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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 CDBG Program 1990-91 (2) . �- d AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 12 , 1990 SUBJECT: 1990-91 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program REPORT PREPARED BY: Laurence L. Tong, Planning Director EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Exhibit A: Letter from John N. Shepherd, Assistant Planning Director, Housing & Community Development RECOMMENDATIONS : Direct Staff to apply for approximately $41,700 in CDBG funding in the following ` categories : 1) for the housing rehabilitation projects : a) Minor Home Repair Program - $7,700 2 ) For the public improvement projects : a) Arroyo Vista (Dougherty Road) soundwall - $14,200 b) Dublin Senior Center Kitchen Renovation - $13, 500+ c) Dublin Senior Center Floor Replacement - $6 , 300+ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: See following description DESCRIPTION: Since 1982, the City of Dublin has participated in the ongoing Alameda County/Urban County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. For the 1990-91 program year, the preliminary estimate of CDBG funds for Dublin is : - For projects $35, 141 - For administration 6 , 600 Total $41, 741 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM NO. g. z COPIES TO: Planning File A Final figures from the Federal Government are expected later this., year, so project budgets should be flexible to allow for either additional funds or reduced funds . The urban county policies provide that a minimum of $7,689 (approximately 220) of the $35, 141 project funds must be used for housing rehabilitation projects . If the City applies the administration funds of $6 , 600 to the public improvement projects, approximately $34 , 000 would be available for the public improvement projects . Over the past three years, the City has received a total of $104 , 060 in CDBG funds for the Arroyo Vista (Dougherty Road) soundwall project. In 1989 , the City received a $53,200 advance of CDBG funds for the soundwall project. The City allocated $39 , 000 of the City' s 1989-90 CDBG funds toward the soundwall project, leaving $14 ,200 ( $53,200 - $39 ,000) to come from this year' s CDBG public improvement funds . After paying back the $14 ,200 fund advance, the City would have approximately $19 , 800 for other public improvement projects ( $34 , 000 - $14 ,200) . The City Council has the option of selecting the other public improvement projects . Staff has identified several other public improvement projects and rough estimates of project costs : 1 ) Dublin Senior Center Kitchen Renovation - $13, 500± 2 ) Dublin Senior Center Floor Replacement - $6 ,300± 3) Arroyo Vista Rain Gutters - $20,000+ Staff recommends that the City Council apply for funding in the following categories with the understanding that any addition or reduction in funding is to be divided proportionately between the housing rehabilitation projects and the public improvement projects : 1) Housing rehabilitation projects : a) Minor Home Repair Program - $7 , 700 2 ) Public improvement projects : a) Arroyo Vista (Dougherty Road) Soundwall - $14 ,200 b) Dublin Senior Center Kitchen Renovation - 13,500± c) Dublin Senior Center Floor Replacement - 6 , 300± TOTAL - $34 , 000+ -2- 0. HCD os ALAMEDA COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Housing & Community Development Program January 11, 1990 Larry Tong, Planning Director City of Dublin P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 Subject:. CDBG ALLOCATIONS - 1990-1991 SUBMITTAL OF PROJECTS Dear Larry: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) project proposals for the 1990-1991 program year are due to the County by February 23, 1990. Attached is a Project Application Form which must be completed for each project. Although some of you may have submitted three year proposals when the current cooperation agreements were executed, proposals must be resubmitted for next year's projects. A xerox copy with a corrected date and original signature will suffice after budget figures and other details are checked for accuracy. The estimated CDBG grant for 1990-91 is $1,558,000. This is based on reports of cuts up to and possibly exceeding 5% and no anticipated reallocation of contingency funds. Based on this total and newly adopted allocation policies, your city's allocation for projects is $35;141 plus admin. of $6;600. $7;689 of the project amount must be used for housing rehabilitation based on the allocation formula for your jurisdiction. Please give Damien Gossett a call at 670-5404 to discuss your housing rehabilitation proposals so there can be a common understanding of production goals and how funding is to be divided among eligible housing rehabilitation activities. You will be notified of exact grant figures as soon as they are available. If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact Berty Gary at that same phone number. Sincerely, John N. Shepherd Assistant Planning Director Housing & Community Development JNS:BG/0860D Encls. -- - 224 W.WINTON AVENt "EXHIBIT