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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 FY2001-2MidYrBudgRptCITY CLERK FILE #330-50 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: (March 5, 2002) SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2001-02 Mid-Year Budget Report and January 2002 Monthly Report of Financial Activities Report Prepared by: Carole A. Perry, Administrative Services Director and Fred Marsh, Finance Manager ATTACHMENTS: YTD Revenues and Budget Comparison YTD Expenses and Budget Comparison Financial Statements for the Month of January 2002 Budget Change Forms Receive the Reports Approve Budget Changes FINANCIAL STATEMENT: See Below DESCRIPTION: Attached is the monthly report of financial activities for January 2002. This report combines the monthly financial analysis with a more detailed "Mid-Year Review." It is important to note that some of the data is limited due to a lag. in the time when bills for contract services are received. Therefore, Staff has approached all projections in a conservative manner. 2001/02 ADOPTED BUDGET - GENERAL FUND REVENUES / EXPENDITURES The Fiscal Year 2001-02 Budget adopted by the City Council in June 2001 anticipated that General Fund Revenues, combined with the Net Fund Transfers In / Out, would exceed General Fund Expenditures by $4,130,839. If the surplus was realized at the end of Fiscal Year 2001-02, the City Council directed the surplus funds be reserved as follows: Name of Project Open Space / Downtown Affordable Housing Energy Projects Economic Uncertainty Amount of Reserves $1,000,.000 $1,000,000 $750,000 $1,380,839 $4,130,839 Since the adoption of the Budget, the City Council has approved additional Budget Changes or Transfers through the Council Meeting of February 19, 2002, as listed on the following page. G:kFINANCEMMid Year ReportsXFY 2001-02\midyear report. DOC COPIES TO: ITEM NO. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS APPROVED SUBSEQUENT TO BUDGET ADOPTION Item Heritage Center Storage Building Installation of Fire Hydrants for Dublin Blvd Widening Energy Projects Shannon/Hansen/Bedford roadway projects National Fire Protection Association standard 1710 Annual volunteer / organization of year recognition Unmarked Police vehicle and equipment City calendar -20th anniversary New York City Relief Fund Donation Eastern Dublin Fiscal Impact Study Special Election Promotional Marketing Brochure St. Patrick's Festival CIP Project Carryovers Fuel Tank Upgrade 20 year Anniversary Celebration Civic Electrical Upgrade Donation for Classical Affair at the Civic Art Exhibition Council Chambers Equipment Consulting Services for I580/Fallon Road Interchange Civic courtyard sculpture Senior center van study Civic Fountain March special operation Fuel Tank Upgrade Donation for Drug Education Programs CTV Studio Design Work Municipal Electric Feasibility Study Amount of Additional Appropriations $ 13,000 31,383 1,158,310 1,711 3,000 4,000 2,500 12,500 · 10,000 9,100 21,000 12,636 63,540 762,900 17,412 33,000 20,000 100 125,000 94,700 1,200 10,385 700 9,081 1,000 7,500 9,730 Amount of Additional Related Revenues $ 31,383 12,050 9,100 60,695 7,500 100 94,700 3,780 1,000 $ 2,435,388 $ 220,100 REVENUE ESTIMATES UPDATE Staff has analyzed the original Revenue Estimates contained in the 2001-02 Adopted Budget. The following breakdown will address anticipated changes within major categories as well as proposed adjustments to be made to the Budget Estimates in the City's Financial Records. Property Taxes (Category represents approximately 23% of budgeted General Fund Revenues) The County Auditor Controller has issued a statement to the City containing the amount of assessmentS placed on the Property Tax Roll for Fiscal Year 2001-02. Based upon this information it appears that the projected property tax revenues will meet the budget originally approved by Council. The estimated budget is net of revenue transfers mandated by the State of California. This includes the permanent Property Tax Shift to the Education Revenue Augmentation Fund (estimated at $849,000 in Fiscal Year 2001/02) and Property Tax Administrative Charges (estimated at $89,000 in Fiscal Year 2001/02). As the City Council will recall, the State instituted these programs to solve State budget issues. If these programs did not exist the City Government would have these additional funds available to finance local programs. Revised Estimate: No budget change recommended at this time Sales Taxes (Category represents approximately 37% of budgeted General Fund Revenues) Currently, sales tax collected to date is below the budgeted projection for the year. However' the retail sales tax data recorded to date only includes sales occurring prior to October 1, 2001 (i.e. first quarter of Fiscal Year 2001-02) and the advances of sales taxes by the State for the period of October 2001 through January 2002. It does not include the retail holiday season reporting, which typically represents a larger percentage of sales tax revenue. Preliminary projections would indicate that sales tax may be below the budgeted revenue estimate by approximately $650,000, largely due to a significant decline to date in auto sales. However, any changes that occur in the economy during the next five months may affect this estimate. Revised Estimate: Decrease $650,000 Taxes Other than ProPerty and Sales (Category represents approximately 