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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.10 Biletnikoff NameSt CI'TY CLERK
SUBJECT: Request from the Biletnikoff Foundation to Designate a Street
within Dublin Ranch Under the City's Policy for Naming by a
Nonprofit Organization
Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director
ATTACHMENTS: 1) Memo from the Biletnikoff Foundation and letter dated
October 30, 2002, to attorney representing Dublin Ranch
2) Policy for Street Naming By or For Benefit of Nonprofit
3) Fundraising Flyer and Biletnikoff Foundation information
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the request to designate a street within Dublin Ranch for
naming by the Biletnikoff Foundation subject to provisions of the
City of Dublin's policy for non-profit street-naming.
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Minor cost of Staff time to process the street-name review and
approval. The cost of the street name signs shall be paid by the
DESCRIPTION: At the regular City Council meeting of November 21, 2000, the City
Council adopted a policy for street naming to benefit nonprofit organizations. The policy states that funds
raised are to be used to benefit Dublin residents, requests from organizations must be approved by the City
Council and the tract developer prior to any fund raising activity taking place, and the potential street
names chosen must comply with street naming procedures as outlined in the Dublin Municipal Code.
A request has been received from the BiletnikoffFoundation to designate a street within a future Dublin
Ranch Tract, the naming of which would be auctioned to benefit the Foundation in Dublin. This nonprofit
organization was founded as the result of the slaying of Tracey Biletnikoff and is dedicated to helping
women who are victims of physical abuse or substance abuse.
The event for fundraising has been scheduled for Saturday, November 16, 2002. As noted in the request,
Marty Inderbitzen, attorney representing the Dublin Ranch development, has agreed to the proposal on
behalf of the developer. This request meets the guidelines contained within the policy.
COPIES TO: Martylnderbitzen Jt ~ al~
g:~agenmiscSagst street name biletnikoff, doc
Staff recommends that the City Council approve the request to auction the naming of the designated street
as requested. Once the auction has been held, and the potential names have been routed to other agencies
as part of the name approval procedure, the names will be brought back to the City Council, either as part
of a Final Map approval or for approval as a separate action, as appropriate.
Page 2 o~ o~ ~
TO: City of Dublin 10/30/02
FROM: Biletnikoff Foundation
RE: Street naming for non-profit organizations
The Biletnikoff Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to
raising funds to benefit programs addressing substance.abuse,
gender violence supportCyouth programs.
our three main beneficiaries 'are Tracey'$ Place of Hope - a
residential treatment program for girls between the ages of 14 and
17years with substance abuse problems; STAND! - a program which
offers emergency shelter, counseling and support groups to families
in crisis. They provide treatment programs to domestic violence
offenders; Live Oak Swim Team - a Bay Area swim team for children
from 7 to 18 years of age.
One of the major fundraising events the Biletnikoff Foundations hosts
is our annual Crab Feed. This year the Crab Feed will be held on
Saturday, November 16, 2002 at the San Ramon Community Center.
The event is already sold out to 250 attendees! At the event, we offer
items for silent auction, live auction and raffle. We would very much
like the opportunity to include a street name for the City of Dublin, of
which 100% percent of the procedes would be donated to the Dublin
High School Football and Cheerleading programs. ~
The Foundation is dedicated to helping young people succeed by
supporting youth and educational programs for communities such as
the City of Dublin.
October 30, 2002
Malty lnderbitzen
Re: Street Naming
Dear Mr, Inderb..itzen,
Thank you for'taking the.ti'me to speak with'me regarding fi. street naming for auofion at
our crab feed fundraising event on November 16, 2002. As you have'requested, I am
enclosing ixffotma6on about our non-profit foundation and a listing of some of the
organizations and OOlnmunity programs we sp6nsor and benefit.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Debbie Marfin~z ' (_~
7080'Donlon Way · Suite 126 ' Dublin, CA 94568 · 877-787-2239 ' 925-556-2825 ' Fax 925-828-549t
Nonprofit organizations may request authorization to name a public street under the following
1: The funds raised from the sale of the street name shall be used for the benefit of Dublin
2. Both the City Council and the tract developer shall approve the request in advance of any
fund raising activities.
3. The street name shall comply with and is subject to processing in accordance with the
Dublin Municipal Code,
4, No addresses shall be located on the street, OR the street naming shall take place prior
to the time the tract street names are submitted to the City for review as part of the
Tentative Ma p process.
· 5, The street name shall bb chosen and the approval process completed within a
reasonable time of street construction; i.e., prior to the time that the developer installs
street name signs in the tract, (The approval process typically takes six to eight weeks
following submittal of the proposed street name.)
6. The street shall not be an arterial street.
The City process involved in reviewing and approvidg a street name under the Dublin Municipal
Code is as follows:
1. Verification that the name (or a very similar name) does not already exist in Alameda
COunty (requirement of emergency services).
