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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.1 Sale of Excess Property (2) -7o CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: August 27, 1990 SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Sale of Excess Public Property to Public Storage (Report by Public Works Director Lee Thompson) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) Resolution (a) or (b) , Including Plat and Descriptions 2) Location Map RECOMMENDATION: V4' 1) Open public hearing. 2) Receive Staff presentation and public testimony. 3) Question Staff and the public. 4) Close public hearing and deliberate. S Adopt EITHER resolution (a) if no protests are received OR resolution (b) if protests are received and overruled. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Public Storage has agreed to a $69,000 purchase price. DESCRIPTION: Public Storage is developing a retail and self-storage facility on the property at 7436 San Ramon Road adjacent to The Fishery restaurant. The developer has requested to purchase a strip of excess City right-of-way along the frontage of the property. In May of 1990, the City Council authorized Staff to enter into negotiations for sale of the property. Staff notified local park and recreation agencies, as required by law, and also requested that utility companies advise if any easements were required. None of the park and recreation agencies expressed an interest in the property. Pacific Bell did request an easement for one of their facilities which is partially located on this property. Staff and Public Storage initially did not agree on the purchase price, and an independent appraisal of the property was conducted at Public Storage' s expense. The appraisal yielded a price of $69,000, which Public Storage subsequently agreed to pay. On August 13th, the City Council adopted a Resolution of Intent to sell the property, setting August 27th as the public hearing date. The resolution has been published and has been posted on the property for a minimum of 10 days as required. Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a public hearing, deliberate, and adopt the resolution approving sale of the subject property to Public Storage and authorizing the Mayor to sign the deed. Resolution (a) should be adopted if no protests to the sale were received. Resolution (b) should be adopted if protests were received and overruled. ------ ------ -------- -------------------------------------------------------- ITEM NO.6** COPIES TO: Steve Tangney, Public Storage v t RESOLUTION NO. -90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN --------------------------------------------- APPROVING SALE OF CITY PROPERTY TO PUBLIC STORAGE AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE DEED TRANSFERRING THE PROPERTY WHEREAS, Public Storage has requested the City to enter into negotiations to sell 4,940 square feet of City property adjacent to San Ramon Road north of Amador Valley boulevard, more particularly described in Exhibit Al attached hereto and reserving easements as described in Exhibits A2 and A3, in conjunction with a retail and self-storage facility at 7436 San Ramon Road; and WHEREAS, the City Council established the subject property as surplus on May 14, 1990 and directed Staff to notify appropriate agencies of the City' s offer to sell the property; and WHEREAS, said agencies declined interest in purchasing the property; and WHEREAS, on August 13, 1990, the City Council stated its intention to sell the subject property and set a hearing on the matter; and WHEREAS, on August 27, 1990, the City Council held a public hearing and no protests were received; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council approves the sale of the subject City property to Public Storage for the sum of $69 ,000. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council authorizes the Mayor to execute the deed for the sale of subject City property and deliver said deed into an escrow account established for this transfer. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 27th day of August, 1990. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. -90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN --------------------------------------------- APPROVING SALE OF CITY PROPERTY TO PUBLIC STORAGE AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE DEED TRANSFERRING THE PROPERTY WHEREAS, Public Storage has requested the City to enter into negotiations to sell 4,940 square feet of City property adjacent to San Ramon Road north of Amador Valley boulevard, more particularly described in Exhibit Al attached hereto and reserving easements as described in Exhibits A2 and A3, in conjunction with a retail and self-storage facility at 7436 San Ramon Road; and WHEREAS, the City Council established the subject property as surplus on May 14, 1990 and directed Staff to notify appropriate agencies of the City' s offer to sell the property; and WHEREAS, said agencies declined interest in purchasing the property; and WHEREAS, on August 13, 1990, the City Council stated its intention to sell the subject property and set a hearing on the matter; and. WHEREAS, on August 27, 1990, the City Council held a public hearing, received all protests, and overruled the protests by at least a four-fifths vote; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council approves the sale of the subject City property to Public Storage for the sum of $69,000. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council authorizes the Mayor to execute the deed for the sale of subject City property and deliver said deed into an escrow account established for this transfer. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 27th day of August, 1990. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 4 "EXHIBIT A" AREA TO BE ACQI.f*F.PF TO I 117,R.1.-.0 1-] T 5)*'V I ATF 1) T[-1 THE 5TAT.17, OF OF A UH E F)A . CTTY OF DUBLRI AND IS C'P T R E,D A F 0 1 L W P, A FORTTON C)TI, FT OT " R" , AS SATD F'IDT T ; DRI.TME.,ATED 8.117 DFI:: T(INATFF) C!H '['HAT CR RT A T 1`1 M A P F.MT I T L.E D 11,A P OF THE A . I)n V y F'R 0 1. F 1'T Y 0 T_ 'N E'VAT F OF F.1,17ABETII 17 IN THE C1FFr(':F, OF 'FlIT, C!11.1 I-IT 7 FJLTf', F(­,p. 1W 11 .. V",q CIF AlAtIt"DA IN TY - CALTFOR.11TA . AT A PO T NT AT THE N0F 'H TFAc1TF.R[,_f FROLONGATI ' OF M 'IM THE I.A'N F) p p 0 1:P i 1 1• R A 1 1 7 F. A 1-1 F) OF TH 0 N T El I.",FN FT I.i X - `'Afl) FCjTMT Af,'!". 7 IT F. 1,1.141? (.'F THE HTY 17.0ff) 1.17,A D I N G 7- - . FL F A"A NTC)H TC) '.H I P A 1.A 1-1,PF)A 11 T A . A T 1) M F, A I•':'.C' P.F T 1-,(1, THTF. I,I M F_ AND "J " , A' ,',ATD pjp,I,r* APF DELIMF:ATF.F) MU', P)1' G,:!A'i,F 1') !)1i T I1; 11 AF' REF F.R R.Fn TCi A Pj�VF A I.,01-1 A. :v!­17.R.I Y F,PC)1."I1f;A'I.' T0t1 .. AND IS AT F) I I 10 H PPQ P.C.RT Y I-I I."I, FI.FT TO THE F'IATNT (�_P RFf7T T M I I T MG ,-AT rARALL1, 1, I't'll t\m r, D F 0 T 111 A I., P.F. r III(IT A M)111 T 0 N A 1.T M 1, 1'17,P I.,'f AT RT0117 17POH T14F R fl �'.T A;.1T I,'! f)P.i� SUP.TFY FOR Tlip AT F f'jJ7 1,c N A I A 1!F.,D A 1%]TY . ROAD 1.V A I,A- 10'7 F:, C,0 t 111 1,y ICU,OW H -1 G : I.- N PROPERTY L T N F. '.;A" F 0 A D I'l I M C F. AT..01 7 SAM ff',111cM I S I'r 1-1 9 .1. 37 R A' T '14- 1:A S T 7 FE E'T 0 r FT T I I F 1-4 C:u SnuTH '79° Cl ' .5 7 W P*.':!,T 20 . 00 IF F ET T 111-'.M C'R j.rI,I I ror..'n! FRET .: 0.