HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 5.1 Funding E Dublin BART Station (2) r 1_ DAD 36 CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 10, 1990 SUBJECT: Written Communication: Funding East Dublin BART Station (Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Letter from Pleasanton Mayor Ken Mercer dated November 20, 1990 RECOMMENDATION: Discuss City of Pleasanton proposal and provide Staff with appropriate direction to respond. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Undetermined. DESCRIPTION: The City of Dublin has received a letter from Mayor Ken Mercer inquiring whether the City of Dublin would consider working with the other five cities in the Tri Valley to develop an assessment on development occurring in each City to assist in the funding of an East Dublin BART Station. Cost estimates developed by BART in December 1989 indicated that it would cost an additional $18 million to build the East Dublin BART Station before the West Dublin BART Station. However, BART's adopted project calls for two stations to be built in the Valley with one station to be funded entirely by local funds. According to BART's December 1989 cost estimates, the additional cost of building both the East and West Dublin Stations as opposed to just the West Dublin Station is approximately $46 million. BART has also indicated that it plans to have the Dublin/Pleasanton Extension built by 1995. Upon evaluating the concept of funding the East Dublin BART Station through additional development fees. Staff has identified several concerns. 1 . What are the consequences, if there is insufficient development to generate sufficient fees to fund the East Dublin Station? 2. If this concept is adopted, how could BART proceed with financing the BART Extension to East Dublin by 1995 without a binding commitment from Cities and Counties with undeveloped land that those agencies will approve future development? This type of commitment is not likely and becomes problematic when most of the land in question is under General Plan Study. 3. Given the heavy infrastructure costs which will need to be borne to accommodate development in areas such as East Dublin in the future, will the additional burden of financing an East Dublin BART Station make that development less viable or even questionable. 4. The cost of building the Dublin/Pleasanton Extension have increased significantly over the last five years. If the Cities and Counties were able to develop a fee to fund the additional costs associated with an East Dublin Station, those fees may be insufficient if the project cost escalate significantly in the future. Staff would recommend that the City Council discuss the City of Pleasanton's proposal and provide Staff with appropriate direction to respond. a:@12-10BA.doc.agenda ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: ITEM NO. ilu 'Ihuhl I �NSA1V�, CITY OF PLEASANTON �� v ° =j P.O. BOX 520 PLEASANTON, CALIFORNIA 94566-0802 NOV 2 x. 1990 a AL t 4NNtp CITY OFFICES 123 MAIN STREET CITY COUNCIL November 20, 1990 CITY MANAGER 484-8008 CITY ATTORNEY 484-8003 Paul C. Moffatt, Mayor City of Dublin FINANCE P. 0, BOX 2340 484-8033 Dublin, CA 94568 PERSONNEL. 484-8012 Dear Paul: CITY OFFICES As you remember we met last summer to discuss the 200 OLD BERNAL AVE. extension of BART to the Dublin-Pleasanton area. At PLANNING that time, BART had decided to build two stations in the 484-8023 area but was considering locating the first station at ENGINEERING West Dublin (Stoneridge Mall) rather than in East Dublin 484-8041 (Hacienda Business Park) . In order to consider building the first station in East Dublin, the local agencies BUILDING INSPECTION were being asked to fund the difference in cost or 484-8015 approximately 18 million dollars. COMMUNITY SERVICES 484-8160 I asked each City at that meeting last summer whether WATER- BILLING they would consider participating in the cost of 484-8038 relocating the site to the West. Everyone at the meeting indicated a willingness to consider FIELD SERVICES participating in this project. Since that meeting, the 5335 SUNOL BLVD. County contracted with Mel Hing to develop a solution. PARKS An acceptable solution has not been found to date. 484-8056 Unfortunately the solutions that have been considered did not include a possible contribution from each of the SANITARY SEWER Cities and Counties benefitting from the relocation. 484.8061 S•1REk1' The Pleasanton City Council is asking you to consider 484-8066 the possibility of developing a formula (to be assessed SUPPORT SERVICES through development) to relocate the BART station closer 484-8067 to each of your communities and in a location which may better enable a future light rail connection to Contra WATER 171 Costa County. FIRE The formula could be developed to spread the eighteen 4444 RAILROAD AVE. 484-8114 million dollars proportionately to each benefitted City/County. It could, as an example, include an assessment on square footage of new buildings, number of POLICE employees, etc. 483313ERNALAVE. 11.0.BOX 909 484-8127 I will be calling to follow-up on our earlier conversation to see if your community would be willing to consider participation in this project. Sincerely, C_ Ken Mercer, Mayor cc: Deborah Acosta, City Manager / Richard Ambrose, City Manager r i