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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 5.1 Library Homework CITY ,C L E.R K File # 940-50 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 21, 2003 SUBJECT: WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Alameda County Library Homework Center at Dublin Library Report by Diane Lowart, Parks & Community Services Director ATTACHMENTS: 1. Memorandum from Pat Zahn, Dublin Library Manager RECOMMENDATION: ~ ยท Receive Report FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: One of the City Council high priority goals for 2003-2004 is to "Explore feasibility of tutoring program, partnering with School District". The Dublin Library has taken the lead in this goal as described in the attached memorandum from Dublin Library Manager Pat Zahn. The Homework Center at the Dublin Library will provide homework assistance for children in grades 3-8. This assistance will be provided by students from the Dublin High School Leadership class as well as by others who are interested. Help will be available from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday during the School Year. The Homework Center will be funded by the Alameda County Library Foundation, which will provide funding for a site coordinator. The site coordinator will be responsible for providing homework assistance, and recruiting, selecting, training and scheduling volunteers to assist the children in completing homework assignments and using library resources. The Homework Center will begin in November, pending the hiring of the coordinator. Although the City is not actively involved in the operation of the program at this time, Staff believes that the library is an ideal place for the program given the resources that are available at the library to assist children with homework. Further the partnership between the School District and the Library on coordination of the program will be beneficial to the program. Staff will monitor the program and report back to the Council at a later date regarding the success of the program and whether the program is meeting the needs of the community. COPIES TO: G:\COUNCIL~genda Statements~2003\ 10-21 homework center.doc Alameda County Library - Linda Wood, Peggy Watson, Pat Zahn ITEM NO. _~~ Alameda County ... Infinite possibilities Albany Castro Valley Centerville Dublin Extension Services Fremont Main Irvington Newark Niles San Lorenzo Union City DATE: October 7, 2003 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Richard Ambrose, City Manager City of Dublin Pat Zahn, Dublin Library Manager !~'~.~./~~~ / PLANNING FOR HOMEWORK CENTER AT THE DUBLIN LIBRARY As County Librarian Linda Wood has informed you, we are pleased to announce that we will be offering a homework center this year beginning in November, depending on the hidng of a site coordinator. Homework assistance will be offered for children in grades 3-8. This assistance will be provided by high school students from Tim Sbranti's Leadership class as well as by others who are interested. Help will be available from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. dudng the school year. Some supplies will be available and we hope to obtain textbooks from the School Distdct We have met with Tim Sbranti and bdefly with Paul McCreary. We also hope to meet with Dr. Hare of the Dublin Unified School Distdct in the near future; however, her schedule is very full. ~. The'project will be funded by the Alameda County Library Foundation, which will provide fu%ing for' a site coordinator. That person will be responsible for providing homework assistance, and recruiting, .~electing, training and scheduling high school volunteers to assist elementary through middle schOOl students in completing homework assignments and using library resources. That person will also maintain supplies, records, statistics, and submit reports as needed. We have sent out job announcements for this position to the community and as soon as that person is hired, we will recruit volunteers and send out press releases to the newspapers and flyers to the schools, both public and pdvate. We believe that adding this service will fill an important need and one which is often requested. We are fortunate to have a facility which will accommodate it. If you have any questions, please contact me at 803-7266. cc: Council Member Tim Sbranti, City of Dublin Diane Lowart, Parks and Community Services Director, City of Dublil Paul McCreary, Parks and Community Services Manager, City of Dui Linda M. Wood, County Librarian , ' ).~i. ' PeggY WatsOn, Head of Branches . .... ~i ~ S!~Ddbiin~lemo ff6m'Pat zahn to Richa~d..Ambrose re Homew0rkce~ter.a~ ~' i' ' ~: :":' "~" ~' ': .... Dublin Library '~ - 200 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568-2383 925-828-1315 FAX 92S.828-9296 www.