-n 1.17 I,' FEET TO THE, F'C)T MT 17. I P.Tr.1 I I N F T I I C,1 I 11TA r.11, .1 1 G A f I F FEET 1,1 n F P T7 57 R ., n .s N D Z, <1i 4071 EXP. -/30/92 TF OF Q, "EXHIBIT A" EASEMENT 142 THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREON IS ' SI`CUATED IN iH STATE:. OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ALAMEDA , CITY OF DUBLIN , FOR THE 11SE OF A 10 FOOT WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASRIfENT , AtTCi i l)ESC:RTfiEu AS FOLLOWS : BEING A PORTION OF PLOT " R" , AS SAID FLOT IS DET.,TIIF,ATF.•.) A111) 'SO DESIGNATED ON THAT CERTAIN MAP T`.NTITI:ED , "MAP OF THE PROPERTY OF THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH A . DOUGHIERTY" , ETC • FILED FOR RECORD MAY 111 1891 , IN THE C)FE:CCr OP TIIE CG 1lklTY RECORDER OF ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA . A STR:iP OF LAND TF..N FEE`f IN WIDTH , HEAS11REI) AT RTGH`I' W.LS`1'ERLY OF AND PARALLEL TO THE EASTERL`i L,TiII: OF TH(tT I',R(;},I. 07 LAND OF PUBLIC STORAGE , TNC . CONTAINING 2 , 2 73 SQUARE FEET , MORE 010 \�� U VV. �4 J : :- 40 ( 1 EXP. 6/130/02 "EXHIBIT A'' EASEMENT 03 THE I.,AND REFERRED TO HEREON IS SITUATED Tn THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA , COUNTY OF AL,AMEDA, CITY OF DUBLIN , FOR THE USE OF A 20 FOOT ACCESS EASEMENT , AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : BEING A PORTION OF PLOT 0- , AS SAID PLOT TS DELINEATED AND SO DESIGNATED ON THAT CERTAIN MAP ENTITLED , -HAP OF THE PROPERTY OF THE vi STATE OF ELIZABETH A . DOS KHERTY" , IETC . , FILED FOR RECORD MAY 11 , 1891 , IN THE AFFTCE OF THE C(-)HH T Y RECORDER OF ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA . COMMENCING AT A POINT AT THE NORTHEASTERLY C'&LONGA`i TOK nF THE PROPERTY LINE COMMON TO THE LANDS , NOW OP I OPM ERVY , 01' RUDOLPH L . BANKE AND OF THOS . NIEI,SEN , ET U X , SAID POINT ALSO 2ETHG IN THE CENTER LINE OF THE COUNTY ROAD I.EEADING F011 DUBLIN TO SAN RAMON IN THE PLEASANTON TOWNSHIP , AE:AMEDA COUNTY , CALIFORNIA , SAID CENTER LINE ALSO BETHO THE L,TNE DIVIDING PLOTS " R" AND -J- , AS SAID PLOTS ARE DELTNEATED AND SO DESIGNATEDi ON THE MAP REFERRED TO ABOVE ; THENCE A.Irii' G SAID NORTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION , AND SAID COMMON PROPERTY LINE , SOUTH 63011 ' 10 WEST 122 . 18 FEET , SAID POTIrT ALSO P,EIHP A. POINT ON A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 140 . On FEET WESTERLY AT RIGHT ANGLES , FROM THE 08" LINE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ' SURVEY FOR THE STATE'; HTGHWAY IPd ALAMEDA COUNTY , ROAD IV-ALA-107-B , COMMONLY KNOWN AS `;AN RAMON ROAD ; THENCE SOUTH 90 31 " 37" EAST 4 . V9 FEET ; THENCE NORTH 80028 ' 23- EAST 30 . 00 FEET ; THENCE SOUTH 9* 31 . `'7" EAST 205 . 98 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING ; THENCE NORTH 79 29 " 57" EAST 20 . 00 FEET ; THENCE NORTH Vii° 31 ' 37- WEST 20 . AO FEET ; THENCE SOUTH 79029 ' 57- WEST 20 . no FEET ; VENCE SOUTH POSI " A?'' EAST 20 . 00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING . CONTAINING 400 SQUARE FEET , MORE OR LESS . c - -4071 EXP. 6/30/ `2 P,\RCEL A N1��P BK 150 PC 13 P.0.B. 6 3.11 '1 w r 5 61.79 N9* 1�o.00 4. 79' S80 28'23"W 101.00' 39.00' 78.00' 20' 58.00' r I q N rn o I N C ui 1"=30' r 10' PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT (r�2) I c AREA = 2,27J S.F.i :7j I� 1 m i�i Z Lu f 0. O J J _ cl) m I Q w N I jLu � o � 20' ACCESS W EASEMENT. n3 S 7-0'29'57" W Q AREA = 400 S.F.f 20.00' i Z t N 79 29'57" E 20.00' P.0 B. N CN t HAYWARD FISHERIES RESTAURANT "EXHIBIT A" AREA TO BE ACQUIRED BY PUBLIC STORAGE, INC . SAN RAMON ROAD DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR: PREPARD BY: PUBLIC STORAGE, INC. ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS GROUP, INC 11850 DUBLIN BOULEVARD 11860 DUBLIN BOULEVARD, SUITE B DUBLIN, CA 94568 DUBLIN, CA 94568 t `t C)cc \ \ mo \ 'P S.npRAG m a 'TuE F►S�.Y �v AMPIDO'R cr 0 1 o Z XA 0 � t Z a N \\C _ 1\ It'll" .7