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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.1 EdenHousing Stg1&2 CITY CLERK File # 450-30 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 3, 2003 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: PA 03-003 Eden Housing -Planned Development Rezoning Stage 1 & 2 Development Plan (second reading) (Report Prepared by: Jerry Haag, Consulting Planner) ~ ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance adopting a Planned Development (PD) Stage 1 & 2 Rezoning (with the following Exhibits attached: Exhibit A-1, Stage 1 & 2 Development Plan and, Exhibit A-2 Rezoning Exhibit) RECOMMENDATION: 1. Open Public Hearing and receive Staff report and public testimony 2. Question Staff, Applicant and the Public 3. Close public hearing and deliberate ~ 4. Waive the Reading and adopt Ordinance adopting a Planned Development (PD) Stage 1 & 2 Rezoning (Attachment 4, with the folloWing Exhibits attached: Exhibit A-1, Stage 1 & 2 Development Plan and, Exhibit A-2 Rezoning Exhibit) FINANCIAL STATEMENT: A portion of the project construction costs would come from the City's Affordable Housing Fund. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project site is located at the rear of the former Dublin Branch Library on the south side of Amador Valley Boulevard just north of Downtown Dublin. The library has closed and the northerly portion of the site is planned to be developed as the Dublin Senior Center. The Applicant is requesting approval of a housing project on .58 acres that includes construction of 54 apartment units with 53 of these units targeted to low-income senior households in Dublin. One of the units would be reserved for an on-site manager and would not be income restricted. The apartments would be located in a single four-story building (three floors of apartments over ground- level parking). The building would be elevator served and contain activity and gathering places for future residents. On-site management as well as recruitment and screening of residents would be the responsibility of Eden Management, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Eden Housing. Primary funding to construct the proposed project is being sought from low income tax credit allocations and Federal HUD sources with supplemental ftmding from the City's Affordable Housing Fund. Low-income affordability for the apartments would be guaranteed for at least 55 years. COPIES TO: The Applicant/Owner PA file ITEM NO. Surrounding land uses include retail commercial centers to the east, west and south of the site, with a pedestrian pathway being planned from the housing complex to Dublin Place immediately to the south. Multi-family residences and medical offices have been constructed to the north. Planning Commission Action: The Planning Commission, at its meeting of May 13, 2003, considered the Mitigated Negative Declaration, the General Plan Amendment, Amendment to the Downtown Core Specific Plan, a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone and a Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide the Eden Housing property from the future Senior Center site to the north. The Plmming Commission discussed linkages of the proposed housing complex with surrounding uses and the proximity of services. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended to the City Council approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and associated Mitigation Monitoring Program, adoption of the General Plan and Specific Plan amendments and approval of the Stage 1 & Stage 2 PD-Planned Development Rezone. The Commission also unanimously approved a Site Development Review (SDR) application and the Tentative Parcel Map contingent upon Council approval of the companion applications. City Council Action: The City Council, at its meeting of May 20, 2003, reviewed the Mitigated Negative Declaration, the General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment and the Stage 1 & Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning and Development Plan. After testimony from Staff, the Applicant and the public, the City Council unanimously adopted resolutions adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration and the General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Amendments. Additionally, the City Council waived the first reading and introduced the proposed Stage 1 & Stage 2 Planned Development Ordinance and related Development Plan. ANALYSIS: As required by the City of Dublin Municipal Code, a second reading of the proposed Ordinance is necessary prior to final adoption of the Planned Development zoning which would then become effective 30 days after the second reading. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Open Public Hearing and receive Staff report and public testimony; 2) Question Staff, Applicant and the public; 3) Close public hearing and deliberate; and 4) Waive the Reading and adopt Ordinance adopting a Planned Development (PD) Stage 1 & 2 Rezoning (Attachment 1), with the following Exhibits attached: Exhibit A-l, Stage 1 & 2 Development Plan and, Exhibit A-2 Rezoning Exhibit) ORDINANCE NO. -03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO REZONE PROPERTY AND APPROVE A RELATED STAGE 1 AND 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR 0.58 ACRES FOR PA 03-003, EDEN HOUSING AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT LOCATED AT 7606 AMADOR VALLEY BOULEVARD The Dublin City Council does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Pursuant to Chapter 8.32, Title 8 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code the City of Dublin Zoning Map is amended to rezone the following property ("the Property") to a Planned Development Zoning District: Approximately 0.58 acres of land located within the central portion of Dublin, south of the former Dublin Branch Library along Amador Valley Boulevard at 7606 Amador Valley Boulevard (Assessor's Parcel Number 941-305-0012-02.). A map of the rezoning area is shown below: . \ SECTION 2. The regulations of the use, development, improvement, and maintenance of the Property are set forth in the Planned Development (PD) Rezoning and Stage 1 & 2 Development Plan £or the Project Area (Exhibits A-1 & A-2, hereto) which are hereby approved. The Stage 1 & 2 Development consists of a Planned Development (PD) Stage 1 & 2 Rezoning and Development Plan for the 0.58-acre site. Any amendments to the Stage 1 & 2 Development Plan shall be in accordance with section 8.32.080 of the Dublin Municipal Code or its successors. ~' ~ ~'i ~-~-'~ !L; '<3 G:~PA#~2003\03 -003\PDord.doc A~.&CH ~t .~ SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be enforced thirty (30) days following its adoption. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin, on this 3rd day of June 2003, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 2 Exhibit A-1 %-~ ~-~''~ STAGE 1 & STAGE 2 PD-PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONING AND'DEVELOPMENT PLAN PA 03-003-'EDEN HOUSING PROJECT This is a Development Plan pursuant to Chapter 8.32 of the Dublin Ordinance for the Eden Housing Senior Housing project. This Development Plan includes a Site Plan, Neighborhood Landscape Plan and Conceptual Architectural Designs dated "Received April, 30, 2003" and labeled Exhibit A-2 to the Ordinance approving the Development Plan (City of Dublin Ordinance No. ___), on file in the Dublin Planning Division. The Planned Development Zoning District allows the flexibility needed to encourage innovative development while ensuring that the goals, policies and implementing programs of the General Plan and provisions of Section 8.32 of the Zoning Ordinance are satisfied. The Development Plan consists ora Stage 1 & Stage 2 Development Plan for the 0.58-acre site. The following Stage 1 & Stage 2 Development Plan complies with the requirements of Section 8.32.040 A and B of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance and consists of the following provisions: 1. Zoning. The Eden Housing project site shall be zoned "Planned Development-Downtown Core Specific Plan-Multi-Family Residential." 2. Statement of Proposed Uses. The following permitted and conditional uses shall be allowed Permitted Uses: Multi-family residences Ancillary parking facilities Related, normal and customary appurtenant facilities Conditional Uses: None Temporary and Accessory Uses: As allowed by the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. 3. Stage 1 and 2 Site Plan. The Stage 1 and Stage 2 PD Site Plan consists of Sheet 1 of the project plans prepared by Chris Lamen & Associates dated "received May 2, 2003." 4. Site Area, Proposed Densities, Phasing Plan. Site Area: 0.58 acres Proposed Density: 93 dwellings per acre Phasing: All construction in one phase. 5. Master Neighborhood Landscape Plan. The Master Neighborhood Landscape Plan is shown on Sheet L-1 of the project plans, dated "received May 2, 2003" (thereafter, project plans). 6. General and Specific Plan Consistency. The applicant is requesting an amendment to the existing Dublin General Plan Land Use Map from "Retail/Office to "High Density Residential (25+ dwellings per gross acre)." The proposed land use designation would be consistent with the following applicable Goals and Policies of the General Plan as follows: · 2.1.1, Residential Land Use, Guiding Policy 2.1.1, Housing Availability, A: Encourage housing of varied types, sizes and process to meet current and future needs of Dublin residents. Analysis: The proposed project would provide a significant increase in the number of affordable rental apartments and would be consistent with this goal. · 2.1.1, Residential Land Use, Implementing Policy 2.1.1, Housing Availability, B: Designate sites for residential development where site capability and access are suitable and where the higher density would be compatible with existing residential development nearby. Analysis: Based on the Initial Study prepared for the project, there are no constraints to developing the site for high density senior housing in terms of access, traffic or any other. The nearest residential development to the project site consists of medium density apartment projects on the north side of Amador Valley Boulevard. The proposed project wouM therefore be consistent with this General Plan goal. · 2.1.3, Residential Compatibility, Guiding Policy 2.1.3 A: Avoid abrupt transitions between single-family development and higher density development on adjoining sites. Analysis: The proposed project is