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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.08 Salary Plan FY2002-03 CITY CLERK File # 700-20 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 18, 2002 SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolutions Amending the City's Salary Plan for Fiscal Year 2002/2003. Report Prepared by: Julie Carter, Assistant to the City Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution Amending the Salary Plan for Full-Time Personnel 2. Resolution Amending the Salary Plan for Management Positions Exempt From Competitive Service RECOMMENDATION:/~q,~Adopt Resolutions FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The adoption of both Resolutions will adjust the existing salary ranges to the market average for each identified classification effective July 1, 2002° Funding for the revised salary range values will be incorporated into the Fiscal Year 2002-2003 Budget. DESCRIPTION: The City's Personnel System is administered by the City Manager and operates on a merit basis. This means that employees are selected, retained, promoted and paid based on their level of competency to perform required job duties. Each position in the City service has an assigned pay range with minimum and maximum pay rates. Basic qualifications are established for each position and, thereafter, employees are selected in accordance with the City's Personnel System Rules. Employee salary ranges are contained in the City's adopted Salary Plan. The Salary Plan indicates the minimum and maximum rates of pay for each classification. Initially, each classification is rated according to its level of difficulty and responsibility, working conditions, supply and demand, market conditions, etc. Annual review and adjustment recommendations to salary ranges are made to the City Council by the City Manager in accordance with the City's Personnel System Rules and procedures. Salary Plan for Full-Time Personnel On an annual basis, the City conducts a comprehensive salary survey to compare salary range values for all full-time classifications with similar classifications of other municipal agencies. The salary survey process is the City's mechanism for recommending to the City Council adjustments to the salary range values. The recommended salary range values for each classification were developed with consideration given to the following criteria: 1. Agencies within the market area. 2. Classifications within each municipal agency that have comparable duties, responsibilities, etc. 3. Salary consistency between classifications in a particular series, e.g., Assistant Planner, Associate Planner, Senior Planner. 4. Organizational size, where appropriate. COPIES TO: ~" ~'~'~) ITEM NO. 5. The 2001-2002 survey agencies were used as a base for the 2002-2003 survey. The list of agencies was altered when a job classification in a given survey was eliminated, or when the duties were modified so that the job classification was no longer comparable. When this occurred, a comparable positiOn in another agency was identified and included in the market survey for the affected job classification. 6. For certain unique positions (e.g., Economic Development Director, Parks and Facilities Development Manager, Information Systems Manager, Community Safety Assistant, and Assistant to the City Manager) it has been difficult to find the appropriate comparisons in other agencies. Consequently, a number of classifications are "benchmarked' to other positions within the City's classification system. When benchmarking classifications, consideration is given to pOsitions with similar educational and experience requirements, level of responsibility, supervisory responsibility~ etc. Attachment 1 amends the City's Salary Plan for the City's Full-Time Personnel and adopts the new salary range values for Fiscal Year 2002-2003 effective July 1, 2002. Salary Plan for Management Positions Exempt From Competitive Service Department Head and Management Employees include the following classifications: 1. Administrative Services Director 2. Assistant City Manager 3. Assistant to the City Manager 4. Building Official 5. City Clerk 6. Community Development Director 7. Economic Development Director 8. Finance Manager 9. Information Systems Manager t0. Parks and Community Services Director 11.' Parks and Community Services Manager 12. Parks and Facilities Development Manager 13o Planning Manager 14. Public Works Director/City Engineer These management positions are exempt from the City's. Competitive Service. Appointments to these classifications are made directly by the City' Manager. On an annual basis, the same salary survey process that is used for City's full-time personnel is used for the City's Department Head and Management positions. Attachment 2 amends the City's Salary Plan for management positions exempt from the competitive service and adopts the new salary ~range values for Fiscal Year 2002-2003 effective July 1, 2002. Staff recommends the City Council adopt the Resolutions. RESOLUTION NO. -02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ESTABLISHING A SALARY PLAN FOR FULL-TIME PERSONNEL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PERSONNEL RULES WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted a Salary & Benefit Plan pursuant to the Personnel System Rules; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 85-01 and subsequent amendments which establish a Salary Plan for full-time personnel in accordance with the Personnel System Rules; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following salary provisions shall be established in accordance with City's Personnel System Rules° BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any previous enacted salary provisions contained in Resolution No. 85-01 and subsequent amendments shall be superseded by this Resolution. ARTICLE I: SALARY PROVISIONS SECTION A: REGULAR EMPLOYEES EXEMPT FROM FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA) OVERTIME