8% of budgeted General Fund Revenues) When comparing tax revenues for the first seven months of this fiscal year to the same period in the prior year, it is projected that the revenues will be below the budget estimate. The combined adjustments are expected to result in a decrease of $201,000. The valuation from the sales of new and existing residential properties in the City has dropped significantly in comparison to the prior year, and as a result the City expects to collect $95,000 less than originally anticipated in property transfer taxes. Due to the slowdown in the economy and the national events that occurred on September 11th, the year to date Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT) collected from the City's four hotels are significantly below that collected through the same period in the prior year, and thus the City expects to collect approximately $197,000 less more than originally expected for TOT. Cable and Garbage Franchise Fees for the first seven months are ahead of budget and are projected to be approximately $91,000 over budget by year end in total, due to the addition of more residential customers as a result of new development and the increase that occun'ed during the year in cable rates. Revised Estimate: Decrease $ 201,000 Licenses & Permits (Category represents approximately 8% of budgeted General Fund Revenues) Revenues in this category are often difficult to predict since Building Permits account for the majority of this revenue. At this time the overall Building Permit revenue is projected to be below budget at year end by approximately $1,282,000, as a result of the delay and Cancellation of several major commercial and office projects that were originally anticipated to be issued building permits in Fiscal Year 2001-02. The final year end amounts will be dependent on the timing of permit issuance for projects targeting the summer construction window. Although these revenues will be recorded during Fiscal Year 2001-02, the expenses associated with the actual building inspections may occur in Fiscal Year 2002-03. In addition, due to the delays and cancellation of the commercial projects noted above, it is also anticipated that permit revenues from fire permits will be approximately $40,000 under budget. Revised Estimate: Decrease $1,322,000 Interest & Rentals (Category represents approximately 5% of budgeted General Fund Revenues) Interest Revenue represents 94% of the total budgeted revenue in this category. The remainder consists of rental income collected for the use of City facilities~ Although it is too early to calculate the exact General Fund share of total interest revenue, it appears that the revenues in this category will be below the budget estimate. The City's interest yield to date has been lower than was originally assumed in the budget estimate, which has been partially offset by the fact that the General Fund has had a larger cash balance available for investment through January 2002 than was assumed in the budget estimate, partially due to deferrals that have occurred on some capital projects that are funded with General Fund monies. The final earnings will be affected by the recent decline in interest rates. It currently appears that the revenue to be received from the rental of City facilities will meet the original budgeted forecast. Revised Estimate: Decrease $10,000 Intergovernmental Revenues (Category represents approximately 5% of budgeted General Fund Revenues) Based upon revenues for the first seven months, as compared to the same period in the prior year, it appears that that projected revenues from Vehicle License Fees will exceed the revenue estimate contained in the 2001/02 budget by approximately $23,000. The higher projections are reflective of the growth in new car sales statewide that occurred in the prior year, which increases the Motor Vehicle in Lieu fees collected by the Department of Motor Vehicles. Revised Estimate: Increase $ 23,000 Charges for Services (Category represents approximately 10% of budgeted General Fund Revenues) Based upon Charges for Services for the first seven months, it appears that the original Revenue Estimate for this category for Fiscal Year 2001-02 will be more than budgeted. Zoning and Subdivision Fees are expected to exceed budget by approximately $630,000 due to reimbursements received developers for staff, legal and consultant costs incurred for the processing of new development in eastern Dublin, primarily related to the Proposed annexation in this area. Engineering Plan Check and Inspection fees are expected to be approximately $280,000 less than budget due to the delay and cancellation of several commercial and office projects noted above. This is somewhat offset by lower than expected expenditures for development related engineering contract services. Due to the slowdown in commercial and office construction activity, fire plan check fees are also anticipated to be approximately $20,000 less than budget. The City also received a $250,000 grant from AT&T for the fimding of replacement and new cable television equipment at Channel 30. These funds were originally anticipated to be received during Fiscal Year 2000-01 and a budget change is proposed for this item. Revised Estimate: Increase $ 580,000 Fines & Forfeitures (Category represents less than 1% of budgeted General Fund Revenues) Parking Fines for the first seven months are ahead of