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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.4 TriVlyCTVReview (2) , . CITY OP DUBLIN . -\. AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 27, 1992 SUBJECT: Tri-valley Community Television (CTV) Mid-Year Review (Prepared by Bo Barker, Management Assistant) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: l~ix Month Review Dated January 1992 /"'\ . _~ .,/Survey of viewers RECOMMENDATION~_~~- Review Performance and authorize payment for the q.tii'l'"' second half of Fiscal Year 1991-92" ..-- . FINANCIAL STATEMENT: .." ..' The 1991-92 Budget included $48,000 in funding for CTV.In addition, $1,000 is an equipment maintenance grant provided by viacom. The city Council agreed to release the remaining funds based upon a six month performance review of CTV. DESCRIPTION: During the annual budget process, the City Council approved a total budget of $49,000 for community Television programming. The source of funds includes a $1,000 grant from Viacom to maintain cable television equipment. The remaining $48,000 is funded by the city's General Fund. . .' In the past the city Council has authorized payment to CTV of one half of the annual appropriation. The second payment is made following a review of CTV's performance during the first six months of the fiscal year. The city has already made a payment to CTV in the amount of $24,000. CTV has requested the distribution of the remaining funding for the current fiscal year. In accordance with past practice, the organization has submitted a six month review (Exhibit 1). As shown on the summary report during the six month period, the major productions CTV has regularly produced includes the following programs: 580/680 News Let's Talk Sports Valley Forum Mayor's Report Valley Magazine Valley Gardening # Produced 41 24 18 11 12 6 This provides a variety of locally based programming. CTV has also provided a very detailed listing of all topics covered during the first six months of Fiscal Year 1991-92. The current funding of CTV is intended to provide weekly production of 580/680 News. As shown in their progress report, CTV has been able to meet this production schedule. The summary sheet also identifies the number of shows produced at this time last year. The 580/680 News has the biggest difference producing 41 shows to date while producing 25 at this time last year. The sharp increase in programs was a goal which CTV set for themselves and have been achieving. Additionally, a copy of a phone survey which was conducted to get an idea about viewer preferences and habits is attached (Exhibit 2). The survey indicates that 65% of the 400 surveyed watch channel 30. The survey also indicates that 55% of those surveyed watch the 580/680 News program. 53% believe that local television is important and only 8% believe local television is not important. Staff recommends that the city council accept the 1991-92 six Month Review and authorize disbursement of the remaining funding included in the 1991-92 approved City of Dublin Budget. The city Council may wish to evaluate the priority of this program for the 1992-93 budget if the present financial downturn continues to place pressure on the city's General Fund expenditures. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM NO. 4.4 COPIES TO: DarIa Stevens Dave Adams r----- ~~-\J oJle-~ . to M <<hlM t-y T ~."\'e. v \ s~ 0 {'... s r x MONTH PE'v' I EW . J an ua '( y 1':;I'~2 ACCOMPLISHED PROMISED PROGRAMMING In this first six months, CTV has accomplished the '(egula'( production of the budgeted p'(og'(ams, as set fo'(th in the budget fo'( fiscal year 91-92. In addition, we accomplished extensive local news p'(oduction beyond the p'(omised local news prog'(amming. We made this effo'(t, because acco'(ding to our survey, this p'(og'(am is widely app'(eciated by local viewe'(s. Also, in November of 91, we accomplished the widely-viewed local Election Returns. (Separate funding was solicited fo'( this.) ONGOING EFFECT OF PRODUCTION Local communities, including Dublin, continue to send nume'(oUS '(equests, announcements, press releases, and phone cal Is, requesting that specific information be put on television, including press releasesfrom organizatios, public agencies, police departments, school districts, and individuals. PACKAGING THIS LOCAL INFORMATION CTV continues to strive to package this local information appropriately (professionally) so that viewers wil I tune in reguJarJ~. In order to do this, CTV recruits and trains individuals to shoot, write, narrate and edit this material. Our rosters average at least 1/4 volunteers/interns. VOLUME OF LOCAL INFORMATION ON TELEVISION The many items of information, facilitated by CTV over the past 6 months, are listed in the attached print-out. This amount, because of the increase in news production, has increased by about 50% compared to last year. These items and stories touch on the lives elf t~'\I:)usands of Ideal residents. wHO IS WATCHING? Our 1991 survey was carried out by volunteer members of AAUW who surveyed 400 val ley residents by phone over two evenings, in May, 1991. Sixty-five percent of al I cable subscribers were aware of channel 30. Fifty-eight percent of al I cable subscribers watch 580/680 NEWS. (This translates into about 110,000 people.) When asked "H':lw important is I o,:al inforrnati,::.n on tel evisi.:,n?".... coni y 8% thought it was not important. (Se. attached Survey Summary.) EXHIBIT J . CTV PROGRAM TALLEY SHEET Produ,:ed by this time, FY 90-91 580 680 NEWS VALLEY FORUM MA YOF.:S PEPOF.:T VALLEY MAGAZINE VALLEY GAPDENING* _LET'S TALK SPORTS* SPECIALS: ELECTION RETURNS* SANTA CALL-IN* 25 12 11 14 E, 25 *At no cost to the 4 cities. . Produced thus far FY '~1-92 41 18 11 12 6 24 '. -ru.lY L qq I . PI-I:) qL~m..........____. IP__LQ.9..:!=~.~..L ~_~. _...............___.... _....._............_......__~_~j'-:t:~~;..r.j....p-tt~~m...----_.-....-.--.....--.....--.--.-....-..------~....~ Let's Talk Scorts 91/07/09 '31 /07 / 1 IS MaYCl\r , s F:epor t '31/07/16 1 '31/07/16 ~ 91/07/15 3 91/07/15 4 '~1 107/02 1 '31/07/02 .-, L 91/07/02 3 '31/07/02 4 '~1/07/02 5 '31/07/02 6 '31/07/02 7 '~1 107/02 8 91/07/02 '3 '31/07/02 10 '31/07/02 11 '31/07/02 1'-' 91/07/02 13 '31/07/02 14 91/07/0::: 15 '~1 107/02 16 '31/07/02 17 91/07/02 18 '31/07/02 1'3 '31/07/02 20 '31/07/02 21 '31/07/02 22 '~1 107/02 .-, '"' ~~ 91/07102 24 '~1/07/02 .-tl:;" ..::......; '~1/07 /02 25 '31/07/02 27 '31/07/02 28 '~1/07/02 2-3 '~1 107/02 30 91/07/02 31 580/580 News Gu~st is Ben Fer-nandez. trivia sports c h aroa i I:,n . Guest is AI Woods. former- major- leaque basebal I player. Wayne Bennett of San Ramon talks about the new council member- and his trip to Kodak headquarter-s in Rochester-, New York. Pete Snyder of Dubl in talks about the Gateway o lr ':' j e ': t . Ken Mercer of Pleasanton talks about the ridgeiands vote. Councilmember John Stein of Livermore talks about the real estate sign law. Cities put together- yearly budgets. City budgets tighter this year. Heat hits val ley with a vengeance. Indiat1 b.:,n,;:.s f'::'ut1d in vall .y. AIDS clinic opens in San Ramon. San Ramon council talks about electro-magnetic fields. Pleasanton begins automatic recycling. Fourth of July celebrations in val ley. People pol I in val ley. Livermore considering tax to help schools. Greenbelt Alliance files lawsuit over land i SSLles. Robbery at Payless in Livermore. Update on McHenry murder in Livermore. Upaate on BART extension to val ley. Livermore sends development project back to C.;;;.un,: i I . New McDonalds rises in Pleasanton. Livermore man celebrates 100th birthday. Alameda County Fair opens in Pleasanton. Sports: Warriors draft. Sports: Warriors players. Sports: Jockey Clinton Potts Sports: The Giants Trevor Wilson Sports: Guy McIntyre, 4'3ers guard. Auction by Pleasanton police Department. Magician to appear at Pleasanton Library. Pleasanton Downtown Association sponsors Concert i.n the Park. Dublin sponsors youth hockey clinics at I,:e I and. Dublin sponsors family nights at Dublin swim .:enter. Con,:arH1c,n Winery Sp':'t1sc,rs "Spirit of Ameri,:an" event. LARPD sponsors teen trip to Monterey. Livermore has openings on growth review and Page 1 .- . E'.r..!2...~m__.....~ J)~L__..~g_~_t_... ) "580/680 Ne',.,Is '31/07/02 '~1 107/02 91/07/0"~ '31/07/0'3 '31/07/0'3 '31/07/0'3 '31/07/0'3 '31/07/0'3 '~1 /07/0'3 '31 /07 /O'~ '31/07/0'; '31/07/0'3 '~1/07/0'3 91/07/0'3 '31/07/0'3 91/07/0'3 91/07/09 '31/07/0'3 91/07/0'3 91/07/0'3 '31/07/09 .: ~ ,'07/0'3 '31/07/0'; 91/07/09 '31/07/0'; 91/07/0'; 91/07/0'3 91/07/0'; '31/07/0'; '31/07/11 '31/07/11 91/07/11 '31/07/11 '~1/07/11 '~1/07/11 '31/07/11 .. S # __.____....__._..._..._~_.._.____.__.____9..~~s.. r i !2.:ti..9..!:L-......._....__..__._...._..........______._..__ s0cia! concerns committees. 32 San Ramon has cancer support group. 33 City of San Ramon sponsors recreation teen proglrarn. 1 Live'(more budget requests from Little League and Family Crisis Center. 2 Livermo'(e Autocross '(ace. 3 4 San on sale of fireworks proposed in Dublin. 5 Ec I iose occLlpies val I ey eyes. 5 Wrap up on Alameda County Fair. 7 Women in San Ramon taken to hospital with heat stroke. S Toddl e'( ki II ed in dY"iveway mishap. 9 Fire at Hope Hospice. 10 Update on McHenry murder in LiveY"more. 11 Update on Ruby Hil Is pY"oject. 1~ Contra Costa County continues to look at Dougherty val ley. 13 Houses proposed foY" Hacienda Business Park in Pleasanton. 14 City of Pleasanton develops growth plan. 15 People Pol I in val ley. 16 Carter trial in LiveY"more. 17 Prominent Pleasanton resident dies. 18 Movie review. 19 Tickets available for Pleasanton Night at the A's. 20 Pleasanton classes on coping with a friend or relatives suicide. 21 T'(aining Resources Unlimited to offe'( job leads. 22 Dublin Library sponsoring annual Newcott/Caldeberry award. 23 Dublin tl~ sponsor world's laygest ice cream sundae. 24 Livermore Chamber of Comme'(ce holding photo contest. 25 Pa'(ents without PartnerS meets in Livermore. 26 East Bay Eye Center in San Ramon offering free cataract screenings. 26 San Ramon teen center sponsoring trip to see Giants. 1 Solar eclipse witnessed by val ley residents. ~ Area code change for val ley. 3 Con artists soliciting money in Pleasanton. 4 Contra Costa County to sponsor no smoking law. 5 Livermore to sue Alameda County over Ruby Hi II s. 6 Livermore gets tough on real estate sign law. 7 San Ramon to look at Kodak Shopping Center. Pag€:' ~ er '~!:!L.__._.__.. 580/680 Ne',.,Is . lQ.~:da:~e) S# '31/07/11 '3 1 ,I 07 ,I 11 '~1/07/11 91/07111 '31 107 1 1 1 '31/07/11 '31/07/11 '3 1 .I 07/ 1 1 '31/07/11 '~1/07/11 17 '~1/07/11 18 91107/11 1'3 '31/07/11 20 91/07/11 21 '~1/07/11 22 91/07/11 23 '~1/07/11 24 91/07/11 25 91/07/11 26 91/07/11 27 91/07/11 28 91/07/11 29 '31/07/11 30 91107/16 1 91/07/16 1 '31/07/16 2 '31/07/16 .., ..;.. '31/07/16 3 '31/07/16 4 '31/07/16 4 '31/07/16 5 '~1/07/16 E. '31/07/16 7 '31/07/16 8 '31/07/16 '~ 91/07/16 10 '~1/07/16 1 1 91/07/16 12 '31/07/16 13 '31/07/16 14 '31/07/16 15 '~1/07/16 16 '~1/07/1E. 17 '. ____._.___..__......__.__.__~~__R.~s..!;_ri..Ett.~ o_tJ___...'".___~___....___.___.____~__ 8 '~ 10 11 Gateway shopping c~nter decision postponed. People Pol I: Clar.~nce Thomas Robbery on Stone'(idge Mal I Road. Local business owner in Pleasanton wants railroad to come to city. New defibrilato'( to save lives in emergencies. Li ver ffll:,r e Sc hoo I foundat i on '( ai '.5<'::-5 fflon(,'y, San Ramon School district solves budget woes. Las Positas Col lege offices moved ta Hacienda Busi n+.:.