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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.06 Civic Cntr Completion (2) CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 23, 1990 SUBJECT: Final Acceptance of Civic Center Project (Prepared by:.Paul S. Rankin, Assistant City Manager) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Proposed Agreement RECOMMENDATION: ~AdoptResolution. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: See Below. DESCRIPTION: At the City Council meeting on February 26, 1990, the City Council authorized the filing of a Notice of Completion on the Civic Center Project. Staff filed the Notice with the County Recorder on February 27, 1990. In addition to filing the Notice, Staff was directed to negotiate a final resolution of all outstanding issues. The City Attorney's Office and Staff have been working diligently with representatives of DNI to reach an agreement which is acceptable to both parties. Attached is a proposed agreement which DNI has accepted. The agreement includes a punch list of items remaining, along with a value for each item. The City will only release the funds when the item has been corrected. The total value of punch list items is $24,700. Although this appears to be a significant number, two factors should be kept in mind. First, this represents approximately 1/4 of 1% of the total construction cost. Secondly, a large part of the monies withheld are related to landscape items which was the last trade actively working on the project. Approximately $16,750 of the total amount withheld for punch list items is associated with landscape issues. Any items not corrected by June 1, 1990 will result in forfeiture of the value and the Contractor will be relieved from further liability to complete the item. The Agreement does allow the City to authorize an extension of up to 30 days. In addition to retaining an amount to cover punch list items, the agreement authorizes the City to retain $50,000. The Agreement is the result of a compromise and does not reflect an admission of liability or responsibility on either the City of Dublin or Dickman-Nourse, Inc. The Agreement also stipulates certain indemnifications to be provided by each party and the extent that each party is released from obligations arising from the construction agreement. FINANCIAL The following breakdown identifies the final construction costs associated with the Dickman-Nourse, Inc. Agreement: Original Contract Amount Change Orders as adjusted by Final Agreement TOTAL Dickman-Nourse, Inc. $9,695,000 179,627 $9,874,627 The Agreement with DNI is only one element of the overall Civic Center Capital Project. Costs associated with the project have been incurred each Fiscal Year since Fiscal Year 1985-86. The project was extremely complex involving several contractors, consultants, and suppliers. The total project cost presented in the June 1988 Capital Improvement Program has remained unchanged and the project has been completed within those parameters. ITEM NO. COPIES TO: The following Table identifies the estimated final project cost compared to the budget contained in the approved Capital Improvement Program: DUBLIN CIVIC CENTER COST BREAKDOWN AS NOTED IN CIP ESTIMATED ACTUAL PROJECT COST BUDGET Cost of COP Issuance (1985) Cost of COP Issuance (1988) Underwriters Discount (1985) Underwriters Discount (1988) Sub-total Financing Costs $ 88,726 $ 88,726 143,588 143,588 394,944 394,944 258,450 258,450 $ 885,708 $885,708 Design Construction Mgt/Insp Soils/Testing Utilities Bidding/Capitalized Taxes Sub-total Soft Costs 812,389 864,706 421,364 470,044 75,741 79,916 217,633 217,633 61,115 61,919 $1,588,242 $1,694,218 Land Acquisition Improvements(Buildings) Furnishings/Equipment Sub-Total 6,517,149 10,042,133 455,180 $17,014,462 6,517,149 9,881,050 453,459 $16,851,658 Budget Transfer for Fountain Project ( 6,300) N/A TOTAL PROJECT $19,482,412 $19,431,584 As the City Council may recall, a 5% construction contingency was budgeted at the beginning of the project. Given that the City was able to keep the actual changes well within the 5% parameter, the funds were available to cover additional design and inspection costs due to the extended construction process. The bottom line is that the project has been completed within budget and is being enjoyed as the central location for a variety of community events. APPROPRIATION ADJUSTMENT As described above, the total project costs are within the budget. However, the expenses for Fiscal Year 1988/89 were less than the approved Budget for that year and the opposite result