budget and are projected to be approximately $10,000 over budget by year end, due to an increase in the amount allocated to the City from the receipt of court fines in comparison to the same period in the previous year. Revised Estimate:. Increase $10,000 Other Revenues (Category represents approximately 9% of budgeted General Fund Revenues) Based upon revenues for the first seven months, as compared to the' same period in the prior year, it appears that that projected revenues in this category will be below the revenue estimate contained in the 2001/02 Budget by $517,000. This variance is due to delays in the reimbursement funds for the Dublin Boulevard Undergrounding project that were included as part of the budget for this category. In addition, the City received the majority of reimbursements from DSRSD for work performed on the Dublin Boulevard widening project in Fiscal Year 2000-01, instead of in the current Fiscal Year, as assumed as part of the originally adopted budget. All of the other revenues within this category are projected to meet their original budget forecasts. Revised Estimate: Decrease $ 517,000 In summary, the staffpreliminary revised revenue estimate for the General Fund for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 is approximately $2,087,000 (6%) LESS than the total amount currently budgeted for revenues in the General Fund. REVISIONS TO EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES Staff has reviewed expenditures through January 2002 for all accounts that affect the City's General Fund. Given the lag in billing for some of the contract services, the City does not have a full seven months of expenses to review for each budget activity. The following discussion highlights those areas where the need for an increase in the budget appropriation appears likely at this time. The analysis assumes that all other eXpenditures will be in accordance with the adopted budget. General Government (Represents approximately 11% of the budgeted General Fund Expenditures) The Legal Services Activity is projected to exceed budget by approximately $280,000. The main reason for the higher costs is due to the legal services expended on planning applications for new development, primarily related to the proposed annexation in eastern Dublin. The applicant is charged fees that will reimburse the City, which will result in increased zoning and subdivision revenue, as noted in the Charges for Services section above. The City Manager activity is expected to be approximately $91,000 under budget, due to delays in filling the Assistant City Manager position. Central Services is projected to be approximately $13,000 over budget, due to higher than expected advertising costs for the thirty recruitments that have been undertaken during the current Fiscal Year. A budget change is recommended to fund the costs of these recruitments. Note that the increased legal services costs will be offset by approximately $350,000 in charges and services revenue generated by development and included in the charges and services revenue estimate above. Revised Budget Estimate: Net Increase $202,000 Community Development (Represent Approximately 16% of the Budgeted General Fund Expenditures) The Planning Division will be deferring work on the City's General Plan until Fiscal Year 2002-03, resulting in a $300,000 savings to the City. Staff expects an additional $225,000 to be spent on contract services by the Planning Division to assist in processing of new development projects, mostly relating to the proposed annexation in eastern Dublin. Thus the net expected savings in expenditures in the Planning Division is $75,000. Note that the additional planning contract services work will be offset by increased zoning and subdivision revenue of approximately $280,000, as included in the Charges for Services section above. The Building Division expects to have approximately $250,000 in savings from contract services as a result of the delay and cancellation of several major commercial and office projects anticipated as part of the adopted budget. Note that this expenditure savings is offset by a decreased amount of building permit revenue, as discussed in the Licenses and Permits section above. The Engineering Division expects to have approximately $225,000 in savings from contract services due to lower than expected use of consulting engineering services to assist in processing new development projects. Due to the lower than expected use of these services, the City will also realize less revenue of approximately $280,000 as indicated in the Charges for Services revenue estimate discussed above. Revised Budget Estimate: Net Decrease $550,000 Capital Projects (Represents approximately 25% of the budgeted General Fund Expenditures) In the City Manager's Goals and Objectives Report dated January 15, 2002, several Capital Projects were identified as being behind schedule. Staff estimates at this time that the following major capital projects will need to have funding related to the General Fund carried over to Fiscal Year 2002-03. Name of Capital Project Geographic Information System Telecommunications Plan Library Community Center General Fund Portion). Energy Projects Utility Undergrounding Freeway Underpass Art Murray School Bell Tower Amount of Funding to Carryover to Fiscal Year 2002-03 $108,820, $32,620 $1,282,000 $405,000 $216,000 $186,000 $46,000 Senior Center $38,000 Total Anticipated Carryover of Capital Projects to Fiscal Year 2002-03 $2,314,440 In addition, a.) $285,000 of-general fund expenditures for the Dublin Boulevard Widening Projects, originally anticipated to be incurred during Fiscal Year 2002-03, were actually incurred and reimbursed by DSRSD in the prior Fiscal Year, and b.) the Civic Center Trailer Annex will require an additional $6,000 appropriation to cover the higher than anticipated costs of additional electrical improvements required during the installation. Revised Budget Estimate: Decrease $2,593,440 SUMMARY - TOTAL IMPACT ON GENERAL FUND FOR FISCAL 2001-2002 Revenue 2001-02 General Fund Revenue Estimate in Adopted Budget Earlier Revisions to Revenue Estimates Appropriation from Reserve for Senior Center Appropriation from Reserve for Library Loan to Fire Impact Fee Fund for Fire Station Preliminary Estimated Reduction in Revenues Operating Transfers In Total Revised Forecast of General Fund Revenues Appropriations: 2001.02 General Fund Appropriations in Adopted Budget Approved Appropriations Subsequent to Budget Adoption Anticipated Funding for Capital Projects to be carried over to FY 2002-0 Preliminary Estimated Reductions in General Fund Expenditures Other Operating Transfers Out Total Revised General. Fund Appropriations Revenues. in Excess of Appropriations $ 35,830,253 220,100 164,105 3,481,107 (1,856,637) (2,087,000) 22,215 $ 35,774,143 33,510,184 2,435,388 2,314,440 (2,941,440) 2O $ 35,318,592 $455,551 CONCLUSION At this point in the Fiscal Year it is anticipated that only $455,551 of the original estimated $4,130,839 year end surplus will materialize. If this projection does not change by the end of the Fiscal Year the City Council will need to determine how the funds, are to be allocated between the reserves. PROPOSED BUDGET CHANGES Staff has prepared proposed budget changes to account only for events that are likely to occur during Fiscal Year 2001-2002, as summarized below: ao A reduction in both expenditures and revenues of $285,000 to reflect the expenditures made. and reimbursements received on the Dublin Boulevard Widening Project that were originally expected to occur in Fiscal Year 2001-02 but actually occurred in Fiscal Year 2000-01. A reduction of $300,000 in the Planning Contract Services budget for the General Plan which will not take place during Fiscal Year 2001-02. An increase in Planning and Legal Development Related Professional Services Expenditures of $505,000, to be offset by an additional $631,250 of Zoning and Subdivision Fees revenue, to reflect additional work performed to date by the Planning and Legal Divisions on development related items. An increase of $250,000 in revenues to reflect the receipt of a capital grant from AT&T for CTV which was originally expected to be received in Fiscal Year 2000-01. An increase totaling $19,000 in expenditures as a result of higher than anticipated expenditures for recruitments and the Civic Center Trailer projects during Fiscal Year 2001-02. Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council (1) Receive the Report and (2)Approve the Budget Change Forms. City of Dublin 2001-2002 YTD Revenues and Budget Comparison For the Period Ending January 31, 2002 I 47,~ Total General Fund Revenues _ Property Taxes 43%. -- Sales Taxes _· · FY 2001/2002 Real Property Transfer Tax !'~.~?~'~',i~?,',~¥i~>~,:,?~,~.~ ~7% '~.~ FY 2000~2001 Transient Occupancy T~es -- 4o Franc~se T~es -- ~3?fi Licenses and Permits _ Interest and Rentals 5% Intergovernmental from State -- 59% Charges for Se~ces :~:?:?~ ~ :~ :45~ 64% Fines and Forfeimre~ Other Revennes -~ 32% 0% 30% 60% 90% 120% 150% 58% of Year Complete Property Taxes Sales Taxes Real Property Transfer Tax Transient Occupancy Taxes Franchise Taxes Licenses and Permits Interest and Rentals Intergovern mental Charges for Services Fines and Forfeitures Other Revenues Total General Fund Revenues FY 2001102 FY 2001102 % of FY 2000101 % of Total for Budget YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual FY 2000/01 8,258,100 3,587,733 43% 3,755,596 52% 13,200,000 6,429,808 49% 6,433,774 50% 450,000 196,151 44% 325,419 57% 1,035,000 395,674 38% 508,658 50% 1,254,830 519,750 41% 565,443 43% 2,957,140 945,728 32% 2,222,408 73% 1,787,578 976,773 55% 1,208,274 46% 1,948,150 1,073,325 55% 1,101,865 55% 3,893,691 2,282,484 59% 1,657,298 45% 102,000 65,570 64% 58,030 55% 1,164,072 375,931 32% 132,690 5% 36,050,561 16,848,927 47% 17,969,455 48% ATTACHMENT 1 City of Dublin 2001-2002 YTD Expenses and Budget Comparison For the Period Ending January 31, 2002 Total General Fund Expenses GeaeralGovernment ~~147%~4S% ~ / 28% Fire ~27% Other Public Safety ~~l~lo 27% · FY 2001/02 Transportation ~~145%~45% ~FY2000/01 Health and Welfare ~ ~~44o/. Culture & Community ~~l~% ~ 47% Services Development Capital Improv. Projects '0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 58% of Year Complete General Government Police Fire Other Public Safety Transportation Health and Welfare Culture and Community Services Community Development Capital Improvement Projects Total General Fund Expenses General Fund Operating Expenses FY 2001/02 FY 2001102 % of FY 2000/01 % of Total for Budget YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual FY 2000/01 3,917,768 1,857,965 47% 1,382,464 45% 6,802,424 1,949,352 29% 1,296,241 22% 4,672,577 1,286,713 28% 1,178,898 27% 292,463 79,045 27% 39,116 17% 