-ss Par' k. Four vall ey ',.,Iomen wir1 national .:hi I d care aW<i:\\' ds. Problems with summer day care in val ley. Time for file far election coming up. Dublin students try to make special sundae. Sports: Pleasanton Little league. Sports: Tim Hardaway at basebal I camp. Sports: Don Nelson/Chris Gatling Dublin to hold water carnival. Pleasanton to hold concerts in the park. Dublin to hold com~osting workshop. Dedication of Dublin historical marker. Parents Without Partners to sponsor dance. Livermore to hold autocross on First Street. Livermore Farmer's Market is open. Children's musical concerts at Pleasanton Presbyterian Church. Car accident kil Is two in Livermore. Car accident leaves two girls dead in Li ver rfll:,r e. Wel Is Fargo bank in Pleasanton is robbed. Wel Is Fargo Bank in Pleasanton is robbed. San Ramon complains about County Connection Buses. Groundbreaking in Livermore for PG&E training ':enter. Play bal I, a look at Little League umpires. New snack tax impacts val ley. People Pol I: Snack tax reaction. Proposed redistricting plan excludes Dublin. Boys and the Hood movie opens in Dublin. Pleasanton police participate in major drug bLlst. John Meakin declares for Board of Supervisors. Day care crisis in the val ley. Livermore merchants upset over sign ordinance. Robbery at Brass Door restaurant in San Ramon. Robbery suspects in Pleasantan arrested. Plague of events for Rasmussen house. Tri-val ley Haven to hold fundraiser. Sports: Blackhawks vs. Tampa Bay 12 13 14 15 15 Page 3 " .-- \.... ..~ :"111: i \..~ I" ; ... .1' .;::"", E..r..,;:)qr am ,IIL (d ~_t eo ) . ~!t 10/680 News '3 1 /07 / 1 5 18 91/07/16 1'3 '~1/07/16 20 '31/07/15 21 '31/07/16 '-:1'-:" ~~ '~ 1 /07 / 1 6 23 '~1/07/15 24 '31/07/15 .-,e::" ..:..~ 91/07/15 26 '31/07/16 27 '31/07/15 28 91/07/16 29 '31/07/16 30 '~1/07/18 1 '31/07/18 2 91/07/18 3 '31/07/18 4 '~1/07/18 5 '31/07/18 6 '~1/07/18 7 '31/07/18 8 '~1/07/18 9 '31/07/18 10 '31/07/18 11 '31/07/18 12 '31/07/18 13 '31/07/18 14 '~1/07/18 15 91/07/18 15 '31/07/18 17 '31/07/18 18 '31/07/18 1'~ '31/07/18 20 . JL~ 1:/ l':,"~l .t __----------pe-?: r i..P~t9X'!_._.____,__-----..-~-------- Spor-ts: Livermore Amer-ican vs. SRV Little Leaguo2'. Val ley Memorial Hospital holds b~nefit gol f tournari'lent. Spor-ts: AutocrosS Movie r-evie'-N' Childr-en's Theater- Workshop is taking order- for 1991-92 subscription ser-ies. Family fun and fitness sponsor-ed by the val ley Yl"1CA. New national junior tennis league star-ting in F'leasanton. Dublin swim center welcomes childr-en and adults. Dublin swim center available for par-ties. LARPD taking reser-vat ions for Christmas bazaar. Liver-more Main street project sponsoring a Christmas card design contest. San Ramon accepting applications for transportation advisory commission. Tickets stil I available for San Ramon night at the A's. Local effect of the toxic spil I in the val ley. Race and Reason to be aired locally. Ridgelands issue goes back to pteasanton planning Commission. Pleasanton vies for Ruby Hit Is development. Garbage in San Ramon is a proolem. Comedy at San Ramon's Tommy T's. Filing period for Livermore City Council .:,pe-ns. Filing pe-riod for Pleasanton Dublin school b.:,ard ,=,pet's, More problems with Vintage Square in Li Vf:r rr,,:,r e. Students in Livermorf: write about global war-l"I'Iing. Vietnamf:se family reunion. Bil I Eastman elected to California Athletic Commi ssi c,n. Sports: Blackhawks Copa Camel Sports: Dublin-Mission San Jose Little League Sports: Warriors draft Shaun Vandiver- M.;:)vi ere-vi ew. We..::-kend Llpdat e. Melissa Manchester to appears at Wente Bros cc,t,certs. Linda AI ten productions to appear at Fridays in the park concer-t. CTW to prese-nt three versions of Cinderella. pag-= 4 ~nr::tlJ"l .. -"'.- -- IJr.D ((dJ::d;'~ ::,_ $~~ '31/07/18 21 '~1/07/18 ....1.-. '31/07/18 .-,,..... .r.:.:..~ '31/07/18 24 '31/07/18 '-11:" "::'.J 91/07/12 26 '31/07/18 27 ';;:11/07/18 28 '~1/07/1S --::"~ '~1/07/18 30 '31/07/23 1 '31/07/22 ''":' ..... '31/07/23 ,.., ..;:, '~1 107/23 4 91/07/23 5 '31/07/23 6 91/07/23 7 '31/07/23 8 91/07/23 '~ '31/07/23 10 91/07/23 11 91/07/23 12 91/07/23 13 '31/07/23 14 91/07/23 15 91/07/23 16 91/07/23 17 '~1/07/23 18 91/07/23 19 '~1 /07/23 2() 91/07/23 21 '31/07/23 22 91/07/23 23 91/07/23 24 '31/07/23 .-. C" ..::....; 91/07/23 26 91/07/23 27 '~1 /07/23 28 '31/07/23 2'3 91/07/2': 30 '~1 /07/3': 1 91/07/30 .-, ..::. 91/07/3C 3 '31/07/30 4 580/680 News :-. IlJ~~'ri:iFtRjL_~::;'.:!i}1 A special Concert in the Park to benefit Pleasanton's Val ley Community Health Center-. Pleasanton police to hold auction. Bar-bara Boxer to visit val ley Democratic club. Movi e F:evi ew. Melissa Manchester at Wente Concert. Friday concert in park. CTW to present Cinderella. Stony Ridge Ramblers at Wayside Park. Pleasanton police to hold auction. Congresswoman Barbara Boxer at Fairgrounds. Cuts in ':OLtt1ty jai I fLmds. Dublin may be in new district. Mercury found in Livermore. Utility fee in Dublin. AIDS testing for health professionals quest i ,::.ned. Peop I e P,:, I I . Groundbreaking for- Fostoria Way Parkway. Retailers reaction to local robberies. Children and day care. Ca I St ar r es,:ue. Cal Star in Livermore. City authorizes pay raise for Richard Ambrose. Child care in val ley, part 2. Fundraising for San Ramon schools. San Ramon bus fees stay intact. Vision Tri-val ley is cancel led. Pleasanton Police hold bike auction. Sports: Blackhawks vs. Ft. Lauderdale Sports: San Ramon Val ley vs. Mission San J,::.s.. Sports: Tim Hardaway with Warriors. Sports: Rick Honeycutt Sports: Bluejays' basebal I. M.::.vie review. Pleasanton Council to discuss ridgelands r ep clr t . Pleasanton to hold carnival at aquatic center. Caltrans releases reports on 1580. Dublin firefighters hold free dinner for seniors. CSAA to hold free vehicle inspection in Dub I in. Alameda County Planning Commission to meet in Dublin council chambers. LiverMore dog owners must renew dog licenses. Redistril:ting f,x val' ey. Sheriff's layoffs. Alcosta Mal I demolition. Livermore election coming up. Page 5 P r 9 Cl r ~..f.IL___..__ 580/680 Ne',."s Spec i a I Pr '='gr am Va I I f.rY For urn Val ley Gardening Va I IffY Magaz i r1f.r ,e- ID (dat~) '31/07/30 '31/07/30 .~ 1 /07/30 '~1 /07/30 '31/07/30 '31/07/30 '~1 /07/30 91/07/30 '31/07/30 91/07/30 '31/07/3( 91/07/30 '31/07/30 91/07/30 '~1 /07/30 91/07/30 '31/07/30 '31/07/30 '31/07/30 '31/07/30 91/07/30 '31/07/30 '31/07/30 '31/07/3G 91/07/30 '31/07/3G '31/07/06 91/07/08 91/07/08 91/07/08 '31/07/08 '31/07/08 '~1 /07/08 91/07/08 91/07/08 91/07/30 '~1 /07/02 '31/07/0::' 91/07/0::' ::.e" . . .Y :.._. . SI* ____.___.._____.__.______9,:.? CJ:t~t~;1.1.._____._. C" ,..; Hi: Is initiat;::.v~. Pl'oposed by Jc,hl1 Meakin. Nf.rwS berms at Camp Par-ks. LLNL and UC contr-act negotiation. Murray School historical park. Continuing problem of blue water in San Ramon. Basebal I player Jack Clark's car. Overpopulation at animal shelter. Livermore man is special songwriter. Entertainment at federal prison. Sports: Dexter Car-ter, 4gers running back. Sports: Blackhawks soccer Sports: Copa Camel soccer tournament. Sports: San Ramon Blue Jays, East Bay twins. Sports: Pleasanton Middle School gym. Movie review. Pleasar1t,::.n Playh,:,use pr.set1ts "OliVer". Pleasanton offering swim classes. Pleasanton Downtown Association brings Air Force band to city. Dublin sports activities this summer. Dublin to have al I-city flea market. Liverdmore Educational Foundation for Foreign Study needs host families. Tri-Val ley Stargazers to show slides of solar e'= I i PSf.r. LARPD to sponsor summer concerts. Make A Cir~us comes to San Ramon. Two vacancies on Contra Costa County drug abuse d. Twenty thousand attend Wings for Charity i:vent. Las Positas Col lege Graduation California High School graduation. Castro Val ley High School graduation. Del Val Ie High School graduation. Dublin High School graduation. Granada High School graduation. Livermore High School graduation Val ley High School graduation Vineyard High School graduation. City Council Quarterly Report with representatives from Pleasanton, Livermore, Dublin and San Ramon. Discussion topics include 680 sound wal Is, future of Dougherty Val ley, BART, regional planning, funding of social services and crime. July in the garden with Jacquie Wil Iiams Courtright of Alden Lane Nursery. A home in Livermore for families with nowhere 6 7 8 10 1 1 1'-' 13 14 16 17 18 1';:: 20 21 ....,.-. ...::...:.:. .-,...... .a;:....:s 24 '-IC" '<:'...J 26 27 28 29 30 31 ,"\.-, ,,:,...::.. 1 t,=, gQ. L Mystic crystal and astrological revelatiQns in Page 6 PY"qQ.Lam Va I I ~y Maga;: i rHt ,,,e-. lQ.__(~ct~ t ~ ) 9_:!!. '31/07/02 3 '31/07/02 4 '31/07/02 5 '31/07/16 1 '31/07/16 . . ..::. '31/07/16 ..... ~ 91/07/16 5 '31/07/16 6 91/07/23 1 91/07/23 .-, ..::. 91/07/23 3 '31/07/23 4 91/07/23 5 '31/07/23 6 ~-. . , Ju i j l'3':?L Desc Y" i pt i ,:;.n. San F.:amon. L,:,sing a b,,-,tt I,~ '.....ith can,:er but gait,ing hc'p~ from Dublin's Hope Hospice. Carnies--putting the faiY" together in Pleasanton. Play bal I, OY" spending a day with the blues in F'I easan t ':'ti . Sailing away: windsurfing in LiveymoY"e. CaY"d cut-ups: when you caY"e enough. Totally Hidden Video's Mark Pitta. KaY" aok e, fY" ,:,rn t he I and 0 f the Y" i si ng SLln .: Qri"I\?S a Y"ising stay. Kathy KQehleY" and GY"ant MonY"ean at Las TY"ampas Regional Park in San Ramon. Sailing away, windsuY"fing in LiveY"moY"e. Card cut-ups, when you care enough. Totally Hidden Video's Mark Pitts. Play bat I, a look at Little League umpiY"~s. Karaoke, from the land of the rising sun comes a rising staY". Kathy KoehleY" and GY"ant MQnY"ean at Las Trampas Regional PaY"k in San Ramon. Page 7 . . Community T~levision PY"oduction Reccrt August 1'3'31 Pr -9Qr-!\_Il'-___ IP (d ate) S#_ __"__.__________~es.;LiJ2.:~j I~_.---------~.--.--.- '31/08/20 1 '31/08/20 .... '31/08/20 3 '31/08/20 4 '31/08/27 1 5S0/6S0 News '31/0S/06 1 '31/08/06 .-, ..::. '31/08/06 3 '31/08/06 4 '31/08/06 5 '31/08/06 6 '31/08/06 7 '31/08/06 8 '31/08/0€. 9 '31/08/06 10 91/08/06 11 '31/0S/06 1'-' ..::. 91/0S/0E. 13 '31/0S/0€. 14 91/08/06 15 91/08/0E. 16 '31/0S/06 17 ':;'1/0S/06 18 '31/08/06 19 91/08/06 20 Fag8- 1 . . Community T.I ~vision PY"odu~tion R~pcrt August 1 '3'31 f'Y" .:)q ram ];.0 (date) S# 580/680 News '31/08/06 21 '31/08/06 22 '31/08/06 ....,...." ",:;.~ '31/08/06 24 '31/08/0f, 25 ':;'1/08/0f, 26 '31/08/06 27 '31/08/06 28 '31/08/0f, .-::.*:t ~~ '31/08/06 30 '31/08/06 31 91/08/06 32 '31/08/06 33 '31/08/06 34 '31/08/13 1 '31/08/13 .-, ..::. '31/08/13 ...... .:J '31/08/13 4 '31/08/13 5 '31/08/13 5 '31/08/13 7 91/08/13 8 '31/08/13 '3 '31/08/13 10 91/08/13 11 '31/08/13 1" "'- '31/08/12 13 '31/08/12 14 '31/08/13 15 '31/08/13 16 '31/08/13 17 91/08/13 18 '31/08/13 1 '3 '31/08/13 20 '31/08/20 1 '31/08/20 ~ '31/08/20 3 '31/08/20 4 '31/08/20 5 Oe-scY"iption SpoY"ts: SummeY" Pops concert. Robyn's new baby. Hope Hospice ThY"ift shop now open. Pleasanton ChambeY" of Commerce to hold offi~e equioment sale. Appli~ations being taken for Pleasanton housing Authority. Dublin looking for community volunteers. F a.n Jet Ra I I Y in Dub I in. Gyeenvi II e F.:~,ad closed in LivenIKIY"e. Wente conceY"ts to pY"esent The SmotheY"s Byothers. Babes in Arms at Los Positas Col lege. San Ramon Museum to present docent tY"sining. San Ramon looking for children's musical di rE.