occurred in Fiscal Year 1989/90. The extended construction period resulted in payment for project expenses later than was anticipated in the approved Budget. Therefore, it will be necessary for an additional appropriation to the Civic Center Project for Fiscal Year 1989-90. Staff will need to evaluate the amount of Dublin Information, Inc. (DII) funds available, after accounting for all interest earnings and expenses. The additional appropriation would be made from a combination of the remaining DII funds and a General Fund contribution. The completion of this transaction after all expenses are finalized will assure that 100% of the DII funds developed from the Certificate of Participation financing are expended at the final close of the project. The proposed resolution authorizes Staff to make the additional appropriation for 1989/90as necessary. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution accepting the improvements, approving the agreement, and authorizing an additional appropriaton for Fiscal Year 1989/90. Also, the action will authorize Staff to release any payments due DNI. RESOLUTION N0. 45 - 90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING THE FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF CIVIC CENTER PROJECT AND A MUTUAL RELEASE AGREEMENT WITH DICKMAN NOURSE, INC. AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO MAKE AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION WHEREAS, the Dublin Civic Center Project was constructed under an agreement with Dickman Nourse, Inc. (DNI); and WHEREAS, the City Council authorized the filing of a Notice of Completion, which was recorded with the County Clerk on February 27, 1990; and WHEREAS, the City Attorney's Office has developed a Mutual Release Agreement with DNI; and WHEREAS, the Agreement will authorize the final acceptance of the project and establish a procedure for all amounts payable to DNI; and WHEREAS, although the total project cost was within Budget, an additional appropriation will be necessary for Fiscal Year 1989/90 due to expenses being incurred later than anticipated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby take the following actions: Accept the Dublin Civic Center Project Improvements in accordance with the Mutual Release Agreement, attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. Approve the Mutual Release Agreement and authorize the Mayor to execute said Agreement on behalf of the City. Authorize the City Treasurer to issue all payments due Dickman-Nourse, Inc. pursuant to the Mutual Release Agreement. 4. Authorize the Finance Director to make a supplemental appropriation of funds to the Dublin Civic Center Project for Fiscal Year 1989/90. Said supplemental appropriation shall be based upon final project costs and shall be made from remaining Dublin Information, Inc. (DII) funds and any General Funds necessary to close the project. The supplemental appropriation shall not result in a total project expense greater than the total Civic Center project cost identified in the approved 1989 update to the 1988-1993 Five Year Capital Improvement Program. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of April, 1990. AYES: Councilmembers Hegarty, Jeffery, Snyder, Vonheeder and Mayor Moffatt NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: MUTUAL RELEASE AGREEMENT This agreement is entered into by and between the City of Dublin ("City"), a municipal corporation and Dickman-Bourse, Inc. ("DNI"), a California Corporation. RECITALS A. On or about December 21, 1987, the City and DNI entered into an agreement ("Contract Documents") for the construction of the Dublin Civic Center ("project"). In order to fulfill its responsibilities and obligations under the Contract Documents, DNI subcontracted out portions of the work required by the Contract Documents to various subcontractors. B. The project is complete, the City occupied it on September 30, 1989, accepted it on February 26, 1990 and recorded a Notice of Completion on February 27, 1990. C. During the project, disagreements have arisen between the City and DNI regarding their rights and responsibilities under the Contract Documents. D. The parties to this agreement desire to resolve their present disputes, settle their differences regarding the same, provide for final payment and provide for mutual releases, with certain specific exclusions, upon final payment. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and forebearances set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. The City currently controls the sum of $100,000 in an escrow agreement for security deposits in lieu of retention. The City agrees to instruct the escrow agent, Wells Fargo Escrow Services, to release all securities held pursuant to paragraph 14 of said escrow agreement. The City further agrees to pay to DNI on April 24, 1990, and DNI agrees to accept, the sum of $152,696.80 as and for final payment for the project through Change Order #160 less the sum of $24,700 for the agreed value of the punch list items set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein and less the sum of $50,000. The City agrees to release the sums set forth in Exhibit "A" as each punch list item is completed. If any punch list item remains uncorrected in the reasonable determination of the City Engineer by June 1, 1990, the sum attributable to its correction shall be forfeited by DNI and DNI shall have no further liability to the City for its completion subject, however, to exceptions in paragraph 2 hereof, provided that City, in its reasonable discretion, can extend the June 1, 1990, date by up to thirty (30) days as to specified items on the punch list. 2. Except as set forth below, the City, its respective officers, agents, predecessors, successors, assigns and related entities ("First Releasors") agree to release and fully discharge DNI from all known and unknown claims that could be asserted by First Releasors, past, present or future, which relate to the Rev. 4/6/90 4/10/90 4/lV/90 2 project. Except as set forth in the following sentence, the First Releasors expressly waive their rights under California Civil Code Section 1542 which provides: A GENERAL RELEASE DOES NOT EXTEND TO CLAIMS WHICH THE CREDITOR DOES NOT KNOW OR SUSPECT TO EXIST IN HIS FAVOR AT THE TIME OF EXECUTING THE RELEASE WHICH IF KNOWN BY HIM MUST HAVE MATERIALLY AFFECTED HIS SETTLEMENT WITH THE DEBTOR. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is expressly understood between the parties to this agreement that nothing contained herein shall preclude the First Releasors from any of the following: (a) asserting a claim against DNI for guarantee and warranty under the Contract Documents; (b) asserting a claim against DNI for any "latent deficiency" in the construction of the project as that term is defined in California Code of Civil Procedure ~ 337.15; (c) asserting a claim against DNI for indemnity for any claim against the City contemplated by Section 1.18 of the agreement or within the scope of insurance coverage or sureties afforded the City by or through DNI as a condition of the Contract Documents 3. Except as set forth below, DNI, its respective officers, agents, predecessors, successors, assigns and related entities ("Second Releasors") agree to release and fully discharge the City from all known and unknown claims that could be asserted by Second Releasors, past, present or future, which relate to the project. Except as set forth below, the Second Releasors expressly waive their rights under California Civil Rev. 4/6/90 4/10/90 4/17/90 3 Code Section 1542 as set forth in paragraph 2 above. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is expressly understood between the parties to this agreement that nothing contained herein shall preclude the Second Releasors from asserting a claim against the City for any claim against DNI asserted by Olympia Drywall Co., Pim Electric Inc., and Renfrow's Inc., ("Third Party Claimants"), for losses, costs or damages arising out of the project caused by delays to Third Party Claimants, changes in the work, extra work, increased or decreased scope of work, rejection of claims or extensions of time caused by the City, its agents or representatives. Provided, however, this exception to this general release shall not be construed 1) as an independent source of liability of the City either to DNI or Third Party Claimants, 2) a modification, waiver, or release of any provisions of the Contract Documents, 3) a basis for DNI to assert its own claim, independent of Third Party Claimants' claims, for losses, costs or damages caused by delays, changes in the work, extra work, increased or decreased scope of work, rejection of claims, defense of claims by Third Party Claimants or extensions of time caused by the City, its agents or representatives, 4) an agreement for the benefit of any third party including but not limited to Third Party Claimants. The parties hereto agree that the provisions of this Mutual Release Agreement shall not be construed to violate the provisions of Section 7100 of the Public Contracts Code. Rev. 4/6/90 4/10/90 4/ 7/90 4 4. Each of the parties hereto acknowledges that it may hereafter discover facts different from or in addition to those it now knows or believes to be true with respect to the claims, demands, damages, debts, liabilities, actions or causes of action herein released, and hereby agrees that these releases shall be and remain in effect in all respects as complete, general and mutual releases as to the matters to be released, notwithstanding any such different and additional facts. 