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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.2 Sprint SDRCITY CLERK File # ^~~~-~~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 2, 2001 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: Sprint PCS, PA 01-018 Site Development Review This item was continued from the September 18, 2001, City Council Meeting (Report Prepared by: Andy Byde, Senior Planner) ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution approving PA 01-018 Site Development Review 2. Photo simulation- looking southwest from San Ramon Rd. 3. Photo simulation- looking north from the parking lot 4. Project Plans 5. Acoustic Impact Evaluation 6. References of equipment abbreviations shown on project plans RECOMMENDATION: 1. Open Public Hearing 2. Hear Staff Presentation 3. Hear Applicant's Presentation 4. Question Staff,. Applicant and the Public 5. Close Public Hearing 6. Deliberate 7. Adopt Resolution approving Site Development Review (Attachment 1) FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The applicant has proposed to provide the following lease terms: 5 years with three, five year renewal options (tota120 years}; rent of a maximum of $1,000 per month with 3% annual increases. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is proposing to construct a new telecommunication facility adjacent to the rear parking lot of the Shannon Center, located on the northeast portion of the site. The proposed telecommunication facility would be located within a light standard and would attain a maximum height of 30-feet above grade (the proposed light pole would match the existing light standards used on-site and would measure 6-3/4" in diameter and would be 25'-3" high, while the antenna would be the same diameter and would add an additional 4'-9" in height to the top of the pole). The applicant also proposes to construct a 230 square foot accessory structure that would attain a maximum height of 10-6" above grade and would contain a battery back up, air conditioning, etc. (see Attachment 4 for a complete description of the equipment that will be located with the accessory structure). In addition to the proposed telecommunication facility, the applicant proposes to construct a new trash enclosure adjacent to the telecommunication facility, install new landscaping adjacent to the existing pathway near San Ramon Rd., and repair the asphalt (Slurry Seal) of the rear parking lot (adjacent to the new facility). The COPIES TO: APPlicant PA File ITEM NO. G:\PA#\2001\O1-018\cc staff report 10-2-Ol.doc (~ proposed telecommunication facility would be 74 feet from the edge of the San Ramon Road right-of- way, to the east. Proposed Lease Terms: Provided that the City Council approves the proposed telecommunication facility, Sprint PCS will be requesting a lease from the City in order to construct the proposed telecommunication facility. As currently proposed, Sprint will construct the improvements, including the trash enclosure and landscaping, in return for along-term lease from the City. Sprint is requesting an initial five-year lease with the City that will automatically be renewed for three additional five-year terms. Sprint will pay the... City $1,000 per month which will be increased by three percent annually. The total value of the lease over the proposed 20-year term is $322,446. Sprint estimates that the value of the dumpster enclosure and landscaping is $20,000. BACKGROUND: Shannon Park is a 10-acre community park located on Shannon Avenue and San Ramon Road. The park includes a children's play area with interactive water play structure, walking paths, picnic tables and is the site of the Shannon Community Center. The .Shannon Community Center is the location of most of the City's Recreation Programs and is also available for rental by the public. During the summer the paxk is the site of the City sponsored Camp Shannon and Fun-in-the-Sun programs. The community heavily uses both the park and the community center. Parks and Community Services Commission Meeting: On August 20, 2001, the Parks and Community Services Commission considered the proposed Sprint PCS Telecommunication Facility at Shannon Park. The Commission was asked to provide a recommendation to the City Council on the following: 1. Is Shannon Park an appropriate location for the proposed facility? 2. Is the design of the proposed facility compatible with the surrounding environment? 3. Are the proposed lease terms generally acceptable? On a majority vote, the Commission recommended approval of the Sprint PCS Telecommunication Facility at Shannon Park. Further, the Commission found the lease terms acceptable. .Planning Commission Meeting: Planning Staff referred this project to the Planning Commission pursuant to Section 8.96.020.C.2 because of the policy issues surrounding placing a private telecommunication facilities on City Park property. Section 8.96.020.C.3, states that "At any point in the project review process the Planning Commission may transfer original hearing jurisdiction to the City Council at its discretion because of policy implications, unique or unusual circumstances, or the magnitude of the project". On August 28, 2001, the Planning Commission voted on 3-0-2 to transfer the original hearing jurisdiction to the City Council for the Site Development Review of the proposed telecommunication facility due to the resulting policy implications of placing a private telecommunication facility within a City Park. Additionally, the Planning Commission found that the proposed facility blended with the surrounding existing natural and man-made environment of Shannon Park. 2 ANALYSIS: Consistency with the Zoning Ordinance, Wireless Communication Regulations: Section 8.92.060 of the Zoning Ordinance (Wireless Communication Regulations) prohibits the placement of Wireless Communication facilities upon property designated Parks/Recreation (such as Shannon Park) unless it blends with the surrounding existing natural and man-made environment in such a manner as to be effectively unnoticeable and a finding is made that no other location is technically feasible. Staff finds the proposed facilities will blend with the surrounding existing natural and man-made environment of Shannon Park because of the nature of the proposed facilities (replacement of an existing light standard and. the accessory