-ctoY". Contra Costa County Bloodbank to be in San F.:amOt1 . Walnut Creek conceY"t band to perform. LiveY"moY"e wateY" Y"ates too high. Residents don't want wal Is at sports grounds i n Dub I in. Possible state highway in Crow Canyon study. Redistricting vote gives Dublin to Mary King. People Poll on Dublin foY" Mary King. Pleasanton and San Ramon two of the fastest growing California cities. Livermore mayoY"al election coming up. Three-way Alameda county land swap. Pleasanton wil I borrow money to pay foY" sch':II:' I gym. Pleasanton's Golden Eagle Farms in Chapter 11- BART e~(tension. San Ramon senior education centeY" opens. Update on condition of Pleasanton shooting vi.:tim. Groundbreaking for new Livermore library. Dr. Tel ley teaches teachers at LLNL. Sports: Amador - Foothil I alumni game. Sports: Amador-Foothil I broadcast times Sports: Jesse Sapoli, 4gers CenteY". SpoY"ts: 4gers vs. Pleasanton police SpoY"ts: Laurie Calloway, Blackhawks lead coach. Dublin teacheY"s in USSR. People p.:)II. Death of Ryan ComeY. Robbery at LiveY"more's Bank of America. City Council elections in LivermoY"e and San Rarfl':,t1 . Page 2 . . C~mmuni~y T~i ~vis:0n PY0duction F'epoY"t AL~gust 1'3':31 580/580 Ne'..Js 1-0._ (d a_t e ) S# 91/08/20 5 '31/08/20 7 '31/08/20 8 '?1/08/20 '? 91/08/20 10 '? 1/08/20 11 '31/08/20 1'-' 4 '31/08/20 1'"' ..:;, '31/08/20 14 '31/08/20 15 '31/08/20 15 '31/08/20 17 91/08/20 18 '31/08/20 1 '3 91/08/20 20 '31/08/20 21 91/08/20 .-.,-. ~...::. 91/08/20 ...,.... ..::.~ '31/08/20 24 '31/08/20 .-Ie:'" 4...J 91/08/20 25 '31/08/27 1 91/08/27 0") .:... '31/08/27 ':' ""' 91/08/27 4 '31/08/27 5 91/08/27 6 '31/08/27 7 91/08/27 8 '31/08/27 '3 91/08/27 10 '31/08/27 11 '31/08/27 1'-' " 91/08/27 13 '31/08/27 14 '31/08/27 15 '31/08/27 16 91/08/27 17 '31/08/27 18 '31/08/27 1'3 91/08/27 20 '31/08/27 21 91/08/27 22 '31/08/27 .-I~ ..::.....:, '31/08/27 24 '31/08/27 '-IC" ":'...J 91/08/27 26 '31/08/27 27 '31/08/27 28 Pete SnydeY" meets with Mary King. BuY"ied baby found in Livermore. MeasuY" e D dec laY" ed i I I ega I . Dublin and Pleasanton have school boaY"d +2:1 t.<cti.:,ns. Planned PaY"enthood picket+2:d in San Ramon. BART celebration. Bank of America mergeY". Red FloweY" Sunday in LiveY"more. Sports: Blackhawks vs. Foxes in soccer. Sports: San Jose State footbal I Sports: Greg Cox of the 4gers. San Ramon Val ley Little League. Pleasanton School District oY"ientation. Pleasanton Soccer camp. Meeting of Pleasanton Downtown Association. Dublin Fine Arts C.:,un,:il 1'~I,king f"r donors. Dublin Youth Footbal I signups. Wente WineY"y comedy competition. Retzlaff harvest dinners. San Ramon Bicycle' safety day. Singles Mystery Party. Vii lage Parkway realignment. San Ramon lawsuits. Lockout at Pleasanton ridgelands meeting. Update: aY"Y"ests in LiveY"more robbery. Fire in LiveY"more. Dublin teacheY"s in USSR. Russian students in Dublin. South San Ramon committee about soundwal Is. Question about Dublin's wateY" quality. More water cuts needed in Livermore. Peop Ie P"I I . More blue water in San Ramon. No smoking discussed in Plea~anton. Contestants in Miss CalifoY"nia contest. Kate Kelly buY"n center donation. Kate Kelly Burn CenteY" donation. Pleasanton looks at proposed pool hal I. Bike safety event in San Ramon. Sports: Little League World Series. Sports: Matt Veach Sports: Bob Whitfield offensive tackle at St an f.:,rd. Spcorts: Dave Gill, F.,othill linebackeY". LaboY" Day picnic at Fairgrounds. Crossing guards needed in Pleasanton. Pleasanton blood drive. MaY"y King's office hours in Dublin. Hekaton in Dublin. Wel Is school gym dedication in Dublin. Page 3 PrOQram 580/680 News Val ley Gardening Val ley Magazine . . Community Television PY"oduction RepoY"t August 1991 ID (date) 91/08/27 91/08/27 91/08/27 91/08/27 91/08/04 91/08/13 91/08/13 91/08/13 91/08/13 91/08/13 91/08/13 S# Description 29 30 31 LiveY"more's Harvest Wine Festival. Lab Visitor's Center open again. Citikids chorus in San Ramon. Applications available for San Ramon holiday parade. August gardening with Jacquie Wil Iiams CourtY"ight of Alden Lane NuY"sery. A Vietnamese family lives the American dY"eam in LivermoY"e. CoutuY"e kids come to Pleasanton. San Ramon's champion kite flyeY". Local rock band climbs to success. Mysteries uncoveY"ed at the new Blackhawk Museum. Hosts Grant Monrean and Kathy Koehler aY"e at Bernal Corporate Park, Pleasanton. ~., ~~ 1 ~ ~ ~ w 4 5 6 Page 4 ~;~L9,9X.0J(I..."....._......-....... <SAt'! S T" E~ I k 3D (::,-r.t-:s la \iC'Y" 1 S F:ep oY" t i80/680 NE.-'n's . ~~t'T, \9'11 . ~.'p.....(:.(,:t~:~ ..if.:'. $r.t:. '31 / C.I~~./ ()3 ,} 1 /0'3/' :L "7 '31/C<?/~O '3 :!. ,/ C' '~ / :L {) I:: 1 / I:) 'j'/ 1 () 'j ::. / {) '::-+../ !. (~ '31/0'3/ 1 7 91/0'3/17 '31/0'3/17 1= 1 / (", I~ / t 7 -j 1 /0'3/02 1 '3 ~ /0'3/03 - '31/0';:'/0:3 3 '31/0';'/03 4 '31/0';' 102 c:- ....J '31/0'3/03 6 '31/0'3/03 7 '31/0'3/03 Q '-> '31/0'3/03 '...; '31/0'3/03 10 '31/0'3/03 . , J. '31/0'3/03 1 '''::' 91/0'3/02 13 '31/()"?/()3 1 ,'f ;..""'1' '3 1 1 0'3/ 03 1.5 '31/0'3/03 16 '3110'3/02 17 '31/0'3/03 18 . . : J,.: _~ .P_:'o',~~.'::X.ip,t.tq.r' C? L~ ~ 'i:: ":.: Sdr~ J[=1~32 ~.t.~.t~ 1~asl':.0tb2! I (: 0 2't (: !'1 2 1: ~'\n ... ..;:; I-\"1 c Y' ',~ i '-:: :' :-; II SU~~3'~ is ::.:!~~n M3;:~r:~~:/1 SCI":,l,.ts 2c~r.~t~ 1::,~t2 Sr~y(jer of DLtb! in ta!ks about wa-ter CL.'.3~ :'~'::"/ .3nd l:c~nsf.!-~.-.\/;:~t::'C!l'"1y rnf:":?5L'.re- I) ! .3Iv~'SLt:.4: ~ and o:'s:~ib!e t:ab!e fe~ inc~ease~ .~:' ;.....: <0-, \. :-12 :::'"'oc' r'~ n "'". t!~ 0 f ::L,\ n F::c'd'i'l c n t iC". 1 k sa\:) c> u t t I" 02- A:~C5~2 65ses~ment !aw5~it. and t~e South S,~n ~: ~~". rt': I::' t" '; .:: t :..l. d \/ I:: () l'l'l i'fl.L t ~ f::-.L2- II ~ r< e ~i c:"f F'leasant:~~1 ta!~::s abl~c.t t~'~e ~~l :'-... ",.' ,"- It.~'^ ',.r' ! .~. .- ,- . S:'I~~:::'::~:"q ;:.rdi~lal"1=2 .a~'~d ~!~2SL~r'~ D lawsL1i.t~ ,~I. C: ~':'. ':.: :. ~:~ :2- B '~J' :::.:' v~' :-'~ c:'~ !_ i "-"/ .t.... Y' rfll:i 1'" .i:.... t ':".! k s a b (:1 Lt t [) I::; i~~: ! ~'. :'-j Cat'~~!"::~l :~at2~~ 'tar'~~:} Fir's.t Stre~.t wideni:1q, t~1e housinc competition, and whE.-ther the city sho~:d joi~ East Say Regional PaY"k District. 1 Ken Mercer of Pleasanton talks about the HaY"vest Park gym financing, the city lawsuit aQainst SoutheY"n Pacific railY"oad, aut :"10Y" i:: at i 01" C' f pCI1:,j ha I I, downt own st 1'" ""et 5 torn uo, state reapportionment. ~ Wayne Sennett of San Ramon talks about the light rail symposium, new bus Y"oute1 Cal Hi homecoming, and South San Ramon Study committee. 3 Cathie Srown of LiveY"MoY"e talks about wateY" Y"ates, housing implE.-mentaion pY"ogram winnE.-ys1 and Contra Costa gaY"bage. 4 Pete SnydeY" of Dublin talks about firE.-woY"ks sales. Shannon Center dedication, art books on disclay. and reapportionment pian. Eack tc scriool in the vall ey. LiveY"more Schools update. LiveY"moY"e school budget cuts counseloY"s. Mustang giveaway in LiveY"more. New buildings foY" San Ramon school distY"ict. Bus fE.-es foY" San Ramon school distY"ict. New County Connection bus fees in ContY"2 CC':3ta county. Democrats host Labor Day picnic in F'!E.-asanton. LiveY"moY"e vintneY"s host HaY"vest Wine Festiva! . Tragic infant death in Dublin. TaY"ver and MercE.-Y" talk about lawsuit lockout. San Ramon candidate sues city. California Highway Patrol gE.-ts new weapons. T~e CenteY" in Pleasanton gets new director. Meeting foY" housing al locations. FiY"e in LiveY"moY"E.-, but no chaY"ges filed. Fire in Las Trampas. UpscalE.- flea maY"ket pY"oposed toY" LiveY"more. F'age 1 . r-'~ or' r ,30m ._._._.......::1__...... ....__.... 80/ i=J:C r.le'...": . I [, ( d a t ~ :) . ,". ~_m_._~.~' ..m'_' no n..._ ,---.-... SI:!: . .:; ':.... I~ :':" '"fi ,.~ ".:,' ~ "::' "~' ~ .__~.._.........".~P~~_?~;...r.:..A.. q~:;...;__.~;~!:L.........~__...._ 91/09,'02 :9 Scorts: Mik~ Pa~lawski, Ca.! ouaY"terbac!-::. 1?1/r)'3/{)3 2f) SOI"):r-ts:: TI:lrD~I\1 tjardel ':;. :. ,: e, ';:. " 0 3 :2 1 S P 0:. ',' t :" : :! \? f f GaY" e i a . S d n J c, s \? S tat e C~I~t2.'i....t e~'-bi:?.C:<.. '~I : 1/ ()I::l / (~2 '? :L .,.f () ';i ./ () 3 I~ ~ ./ i"','::; ....- i-'I"":" ..,/ ....- ....._ I "...."...... '~~i :L ./.:) I~ .,/ (:1 ~ ......'.-1 ~..;.. .-t~ ...;:.~ '~I ... .;;. '4" '-,r.;;"" 5:::)0"" t ~:::.: John 1\ B I Uj':.-rfloon 1\ Od,:,m ?!~asantGn Pas~a FestIva! needs volunteers. P!easanton Art Leaqu~ invit~s artists to c:~ :~. ~. tj ! ,'::\ V \.i :::! r' k ':~~ " 13:~ ..'()I:;I/C.2 ':;.. 1. / 0 ':: ,: 0:3 :..::~, Co u b ! :i.:1 c f I' *1' 5 a c~ u I t bas k e t: b ii:'. ~: and ~s 0 f t b a I I . F\10~S2tltl~t'l Playhouse tl:1 ,~f.f~r in~~i'~~~~~(~1~1.t l~!ass~s~ st;y- i ng\?d 91/09/03 31 San Ramon offers special Giants Day game. 91/09/03 32 San Ramon taking applications for South San Ramon Study Committee. MuY"al on Pleasanton bY"ijge is pY"oposed. Livermore School DistY"iet opens Leo CY"oce sch,:,,:, I . Kid Safety at San Ramon schools. RobbeY"y at EaY"1 Anthony bowl in Dublin. New bus line in San Ramon. People pol I in San Ramon. GY"ant Line Ro~d rape. Brick muY"deY"er is sentenced. San F'amon Police get money from Safeco Insurance for drug-free promotions to schools. City of Livermore HIP Plan. Livermore looks at low-cost housing progY"am. Sick-out at Pleasanton DMV. Dublin gets customeY" Y"elations seminaY". Question and answers foY" San Ramon committee. BART agreement reached. New We! Is School gym in Dublin. City loans school district money for gym in Pi ~asa\nton. Sports: Russel I White, Cal AI I AmeY"ican Pleasanton swaps land with school dietY"iet. SpoY"ts: Ron TurneY" Sports: Hishimori ColaY", Safety, San Jose Stai;e ':;1 1/ () '3 / () 3 13 1. / () ';:. ./ ~) 3 '3 1 ,I~) 13 / () 3 '3 1/0'3/05 - '31/0'3/05 ..::. '31/0'3/05 3 '31/0'3/05 4 '31/0'3/05 5 '~1 /(>'? /()S 6 '31/0'3/05 7 9 1 /0'3/05 8 '31/0'3/05 '3 '? 1 /0'3/05 10 '31/0':1'/05 1 1 '31/0'3/05 1'-' '31/0'3/05 1"" ..:;, 91/0'3/05 14 ';:"1/0'= /05 15 '31/0'3/05 16 '31/09/05 i7 ... . '31/0'3/05 18 '31 /0'3/05 '1 I::' ... ~ 91/0'3/05 2() '31/0'=/05 21 .-....'!' .-,.......... ""':'0 .-:.,~ ..;.. ~ 20 ,:~d Lt ! .!:; '2-~ i:':\ t i ()tl ~-; i \.:J n "~L'.iJ 13 i n :S'L~C! 1 n .. Dub!in offeY"5 square ~anee lessons. LAPpe offers sign-ups for adults. LAPPD offeY"s health caY"e scY"eening foY" "3.s"'n i CI..... S.. ,6liYlan i Toomer, D,e- La Sa I I e Hi gh '31/09!(~5 22 SOOy'ts: ':;.:L /0'3/0::: '31/0':;'/05 '31/0':3/05 '31/0'3/0::: sc hell:l! .. 23 Wayside Park conceY"t in Pleasanton. 24 MineyaI and Gem show in Pleasanton 25 Liv0ymOre WoodcaY"veY"'s show. 26 City of Dublin blood drive. Page- 2 . .' '. ::: j,';:::"""; .~"(fIC .;~.... l ,-:-:.'-::. I F::~r:g9L.~I:':'____.___...__......", ~. Pm.(:_g,:,;~t.#._)._ 9..:I!.... '.._____._'....._.._._~.._........._..____.~_..._.P e .S=.!.~;._r.,.~J;:J.t.L::;:~I:J._..,...,._.__._.__...._..__..__..._......-.._-~...-....-.._-.- ~3() / 6~3 () 1\1~,2-'.rJ-3 '::;.' .!. ./ ':) 1::1 / () S '? 1,1 ()'::: / ()'S ':;'1,/0'3/05 '-::J 1 /09/ 10 '? 1 / ()I::,' / 1 () ';1 :~ / () ':;..:' / 1 () '3 1 /' () '::;; / 1 0 ';3:i. /0':;' / 10 'J :~ / 0 ';: / 1 0 131 /()';I/ 1 () ':;1 1 / 0 '3./ 1 () '3 1 / {) '3 / 1. () '31 /0'3/ 10 '31/0'3/ 10 '31/0'3/ 10 '31/0'3/10 '3 1 /0'31 1 0 '31/0'3/10 91 1 O'-::J / 10 'j 1/(j'3/ 1 () '3 1 /0'::' / 1 0 ':'11/0'3/10 '31/09/10 '31/0'3/10 '31/09/10 '3 1 /0'3/ 1 0 '-::Jl/0'3/10 '31/0'3/10 '31/0';'./ 10 '31/0'3/10 '31/0'3'/ 10 '31/0'3/ 12 '31/0'3/12 Ij 1 /<),?/ 12 '31./09/12 '31/0'3/ 12 '31/0'3/12 '31./09/1'-' '3 1 /0'3/ 1 2 '31/09/12 '31/0'3/12 '31/0'3/12 '31/0'3/ 12 '31/ O'? / 12 '31/0'3/12 '31/0'3/12 '3 1 1 <) '3/1 2 '31./0'3/12 ~. [lb!in summ~rf~st. =8 Danny Foundation benefit run. ~~ Chorus auditions in San Ramen. 1 Grape HaY"vest in va! ley. 2 Sta'te Assembly districts discussed. 3 Fireworks in Dublin. 4 Cont r' a Co.