HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.09 AdvertiseForBids 90-1 (2) CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: October 8, 1990 SUBJECT: Authorization to Solicit Bids Contract 90-01 San Ramon Road Improvements Phase IV Report by Public Works Director Lee Thompson EXHIBITS ATTACHED: RECOMMENDATION: 1) Letter from Caltrans 2) Plans and specifications will be available at the City Council meeting. Authorize Staff to advertise for bids. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Budgeted costs are as follows: Survey $ 50,000 Environmental 5,000 Soils Report/Testing 15,000 Design 175,000 Inspection 40,000 Improvements 2,225,000 Resident Engineer 40,000 Permits/Fees 7~000 $2,557,000 Financing: Federal Aid Urban Tri-Valley $ 500,000 Foster City 1,2~QQ~* Reserve from San Ramon Rd Ph III 80,325 General Fund 760,675 $2,557,000 -1% * FAU funds from Foster City are to be purchased with $972,800 from Dublin's General Fund. Net cost to the General Fund is $1,733,475. DESCRIPTION: This project provides for the widening of San Ramon Road between Vomac Road and Silvergate Drive from two to four lanes and is the final phase of the San Ramon Road Improvements project. Included are roadside and median landscaping, street lighting, low soundwalls at the edge of the road, reconstruction of the traffic signal at Shannon Avenue, and a soils study to determine whether landscaping of the public right-of-way portion of the western hillside along San Ramon Road is feasible. The project is estimated to be under construction for eight months, running from the end of November '90 to the end of July '91. Two lanes of traffic will remain open during construction. It was hoped to have this project bid last spring; however, due to the lengthy processing time with Caltrans, the project has just now been given clearance to bid. STATE OF CALIFORNIA- BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BOX 7310 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94120 (415) 923*4444 September 25, 1990 Mr. Lee Thompson Director of Public Works City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 04-Ala-0-Dbln M-A550(004) CRP-L089(516) San Ramon Road i-IC'l' I 199d PUBLIC YV'ORKS Dear Mr. Thompson: We are pleased to confirm our verbal notification that the PS&E for the above- referenced Federal aid project has been approved with the fo]lowing revisions: · Use Federal Number M-A550(004) and Combined Road Plan Number CRP- L089(516) on the Plans and Special Provisions. · Insert the latest Federal Minimum Wages; and Section 14, Federal Requirements (copies attached). · Incorporate the minor changes You should now revise the PS&E in accordance with these comments and proceed with advertising the project for bids. The Special Provisions require submittal of DBE information before contract award. If the contract award is to other than the low bidder, we will need this information for all the bidders considered. A minimum 21-day advertisement period is required, beginning with publication in a local newspaper of general circulation. All addenda must be pre-approved by the State, and concurrence must be received prior to award of the contract or the rejection of bids. It is estimated that quality control testing by our Materials and Research Department will cost $1,000.00 for your project. We will send you a bill to cover the testing cost, and make arrangements to schedule the work. When the project has been advertised, please send us five (7) copies of the signed Plans and Special Provisions. Immediately upon advertising, inform us of the dates of advertising and bid opening. Sincerely yours, Preston W. Kelley District Director Robert H. Kuroda Local Streets & Roads Area Engineer