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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 Goals and Objectives Report (2) CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 27, 1990 SUBJECT: Report on 1989 Goals & Objectives and Establishment of 1990 Goals & Objectives EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) Memorandum from City Manager dated March 16, 1990 2) 1989 Goals & Objectives Year End Report 3) 1990 Goals & Objectives Preliminary Ranking and Additional Goals Rating Form 4) 1989-90 Capital Improvement Program Summaries RECOMMENDATION: 1) Review 1989 Goals & Objectives ) Receive Staff Report on 1990 Preliminary Goals & Objectives 3) Receive Public Input 4) Deliberate, prioritize and adopt 1990 Goals & Objectives FINANCIAL STATEMENT: See attached Memorandum. DESCRIPTION: See attached Memorandum. * _ * City Council : Please rank goals and return rankings to City Offices no later than Friday, March 23, 1990. If you are unable to return to City Offices, please call and arrangements will be made to pick them up. It is important that your rankings are received before the Goals & Objectives meeting on March 27, 1990, so that the Council's individual rankings can collectively be compiled. r / COPIES TO: ; ITEM NO. �S ( C/��« �0 r-- CTfY OF DUBLIN -m MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: ,1T' ••((City Manager RE: VVGoals & Objectives Review DATE: March 16, 1990 Since the City's inception, the City Council and Staff have annually developed and refined a Goals and Objectives Program for the City. This program serves as a means of prioritizing those issues on which the Council determines how'"the City's resources should be primarily focused. Once the Council has adopted the Goals and Objectives Program each year, the Staff can develop an Annual Budget and Capital Improvement Program which more accurately reflects the City Council's priorities. 1989 Goals & Objectives Report Staff has prepared ;a status report >`(see attached) on the(`_1989 Goals & Objectives Plan adopted by the City Council in February 1989. Included with the Goals and Objectives Status Report is a review of the progress made on those Capital Improvement Projects authorized by, the City, Council in the 1989-90 Budget. The City Council adopted a total of 98 objectives in the 1989 Goals and Objectives Plan. Of those. iobjectives adopted, 65 objectives were assigned a high priority, ' 30 objectives were assigned a medium and 3 objectives were assigned a low priority. In addition to those objectives included in the adopted Goals & Objectives Plan, 19 other significant assignments were given to Staff during the course of the year. Shown below in Table I, is a summary of the City' s progress in completing those objectives assigned in 1989 . TABLE I SUMMARY OF 1989 OBJECTIVES LEVEL OF ACHIEVEMENT Nearly Priority Number Complete Complete Underway Oncgoinq No Action High 65(100%) 35(54%) 7( 11 %) 19(29%) 4(6%) Medium 30(100%) 10 (33%) 3(10%) 12(40%) 2(7%) 3(10%) Low 3(100%) 1 (33%) 2(67%) Subtotal 98(100%). 46(47%) 10 ( 10%) 31 (32%) 2 (2%) 9(9%) Added Assgnmt 19(100%) 5(26%) 3 (16%) 9 (47%) 2(11%) TOTAL 117 (100%) 51 (44%) 13(11%) 40(34%) 2(2%) 11 (9%) J Of the total adopted 1989 objectives, 56 or 57% are either complete or nearly complete. Of those 65 objectives which were designated high priority objectives, 42 or (65%) are completed or nearly complete. This compares favorably to the 1988 level of achievement in which 51 or (49%) of the total 1988 adopted objectives were completed or nearly completed and 38 or (61%) of the 1988 high priority objectives were completed or nearly completed. There were only 4 1989 high priority objectives in which no action was taken. An explanation regarding each of these objectives is given below. Obiective Reason Finance (89) Develop a 3-5 year forecast for Insufficient revenues & operating expenditures Staff time to be used in conjunction with the Five Year Capital Improvement Program Public Relations (89) Develop Press Release Program Insufficient Staff time Recreation (89) Develop Park & Open Space Outside of planning Master Plan in East Dublin Consultants scope of