structure designed to match the Shannon Center). Additionally, the applicant has provided information to Staff regarding the technical feasibility of locating the facility on another site. The only other potential site is St. Raymond's Church. The applicant has informed Staff, the various representatives from Sprint were unsuccessful entering into negotiations with representatives from St. Raymond's. All other uses within the area are residential, which are inappropriate for the location of wireless communication facilities. As mentioned above, the Planning Commission recommended to the City Council that the proposed facility blended with the surrounding existing. natural and man-made environment. Noise: The project sponsor commissioned an acoustical consultant to analyze potential noise impacts related to impacts of the proposed telecommunication facility, including the air conditioning unit that would be installed to cool the accessory structure (see Attachment 5). Noise measurements are expressed in decibels ("dB"), which is the standard measure of sound pressure. Filters are used with some noise measuring equipment to suppress frequency ranges that the human ear cannot readily detect. The "A" filter is used for such measurements. All noise levels discussed are "A-filtered" or "A-weighted" decibels ("dBA"). The average dBA during a specified measurement period, typically one hour, is expressed as the "Leq," or equivalent noise level. The average dBA during a 24-hour period is expressed as the "Ldn," or day-night noise level. The General Plan identifies that the normally acceptable maximum outdoor L~, noise level is 60 dBA for residential areas. The noise consultant took noise measurements on September 13, 2001, from 8:50 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., adjacent to the closest residences, to evaluate the quietest background noise level that would exist on the site. The conclusion of the noise analysis was that the existing background noise Level was 51 dbA to 56 dBA. The highest sound level anticipated to be produced by the air conditioning unit would be 48 dBA;. therefore the noise level would be less than the existing background noise level experienced by the closest residences. Conclusion: Staff has reviewed the proposed telecommunication facility and has determined that the project: (1) meets Zoning Ordinance, Wireless Communication Regulations; (2) will not exceed the existing noise levels of the area surrounding Shannon Park; (3) Parks and Community Services Commission has determined the facility would be in an appropriate location and would be compatible with the surrounding environment; and. (4) the Planning Commission determined the facility blended with the existing environment. Should the City Council approve the SDR, Parks and Community Services Staff will bring the general proposed lease terms (amount per. month and time frame) to the Council at a later meeting, if the Council approves the proposed general lease terms, Staff will then request to receive authority to negotiate the final details of the lease and will bring the lease back to the Council for final execution. 3 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Council take testimony from the Applicant and the. public; question Staff, the applicant, and the public; close the public hearing and deliberate and adopt Resolution approving a approving Site Development Review (Attachment 1). 4 RESOLUTION NO. XX-O1 ~ ~ ~ `,~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING THE SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FOR THE SPRINT PCS PROPOSED TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY PA 01-018 WHEREAS, Dennis Martin, on behalf of Sprint PCS, has requested approval of a Site Development Review to allow a new telecommunication facility adjacent to the rear parking lot of the Shannon Center, located on the northeast portion of the site located at 11600 Shannon Avenue; and WHEREAS, a complete application for the above noted application request is available and on file in the Department of Community Development; and WHEREAS, Applicant/Developer has submitted project plans for a Site Development Review dated received September 18, 2001; and WHEREAS, this project has been found to be Categorically Exempt from CEQA under Section 15301, Class 1 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines because the project consists of construction of an accessory telecommunication facility which is currently served by all required utilities and public services; and WHEREAS,. the Planning Commission held a public. meeting as required by law on August 28, 2001, and transferred original hearing jurisdiction for this project to the City Council pursuant to Section 8.96.020.C.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. WHEREAS, the City Council did hold a public hearing on said application on September 18, 2001, and continued to October 2, 2001, for this project; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City Council approve Site Development Review subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use its independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding said proposed Site Development Review: A. Approval of this application is consistent with the purpose and intent of this Chapter because the proposed facility is permitted within the Zoning District, subject to the determination that the proposed project blends with the surrounding existing natural and man-made environment in such a manner as to be effectively unnoticeable and a finding is made that no other location ATTACHMENT 1 is technically feasible. ~ ~ ~ B. The proposed facility blends with the surrounding existing natural and man-made environment in such a manner as to be effectively unnoticeable because of the proposed design, location, and proposed landscaping. C. No other location is technically feasible because of the location is surrounded by residential uses which are inappropriate for the location of telecommunication facilities. D. The project is consistent with Public/Semi-Public designation of the General Plan. E. The approval will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. F. The approved site development, including site layout, and structures have been designed to provide a desirable environment for the development. G. The subject site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of the approved development because it is graded flat, has vehicular access and access to all public services. H. Impacts to views are addressed because the project does not interrupt any views from San Ramon Road, Shannon Park, or the adjacent residences. I. Impacts to existing slopes and topographic features are addressed because the site is graded flat. J. Architectural considerations, including the character, scale and quality of the .design, the architectural relationship with the site, and colors, screening of antennas, exterior lighting, and similar elements have been incorporated into the project and as conditions of approval in order to insure compatibility of this development with the Shannon Park's design concept or theme and the character of adjacent neighborhoods, and uses. K. Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant materials, provisions and similar elements have been considered to ensure visual relief and an attractive environment for the public. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby approve the Site Development Review for PA 01-018, Sprint PCS, subject to the following Conditions of Approval. This approval shall be generally depicted on the following plans: the- architectural plans prepared by ATI architects and engineers, labeled Attachment 1, consisting of seven (7) sheets, dated September 18, 2001 and a material sample, stamped approved and on file with the Dublin Planning Department, subject to compliance with the following conditions of approval: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Unless otherwise stated, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to final occupancy of any building and shall be subject to Planning Department review and approval. The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance with the Conditions of Approval• ~PL~ Planning Building, ~PCS~ Parks and Community Service, ~PO~ Police, ~PW~ Public Works, ~ADM~ Administration/City Attorney ~FIN~ Finance 1PCS~ Parks and Community Services, fF~ Alameda County Fire Dept., 1DSR~ Dublin San Ramon Services District f COQ Alameda County Flood Control and water Conservation District Zone 7. 2 SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ~ ~~ ~ This Site Development Review approval for PA-Ol -018 establishes the design concepts and regulations for the project. Development pursuant to this Site Development Review generally shall conform to the approved plans and documents available on file in the Department of Community Development as amended in red. NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN SOURCE AGENCY REQ'D (Prior to) GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Approval. Approval of the Site Development Review is PL BP valid for one (1) year, until October 2, 2002. If construction has. not commenced by that time, this approval shall be null and void. The approval period may be extended for six (6} additional months by submitting a written request for extension prior to the expiration date to the Community Development Director. Any extension will be based on a determination that the conditions of approval remain adequate to assure that the stated findings of approval will continue to be met 2. Lease Execution. The applicant shall demonstrate that a B Issuance of Standard lease has been executed with the City of Dublin prior to the Building Permits issuance of any building permit. 3. Building Permits. To apply for building permits, B Issuance of Standard Applicant/Developer shall submit twelve (12) sets of Building Permits construction plans to the Building Department for plan check. Each set of plans shall have attached an annotated copy of these Conditions of Approval. The notations shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval will or have been complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted without annotated resolutions attached to each set of plans. Applicant/Developer will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all participating non-City agencies prior to issuance of building permits. 3 ~o~'~'J NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN SOURCE AGENCY REQ'D (Prior to) 4. Requirements and Standard Conditions. The F, Pw, PO, Prior to issuance Standard Developer/Applicant shall comply with applicable Alameda zone 7, of Building County Fire, Dublin Public Works Department, Dublin Dsx, PL, AC, CHS, Permits Building Department, Dublin Police Service, Alameda LAVTA County Flood Control District Zone 7, Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority, Alameda County Public and Environmental Health, Dublin San Ramon Services District and the California Department of Health Services requirements and standard conditions. Prior to issuance of building permits or the installation of any improvements related to this project, the Developer shall supply written statements from each such agency or department to the Planning Department, indicating that all applicable conditions required have been or will be met. 5. Fees. Applicant/Developer shall pay all applicable fees in various various times, Standard effect at the time of building permit issuance, including, but but no later than not limited to, Planning fees, Building fees, Dublin San Issuance of Building Permits Ramon Services District Fees, Public Facilities Fees, Tri- Valley Transportation Fees, Dublin Unified School District School Impact fees, Alameda County Fire Services fees; Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and Water Connection fees. 6. Required Permits. Applicant/Developer shall comply with various various times, Standard, the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance, obtain all necessary but no later than permits required by other agencies (Alameda County Flood Issuance of Building Permits Control District Zone 7, California Department of Fish and Game, Army Corps of Engineers, State Water Quality Control Board, Etc.) and shall submit copies of the permits to the Department of Public Works. 7. Building Codes and Ordinances. All project construction B Through Standard shall conform to all building codes and ordinances in effect Completion at the time of the issuance of the building permit. 8. Fire Codes and Ordinances. All project construction shall F Through Standard conform to all fire codes and ordinances in effect at the time Completion of the issuance of the building permit. 