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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.06 DubBlWid ApplicSUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK FILE # 1060-90 AGENDA STATEMENT MEETING DATE: September 18, 2001 Authorization to File an Application for Regional Improvement Program Funds for the Dublin Boulevard Widening Project from Village Parkway to Sierra Court/Civic Plaza Report Prepared by: Lee $. Thompson, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Resolution RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution authorizing the filing of an application for Regional Improvement Program funds for the Dublin Boulevard Widening Project from Village Parkway to Sierra Court/Civic Plaza FINANCIAL STATEMENT: If the funding request is approved, the City will receive an additional $1 million to widen Dublin Boulevard. The total amount of Federal and State grant funds available for this project will be $3.5 million. DESCRIPTION: The City presently has $2.5 million of State Transportation Improvement Program funds for the Dublin Boulevard Widening Project from Village Parkway to Sierra Court/Civic Plaza. Staff has been pursuing an additional $1 million of Regional Improvement Program funds to provide supplementary funds for the project and has submitted this project to the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency for funding consideration under the Regional Improvement Program. The next step in the process is to submit a grant application to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, which requires a resolution authorizing the filing of the grant application. If the City receives this grant, the funds will be used to supplement the monies required for right o£way acquisition and construction. Preparation of the project plans and specifications is nearing completion and required right of way is currently being purchased. Staff intends to advertise the project this winter aS soon as the State approves the allocation of construction fimds, with construction scheduled to start in the early spring of 2002. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution authorizing the filing of an application for Regional Improvement Program funds for the Dublin Boulevard Widening project from Village Parkway to Sierra Court/Civic Plaza. COPIES TO: Metropolitan Transportation Commission ITEM NO. ~ g:\miscproj\dbw2~AgStaApplication-RIPfunds.doc RESOLUTION NO. - O1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION FOR REGIONAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUNDS FOR THE DUBLIN BOULEVARD WIDENING PROJECT FROM VILLAGE PARKWAY TO SIERRA COURT/CIVIC PLAZA AND STATING THE ASSURANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT WHEREAS, SB 45 (Chapter 622, Statutes 1997) substantially revised the process for estimating the amount of state and federal funds available for transportation projects in the state and for appropriating and allocating the available funds to these projects; and WHEREAS, as part of that new process, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) is responsible for programming projects eligible for Regional Improvement Program (RTIP) funds, pursuant to Government Code Section 14527(b), for inclusion in the Regional Transportation Improvement Program, and submission to the California Transportation Commission, for inclusion in the State Transportation Improvement Program; and WHEREAS, the MTC has requested eligible transportation project sponsors to submit applications nominating projects to be programmed for Regional Improvement Program funds in the Regional Transportation Improvement Program; and WHEREAS, applications to the MTC must be submitted consistent with procedures, conditions, and forms provided to transportation project sponsors by the MTC; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin is a sponsor of transportation projects eligible for Regional Improvement Program funds; and . WHEREAS, the RTIP project nomination sheet of the project application, attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth at length, lists the project, purpose, schedule and budget for which the City of Dublin is requesting that the MTC program Regional Improvement Program funds for inclusion in the Regional Transportation Improvement Program; and WHEREAS, Part 2 of the project application, attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth at length, includes the certification by the City of Dublin of assurances required by SB 45 in order to qualify the project listed in the RTIP project nomination sheet of the project application for programming by the MTC; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City. of Dublin approves the assurances set forth in Part 2 of the projeCt application, attached to this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Dublin has reviewed the project and has adequate staffing resources to deliver and complete the project within the schedule set forth in the RTIP project nomination sheet of the project application, attached to this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Dublin is an eligible sponsor of projects in the State Transportation Improvement Program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Dublin is authorized to submit an application for State Transportation Improvement Program funds for the Dublin Boulevard Widening project from Village Parkway to Sierra Court/Civic Plaza. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there is no legal impediment to the City of Dublin making applications for Regional Improvement Program funds. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there is no pending or threatened litigation which might in any way adversely affect the proposed project, or the ability of the City of Dublin to deliver such project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Dublin authorizes its Director of Public Works (Or his designee), to execute and file an application with the MTC to program Regional Improvement Program funds into the Regional Transportation Improvement Program, for the projects, purposes and amounts included in the project application attached to this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution shall be transmitted to the MTC in conjunction with the filing of the City of Dublin application referenced herein. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of September, 2001. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk G:miscprofidbw-vpw sierralreso local support, doc Data as of 8/22/2001 2002 RTiP NOmination ~ ~ Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) Version 1.3 Miles (Primary). KM Miles (Secondary) KM I Document Milestones Document Type Date !~m/dd/yy) I Project Study Report (PSR) Complete I I I I Scheduled Circulation of Draft Environmental Document ~ I Project Schedule ( State Fiscal Year beginning July l) Quarter FY Project Schedule ( State Fiscal Year beginning July l ) Quarter FY ~ Start Environmental Studies R/W Certification Final Environmental Document Complete Advertise Construction (Ready to List) Begin Design Engineering Start Construction (Award) Final Plans, Specs and Estimates Start Rolling Stock Acquisition (if applicable) Start R/W Activities/Acquisitions Project Completion (Open for Use) Project Mode Project Type Project Purpose Description, Location and Proiect limits ~ (brief- 180 characters) ~ Scol~e of Work (Detailed Descril~tion) ~ ~ Transl~ortation [oroblem to be addressed / Project Benefits RTP Corridor Printed 8/22/2001 2:32:55 PM Page 1 of 2 Data as of 8,22,2001 2002 RTIP Nomination ¢ ~ ~ version Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) Summary Data Amounts DISPLAYED are in THOUSANDS Component pA&FD I ENV PS&E RW SUP (CT) CON SUP (CT) RW CON TOTALS Prior and Existing Funding Change in Funding I Schedule Additional Need Total STIP Other RTIPIGrandfather'd ITIP Other Other RTIP/ITIP/GF-STIP Non-STIP Contributions 00/01 01/02 01102 Amount FY Amount $144 99/00 · $100 $267 00/0t ! $104 $o i $o $0 $220 $1,869 $ 2,500 $0 $o $227 431 Exl~ected sources of ADDITIONAL FUNDING Added or (Subtracted) Added or (Subtracted) Amount $0 $0 $0 $0 Non-STIP Added or (Subtracted) Amount $0 $0 $0 $0 Non-STIP Added or (Subtracted) FY Amount $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $ FY Amount $0 $0 $0 $0 $400 $600 $ 1,000 $o $o $o $o (identified above as "ADDITIONAL NEED") to complete project. Existing + Change + Additional Amount $244 $371 $o $o $620 $2,696 $ 3,931 FUNDING SOURCE Category ~ Sl~ecial Fundin~ Conditions or Terms FUNDING REQUEST Project Explanation for Amendment Name: Agency: Title: Mailing Address: Telephone: City: State: Zip Code: E-mail Address: Fax Number: Name: Agency: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip Code: E-mail Address: Telephone: Title: Fax Number: Printed 8/22/2001 2:32:55 PM Page 2 of 2 CAUTION: Enter FUNDING AMOUNTS in WHOLE DOLLARS. DO NOT ROUND TO, OR ENTER tN, THOUSANDS. FUNO NAME ~ Agency S~ate Highway Improvement Program State Highway Improvement Program Stale Highway Improvement Program Slate Highway improvement Program Existing Funding 2,931,000 $ AMOUNT (Whole $ ERROR CHECK Proposed Funding 3,931,~0 Additional Funding (Not Yet Committed) ERROR CHECK FUND SOURCE FUND NAME ERROR CHECK Attached map here Dublin Boulevard Widening Project from Village Parkway to Sierra Court/Civic Plaza RTIP Project Application Part 2: Certification of Assurances Implementing Agency: Project Title: Date: City of Dublin Dublin Boulevard Widening Project from Village Parkway to Sierra Ct. September 10, 2001 The implementing agency certifies that the project for which Regional Improvement Program funding is requested meets the following project screening criteria. Please initial each. 1. The project is eligible for consideration in the RTIP. Pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Section 164 (e), eligible projects include improving state highways, local roads, Public transit, intercity rail, pedestrian, and bicycle facilities, and grade separation, transportation system manageme~tn~ transportation demand management, soundwall projects, intermodal facilities, and safety. 2. For the funds requested, no costs have/will be incurred prior to adoption into the STIP by the CTC. Project Study Report (PSR) or PSR equivalent has been prepared for the project. 3. A 4. The project budget included in Part 2 of the project application reflects current costs updated as of the date of application and escalated to the appropriate year. 5. The project is included in a local congestion management program (CMP). (Note: For those counties that have opted out of preparing a CMP in accordance with Government Code Section 65088.3, the project must be consistent with the capital improvement progra~m,?idopted pursuant to MTC's funding agreement with the countywide transportation planning agency.) ~/~t_~ 6. The year of funding for any design, right-of-way and/or construction phases has taken into co_~d~eration the time necessary to obtain environmental clearance and permitting approval for the project. / 7. The project is fully funded. 8. For projects with STIP federal ~unds, the implementing agency agrees to contact Caltrans and schedule and complete a field review within six months of the project being adopted or amended into the STIP. 9. For STIP construction funds, the implementing agency agrees to send a copy of the Caltrans LPP 01-06~ "Award Information for STIP Projects - Attachment A" to MTC and/or the CMA, upon award. 10. The implementing agency agrees to be available for an audit of STIP funds; if requested. '--~'~ The implementing agency also agrees to abide by all rules and regulations applying to the State Transportation Improvement Program (~d to follow all requirements associated with the funds programmed to the project in the STIP. These include, but are not limited to: 1. Environmental requirements: NEPA standards and procedures for all projects with Federal funds; CEQA standards and procedures for all projects programmed with State funds. 2. California Transportation Commission (CTC) requirements for transit projects, formerly associated with the Transit Capital Improvement (TCI) program. These include rules governing right-of-way acquisition, hazardous materials testing, and timely use of funds. 3. Federal Transit Administration (FTA) requirements for transit projects as outlined in FTA regulations and circulars. 4. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Caltrans requirements for highway and other roadway projects as outlined in the Caltrans Local Programs Manual. 5. Federal air quality conformity requirements, and local project review requirements, as outlined in the adopted Bay Area Conformity Revision of the State Implementation Plan (SIP).