~t a C,:,unt y q",\l~ b,:':\ge st i I It.," uc k=':! tc ,~: ": ,"\I"(ICi'~ ':;. ~ Liiermo~e talks about water rates. _ E2rthcuak~ report. , C:~ws a big envi:~~~nr~erl.tal Issue ir1 San Rarrlon. 2 P0;::tp!e ~o!: in Sa~ F:~rr;~~lt.~y '3 Pl::!W~l~ ti~'l~S dour) it1 LiYer~II~Y~" 10 Bus signs missing in San Ramon. 11 P!easanton muY"al mysteY"y. 12 D~blin pY"oposes handicap park. 13 Books on display in Dublin. 14 SpoY"ts: Cal Vs. Pacific footbal I 15 Sports: StanfoY"d and Washington footbal 15 SI:orts: Cal i fc,rnia vs. nc,rthgate. 17 M..:,vis- Y"..::-vie'"". 18 Pleasanton sponsoY"s Giants game trip. 19 Resources for Family Dev..::-lopment sponsoY"s NordstY"om fashion show. 20 Foothil I-Amador orientation. 21 Dublin pY"e-school stoY"ytime. ?? Dublin senior 'days. 23 Parents Without PaY"tneY"s dance. 24 AAUW caregivers foY"um in LiveY"moY"e. 25 Ansel Adams display at LLNL visitoY"s centeY". 26 BJ Shaw painting show in Livermore. 27 Music instY"uctOYS needed in San Ramon. 29 B.~ttle of Bands in San Ramon. 1 Ne'..J assembl y distY"icts in vall ey. ~ Body found at SupeY" 8 Motel. 3 White fly infestation. 4 EAF.:T party delayed. 5 Shopper hit by a pipe. t:, HIF' pi ans in vall ey. 7 Dublin low-cost housing. 8 Bil I Buck retires. 9 LiveY"moY"e school budget. 10 A'fte~ sl:hool caye in San Ramon. 11 FutLlre kids. 12 PY"e Pasta Days festival in Pleasanton. 13 DougheY"ty val ley planning for schools. 14 Sp01" t '":; = B! ao:: kha'""ks va. ':;t '( i keY s-'AF'SL 5,::0:: C e'!'" pi ayof f'5. 15 5p01"t5: 15 SpoY"ts: 17 SPOY"t'5: San F'amon vs. D..::- la Sal Ie footba! 1. Granada vs. mcC!ymonds footbal I. Bruce SnydeY", Cal Head footbal I F'ag..::- 3 . .. j I, I; I .., I : - .. I e.r:_9~q!~..~I)'L 19_ .....(_ge:tr;.).. ~_it 80/580 f\.1E.>',.,IS '31/0'3/ 12 '3 :L / (' '3 / 1 ...., ij 1/()'3/ 1. 2 ':;; 1/ 0 '3 / 1 .-, '31. / ()'~;,/ 1 ,-, '3 1 / C' I:) ./ 1 '.2 1;,1~. ..' C.IJ i 1:2 ':;i 1 ./.:) 13 / 1 2 '3 :!. ..-'~) I:i /" 1 :2 ...... 1 /~ () ':;: / 1 2 '3 t /0'3 / 1 7 '3 1/0 '3/ 1 "7 '31/0'3/ 1 7 '31/ O'=: /1 7 '31/0'3/17 '31/0':1/17 '31/0':1 /1 7 '31/0'3/17 '3 1/0'3/1 7 ':11/0'3117 '31/0'; 11 7 '31/0'3/17 '31/0'3/1' '3 1/ 0'311 7 '3 1 / 0 ':: / 1 7 '31/0'3/17 1=11l(}I~/ 1"7 '3 1 /0'3/1 7 '3 1 / 0'3 ;' 1 7 '31/0'3/17 '31/0'3/1 7 ':11/0'3/17 '31/0'3/ 1 "7 '31/0'"3/17 '3 1 /0 '311 7 1=1/C1'?/17 '31/0'3/17 '31/0'3/17 '31/0'3/17 '31/0'3/ 1 7 '31/0'3/1 7 '3 1 / (:. '3 / 1 ~ '31/0';; /1 - I~ :!. / () '? / :: - '31/0'3/17 '::11/0'3/-- . ~.. . I ~::J ~~!J ~; :::,... f(lO ';: :" I ::. .~:, I ... ,.; "." "' ._r_....~..'_m......._~....~._.n.-~... ..._......_.._..._. ....__P _~.?;:;.X~_tP..:tj_9r.L........_.__.._............_....__._--_..__....._--'"..~--- ..- 18 1 I~ ... ~ :.: l':lJ:~C h S\:1::::",...t<5: Splri.nt ,:::.c;.,\r \",,".C,~s 1~1o,/i.::- Y"e'li ;::,',J ~.J e"? k ,~n C 1" i'.:- [J 0::0 r- t F.::-stiva! of th.::- arts. Wayside Park conc~rt In Pleasanton. P!easanton/San Ramon days at Candlestick F'.,,:\," k .. '-;'j-', 21 .....,.-, .-.,..., -~ 2,:+ Ci"ty I:["f Live;"rf~I~Y'e t,~wr'~ :(,e~'~i:~'g~ Li~ermQre Poi ice Decartment barbecuE.>. Battle =~ bands i~ S3n P~MGn.. .-:'C:::-: ....~ --:.~: 27 F'leasar1t~~tl F'as.ta F~s,ti~:al 1 Smog levels high in LiveY"more. .... Fe-op i <:'.:- F'o! I in Li ve'( HIOY" '2'. 3 Accidents kil I two va! le-y te&ns. 4 LegionnaiY"es disease. 5 LiveY"moY"e aiY"man kit led. 6 San Ramon woman is KuY"dish hostage. 7 King to be in Dublin next wE.>ek. 8 Pleasanton tY"ies to y".::-coup criminal booking f.::-es. 9 Las positas opening. No RosS, No WalMaY"t in LivE.>Y"more State reapportionment update. Bil I BeY"ck Y"etirement. Lioryt Y"ai I seminar in San F:arrlon. Ne~spaperman Walt Hecox dieS. RobbeY"y at Rir~~r ~~~~~~ng centE.>Y". Mot;::,1 8 death update. Big pumpkin in LiveY"more. Spo.(ts: ArrleY"ican at Califcl\~nia SpoY"ts: AY"Y"oyo vs. fc,othi II SpoY"ts: puY"due at CaiifoY"nia FY"iday Night I ive in vall ey. MI:,vi e r evi e'''''. Dog aud it i c'ns. Pasta Festival in Pleasanton. Financial semi naY" at AmadoY" Savings. PaY"ents Without PartneY"5 holds estate planning seminaY". New PMS gym open to public. Hope Hospice offeY"s courses. FY"iends of LibraY"y membership dY"ive. SycamoY"e GY"ove tY"ails in LiveY"more. Opening on Livermore heY"itage preseY"vation I: orMni ss i ,:,n. ToastmasteY"5 workshops in Livermore. San Ramon senioY" games. San Ramon red.::-'lelopment meeting. SpoY"ts injuY"ies seminaY" at San Ramon. 1 Light rail seminaY" in San Ramon. 10 11 12 13 1 ':.1- 15 15 . i 18 :.. '3 2C) .-, " ..::... ~I'-:I .a:...~ ,-,.t"j ~";:; 24 ,-,e' ..::...J 26 27 28 2'3 30 31 ,I"""j.-, ,,;;;..:.:.. ........... ~~ 3.C!. ...,c:- ..:J,.J Pag+? 4 . 1:~r.~;;.gX_~_r.!L..______""_.___ IP___J__9_~l:~.,~}_ 9_:::t:. '80/680 NIi.",..Js ';'1. /l)'?/:!. 13 I;) :L I J (~I~ / 1 'j t~1 1 / (~ ';: / 1'2 ';. 1 :' 0 '3 / 1 '3 I=' 1 /~) '3 / 1'3 ,::, 1 1,.-, ,::, / 1 ,::, ...I ... I ..' _ I ..I. oJ 'J:I. /O'~7./ l '3 '~. :L / C"~ 1/ 1 ';:; ':::j -I / '-','::. / i .::, ...I ..... " .~ oJ, ~...,..I '31 /0':;:/ :!. .-', , .t I:J ., /n'::; I 1'3 . -- _ J. .. '_" ~ I - ..... '31 /t)'3/ 1'3 . --. .L ....~ '31 /0'3/ :!. '? 14 '31/0'3/ 1'3 15 '31 /0'3/ 1 ':;' 16 '31 /0'3/ 1 ':;' 17 '31 /0'3/ 1 '3 18 '31/0'3/ of I~ 1 '3 .I. _ '31 10'3/ 1 '3 1 '3 '31/0'3/1'3 20 91 10'31 1 ':;' .-:' 1 .....~ ':;'1/0'3/ 1 '3 -- 91 10'3/24 1 '31/0'3/24 - '31 /0'3/::: ...t ..;:, '31/0'3/24 .. '.,. I~'! /0'3/24 5 - .t. '31/0'3/24 6 t~ 1 l (-~I~ .I "'"":',;,t 7 -' .... I .~. ...I I _ , C.J'1 /()I? /:24 8 _ J. 91/0'3/24 '3 '31/0'3/24 1 0 '31 /0'3/24 1 1 '31/0'= /24 12 '31/(:"3/24 . --. ......~ '31/0'3/24 14 '31/0'3/24 15 'j 1 /0'3/24 :6 '31/0'3/24 1 7 '31/0'3/24 18 91/0'3/24 1 '3 '31/0'3/24 20 '31/0'3/24 21 '31 IO'=- /24 ,,,,,:,,-:, .....- 91/0'3/24 '-11"""\ ~...;; I;' 1 /0'= 124 24 . :: ':.... !.~ "; ~"r(l;.:; .:: :" __P~_2",;x::j"_p~~ _;gn__...._..__._,_,..._.,.....__.._.._____.,_...._._"...___.__m Accident updat~= in P!e2santon and Li~eYmcr2. _ r.;::ub'l 1-:::.! l.s t-J in l::':"'/ i ;., !.... i. v oi2\-- 1"11'::\" .... 4 Sucervisor Mary Yi~~ visits Dublin. ~ U~date on San Franci3~0 Water DistY"ict p~'" CIP (:.";... ~:; ~l . is \'.'3! I;~--/ jvlel"l"IO\" :i. :"\ i !-!CI!::,D ::.I_~ -"', : 30t h ann i V\~""(' ':5;"\ Y' y . W2ter ~2v~r letters in P!easanton. E ~I~r~ ~(:~:s 1'")0eded irl Dublj.:l~ I~ :'~'::I~~e H!:!scil:e tl~' l::'ffs!' ~'~1=~~'12 l:dY'~ Sell":it'laY" 1t-) AY'riv2! ,:'f d0!~g2.t~~; f:rl:lffi F'l~asan.t'~r'l Sist~r r::~-t:/. S:'~at'lni~~' ~:'2rl.:: pr2vi2~:~ C:',<,! in Ple-asanton caus.?s '5t~,y". Dog auditions for Pleasanton Playhouse. Wayside park conceY"t in P!easanton. Dan'li II e ,~I"t5 Festival. ' Nostalgia Day at Livermore C of C. Nordstrom Fashion Show for RFD. SenioY" games at al I senioY" ce-nteY"s. Pleasanton CultuY"al Arts to have CelebY"acion de Ie,s Ninos. Sports: Lincoln at Dublin Sports: schedule gY"aphic Sports: Jason Kidd Sports: Mike Pawkaski Beat the Backup. Dense smog in tri-val ley. ~eapportionment in val ley, an update. Dublin considers elected mayor. F'0i2':'P I e :-'0 i I: Dub! in oS'! ':?': -':; ed mayor. Sign oY"dinance law in LiveY"moY"e. Mt.-l vin Bel! i to Y"epY"t-set.~t Dubl in woman. LivermoY"':? candidates foY"urn. Dublin School Board candidates. MaY"y King in Dublin Police chief exchange in val ley. HistoY"ic housli.' to be saved in LiveY"moY"e. Bee r~mova! in Pleasat,tcr1M Shannon Park dedication. Pleasanton ChildY"en's Festival. Sports: Las Positas women's socceY" Sports: LiveY"moY"e vs. McClymonds footbal SpoY"ts: EBAL scoY"eboaY"d. Sports: Dr. B's sweet 10 SooY".t -3: L i VE..Y" flK'Y" e vs. Arflad.:,Y" 9 i r I ' sse": c f.oY" Tulancingo SisteY" City celebration in F'I easant c'n. DaY"cie. singer for childY"en, at Pleasanton Library. Val ley Surgical Center to hold fY"ee exams. FY"ederickson School has label-saving Fla';;8- 5 . . ,. \... ., ~ :::" ~ 1"1 i': ;: " - ," j P' 1~ '29.r...::;l!:~)~___._..___._ JP.._~LcL~:~_.?_L s .!* ...'_____..__...__.._"...m......__.__...~...._.__Q..:.~_?..~;x".Lp_tt._~:.~n..m.__~__...,_,..._..._~m'....._.._.._._.._m__~___.... I;:} :L ,/ (: tj ./ ::: .+ ;2(~'/ G8{) i'1-l:;:I..Js I': :'~r(:;:J a::. (;; :.... II . .'i-, '3 :L / C ':: / :::::.01- ':;,. :L /0 '3 /24 -",":'c::" I.t~~ s~ ';;nLtO~: i :.~ DLtb: i :." II D~~! in rec~eation department has classes. T~~nt~-j~ar ~eunion at Liv~rmore High. .-,-' 91/()t?;,12.4 '~IP LARPD !~'f'f0~rs classes. ....' '?:~/!()IJ:12t:; -,j~ M,~t:~~ey~s t~'f Twins ulee'ti~1q ir1 Sat1 Rarrll)tl. '?1/(:)'~/2E 1 U~! lr1scel:ti,~ns i~1 Ira~. r~ -I ./ ,'-', I;:; ..- '-:1 t: ...I .'.: "." _ I ,b'--"" ':?:L / C)l~ ~/ 26 '3 1 / (:,~ / 2/; '=:L / .:),~ /'- :2S '= 1 / (:1'3 / :2E. '31/0'3/25 "7 ':j 1 ,I ()'::: /:::6 ,...., ;:J 91/0'3/26 '3 '31/09/25 1.0 '31/0'3/25 1 1 '31/09/25 1'-' '31/0'3/25 13 '31/0'3/25 14 '31/0'3/25 15 91/0'3/25 15 '31/0'3/25 17 '31/0'3/25 18 131 /\)'~/2E '31/0'3/25 '31/0'3/26 '3 1/0 '3/2 6 all ey Fc,rurn '31/0'?/12 '31/0'=/22 'he 'Va! I ey Gal~dener '31/0';0/05 'alley Magazine '?1/0'~;/10 '31/0'3/10 '::"1 /0':;- / 1 (: '? 1/0'3/ 1 C' '31/0'3:' 10 '3 1 / (' '= / 1 0 'our Schools 91/09/23 ....~ '.j /i :.,~ c: ~;;:. a i t; ~':'.\ : c! :::i 1:,:3 :i. (~~ s h ~.~\ './ ';: i i"i'l P E:' C 1; () r-j I~:~ \/ t: Y. fi'1 (:1 r -t~ ~./ j.\ !-.; :::; ':;~. j:: ita ! 3 /'~ ~ :,~ 1::1 s .~ 2. ;'~ -=\ ~ Ll P d d -t: .2 II .:.]. ::::,",.~~ F'(."l~'~(:is;::c' Cui i~':.;:..xy Institut.:;:. 5 F~!e,~=al..~t::!~"l WI~:'fI2tl i:~ l:ag2" _ Par~ I: - Va! ley Memorial Hospital, 30th anr~ i "/el'" saY' y. BART Dublin extension. "S,.:ai'" !""t" s;;,,1 es in Liv8'i~more. LivermoY"e considering second moY"tgage p\~ogY"am. VoteY" registY"atiotl in valley. California High dedication in San Ramon. RobeY"t LiveY"more PaY"k pY"eview. Sports: De Anza vs. GY"anada Sports: Cal Hi vs. Monte Vista girl's vol I..:::ybal I. SPCIj"ts: T,:,dd Steussie, Ca.1 ta.:kl e. Movit? Y"eview. DaY"cie at Pleasanton LibY"ary. ENERG Y"ock group to give Pleasanton conceY"t -:B.t Vet's ha I I . :9 Jazz groups at AmadoY" Theater. 20 CotlceY"t of classics at Unitarian Church. 21 Dedication of RobeY"t LiveY"more Park. 22 Business Women's NetwoY"k to hold sale. Media Roundtable with Dawn GordneY", Public Affairs DiY"ectoY", Community Televison; Tim Hunt, Associate EditoY", Tri-Val ley HeY"ald; Sob Gol I, Managing EditoY", The Val ley Times. 1 Dublin School BoaY"d c3ndidates Cindy Cobb-Adams, Lt?nora Hal mes, James Padtterson, Larry Chava~ria, Patricia Meyer and SheY"i 1,.Jright. September in the GaY"den with Jacquie Wil Iiams Courtright. 1 Romanian children find a family in LivermoY"e. _ A pY"ofile of DY". EdwaY"d Tel leY" of LLNL, Li ve'l'" rllCir.e. 3 Cooki~g with Mudd's RestauY"ant in San Ramon. 4 A murdeY" mysteY"y in San Ramon. 5 A look at fal I's newest fashion accessoY"ies. I; Making chocolate. YouY" Bond Dol laY"s at WoY"k with Dr. BusteY" Page I; . . :::;::e:~'; ,,'ll"d::: .j ;" L 'Y::~ I:L',;;.9..r..;'\.Q:!-_...._..__..._..._...._UL__~; d ~~_Et2.. ~t!.._..._.___.___._.__..__D e2~Li...P-_:L:Ls:~1_..._.._._-"_.__._._._.._-_._._---- ~::. L~ '(" 3 (: :. ~ 1,:11':: : :.= McCurtain, Assistant Sup~Y"intendent, Business. Parenting ti~sf study time ys. homework assignments with Connie Bishop, Counselor. Foothil I Hi~~ School. Meet a MentoY": EarthfaiY" pY"oject with LarY"yRose. science teacher, Pleasanton Middle School. Pag€'- 7 . . Community T~i~vl~on P~0du~ti0n Oct ,:,b t'-l" 1 '3'31 ~ . I"". ~~A I:J 1:11'''' ::: p r _'2 (:~ r.!.~.!n.____.._ l~L!~~ ilJL!...L ~1! __.__...__n"....____._.__..._....__._____._____._p..!t~.I!~:;..Lt~1t.t9.rl_.___..__....__._"__..__....____...______ Let's Talk Sports 91/10/01 '31/10/15 91/10/2'3 May.:')"' s FepQrt '31/10/01 '31/10/01 '31/10/01 '3 1 / 1 0/0 1 '31/10/2'3 1 '31/10/2'3 .