1,127,147 506,009 45% 432,460 45% 64,495 18,431 29% 5,998 44% 4,344,794 1,890,511 44% 1,564,201 47% 5,660,185 2,329,927 41% 2,144,849 47% 9,056,489 3,281,386 36% 601,870 22% 35,938,342 13,199,339 37% 8,646,097 35% 26,881,853 9,917,953 37% 8,044,227 36% ATTACHMENT 2 CITY OF DUBLIN'S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2002 Prepared by The Finance Department February 11, 2002 ATTACHMENT 3 GENERAL REVENUE FUNDS CITY OF DUBLIN BALANCE SHEET FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 31Jan2002 SPECIAL SPECIAL CAPITAL TRUST/ REVENUE ASSESSMENT IMPROVEMENT AGENCY FUNDS FUNDS FUND FUND TOTALS --- MEMOP~qNDUM ONLY- - - CURRENT PRIOR ASSETS CASH CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT AMOUNT HELD IN ESCROW (49.949,028) INVESTMENTS AT COST RECEIVABLES: TAXES ACCOUNTS (NE INTEREST ASSESSMENTS 89.784.895 157.651 312,860 DUE FROM OTHERS INVENTORY AT COST PREPAID ITEMS FIXED ASSETS AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED TOTAL ASSETS 5.549 40.311,927 LIAL/FND BAL/RETND ERNGS DEPOSITS FOR PRIVATE DEVEL DEPOSITS FOR AB1600 FEES DEPOSITS OTHERS PAYABLES: ACCOUNTS INTEREST PAYROLL DUE TO OTHERS DEFERRED REVENUE DEBT INSTRUMENTS PAYABLE TOTAL LIABILITIES FUND BALANCES (731,018) (73,086) (443,350) (138,290) (322,962) (17,376) (146,433) (1,872,514) (38.439.413) TOTAL FUND E (38.439,413) TOTAL LIAB. FND BAL. RETD (40.311,927) 2,397.610 2.397.610 (110.267) 468.679 41,657.170 109.300 468.679 41.766.470 (42.948,610) (12,089) (110.267) (42,960,699) (2.287,342) (468.679) 1,t94.230 (2.287.342) (468,679) 1,194.230 (2.397.610) (468,679) (41,766.470) 131 952 167 304 (5.337.177) (24.052,805) 167.304 166,814 109.300 109.300 89,784,895 76.149.328 157,651 3.517,725 312.860 744,407 1,652,500 1,951,756 5.549 1.652.500 86.852.882 550,856 5.175 1,652,500 58.843.299 (731,018) (43.021.696) (443,350) (219,317) (322,962) (17.376) (146,433) (1,770,000) (1,770,000) (1.770.000) (46,672,151) (181,756) (40.180.731) (181.756) (40.180.731) (1.951,756) (86,852,882) (512,334) (11.556.340) (414,923) (5,323,868) (547,869) (603.122) (147,203) (1.770.000) (20,875.659) (37,967,640) (37.967,640) (58,843.299) INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS CITY OF DUBLIN BALANCE SHEET FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 31Jan2002 FIXED ASSETS GENERAL LONG GROUP OF TERM DEBT ACCOUNTS ACCOUNT GROUP TOTALS ---MEMORANDUM--- CURRENT PRIOR ASSETS CASH CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT AMOUNT HELD IN ESCROW 5.894.653 INVESTMENTS AT COST RECEIVABLES: TAXES ACCOUNTS (NE INTEREST ASSESSMENTS DUE FROM OTHERS INVENTORY AT COST PREPAID ITEMS FIXED ASSETS AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED TOTAL ASSETS 22.149.264 28.043.917 LIAL/FND.BAL/RETND ERNGS DEPOSITS FOR PRIVATE DEVEL DEPOSITS FOR AB1600 FEES DEPOSITS OTHERS PAYABLES: ACCOUNTS INTEREST PAYROLL DUE TO OTHERS DEFERRED REVENUE DEBT INSTRUMENTS PAYABLE TOTAL LIABILITIES FUND BALANCES (1) (1) (28,043.917) TOTAL FUND E (28.043,917) TOTAL LIAB. FND BAL. RETD (28 043,917) 15.987,209 41.550,537 15,987.209 41.550,537 (15.987,209) (15.987,209) (41,550.537) (41,550.537) (15,987,209) (41,550.537) 2,969,449 2,694.870 6.495 38,136,473 38,136,473 41.550.537 41.688.500 82,656.459 82.526.337 (1) (4,446) (41.550.537) (41.688,500) (41,550,538) (41.692,946) (41.105,921) (40.833.391) (41.105.921) (40.832,391) (82,656,459) (82,526.337) THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2001 THROUGH 01/31/2002 GENERA_ REVENUE FUND CURRENT CURRENT PRI OR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR PRIOR Y.T.D. VARIANCE *******REVENUES******* PROPERTY TAXES SALES TAX REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX HOTEL TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX FRANCHISE TAXES LICENSES & PERMITS FINES & FORFEITURES USE/MONEY & PRC~-INTEREST USE/MONEY & PROP-RENTALS INTERGOVERNMENTAL FROM STATE INTERGOVERNMENTAL FROM COUNTY CHARGES FOR SERVICES OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE *******EXPENDITURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: CITY COUNCIL CIYY MANAGER CENTRAL SERVICES CITY AI-I'ORNEY ADMIN SERVICES BUILDING MANAGEMENT INSURANCE COST CENTER ELECTIONS COST CENTER NON-DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE CROSSING GUARDS ANIMAL CONTROL DISASTER PREPAREDNESS :IRE SERVICES ACTIVITY TOTAL TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC WORKS STREET MAINTENANCE STREET SWEEPING STREET TREE MAINTENANCE STREET LANDSCAPING MAINTENAN ACTIVITY TOTAL HEALTH & WELFARE 8,258.100.00 3.587.732.94 4.670,367.06 7,174,289.56 13,200.000.00 6,429,807.80 6.770.t92.20 12.985.986.39 450.000.00 t96.151.29 253.848.71 575,281.78 1,035.000.00 395.674.06 639.325.94 1.010.799.01 1,254,830.00 519.749.96 735.080.04 1,313,086.74 2.957.140.00 945,728.28 2,011.411.72 3,028.655.28 102,000.00 65.570.47 36.429.53 106,223.99 1,688,988.00 937,060.76 751.927.24 2.512.223.69 98.590.00 39.711.80 58.878.20 114.614.48 1,948.150.00 1.073,325.20 874.824.80 3,893,691.00 2,282,483.76 1,611,207.24 3,719,568.13 375.931.11 788,140.89 2,715,619.50 36,050,561.00 16,848,927.43 19,201,633.57 37.262,474.98 266.439.00 129 558.43 136.880.57 157.649.46 684.838.00 260 837.32 424 000.68 451.460.84 298,657.00 165,921.93 132 735.07 254.490,40 469.339.00 377,294.01 92 044.99 566 876.47 958.814.00 491.651.!8 467 162.82 755.484.16 681.962.00 286.907.79 395 054.21 561 347.95 389.315.00 134.729,75 254 585.25 273,267.70 22,532.00 1.064,30 21 467.70 t2.013.21 145.872.00 10,000.00 135 872.00 53 136,03 3.917.768.00 1.857.964.7! 