2. Circulation among emergency services, the U.S. Postal Service, and nearby agencies for
3.. Approval by the City Council and submittal of street name to the County Recorder.
Under this program, the tract developer would obtain and install the street name signs.
Our v issiort
The mission of the Bil~t~koff Fom~dation is to cnab~ yoking p¢oplo to realizo .th~ix full
potential through th~ support of. ~ommunity and cducafio~ programs that effe~tiwly
address tho ml~t~d problemu of ~mbstam~ ~ abuse ~uld
Thanks'to your generous d~nations 'and continued support, we have been able to give ·
over $125,000,. over :10 computers and athletic equipment to these programs and morel
Traeey's Place 'of Hope
The Biletnikoff Foundation in conjunction with the wom~n's Recovery Association
opened "Tracey's Place of Hope" in January o.f 2000. Trac~y'~ Place is a 6-bedroom
house for adolescent girls between the ages of. 14-17, and off~rs a treatment pr?gram for
90-days .t° 6 months. Ther~ is 24-hour supervision with scheduled activities, counseling
and tutorh~g. The program is tingled at girls who am low-income, or homel.ess with a
"history o17 SUbstance abase related problems as well as other mental health issues. The
Faundafion aslo provides .th~ girls with recreational ~tivifies and' outing~ such
Oakland Rafidors Football Games, ~ooking classes and holiday rela~d events.
I~ ST3,ND!
Siace '1977,' STA1NrD! has helpod over 15,000 crisis ydctims and ~e~ chil~ ~ual~,
off~ emergency shglter, counsel~g, ~oa ~oups, ~d ~s~ional house. Thek
ba~'s ~em pm~ams ~ide offend~$ ~e o~o~uniW to m~ m~M~l
eh~ges ~ ~eir liws ~d m~ impo~y, ~e lives of~e~ f~lies.
Live Oak S~m ~eam
It is a goal of ~e Foundatio~ ~. eneo~e yegg peoPle m p~eipate
ac~es. ~e Fo~da~'s dedica~on ~ hclpMg to help~g yegg p~ple aucce~ is
aho~ ~ ~e suppo~ ~at ~ Fo~tion gives to comm~iW org~atiom such
bay ~a s~m
We ~vite you to pa~eipate in these upcoming
November 16 3~ ~ Crab Fe~, Au6tion ~d D~ce
November 29 Dec~t~g Trac~y's Pla~ of.Ho~ f~ the holi~
April 5, 2003 Bile~koffA~ds Wos~ Olympic CI~
April 2003· KS JO Pay-for-Play; ~d ~g Spring B~ke~
May, 2003 4~ Q~ Golf Toum~ T~ah~see, FL b~tt~ Br~don's
Pl~e ~d Tm~'s Pl~e of Hop~.
7080 Denton Why ' Suit- 126 · Dublin, ~ 94568 ' 877-78~'-2239 · 925-$$6-252h "F~x 92~-828-5491
Om' Fnnds at Work
Tlae Bitetnikoff F0unda'don kas ~nded
a varie~ of progr~s. In gi~ng to these
~bo~, aw~eness of gen&r v~olence and
Fred and Angela were ~sta.~
devasta~e~ when ~he~r daughter, ~~
Tracey, was brutalk murdered C~v~ Tempi, ~i~ Foo~dl
by someone she datea. ~ey are C~vC=~ P~cmte Canter Research
moving forward, ha~ng. ~o~
e~tablished ~e Bile~iko~f D~n ~h
Foun~a~on, a non-profi~
organization dedicated as a ~;. Oak Pa~
~ibut~ to %acey an~ others "1 couldn't save m~ ~o
who h'~ ~ a~e~ ~y daughte~ b~t maybe s,~.~_ s.,.,.~
gender ~olence and s~stance together we can save
a~use. ~O~yS ~ T~= Tv~y
Tra~y~Pla~ of Hom
Tri-Va~ Youth Fco~fl[ Leag~
Women% R~ovezy Assoda~on
Wome~s Recovery ~oeiation - Almnae
We invite you to join us at our annual
~und r~ising events
Bihtnlkoff Awards West
The Mission o'f the Bilctniko~fKSJO Pay t~or Play
Biletnikoff Foundation Crab Feed
Foundation is to commemorate
Please con, act our o~ice for further
Tracey's life. an~ 'her un~mely
Ami volunteer opportunities
death and to enable young
people to realize their full
poten~al ~hrongh ~e support ~ 925-462-1755
o~ co~u~¢ programs ~hat wo~Recovery ~oeia~on:
effectively a~dress the related
problems o~ substance ~se ~ B~l.~off Foundation
T080 Do~onWay, Suite 126
an~ gender violence. ' mbl~, ~ 94568
, ~ie~: 925-556-2525
Fed. T~. LD ~9~3344152