9. Ordinances. Applicant/Developer shall comply with the PL Issuance of Standard City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Building Permits and On-going 10. Noise Control. Maximum noise Ievel from the proposed PL On-going Zoning facility and associated accessory structure shall not exceed ordinance 50 dBA as measured from the property line. 11. Infrastructure. The location and design of project specific PW Approval of Standard system infrastructure shall be consistent with City standards. Improvement Plans 4 ~~.~~ NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN SOURCE AGENC REQ'D (Prior to) 12. Mechanical Equipment. All ducts, meters, back-flow PL, B Issuance of Standard prevention devices, blow-off valves, pad-mounted utility Building Permits devices, air conditioning equipment and other mechanical equipment (As determined by the Community Development Director) that is on-site or roof mounted shall be screened from view of all public rights of way. The location of such equipment shall be subject to review and approval by the Director of Community Development. A screening plan - shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development Director and Building Official prior to approval of Building Permit. Said screening. plan shall show that all visible mechanical and utility equipment shall be effectively screened from view with materials architecturally compatible with the materials of the structure. Or with approved landscaped features DEBRIS/DUST/CONSTRUCTION. ACTIVITY 13. Construction Trash/Debris. Measures shall be taken to PW, B On-going during Standard contain all construction related trash, debris, and materials construction on-site until disposal off-site can be arranged. The Developer/Applicant shall keep the adjoining public streets and properties free and clean of project dirt, mud, and materials during the construction period. The applicant shall be responsible for corrective measures at no expense to the City of Dublin. 14. Dust. Areas undergoing grading, and all other construction PW, B On-going during . Standard activities, shall be watered, or other dust palliative measures construction used, to prevent dust, as conditions warrant. DEDICATIONS. AND IMPROVEMENTS 15. Relocation of underground utilities. The proposed "E/T" PW Prior to issuance PW underground utilities and the corresponding utility easement shall of building be realigned to avoid damaging the existing cherry tree and Permit surrounding shrubs. The final alignment shall be subject to the review and approval by the Director of Public Works. The amended plan shall show all existing landscaping and irrigation features just north of the building. If any existing underground utilities are discovered during the installation of the proposed improvements, said utilities shall be protected or relocated as directed by the Public Works Director. ~~ ~/ NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN SOURCE AGENCY REQ'D (Prior to) 16. Repair of existing A.C. The parking lot and drive aisle pavement PW Prior to issuance PW north and east of the existing Shannon Center Building shall be of building patch paved and slurry sealed as part of the project to eliminate the Permit cracks and provide a new wear surface. All existing pavement markings shall be replaced as part of the slurry seal operation. The limit of work line shall be at the point where the recent AC overlay ends and the old paving begins at the boundary of the main parking field in front of the Shannon Center building 17. Light Fixture. The parking lot light fixture between the proposed PW Prior to issuance PW equipment building and trash enclosure, shall remain connected to of building the City's circuitry, and maintenance of the fixture will continue to Permit be the City's responsibility. The existing electrical conduits, if in conflict with the proposed trash enclosure or equipment building, shall be relocated in accordance with NEC requirements, and per City standards. 18. Plats And Legal Descriptions. Plats and legal descriptions for the PW Prior to issuance PW lease area and utility easement must be prepared by a licensed of building Land Surveyor in a format acceptable to the City. Permit 19. Existing Tree. The existing tree shown just south of the proposed PW Prior to issuance PW trash enclosure on the plans will conflict with the enclosure. This of building tree shall be removed, including all root systems. Permit 20. New Irrigation System. Anew irrigation system shall be PW/PL Prior to issuance PW designed and installed by the applicant in accordance with City of building standards and subject to review and approval by the Director of Permit Public Works and the Director of Community Development 21. Grading. All grading work and excavation. work shall be PW Prior to issuance PW performed per the recommendations of a licensed Geotechnical of building Engineer.. All fill shall be properly compacted. The plans shall be Permit amended to eliminate. the sliver fill at the eastern corner of the trash enclosure, and instead the foundation stem wall shall be extended to conform to existing grade. The resultant slope between the enclosure corner and the adjacent down-slope bike path shall not exceed 3:1 22. Trash enclosure. The proposed trash enclosure detail shall PL Issuance of Standard be subject to review and approval by the Community Building Permits Development Director. 23. Trash Enclosure. The design of the trash enclosure shall be PW Prior to issuance PW revised to include a curb or pipe rail inside the enclosure to of building prevent the dumpsters from rolling into and damaging the Permit enclosure walls. The concrete slab within the enclosure shall be sloped to drain to the open end. Also, a 10'-wide concrete apron shall be provided in front of the enclosure to provide a durable pad for the trash collection truck to lift and lower the dumpsters. NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN S URCE AGENCY REQ'D (Prior to) 24. Improvement Agreement. The applicant shall enter into an PW Prior to issuance PW Improvement Agreement to guarantee installation of the City- of building owned improvements. Surety bonds or other security shall be Permit provided to assure faithful performance of the work and payment for labor and materials per the terms of the agreement. The security amount shall be based on an Engineer's Estimate to be prepared by the applicant. After acceptance of the work, the Public Works Director may allow a reduction of the security to 25% of the faithful performance amount to assure the proper installation of the improvements for aone-year maintenance period. 