-, ..::. '31/10/2'3 3 '31/10/2'3 4 580/680 News 91/10/01 1 '31/10/01 '~I ..... '31/10/01 3 '31/10/01 4 91/10/01 5 91/10/01 6 '31/10/01 7 '31/10/01 8 '31/10/01 '3 '31/10/01 10 '31/10/01 11 '31/10/01 1'-' ..::. '31/10/01 13 91/10/01 14 '31/10/01 15 91/10/01 16 '31/10/01 17 '31/10/01 18 '31/10/01 1 '3 GUE'st is Steve- Mi II ard, ....'eight tY"ainey' and ~5tl"ength coach. Guest is Oakland Raidt'-Y" tight E'nd. Guest is Te-rY"y Shea. San Jose State footbal I coach. Ken Mercer of Pleasanton talks about the Ruby Hi I Is anne:l;ation1 and the San F-,an,::isco W;::\'c,:2-, District Property. Cathie BY"own of Livermore talks about the sion law. WaIMaY"t, and the second moY"tgage p ,.- c, g r a fl" . 3 Pete Snyder of Dublin talks about the pY"oposal foY" an elected mayoY", affoY"dable housing, Shannon Center dedication. 4 Wayne Sennett of San Ramon talks about the Alcosta Mal I pY"opeY"ty redevelopment, South San Ramon committee appointments, and the California High dedication. Wayne Sennett of San Ramon talks about bus service to south San Ramon, and the BART festivities at Pac Bell. Pete Snyder of Dublin talks about his trips to the USSR and Canada, and Red Ribbon Week. Ken MerceY" of Pleasanton talks about the new city ban on cigarette vending machines, and the Pleasanton BAF'T groundbreaking. Cathie Brc,wn of Li.'I-=-y"~:':'::-: -tal ks ab,:,ut tht.' League of CalifoY"nia Cities meeting, and LiveY"more's response to the Oakland fires. Book ban problem in San Ramon. Effect on LLNL of weapons agreements. People pol I: peace gY"oup. Pleasanton School District test scoY"es. Dublin man sentenced in rape. Dublin Friends of the LibY"ary sponsors spt.-cial event. No COOking school in Livermore. Dublin woman pleads innocent to cY"ime. Livermore woman in cage. Opening of RobeY"t Livermore Park. Jeff HaY"vey honored in Pleasanton. Val ley VolunteeY" CenteY" sponsors 5th annual CEO dinner. Skate San MoY"itz show. SpoY"ts: Blackhawks vs. Albany championship. SpoY"ts: AmadoY" vs. Verba Buena H.S. football. 580/680 Scoreboard SpoY"ts: Stanford - Colorado col lege footbal I Pigskin Roast at Amador High School. Pleasanton Safety FaiY". 1 .-, ..::. Page 1 prQqram 580/680 Ne',o,/s . . C~llnl'fIL~nity T(~l !~\I.~.jl~rl P~~'I,JCu~~~:zrl I~l~~l.~r: 1~~_9.~ t !tl 9.!t 91/10/01 20 ':31/10/01 21 '31/10101 """:1'''''':' ..........:... '31/10/01 23 ':31/10/01 2'~1- '31/10/01 25 '31/10/01 26 '31/10/01 27 91110/03 1 '31/ 10 I 03 - '3 :1./1 0 I 03 ':\ '-' '31/10/03 4 91/10/03 5 '31/10/03 6 '31/10/03 7 '31/10/03 8 '31/10/03 '3 '31/10/03 10 '31/10/03 1 1 91110103 12 '31/10/03 13 '31/10/03 14 '31/10 I 03 15 '31/10/03 16 '31/1 (> I 03 17 91110103 18 '31/10/03 1 '3 '31/10/03 20 '31/10/03 21 91110103 22 '31/10/03 23 91110103 24 '31/10/02 '-Ie "::"...J '31/10/03 26 '31/10/03 27 91/10/03 28 91/10/03 '-;:"=t -~ '31/10/08 1 '31/10/08 ,-, ..::.. '31/10/08 3 '31/10/08 4 91110/08 5 91/10/08 6 '31/10/08 7 '31/10/08 8 91110108 '3 '31/10 I 08 10 October 1'3'31 ________._______D~~f..r..i.!;l..:tl9.tl___.._______ Dublin Fine AY"ts Council has books for sale. Dublin Senior CenteY" is doing radio theater. LiveY"more AY"ts Counci I sponsors aY"ts festival. LLNL sponsoY"S lectuY"e seY"ies. LARPD looking to Y"elocate. San Ramon sponsoY"s aY"ts festival. San Ramon library sponsors book sale. San Ramon Fire District sponsors open house. G;;:~te'.....ay Py.,::.ject. Li venfloye gets F'G~(E c:!o:<1 laY"s. Continued budget cuts in Liveymore School Diet'dc-t. Mel lo-Roos bil I at Lab. Continuing series on LLNL. Used oil can be disposed of at Kragen Auto in Dub I in. TY"i-Val ley Haven to build new facility in Li vey' rn,:,r e. Jogger hit in Livermoye. San Ramon School District lunch pY"ogram. Dr. Eva Long now in SacY"amento. Flea problem in val ley. San Ramon Fite District pY"eview. The latest in blonde jokes. SpOyts: Livermore vs. Stagg H.S. Sports~ Granada vs. TY"acy H.S. Spc,rts: Prep fCII:,tba I I s,:I''ledLII €:'. SpoY"ts: Sweet 10 Sports: Vol leybal I, Monte Vista SpoY"ts: Vol leybal I, Amador vs. SpoY"ts: Vol I leybal I, Amador vs. SpoY"ts: tennis, Amador-Granada Movie review. LiveY"moY"e Art Festival. San Ramon Arts Festival this weekend. AmadoY" High Pigskin Y"oast. Cal High homecoming this weekend. San Ramon LibY"ary book sale. Pleasanton Safety FaiY". RegisteY" to vote. Disclosure of Livermore's top wateY" users. People pol I about wateY" usage. Ab,:,Y" t i ,:,n issue. Paint gun shooting in Pleasanton. Assemblyman Bil I Baker in San Ramon. Doolan Canyon pY"operty in dispute again. Lab staffeY"s go to Iraq. Pleasanton cheerleader in accident. Fake $20 bil Is circulating in San Ramon. Livermore to look at new senior centeY" vs. GY"anada Gr at'lada Ca I i f ':'Y" r'l i a Page 2 p r '2.9.!:.5\- m 580/680 News . . C () rn l'I'l Lll"1 ~ : ~/ "r ~~ I .~2' ''/ l .5 I':' r~ := ~.. 1:1 d Ll C t~ :i. I:! n j::;: ~~ p '.:; r" t 0,: t.::,b ey' 1 '3'31 IP.__.JQ?- t;.e ) ~!!:. ___..____________pe..2.!;.rj..R.:!: i ,:)tL....__. '31/10/08 11 '31/10/08 12 '31/10/08 13 '31/1 (1/08 14 '31/10/08 15 '3 1 ! 1 0/08 16 '31/10/08 17 '31/10/08 18 '3:1./10/08 1 ';;;1 '31/10/08 20 '31/ 10/08 21 '31/10/08 .-'0-' ",;,;.",;,;. '31/10/08 .-j....1 ...::....a::. '31/10/08 .-11"""'1 "'::"..:J '31/10/08 24 '31/10/08 '-jt::' "::"....J '31/10/08 25 '31/10/08 27 '31/10/08 28 '31/10/08 2'3 '31/10/08 30 '31.'::'0, I" ... 1 J. "._." 91/10/10 .-, ..::.. 91/10/10 3 91/10/10 4 '31/10/10 5 '31/10/10 5 '31/10/10 7 91/10/10 8 '31/10/10 '3 '31/10/10 10 '31/10/10 11 '31/10/10 1'-' ..::.. '31/10/10 13 '31/10/10 14 '31/10/10 15 91/10/10 15 '31/10/10 17 '31/10/10 18 '31/10/1e 19 '31/10/10 20 '31/10/10 21 '31/10/1(, --:1"-;' .......... 91/10/10 23 proposa I . Honh..1 E:'SiS in the val ley rJ'lay find shel teY". Grazing issue in Contra Costa County. Update on injuY"ed woman joggeY". Sports: Foothi II at Liv....rmoY"e H.S. footbal SpoY"ts: Mont... Vista at Amador High footbal I SpoY"ts: 580/680 scoreboaY"d. Sports: Dr. B's Sweet 10 Sports: Nodtre Dame at StanfoY"d Fire station opens in San Ramon. FiY"e safety in Pleasanton. San Ramon AY"ts festival this weekend. Wel Is Middle School to sponsoY" dY"op-in pl'ogram. Dublin Chamber to hold TY"ade Show. San Ramon accepting applications foY" ContY"a Costa County's Council on Aging. San Ramon starting youth oY"chestra. Pleasanton taking applications foY" Design F:evi ew B.:,ard. FaiY"lands School to present parent workshop. Val leyCare to hold auxiliary open house. LiveY"more Library to offer literacy tutor trainit1g. LARPD to present Haunted Open House. PY" 00. 13 gc,es to St at e SLlpY" eme CC'Llr t . Pt':':'o I e F'o I I on PY" op . 13. Lawsuit oveY" Vistea San Ramon and Bishop F.:at1C h. Slipping house in Pleasanton. Discussion of sexual haY"Y"assment. San Ramon chicken. Ovid Holmes poison oaks. Golden Eagle FaY"ms lawsuit. Problems with Dublin's Vii lage Parkway. LiveY"mOY"e proposes paY"cel tax. Mexican market in LiveY"more. LLNL EneY"gy Fair. SpoY"ts: Dublin and ArY"oyo DY". B's Sweet 10. Sports: Play schedule Sports: Monte Vista - Amador girl's tennis Sports: Granada-Foothil I giY"I's tennis. Frankenstein at ChildY"en's TheateY" Workshop. Dancing to LARPD big band dance. F:anger wi II I ead hi ke up PI easanton F.:idge. Quilting bee at UC Berkeley museum. Dublin library book sale. Gita KaY"asik to be Del Val Ie Fine Arts aY"tist. Page 3 . . ::..:: i"1 I l"i"l L::' ~ ~ :;,' ,'':: 'I' 'I':;: '.::' n e)" ,.:;, d l.l '.::'.~ .L '.::' t l F: ~:: p '.::' r- t Oct c,b er 1 '3'31 f.:L!2.9.r al!L_._,_ IP'_-.J.Q~j;5~ s -I! ___._____n_.____p._~~i.12. t t~:::':2..-___ ,.__________ 24 Ardenwood Harvest Festival. GY"antwriting workshop at Val ley VolunteY" Center at Dublin Civic CenteY". Local Y"eaction to Thomas decision. Sexual haY"Yassment chaY"ges against Thomas. Maj ':'Y" sp i I I c I ,:,ses I ':": a I f1' ~?e'..Jay. Freeway shootings in val ley. NitY"ous oxide theft in Pleasanton. Council appointment probe in San Ramon. Dublin requests Doo!an Canykon in sphere. Russians visit commerical real estate in F'I easanton. Miss AmeY"ica at San Ramon Safeway. City and RotaY"y work on Pleasanton aY"royo p'(oject. Lab has eneY"gy faiY". Oktoberfest in San Ramon. Spc.rts: Cal i f,:.n1ia at Mc,nte Vista f:::'C1tball. SpoY"ts: LiveY"moY"e at Amador footbal I Sports: 580/680 scoreboaY"d Sports: Oregon at CalifoY"nia col lege footbal I Sports: Ohlone Col lege at Las Positas women's SCll: ': eY" . Movie review. Livenl' firefighteY"s h,::! d softball benefit. PaY"k and Y"ecY"eatiCln opening in San Ramon. EmpoweY"ing PaY"ents seminar in San Ramon. San Ramon Col lege Fair. Bi II BeY"ck gives edLII:ation forum for AAUW. Foothill High Schc,,::! fal,:,:,n feast fundY"aiser. Livermore Prop. C parcel tax. Thomas confiY"mation Y"eaction. PY"oblems with Pleasanton's Golden Eagle Far-rns. Pleasanton Y"eceives transportation awaY"ds. Zone 7 rate increase. Meeting on Highway 84. Red Ribbon Week in val ley. Widener arrested. Gateway Shopping CenteY" dispute. Sister City committee meets for San Ramon. San Ramon's 10th birthday. Sports: Foothil I at San Ramon footbal I SpoY" t s; S'..Jeet 10 Sports: Prep footbal I schedule SpoY"ts: Bruce Snyder, Cal Head coach. Sports: Sean Dankins, Cal Wide ReceiveY" SpoY"ts: Pleasanton Seahawks. Mc-vi e Y" evi ew. Gypsy at Pleasanton Playhouse. 580/680 News 91110/10 '31/10/15 '31/10/15 1 '31/10/15 .-, ..::. '3:l/10/15 3 '3 1/1 0 I 1 5 .< ~ '3 1 / 1 0; 1 5 r.::' .J '31/10115 5 '31/10/15 7 '3 1/1 0/ 1 5 0 w '31/10/15 '3 '31/10/15 10 '31/10/15 11 '31/10/15 1'-' ..::. '31/10/15 13 '31/10/15 14 '31/10/15 15 '31/10/15 16 '31/10/15 17 '31/10/15 18 91/10/15 1'3 91/10/15 20 91/10/15 21 '31/10/15 --:10-:1 ...:.......... 91/10/15 .-,I"""'t ...:..~ 91/10/15 24 '31/10/17 1 '31/10/17 ..::. '31/10/17 ..... ~ '31/10/17 .:.1- '31/10/17 5 '31/10/17 6 '31/10/17 7 91/10/17 8 '31/10/17 '3 '31/10/17 10 '31/10/17 11 '31/10/17 1'-' ..::. '31/10/17 1..... ..:;, '31/10/17 14 '31/10/17 15 '31/10/17 16 '31/10/17 17 91/10/17 18 '31/10/17 1'3 Page .::1. Er..9..9..rAf.!l____ 580/680 News . . C0mmunity Televiaon Production Report Oc tobel~ 1 '3'31 JJL....i. d a 1: eo ) ';. 1 / 1 0 / 1 7 '31/10/17 '~H / 1 0/ 1 7 ';. 1/1 0;' 1 7 ';. 1 / 1 0/ 1 7 '3:1./10/:1.7 ':;. 1 / 1 0 / 1 7 '31/10/17 91/10/17 '3:1./10/17 ':;. 1/1 (\ / 22 '31/10/22 '31/10/22 '31/10/22 91/10/22 '31/10/22 '31/10/22 91/10/22 '31/10/22 '3 1/1 0/22 '31/10/22 91/10/22 '31/10/22 91/10/22 '31/10/22 ':;:)1 /10/22 '31/10/22 '31/10/22 91/10/22 91/10/22 '31/10/22 91/10/22 '31/10/22 'Jl / 10/22 '31/10/22 91/10/22 91/10/22 91/10/24 '31/10/24 '31/10/24 '31/10/24 91/10/24 '31/10/24 '31/10/24 ~!t __________.___Desl: r i Cl t i '::itL__ 20 "Stepping Out" by Rcd;aY"y and SQY"optimist raises funds. Dublin High paY"ents to hold arts and crafts faiY". PleasantQn LibY"aY"y holds used book sale. PleasantQn Downtown AssociatiQn kicks off Red Pi bbQn Wef:.k. LARPD Golden Fol lies in Livermore. Retzlaff Winery holds open house. MulbeY"Y"y Branch holds GY"ape Escape. San Ramon celebrates 100th biY"thday. Philharmonic of NortheY"n California. Niles Canyon Railway to Y"un. Local effoY"ts to fight Oakland fires. Mcd;el fiY"e in LiveY"moY"e. San Ramon's Save Our Hil Is initiative. Council candidate Ray Rand. Gateway shopping center pY"otest. Widener ,:harge dy",)pped in San F.:amOt1. New wel I in San RaMon and Dublin. Senior Center gY"oundbY"eaking in Pleasanton. MuY"Y"ay school oveY"haul. Astronaut at LiveY"More High. Pleasanton Police busy with prQblems. LLNL cleanup comments wanted. MayoY"'s awaY"d. SpoY"ts: Livermore and San Ramon fQotbal I. SpoY"ts: AmadoY"-California High School fQotba I I SpoY"ts: Foothil I-Granada footbal I. Sports: 580/680 scoreboaY"d. SpoY"ts: CalifoY"nia-WashingtQn footbal I CareeY" Change seminaY" at Alameda County Fai Y"gY"c1ut1ds. Adia Personnel gives free seminaY" on employee disabilities act. Chaplin film at Pleasanton Film Festival. Kaleidoscope IQoking for donations. Dublin Senior CenteY" Y"ecY"eating radio c I assi,:s. Col lege TransfeY" Days at Las Positas Col lege. Las Positas col lege Diamond Jubil Ie DinneY". San Ramon Business Showcase. Women's SeminaY"s at San Ramon Medical CenteY". End Qf EBAL F.:ea,: t i '::in t CI EBAL Lc,,:al fiY"e victirf,s. C,:,st elf fire tCI valley. Danger elf fire in vC'.,,-11 ey. Gearing up for Pete Wilson's visit for BART. BART groundbreaking plans. 