \ t, 1:;,,:(