work, additional funds needed Police - (88) Implement Sheriff' s Computer County not prepared to Aided Dispatch System implement Since February 1989, Staff has identified 19 major tasks or responsibilities, which were added during the year. These tasks or responsibilities impacted Staff's ability to accomplish those objectives originally adopted by the City Council last year. Shown below is a list of these additional assignments. Administration 1 . Feasibility Study for Economic Development Program Public Relations 2. Contribute articles to Chamber of Commerce Newsletter. -2- Planning 3 . Implement Management Audit Recommendations 4. Alameda County Open Space Litigation 5. San Ramon Road Specific Plan Amendment 6. Antennae Study 7 . Prepare State Mandated Housing Element 8. Coordinate 1990 Census 9 . Hansen Ranch 10 Lot General Plan Amendment 'Study Engineering 10 . Establish Plan Line for Two Lane Access Road to facilitate opening of Hacienda Drive/I-580 Interchange Recreation 11 . Report to Council on appropriate role for City human service functions 12 . Investigate feasibility of Skateboard Park 13 . Develop Master Plan for Dublin Sports Grounds 14. Assume responsibility for scheduling School District facilities 15 . Plan & renovate Dublin High School Football Field & Track 16. Plan & complete Alamo Creek Park Phase II Disaster Preparedness 17 . Coordinate response to October earthquake Waste Management 18. Develop Recycling Program 19. Report to Council on Hazardous Waste Program As indicated above, of these 19 additional assignments, 8 or 42% are complete or nearly complete. Capital Protects With the adoption of 1989-90 Capital Budget, the City Council allocated funding for a total of 26 Capital Equipment items and/or Capital Projects . In addition to these projects, 2 Capital Projects were added to the Capital Budget during the first half of Fiscal Year 1989-90 . Of these 26 projects, the City has completed or is on schedule with 19 projects at this time. Those projects which are behind schedule include: 1 . Records Management Study - Consultant was hired later than anticipated. 2 . City Entrance Signs - Delay in getting street plans to architect for locations adjacent to I-580 . 3 . Additional Library Access Improvements - no action due to property owner/tenant dispute. 4. Alamo Creek Park - late start due to request for additional improvements from community. -3- 5. Dublin High School Football Field Renovation - underestimated time necessary to solicit input from user groups. 6. San Ramon Road Improvements (Phase IV) Time required by Caltrans to review plans. 7. Infrastructure Impact Fee - Insufficient Planning Staff time. 1990 Goals & Objectives The Preliminary Goals and Objectives for 1990 includes a total of 105 Objectives. This includes 35 new objectives proposed for 1990 . The remaining objectives have been carried over from the previous year and/or have been expanded in scope. Staff has listed these objectives in priority order as viewed by Staff. Staff has also indicated whether adequate resources are available to accomplish each objectives within the time frame of the Goals and Objectives Plan. It is recommended that the Council review the 1990 Preliminary Goals & Objectives and prioritize each objective within each program area by giving it a ranking of High Medium Low No Priority (Delete) Staff has also provided additional space to identify and rank any additional objectives, which the City Council may wish to incorporate into the 1990 Goals and Objectives Plan. Capital Pro-jects Staff has provided additional space on the last page of the 1990 Preliminary Goals and Objectives report for the Council to identify any additional projects which should be given consideration in the 1990-91 Capital Improvement Program Update. Any projects which individual Councilmembers would like to see included in 1990-91 should be included on this list and submitted with the 1990 Preliminary Goals and Objectives ranking. It is recommended that each Councilmember complete their ranking including any new objectives, and submit the Preliminary 1990 Plan to the City Clerk's Office no later than Friday, March 23, 1990. This