HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.01 Draft Minu 12-04-2001REGULAR MEETING - December 4, 2001 CLOSED SESSION A closed session was held at 6:30 p.m., regarding: Conference with Legal Counsel -AnticipatedLitigation - Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1) Facts and Circumstances: Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(3)(B) East Dublin Properties Stage 1 Development Plan, Annexation and Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report. A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, December 4, 2001, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m., by Mayor Lockhart. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: Councilmembers McCormick, Oravetz, Zika, and Mayor Lockhart. None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Lockhart led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ACTION Mayor Lockhart announced that no reportable action was taken. INTRODUCTION OF NEW EMPLOYEES 7:06 p.m. 3.I (700-10) New employees were introduced: Julia Abdala, Housing Specialist and Ananthan Kanagasundaram, Assistant Civil Engineer. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 20 REGULAR MEETING December 4, 2001 PAGE 504 APPOINTMENTS TO HOUSING TASK FORCE 7:11 p.m. 3.2 (110-30) Planning Manager Jeri Ram presented the Staff Report. Mayor Lockhart stated just before Mayor Houston left, we did an Affordable Housing Task Force to which she was appointed. She asked if this is the same or different? Ms. Ram stated these are different task forces. Mr. Peabody stated she was referring to a Non-Residential Linkage Housing Task Force and it will meet 4 or 5 times on a longer range study that evaluates commercial and non- residential aspects. Mr. Ambrose advised that they were appointed to work specifically on the commercial linkage fee. The Council designated Cm. Zika to serve on the Housing Task Force. On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Cm. Zika, and by unanimous vote, the Council confirmed Mayor Lockhart's appointments to the Housing Task Force: Troy M. Bevilacqua, John Root, Kasie Hildenbrand, Cynthia Morse, Tim Sbranti, Jennifer Mosel, Andy Blauvelt, Joel McCabe, Allison Brooks, Bruce Fielder, Linda Mandolini, Planning Commissioner Adib Nassar, Sue Hagan and Kathleen Robinson. SELECTION OF VICE MAYOR 7:14 p.m. 3.3 (610-20) Mr. Ambrose advised that each year at its first meeting in December, the City Council selects one of its members to serve as Vice Mayor for a one-year period. Mayor Lockhart stated she served 5 years as Guy Houston's Vice Mayor and has a good idea of the duties. She stated she gave this a lot of thought and she values all the Councilmembers and felt all could do the job. Mayor Lockhart nominated Cm. McCormick. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 20 REGULAR MEETING December 4, 2001 PAGE 505 Cm. Oravetz stated at a previous meeting he indicated his support for Cm. Zika and again nominated Cm. Zika. The vote on Cm. McCormick was 2 yes (Mayor Lockhart and Cm. McCormick). The vote on Cm. Zika was 2 yes (Cm. Oravetz and Cm. Zika). Mr. Ambrose stated occasionally when the Mayor is not available, Staff would get the signature of the Vice Mayor on various documents, or if the Mayor is not at a meeting, the Vice Mayor would preside. Mayor Lockhart stated these are the issues the Council will deal with until March. CITY COUNCIL ORGANIZATION/COMMITrEE APPOINTMENTS/ASSIGNMENTS 7:17 p.m. $.4 (610~20/110~$0) Individual members of the City Council represent the City of Dublin on various local and regional boards/committees/commissions. Several openings have occurred as a result of the resignation of Guy Houston and Mayor Lockhart has made her appointments: COMMrlTEE REPRESENTATIVE Alameda Co. Fire Department Advisory Commission Alameda County Housing Authority Alameda County Library Advisory Commission Alameda County Mayors' Conference Alameda County Waste Mgmt Authority JPA Audit Ad Hoc Committee Association of Bay Area Governments General Assembly Lockhart McCormick Oravetz/ (Alternate) Lockhart Lockhart/ (Alternate) McCormick/Oravetz McCormick/Zika (Alternate) Bus Shelter Art Selection Committee Mccormick Cityhood (20 Year) Celebration Ad Hoc Committee Citizen/Organization of the Year Congestion Management Authority Lockhart/Zika McCormick/Oravetz Zika/ (Alternate) Downtown Study Task Force DSRSD Liaison Committee Dublin Pride Week Committee Dublin Unified School District Liaison Committee Lockhart Lockhart/Zika Mccormick/Oravetz Lockhart/Mccormick CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 20 REGULAR MEETING December 4, 2001 PAGE 506 East Bay Division/League of CA Cities East Bay Regional Park District Liaison Committee Energy Feasibility Study Subcommittee Oravetz/McCormick (Alternate) Lockhart/McCormick Lockhart/Oravetz Freeway Art Selection Committee Loci<hart Housing (Affordable Housing Task Force) Housing Element Lockhart Lockhart/Zika I~580 Corridor/BART to Livermore Study Policy Corem Job Training Partnership Act/PIC Zika/McCormick (Alternate) League of CA Cities Voting Delegate & Alternate League of CA Cities Legislative Delegate Program Livermore~Amador Valley Transit Authority JPA Livermore City Liaison Committee Oravetz/McCormick Oravetz/~ (Alternate) Lockhart/Oravetz/~ (Alt) Lockhart/McCormick Pleasanton City Liaison Committee Lockhart/McCormick San Ramon City Liaison Committee Sister City International Committee Lockhart/Oravetz Lockhart/McCormick Tri~Valley Affordable Housing Committee Tri~Valley Transportation Council Zone 7 Liaison Committee Zika/McCormick (Alternate) McCormick/Zika (Alternate) Lockhart/McCormick Mayor Lockhart suggested leaving some positions open for the person elected in March. Cm. Zika requested and Mayor Lockhart concurred that he be removed from the Job Training Partnership/PIC committee. On motion of Cm. Zika, seconded by Cm. Oravetz, and by unanimous vote, the Council confirmed the appointment list. 7:19 p.m. Val Barnes introduced Eve Feiler, President of the Women's Club of Dublin and together they presented the City with the very first throw depicting scenes in Dublin. The throw was recently commissioned and will be sold as part of the City's 20th anniversary year. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 20 REGULAR MEETING December 4, 2001 PAGE 507 Ms. Barnes stated she brought application/order forms, and she felt every home in Dublin should have a City Song tape and a Dublin throw. They have 200 on order and they can always order more. 7:21 p.m. Shawn Costello, Dougherty Road, reported that he filed his papers yesterday so he is an official candidate for Council. CONSENT CALENDAR 7:22 p.m. Items 4.1 through 4.7 Mr. Ambrose pulled Item 4.4. On motion of Cm. Zika, seconded by Cm. Oravetz, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 20, 2001; Adopted (4.2:300-20) RESOLUTION NO. 202 -01 MAKING FINDINGS REGARDING UNEXPENDED DOWNTOWN TRAFFIC MITIGATION CONTRIBUTIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000-01 (AB 1600) Adopted (4.3 410~40/600~30) RESOLUTION NO. 203- 01 APPROVING PARCEL MAP 7589 (SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 20 REGULAR MEETING December 4, 2001 PAGE 508 Adopted (4.5 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 204- 01 APPROVING AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH S&C ENGINEERS, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR THE 1-580/TASSAJARA ROAD INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Adopted (4.6 320-30) RESOLUTION NO. 205 - 01 ADOPTING A REVISED POLICY FOR CITY INVESTMENTS Approved (4.7 300~40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $1,517,254.05. Staff pulled Item 4.4 and distributed a revised Resolution. Mr. Thompson stated there were some last minute changes but with same recommendation to adopt the Resolution. Ms. Silver explained that this would approve a Final Map. They're doing phased final maps and this is the second of the phased maps. Conditions satisfied to date were listed. Cm. Zika clarified that the changes were highlighted. On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Cm. Zika, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted (4.4 600-60) RESOLUTION NO. 206 - 0t APPROVING FINAL MAP FOR TRACT 7252 (AREA A, DUBLIN RANCH, TOLL BROTHERS) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 20 REGULPd{ MEETING December 4, 2001 PAGE 509 ST~ET BANNER ART PROJECT 7:2,5 p.m. 7.1 (900-,50) Recreation Supervisor Bonnie Leonard presented the Staff Report and advised that the Council is being asked to consider options for the Street Banner Art Project. The program would potentially consist of a 9-week workshop, to be incorporated into the City's Parks & Community Services Recreation on Campus (1LO.C.) program, conducted at Wells Middle School. The Council originally directed that the program be coordinated with DUSD and incorporated into the middle school curriculum. However, over the past 8 months. Lynne Baer and Staff have attempted numerous contacts with District personnel in an attempt to set up the project and a response from the District has not been forthcoming. On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Cm. Zika, and by unanimous vote, the Council directed Staff to proceed. ART DESIGN FOR CIVIC CENTER COURTYARD 7:26 p.m. 7.2 (900-50) Recreation Supervisor Bonnie Leonard presented the Staff Report and advised that Artist Katherine Keefer has proposed a life-size ceramic sculpture for the Civic Center Courtyard. The artwork design was presented for Council consideration. The Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission reviewed the design proposal in November and recommends approval of the proposed artwork design and the budget modification required to provide the needed infrastructure. On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Cm. Zika, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the design concept as presented and approved the Budget Change. UPDATE ON ENERGY CONSULTANT SELECTION PROCESS 7:28 p.m. 7.5 (600-$0/1020~40) Economic Development Director Chris Foss presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council Subcommittee on Energy (Mayor Lockhart and Cm. Oravetz) met with Staff to review the 8 consultant proposals to prepare the Municipal Electric Utility CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 20 REGULAR MEETING December 4, 200'1 PAGE 510 Feasibility Study for the City of Dublin. The RFP submittals ranged in cost from $30,000 to $105,028. During the review, the Subcommittee suggested that the project take on a phased approach that would allow the City Council to make a decision to proceed or not proceed at any certain point in the study. Mr. Foss advised that two proposals (Environmental Service Associates/ESA and R. W. Beck) both proposed a similar phased approach, and those two proposals were among the most