21 '-1'-. ...:.....;.. '-1-1 ~~ 24 25 25 27 28 213 1 .-, L 3 4 5 6 7 8 '3 10 1 1 1.-, L 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 '3 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 1 ,-, ..::. ':I "" 4 5 5 7 Pag.? 5 . . C.:,mIYluni cy Tel e'lis(:,n Fr,.:,ducti,.:,n F:c.'PQl'.t Dc t ,:,b er 1 '3'31 580/680 News I!;L_i d a tP' ) ~~ '31/10/24 8 '31/10/2':+ '= '31/10/24 10 '31/10/24 11 '31/10/24 12 9:1./10/24 13 '31/10/2.0'j. 14 '3:1. / 10/2,::1. 15 '31/10/24 16 '31/10/24 17 '3 1 / 1 0 /24 18 91/10/24 1'3 '31/10/24 20 '31/10/24 21 '31/10/24 --::1"7,' -- '31/10/24 .-1,..... ~..::J '3:1./10/24 24 '31/10/24 .-Ie" "::"...J '31/10/24 26 '31/10/24 27 '31/10/24 28 '31/10/24 2'3 '31/10/24 30 '31/10/24 31 91/10/24 "':"1'-1 ~~ '31/10/2'3 1 91/10/2'3 ,-, ..::.. '31/10/2'? 3 '3 1/1 0/2 ';. 4 '31/10/2'3 5 '31/10/2'3 6 '31/1 0/2 ':; 7 '31/10/2'3 8 '31/10/2'3 '3 '31/10/2'3 10 '3 1 / 1 0/2 '3 1 1 ':31/10/2'3 1"-:' .... 91/10/2'3 13 '31/10/2'3 14 91/10/2'3 15 '31/10/2'3 16 '31/10/2'3 17 '3 1/1 0/2 '? 18 '3 1 / 1 0/2 '= 1 '3 ':;I 1/1 0 /2 '3 20 9:1./10/2'3 21 '31 / 10/2'= 22 '31/10/2'? .-.1""\ ..a::.,....:J County, EBRP, Camp PaY"ks land swap. Expulsion of Dublin student. Sales up on suicide books. County Connection bus seY"vice. FaY"meY"'s market in Pleasanton. F'ed Ribbon Week dinneY" in San Ramon. SpoY"ts: San Jose State, UOP footbal I. SpQrts: Dublin - San Leandro HS footbal I. SpoY"ts: Sweet 10 Sports: Schedule Sports: Monte Vista and GY"anada vol leybal I Sports: F'aideY"s vs. LivermoY"e fiY"efighteY"s. AmeY"ican Cancer Society gol f touY"nament. Gypsy at Pleasanton Playhouse continues. MaY"ching band competition comes to PI easant,:.n. Gol f clinic at Pleasanton Fairways. Magician at Pleasanton LibY"ary. S,:out flea maY"ket in LiveY"moY"e. Fitness expeY"t at Livermore Tennis Club. Red Ribbon Week winds up. Halloween at Pleasanton LibraY"y. Halloween at Rosewood Pavilion. Halloween at Shannon Center. Halloween at LiveY"more BaY"n. Halloween in San Ramon. Bleachers col lapse in Pleasanton. BART bY"eaks gY"ound in Pleasanton and Dublin. PY"oblems on Dublin boulevaY"d. LAVTA Open House. Lawsuit in val ley. Median Divider. San Ramon Measure C. City of LiveY"moY"e song. MotoY"ist harrassed on fY"eeway. vall ey hel ps fire victims. FiY"e victims register at local stoY"es. FoY"meY" Pleasanton Y"esident sponsors scholarship. Absentee bal lots populaY" with val ley voters. VAl ley handles rides for senior citizens. Many haunted houses for Halloween. CalendaY" of Halloween events in val ley. SpoY"ts: Foothil I at Monte Vista footbal I. SpoY"ts: LivermoY"e at California footbal I. Sports: 580/680 scoreboard. Sp,:,Y"ts: San J,:,se State at Cal f,:,otball. Vii lage High School sel Is EnteY"tainment b,:,oks. Gymnastics classes at YMCA. Substance abuse classes at San Ramon Medical Page 6 . . C ,..:;, i'iHfl U 1'1 i. t Y T.", I "" V 1:5 '::' n F'1" ':X: U'..:; -t; i. '_~I n F:: '"::- P '.:' 1":; Dc t ,:,b eY" 1'391 Pr _:2.9ll!l'!...-___ tR.._. (date-) S'!!. 580/580 Ne',.,Is 91/10/2'3 24 '31/10/2'3 .-Ie" "::'....J '31/10/31 1 '31/10/31 "- '31/10/31 3 '31/10/31 4 '31/10/31 r=- ....J '31/10/31 IS '3 1 / 1 0/3 1 .., i '31/10/31 8 '3 1 / 1 0/3 1 '3 '31/10/31 10 '31110131 11 91/10/31 12 '31/10/31 13 '31/10/31 14 ':11/1 0/3 1 15 'j 111 <) 13 1 16 91/10/31 17 ';;'1/10/31 18 '31110/31 1'3 '31/10/31 20 91110131 21 '31/10/31 22 '~11/10/31 23 91/10/31 24 91/10/31 25 '31/10/31 26 '31/10/31 27 '31110/31 28 '31/10/31 2.3 Val ley ForLwl '3 1/1 0 I 0 1 '31/10 I 05 '311/10/15 '31/10/2::::' ________.Qft?.f.!..!..Q_'t~ on ______________'__ Ce-nt ..::-( . Developmentally Challenged childY"en woY"kshop at Val ley Memorial Hospital. VolunteeY"s needed at Santa Rita jail. TY"end to safe val ley Halloween paY"ties. San Ramon man Y"escued. F: 0 u n d Ll P 0 f €.' Ie.: t ion i n f 0 Y" mat i ':' n i n val ley. Four hundY"ed file for special tax exemption. LivermoY"e paY"cel tax meeting. Promo for Val I€.'y Forum election pY"ogram. LLNL ': I eanup . MoY"e Y"ulings on Doolan Canyon. Dead trees in LiveY"more pose fiY"e hazaY"d. Condo in San Ramon poses fire hazard. LiveY"more teen. JuY"y selection in val ley trial. Dublin to get new fiY"e house. Sports: Dublin at Mt. Eden footbal I. SpoY"ts: DY". B's sweet 10. Sports: F'Y"ep footbal I Schedule. Sports: Bruce Snyd€.'r, Cal Head Coach. Sports: Canada at Las Positas women's selc I: ey- . Sports: Mid-Peninsula at Val ley Christian. SpoY"ts: EBAL single's tennis finals. Movie Y"eview. Teddy Bear tY"ot. Halloween play in val ley. LivermoY"e-AmadoY" Symphony sponsors conceY"t. Pleasanton Playhouse Sponsors Gypsy. National Hospice month. LARPD holiday boutique. VFW holds special event. SpY"ingtown boutique. Election '91 Special - Pleasanton School Board candidates Juanita Haugen, ClaY"k Gunson, Kathy RuegssggeY" and Sally Hil I. Election '91 Special - LiveY"moY"e City Council candidates Ayn Wieskamp, Tom Vargas, Ray Rand, Lorraine DietY"i~h, Bob MaguiY"e and EY"ik Day. Election '91 special - LivermoY"e mayoral candidates incumbent Cathie Brown and challenger PeteY" Bowes, part I. MeasuY"e E, parcel tax, part II. ELECTION '91 SPECIAL - San Ramon School DistY"ict, Measure C, with Marianne Gagaen, Joan Buchanan, Ernie Scherer and Mike Arata. San Ramon Measure L with Wayne Bennett, Debbie Hughes, Jim Blickenstaff and GY"eg CaY"r. Page 7 E:r:..qqram Val ley ForLtm ~)all ey Giudening Vial ley Magaz i ne YC'LlY" Scho,:,1 s . . Comri'lLlt'l i t Y T>? I ~v i:son F"( ,::,d LlC t ::. .:.1"") F: ~"p '::' I"~ -;; O,:tobeY" 1'3'31 .lJLi..dat e) ~ 91/10/2'3 '31/10/04 91/10/15 1 ':;.1 / 1 0/ 1 5 .-;1 ..;.. '31/10/15 '"' ~ '31/10/15 4 '31/10/15 5 '31/10/15 5 91/10/15 7 91/10/15 8 '31/10/2'3 __._------1L~? c Y" i p t i '::.n ELECTION '91 SPECIAL - San Ramon City Council candidates: Wayne Bennett, Mary Lou Oliver, Dennis Garrison, Greg CaY"Y", MaY"iangel Wilkinson, Paul Reilly, and Hel"mann Wt:-Irfl - PaY"t I. John Meakin, Jim Blickenstaff and James Gibbon, paY""\:; II. OctobeY" in the GaY"den with Jacqt.tie Wi II iarfls Coul'.twright. The Grand National Rodeo Queen fY"om LivermQY"e. Checking Qut toy rentals in San Ramon. The val ley' sol des t h ':' s pit a I I 00 k s tot he future on its 30th anniveY"sary. Tips foY" cY"eating unique pumpkin caY"vings. A magician in San Ramon shaY"es his secY"ets. A look at ghoulish Halloween masks. Tips for using your leftoveY" pumpkin. Kathy Koehler at Hagemann FaY"ms in LiveY"more. Set-king finan,:ial aid foY" ccil I egt- with TY"icia Poulos, counselor, Pleasanton School District. OveY"view of California Col lege system with an t-mphasis on the UC system, with Jim McCluY"e, counselor. Community col leges and state universi.ties with Ron Thompson, counselor. Page 8 . . Community Television PY"oduction RepoY"t Nc,vt.-mb \?Y" 1'3'31 Byline: AAUW '31 / 11 /06 PY" ~~q!:.5.I_~!L______ H2..~~:te ~. 2! __.__,_._______,__._____Q.it2.~: r _____________._____ Let's Talk Sports '31/11/L2 Mayor's Fi:epor t ':;' 1/11/26 '31/ 11. /26 '31/11/26 '31/11/26 4 580/680 News '31/11/05 1 '31/11/05 ..::. '31/11/05 3 '31/11/05 4 '31/11/05 5 '31/11/05 6 '31/11/05 7 '31/11/05 8 '3 1. / 11 /05 '3 '31/11/05 10 91/11/05 1 1 -=1/11/05 1--:' ..:.. '31/11/05 13 91/11/05 14 91/11/05 14 '31/11/05 15 '= 1 /11/05 16 ':;1/11/05 17 '= 1/11/05 18 '=1/11/07 1 91/11/07 2 '; 1/1 1/ 07 ":) ....., ':;1/11/07 '; 1/11/07 Alameda County Commission on the Status of Women: What is it and what does it do? with val ley repY"esentatives Helen MeieY" and Diane J\?'-roni mc,. Guest is Lonnie Julius, Sacramento Surge WLAF, PlayeY" Personnel DiY"ectoY". 1 Pete SnydeY" of Dubl in talks about the East Dublin BoulevaY"d extension and the San Ramon Gateway pY"oject. - Ken Mercer of Pleasanton talks about the MeasuY"e D lawsuit, and accessibility of the new BART station. 3 Cathie Brown of LivermoY"e talks about the Council's action on the Doolan Canyon annexation, Scandia amusement park, and election results. Wayne Bennett of San Ramon talks about height I il'lIits, the Gateway pY"c.ject and election r esu Its. Election countdown in LivermoY"e. Election countdown in San Ramon. Pleasanton School Board ract.-. Dublin School board race. Last minute election mail-outs. Sentencing of EY"ic Estropia 10Y" murdeY". California High security guard. Las Positas library groundbY"eaking. SpoY"ts: San Ramon at Amador. 580/680 scoreboard. Sports: USC at Cal SpoY"ts: BocceY" game at Federal prison. Vietnam VeteY"ans stage rock opeY"a about that eY" a. Movie review. San Ramon accepting applications for aY"chitectural review board. Pleasanton downtown task foY"ce to meet on Thursday. Hope Hospice to sponsor gY"oup for gY"ieving parents. Livermore Val ley Education Foundation sponsoY"s seminar. Vietnam rock opera coming to Livt.-rmore. LiveY"more election results. San Ramon election results. Pleasanton and Dublin school board race resul ts. 4 Bond measures fail in Livermore and San Ramon school districts. 5 LaY"ge voteY" turnout in val ley for elections. Community Television Production Report - November 1991 Page 1 . . Community Tel~vision Production Report Novernb.::-r 1 '3':11 580/680 News F..:r..9.9.r..~~rlL-_____ I D (_9.'"' tJ!2.. 2.! __..______....._.__.__._._.__...1' es ~;xj:._g_:tt~::.!.tl..._____.__________~____ '3 1 / 11 /07 6 ':11/11/07 7 '31/11/07 8 '31/11/07 '3 '31/11/07 10 '31/11/07 11 91/11/07 1 .-', '31/11/07 13 '31/11/07 14 '31/11/07 15 '31/11/07 16 '31/11/07 17 ':11/11/07 18 '31/11/07 1 '3 '31/11/07 20 '31/11/07 21 '31/11/07 .-1'-' 4~ 91/11/07 ...,..., ..:....~ 91/11/07 24 91/11/07 25 '31/11/07 26 9:/11/12 1 '31/11/12 .-, ..::.. '3::../11/12 3 '31/11/12 4 '31/11/12 5 '31/11/12 6 '31/11/12 7 31/11/12 8 '31/11/12 '3 '3:/11/12 10 '3:/11/12 11 ':: : / 1 1 / 1 2 1'-' ..::.. '31/11/12 1 r-, ..:;, '3 1 / 1 1 / 1 2 14 S:/l1/12 15 '31/11/12 16 '31/11/12 17 ':::/11/12 18 '3:./11/12 1 '3 '3:/11/12 20 '31/11/12 21 AY"Yest in Pleasanton drive-by shooting. Vall.::-y fire official s ,:c,ncerned abc1Llt wood shake Y"oofs. Whipsnake home save in Pleasanton. Woman kil led on 4th street. Lab clean up. Estropia sentencing. l_as Positas Coil eg.::- gl'oundbreaking. Boy Scout food pickup. Sports: DeAnza at Las Positas Women's 81:11: C -8''( " Sports: Sweet 10 Sports: Prep footbal I Schedule Sports: Deon StrotheY", USC tailback SpoY"ts: Cal basketebal I Foothil I High School tennis court dedication. Vietnam Veterans stage rock opera. AmeY"ican HeaY"t Association sponsoY"s Y"un. Free gol f clinic at Pleasanton Fairways. Explore Sycamore Grove on horse. Amador High parents groups sponsors dinneY". Dating game contest at Amador Theater. Pleasanton Lion's Club sponsoY"s annual Triva c.:)ntest. Huge incY"ease in HIV testing in val ley. AIDS support group reacts to Magic Johnson's announ':ement. SpoY"ts Director GeoY"ge Balj.::-vich talks about Magic's disclosure. Kidnapping at McDonalds. Halloween assaults in val ley. Associates Bank is moving. New San Ramon council membeY"s. Compensation for San Ramon fire victims. Kids at St. Raymond's Church donate. Vet's Day ceremony in LiveY"more. Pleasanton consideY"s having only retail in downstairs Main StY"eet buildings. DSRSD's Ken Caldwel I moves to Los Angeles. Val leyCaY"e Medical Center opens this weekend. Sports: Livermore at Monte Vista footbal I. Sports: Amador at Granada footbal I. Sports: Footbal I scoreboard. Sports: Col lege fc,otbal I MQvie review. Resources foY" Family Development is IOQking for board members. Las Positas Col lege Parent's Night. Mickey Mouse to celebrate birthday at San Ramon community center. Community Television Production Report - November 1991 Page 2 . . Community Television Production Report Novernbel" 1'3'31 E~~9.r:~!:!t____._._"_ JJ2__~_Q.