will allow Staff sufficient time to compile the results and distribute the results to the City Council prior to the March 27, 1990 Goals and Objectives Meeting. RCA:slh 3-16MEMO.DOC -4- ADOPTED 1989 GOALS & OBJECTIVES YEAR END REPORT COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS I . General Government A. Administration 1 . Civic Center High Rankin a. (88) Coordinate activities of Contractor, Coordination Complete Architect Construction Manager & City with exception of remaining punch list items. High Rankin b. (88) Select Phone System Complete. High Rankin c. (88) Select Furniture Complete. High Thompson/ d. (88) Prepare plan for maintenance & operation Rankin of Center Underway. High Rankin e. (89) Coordinate move to Civic Center Complete. High Ambrose f. (89) Plan & implement Dedication Ceremonies Complete. High Ambrose 2. (85) Complete development of Municipal Code Will be completed 4/90 & presented to Council 5/90. High Ambrose 3 . (89) Prepare report on benefits of establishing Draft report underway; a Redevelopment Agency report to Council 5/90 . High Ambrose 4. (86) Conduct Council/Staff Team Building Retreat Council/Planning Commission/Staff Retreat conducted. Medium Ambrose 5 . (85) Develop Business License Ordinance Task Force created; report to Council 4/90 . ' Medium Keck 6. (88) Develop & implement Records Management Consultants. Study 90% Program for City Clerk records complete;Implementation 20% complete. Low Ambrose 7. (87) Develop Employee Recognition Program No action to date. ADDITIONAL GOALS Ambrose 8. (89 Feasibility Study for Economic Development Preliminary survey of Program other programs underway. 4 Page 2 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS B. Finance High Molina/all 1 . (85) Review charges for services rendered by all Partial information Dept Heads departments submitted by operating departments. ti 2. Develop a long-term financial plan for the City High Molina a. (89) Develop & implement a sales tax monitoring Complete, pending evalua program tion of sales tax auditing services. High Ambrose/all b. (89) Develop a 3-5 year forecast for revenues & Dept Heads operating expenditures to be used in No action to date conjunction with Five Year CIP 3 . Data Processing High Molina/Lowart a. (88) Recreation Software - solicit bids & install Complete. Medium Molina/Rose b. (88) Work with Alameda County to install Police Computer Hardware Computer Aided Dispatch Police Records ordered;Sheriff's CAD System Software system to go on line Spring 1990. Medium Molina/Keck . c. (88) Complete training on City Clerk & Training to be completed Administrative Software by 5/90 . Medium Molina 4. (87) Develop Program for ongoing internal control Complete. Medium Molina 5 . (87) Participate in 1990 Garbage Co. rate increase Complete. proposal High Molina 6. (89) Develop & implement computerized billing Complete. system to track development fees. ADDITIONAL GOALS • Page 3 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS C. Intergovernmental Relations Medium All depts 1 . Meet jointly with representative from Ongoing. other agencies Medium All depts 2. More aggressively monitor activities. of Ongoing. other regional agencies - j ADDITIONAL GOALS D. Public Relations High Texeira 1 . (89) Distribute one ( 1 ) Newsletter & one ( 1 ) Complete. Calendar/Annual Report by 1 /1 /90 High Ambrose/Tong 2 . (86) Work with Chamber of Commerce in Underway; report to development of community profile brochure Council 4/90. High Texeira 3 . (89) Develop Press Release Program No action to date. Medium Texeira 4. (87) Community Gift Catalog Draft Catalog complete Report to Council 4/90 Medium Texeira 5. (87) Student Government Day Program being developed Staff did participate in Career Day & teaching High School Civics Class i on Local Government. Low Tong 6. (86) Prepare report on program for recognition No action to date. of outstanding development. ADDITIONAL GOALS Texeira 7. (89) Contribute articles to Chamber of Commerce Contributed 5 articles Newsletter during 1989. Page 4 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS E. Contract Administration High 1 . (89) Perform Contract Review