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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.3 Organization of the YearCITY CLERK File # ^^~ji' ~nQ-~~ AGENDA STATE~EN~T CITY COUNCIL MEE1'~[~G DATE: March 7, 2000 ~UB,T~CT: ATTACHMENTS: RECOIV~M~NDATION :.F~NANCIAL STATEMENT: 1999 Organization of the Year Report Prepared by Kay Keck, City Clerk Nomination Forms Submitted Announce winner of 1999 Organization of the Year and present proclamation None DESCRIPTION: Each year, the City of Dublin recognizes a non-profit organization that has provided services which have substantially benefited i-esidents of the community. Mayor Houston and Cm. Howard serve as the Citizen & Organization of the Year Committee. Once nominations have been made, the Mayor arranges for the judging to be done by members outside the City of Dublin. The judges were Bob Philcox,•Mark Sweeney and Brad Hirst. The winning organization is announced/recognized at a City Council meeting witli a proclamation and by having their organization's name placed on a perpetual plaque. They are invited to participate in the St. Patrick's Day parade and festival and two representatives of the organization are the City's guests at the Chamber of Commerce's annual St. Patrick's Day luncheon where they are presented with a plaque by the Mayor. _ The groups nominated this year include: Homeowners of Cranford Lane; Knights of Columbus - St. Raymond's Church; and Soroptimist International of Pleasanton/Dublin. Letters have been sent to all nominated organizations advising them of their nomination. Staff recommends that the Mayor announce the winner of the 1999 Organization of the Year and present the proclamation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: , _ ITEM NO. ~ Q ~EB-17 00 16:25 FRQ~:DUBLIN CITY ~~R OFFG 925~833-665X IU:9~~ Bz~ iiy~ ~~~~:~1 ~~ , . 19~9 ~ ~lTY OF DUBLIN . ~F 1"HE YEAR Q. ~50~ ~-;z o~- ~0~3 ~ NOM1NATlON ~ NQMIN~~ MUST RESID~ fN dUBLIN AND MUST HAVE MADE A SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIQN DUF2ING 7999 T~ THE QUALI7Y OF LI~~ IN DUBLIN. Nt~XvmvF.~: Tl a~eci ~+~~~ ~~-~ 0.~o.r p~ ~v~ ~,~ . ,4~a1~RESS: Cr~Cc,~oc ~ 1..:~c~~ ~ ~ -:~ ? ~'-;- P~YONE NUIv1BFR: Cor~~~~ ^ ~ c-r.y _ ~Sq'~ - -- - - NOIvIIN'ATOR: ..T. GJ y 1~' ° a~`~'~~t -- - ~ ~. ~ ~ 3~/ PHON~ IJ~TMB~R: ~ ~ UOES NON~E KNOW OF ~IS 1~fOMiNATYON? [~] X~S ~] NQ g~~NO~°. DO YOU WIS~ '~~E NpN~NATTON TO REMAIN A~~SURP~5E~~ r0 NO~E? ~ ~ ~S ^ NO PL,EAS~ 1?ESCRIBL THL CpN'fRIBUTIUNS' ~~7E BY TH1'S ,fNl~lY1DUAL ,DU'RINCx~ j 999 AN,D ~Y YQU F'F.E'L THIS 1"MM)IVIDUA~L IS 1?E.S~Rv,~1YG OF ~HIS RECQGMTIpN.~ ~~+s~ ~ J -4 - ~ ~' ~ ~ J '~~~ ..- ~ ~~ ~ ~ - ~I~~.~l~~pcl~dUd~ ~`~G~1_, __ _ ~ THZS FORM MLJS'~ ~E REC~~VED IN T~ QFFICE 4F T~iE C~Y MANAGF~t, DUHLIN CIVIC CENI'ER, 100 CIVIC PLAZt~ BY 3:00 Y.M.; ~'~BRUAIt'Y 17, x000. S0i ~0 ' d S6 T Z 8z8 SZ6 ~kil I dti~ J,3~~df1 bS : 9 Z 000~-L Z-H3~ 1999 C I TY O F D U B L I N ORGANIZATION OF THE YEAR NOMINATION NAME OF ORGANIZATION: ~N c g h'~-s ~ F~ ~u~. ~kS -- .S~ ~HO~/~ s ~ PERSON TO CONTACT: ~~,~ ~, D -~ ~11-5~~~~~e~.~~ ' ~~^~cI- (~N ~c, PHONE NUMBER: ~ 2 S_ $' ~fl -~y3 y NOMINATOR (IF DIFFERENT FROM CONTACT): PHONE NUMBER: ' BRIEF DESCRIl'TION OF ORGANIZATION' S PURPOSE: (~c~ R p~ o S e i s-~ C' ~i -~ ~ , ti ~t. ~~ ~ , ~e A~ f~KN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~A'~iero"fr5h w ~ t~ ~ ,~/ ~~. ~ e~ k,/~ ~~~~~~~ ~ F~~ 1~ 2oc ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ h K 2~~- ~ o2oNta~'~ ,~,ud ~o r,a-/ o ~t.~f v ~ PLEASE DESCRIBE THE EVENT(S) THAT DIRECTLYBEIVEFITED THE RESIDEN7S OF DUBLIN DURING 1999: .Se.~ ,~-t}-~9-~ ~ -~.~~ THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER, DUBLIN CIVIC CENTER., 100 CIVIC PLAZA, BY 3:00 P.M., FEBRUARY 17, 2000. 