~_t~.L ~! .--.--"..____.__..____~__Q.~2..: r t!;.tt.i .::JtL......____________________ 580/680 Ne.....s '3 1 /1 1/ 1 2 2:2 91/11/12 .-I~ .a:.:.....:" 91/11/12 2.:t 91/11/12 ---.1:' ":'.J '3 1 / 1 1 I 1 4 1 ';j 1 / 1 1 / 1 4 - '31/11/14 ..., ..::, '3 1 / 1 1/ 1 4 .:+ '31/11/14 c' .J '31/11/14 6 91/11/14 7 '31/11/14 8 '31/11/14 '3 '31/11/14 10 '31/11/14 11 91/11/14 1'-' ..:. 91/11/14 13 '31/11/14 14 '31/11/14 15 '31/11/14 16 '31111/14 17 '31/11/14 18 '31/11/1.:.1- 1 '3 '; 1 / 1 1 I 1 4 20 '31/11/14 21 ';1/11/14 ........ '31/11/14 23 '31/11114 24 '3:/11/14 .-.c::- ":'.J '31/11/14 26 '31/11/1.:.1- 27 '3 1 / 11 I 1 4 '31/11/14 '3:/11/14 '31/11/14 '31/11/14 91111/14 '?1/11/14 -:'1/11/14 '3 1. / 1 1 I 1 '3 91/11/1'3 9:/11/1'3 ';1/11/1'3 Pleasanton Art League wil I hold wateY"coloY" workshop. Dublin SenioY" CenteY" now seY"ving dinners. Dublin BenioY" CenteY" looking for people who speak Hindi OY" UY"du. What's on your mind, TY"i-Val ley? San Ramon Gateway project. City of Dublin pY"oject. Bishop Panch building height limit. Pleasantoh man kidnapped at McDonalds in Dub I in. Livermore police fi Ie lawsuit. Doolan Canyon battle Y"ages on. BAF.:T pad::i ng si t e in va I ley. Deer kil leY" stalks San Ramon. Scandia Amusement Center corning to LiveY"more. Problems with Halloween candy in LivermoY"e. F ami I y r eun i ':'n. Emergency dril I in San Ramon. Kids at St. Raymond's Church donate to fire vi.: t i ms. SpoY"ts: Warriors win streak. Sports: EY"nie Kent Las Positas Col lege groundbreaking. Sports: Warriors win streak. Sports: ~w~ie Kent SpoY"ts: AI fY"ed Guesby, Cal basketbal recruit DY". B's sweet 10. Sports: PY"ep footbal Sports: Menlo at St. Elks ScholaY"ship. What's On YouY" Mind? Las Positas Col lege to pY"esent Little Foxes. Vignettes of Shakespeare at Unitarian ChuY"ch. Val leyCaY"e Medical CenteY" in Pleasanton to op etl . 28 Oldies dance at St. Augustine's ChuY"ch. 29 Story tel ler at Plessanton Library. 30 Del Val Ie Fine AY"ts to sponsor musical event. 31 Special tasting at Retzlaff Vineyards. 32 Dublin Senior CenteY" holding bazaaY". 33 CTW to present dinner theater. 34 Elk's ScholaY"ships. 35 What's On Your Mind? 1 Plane goes down in Niles Canyon. ..:. Horse thefts in San Ramon. 3 Val leyCare Medical Center opens in PI easantc.n. 4 Local Croatian families react to world schedule Mary's Co I lege Communitj Television Production Report - NovembeY" 19'31 Page 3 . . Community T~I~vision PY"oduction Report Novemb eY" 1 ';"::;'1 580/680 News E'r 09.1:.~..r~__.__ I D _~: d a:t e l S # n__......___...__.........___P e2.f...r.i.12.:ttf.!.tl.____________ 'j 1 / 1 1 / 1 9 "" --' 91/11/1'j 5 '31/11/19 7 '3 1 / 1 1 / 1 '3 ,.., a '31/11/1';' I~ '31/11/1';' 10 '3 1 / 1 1 / 1 'J 1:L 91/11/19 1'-' ..::. '31/11/1'3 13 91/11/1'3 14- '31/11/19 15 91/11/1'3 16 91/11/21 1 '31/11/21 2 91/11/21 3 '31/11/21 4 '31/11/21 5 '31 /11/21 6 '31/11/21 7 '31/11/21 8 '31/11/21 '31 /11 /.-::: ~ '31/11/21 91/11/21 '31/11/21 '31/11/21 '31/11/21 91/11/21 '31/11/21 '31/11/21 '31/11/21 '31/11/21 91/11/21 '31/11/21 '3:' /11/26 '31/11/25 91/11/26 ':: :. /11/26 events. New bus routes in San Ramon. IncY"eas\?- in bail for 580 shc,oting suspe,:t. Pete Stark to maY"ry again. Fo,:,t h i I I Hi gh in Post' PaY" ade. PADD pY"ogram for Thanksgiving. Bosco moving in Livermore. Sports: Monte Vista at San Ramon high footba I I. 580/680 Scoreboard. Sports: NCS-3A playoffs SpoY"ts: Arizona State at Cal collt'ge f c,,:,t b a I I . Movie review. Elk's Scholarship. Hepatitis outbY"eak at Dublin school. No LegionnaiY"es diseast' in Dublin. Pleasanton demonstration on abortion rights. Plane cY"ash victims identified. PY"oblems at San Ramon landfil I. Solid waste management in San Ramon. Cities react to Disability Act. Parcel owners get permission to build in Pleasanton's Golden Eagle Farm. 9 Another big house is coming to Pleasanton. 10 SpoY"ts: Amador at Foothil I High School f c,,:,t b a I I 11 Sports: GY"anada at Livermore High School football. 1....' NCS playoffs. 13 Sports: St. Mary's at Santa Clara col lege football. 14 Sports: Amador basketbal I classic. 15 Sports: LiveY"more at Granada vol leybal I. 15 SpoY"ts: Donn Nelson, WaY"yior's asst. coach. 17 Sports: Battle of the Bays fight at F ai r gr .:,unds. 18 Community Thanksgiving celebration in Liverri"lore. 19 Hope Hospice tree lighting. 20 "Little F';:'~;es" ':ontinues at Las Positas c':' I lege-. 21 Hope Hospice to sponsor tree lighting in memory of loved ones. 22 Movie review. 1 HaY"rassment suit filed against LivermoY"e Pc, I ice De-p t . 2 Hepatitis update in Dublin. 3 Dublin School superintendent Y"esigns. 4 Livermore has first City Council meeting Community Television Production Report ~ NovembeY" 1991 Page 4- . . Ccmmunity T~leyislOn Production Report NQverflb el'" 1';"31 F'r '2-qr. am______ IQ.-J..f!a t e ) 2:! _________Q.~s.: r i !;tt i .::._tl_______ 580/680 News ';. 1 / 11 /26 <::: -...J '31/1 1/26 6 '31/1 1/:26 7 1~:1. j/ 1 1/26 Cl '-' I~ 1/ j. 1/26 ':) '31/1 1/26 10 '31. / 1 1/26 1 1 '31/1 1/26 12 '31/1 1/26 13 '31/1 1/:26 14 '31/11/26 15 '31/1 1/26 16 '31/1 1/26 17 '31. / 1 1/26 18 91/1 1/26 1'3 '31. ;' 11 ,I 26 20 '31/1 1/26 21 '31/1 1/26 'W'. "::'.4 '31/1 1/26 .-1"'"'1 .L~ 91/11/26 24 '3::' /1 1/26 .-.1::"" "::"....J 13: / 1 1/26 26 '3:!. ,I 11 /26 27 9:/1 1/26 28 Special 91/11/06 Va r I ey FoY" Llrn '3:' ;' 11 /06 '3:/11/19 since el.?ction. San Ramon Mayor Wayn~ Bennett leaves office. PI eas,:\ntc'n mat) ki II ed it) Livf.:'Y"rflore train accident. LivermoY"e teen sentenced in fatal crash. MeasuYe A being fought in local newspaper, Theft of Y"are bonsai in Pleasanton. Ryan Comer fund established to help others. San Ramon fertility clinic celebrates fiY"st ann i ver '",ialr y. SpoY"ts: Livermore vs. Washington High S,:h,:,ol football Sports: NCS semifinals Sports: Cal vs. Stanfc,Y"d cc" lege foc,tball. Sports: Cal vs. Nevada Col lege basketbal I SpoY"ts: Amador Basketball classic. Hope Hospice tY"ee lighting in Dublin. LivermoY"e tree lighting. Gem and mineY"al show in LiveY"more. City Kid's perfoY"m in San Ramon. NutcrackeY" production comes to Amador theater. Foothil I High to hold high-tech gala at Ma,: ys. Dublin t6 hold tY"ee lighting ceY"ernony. DSRSD accepting applications foY" boaY"d positiot1. LivermoY"e Val ley Educational Foundation. Livermore SoY"optimists hold ChY"istmas boutique. Nutcracker Crafts Fair at San Ramon MarY"iott. City Kids to peY"form in San Ramon. Election '91 Special - Complete Election night coverage of local races and measures including San Ramon City Council, San Ramon Measures C & L, LiveY"more City Council, LivermoY"e MayoY"al, LiveY"moY"e MeasuY"e E, Dublin School Board, Pleasanton School Board. Media Roundtable with Bob Gol I, Managing Editor, The Val ley Times and San Ramon Val ley Times; and Tim Hunt, Associate EditoY", Tri-Val ley Herald. And the Winners aY"e...lnterviews with winning candidates in LiveY"more and San Ramon. PaY"t I - LivermoY"e - Mayor Cathie Brown, Councilmember Ayn Wieskamp, and CouncilmembeY"-elect Tom VaY"gas. Part II - San Ramon - Councilmember MaY"y Lou Oliver and CouncilmembeY"s-elect HeY"mann Welm, Jim Blickenstaff and Greg CarY". Community Television Production Report - NovembeY" 1991 Page 5 . . C~mmunity Production R~port Noverl'.b er 1 '3'31 F..:.r..S~9.L9J.!l______ m....-iQ.s.rt~.?._ 9Jt ~_____.~___...______ --12.~_2.!;!:L_________.______ Val ley Gardening The Valley GaY"dl?ner '31/11/26 Val ley Magazine yc,ur Schc,o Is 'j1/11/(1~5 'j 1 1 1 1 ! 1 (1 1 'j 1 ! 1 1 1 1 (1 ..::. 'j 1 / 1 1 / 1 (1 3 '3 1 / 1 1 1 1 0 4 'j 1 / 1 1 1 1 ':;) 1 '31/11/1'3 ,-. ..::. 'j1/11/19 3 '31/11/1'3 4 '31/11/1'3 5 '31/11/26 1 '31/11/26 ..::. '31/11/26 3 '31/11/26 4 '31/11/26 5 '31/11/26 November' in the gardf::-n ......ith Jacquie Wi II iartls COuY"t......Y"ight, of Alden Lane NuY"sery. November in the gaY"den ......ith Jacquie Wil Iiams CouY"tY"ight, o......ner of Alden Lane NuY"seY"y. TuY"ning loaves of bread into ......orks of aY"t at Maestro's in Pleasanton. How to stencil a room in a fe...... easy steps. Ho...... to dress up YOUY" cookies. The heY"o behind the air tY"agedy. Training guide dogs in Liv@Y"moY"e. On the trail ......ith BMX in LivermoY"e. Faux fuY"niture finishes in Pleasanton. Making pea soup in LiveY"moY"e. Picking up the pieces in Oakland. Out of Vietnam and onto the stage, a Y"ock opeY"a in LiveY"moY"e. Coming to AmeY"ica, a Vietnamese family is Y"eunited. Readying youY" fiY"eplace for winteY". Ski conditioning tips. Ho...... to package gifts from YOUY" kitchen. Guests are Pleasanton School Board trustees Chuck EddingeY", Juanita Haugen and Judy Markol f. Parenting tips ......ith Zena Posen-Sin';c'n, ,:,:,-directoY", Kid's CI LIb. F'aY"ent University ......ith Jean Kaput, Assistant DiY"ector, Adult Education. Community Television Production Report - November 1'391 Page 6 ~~~.r..~;;:.~,:;;_r.:..~:~.n:!"M'U"" .... L~~ S lalk 200rts /"la,/o)"- "5 F.:-S'ij,:,r t 580/580 Ne',oJs . II=~____.(:_ d ,::, t .2- ) ':;- :' 1 ::2,' (n '? ;. i; :I. :?.' l. U '3 ~. / :I. 2/ :2.:.} '=: :1. / 1. :~2 / :;:: 0 '~::.- : / 1 :2 / 1 7 ';:""1:2/1'7 ':;. : / 1. :2 / 1 7 '3:/12/17 ';:'::./12/03 '31/12/03 '3 I / 12/03 ';:' 1. / 1 :2 / 03 '3::' / 12/03 ':;,:' / 12/03 '3:' /1:2/03 '= : / 1 :2 / 0:3 '=:./12/03 '3 :. / 1 2/ 03 ~? : / 12/ ()3 '=:/12/03 '= :. / 12/03 '= ::. / 1 :2 / 03 '= : " 1 2/03 '= :. / 1 2/03 '::- :. / 1 2/03 '3:. / 12/03 '::-:../1~'Y03 ':;,:' / 12/03 '3:/12/03 '3:' / 12/05 '3:. /12/05 bee I 19 q I . I,.j "::' I ~ '::,' (; i:j ~;> I . .:. ..:~j ':;;' :, 9.1:~, ",_,_.J)I::..?';X:j.J?_:~i_.'~:lt:!_ C31)_2':::-I; l<S O,::\n Cf)j.::hio::o. fCI;"rfl":.{- 4':::,:;';,'" c:; u ,;:. ""; +; :L '::; B c, b Z u f f ;:, I ,,~t; C' ~' n ,:" I I -;3 ',:; r"l a --./ fc)" i C k ~c; · Assistant Coach" Guest is TiM Bryant, San JOS2 Sharks Media F.:~? I at ion':;. Guest is T2rry McCar!, Sprint car driver. 1 Mary Lou O!iv~~ 0f San Ramon talks about th~ 1::.::ltl'tl"C1ver-siai SI~Ll't~'l Sat' R2~11:ltl t}\_~S r.=ILt.t01 t2am building on the new city council and COMMittee appointments. 2 FI~~t0 Stlyder I.:!'f I)lJblin '~al~~s abl~Ll.t tl"l0 2!::)S55j,!]'Llj..ty of at' ~!~I~'t2(::! rl)2YI~r~ a rlC~C~2 plan of 3000 hOMes, and e~pansion of the ! ibl~,~,ry. 3 Ken Mercer of Pleasanton talks about; the approval of new apartments in Hacienda Business Park, the proposed state reapportionment plan~ and the San Francisco WateY" District pY"opeY"ty. 4 Cathie Brown of LiveY"more talks about the fate of the MayfloweY" building, Springtown parking, and First Street widening. 1 State Y"edistricting plan being looked at. - Camp PaY"ks expansion. 3 Va I I ey ChY" i st mas donat ions down, goods up. 4 TaY"get Christmas shopping in Dublin. 5 San RaMon kidnap Y"epoY"ted. 6 PI E.