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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.16 MAD97-1 Prel Engr CTTY CLERK FILE # 360-20 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 3une 18, 2002 SUBJECT: Landscaping Maintenance Assessment District 97-1 (Santa Rita Area) - Preliminary Engineer's Report Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution Approving Preliminary Engineer's Report 2) Resolution Appointing Time and Place of Hearing Protests of Proposed Assessments (July 16, 2002) 3) Preliminary Engineer's Report (Assessment Diagram to be Displayed at City Council Meeting) RECOMMENDATION: ,~Adopt resolutions approving preliminary engineer's report and "~ setting hearing date and time (July 16, 2002, 7:00 p.m.) for the 2002-2003 assessment. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: 2002-2003 Sources and Use o. f Landscape Maintenance District Funds: Revenues: Total Amount Proposed to be Assessed: $120,047.26 Estimated Interest Revenue: 4, 683. O0 Estimated Prior Year Collections and Penalties: 175.00 Less Estimated Collection and Delinquency Cost: (4,440.00) Net Total Revenues: $120,465.26 Expenditures: Cost of Maintenance and Utilities $168,419.00 Administration and Engineering: 2,070.00 Total Operating Expenses: $170,489. O0 Expenses are expected to exceed revenues as noted above. While it is recommended that the assessment be increased by approximately 19%; it is also proposed that $50,023.74 (29%) of the budgeted expenses be paid from the District reserve. COPIES TO: Alameda Co. Surplus Property Auth. ITEM NO. _~~ g:\assessdist~97-1\agstpre The recommended 2002-2003 assessment is $280.32 per acre, which is approximately 19% higher than the 2001-2002 assessment. Proposed single-family or multi-family lot assessments by subdivision are indicated below. DESCRIPTION: This assessment district, which was formed in the fall of 1996, funds street landscape maintenance and utility costs for the Santa Rita development area, also known as Emerald Park° This area is bounded by Arnold Road on the west, Gleason Drive on the north, Tassajara Road on the east, and Interstate 580 on the south. The District was formed at the request of the property owner to assure that all of the landscaping in Emerald park was maintained at a consistently high level. This property owner did not believe maintenance by homeowners' associations would accomplish the same desirable end result. The scope of work includes maintenance of roadside landscaping for Dublin Boulevard, Hacienda Drive, Central Parkway, a portion of Arnold Road, Tassajara Road (westerly portion), and a portion of Gleason Drive, plus the maintenance of the trail and landscaping along the Tassajara Creek channel, as delineated on Page 2 of the Engineer's Report. The total maintenance and administration cost for this District for Fiscal Year 2002-2003 is expected to be $168,739. It is proposed to use a portion of the existing surplus to offset part of this cost; the proposed total assessment for Fiscal Year 2002-2003 is $120,000.26. The total developed acreage in this District is now 428.26 acres. This breaks down to a per-acre assessment of $280.32, as compared to the Fiscal Year 2001-2002 assessment of $235.84 per acre. As provided in the Engineer's Report, individual lots in residential subdivisions are assessed based on density; in other words, the number of acres in the subdivision is divided by the number of lots, and the resulting quotient is the assessment per lot. For Fiscal Year 2002-2003, the following assessments resulted from this calculation: Califomia Creekside single-family lots: $39.86 per lot California Brookside multi-family units: $17.54 per unit SummerGlen - Richmond American (north) lots: $33.04 per lot SummerGlen- Richmond American (south) lots: $38.42 per lot SummerGlen - Kaufman & Broad and Pulte lots: $59.82 per lot Dublin Greene Tract 7084 single family lots: $42.24 per lot Dublin Greene Tract 7149 multi-family units $31.82 per unit Dublin Greene Tract 7149 cond6minium/apartment units $17.26 per unit Commercial (including retail, office, and industrial uses, as well as apartment properties) are assessed based on the per-acre figure multiplied by the number of acres per individual lot. While some street-side landscaping areas and the Tassajara Creek Trail are now being maintained by the City, other areas are not yet complete. Staff anticipates acceptance of additional areas in 2002-2003 and has increased the budget for maintenance accordingly. Since the reserve in this District is projected to be higher than the amount allowed by State Law, a portion of the maintenance cost is proposed to be paid from the reserve as indicated in the Financial Statement. Page 2 Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolutions approving the preliminary Engineer's Report and setting a public hearing date of July 16, 2002. Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. -02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S REPORT, LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 97-1 (SANTA RITA AREA) WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 019-02, a Resolution Initiating Proceedings for Landscaping Maintenance Assessment District No. 97-1 (Santa Rita Area) (the "District"), this Council designated the City Engineer as Engineer of Work and ordered said Engineer to make and file a report in writing in accordance with and pursuant to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972; and WHEREAS, said Engineer of Work has made and filed with the City Clerk a preliminary report in'writing as called for in said Resolution No. 019-02 and under and pursuant to said Act, which report has been presented to this Council for consideration; and WHEREAS, said Council has duly considered said report and finds that each and every part of said report is sufficient; and that said report neither requires nor should be modified in any respect; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED a) That the Engineer's estimate ofthe itemized and total costs and expenses of maintaining said improvements and of the incidental expenses in connection therewith, as contained in said report be, and each of them are hereby preliminarily approved and confirmed; b) That the diagram showing the assessment district, description of the improvements to be maintained, and the boundaries and dimensions of the respective lots and parcels of land within said District, as contained in said report be, and it is hereby preliminarily approved and confirmed; c) That the assessment of the total amount of the cost and expenses of the proposed maintenance of said improvements upon the several lots and parcels of land in said District in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by such lots and parcels, respectively, from said maintenance, and of the expenses incidental thereto, as contained in said report be, and they are hereby preliminarily approved and confirmed. PASSED, APpROvED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of Jtme, 2002. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. -02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING PROTESTS IN RELATION TO PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 97-1 (SANTA RITA AREA) WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 019-02, a resolution directing preparation of annual report for City of Dublin Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance Assessment District (the "District") this Council designated the City Engineer as Engineer of Work and ordered that Engineer to make and file a report in writing in accordance with and pursuant to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972; and WHEREAS, said Engineer of Work has made and filed with the City Clerk a preliminary report in writing as called for in said Resolution No. 019-02, and under and pursuant to said Act, which report has been presented to this Council for consideration; and WHEREAS, said Council has duly considered said report and each and every part thereof, and finds that each and every part of said report is sufficient; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a public hearing shall be held on July 16, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. at the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, at which the City Council will hear protests and will consider and finally act upon the Engineer's Report. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing by the following means: publishing a notice once a week for two weeks in a local newspaper published and circulated in the City and conspicuously posting a notice at not less than three public locations; said noticing to be completed at least ten (10) days before the date herein set for hearing of protests. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said notices shall contain the following information: the estimated assessment per parcel, the general description of the purpose or improvements the assessment will fund, the address to which a protest may be mailed, and the date, hour, and place set for the aforementioned public hearing. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 18th day of June, 2002. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Mayor CITY OF DUBLIN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 97-1 SANTA RITA AREA FISCAL YEAR 2002-2003 PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS I ENGINEER'S LETTER .... 'e ......................................................................... 3 2 ESTIMATE OF COSTS .............................................................................. 5 $ METHOD OFAPPORTIONMENT ........................................................... 6 4 PARCEL LISTING ............. ... ..................................................................... 7 $ CER TIFICA TIONS .................................................................................... 9 1 ENGINEER'S LETTER WHEREAS, on February 19, 2002, the City Council of the City of Dublin, Califomia, pursuant to the provisions of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, adopted its Resolution Directing Preparation of Annual Report for Maintenance Assessment District 1997'1 for the acquisition and maintenance of improvements more particularly therein described; and WHEREAS, said Resolution directed the undersigned to prepare and file a report pursuant to Section 22565, et. seq., of said Act; NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned, by virtue of the power vested in me under said Act and the order of the Council of said City, hereby make the following assessment to cover the portion of the estimated cost of acquisition of and maintenance of said improvements and the cost and expenses incidental thereto, to be paid by said District. SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT (1) (2) (3) As Preliminarily As Finally As Filed Approved Approved Cost of Maintenance $168, 739. O0 Incidental Expenses $90,936.26 TOTAL COSTS $259,675.26 Estimated 2002-03 Interest Income Applied to 2002-03 Operating Costs ($4, 683.00) Prior Year Collections and Penalties ($175. 00) Estimated Surplus from 2001-02 Fiscal Year ($134, 772. 00) SUB-TOTAL ($139,630.00) AMOUNT TO BE ASSESSED FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002-2003 $120,000.26 As required by said Act, a diagram is hereto attached showing the exterior bOundaries of said landscape maintenance assessment district and also the lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel of land within said landscaping maintenance assessment district as the same existed at the time of the passage of said resolution, each of which lots or parcels having been given a separate number upon said diagram. I do hereby assess the net amount to be assessed upon all assessable lots or parcels of land within said landscape maintenance assessment district by apportioning that amount among the several lots or parcels in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by each such lot or parcel from the acquisition and maintenance of said improvements, and more particularly set forth in the list hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof. Said assessment is made upon the several lots or parcels of land within said landscape maintenance assessment district in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by said lots or parcels respectively from the acquisition 'and maintenance of said improvements. The diagram and assessment numbers appearing herein are the diagram numbers appearing on said diagram, to which reference is hereby made for a more particular description of said property. The total assessment District area shall be 440.08 acres as shown in Section 4 (the Assessment Diagram) of this report. The scope of work shall include the following the maintenance and repair of landscaped and open space areas, entry features, entry lighting, masonry soundwalls, wrought iron fences, publicly-owned drainage ditches, irrigation systems, trees and plantings, furnishing of water and power' for irrigation systems, together with all appurtenant and incidental expenses for the following areas: · The northerly and southerly street frontages for Dublin Boulevard, from Arnold Road to Tassajara Road. · The northerly and southerly street frontages for Central Parkway from Arnold Road to Tassajara Road, excluding the future school frontage