5. Each of the parties hereto represents and warrants that it has not heretofore assigned or transferred or purported to transfer or assign, to any other person, firm or corporation, any claim, demand, damage, debt, liability, account, action or cause of action herein released. Each party hereto agrees to indemnify and hold harmless each other party hereto against any claim, demand, damage, debt, liability, account, action, cause of action, cost or expense including attorneys' fees actually paid or incurred, arising out of or in connection with any such transfer or assignment or purported or claimed transfer or assignment. 6. This agreement is the result of a compromise and shall never at any time for any purpose be considered as an admission of liability or responsibility on the part of the parties herein released, nor shall the payment of any sum of money in connection Rev. 4/6/90 4/ o/9o 4/ ?/9o with the execution of this agreement constitute or be construed as an admission of any liability whatsoever of any of the parties herein released, who continue to deny such liability and to disclaim such responsibility. The parties further agree that the negotiations that resulted in this agreement are subject to California Evidence Code SS 1152 and 1154. 7. The undersigned hereby represent and warrant to each other that they have the legal capacity and authority to enter this agreement and to grant the releases set forth above, and that the undersigned have the sole right and authority to execute this agreement. 8. This agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the matters set forth herein and shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the executors, administrators, personal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns of each party hereto. This agreement shall not be modified except by way of a further writing executed by all the parties hereto., 9. 'The parties hereto have cooperated in the drafting and preparation of this agreement and, therefore, this agreement Rev. 4/6/90 4/10/90' 4/17/90 6 shall not be construed against any party. The parties expressly waive the provisions of California Civil Code § 1654, providing that ambiguities are to be construed against the drafting parties. 10. This agreement supersedes all previous agreements between the parties. DATED: April , 1990 City of Dublin By: DATED: April , 1990 Dickman-Nourse Inc. By: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT: CITY ATTORNEY AIKEN, KRAMER & CUMMINGS, INCORPORATED By: Attorneys for City By: Attorneys for DNI J: \~/PD\HNRI4\114\AGREE\D 1CKMANA.SRH Rev. 4/6/90 4/10/90 4/17/90 7 EXHIBIT A FINAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF DUBLIN AND DICKMAN NOURSE, INC. Description: Seven Pages. of Punch List Items as of April 17, 1990. Each Item has a value. Total Value of items is $24,700. Page 1 of 8 AMENDED LISTING BASED ON ARCHITECT REVIEW Prior Update - February 27, 1990 EXTERIOR AND SITEWORK Review Janaury 26, 1990 (Original Inspection November 1-3, 1989) Not reviewed in detail for 2/23/90 Listing. Contractor should advise if there are items remaining. Architect will re-review. POLICE WING $50 1. Door P101, main police public entry replace missing caps on closers (11/1/89, pg.3, #2) $250 3. Windows on Line 2 - 2 lights to right of line 19, replace accidentally sandblasted glass. (11/1/89, pg.3, #4) $800 5. Door Pl19 and P120 touch up paint where paint has come off door. (Roll-up Sally Port) 7. See #14 Police Facility Clean out Sally Port. a:4-17pnlts.doc.misc April 3, 1990 Notes to Punch List $7oo (1) $1ooo (2) (on list) (3) $15oo (4) Doors A similar problem occurs with three doors. A new door skin was adhered, however, the color match is noticeably off. The value assigned is $200 for each door. In addition, a value of $100 has been assigned to Door C216. Carpets Carpet stains are noted on several places on the'Punch List. A consolidated value has been placed on these items. The stains are typically oil from machinery and equipment or window leaks. The value included on the Punch List is intended to represent the loss of value in accepting carpets in this condition. In addition, all