25. Erosion Control Measures. The Developer/Applicant shall PW Issuance of PW install erosion control measures in all areas of the site during Grading Permit construction between October 1 and April 15 to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. A plan for erosion control shall be prepared and submitted for approval by the Public Works Director. All erosion control measures shall be in accordance with the latest standards of the Regional Water Quality Control Board Manual of Sediment Control. 26. Best Management Practices. Developer/Applicant shall Pw BLDG Standard demonstrate to the Director of Public Works that the project development meets the requirements of the City of Dublin's "Best Management Practices" to mitigate storm water pollution. The applicant shall prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and shall obtain a notice of intent (NOI) from the State Water Resources Control Board. 27. Joint Utility Trenches/Undergrounding/Utility Plans. Pw Occupancy of PW Applicant/Developer shall construct all joint utility trenches affected units Utilities (such as electric, telephone, cable TV, and gas) in accordance with the appropriate utility jurisdiction standards. All communication vaults, electric transformers, cable TV boxes, blow-off valves and any appurtenant utility items thereto shall be underground. Utility plans, showing locations of all proposed utilities (including electrical vaults and underground transformers) shall be reviewed and approved by the DPW. Location of these items shall also be shown on the Final Landscaping and Irrigation Plan. Q~~ ~ NO. CONDITION TEXT RESP. WHEN S URCE AGENCY REQ'D (Prior to) 28. Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan. A Final Landscape PL, PW Bldg. and Irrigation Plan conforming to the requirements of Section 8.72.030 of the Zoning Ordinance (unless otherwise required by this Resolution) shall be submitted for review and approval by the Director of Public Works and the Director of Community Development. The Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan shall be generally consistent with the revised Landscape Plan prepared by ATI, The Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan, (at 1 inch = 20 feet or larger) shall be submitted along with a cost estimate of the work and materials proposed. EMERGENCY SERVICES 29. ACFD Rules, Regulations and Standards. F Issuance of Standard Applicant/Developer shall comply with all Alameda County Building Permits Fire Services (ACFD) rules, regulations and standards, including minimum standards for emergency access roads and payment of applicable fees, including City of Dublin Fire Impact Fees. 30. Emergency Generator. The emergency generator shall meet F Issuance of Standard the requirements of NFPA 37. Building Permits 31. Graffiti. The applicant shall keep the site clear of graffiti PO Occupancy of PO vandalism on a regular and continuous basis at all times. Any Building Graffiti resistant materials should be used. 32. Theft prevention and security program. The applicant PO Building Permit PO shall work with the Dublin Police Services on an ongoing basis to establish an effective theft prevention and security program. 33. Non Residential Security Requirements. The Developer PO Occupancy of PO shall comply with all applicable City of Dublin Non Any Building Residential Security Requirements. ~ ~~~ PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2na day of October, 2001. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: City Clerk G:1PA#120 0 110 1-0 1 8\CC Sdr resoultion9-27-Ol.doc Mayor 9 exisfing lightstandard to be replaced ~~ k 1.. ~~ ^ ~`'.< ~ '. .M „ Vv 0 _, eo ~~~ ~ r~, Z ~. ~ a. ~ i~l ,~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ - - _ ~ ,. ~~~~~ ez~ W. i .fin k k: _ nps~g l ' ~ O E°e" as I~ n '.j+~ 1~~~~ '~ ~~ 5~1~ t ~ t r ~ n~~~~ ~r .. . ., ! .. r~ i ! 4 ~ ~ , ~ ~ proposed shelter, ~_ and dumpsier enclosure m Prop~os ~ ~_ ~TTA~~i~N~ h ~ J 7N a~z W ~ ~ N ~- I a23 t~z HZ o~ Z V~ ~~~^_.' ° / V"_(/ ~ / ~ Y a °v ~~ ~ ~~ oz 4~ ~gVs ~ ~~~ II F- ~ h N° ~p W = H - Q N Qm ~ N J ~ ° O a ° W X ~°D 3M ~i S ° _ \ O ~ N N wU U1 N~ m ~~ U N W~Kra W ¢3 ¢3 ¢ No^ o ~ ~ ~ ~ II ll) ~ ~ 1-~ o¢ ~ ~ Z ~ FZ o O O ~ ~ w m a a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a Li _ ~ ° G o JJ m = Z m~ p rc rc ~ N N o r^r i '~~~ ri II II~` ~ 3 T.i ~ w aaaaaa S `t) o a Z '- i i Dui ii ~N My~ g&FyFS ~F y ~3 C7 `~ ~ ~€ ~ ~~ ~ o w ~: z J 6 o ~~ Z h 2 ~~ D ~b 0 • m m W E~ Z ~~gs g~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ d~~~ ~ a m em E 8 aim y ~{ ~ 6 o ~ a ~O ~~~~n ~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~e~~ W ~~o~~ W b$n~~ ~ W~=e~ " Z ~~W= m.~s z «.n z ~~a Q Q ~g~~a ~~d ~ z ~~d¢a c7 ~d~~ W v~ ~~y~~LLO~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Q ~~~~s ~~ ~ W ac W~~xW v ~~~W ¢ ~~~~ w ~~~.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_ ~~ Epee ~ p ~ ~s~a€ a ~s€sg ~ ~s~~€ w ~s€s$ n- V ~ V ~~7~. ~3» ~s U c W ~ ~. .o Q N ~ M = Z s~ J ~~€9 ~ ° ~ ~ e~~ ~ ~-- ~ O jAm ~ g ~ Z m$~ _ ~ ~ ~ o ~~ ~Fs ~~~'e €$S n s Q O O 3~~<e~,= c~ w ~a ~ =gym n > > ~ a ~ ~ ~ Q a= ~_~~~ ~ o' y s ~m o ~~a~a ~ a ~~~ c=n ~ a- w ~ n a~~~~~~`s p a ¢ ~._~ a bs a g 8 ~~~ d ~s~~W o~~ o~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ O s ~ ~~ tL o~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ O ~~ ~~ ~~ O ~ o ~ p, ~ U 4W~ t W a ~~ g~ Wg SAN RP s ~ ~~gag~~~ ~ ~ O ~a a $ ~a Z N Uo ~, a = Z $~~~~~t~~ > ~E ~ Q 6 O U ~ N ~ $~~~g~~~~ 0 "~~ k~ ~~ a o ~~~~~SZZ~~ aacwubai na rc~»aro is-ere 6.P'LYL21p5\Q!\~IM~UKLfVS\OOY85\5\b9\OOY~\il z Z N ~~ ~ - ~~ off . e ~~ ~ ~~ a x w ~~ g ~ ~3 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ N ~ _ ,sn _ ~"' J J Q Q Q Ia'~ ~~ r ~~ ~~ ~ J a 9 ~ C cl ~~~ at ~~ _J ~~"w F 3M ~ ~ a ~i~ Q ow $sr ~~ ~I U ~J . ~s o Z ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ N ' Z _N ~ ~ N - ~ g y II $ $ ~ a Cii SSE .. - - ~ ~ ~ a s o~ a ~ `'~ ~ ~ Q W V1a' w Z ~ ~ a ~ ~ II . ~ °. 