Rankin a. Animal Control Completed 6/89 including revised 3 yr agreement. Rankin/Taugher b. Building & Safety Completed 6/89. Texeira c. Crossing Guards Completed 6/89. Thompson d. Engineering Completed 6/89. Rankin/Rose e. Police Completed 6/89 including revised 3 yr agreement. Thompson f. Public Works Maintenance Completed 6/89 . Thompson g. Street Sweeping Completed 6/89 including new 2 yr agreement. Thompson h. Traffic Signal Maintenance Completed 6/89 . Texeira i. Vector Control Completed 6/89 . ADDITIONAL GOALS II. Community Development A. Planning High Ambrose/Tong 1 . (88) Complete Management Audit of Planning Complete (see 1990 for & Development .Services follow-up goals) High Tong 2 . (87) Hansen Ranch General Plan Amendment Study Completed Primary General Plan Amendment High Tong 3. (87) Blaylock/Gleason/Fletcher General Plan Complete. Amendment Study High Tong 4. (87) East Dublin General Plan Amendment Substantial progress on Specific Plan Studies study; first public meeting anticipated 4/90 �'. High Tong 5. (88) ,West Dublin General Plan Amendment Substantial progress on Specific Plan Studies study; first public meeting anticipated 4/90 High Tong 6. (87) Resolve Eastern Sphere of Influence of Study scope revised by dispute with Livermore LAFCO;anticipate LAFCO hearing 3/90-6/90. i 1 Page 5 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL ! PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS High Tong 7 . (85) Downtown Improvement Plan Implementation Plan has been presented Strategies on informal basis with some property owners & business owners. Report to Council Summer 90. Medium Tong 8. (86) Site Development Review Guidelines No action to date. Medium Tong 9 . (86) Develop Environmental Guidelines Complete Medium Tong 10. (85)Revise Zoning Ordinance No additional progress to date. Medium Tong 11 . (86) Report on Historic Element to General Plan No action to date. ADDITIONAL GOALS Tong/Ambrose 12. (89) Implement Management Audit Recommendations Underway (see Attachment 1 for more detail) Silver 13 . (89) Alameda County Open Space Element Litigation Underway Tong 14. (89) San Ramon Road Specific Plan Amendment Complete. Tong 15. (89)• Antennae Study. No action. Tong 16. (89) Prepare State Mandated Housing Element 10% complete; must be complete by 7/90 . Tong/Texeira 17 . (89) Coordinate 1990 Census Underway. , Tong 18. (89) Hansen Ranch 10 lot General Plan Amendment Study To Council April 1990 . B. Building & Safety High Taugher. 1 . (88) Revise Infraction Procedures Complete. High Taugher 2. (88) Complete follow-up of enforcement of Report made to City non-conforming signs. Council in 1989 Will not be complete. until 1992 due to extensions. High Taugher 3 . (89) Preparing Ordinance adopting 1988 Complete. Uniform Building Code. Medium Taugher/Tong 4. (88) Adopt Building Security Ordinance Complete. Rose in consultation with Police Dept. ADDITIONAL GOALS Page 6 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS C. Engineering High Tong/Thompson 1 . (87) Dublin Boulevard easterly extension Report to City to Tassajara Road General Plan Council 3/90. Amendment & Plan Line. High Ambrose/ 2. (88) Dublin Blvd Easterly Extension Assessment Attempt to form local Thompson District assessment district unsuccessful;other financing options being reviewed. High Thompson 3 . (89) Update 1985 Traffic Speed Survey Complete. Medium Thompson 4. (89) Establish City Standard details & Underway;report to specifications for public improvements Council 6/90 . ADDITIONAL GOALS Tong/Thompson 5. Establish plan line for two lane access Report to Planning road to facilitate opening of Hacienda Commission 4/90 Drive/I-580 Interchange. III . Culture & Leisure A. Recreation V High Lowart/ 1 . (86) Renovate Shannon Community Center Complete. Taugher High Lowart 2 . (86) Develop & Implement Teen Program Complete. High Lowart/ 3 . (88) Renovate Dublin Swim Center Construction underway; Thompson Project to be complete 3/90 . High Lowart/ 4. (89) Develop a Vandalism Awareness Program No formal program to Thompson/Rose in cooperation with Public Works & Police. date.Police have passed out flyers to neighbors at parks on an