cost-effective (approximately $30-31,000 each). The Subcommittee decided the first phase should provide background information on the industry and a profile of the City's electrical needs, and the second phase would define the different energy options available to the City. Upon receipt of the first and second phases of the report, the City Council would be able to make a proactive decision on whether to proceed with the study or any specific energy option. Mr. Foss stated due to the general nature of the information being provided through the first two phases of the proposed reports, the Subcommittee also recommended that the opportunity be extended to the other Tri~Valley Cities (Livermore, Pleasanton and San Ramon) to participate in this report. The three cities have been contacted by Staff and each expressed interest in participating and indicated they would respond no later than December 7, 2001. Mr. Foss stated Staff anticipates that interviews with the two finalists could be held during the week of December 17th, and a contract could be considered by the City Council on January 15, 2002. Mayor Ix)ckhart asked if we had gotten feedback from the other cities? Mr. Foss stated Pleasanton contacted us regarding the scope of work with questions. Others expect to respond by Friday. Cm. Zika commended the Mayor and Cm. Oravetz. This is an excellent approach to take. Mayor Lockhart stated they felt that understanding our energy needs is important. On motion of Cm. Zika, seconded by Cm. Oravetz, and by unanimous vote, the Council concurred with the direction proposed by the Subcommittee and authorized Staff to proceed. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 20 REGULAR MEETING December 4, 2001 PAGE 511 PUBLIC ART AT THE SHOPS AT WATERFORD 7:31 p.m. 8.1 (900~50) Recreation Supervisor Bonnie Leonard presented the Staff Report and advised that Shea Properties, developers of The Shops at Waterford, have included a public art piece in the project. The Shops at Waterford is a commercial development consisting of a variety of shops and restaurants connected to a multi-story apartment complex located between Park Drive and Tassajara Road at Dublin Boulevard. Art consultant Lynne Baer presented a report on the artwork design and location. She commended Shea Properties; they were wonderful to work with. The developer reviewed works of several artists before selecting Sacramento Artist, Yoshio Taylor, to create the artwork for the project. The proposal would be a four~sided pyramid shaped sculpture that extends vertically to form a slender, tower-like structure. The tower sculpture form consists of hand-carved terra cotta tiles, blue porcelain tiles, bronze and concrete. The total height of the tower, including the base, is 18' from ground level. The Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission reviewed the proposed artwork and recommends that the City Council approve the project. Cm. Zika clarified that it won't disappear next to the buildings. Ms. Baer stated it is being called "Rising Blue", and hopefully people will look at it as a meeting point. It will be in a very active vital location. They will notch the edge so bike and skateboard riders won't attempt to ride on it. On motion of Mayor Lockhart, seconded by Cm. Zika, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the artwork. SENIOR CENTER VAN FEASIBILITY STUDY 7:40 p.m. 8.2 (595-50) Parks & Community Services Director Diane Lowart presented the Staff Report and discussed the goal and need for a van for the Senior Center. Vans are used to transport seniors to and from the Senior Center, to transport seniors to needed services within the community and to transport seniors to Center sponsored trips and excursions. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 20 REGULAR MEETING December 4, 2001 PAGE 512 Ms. Ix>wart explained that some seniors take advantage of public transportation such as Dial-A-Ride, Wheels Bus or DART. Staff and volunteers infrequently receive requests for transportation to the Center. Ms. Ix>wart discussed the current contract arrangement with Frontier Tours, which requires a minimum number of 40 participants. Since September 2000, the Center has offered 14 trips, of which 10 were canceled due to insufficient registration. A 15- passenger van would provide more flexibility in the type and number of trips offered. A van for the newly formed group, Tri-Valley Trail Trekkers (TVTr) is also desirable. This group meets twice a month and visits area trails. The desirability and flexibility of a 15 ~passenger van was discussed. A 15-passenger van would accommodate 12 passengers, two wheelchairs and one driver and would cost $55,715. Another option would be a van that accommodates 113 passengers, two wheelchairs and one driver and would cost $58,900. Delivery time for the van would be seven months. Ms. Ix)wart pointed out that proposed trips, tours and Tri~Valley Trail Trekkers Program are not contingent upon the Center owning a van. Programs could be accommodated with a rental van and the TVTr program could continue to operate with carpools. Before expending funds to purchase a van, Staff recommended that the Trips and Tours program be implemented for the balance of this Fiscal Year using rental vans to determine if there is an interest. The net cost to the City under this scenario is $13,ยข05. If the Trips and Tours program is successful, then Staff would recommend that funds be included in the FY 2002~03 Budget to purchase a van to expand the Trips and Tours program further and to make the van available for the TVTr program. Ms. Ix)wart stated the Senior Center Advisory Committee and the Parks & Community Services Commission concurred with the recommendation to defer purchase of a van and to pursue expansion of the Senior Center Trips and Tours program for the remainder of this FY using rental vans. Cm. Zika asked if we have part time staff to drive the bus now? Ms. Ix)wart responded no, we would have to hire a person. We are not recommending that volunteers drive the van. Cm. Zika stated he felt if they do, we would need to be sure they are fully indemnified. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 20 REGULAR MEETING December 4, 200t PAGE 513 Ms. Lowart stated Staff pursued this with the City Attorney's Office and they (volunteers) would be indemnified just as Staff would be. Jennifer Mosel with Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL) encouraged whichever van we choose that it be accessible for people with disabilities. Shawn Costello stated he wanted to say the same thing and add if you are going to make a trial run that you advertise in the paper so that people in wheelchairs that are senior citizens will know about it. Have the person who is going to drive be of a kind nature that would be sympathetic to a senior citizen in a wheelchair. They need to be seriously trained. Tim Sbranti, North Lake Drive stated he is a Teacher and Coach at Dublin High School. He asked if the City Council would consider partnering with the School District. They currently have 3 vans that seat 7 or 8 passengers. This might be another way to partner on some sort of a joint use. If the City buys one, they may rent it out to the school as some sort of a vanpool. This could be a win/win situation. Rich Guarienti, Rhoda Avenue, offered his words of wisdom on why this is needed. He leads the TVTr and another need is for the education aspects. There are so many museums and places that you can go to on half a day trip. For the walking group, it would get them further away than they have been able to do so far. Some people don't really want to get out on the freeway and don't like to travel more than 20 miles. This activity would benefit by a van. Cm. Oravetz discussed the concurrence of the committee to not buy the van at this time. Mark Breazeal, Southwick Drive, stated the issue of vans is very important and if the seniors need a van we should go ahead and purchase it for them. Vans need to be used for lots of purposes. Maybe we should get a fact~finding committee to study this. We can purchase several of these vans. He is concerned about the Budget and wasteful spending by the City Council. A couple of weeks ago the Council passed an issue to spend over $100,000 to purchase cameras for the Council Chambers. Mayor Lockhart requested that Mr. Breazeal please stick with the issues. Mr. Breazeal responded that Mayor Lockhart obviously doesn't have a clue. Mr. Breazeal also questioned why there was always a binder on the speaker's podium. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 20 REGULAR MEETING December 4, 200'1 PAGE 514 Alex Capous, Lafayette, commended everyone for their ideas on the van, as a lot of seniors don't like to drive on the street. On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Cm. Zika, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the expansion of the Senior Center Trips and Tours Program for the remainder of this Fiscal Year using rental vans; authorized the Budget Modification; continued to reserve $50,000 for the purchase of a van with a final recommendation on the purchase to be decided as part of the FY 2002-03 Budget. OTHER BUSINESS 8:02 p.m. Cm. Zika reported that last week the CMA voted to approve the BART and Valley Transit Authority contract. Dublin, Pleasanton and Livermore voted against the contract. There is no money included for expansion to Livermore. We've been patient for almost 30 years and his patience is running out. When it goes to San Jose, there will be a significant impact on Dublin, so we could have several thousand more people trying to get into our stations. He also learned that the t-BART program is now up to over $350 million so it does not look to be a viable alternative to BART and they will be looking at cost to build BART out to Isabel in Livermore. Cm. Oravetz reported that at the East Bay Division meeting of the League of California Cities, he was appointed to the Environmental Quality Committee, along with a member from Hercules. This committee will meet 4 times annually and deal with environmental issues impacting cities. Mayor Lockhart advised that the Chamber of Commerce is hosting a business community holiday mixer tomorrow at the new UNCLE Credit Union on San Ramon Road. Mayor Lockhart requested that everyone please keep February 28th available on their calendars. Waste Management is doing a conference that day dealing with sustainability. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 20 REGULAR MEETING December 4, 2001 PAGE 515 Phil Angeletis will speak and entertainment may well be provided by Robin Williams. Invitations will be forthcoming. ADJOURNMENT 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:06 p.m. ATrEST: Kay Keck, City Clerk Janet Lockhart, Mayor CITY COUNCIL MINLYrE$ VOLUME 9.0 REGULAR MEETING December 4, 2001 PAGE 516