2 059 803.29 3,085 726.22 6.802.424.00 1.949,352.27 4,853,071.73 5.842 597~93 63,495.00 22.769.57 40.725,43 49.327.13 180,757.00 32.068.87 148.688.13 136,903.24 48,21t.00 24.206.71 24,004.29 41.743.47 4.672,577.00 1,286.712.60 3,385,864.40 4.331.237.29 11,767,464.00 3.315,110.02 8.452.353.98 10,401,809.06 574.025.00 291.619.86 282,405.14 504.545.32 6,406.00 617.55 5.788.45 79.88 139~200.00 53,058.14 86.141.86 105.015.72 55.629.00 18.559.10 37.069.90 52.929.17 351,887.00 142.154.30 209,732.70 297.191.50 1,127.147.00 506.008.95 621,t38.05 959,761.59 3,755,595.96 6,433,774.38 325.418.63 508.658.15 565.443.38 2,222.408.25 58.029.94 1.162,334.28 45.940.18 1,101,864.79 1,657.297.83 132.690.30 17,969,456.07 94.385.84 232.977.52 130.968.94 194.808.55 371.225.69 240.967.18 110.897.32 6,232.96 1,382,464.00 1,296~240.99 17,038.18 (558.00) 22 635.93 1.178 898.49 2.514 255.59 254.141.43 45.288.12 16,084.52 116,945.81 432.459.89 3,418,693.60 6.552,212.01 249,863.15 502,140.86 747,643.36 806,247.03 48,204.05 1,349,889.41 68.674,30 904,25t.64 2,582,929.20 19.293,018.91 63.263.62 218.483.32 123.521.46 372,067.92 384.258.47 320.380.77 162.370.38 5.780.25 53.t36.03 1.703.262.22 4.546,356.94 32.288.95 137,461,24 19.107.54 3.152,338.80 7.887,553.47 250.403.89 79.88 59.727.59 36.844.65 180.245.69 527.301.70 GE CURRENT BUDGET THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2001 THROUGH 01/31/2002 NERAL REVENUE FUND CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y,T.D. VARIANCE WASTE MANAGEMENT 8,395.00 46.38 8.348.62 1.483.29 1,469.88 13.41 CHILD CARE 15.000.00 4.485.00 10.515.00 12.000.00 4,528.00 7.472.00 HOUSING PROGRAMS 41,100.00 13.900.00 27,200.00 ACTIVITY TOTAL 64.495.00 18.431.38 46.062.62 13.483.29 5.997,88 7.485.41 CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES LIBRARY SERVICES 400,725.00 100.181.25 300.543.75 262,922.00 90,730.50 272,191.50 CULTURAL ACTIVITIES 149,328.00 90.702.37 58.625.63 48,979.05 32~606.62 t6.372.43 HERITAGE CENTER 84,170.00 36,972.65 47.197,35 64.337,03 30.589.97 33,747.06 DUBLIN CEMETERY 39,687,00 13,546.79 26 140.21 35.168.63 14.948.21 20.220.32 PARK MAINTENANCE 479,837.10 662.185.90 863,488.51 358,277.79 505.210.72 COMMUNITY TV 81.482.00 56,957.00 24.525.00 65.376.81 57.805.42 7.571.38 RECREATION ADMIN 398,810.00 182.319.17 216,490.83 299.517.33 153.896.67 145.620.66 PLAYGROUNDS 236.890.00 108.114.39 128.775.61 179.746.06 96,295.93 83.450.13 SHANNON CENTER 265,856.00 122.156.46 142,699.54 223.534.64 109,717.38 113,817.26 PRESCHOOL 58,975.00 29,785.73 29.189.27 54.261.57 29.475,50 24,786.07 TEENS PROGRAM 108,839.00 52.651.15 56.187.85 95,263.42 51,159.91 44.103.51 ADULT SPORTS 80.704.00 38,376.98 42.327.02 74,298.29 35.546.32 38.751.97 YOUTM SPORTS 93,022.00 35.512.97 57.510.03 76,437.85 40,106.15 36.331.70 COMMUNITY GYM 37,990.00 9.308.12 28.681.88 37.226.81 8,253.82 28,972.98 SPECIAL EVENTS 320.247.00 i6t.969.65 158,277.25 200.963,28 116.162.22 84.801.06 SENIOR CENTER 167,065.00 71,442.15 95.622.85 137,807.83 73,105.58 64,702.25 RECREATION INSTRUCTION 120.122.00 70.106.51 60,015.39 116,758.13 57,692.21 59,065.92 AQUATICS 368 051.00 171,008.23 197,042.77 200,625.35 156,827.71 143.797.64 PARKS/FACILITIES MANAGEMENT 180.807.00 59,562.21 121.244.79 95.707.64 51,002.73 44,704.91 ACTIVITY TOTAL 4.344,794.00 i.890,510.98 2.454 283,02 3.332,420.23 1.564.200.76 1.768.219.47 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING 1.764.970.00 766 839.90 998.130.10 1.330.195.42 659.914.96 670.280.46 BUILDING SAFETY 1,622.000.00 587.262.41 1.034,737.59 1.334,924.18 516,373.09 818.561,09 ENGINEERING 1,999.416.00 787.330.21 1.2t2.085.79 1,606,493.94 793,855.48 812,638.46 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 273,799.00 188,494.41 85,304.59 254,453.24 174.705.74 79,747.50 ACTIVITY TOTAL 5.660.185.00 2,329.926.93 3.320.258.07 ~,526,076.78 2.144,849.27 2.381,227.51 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS GENERAL CIP PROJECTS 6,089.010.00 21685.882.59 3.403.127.4t 1.435,693.51 200.528.71 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS 1.198.376.00 J5.663.97 1.152.712.03 180,763.51 32,530.76 148,232.75 PARKS 665,863.00 336.474,53 329.388.47 462,208.60 338.843.47 123.365.12 STREET CONSTRC/IMPROVEMENTS 213,364.76 889.875.24 603,894.29 29,967.37 573.926.92 ACTIVITY TOTAL 9,056.489,00 3.281,385.85 5.775,103.15 2,682 559.91 601,870.31 2.080.689.60 TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS TRANSFERS OUT FROM OTHER FUNDS REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 35,938,342.00 112 219.00 112,219.00 13.199.338.82 22,739,002.18 3.649.588.61 (3,537,369.61) 3,649,588.61 (3,527 369.61) 25,001,837.08 12,260,637.90 17.201.67 (2,400,000.00) 9.877,839.57 8.646.097.7O 9,323.358.37 9.323,358.37 16.355.739.38 2.937,279.53 17.201.67 (2,400,000.00) 554.481.20 THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2001 THROUGH 01/31/2002 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.D. VARIANCE ****************--***** PROPERTY TAXES SALES TAX/OTHER TAXES FINES & FORFEITURES USES/MONEY & PROPERLY INTERGOVERNMENTAL FROM STATE INTERGOVERNMENTAL FROM COUNTY INTERGOVERNMENTAL FROM FEDERAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE *;*****EXPENDITURES****~** PUBLIC SAFETY: POLICE TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LTG FIRE SERVICES ACTIVILY TOTAL TRANSPORTATION: STREET MAINTENANCE STREET SWEEPING ACTIVITY TOTAL HEALTH & WELFARE: WASTE MANAGEMENT SENIOR SUPPORT CARE HOUSING PROGRAMS ACTIVITY TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: ENGINEERING ACTIVITY TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: GENERAL CIP PROJECTS COMMUNITY PROJECTS PARKS STREET CONSTRUCTION/IMPROVEMENT ACTIVITY TOTAL T 0 T A L EXPENDITURES EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE TRANSFER IN FROM OTHER FUNDS TRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS EXCESS <REVENUE> EXPENDITURE 90,175.00 230,500.00 145,155.00 110,312.00 3,303,769.00 234.000.00 1,122,338.00 876,760.00 5.000.00 6,118,009.00 45.429.96 44.745.04 116.842.81 113.656.19 58,552.53 86,602.47 62.876.34 46.435.66 572,081.54 2,731.687.46 106,732.00 127,268.00 24.298.80 1,097,929.20 430,184.18 446,575.82 15,525.13 (10.525.13) 1,432 624.29 4,684.384.71 81 587.21 218 443.36 136 129.03 186 396.07 1,401 01t.82 235 575.00 486 386.87 766,872.19 17,930.25 3.530,331.80 302.720.00 129.267.68 173,462.32 163,769.23 175.041.00 44,575.17 130,465.83 87,789.56 177.100.00 55.412.89 188,299.58 654.871.00 229.256.74 425.614.26 439.858.37 175.084.00 63,579.46 111.504.54 348.601.71 175,084.00 63.579.46 111.504.54 348.601.71 1.049.577.00 4.167.84 1,045.409.16 1,108.496.91 7.500.00 1.875.00 5,625.00 7.500.00 10,000.00 2.496.40 7.503.60 9.918.66 8.539.24 1.058.537.76 1,t25.915.57 6,000.00 1.621.00 ~.379.00 4.999.00 6,000.00 1.621.00 4.379.00 4,999.00 80.373.00 19,958.55 60,414.45 86,648.98 411.119.00 411,119.00 4,744.341.00 1.565.715,65 3,178,625.35 760 5t7.95 5,235.833.00 1.585,674.20 3,650 158.80 847,166.93 7,138.865.00 1.888.670.64 5,250.194.36 2,766.541.58 1.020,856.00 455.046.35 565.809.65 (763.790.22) 15.061.59 1,020.856.00 455.046.35 565.809.65 (748.728.63) 40.620.93 125,058.19 52,679.66 87,213.13 810,106.86 101.310.00 62,760.14 38t,326.58 1,661.075.49 58.476.14 33.236.83 975.00 92,687.97 97.388.92 97,388.92 651.102.35 651 102.35 9.865.76 351.428.94 361.294.70 1.202,472.94 (45~,601.55) (458.601.55) 40.966.28 93,385.17 83,449.37 99,182.94 590.904.96 134.265.00 423,626.73 385.545.61 17,930;25 1.869,256.31 105.293.09 54.552.73 187.324.58 347.170.40 251.212.79 251,212.79 457,394.56 7.500.00 9.918.66 474,812.22 4.999.00 4,999.00 76.783.22 409,089.01 485.872.23 1,564.067.64 (305.188.67) 15.061.59 290.127.08) THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2001 THROUGH 01/31/2002 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND CURRENT BUDGET CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.D. VARIANCE ~REVENUES~** SPECIAL BENEFITS ASSESSMENTS USES/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE 429.448.00 217.322.02 212,115.98 384,648.76 184.391.30 200 257.46 20,187.00 9.125.20 11,061.80 26,456.80 10.955.35 15.501.45 6,000.00 1.995.50 4,004.50 2.300.37 2.300.37 455.625.00 228.452.72 227,182.28 413,405.93 197.647.02 215,758.91 ~EXPENDITURES~ PUBLIC SAFETY: TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIG ACTIVITY TOTAL TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC WORKS STREET TREE MAINTENANCE STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING ACTIVITY TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS STREET CONSTRUCTION/IMPRVMNT ACTIVITY TOTAL T 0 T A L EXPENDITURES EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE 230,635.00 81 378.00 149,257.00 119.085.13 41 059.12 78,026.01 220.635.00 81,378.00 149.257.00 1t9.085.13 41.059.12 78,026.01 4,807.00 2,282.77 2.524.23 2,753.02 1,361.39 1,391.63 15.065.00 3,112.34 11,952.66 4,175.26 2,432.45 1.742.81 280.667.00 113,330.59 167,336.41 130,649.00 71,413.31 59.235.69 300,539.00 118.725.70 181.813.30 137.577.28 75.207.15 62.370.13 7.115.00 10.220.76 (3,105.76) 11.050.38 4,300.08 6.750.30 7.115.00 10.220.76 (3.105.76) 11.050.38 4.300.08 6,750.30 2.519.14 2.519.14 2,450.82 2,450.83 68.31 68.31 538.289.00 210.324.46 327,964.54 270,231.93 123.017.18 147,214,75 82.654.00 (18,128.26) 100.782.26 (143.174.00) (74.629.84) (68.544.16) EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE 82,654.00 (18,128.26) 100.782.26 (143,174.00) (74,629.84) (68.544.16) THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2001 THROUGH 01/31/2002 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND CURRENT BUDGET CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.D. VARIANCE ********************* USES/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE: 1.640.682.00 37.719.269.00 39.359.951.00 766.332.51 874.348.49 37.719.269.00 8.882.376.17 766.323.51 38.593.617.49 8.882.376.17 789.214.44 789.214.44 (789.214.44) 8,882.376.17 ~EXPENDITURES*XX~x** GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITY TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY: TP, ANSPORTATION: HEALTH & WELFARE: HOUSING PROGRAMS CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: RECREATION ADMINISTRATION ACTIVITY TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING ACTIVITY TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS GENERAL CIP PROJECTS COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS PARKS STREET CONSTRUCTION/IMPROVEMENT ACTIVITY TOTAL T 0 T A _ EXPENDITURES EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE TFUNNSFER IN FROM OTHER :UNDS TRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE 1.854.726.00 21.986.49 1.832.739.51 8,049.60 (8.049.60) 8 049.60 (8.049.60) 12.867.967.00 396.279.89 12,471.687.11 1.422.224.00 8.750.00 