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Z a J a f- z w w N a w ustics & Vibration Grou`~~~ The Aco p. 500 Broadway Sacramento, CA 95820-1852 916-4571444 FAX 916-457-1475 Consultants in Acoustics, Vibration & noise Control Sprint Corp. c/o Dennis Martin The Sausedo Company 69 Lester Avenue San Jose, CA 95125 SY7BJECT:. Results of Evaluation of Acoustic Impact of Proposed Cellular Site at Shannon Park in Northwest Dublin Dear Mr. Mattin, Documented in this report are the results of a brief noise impact study for the subject project at Shannon Park in Dublin next to San Ramon Road. Sprint will be installing cellular antennae and associ- ated facilities in the northeast corner of the park owned by the City of Dublin. The antennae will be added to a light pole while a building will be erected next to the pole. The project site is at the north- east corner of the staff parking lot that is on the north side of the community center; .Sprint will con- struct the building to house the mechanical and electrical equipment needed to allow the antenna to function. A single air-conditioning unit will be installed to provide cooling and ventilation. The main sound source of concern at the site will be the new heating, ventilating and air-condition- ing (FiVAC} equipment_ A Bard 3 or 5 ton unit will be installed on the east face of the building enclos- ing the cellular equipment. This is the side closest to San Ramon Road. Sprint does not normally en- closethe equipment so ventilation is not required. One residential development lies north of the site while another is east ofthe proposed facility. The homes to the north are on land that is at much higher elevation than the project site while the homes to the east area at a much lower elevation. The City of Dublin requires compliance with the noise limits given Noise Element in the General Plan [1]'. The City does not appear to have a noise ordinance or at least no information has been re- ceived from requests made to the PlanningDepartment and the Police Department. The Noise Blemerrt sets Iimits base on the day-trigt-t average, I,~„, sound level. Typical noise ordinances set limits based on same measure of sound when measured over one hour. The County of Alameda Noise Ordinance [2] was used to set sound goals for this project. Background sound levels exceed the noise limits given in the Alameda Noise Ordinance. The measured background sound levels were used as the design goat for the project. Background sound levels varied from 51 dB(A} at the most distant position to 56 dB(A) at the residential property closest to the project. Sound levels provided by the HVAC manufacturer were used to predict the sound levels at the nearest property, 60 feet from the equipment. The predicted level is less than 50 dB(A). This meets the design goal and is less than background sound levels. Sound reduction should not be needed, but more sound attenuation can be provided if needed. ATTACH ENT.S - Number(s) in tuackels refer t0 referecu~s listed at the end Of the report. Z0' d LLS T--0T6L89bSZ6T Ol d~J~J ND I ld~tS I f1 '8 SO I 1Sf100d W0~1~ 9~ : bT I00Z-8~-d3S ^ September 18, 2001 ~D ~~` The Group R0117T: semedNSprtBt, shsnaon Park Tower, NoJae Lnpwet Aaaya~. Septesbcr 18, 2001 ACOUSTIC STANDARDS This noise impact study has been done per general requirements of the City of Dublin. . The Noise Element of the General Plan sets sound limits based on land use. Typically, the Noise Element ad- dresses sound generated by transportatian sound sowces and those non-transportation sound sources that run almost continuously. Normally, noise ordinances are employed in evaluating the influence of non-transportation sound sources such as mechanical equipment. Different sound descriptors are used for non-transportation sound sources. These are described in the following sections. Noise Elemen# Requirements The day-night noise descriptor is used to evaluate transportation sound sources and some fixed sources.:lt averages measured or predicted sound levels over 24-hours after applying a 10 dB penalty to nighttime sounds. Hourly average sound levels, Lam, are measured or predicted for each hour of the day or for each hour during which a sound source is present. A 10 dB penalty is added to each hourly average sound level measured or predicted from 10:00 p.m. to 7:40 a.m. The penalty is applied because people trying to sleep during these hours are more sensitive to external sounds. Yt is possible to exclude or include only certain sources. For example, the sounds of aircraft operating over a project site are included only during those hours when they occur. If there are no events during the nighttime, no pen- alty would be apglied. When some sources are excluded from the analysis, it is called the Background L~, sound level. Residential sites with an exterior L~, noise exposure of less than 64 dB are "Normally Acceptable" according to Table 9.1 of the Noise Element showing Land Use Compatibility [1]. A site is "Condi- tionally Acceptable" if its exterior noise exposure is in the range of 60 to 70 dB, and `formally Unac- ceptable" if its exterior La„ sound level exposure is between 70 and 75 dB. Non-Transportation Sound Goals An example of a noise ordinance that could be uses is the Noise section ofthe Alameda County Municipal Code []_ The Noise section is in Chapter 6.6 of the County's Code. It limits the amplitude and duration of sound produced over any given 1-hour period by sources not related to transportation equipment. This includes the rx~aximum sound level. It gives sound limits based on the type of receiver, the duration of the sound, the time of day of occurrence, background sound levels and the tonal content of sound. It is a municipal code and is enforceable with limited exceptions.. Sources are regulated by the limits given in Table I when the receiving properties are either single or multiple family residential, schools, hospitals, churches or public libraries.. The Noise Ordinance applies a 5 dB penalty to the limits given in Table I when the sound comprises mainly speech or music or if it contains pure tones or impact sounds. When background sound levels equal the limits given in Table 1, the limits are raised to the background sound level. Limits apply to any point on the residential property when measured 1-foot or more inside the property line and four to five feet above ground level: 2 z0' d LLS Z--0ti6L89bSZ6I Ol d~IJ NO I ld?~S I fl '8 SO I 1Sf100d W0~1~ L~ : bZ ti00Z-8ti-dSS ae ~~ ~ The orcuP Et0117?: Seuseddsprbit, SLaooon Park'rover, Ndse ImpRCt Ads, September 18, ZODS TABLE L Noise Ordinance Limits for Alameda County for Residential Property Affected by Non- '1'ranspartatian Sources. E~-terior Sound Level Limits, cID(A) Cumulative Number oPMinutes in any Daytime Nghttime ~~gory one-hour period ~ a.m. to 10 P•m. lU p.m_ to 7 a.m,__ 1 30 (l-w) ~ 50 45 15 (l-is) 55 50 3 5 ~-~.~) 6V 55 ~ l (1-~.~) 65 60 5 0 (l~a>J ?0 65 Peaalry applied to pure tones, speech ~ impact sounds0 -5 -`' 0 -Add to limit when sound comprises these. The limits given in Table I were used as noise goals for the equipmenrt to be installed at the Sprint site in Shannon Park. PROJECT DESCRYPTION Spritrt is proposing to install a cellular telecommunicationfacility in a City owned parkin north- west Dublin. The project site is in the northeast corner of Shannon Park, along the edge of the staff parking lot. This lot is on the north side of the community center. The project entails the addition of antennae to a light pole, addition of electrical systems and the construction of a building to house the electrical systems. Typically, these electrical systems are left out in the open, but for aesthetic reasons, the equipment will be enclosed in a building. An air-conditioning unit will be installed on the east face of the building to provide cooling and ventilation for the electrical equipment. This is the side of the building next to San Ramon Road. Shannon Park is a City property. The park includes open area, walling trails, parking and a com- munity center. The main building faces south and lies in the east west direction. The park is sur- rounded by residential developments, with San Ramon Road on the east side and Shannon Road on the south side. San Ramon Road is a major City street with tw'o through lanes in each direction and a me- dian. A walking trail is found on the west side of the road, connecting to trails in the park. Shannon Road is a two lane road with a Light at the intersection with San Ramon Road. Land north and west of the project site rises steeply. One home is built at the crest of the hill and can look down on the site. Land drops in elevation from the site down to San Ramon Road then drops again on the east side of the road. A 6 foot tall sound wall was constructed on the west side of the residential land lying east of the road. The base of the wall is below road elevation. An additional 4-foot high concrete wall exists at the side of the east side of San Ramon Road, northeast of the project site. TEST PROCEDURES 8c EQiTIPMENT Standard sound measuring equipment was used during the tests. Field sound measurements were made using two CEL 593 Sound Analyzers (s/n 2/0881414 and s/n 3/0201692), a CEL 480 Sound Level Meter (s/n 129848) and a Larson Davis Lb720 Sound Level Meter. The three CF..~. meters em- ploy a'/Z inch random incidence condenser microphone. The LD72A meter uses a 3/8 inch piezoelectric 3 ~0'd LLZti--0ti6L89bSZ6T Ol d~IJ NOIlti~JBIfI '8 SSIlSfl00d W0~1~ L~:bZ ti00z-8t-d3S The Group R4f1~1: Sruaedo/spHM. Sbaemn ParlcTower, l+ioise ImpactAmlyeis, ~eptem6ea~ ilt, 4M)1 microphones. A CEL Type 284/2 calibrator was used to calibrate the'h inch microphones to 114 dB(A) at 1000 Hz before beginning measurements. The smaller microphone was calibrated at 114 dB(A) at 1000 Hz at the start of the tests with a Larson. Davis CA150 calibrator. All three CEL meters conform to all the requirements of a Type I meter per American National Standards Institute j3]. The LD'720 meter is a Type II sound level meters per this standard. A windscreen covered each microphone during al! sound measurements. All meters can measure statistical sound levels such as the Lia, the sound level exceeded 10 percent of the time, the L~,, the sound level exceeded SO percent of the time, the Lam, the sound level exceeded 90 percent of the time and the average sound level, L,~. The sound level meters also capture the rnaximum sound level, Lam. One of the CEI.593 meters was used to collect representative sound level tones in one-third octave bands. Background sound level measurements were made.-from 8:50 p.m. to 12:00 p_m. on September 13, 2001. Both daytime and nighttime sound measuremerns were made. The hours during which the tests were made should represent some of the quietest hours. Three sound level meters were used to capture statistical information about the sound while a fourth meter was used to measure the tonal content of the sound. The statistical information is used to compare results with the noise limits given in Table I. Because of the possibility of penalties, the tonal content of the sound is important also. Tonal content ar combination of pitches is hoHr a person differentiates the sound of a tuba from a flute_ Measurements were made at three positions. The microphones and meters were mounted on tripods about 5.5 feet above ground level. Position # 1 was at the top of the hill at Lot 90, 10 feet south of the property line and near the centerline of the house. Position #2 was 6 feet south of the park's north boundary near the centerline of Lot 92. Position #3 at the north edge of the .proposed building to be constructed by Sprint. This was the closest position to San Ramon Road and was about 50 feet south of the nearest re~dential property. Continuous measurements were miade at each position. RESULTS The purpose of the current tests was to document typical or best case background sound levels_ In this instance, "best case" means the lowest expected sound levels. Typical sound sources at the site include road traffic on San Ramon Road, crickets, dogs barking and commercial jet flyovers. Road traffic was the dominant sound source. Table IY presents the average and other statistical descriptors of the sound measured at the three positions. A comparison of the results given in Table II with the noise limits in Table I shows that back- ground sound levels were at or above the noise goals. Thus, the new goal would be the background sound level. The closer the position was to San Ramon Road, the louder was the sound. Only a small drop in sound level was measured as the night progressed. Barking dogs were a very important sound source. Dogs barked when people cam across the trail with their dogs and whenever the tester ap- proached the north property line. Figure 1 shows the sound levels measured at Position #1 while~Figure 2 displays the sound levels measured at Position #2. 