as-needed basis. Page 7 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS High Ambrose/ 5 . (89) Develop a Joint Facility Use/Development Complete. Lowart Agreement with Dublin School District High Lowart 6. (86) Renovate Shannon Park Construction underway Estimate completion by 8/90 . High Lowart 7 . (88) Develop Senior Center Facility Use Policy Complete. High Lowart 8. (89) Develop Park & Open Space Masterplan No action to date. in East Dublin Medium Lowart 9 . (88) Conduct dedication ceremonies for newly Ceremonies held for constructed/renovated park facilities. Dolan Park. Medium Lowart 10. (87) Develop adult/youth sports program Adult Softball to commence 4/90 . Adult Volleyball held with Pleasanton & Livermore currently. No progress on youth programs to date. Medium Lowart 11 . (89) Investigate opportunities for trail EBRPD Liaison formed to development discuss open space trail opportunities. Medium Lowart 12 . (89) Provide opportunities for increased Ave. daily attendance up participation at the Senior Center through 23%.Adult Educ. programs expansion of programs & hours of operation. special events & trips added. Medium Lowart 13 . (89) Work with Pleasanton & Livermore to pursue Task Force appointed development of a five (5) year regional final report due 6/90 . childcare master plan. Medium Lowart 14. (88) Develop a slide presentation promoting City No action to date. recreation programs, parks, & facilities Lowart 15 . (89) Report to council on appropriate role for No action to date. City human service functions. ADDITIONAL GOALS Lowart 16. (89) Investigate feasibility of Skateboard Park Dougherty Hills Park rejected;Investigating use of school property. Lowart 17. (89) Develop Master Plan for Dublin Sports Grounds Underway;report to Council 4/90. Lowart 18. (89) Assume Responsibility for scheduling School District Facilities. Complete. 4 Page 8 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS Thompson/ 19 . (89) Renovate Dublin High School Football Field Plans & Specs to Council Lowart & Track 3/90 Thompson/ 20 . (89) Complete Alamo Creek Park Phase II Plans & Specs to Council Lowart 2/90 IV. Public Safety A. Police High Rose 1 . (87) Provide alcohol/drug awareness program to Program provided to include all grades within public & private public schools K-8, schools. private schools K-6. Remaining grades will be completed by 6/90 . High Rose 2 . (89 ) Increase narcotic arrests & drug seizures by Seizures up by 50% 50% and improve officer safety. in 89; arrests down by 17%; officer safety procedures implemented. High Rose 3 . (88) Implement Sheriff' s CAD System. No action to date. See Finance. High Rose 4. (88) Develop & implement program to recover costs associated with police response to DUI cases. Complete. High Rose 5 . (89) Develop & implement a comprehensive personal Personal safety pgm safety program for children & adults . for children held; Adult pgm developed; To be given Spring/90 . Medium Rose/ 6. (89) Develop & implement a facility operation & Maintenance draft Rankin/ maintenance program for the new Police . complete; Operation Thompson facility. draft underway Medium Rose 7. (88) Develop tracking system of all traffic Complete. related complaints. Medium Rose 8. (89) Expand bicycle safety/education/enforcement Complete. program to include teens & adults. ADDITIONAL GOALS Page 9 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS B. Animal Control High Ambrose 1 . (86) Prepare report to City Council on long term Alameda Co preparing solution for animal shelter proposal Medium Texeira 2. (88) Provide public with information on Vector Complete Control. ADDITIONAL GOALS C. Disaster Preparedness High Rankin 1 . (85) Complete Emergency Response Plan Complete High Rankin 2 . (87) Hold disaster simulation exercise Complete. High Rankin 3 . (89) Develop Emergency Preparedness Handout for Complete.distribution to the public. ADDITIONAL GOALS Ambrose 4. (89.) Coordinante response to October earthquake Complete. D. Waste Managemet� ADDITIONAL GOALS Rankin 1 . (89) Develop Recycling Program Report to Council 1 /90 Staff negotiating with Waste provider. Implementation target date 7/1 /90. Rankin 2. (89) Report to Council on Household Hazardous Complete. Waste Program Page 10 COUNCIL PERSON PROGRAM AREA/GOAL PRIORITY RESPONSIBLE PROPOSED OBJECTIVES FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL STATUS V. Transportation A. Maintenance High Thompson 1 . (86) Report to Council on Street Tree ,Policy Complete. High Thompson 2. (89) Implement three (3) new community volunteer . public works projects Complete. High Thompson 3 . (88) Study cost/benefit of computerized irrigation Study complete; system. report to Council 4/90. Medium Thompson 4. (87) Complete development of Public Works Maintenance Procedures Manual. Complete ADDITIONAL GOALS B. Transportation High Ambrose/ 1 . (88) Resolve issue of Downtown & East Dublin BART Tong Stations Pending High Thompson 2 . (87) Complete I-580 Improvement Cost/Benefit Study Complete High Thompson 3 . (88) Complete Traffic Impact Fee Study and report to Council. Underway High Thompson 4. (87) Coordination of I-580 Improvements with Pleasanton Underway ' High . Ambrose/ 5. (89 ) Develop conceptual plan for financing staged Underway; No solu- Thompson construction of Dublin Blvd to Tassajara Rd tion developed to date. - High Tong/ 6. (87) Resolve BART Park & Ride Lot installation in Resolution depend- Thompson Downtown Dublin ent upon agmt on BART rail station locations Medium Ambrose/Tong/ 7 . (88) Work with Tri-Valley Council to develop Regional Report to Council Thompson Transportation Plan on Tri-Valley initial report 2/90 Medium Thompson 8. (87) Work with other Valley agencies to implement Phase I under Measure B project construction Medium Thompson 9. (87) Report on County Transportation Plan No info to report at this time Low Tong/ 10. (87) Monitor San Ramon Branchline No further action 1 Thompson necessary 1989-90 PROJECTS PROJECT PERSON ASSIGNED STATUS 1. Data Processing System Molina 89-90 System additions completed 2. Civic Center Rankin Project complete except for punch list items 3. Records Management Study Keck Consultant Study 90% complete 4. Sidewalk Safety Repair/ Handicap Installations Thompson To bid 2/90; Complete 4/90 5. Major Arterial Soundwalls Thompson Complete; Report to Council 3/90 6. Dublin Boulevard Sidewalk East of Clark Avenue Thompson To bid 2/90; Complete 4/90 7. City Entrance Signs Thompson Design underway 8. Catch Basin Grate Replacement Thompson Contract awarded; Complete 3/90 9. Underground Utilities, Dougherty Road to SP Right-of-Way Thompson Construction underway; Complete 3/90 10. Additional Library Access Improvements Tong/Thompson No action due to property owner/tenant dispute 11. Shannon Center Renovation Lowart/Taugher Complete 12. Park & Pool Signs Lowart/Thompson Bids rejected. Rebidding underway 13. Swim Center Renovation Lowart/Thompson Construction underway; Complete 3/90 14. Shannon Park Renovation Lowart/Thompson Construction underway; Complete 8/90 15. Alamo Creek Park Lowart/Thompson Plans & Specs to Council 2/90 16. Dublin Sports Grounds Renovatn Lowart/Thompson Plans & Specs to Council 2/90; Master Plan study underway 17. Dublin High School Football Field Renovation Lowart/Thompson Plans & Specs to Council 3/90; Complete 9/90 18. Annual Street Overlay Program Thompson Plans & Specs to Council 2/90; Complete 5/90 1 PROJECT PERSON ASSIGNED STATUS 19. San Ramon Road Improvements Phase III Thompson Complete 20. Traffic Signal Pre-emption for Emergency Vehicles Thompson Complete 21. San Ramon Road Improvements Phase IV Thompson Plans & Specs to Council 4/90; Complete 11/90 22. I-580/1-680 Ramp Widening Thompson Under construction 23. Infrastructure Impact Fee Thompson/Tong Study underway but delayed due to Planning Staff shortage; Report to Council 6/90 24. Dublin Boulevard Improvements Right-of-way engineering & preliminary engineering Donlon Way to Village Pkwy Thompson complete by 6/90 25. Dougherty Road Improvements Environmental & preliminary engineering South of SP Right-of-Way Thompson complete by 6/90 26. Traffic Signals - Village Pkwy @Brighton & VP @Tamarack Thompson Design complete 27. Senior Center Roof Repair Complete 28. Civic Center Courtyard Fountain Construction underway; complete by 3/90 2