-asanton youth in t"lt. Di ab I,:, fi:l.1 I. 7 P!easanton youth injured at StoneridgE.-. 8 San Ramon City Council chang@s its members. 9 Ads at Livermore Little League field. 10 Ads at Dublin High field aY"e appY"oved. 11 DistY"acted drivers cause accidents. 12 MayoY"'s Dinner awaY"d winneY"s in Pleasanton. 1::: LiveY"mol~'", homE' fOl" mental I y ill g+.?ts funds. 14 Sports: Monte Vista - Pittsburg NeS seHli-final fc,otbdll. 15 Sports~ NCS finals 16 Sports~ AmadoY" vs. Mission San Jose basketba I I . 17 Spc,Y"ts: AmadoY" Bash?tb,::d I Clas~sic 18 Sports: Amador Basketbal I Classic. F9 Sports: TY1"On..::- Hi II, W<::"i.Y"l~ior5 Fcq~'...'aY"d 20 Dublin tY"ee lighting ceremony. 21 Footbal I playeY"s get award fY"om San Ramon C i t Y C c. u n c i I . 1 All eq2c:1 Dubl in kidnapping 'c,t I'-'\.:Dcq-',al d;;;; ha;s fI0;-'.'-"'5 in 5tOl~Y. .~:' All points bull ~:.tin for t....;.:, missing San r';::amon chi I d-( en. Dec emb",.l~ 19'J 1 F'ag",. 1 :::~1':.~;~.(.E_<~I:I:lm... ......._......_. ~5::30/~,:30 i'k^'J'::: . I D..(:.d <.~~~ ) '~; :. ,/ 1 ::2 i 0 ~5 '::;< :L /' :L :2 / (:: 5 '3 1 / 1 :2 / () 5 1:1 1 / l :2 / () 5 '31 :/ :!.:2,/ ()~S 'j 1 ./ ~ 2 ./ () ~3 q i t :~;: / () 5 '::s i .:!. ~~~ ./ () ~:; I:; ~ ./ 1 ~? / r) 5 131 ...' 1 :2 ~/ ()~5 '31 / 12/05 '31/12/05 '31/12/05 91/12/05 '31/12/05 '3:./12/05 '3:::'/12/05 '3 1 / 1 2/05 '3:/12/05 '31/12/05 9:'/12/05 '3:'1.::2/05 '~:1. / 12/ ()5 ';':.' 12/05 9:'..'12/05 '3: '12/)5 '31,'12/05 '3t:.~12/()5 '3: / 12/05 '31 . 12/05 '31'-12/05 '31' 12/05 '3:' 12/05 '3::' . 1 2/05 '3 l' 1 2/ 1 0 . ." ;j L. ..' g.!t ....n......... ........__._m_..._..............n_np..g.2.~;...Li.I:J_t L9.1::1..._.._...._..._.....n_m_ :::.:~ DU.blin ::3,;:i'"1,.:,':' I Oi!::;tr'i,::t '1~,':'c:i.,,".1 i"\~.i::JI.:,rt l'i2' I \:~,,',\,,:;,::-d " 4 Re-roofinq mistake at Pleasanton hom0. 5 Age discrimination lawsuit filed against L i \lio.)' 1"fIO'( i'.!-" E, F' I ,,~i:"\ '::;',,;.n t c,n v.'or,',an r~:, f i l~ m '",J i n ~s 1; b rl', i I I i c,n govi2'rnment contract. Sales off at Blackhawk marketpl3ce. 8 Rate increases at DSReD" 9 Livermore's Springtown big rig parking decision delayed. :l~:) M0diJ:::a! W2s'te fal::i li'ty' pr'~pl~s2d il'l L~ i \1 ~?Y" rnCI"r ~'2- II 11 12 F' 0 0 t h i I I 1-.1 i \;;1 h i n \j i t f... d t 0 b2- i n F: 0 s e F' <0:, l~ ",\ de. Barry Schrader elected president of Chabot Co I I €-(.~ €.. D is t y i c t " Applications being accepted for county supervisoY". Dublin holds Miss Teen contest. Sports: St. FY"ancis Ys. G~anada NCB vc:lleyball. Sports: Mission vs. Amador High School bash::-tba I I . Sports: BeY"keley va. Logan HS basketbal SpoY"ts: Amador basketbal I classic. Sports: USF vs. Cal col lege basketbal I" Sports: Amani Toomer, De La Sal Ie spartans SpOl~ts~ l'-lCS fQotbal1 championshi n AY"tist and music report. San Ramon ChY"istmas tree lighting" Amahl and l'-light Visitors to be performed in Dan\/i I Ie" Blackhawk House Tour benefit for chaY"ity. CTW peY" sent s "A Chr i at rflE\S Car c' I " . Pleasanton Downtown Association offeY"ing caY"ri,~(~e rides. San Ramon to hold holiday paY"ade. Live'~mor\::- Vall€-y Win€-(;:)Y"QI.,y<.::-rs (.1s~sociation to host Christmas Win€- Trails. Pleasanton LibY"ary to host childY"en's movie. Livermore Education Foundation to hold 1-10 I i day baz ai:,Y" . Suzuki violin conceY"t by Lagats. LiveY"moY"e Amador Symphony holds concert. Vall.",>, ChoY"al Socii2'ty tCI pre-s..r:tlt Hand,,-.I' s M.?ssi ah. AY"tist Maria Muldaur to appear at Amador th<:?atel~ . What's On Your Mind, TY"i-Vall..r:y. BART land purchased" 13 14 15 15 17 18 1 '3 20 21 ...:........:.. ,-.,...""t ..;,;,,~ ..;.:: I-r 25 25 27 28 ..~II~ 30 ,..,. ..:.1 0""""1'-1 ~.,:;,. -"":'1'"":\ Ww 34 ":'ii.::." ...J....) 36 1 D+:::.c (.n'lb 1",',- 1 '391 Pag.: _ I:::~ '(.~~~SlL91r~___.__._.._._____ 5:30 / f;~3U 1'1 '?'o";'5 . . I.Q___lg'~~_~::.L '::' ~c/ 1 :::: / 11) '3 1 ./ 1 :2/1 0 '~:Li'12/10 '::):L./ 12/ 10 'j; / 1. 2 i 1 0 '3: ./ i. :2 / 1 () ';1 ;.., 1 ::' / 1 0 '::.; ./ i ~2./ 1 0 '3:1./:'2/10 I-~' ... ./ 1 :2 / 1 () 'j~ '1:2/10 '31/12/10 '31/12/10 '31/12/10 '31/12/10 '31/12/10 9~/12/10 '31/12/10 '3:'/12/10 91/12110 9:'/12/10 ':;::'/12/10 ':;::'/12/10 '31/12/10 '... - 1 1 2/ 1 0 '3 :/ 1 2/ 1 0 '3::' / 1 2./ 1 0 '... -. 1 2/1 0 '3:'12/10 ~._i12/10 '... - / 1 2 / 1 2 ,::;. / 1 2 1 1 2 ''''; - '1 2/1 2 '3:'/12/12 '=::'/12/12 '= ::.' 1 2/1 2 IS: ./ 1:2/ 1 :2 12/12 ":J ~~A <: ~:'~ !'i'1 L, '::" :." "l' ::: ',"1 ,) S.I:I: ..._.........._........._........ _..._......P_I.':.E'.i_':_r_:.LQ.t.~._~:2n_......_..........................._...".....__._.__~......_ ''-/! ";.'. I I '2 Y C ," ',,',",: j'1,,~ oj i I.: i::i I C ::0 n t .", 'r' 01].;. n .:::; i n F'1!':,3.'''""inton. Dublin may have elected mayor. Cont'1"",\ Co~~t,,,\ f:3LlI:Jt:'i~V:i.cooY" Sch'(ccl~~.)" wi II not Yun. 5 LiverrrlCll~e grcup 'tV'yitlg .t:~ save clld Mayfll:IW~Y building owned by Wente winery. E, ~3 <-":1. n f,: .:::ll"l"1 0 n( e S"i ::. oj \:~ n t .:s t.:;.1. I k 5 ,;;'( b ':out 1"-1 <:' !:'~ .::; t:c" t :i. '::'1', . i C,,", I OSH:; Y' \0;::),:,'1" t: in Dub I in. U F' ( i::t n ':: i '::; k:i. d n i"1. p:::; t c, '," /" i ''::: C h 3 ii",. n c;; ,,~d . ':1 :::-~ 1"1"1 e~~' q ,? n c y d Y' i I I i n 1_ i V '2)' ri"IO'f" e . t () l._ (:1 C ~:;I. 1 .;';)' LI. '1.'; hI:::' 'f" 1.;1.) ~." ::. t; ,~':'." ~., ';:; b (0 -::~. t ~s {:'~' 1 I "~':. (" M 11 Booksigning in San Ramon. 1~ LivermoY"e girl attacks i::ittackeY". 13 Sports: Amador V5. Logan HS., ABC serni final :s. 14 Sports: Manual Arts vs. MeY"ced 15 SpOYts: Amador vs. Manual AY"ts, ABC finals. 16 Scorts~ top players in ABC. 17 Sports: Granada scors. 18 Sports: Chabot scoY"es 19 Sports: St. Mary's scoyes. 20 Movie review. 21 F'leasanton tree lighting. ~~ Carolers on horseback in val ley. 23 LAPPD sponsors pers,:,nal I ett..::-'(s f'(,:,ri"l Santa. 24 F'ublic he3rin~ on Wheels Dial A Ride. 25 Breakfast with Sar1ta in Bar1 Ramon~ 26 San Ramon community band to peY"form holiday mus::.c. 27 F'leasanton FiY"'2 Dept. accepting toy donation~s. 28 F'leasanton recY"eation dept. sponsors ski package. 29 Have your picture taken with Santa in Dub I in. 30 Dublin LibY"aY"y to sponsor ChY"istmas program. 31 F'leasanton to hold holiday oarade. 1 Tri-Val ley cares about people. 2 F'eop I e Po I I . 3 Condoms in local high schools. .:.1- \.oj i I I Plea san ton 0 f fie i a I s f ae e a Y" ec a I I ? 5 TaY"ver and MeY"ceY" standoff in Pleasanton c i t Y C oun c i I . 6 Missing children found in San Ramon. 7 San Ramon School District newspaper cartoon d(a'....s fil'i~. S H,:\ll ow€~en theft al'l'est in L_iv€~rr(loYt.. and F'leasanton. .',,:. '"=' ...., .:1. Dec ember 1 'j':..n F'a.g€ 3 ~ E.:r.g.9"L~X!L.n__'n_._..._...._ ~5D(:' / 580 r\k'W~3 . ID (di:":"ltii:') .... ..._ ...'.....n_ "._....u.,......~_ ':3 1, :L :;2.J/ 1 ~;~: .~1/1:;2i...l:2 '31/12/12 '::;.t/l:2/1:~~ '3'::' ./ 1 :;:~ ~/ :1. :~2 ':< 1/ t :2 / 1 ::~ '3 ~ ...1 :L :~~ ,/ t ::~: ,c;:," i~,:2./ 1. :2 '3~,/1::::/1:2 (~~ '.t :~~ ,/ 1 :::: '3:'./::.:2/12 '3 : ./ 1 :2 / 1 :2 ':=1/1:2/1:2 '31,/1:2/12 '31/'12/12 '31/1:2/12 tj:/12./12 '3 ::. / 1 :2 / j. 7 '31/12/17 '?1/12/17 '31/12/17 '31/12/17 '3:,/12/17 '?:,,/1:2/:f.7 tj ::. . - 1 :2 / 1 '?' '3: ' 1 2/1 "7 '3:. 12/17 '3: '12/17 '~ ~ "'-::~"2 / 1 7 '3:,1:2/17 '3 :.' 1 :2 / 1 7 '~ - 12/ 1 7 '-' 1 ,--;, ! 1 7 ....., '-' ," . 2/ 17 J. ';:i - ~2/ 17 0::. 4 ::'2/ 17 .:::J ; '--:' / 1 7' ... '= - 12/ 1 7 '3 - 1 2/ 1 "7 '= - 12/ 1 7 ,::+ . 1 ::2 / 1 )"' '-" '1.:2 / 1 7 . 'r..:; -:- ~"3 .if ... P. ~7. \,?,';: X_:.~"P.t:i'm';~tl .J )'.-, <! "-/ ~::" i (\ L_ i \.." "':-:..... 'r~ n'll::' r .E" '1::;: l~! '.;~ ;3. \/ ,~:.J. 1'''1.:':':\ :.~./ f I I:) I.~l ~.~ 'r'" ~-31._.1,:i. t cl i n (~ 01.,-,'11 i:~d b ',,' W\~'n'e f.^ Dr' o::'~:: . IN 1 n i:~),' '-/. 10 :3dn ~':,':,ri"lo"'; b u Sl^ ':::'1...\ t,.:, .-: h ,;'1.n cJ ~~^ P)" (:ot ,'fd " 11 Dublin Mii:'adows devii:'lopment. 1~ Sports: St. Jos@ch's vs. San Ramon bic,'"sk'2~tl::l,::\ I I " 1. :~ ~:; PO)'" t ~::; :: C 1"'1 ( :i.:cs Ivj u i I ic^ n" f30 Ide n ~~; t 2:1. t.:;;. 1,..1 a l^ 1^ :i. (::0 Y" 'C: 1 ,,1 S po)" t .::; : F' i t t 5 b u )^ 9 V':S. D ,_ ~:3 f,.:, 0 t b ,,;\! ! 1 ;:.) S p () Y. t ;.;?~ :: i';~~ ! h ~;':\ rei b Y' .::;l "v" ::;: '1 '::3 t 'I 1\;1 ~:':'~ Y' \/ lJ ~::;. "f c, Cl '~.~ l~'1 ':~'. i I 1. E, 11 e, ,,':L (;- ':^ t."', i 1,:~ ',~ " 17 Santa in Dub! in. l~j ~;al"lta i;", S2~1 F~al'I'II~lt1" 1 l;j ~1,:::,~:c ',o:L ';:'.1--1 ':;: ::. n 9 E:\ i c,n c; i n ;jan r:::arflo n " Soroptimists to hoJd benefit for Livii:'rmoy@ Adult Day Care cii:'ntii:'Y" Ravenswood decorated foy holidays. Toys for Tots benefit in LiveY"more. CTW pl^eSent5 "Sc)^ooge and MaY" ley". \jall ey Choral Soci2ty tCI pl"est.,:,nt "ME-s5iah". F'leasanton concert to featuY"e MaY"ia Muldaur, Storm brews over Wentii:' 8Y"os. winery bid to s..::-II May f I owey bui I ding in Li ver rflOY" e. BART loans monii:'Y to Dublin. Pleasanton bus driver incident. Old baY"Y"acks removed at Camp PaY"ks. People Pol I: Question on the street. State helmet law goes into ..::^ffect Jan. 1. ThE-fts in Pieasanton by house cleaneY". Emergency van at San Ramon medical center. Livermore Main StY"eet's Pat Dugant weds. Tour of Sandia Labs. Vall ii:'y agency nef.:'-ds donatB-d toys. Christmas trii:'e safety. Deacon Dave's Christmas hOUSB- in Livermore. Special Pak N Save stocking for needy childY".::^n. F'(ost prt."p';:\l^ation fc,r valley.. SpOyts; 8i II O'.;Js'n~::;, v.J.:?yy'ior':s For'.....ard. Sports~ Tom Tolbert? Warriors. Sports: Alhambra vs. St. MaY"ys Foyd being raffled off. Victorian Christmas in LiveY"morii:'. Messiah singalong. Santa 'yJi II make specii::\1 visit te, disabl ed children at Dublin Civic CenteY". Dublin-San Ramon Lion's Club can arrangii:' Santa vi~sit':5. One-day Olive festival at WB-nte 8Y"os. wlneY"y. LAG A T S pre s ":" n t =:> " 8 ~E\.: k fro 1"1"1 Co I leg e " n i 9 h t . '-::'i-' 21 .-......., .&:.:.L .-,..-, .&:.:.....;, 24 '-IC" ...:.:.....; 1 ..::. ':;I -.J 4 5 5 is 7 "7 / 8 'J 10 1 1 1,-, ..::. 1.-;:. ....J 14 15 15 17 18 1'3 20 :21 .-;.,-:. ..:......... Dii:'C ernb e'!," 19'31 F'i::"\ge 4 of ,. F:"rgqr~~f':~_.""'_""__'_'_"h' ~5 ~:"] () / S f3 () r,J ~:-I-H f.-3 ') c':\ I I ,;:y j:-or Uf(l The V&I lev Gardener . I :,;_, _Lg_~t.~_2," '3~/1::2/1'? '=:!. / 1 ~~2 / 1 7 '? : / : 2/ 1 "7 '?:/12/'17 '3 : ./ 1 2 / 1 '7 -= ... ;0-- 1 :2,/ (i:3 ,-'." . f ~ :2 ./ i:) 1 . ."..1: (:":" ':: ':- ~'j'1 r:; ..,~.. ~... ":. ':;~I ':~l :. !?J"_ --.-.--.-....-...--..-..--........._..._._.___.._".._.l?~?.s..LJ..g_tign....._......_._..__..._ 23 Sdn R2mt~n ~lclld~5 ~101~ Year's earnlJ f:lr ~(:iljS~ 24 San Ramon WinteY" day camp. 25 ALVHS looking for new members. 2E Holiday camp sponsored by the YMCA. 2"7 Val I I? Y C h ':' j" ;:\ ISo r:: i e t y t ':' doH and e I ' ~5 t"!e:5f:3iah. ,e'; n i n t '0.0 r v i I? W w:i. t h Dr. I,-Ji I I i am B t'~ 'r' C k ~ retiring Alameda County Superintendent of 31:: h 1:11:; l ~;5 II Co ,":'0 C e ffl b ;.;: r 9 ,,\ ).. ~:j E~ n i n 9 \,oJ:i. t h ~r a c q Ll i e W i I I i a ((I <c; Courtright of Alden Lane Nursery. De.c erflb oZ"r 1 '3'31 F'age 5 y . . .. SURVEY 1991 (Surveyed random 400 Tri-valley cable subscribers by phone.) ---------------------------------------------------------- DO YOU WATCH CHANNEL 30? YES 65% NO 35% DO YOU WATCH 580/680 NEWS? YES 55% * NO 45% * 55% OF TOTAL CABLE SUBSCRIBERS IN THE VALLEY: ,110,000 PEOPLE DO YOU THINK LOCAL TELEVISION NEWS, SPORTS, FORUMS AND FEATURES ARE: IMPORTANT 53% SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT 39% NOT IMPORTANT 8% EXHlsrr ~ Tri-Valley Community Television Daria Stevens, Executive Director. P.O. Box 884 Pleasanton, CA 94566 . (510) 462-3373