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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 VlyChristian GPAStudy CITY CLERK File # 420-30 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 16, 2001 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: 4. 5. RECOMMENDATION: 4. Request by Valley Christian Center to Initiate a General Plan Amendment Study for a 1.4 Acre Site At 7500 Inspiration Drive Report Prepared by Janet Harbin, Senior Planner ~-~ 1. Letter from Valley Christian Center dated September 20, 2001 2. Resolution Initiating a General Plan Amendment Study for Valley Christian Center. Resolution Denying a General Plan Amendment Study for Valley Christian Center. Property Location Map Proposed Stage 1 and Stage 2 PD Plan Receive Staff presentation and receive public testimony. Question Staff and the public. Adopt Resolution Approving General Plan Amendment Study; or Adopt Resolution Denying General Plan Amendment Study FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Costs for the Study would be the responsibility of the Applicant. DESCRIPTION: The Valley Christian Center is requesting initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study to designate 1.4 acres of Public/Semi-Public Facility property for Medium High Density Residential (14.1-25.0 dwelling units per acre) use to accommodate multi-family residential development (Attachment 1). The site is a small undeveloped portion of the approximately 51-acre area owned by the Valley Christian Center which operates an approximately 118,300 square foot Christian school, church and associated facilities at 7500 Inspiration Drive, north of 1-580 and Dublin Boulevard in the western hillside area of Dublin (refer to Attachment 4 and 5). The applicant has submitted an overall development plan for the entire property for expansion of the existing facilities on the site and to develop up to a maximum of 30 multi-family dwelling units on the southwestern portion of the site near the intersection of Inspiration Drive and Dublin Boulevard. The applicant's intent is to actually construct 22 dwelling units, as shown in Attachment 5. An application for rezoning the property, including the church-related facilities and the residential development, to a Planned Development is included in the submittal. Approval of a Tentative Parcel Map to divide the property into three separate parcels is also included in the application. BACKGROUND: COPIES TO: In-House Distribution Property Owner/Applicant ITEM NO. The Valley Christian Center previously received approval of a Conditional Use Permit for various facilities on the property which include the school and temporary modular classroom buildings. As a condition of the use permit, the permit for the modular classrooms is to expire in August 2003. Additionally, another condition of that approval was that no further approvals were to be granted to either increase classroom space, office space or play area until a Master Plan was approved for the property. The entitlements requested are necessary for approval of the Master Plan, or within the context of the City's Zoning Ordinance, a Planned Development Rezoning. At the City Council meeting of September 18, 2001, the City Council authorized a General Plan Amendment Study for the Commerce One property. Staff is currently processing the study, along with several other current and advance planning projects. If the City Council approves initiation of this Study, staff would include the work in the current work program for the department as time permits. Analysis: The Valley Christian Center Master Plan submittal proposes to expand the existing facilities by approximately 305,300 square feet, and to develop 22 multi-family dwelling units at an average density of 15.4 dwelling units per acre near the intersection of Inspiration Drive and Dublin Boulevard. The application submittal for the proposed project, which will be fully analyzed prior to consideration by the City Council at a future date, consists of the following: ~ · Planned Development Rezoning Stage 1 Development Plan for the entire approximately 51-acre site to accommodate the following: Parcel 1. Planned Development - Community Facility (37.06 acres). Increase area of sanctuary, school, administration and associated uses from 118,300 square feet to 305,300 square feet. Parcel 2. Planned Development - Multi-Family Residential (1.4 acres). Development of up to 22 units of Multi-Family housing (15.4 du/ac). The maximuTM number of units with a General Plan density range of 14.1-25.0 du/ac would be 30 dwelling units. Parcel 3. Planned Development - Future Development Area (12.71 acres). Parcel set aside for future study.' · Planned Development Rezone Stage 2 Development Plan Parcel 1. Planned Development - Community Facility (37.06 acres) .Expansion of existing Church and School to full build-out. · Tentative Parcel Map to divide the project into three separate parcels for the Community Facilities, Multi-Family Residential, and the Future Study area. · General Plan Amendment Parcel 2. Public/Semi-Public Facility land use designation to the Medium High Density Residential land use designation. The General Plan currently designates the entire 50-acre site for Public/Semi-Public Facility use. In order to locate potential residential development on the site, changes to the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance would be required. City policy requires that the City Council approve the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study prior to Staff accepting a development application that would include a General Plan Amendment for a project. It has been normal procedure to evaluate a request for a General Plan Amendment Study where the applicant has a clear picture of what the new uses might be for the subject site. This request does propose a specific use and density for the portion of the Valley Christian Center property for which the initiation of the amendment is being requested. Whether or not the specific use and density requested are appropriate for this portion of the site and the property location will be evaluated within the context of the General Plan Study, if the City Council directs staff to proceed with the analysis. Additionally, Staff has performed a pre-application review of the project, and has determined that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be required for the General Plan Amendment, Planned Development rezoning, and Tentative Parcel Map application.. The EIR would be prepared during the course of the project review and would assist in the evaluation of the appropriateness of the residential use and the expansion of facilities on the site. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council receive Staff presentation, Public testimony, question Staff and the Public, and either: 1. Adopt Resolution Approving the Initiation of the General Plan Amendment Study (Attachment 2); or 2. Adopt Resolution Denying Request for Initiation of the General Plan Amendment Study (Attachment 3). VALLEY G E CHRISTIAN N T E R September 20, 2001 Mayor Guy Houston and Dublin City Council 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 · Dear Guy and-City Council: Valley Christian Center has been a mainstay in the Dublin community for. over 35. years. We have had a long standing relationship with the. city of Dublin of which we. are very appreciative. We are currently preparing for our future by developing a master plan. Please consider this letter as a request to initiate a general Plan amendment for our campus. I understand this will be presented at the October 2 City Council meeting. cc: Janet Harbin Norm Dyer 7500 Inspiration Drive Dublin, California 94568-2838 92.5 . 560 . 6200 FAX. 925 . 828.56.23 www.dublin,~cclorg RECEIVED SEP 2 & 200! DUBLIN PLANNING ATTACHMENT ../_ RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING THE INTIATION OF A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY FOR VALLEY CHRISTIAN CENTER PROPERTY WHEREAS, a General Plan Amendment Study has been requested by Valley Christian Center for an undeveloped 1.4 acre site located at the northwest comer of Dublin Boulevard and Inspiration Drive; and WHEREAS, the property is currently designated as Public/Semi-Public Facility in the General Plan which does not permit Medium High Residential development; and WHEREAS, a General Plan Amendment to a Medium High Residential land use designation would be required to facilitate multi-family residential development; and WHEREAS, additional entitlements including a rezoning, site development review, tentative parcel map and other associated permits would need to be processed before development could occur; and WHEREAS, Section 65358(a) of the State of California Government Code states that an amendment to the General Plan shall be in a manner specified by the legislative body; and WHEREAS, the initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15306, Class 6 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the staff report submitted one recommendation that the City Council approve the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for the proposal; and WHEREAS, the City CoUncil did hear and consider all such reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth and supports the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for the 1.4 acre Valley Christian Center site. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby approve the initiation request for a General Plan Amendment Study for the Valley Christian Center site. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin on this 16th day of October 2001, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G:\PA#L2000\00-017\GPAStdyReso2.doc ATTACHMENT 2 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DENYING THE INTIATION OF A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY FOR VALLEY CHRISTIAN CENTER PROPERTY WHEREAS, a General Plan Amendment Study has been requested by the Valley Christian Center for an undeveloped 1.4 acre site located at the northwest comer of Dublin Boulevard and Inspiration Drive; and WHEREAS, the property is currently designated as Public/Semi-Public Facility in the General Plan which does not permit Medium High Density Residential development; and WHEREAS, a General Plan Amendment to a Medium High Density Residential land use designation would be required to facilitate multi-family residential development; and WHEREAS, additional entitlements including a rezoning, site development review, tentative parcel map and other associated permits would need to be processed before development could occur; and WHEREAS, Section 65358(a) of the State of California Government Code states that an amendment to the General Plan shall be in a manner specified by the legislative body; and WHEREAS, the initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15306, Class 6 of the State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the staff report submitted one recommendation that the City Council deny the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for the proposal; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all such reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth and is opposed to the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study for the Valley Christian Center site. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby deny the initiation request of a General Plan Amendment Study for the Valley Christian Center site. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin on this 16th day of October 2001, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G:\PA#L2000\00-017\GPAStdyReso 1 .doc ATTACHMENT 3 REGIONAL CONTEXT I . seo /'I. I:'.,1,% I N 'I ( )~V VALLEY CHRISTIAN Area Proposed for General Plan Amendment sn'~ SUMMARY PARCEL 1 B C g F STAGE 1 and STAGE 2 PD PLAN' ATTACHMENT ~