1.413.474.00 15.659,638.00 1.946.038.80 13.713,599.20 29.949.829.00 2.351.068.69 27.598.760.31 31.804.555.00 (7,555.396.00) (7.555.396.00) 2.381.104.78 29.423.450.22 1,614,771.27 ( 1.614.771.27 ( 30.854.96 30.854.96 936.862.45 18.854.85 7.890.520.72 8.846.238.02 8,877.092.98 (5.283.19) 1.140.08 (4.143.11) 21.912.78 21.912.78 305.771.12 11.262.11 5.265.939.04 5.582.972.27 5.604.885.05 4.815.670.61 4.815.670.61 8.942.18 8.942.18 631.091.33 7.592.74 2,624.581.68 (4,820.953.80) 1.140.08 (4,819,813.72) THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2001 THROUG~ 01/31/2002 TRUST/AGENCY FUND CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T,D. VARIANCE ~REVENUES~ SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS USES/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST TOTAL REVENUE 118,632.21 (118.632.2t) 227.172.56 118.586.28 118,586.28 1,767.78 (1.767.78) 16.529.29 5.939.51 10.599.78 120,399.99 (120,399.99) 253.711.85 124.525.79 129.186.06 ~EXPENDITURES~ GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: NON-DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY: TRANSPORTATION: HEALTH & WELFARE: CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS T 0 T A L EXPENDITURES EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE 232.578.00 167,544.06 65,033.94 234,093.57 164.624.28 69,469.29 232.578.00 167.544.06 65.033,94 234,093.57 164.624.28 69.469.29 232.578.00 167.544.06 65,033.94 234.093.57 164.624.28 69,469.29 232.578.00 47,144.07 185.433.93 (19.618.28) 40,098.49 (59,716.77) EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE 232~578.00 47,144.07 185,433.92 (19.618.28) 40.098.49 (59.716.77) THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2001 THROUGH 0t/31/2002 INTERNAL SERVfCE FUND CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.D, VARIANCE ~***REVENUES~** USES/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST CHARGES FOR SERVICES OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE 298,825.00 121,730,05 177,104,95 205,273.76 96,664.80 108,608~96 1,171,448,00 654,825,92 516,622,08 944,535.35 551,122.04 393,413.31 17,000.00 19,744.05 (2,744.05) 6,495.00 6,495.00 1,487,283,00 796,300.02 690,982.98 1,156,304,11 647,786,84 508,517,27 ~EXPENDITURES~ GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES NON-DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY: FIRE ACTIVITY TOTAL TRANSPORTATION: HEALTH & WELFARE: CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: 1,140,046,00 1,140,046.00 45,828,00 45,828.00 189,750,00 255,970.77 884.075.23 1,018,788,52 217,303.94 801,484,58 255,970.77 884,075,23 1,018,788,52 217,203,94 801,484.58 14,260,06 31,567,94 40,700,28 14,260.06 31,567.94 40,700.28 189,750.00 40 700,28 40 700.28 T 0 T A L EXPENDITURES EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE TRANSFER IN FROM OTHER FUNDS TRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE 1,375,624.00 270.230,83 1,105,393,17 (11i,659.00) (526,069.19) 414,410,19 1,059,488,80 (96,815,31 2,400,000.00 (111,659,00) (526,069,19) 414,410,19 (2,496,815,31 217,303,94 842.184.86 (430,482.90) 333,667.59 2,400,000,00 (430,482,90) (2,066,332.41) THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/200t THROUGH 01/31/2002 ENTERPRISE FUND CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.D. VARIANCE ************************ USES/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST TOTAL REVENUE ****~***EXPENDITURES*;;*~** GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: NON-DEPARTMENTAL FINANCE ACTIVITY TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY: HEALTH & WELFARE: CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENCF: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: T 0 T A L EXPENDITURES EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS TRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 EXCESS <REVENUE>EXPENDITURE 20.00 20.00 CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORM New Appropriations (CityCouncil Approval Required): Budget Transfers: CHANGE FORM # From Unappropriated Reserves From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (10800-799.000) (If Other than General Fund, Fund No - Within Same Department Activity From New Revenues Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) Other Name: Reimbursements- General $285,000 Name: Zoning & Subdivision Fees $630,000 Account #: 001.570.005 Account #:' 001.565.001 Name: Planning - Contract Services $300,000 Name: Cable Capital Grant $250,000 Account #: 001.90100.740.000 Account #: 001.565.037 Name: Dublin Blvd - Dougherty to Scarlet Dr. $285,000 Name: Legal Services - Professional Services $280,000 Improvements - Not Bldg Reimbursable Account #: 001.96890.750.050 Account #: 001.10300.741.003. Name: Name: central Services - Advertising $13,000 -Account #: Account #: 001.10210.715.000 Name: Name: Civic Center Trailer Annexation $6,000 Improvements - Not Bldg Account #: Account #: 001.93460.750.050 Name: Name: Planning- Professional Services - $225,000 Reimbursable Account #: Account #: 001.90100.741.003 ASD/Fin Mgr ~.m~,~ ~ Date: Signature REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: This item represents the Budget Changes Designated in Mid Year Report for Fiscal Year 2001-02. City Manager: Date: Mayor: Posted By: G:IF1NANCE~Mid Year ReportslFY 2OOl-O21FORM-budget change_2, doc Signature As approved at the City Council Meeting on: Signature Signature ATTACHMENT 4 Date: Date: Date: