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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.1 PubHear83-2TR4719 CITY CLERK File# AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 5, 2003 SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Landscaping and Lighting District No. 83-2 (Tract 4719 - Stagecoach Road) Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) Resolution approving Engineer's Report, confirming diagram and assessment, and ordering levy of assessment at proposed new rate 2) Resolution approving Engineer's Report, confirming diagram and assessment, and ordering levy of assessment at 2002- 2003 rate 3) Engineer's Report and Assessment Diagram 4) Informational Newsletter Mailed to Property Owners RECOMMENDATION: 1) Open public hearing 2) Receive Staff Report and public comment 3) Question Staff and the public  4) Close public hearing and continue item until ballots have been tabulated 5) Once tabulation of ballots has been completed, City Clerk will announce the results a) If ballot results are 51% or more for "yes," adopt Resolution 1 approving engineer's report, confirming diagram and assessment, and ordering levy of assessment at the proposed new rate for 2003-2004 ($61,261.62) .OR b) If ballot results are 51% or more for "no," adopt Resolution 2 approving engineer's report, confirming diagram and assessment, and ordering levy of assessment at the 2002-2003 rate ($55,698.04) COPIES TO: ITEM NO. ~ g:\assessdist\83 ~2\83-2staffrepthrg2003 FINANCIAL STATEMENT: 2003-2004 Sources and Use of Maintenance Assessment District Funds Revenues: Total Amount Proposed to Be Assessed: $61,261.62 Estimated Interest Revenue: 1, 051. O0 Estimated Prior Year Collections and Penalties 12& O0 Less Estimated Collection and Delinquency Cost: (1,041.45) Net Total Revenues $61,399.17 Expenditures: Contract Maintenance and Utilities: $65,411. O0 Administration and Engineering: 3~ 750. O0 Total Operating Expenses: $69,161. O0 The above calculations include a proposed increase of approximately 10% over the 2002-2003 assessment. Please see Description below regarding the source and reasons for the requested increase. Based on the above, expenditures would still exceed revenues, and a minor amount of reserve funds would need to be used. DESCRIPTION: In 1983, the City of Dublin formed Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 83-2 for the purpose of maintaining landscaping within Tract 4719. The District originally included Stagecoach Park and Stagecoach Road north of the City Limit, but now includes only roadway landscaping along Stagecoach Road and on the "interior slopes" (Coral Way and Agate Way) within th~ Dublin Hills Estates development. The maintenance cost for Stagecoach Park, as well as the undeveloped Dougherty Hills Park, is paid by the City through the Park Maintenance Operating Budget and is not a part of this Assessment District. The estimated June 30, 2003, reserve for this District is projected to be $30,626. The actual reserve will not be known until the City closes its books and accrues the necessary revenues and expenses. In the past, portions of the reserve have been used for landscape renovations and to keep the assessment to property owners as low as possible. The level of service in this District has been tailored to the available funds (i.e., low assessment, small reserve) as much as possible, rather than requesting to increase the assessment in order to perform additional work. This District has quite a large landscaped area, which is supported by relatively few property owners. For Fiscal Year 2003-2004, the District boundary remains the same. When the District was formed, the spread of assessments was to be recalculated each year so that single-family homes paid 100% of the cost of interior slope landscape maintenance and 40% of the cost of Stagecoach Road landscape maintenance, while the Amador Lakes Apartments paid 60% of the Stagecoach Road landscape maintenance. The combination of these percentages has resulted in an overall spread of 61.6% of the assessment to the single-family homes and 38.4% to the apartments. It is proposed to revise the Engineer's Report to reflect these as constant percentages, as any change would trigger a vote of the District owners under Proposition 218. Proposed Increase Staff has been meeting regularly with some of the property owners in this District. It has become apparent that an increased assessment is in order to maintain and replace certain landscaping improvements. As noted in the Financial Statement of this Report, the proposed increase is ! 0% above the 2002-2003 assessment. The assessment in this District has not been increased for the past ten years. During Fiscal Year 2002-2003, Staff conducted a soils investigation which resulted in a recommendation for an additional and different type of fertilization than has been used in the past. The increase in assessment is proposed to fund the cost of additional fertilization, as well as additional plant material. The assessment to single-family property owners in the Dublin Hills Estates development is proposed to be $251.58 per single-family home. The Amador Lakes Apartments property is proposed to be assessed at a rate of $42.54 per dwelling unit (or $23,524.62 for the entire apartment development). The proposed Engineer's Report also includes an escalation clause for succeeding years that allows the maintenance cost to increase according to the Consumer Price Index and the utility cost to increase according to the actual cost of utilities. Notification This proposed increase requires a vote of the property owners under the terms of Proposition 218, similar to the vote conducted in the Dougherty Assessment District two years ago. A required 45-day mailed notice for the public hearing was sent out on June 20, 2003, along with a ballot and an informational newsletter (Attachment 4) explaining the reasons for the proposed increase and balloting procedure. Staff held an informational meeting on July 10, 2003. Two residents (from one property address) attended the meeting and expressed concern about the landscaping in the planter strip on the west side of the street, as well as several unrelated items. While no telephone inquiries had been received as of the time this report was written, Staff has been in touch with the members of the ongoing committee in this District, as well as with the Owner of the Amador Lakes Apartments, regarding the proposed increase and maintenance activities. Ballot Procedure Proposition 218 requires that the ballots received from property owners be opened and tabulated at the City Council meeting, and that the results be made available in written form. The potential total number of ballots is 151. In order to avoid delaying the meeting, Staff recommends that the public hearing be conducted early on the agenda. The procedure would be as previously outlined in the "Recommendation" portion of this Report: Open public hearing Receive Staff presentation and public comment Question Staff and the public Close public hearing and continue the decision until the ballots have been tabulated Ballots can be submitted any time up until the close of the public hearing. Anyone wishing to change his or her vote must do so prior to the close of the public hearing. Staffwill make replacement ballots available at the meeting. Page3 ~ It is proposed that Staffmembers take the ballots into the Regional Meeting Room for tabulation so that the City Council meeting can continue without disruption. Any members of the public interested in observing the tabulation of ballots may do so. Each vote is weighted according to the amount of the assessment; in other words, the votes from the single-family property owners would have a value of $251.~58 each, and the value of the apartment lots would be $42.54 each, or a total of $23,524.62 for the entire apartment complex. Recommendation After the ballots are tabulated, the City Clerk will announce the results. At that time, the City Council should adopt the appropriate resolution. If 51% or more of the ballots received (based on relative values) are "yes," the City Council should adopt Resolution Attachment 1 approving the levy of assessment with increase. If 51% or more of the ballots received are "no," the City Council should adopt Resolution Attachment 2 approving the levy of assessment at the 2002-2003 rate. Page 4 ¢~ I~_,SOLUTION NO. - 03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DECLARING THE RESULTS OF AN ASSESSMENT BALLOT PROCEEDING AND APPROVING CERTAIN ACTIONS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dublin called and duly held an assessment ballot proceeding for Landscape and Lighting District No. 83-2 (hereafter referred to as the "District"), pursuant to Resolution No. 95-03 for the purpose of presenting to the qualified property owners within the District a proposition for the increase in the assessments and an assessment range formula to allow for reasonable increases; and, WHEREAS, The landowners of record within the District as of the close of the Public Hearing held on August 5, 2003, consented to the increase in the assessments and the assessment range formula to allow for reasonable increases; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED, AND ORDERED BY THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE DISTRICT, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 The above recitals are true and correct. Section 2 The canvass of the votes cast in the District at the assessment ballot proceeding held in the District on August 5, 2003, is hereby approved and confirmed. Section 3 The proposition, presented to qualified property owners of the District for receipt by the City Clerk on August 5, 2003, each has received a vote, weighted according to the proportional financial obligation of the affected property. Of the qualified property owners voting at said assessment ballot proceeding, the proposition has carded. The City Council is hereby authorized to take the necessary steps to levy the assessment as authorized by the proposition. Section 4 The City Clerk is hereby directed to enter this Resolution on the minutes of the City Council, which shall constitute the official declaration of the result of such assessment ballot proceeding. Section 5 This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. Section 6 The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of August, 2003. AYE S: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Mayor ! City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. - 03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DECLARING THE RESULTS OF AN ASSESSMENT BALLOT PROCEEDING AND APPROVING CERTAIN ACTIONS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dublin called and duly held an assessment ballot proceeding for Landscape and Lighting District No. 83-2 (hereafter referred to as the "District"), pursuant to Resolution No. 95-03 for the purpose of presenting to the qualified property owners within the District a proposition for the increase in the assessments and an assessment range formula to allow for reasonable increases; and, WHEREAS, The landowners of record within the District as of the close of the Public Hearing held on August 5, 2003, denied the increase in the assessments and the assessment range formula to allow for reasonable increases; and, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED, AND ORDERED BY THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE DISTRICT, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 The above recitals are true and correct. Section 2 The canvass of the votes cast in the District at the assessment ballot proceeding held in the District on August 5, 2003, is hereby denied. Section 3 The proposition, presented to qualified property owners of the District for receipt by the City Clerk on August 5, 2003, each has received a vote, weighted according to the proportional financial obligation of the affected property. Of the qualified property owners voting at said assessment ballot proceeding, the proposition has failed. The City Council is hereby authorized to take the necessary steps to approve the Engineer's Report, as amended, to reflect the results of said ballot proceeding, and lower the assessment amount to the allowable rate of said District. Section 4 The City Clerk is hereby directed to enter this Resolution on the minutes of' the City Council, Which shall constitute the official declaration of the result of such assessment ballot proceeding. Section 5 This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. Section 6 The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of August, 2003. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Mayor CITY OF DUBLIN LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 1983-2 (TRACT 4719) FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 ENGINEER'S REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS ENGINEER ~S LETTER ............................................................................... ESTIMATE OF COSTS ................................................................................ 5 METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT ............................................................. 6 PARCEL LISTING.°.. ................................................................................... 7 CER TIFICA TIONS ........................................ I ENGINEER :S LETTER WHEREAS, on February 18, 2003, the City Council of the City of Dublin, California, pursuant to the provisions of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, adopted its Resolution Directing Preparation of Annual Report for Maintenance Assessment District 1983-2 for the maintenance of improvements rrore particularly therein described; and WHEREAS, said Resolution directed the undersigned to prepare and file a report pursuant to Section 22565, eto seq., of said Act; NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned, by virtue of the power vested in me under said Act and the order of the Council of said City, hereby make the following assessment to cover the portion of the estimated cost of the maintenance of said improvements and the cost and expenses incidemal thereto, to be paid by said District. SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT (1) (2) (3) With Proposed Without Proposed As Finally Increase Increase Approved Cost' Of Maintenance $65,411. O0 $59,942. O0 Incidemal Expenses $2 7, 655. 62 $2 7, 561.04 ...... TOTAL COST $93,066.62 .. $87,503.04 ... Pri0~' Year cOllections &' Penalties ($128. 00) ($1.28. 00) Estimated 2003-04 Interest Income Applied to 2003r04 Operating Cost .. ($1,051.00) ($1,051.00) Estknated Surplus from 2002-03 Fiscal Year ($30, 626. 00) ($30, 626. 00) ' AMov T TO AssESSOr FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 $61,26L62 $55,698.04 As required by said Act, a diagram is hereto attached showing the exterior boundaries of said landscaping maintenance assessment district and also the lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel of land w/thin said landscaping maintenance assessment d~trict as the same existed at the time of the passage of said resolution, each of which lots or parcels having been given a separate number upon said diagram. I do hereby assess the net amount to be assessed upon all assessable lots or parcels of land within said landscaping maintenance assessment district by apportioning that amount among the several lots or parcels in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by each such lot or parcel fi:om the maintenance of said improvements, and more particularly set forth in the list hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof. Said assessment is made upon the several lots or parcels of land within said landscaping maintenance assessment district in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by said lots or parcels respectively from the maintenance of said improvements. The diagram and assessment numbers appearing herein are the diagram numbers appearing on said diagram, to which reference is hereby made for a more particular description of said property. The scope of work shall be the maintenance of landscaping and irrigation within the road right-of-way and within a public easement along Stagecoach Road between the limits of Amador Valley Boulevard and the northerly City Limit. Further, the scope of work shall include the maintenance of the slopes and landscaping and irrigation of the slopes w~thin a public easement for those slope areas to the rear of Lots 80 through 86 and 37 through 48, all w/thin Tract 4719. Assessment rates at their current level are not sufficient to provide landscape maintenance services at a level desired by property owners. At the request of the property owners in the District and in accordance with Proposition 218 a ballot election requesting property owners to vote on a 10% increase to their em'rent assessment will be conducted. This increased funding w/ti be used to enhance landscape service levels to better serve property owners in the District. Each lot or parcel of land assessed is described ~n the assessment list by reference to its parcel number as shown on the Assessor's Maps of the County of Alameda for the Fiscai Year 2003-2004 and includes all of such parcels excepting those portions thereof w/thin existing public roads or rights of way to be acquired in these proceedings for public road purposes. For a more particular description of said property, reference is hereby made to the deeds and maps on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Because the names of the several owners are unknown to me, I hereby place the word "unknown" opposite the number of each lot of parcel of land assessed, the amount assessed thereon, and t..h.e~ number of the essment. Dated: June 3, 2003 t/~ -- (,~/Lee S~son t 2 ESTIMATE OF COSTS The estimated cost for the maintenance of improvements described in this Report for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 is as follows: Maintenance With Proposed Without Proposed Increase Increase Scheduled Maintenance $43,452, O0 $43,452. O0 Funds Available for Additional Services $5,469. O0 $0. O0 Utilities $16..490. O0 $16, 490. O0 . $65,411. O0 $59,942.00 Incidentals Engineer's Report and Proceedings * $3,750. O0 * $3,750. O0 County of Alameda Collection Costs (1.7%) $1,041.45 $946.87 Contingencies/Reserve $ .2. 2, 864..17 $22,864.17 $27~655.62 $27,$61.04 TOTAL: $93,066.62 $87,503.04 · Includes $2,500 for the cost of balloting. 3 METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT The assessment spread for this District shall be calculated as follows: Sixty-one and six tenths percent (61.6%) spread equally among the 150 single-family lots; thirty-eight and four tenths percent (38.4%) spread equally among the 553 apartment/condominium lots. Lots I52 and 153, being park and open space, shall have a zero assessment. Lots 154 and 155, being public agency owned, shah have a zero assessment. To maintain service levels over time the annual maintenance cost shall be increased annually beginning ha fiscal year 2004-2005, by the percentage increase in the Bay Area Urban Wage Earner Consumer Price Index ("Index") (applies to all costs except utilities), plus any actual increase in the cost of utilities (power and water). SAMPLE CALCULATION: Assuming an increase in the index of 1% and a utility increase of 5%: MAiNTENANcE cOsT $60,911 LESs uTmiTY coST (Stmj~C'T TO K~TE tNCRE^SE ONLy) ..... ($1.6,490) , ,, $44,42!, ASSESSMENT SUBJECT TO INDEx INCREASE' $44~4~.!' INDEx INCREASE (AssUMED 1%) 44,421 x .0t = 444 $444 ..... $44,8,65 ENERGY COST $16,490 5%. UTILITY .RATE .INCREAsE ~6, 4~0 X. 0.5. = 8~4..50 $824:.50 , , . $17,3.14.50 " NEW TOTAL MAINTENANCE COST' $62,179.$0 4 PARCEL LISTING With the Increase Without the' Increase ' ' Assessment 2003-2004 2003-2004 Assessment Property Number Assessment Total Total & Lot Owners of Unils per Unit per Unit Number Assessment Assessment Lots 1 - 150, Tract 4719 Individual 150 $251.58 $37,737.00 $228.72 $34,308.00 Owners Lot 1521 Tract 4719 Public- 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Owned Lot 153, Tract 4719 Public- 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Owned Lot 154 Public- 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Owned Lot 155 Public- 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Owned Lots 1-553, Tract 5180 Individual 553 $42.54 $23,524.62 $38.68 $21,390.04 Owners DiStrict .. Total: 7~}3.. N/A $61,241.62 $55,698.04 The complete parcel listing of assessments is provided on the following pages. The description of each lot or parcel as part of the records of the County Assessor of the County of Alameda are, by reference, made part of this Report. 5 CERTIFICATIONS I, the City Clerk of the City of Dublin, California, hereby certify that the foregoing Engineer's Report, including Assessment, in the mounts se~ forth in Section 2, with the diagram thereto attached, 'was filed with me on June 3, 2003. I, the City Clerk of the City of Dublin, Calffo~ hereby certL~ that the fo eg ' g Assessment, with the diagram thereto attached, was preliminarily approved and corrfirmed by the City Council of said Co cil on J e , 2003. said City by its Resolution No. 95-03, duly adopted by ~on~~_ ~_~ I, the City Clerk of the City of Dublin, California, hereby ce that the ~%regoing Assessmem, with the diagram thereto attached, was finally approved and confirmed by the City Council of said City by its Resolution No. -03, duly adopted by said Council on August 5, 2003. I, the City Clerk of the City of Dublin, California, hereby certify that a certdied copy of the Assessment and diagram was filed in the office of the County Auditor of the County of Alameda, California, on August 10, 2003. INFORMATIONAL NEWSLETTER CITY OF DUBLIN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 83-2 STAGECOACH ROAD About theDistrict homes (from $228.72 to $251.58) and an additional $3.86 per apartment unit (from $38.68 This assessment distdct was formed in 1983 for to $42.54). This would be the first increase in the purpose of maintaining landscaping the past "10 years. It is also proposed to include improvements along Stagecoach Road and on a clause that would allow the assessment to the "interior slopes" of AgateWay and Coral Way. increase in succeeding years based on the The property owners in this district include the February Consumer Price index (All Urban 150 single-family homes of the Dublin Hills Consumers, San Francisco Bay Area) and by the Estates development, as well as the Amador actual cost of utilities. Lakes Apartment complex. Costs incurred by the Distdct include utilities and contract landscape This increase would provide for the additional maintenance, fertilizations and begin replanting those areas where the plant materials have done poorly. Recent Activith}s Ballot Procedure In the past, the City has received concerns from property owners regarding its landscape The passage of Proposition 218 requires affected maintenance contractor. Dudng the 2002-03 property owners to vote on any proposed Fiscal Year, the City received bids from severa~ ir~creases in their assessment. All property landscape contractors for maintenance in this owners in the Distdct are being mailed ba~iots and District. The most cost-effective bid was received asked to vote as to whether they support or from TruGreen Landcare, and the City Council oppose the increase. approved a contract with TruGreen on November 1, 2002. Why Should You Vote? Because of the poor performance by some of the Your vote will decide if the assessment that is plant mateda~ in this District, the City also used for maintaining and improving landscaping undertook a soil fertility and analysis study. The within this District should be increased to help study indicated that the soil is on the alkaline side finance the increased costs of providing these and is lacking in certair~ other nutrients. The services. Your vote.on this matter,.i.s important study recommended increasing fertilLzation from be. ca..use only returned ballots will be cou. nt.ed~ the current two times per year up to four times per year and also treatment with sulphur to What w~il happen if the increase is not increase absorption and reduce alkalinity, approved? The City has planted several types of ground If the increase is not approved the assessment cover at the base of the slope along Coral Way will be levied at current rates. It is likely that the with the new soil amendments to test the effects additiona~ fertilization cannot be carded out, and of the changes on various plant materials, the level of maintenance may decrease in order not to exceed available funds. Proposed Increase in Assessment How is the Assessment Calculated? Because of the recommendation for increased fertilization, and because maintenance costs The total cost of maintenance and utilities is have increased over the years while the allocated to each property based on the assessment has remained constant, City Staff is estimated special benefit received. The method recommending a 10% increase in the annual of benefit allocation .is based on the relative assessment. The proposed increase is an benefit to a property in relation to a single-family additional $22.86 per year for single-family home. An Engineer's Report detailing the method of at the Public Headng that evening before the assessment, budgets and assessments for each close of public testimony. parcel is available for review at the City Public Works Department tocated at 100 Civic Plaza, Only returned ballots that are signed and specify Dublin CA 94568. the property owner's support or opposition are Individual Assessment Distdct funds are entirely counted. The individual signing the ballot should separate from the City's General Fund and from be the legal property owner or have the property the funds collected for other Assessment owner's authority to vote and sign the ballot. Districts. Ballots will be weighted by the amount of the assessment to be paid, If a majodty of the ballots How to Vote retumed, weighted by their assessment amount, is opposed to the increase in the assessment, the Vote by completing the enctosed ballot and assessment will be imposed at the current rate. returning it in the envelope provided or hand deliver it to the City Clerk's Office located at the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin CA 94568. Ail ballots must be received by the City ~:u~es~L~2~qash~et Clerk by 7:00 p.m. on August 5, 2003 or received YOUR COMMENTS ARE IMPORTANT Your input is very important to the City. You are invited to attend the following meetings. At these meetings you will hear more information about the assessment and wilt have the opportunity to ask questions and to give input to City Staff. You may also provide your input to the City in written form. Any input you wish to provide or issues you wish to raise must be received by the Distdct before the close of the public headng on August 5, 2003. iNFORMATIONAL MEETING A neighborhood meeting will be held on Thursday, July 10, 2093, at 7:00 p.m,. in the Regional Meeting Room of the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin CA 94568. Property owners will receive a presentation and will have an opportunity to ask questions and make comments in an informal setting. PUBLIC HEARING A public headng wii] be held on Tuesday, August 5, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin CA 94568. Following the public hearing, the ballots will be counted and the results will be announced later that same evening. At that time the Council will make its final decision on the levy of the assessment.