4 b0'd LLT~--0ti6L89bSZ6ti Ol d~I~J NOIld~IHI(1 '~ SOIlSf100d W0~1~ 8~:bZ Z00z-8I-d8S a ~'~ ~ TI'~e Or0u0 1ROI t'17: Sensedo/sprint, Spnpgon I'~ric Tower, Note Input Analy~, SepfmDer 18, 2001 TABLE II. Background Sound Z,evels Measured at Three Positions in Shannon Park in Dublin Near Proposed Sprint's Proposed NW Dublin Telecommunications Facility. Test Test Measured Sound Level, dB(P~ Position illtetvsl, p.m. L~ Lia Ls.~ ~xs 1-~o I-vo I-~ 8:50-9:00 54 61 59 58 36 54 51 9:00-10:00 54 63 59 57 56 54 SO 10a10-10:50 55 74 63 57 54 S2 49 Total Tir,~ 8:50-10:50 SS 7~ 59 S7 _.. 55 s3 SO 9:00-10:00 56(51) 82(68) - _ . 55(53) 51(51) 50(50) 48(48) 2 10:00-10:30 67(50) 85(59) - 61(52) 55{51) 51(54) 48(48) Total 7Fme 9: 00.10:30 63 51) 85(68) _ . 53(S3) __. . S1(Sl) _ SO(SO) ~ 48(48) 3 9:20-10:00 55 ___ _ _ ._ 77 ~. ~S9 61 56 S4 49 As part of the proposed mobile cellular site, an HVAC system will be installed to maintain accept- abletemperatures within the building. A fnal decision has not been made on the size of the unit to be installed. Either a 3-ton or a 5-ton unit will be installed, similar to the units installed at the residences surrounding the park. Sound data was provided by the Bard distributor and this data was used to pre- dict sound levels at the nearest homes. -The nearest property line, Parce189, will be about fi0 feet from condenser unit. No home is visible at this site because of vegetation_ Thus, the area where people could detect the sound would be even farther north. The predicted sound level is 48 dB(A). This easily meets the day time limits given in Table I. Because of the measured background sound levels, it meets the nighttime limit also. The sound level at the home on Parcel 90 and 92 will be even lower because. of shielding by the building,. The nearest home to the east is 300 feet away. The sound lave! will be even Lower at this site. Ct3NCLUSIONS Background sound levels at the homes closest to the project site are Beater than the noise goals that were based on limits of Alameda County. Based on the condenser manufacturer's data, the sound level with the condenser operating will be less than background sound levels. Though sound reduction should not be needed, additional sound reduction is possible using standard procedures. Please call me if you have any questions regarding the results or conclusions. L,et me know if there are any other acoustical issues that need to be addressed. i Sincerely, p Steve Pettyjohn, 'pal Certified: Institute of Noise Colttrol Engiincers-1981 5 S0'd LLtiti--0ti6L89bSZ6T Ol d~J NOI1d21gI(1 '~ SOIlSIl00d W0~1~ 6~:bti ti00Z-8T-d3S a~ ~ ~ TRe ~~ ROS 177: SausedaJSprhot, $hooman P.e~c Tower. Na~be Impact AAYb7ls. 3epte1ltber 18. EU02 REk'ERENCES 1. City of Dublin General Plan, Noise Elemesu, Chapter 9. 1992. 2. Anon., Chapter 6.6U NOISE, Alameda County, Municipal Codes. 3. American National Standards Institutc, ANSI, S`tund~a~J Specific ion For Sound Laval Meters, 51.4-1983 (Pl6C1~tiOlt~_ . 6 90'd LL~T--0T6L89bSZ6T Ol d~1rJ NOIld~lgI(1 '~ SOIlSfl00ti WO~Id 6~:bT Z00z-8Z-d3S xoi iTT: su~aas~, stm~ eark Tarer. Notae I®p~ct Ans(ya~-, Scyrtcolcr l8, 2001 .~ ^~ ~~ .J Q a n ~~ ~~ ~^ (, V, ~~ ~ o T ~~ ~_ .. v' v/ / i '~. as ~~~ The 6toup t i t i ~, %~ ~ ' ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ S i M { I ~ ~' N I `e~ ': N ~ A i ~ ~ i ~ r . ._.j . ; i ~ ` ,_,_ . ~ ~~ I N I ~•• - ~ r __ i ..,,,. ~ 1 I I 1~! ~~ ~ N f o ~ ~ LO i -- ~ N ' LJ I j ' 1 ~ N } ~ ~ N 1 I f z ~ `~ ; . ~ o I r s i '~ r N I i ~ ~; ;~ _ .. o ~ 8 a ~ , ~~ ~ ; 7 ~~ ' i I ~: .:. ~ fS~ M ~ A O CD ~L7 lA l1S CT Q .M ~ a~ d ¢' r 7 u ~ m m '.~V ~ -~- ~ ~c ~ ~ U ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ a $ CO ~ ~ I •T N ~ y_y . cv ~ ~ ~ E i O' ~ ~n ~ ~ ~ N ~ Q ~ ~ N 4- `~ m G. N ~ a N ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ odr~ p ~ :aa `.gyp `tang-~ p~no~ Pa~~i~!aM-d Figure 1. Variation in Statistical Descriptors of Sound Measured at Position #1 in Shannon Park Near Parcel 9U. La' d LLti Z--0I6L89bSZ6ti Ol d~~ NO I lti~lg I fl '8 SO I1Sft00d WO~Id 6£ : bti T00Z-8i-d3S 8~•d ~~lol .,. R0227~: d•~red..l:W.~4 ~HOII Park To7YCT, Ndse Impact Ate. SeptgllDer l li, 2+I10I am• a~ W w~ ~~ 0 ^~^ ~ i ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ A, a • psi •~^^+ V~ /awls I I ' I ~ 1 ~ ~ f, ~ ~'~ ~ i .,~, I .~I ~ i' .t .~.. yyyM-. 1 ~ ~i v 1 ~ ~ I G> ( ~ , 1 ' t6 1 ~ ~ ~ JJ i ; d i t 1 ( ~ I 1. I I i ! I ~: f j 1 ! ~: - I ~i ~ ' ~`w ~.... ~IN.~ I t C tt .~ , ~ ~ I 1 ~. '~ ~ ~ d Q The Group N N N CV N } to ~ N ~ N -E- O ~ N N O ~ •~ N N O l.{7 CV N N ~ N _ N ~ N M N O M H- N O N N 0 ,N 0 N O N G~i GAD ~ ~ ~ GAO t00 1~[) ~ ~' tf M C~9 a~a1 p Z :a~ :8p `~ana-~ p~u~os pa.~s`.~fila~--~ Q/ m am. °' O ~~'- 0! ~. E cg' ~ a ~x O l6 ~ J I .~ W d1 Q 3 Q N J ~ ~ T :'.. Figure 2. Sound Level Variations Measured at Position #2 in Sheraton Near Residential Parcel 92. S 80 ' d LLS'G--0ti6L89bSZ6ti Ol ddo NO I 1d~IH I fl '8 SO I 1Sf100d W0~1~ 0b : bT ti00Z-8ti-d8S ~~ ~a~ Sprint PCS Proposed Antenna Facility at 11600 Shannon Ave. NW Dublin SF36xc022A References equipment abbreviations shown on plans: 1. PRC (Primary Radio Cabinet): Contains the Base Transceiver Station (BTS) which are separate but linked transmit and receive radios. 2. PWR (Power Cabinet or "Powerhouse"): Is where the A/C power comes in and converts the power from A/C to D/C (which is what our equipment runs on). Contains rectifiers and is the biggest user of power of all equipment. 3. B/U (Back Up Battery Cabinet): Holds up to 20 batteries for back up in case of power failure. Normal back up is 4 batteries. Generally, each battery is worth 30 minutes. 4. GR (Growth Cabinets): To add additional BTS's. Smaller than the PRC. 5. PWR (Future): Power for the future BTS's. 6. Telco: Where Pac Bell brings their T-1 line into our NIU (Network Interface Unit) 7. Elec: Where PG&E brings power to our site. Contains breakers. Emergency Generator Receptacle (commonly called the Appleton Plug) is attached. If necessary can be detached and mounted elsewhere, but requires extra wiring and has higher chance of failure. 8. AlC (Air Conditioner): Required on all shelters with roof in this area. Should not be more than 3 ton capacity. 9. Meter: PG&E meter. 10. GPS (Global Positioning System) Antenna: Necessary for timing of BTS's on all sites. Must have UNOBSTRUCTED exposure. ATTACHMENT 6