9~1 .' During 1999 for our church we raised $21, 000.00 for our capitol campaign, gave $3,500.00 to our pastor for special projects, and gave $500.00 to our school for playground improvements and $2,500.00 to five young men studying to become priests. For our community we did a corn beef dinner for the community and visiting Irish friends. We charged $5.00 for all you can eat and after costs any extra money is donated to our church. We gave $3,354.00 to each of the following charities: St. Vincent DePaul, Hope Hospice, Casa Vincente, Dublin pregnancy Crisis Center and Shepards Gate for a total of $16,770.00. We did a Tootsie Roll Drive in which we give a tootsie roll to people entering local stores and if they want we receive a donation back. We do this for children who are mentally challenged and raised $1,000.00 for Dublin Kaleidoscope. Also, we do breakfast and dinners to help other groups raise monies for their projects. We did a breakfast for our youth group that help them raise $1.000.00 for a national youth conference held in St. Louis. We did a dinner for them when they hasted a retreat for the five parishes in the tri-valley area. Each December, as a thank you, for all the support we receive for our church and local community we put on a free breakfast and a visit with Santa Clause. 1999 marked our 13t" anniversary for this event. 1999 ~~~~o~~~ CITY OF DUBLIN FEB 17 2000 ORGANIZATION OF THE YEAR ~8~ ~~ ~~~~BN~ NOMINATION NAME OF ORGANIZATION: SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL OF PLEASANTON/DUBLIN PERSON TO CONTACT: LESLIE ROE PHONE NUMBER: 846-5620 NOMINATOR (IF DIFFERENT FROM CONTACT): JAN CROWLEY PHONE NUMBER: 426-5338 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ORGANIZATIONS' PURPOSE: A WORLDWIDE ORGANIZATION DEDICATED TO ISSUES AFFECTING WOMEN AND CHILDREN. PLEASE DESCRIBE THE EVENT(S) ~'HAT DIRECTLY BENEFITED THE RESIDENTS OF D UBLIN D URING 1999: During 1999 Soroptimist Intemational of Pleasanton/Dublin organized and participated in a variety of activities benefiting the residents of Dublin. In the spring, SIP/D organized and recruited over 100 volunteers who participated in the Alamo Creek clean up. Over 2 tons of debris were removed from the creek and its banks. Interesting finds included over 40 tires, stop signs, and even a dead cat. Local companies donated Power Bars and water for the volunteers. This was a gratifying projects - the immediate results were impressive. Soroptimist members served on the original founding committee of the'St. Patrick's Day Celebration and SIP/D continues to be actively involved on the annual planning committee. We also work as volunteers for the Shamrock Fun Run, providing course and traffic monitors. For the last two years Soroptimists have walked and provided volunteers for. event support at the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life at Dublin High School. For Dublin's Hope Hospice, SIP/D has made a commitment to annually provide cookies and hostesses for the Dublin Tree of Lights ceremony. During the Dublin Pasta Festival Soroptimists also have contributed to the community - working as volunteers to cashier and serve beverages at the event. Scholarship opportunities are available for Dublin High School students via the Soroptimist International Youth Citizenship Award. SIP/D also provided funding for a Dublin student in need of emergency funds to submit with a college application. Sanwa Bank was the drop-off site for our very successful Cell Phone Collection Program. Soroptimists joined with the Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) in a Cell Phone Program to provide cell phones, programmed for 911 use only, to disabled and qualified citizens in Dublin, and the Tri-Valley. Over 500 phones were collected by SIP/D and provided to LAVTA for re-programming and distribution: THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED IN T~-iE OFFICE OF 'TI~ CITY MANAGER, DUBLIN CNIC CENTER, 100 CIVIC PLAZA, BY 3:00 P.M., FEBRUARY 17, 2000