unplaced carpet shall remain the property of the City. Area of primary importance for any replacement would be the Regional Meeting Room. Intercom The missing intercom was not noted on previous Punch Lists as the holding cell area was one the final areas to be completed. Drain Type A separate memo has been issued. cost for all locations. This consolidates the Page 2 of 8 Updated April 17, 1990 Updated as of April 4, 1990) (Updated as of March 29, 1990) (Prior Update was February 23, 1990) CITY HALL First Floor Punch List Items remaining as of January 26, 1990 (1) $800 (2) $50 $750 (2) (2) $500 18. Room C121- At door C126 the thumb turn is missing. (8/89 - pg. 6, #1) Door replaced - color/stain is lighter/more orange. 24. Room C126 At Mechoshade, Pocket 7 sections remain on order to be replaced. 35. Room C143 - remove spots and stains from carpets. pg.5, #3) Grease type spot s/e corner of table & along window. (10/20/89, 44. C148/C149/C150 - Repair or replace dented aluminum sill just south of column G-16.4 (10/20/89, pg.7,#11) Council Chamber Wai ring Area 50. Room C152 - Finish installation of sound system. (10/20/89, pg.9, #4) Provide operable master volume control @ Clerk's desk never worked. (Subcontractor claims work to be complete 4/2/90) 57. Room C153 - Clean spots and stains from carpet. pg. 11, #2) Attemptto clean: not 100% effective (10/20/89, 60. Room C158 - Clean paint and construction spots and stains from carpet. (10/20/89, pg. 13, #2) Caucus Room: attempt ~ entry & 3 ft right side Marker Bd. not 100% effective 61. Room C159 -at entry mat, clean paint, stain, carpet glue, grout and mastic from carpet treads and frame. If carpet treads cannot be cleaned, replace them. Replace carpet treads that were cut too short (six in the middle, one at door C102, three at door C101) Adjust carpet threads for uniform space. Caulk edges to pill gap where storefront is exposed. (10/20/89, pg.13, #4) Vestibule to P.D. from City Hall ( 1 ) See Note ( 1 ) (2) See Note (2) Updated April 17, 1990 Updated April 4, 1990 Updated March 29, 1990 City Hall Second Floor Punch List Items Remaining as of 01/26/90 GENERAL NOTE: The following doors were worked on, however, the color does not match the doors elsewhere in the facility. (1) 8. Room C211 - (Const. Mgr Office) - Replace door C216 because of imperfections on interior side. (07/25/89 pg 6, #1) Status: New door hangs up at top. (1) 11. Room C215 - (City Mgr Conf Rm) - At door C219 replace door (due to severe scratch on interior side). (07/25/89 pg 7, #1) Door skin replaced - please confirm stain color. Color lighter - more orange (1) 12. Room C216 - (Mayor's Office) Replace door C221 due to chip and scratch on interior. (07/25/89 pg 7, #1) See above Updated April 17, 1990 Updated March 29, 1990 Prior Update as of February 23, 1990 Police Facility First Floor Punch List Items Remaining as January 26, 1990 (2) 3. Rooms 101 & 102 - Remove dirt, stain and burns from carpet. (10/13/89 pg 3-#14). Continues to come up after cleaning (2) 20. RoomiP138 - Corridor, clean spot from carpet. (10/13/89 pg 10-#2) (See General Notes on Carpets attempted to clean did not) (2) 28. Room P154 - Clean spots from carpet. (10/13/89 pg 13-#1) $300(3) New Item: It has been noted that wire was pulled at the holding cell booking counter, however, the intercorn was never installed. Updated March 29, 1990 Supplemental Punch List Originally Dated February 23, 1990 $5,000 5. Satisfactory completion of landscape maintenance period (see comments on landscape punchlist). $1,500 6. Correction of ponding problem: b) South of arcade at building entrance A:4-17pnlt.DOC Page 4 of 8 .... : .~ '.i! ' '.';"-.'::~7~'" ~:'! ii · ' DUBLIN CIVIC CENTER PUNCH LIST: VERTICAL LOUVRE BLINDS (FEBRUARY 2:3, 1990) TIlls punch list upclates progress by DIckman-Nourse, Inc. and/or their subcontractors on Items contained on a punch list dated October 6, 1989. Room numbers are as shown on the original contract drawings and tt~e punci~ list. TIle follow-up Inspection was limited In the Police restricted access to certain rooms. Corrections for repeated In tl~eir entirety on this list. Room C II 7 (Expansion Area) -Two sections continue to drag on the sill. left & Section on far right) -Install missing blades. Facill ty due to those rooms are (2nd section from Room C 134 (Planning Director) -Dlinds bind at the right side, adjust track. -Cut off screws Room C232 (FInance Technician) -Toucl~ up repair to off set Joint in curtain'pocket I-loom C234 (FInance Director) -Right side drags when curtains are open UPDA TED A5 Of MARCH 2, I9902 Room P215 (Special Investigations) -AdJ us t to keep b l 1 nds from dragg l ng (RIGHTS/DE WHEN OPEN) -Relocate bt Inds In pocket to eliminate dragging ~age '5 of::"8~ LANDSCAPE PUNCH LIST Taken from David Gates & Associates Letter dated March 7, 1990 Update as of March 30, 1990 Updated April 17, 1990 Landscaping Subject to Final Review At Conclusion of Maintenance Period HARDSCAPE The following hardscape items have yet to be corrected or completed. Courtyard (4) 1. A green plastic drain grate was substituted for the brass Zurn grate which was specified. The plastic grates are not durable under traffic, there are several broken on the site already. Grate should be replaced with that specified without detriment. to the surrounding concrete paving. We would like to see the procedure for this for approval before it is done. Entry Plaza (4) 7. The wrong drain type has been installed in all cases in the planting areas in the entry plaza and along Dublin Boulevard where Santa Rosa drains were called for. These are concrete drain boxes with iron grates 12" square. The substitution was a 6" diameter plastic grate with no drain box. As was noted in October, this is not acceptable. In some cases, the grates are already broken. We would like these replaced as specified. $500 8. The large catch basin D.I. #11 appears to have been set too low by 3"-4". It should be raised. Dublin Boulevard Area $250 9. There is a low spot in the sidewalk parallel to Dublin Boulevard at the triangle where water collects on the paving and adjacent planting.i $300 11. All areas impacted bythe fountain repair should be regraded to eliminate humps, depressions and wheel marks. The mulch which was washed from fountain berm should be replaced in planting area by qualified landscape personnel. Berm at fountain requires regrading. All disturbed lawn areas shall be reseeded. Parkinq Area $50 4. Four Fraxinus specified have been planted between the Police parking lots; (Fill in hole at the north end.) Courtyard $50 7. Plant Chrysanthemum which was not planted in planter between the doors. Remove Felicia which was substituted. Front Plaza $750 9. Almost entire berm was damaged presumably during fountain malfunction. Must be re-fine graded. Virtually all Agapanthus are in poor condition and require replacement. Other Site Areas $50 10. There is a layer of rocks in the lawn adjacent to the sidewalk at the corner of Civic Plaza and Dublin Boulevard. Please remove. (4) See Note 4 Page 6 of 8 $50 11. Repair of existing landscape: Infill Gazania in median on Civic Plaza to match existing. Remove sand from sandblast before planting. The following additional items need action: $8,000 13. All lawn.areas are in poor condition and in need of weed control. $300 14. Where Feijoa was removed at west driveway, remove header and mulch, convert to lawn irrigation and seed. Parkinq Area $200 15. Truck access Grass Cell at canal needs to be finished with headerboard, filled, and seeded with lawn. PSR:slh a:4-171and.doc.misc Page 7 of 8 · . .FP-VBI~B ,~/Rice Ray Arthur Amy [lallaher FIELD REPORT 4 Union Bcluara, Union Oily, CA 945E17 Phone 415/471-9244 Fax 415/471-37Lit1 001 FIELD REPORT NO.: CONTRACT= _j,cEJ_ga tLo. n INSTALLATION STATUS= DATE: 12-13-89 INFDRMA'FION OR ACTION REQUIRED= /:~'~' '=, .: , Install remote control' valve ID tags at each remote control valve per note t19, All quick couRltng valves must be Installed with drain rock and be sial<eel wit angle Iron as detailed. Reinforcing bar will not I~e accepted. All remo'te control valves Installations In courtyard area need to have rlraln rock lnstal led as detal'Ied, 'l'lm rnllnwlng valves do not have drain rock lnstalled~ -Ral3c valves-. ..-eu.t--e-I: nlL~d and InsLaH. drain rock allowing clearance under valve hod I es as de La 11 A-7 'tl~rough A-11, A-16 through A-18, B-27, B-28, C-2 tl3rough C-6, F-14, C-16, C-30 ticrough C-52, Alelost all remote'control valves that DO have drain rock installed are hurled In the rock up to the ad3'~sttng steels, Raise valves I:o alloH clearance under valve bodies as detailed, Valves must ilave plenty of room for servicing, Valve A-'I~: No spare HIre was Installed to this valve location, 5;pl icP Into spare wire a~ nearest 1ocatlon and Install t:o w~l ve box. ',/~:~lvas B-l, B-2. 8-:~. C'-9: ~ C-34~ Provide 2q' excess coiled loop ~1: u,.,:l~ ~ire a~ eacl~ remote control valve location. liEPont uv: I'~ay Arthur <:OP~E.S',,,: t. lor l Hatsushl, Morl HatsLishl g Associates l.'llf:llelle Scholz, David Gates g Associatess PLANNINF:; · DESIGN s/so/ o - of' sl?ho · REHABILITATION · MANAGEMEN'F Page 8 of 8 EXHIBIT