landscaping. · The southerly street frontage for Gleason Drive, from Arnold Road to Tassajara Road and the northerly street frontage for Gleason Drive, from Tassajara Creek to Tassajara Road. · The easterly street frontage for Arnold Road, from Dublin Boulevard to Gleason Drive. · The easterly and westerly street frontages for Hacienda Drive, from the 1-580/Hacienda interchange to Gleason Drive. · The westerly street frontage of Tassajara Road, 350 feet southerly of the Tassajara Road and Dublin Boulevard intersection, to 450' northerly of the Gleason Drive and Tassajara Road intersection. · Tassajara Creek and trail, from 1-580 to the northerly property boundary of the Alameda County Surplus Property Authority property (APN 986-1-1-10). · Street median landscaping is not part of this District. Each lot or parcel of land assessed is described in the assessment list by reference to its parcel number as shown on the Assessor's Maps of the County of Alameda for the Fiscal Year 2002-2003 and includes all of such parcels excepting those portions thereof within existing public roads or rights of way to be acquired in these proceedings for public road purposes. For a more particular description of said property, reference is hereby made to the deeds and maps on file and of record in the office of the County Recorderfil~said Dated: June 18, 2002 2 ES TIMA TE 0 F C OS TS The estimated cost for the maintenance of improvements described in this Report for Fiscal Year 2002/03 is as follows: Maintenance Street Landscape Maintenance $103,122. O0 Street Tree Maintenance $8,887. O0 Utilities: Electricity $5, 700. O0 Water $50, 710. O0 Administration $320. O0 1168,739.00 Incidentals Engineer's Report and Proceedings $1, 750. O0 County of Alameda Collection Costs ~ 1.7% $2,040. O0 Delinquencies ~ 2o 0% $2,400. O0 Contingencies/Reserve $84~ 746. 26 $90,936.26 Total: $259,675.26 3 METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT The maximum developed acre assessment will be $710 per year, based on a total of 389,400 square feet of street improvements and a total of 957,000 square feet of creek improvements and 440.08 acres of developed property at build-out of all property within the District. The cost of the Improvements will be divided equally among the total number of developed properties within the boundaries of the District on a per acre basis. "Developed acres" shall include property having a recorded final map or parcel map as of July 1 st of each year. Each year the City Council shall determine the assessment for that year based on the following: 1. Cost of maintenance of installed Improvements ("M"). 2. Total amount of developed acres ("A"). 3. The annual assessment for the developed acres for that year ("M") shall be spread on a per-acre basis ("M" + "A") based on the following: A. Commercial developed area, per acre basis. B. Single-family residential area, per acre basis. C. Multi-family residential area, per acre basis. · 4. The single-family and multi-family residential area per acre assessment will be further spread on a per lot basis based on the number of lots on the final map, parcel map, or condominium map for each particular development. 5. If the assessment in any year would exceed $710 Per acre, the amount in excess of $710 shall be assessed to the remaining undeveloped acres on a per acre basis, subject to the maximum developed acre amount. 6. The maximum developed acre assessment of $710 per year will be increased annually by the percentage increase in the Bay Area Urban Wage Earner Price Index (applies to all costs except water and electricity), plus any actual increase in the cost for water and electricity. 7. If the square footage cost of the Improvements will be less than the amount set forth herein (after adjustment in accordance with Paragraph 6), the assessment shall be reduced proportionately to reflect the reduced cost of Improvements in that year. 4 PAR CEL LISTING The complete parcel list, showing APN, owner and assessment per parcel will be provided with the Final Engineer's Report. The following page shows the number of parcels assessed, the assessment amount per parcel and the total assessment for the District. 2002/2003 ASSESSMENT ROLL LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 97'-1 (SANTA RITA AREA} I [ AMOUNT OF ASSESSMENT FOR 2002. ASSESSMBNT AND APN PROPERTY OWNERS ACRES LOTS 2003 TAX YEAR Per Acre Per Lot Total 1-1 PM 7355, Parcel 4 ACSPA 22.07 I (NIC) 1-2 PM 7355~ Parcel 7 CITY OF DUBLIN (park) 26.11 I (NIC) 2-1 thru 2-154 Book 986 P~es 6 & 7 MULTIPLE, INDIVIDUAL OWNERS 21.9 154 280.32 39.86 6,138.44 3-155 thru 3-277 Book 986 Pa~les 6 & 7 MULTIPLE, INDIVIDUAL OWNERS 7.7! 123 280.32 17.54 2,157.42 4-1 i Deleted 4-2 986 -0008-013 EQUILON ENTERPRISES 1.23 I 280.32 344.80 4-3 986 -0008-012 iDUBLIN HWANG 2.12 1 280,32 594.28 4-4 986 -0008-011 BABY SUPERSTORE 3.38 I 280.32 947.48' 4-5 986 -0008-010 RREEF AMERICA REIT 2.41 1 280.32 675.58 4-6 986 -0008-009 ~REEF AMERICA REIT 18.72 I 280.32 5,247.60 4-7 986 -0008-004 FFCA ACQUISITIONS 1.08 11 280.32 302.74 4-8 986 -0008-005 BRINKER RESTAURANT 1.59 I 280.32 445.70 4-9 986 -0008-006 SCARBROUGH~ W & P 1.08 1. 280.32 302.74 4-10 986 -0008-008 DUBLIN TEPPANYAKI LLC 1.01 I 280.32 283.12 4-11 986 -0008-007 RREEF AMERICA REIT 4.93 1 280.32 1,381.98 4-12 986 -0008-016 CNI_ APF PARTNERS 1.03 1 280.32 288.72 4-13 986 -0008-017 APPLE BAY EAST 1.31 I 280.32 367.22 4-14 986 -0008-001 REGAL CINEMAS 13.47 I 280.32 3,775.92 4-15 986 -0016-006 FIRST SECURITY BANK 4.83 I 280.32 1 ~353.94 4-16 '986 -0016-007 -D(TENDED STAY CA 2.53 I 280.32 709.20 4-17 986 -0016-008 (Auto Nation) FIRST SECURITY BANK 19.17 I 280.32 5,373.74 5-I 986 -0014-001 US PROP. FUND GMBH & CO KG 13.15 I 280.32 3~686.20 5-2 986 -0014-002 CREEKSIDE NORTH TRUST 5.93 I 280.32 1 ~662.30 5-3 986 -0014-003 CREEKSlDE NORTH TRUST 5.56 I 280.32 1,558.58 ,6-1 986 -0014-004 HHH INVESTMENTS 11.47 I 280.32 3,215.28 6-2 986 -0014-007 C.S.T.R.S. 9.93 1 280.32 2~783.58 5-3 986 -0014-008 OPUS WEST 4.7 1 280.32 1,317.50 6-4 986 -0014-009 OPUS WEST 5.05 I 280.32 1 ~415.62 7-1 986 -0014-010 & 011 ACSPA & WDS DUBLIN* 26.02 I 280.32 7~293.,9,2 8-1 986 -0005-026 ACSPA* 48.52 1 280.32 13~601.12 9-1 thru 9-61 Book 986 Page 10 MULTIPLE, INDIVIDUAL OWNERS 7.19 61 280.32 33.04 2,015.44 19-1 thru 10-238 Book 986 Pages 11 & 12 MULTIPLE, INDIVIDUAL OWNERS 50.79 238 280.32 59.82 14p237.16 11-1 thru 11-48 Book 986 Page 13 MULTIPLE, INDIVIDUAL OWNERS 6.58 48 280.32 38.42 1~844.16 12-1 986 -0009-001 (Jefferson Apts) BERE ISLAND PROPERTIES 15.08 I 280.32 4,227.22 13-1 986 -0008-015 (Archstone Apts) SECURITY CAPITAL PACIFIC TRS 12.4 I 280.32 3~475.96 14-1 986-0016-009 ACSPA* 1.63 I 280.32 456.92 14-2 986 -0016-010 ACSPA* 1.51 I 280.32 423.2,8, 14-3 986 -0016-011 ACSPA* 2.96 I 280.32 829.74 14-4 986 -0016-012 Koll Center 5.81 1 280.32 1,628.66 14-5 986 -0016-013 Koll Center 7.04 1 280.32 1,973.46 14-6 986 -0016-014 Koll Center 6.48 I 280.32 1~816.48 14-7 986 -0016-015 ACSPA* 7.14 I 280.32 ,2~001.48 14-8 986 -0016-016 Koll Center 1.71 I 280.32 479.34 1 5-1 986 -0016-002 ARGONAUT HOLDINGS 3.36 I 280.32 941.88 15-2 986 -0016-003 (General Motors) ARGONAUT HOLDINGS 3.01 1 280.32 843.76 15-3 986 -0016-004 ARGONAUT HOLDINGS 8.11 I 280.32 2,273.40 16-1 thru 16-100 986 -0020-003 thru 102 MULTIPLE, INDIVIDUAL OWNERS 15.07 100 280.32 42.24 4,224.00 17-1 thru 17-43 986 -0020-106 thru 148 MULTIPLE~ INDIVIDUAL OWNERS 4.88 43 280.32 31.82 1,368.26 16-1 thru 18-24 iBook 986 Pages 21 & 22 MULTIPLE~ INDIVIDUAL OWNERS 8.99 146 280.32 17.26 2~519.96 19-1 thru 19-95 iTrac{ 7022 11.08 (NIC) 20-1 986 -0017-008 ACSPA* 15.75 1 280.32 , 4~415.04 New Annex. ~)86 -0017-001-02 ACSPA* 2.95 I 280.32 826.94 TOTAL GROSS ACRES 487.52 LESS PARK -26.11 LESS FUTURE PARK AREA -22.07 LESS TR. 7022 (Pages 18 & 19) -11.08 (DELETED FROM DISTRICT) TOTAL ASSESSABLE ACRES 428.2__6 $ t2070, 47,.2,6,, Amount per acre/lot $ 280.32 *HANDBILLED PARCELS Page 5 $ CER TIFICA TIONS I, the City Clerk of the City of Dublin, California, hereby certify that the foregoing Engineer's . Report, including Assessment, in the amounts set forth in Section 2, with the diagram thereto attached, was filed with me on June 18, 2002. I, the City Clerk of the City of Dublin, California, hereby certify that the foregoing Assessmem, with the diagram thereto attached, was preliminarily approved and confirmed by the City CounCil of said City by its Resolution No. -02, duly adopted by said Council on June 18, 2002. I, the City Clerk of the City of Dublin, California, hereby certify that the foregoing Assessment, withthe diagram thereto attached, was finally approved and confirmed by the City Council of said City by its Resolution No. ___-02, duly adopted by said Council on July 16, 2002. I, the City Clerk of the City of Dublin, California, hereby certify that a certified copy of the Assessment and diagram was filed in the office of the County Auditor of the County of Alameda, California on August 10, 2002.