PROVISIONS Employees covered under this Section shall be paid a monthly salary within the following ranges with the exclusion of any Performance Pay Adjustment granted in accordance with the Personnel System Rules. In the event that it is deemed by the City Manager to be in the best interest of the City, temporary appointments of no more than 6 months, where the work assignments are such that they can be completed with less than a 40 hour week, may be approved based upon the hourly rates. The total salary paid for such work shall not be less than the "salary test" required for an exemption under the FLSA Monthly Monthly Hourly Hourly Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Administrative Analyst II $4,678 $5,847 $26.99 $33.73 Assistant Civil Engineer $4,833 $6,041 $2.7.88 $34.85 Associate Civil Engineer $5,714 $7,143 $32.97 $41.21 Associate Planner $5,014 $6,268 $28.93 $36.16 Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor $4,858 $6,073 $28.03 $35.04 Housing Specialist $5,378 $6,723 $31.03 $38.79 Parks & Facilities Development Coordinator $5,014 $6,268 $28.93 $36.16 Recreation Supervisor $4,858 $6,073 $28.03 $35.04 Senior AdminiStrative Analyst $5,378 $6,723 $31.03 $38.79 Seni°r Building Inspector ' $5,095 ~ ' $6,369 $29.39 $36.74 Senior Civil Engineer $6,453 $8,066 $37.23 $46.53 Senior Planner $5,728 $7,160 · $33.05 $41.31 ATTACHMENT 1 SECTION B: REGULAR EMPLOYEES COVERED BY OVERTIME PROVISIONS OF THE FLSA. Employees covered under this Section shall be paid hourly wages Within the following ranges with the exclusion of any Performance Pay Adjustment granted in accordance with the Personnel System Rules. The monthly salaries are shown for informational purposes only. Monthly Monthly Hourly Hourly Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Administrative Aide $3',921 $4,901 $22.62 $28.28 Administrative Analyst ! $4,210 $5,262 $24.29 $30.36 Administrative Technician $3,564 $4,455 $20.56 $25.70 Assistant Planner $4,340 $5,425 $25.04 $31.30 Community Safety Assistant $4,340 $5,425 $25.04 $31.30 Engineering Technician I $3,876 $4,845 $22.36 $27.95 Engineering Technician II $4,263 $5,329 $24.59 $30.74 Finance Technician I $3,087 $3,859 $17.81 $22.26 Finance Technician II $3,430 $4,288 $19.79 $24.74 Heritage Center Director $4,130 $5,162 $23.83 $29.78 Information Systems Technician $3,682 $4,603 $21.24 $26.56 Office Assistant I $2,535 $3,169 $14.63 $18.28 Office Assistant I! $2,817 $3,521 $16.25 $20.31 Preschool Instructor $12.58 $15.72 $12.58 $15.72 Public Works Inspector $4,419 $5,524 $25.49 $31.87 Recreation Coordinator $4,130 $5,162 $23.83 $29.78 Recreation Technician $3,303 $4,129 $19.06 $23.82 Secretary $3,099 $3,874 $17.88 $22.35 Secretary to the City Manager/Deputy City Clerk $3,921 $4,901 $22.62 $28.28 Senior Finance Technician $3,811 $4,764 $21.99 $27.48 Senior Office Assistant $3,099 $3,874 $17.88 $22.35 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the changes contained herein shall be effective July 1, 2002. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of June, 2002. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G:\Central Services\PERSNEL\CITYPERS\Salary & Surveys~Partial Salary Reso Pt 1-2002.doc RESOLUTION NO. -02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ESTABLISHING A SALARY PLAN FOR MANAGEMENT POSITIONS EXEMPT FROM COMPETITIVE SERVICE WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted a Salary & Benefit Plan pursuant to the Personnel SyStem Rules; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 86-01 and subsequent amendments which establish a Salary Plan for full-time management positions exempt from competitive service in accordance with the City's Personnel System Rules; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following salary provisions shall be established in accordance with City's Personnel System Rules. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any previous enacted salary provisions contained in Resolution No. 86-01 and subsequent amendments shall be superseded by this Resolution. ARTICLE I: SALARY PROVISIONS f REGULAR EMPLOYEES EXEMPT FROM FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA) OVERTIME PROVISIONS Employees covered under this Section shall be paid a monthly salary within the following ranges with the exclusion of any Performance Pay Adjustment granted in accordance with the Personnel System Rules. In the event that it is deemed by the City Manager to' be in the best interest of the City, temporary appointments of no more than 6 months, where the work assignments are such that they can be completed with less than a 40 hour work week, may be approved based upon the hourly rates. The total salary paid for such work shall not be less than the "salary test" required for an exemption under the FLSA. Monthly Monthly Hourly Hourly Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Administrative Services Director $8,595 $10,744 $49.59 $61.98 Assistant City Manager $9,250 $11,563 $53.37 $66.71 Assistant to the City Manager $6,466 $8,082 $37.30 $46.63 Building Official $6,739 $8,424 $38.88 $48.60 City Clerk $5,663 $7,079 $32.67 $40.84 Community Development Director $8,211 $10,264 $47.37 $59.22 Economic Development Director ~ $6,453 $8,066 $3T23 $46.53 Finance Manager $6,466 $8,082 $37.30 $46.63 Information Systems Manager $6,466 $8,082 $37.30 $46.63 Parks & Community Services Director $8,349 $10,436 $48.17 $60.21 Parks & Community Services Manager $6,466 $8,082 $37.30 $46.63 Parks & Facilities Development Manager $6,466 $8,082 $37.30 $46.63 Planning Manager $6,739 $8,424 $38.88 $48.60 Public Works Director/City Engineer $8,333 $10,416 $48.08 $60.09 ATTACHMENT 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the changes contained herein shall be effective July 1, 2002. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th of June, 2002. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G:\Central Services\PERSNEL\CITYPERS\Salary & Surveys~Mgt Salary Reso 2002.doc