consistent with the policy since no single family residences exist near the project site. · 2.1.3, Residential Compatibility, Guiding Policy 2.1.3 C: Require a planned development zoning process for all development proposals over 6.0 units per gross acre. Analysis: A Stage ! and Stage PD-Planned Development rezoning has been requested. Therefore, the proposed project would be consistent with this policy. The requested General Plan Land Use designation of High Density Residential would also be consistent with the following applicable portions of the Draft Housing Element of the General Plan. · Goal A, To provide adequate sites to meet he City housing needs. Analysis: The proposed project is consistent with the policy since an underutilized commercial site would be converted to a housing site. · Policy 2, Increase units produced in Dublin; increase sites appropriate for affordable housing and accessible to downtown. Analysis: The proposed project would increase the number of affordable housing units immediately north of and accessible to the downtown core. Therefore, the proposed project would be consistent with this policy. · Goal B, To increase the availability of housing affordable to low and moderate income households. Analysis: Implementation of the proposed project would increase housing availability for low and very low income households. It would therefore be consistent with Goal B. 2 · Policy 1, Promote development of affordable housing in Dublin. Analysis: The proposed project would provide a new affordable housing project in the community and would be consistent with this policy. · Program B. 1.1, Cooperate with non-profit housing providers to develop units affordable to very low and low income households. The City will market housing opportunities and assist developers with construction of affordable housing through entering into a ground lease by May 2003 for the former library facilitate the construction of a low-income senior housing development. Analysis: Eden Housing, Inc, a non-profit housing builder is the applicant for this project and the proposed project precisely follows the program outlined in the draft Housing Element. 7. Inclusionary Zoning Requirements. The project has been designed to meet the specific needs of seniors and will in all probability cover the very low and extremely low income levels (below 50% of the median income), specific findings regarding the City's present inclusionary zoning ordinance have been made in the Planned Development Resolution (Attachment 3) waiving the moderate and low income requirements (Chapter 8.68.040E) by the City Council and approving the Project proposal as meeting the requirements and intent of the Ordinance. 8. Development Regulations. Development regulations for the Eden Housing Senior Housing project shall be as follows: Parcel area and dimensions As shown on project plans. Setbacks Minimum 10 feet, may include maximum 2' projections for exterior stairwells, utility facilities and similar non-habitable facilities. Height and Number of Stories Maximum of four stories or 50 feet, whichever is less. Building height shall not include chimneys, ventilation Stacks, elevator towers, or similar small projections, so long as any projections do not exceed 10 feet above the top of the roof. Accessory Structures None shall be allowed. On-Site Parking On-site parking shall be provided at a ratio of 0.56 spaces per unit, including handicapped spaces. 9. Architectural Standards and Guidelines. Architectural Standards and Guidelines for the Stage 1 & Stage 2 Planned Development Plan are as follows. Overall architectural theme The design and architectm'al theme for the Eden Housing senior housing project shall be "California Classic," intended to have a high degree of consistency and compatibility with the Dublin Senior Center. Design elements shall include, but not limited to, compatible roof lines and roof pitches, use of corbels under roof eves, use of decorative wrought iron railings and overall similar scale and massing. Facade Design and Colors Exterior colors for the Eden Housing project shall match, to the highest degree feasible, the color palette used for the Dublin Senior Center. Final color selection for the Eden Housing project shall be approved by the Dublin Community Development Director. Landscaping of setback areas All setback areas shall be landscaped and maintained in a neat and weed-free conditions, Dead or dying plant material shall be replaced as soon as possible. Exterior utility facilities, including but not limited to water backflow preventers, shall be landscaped or screened. Final landscape and irrigation plan Final landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted to the Dublin Community Development Department for final approval. Plans shall comply with City of Dublin and DSRSD water efficient landscape standards. Irrigation plans shall employ drip systems or similar to minimize water use. Pedestrian circulation Pedestrian paths shall be facilitated between the Eden Housing project and the adjacent Dublin Senior Center and the Target retail center to the south. Address Plan An addressing plan for all dwelling units shall be installed as approved by the City of Dublin Planning and Police Departments and the Alameda County Fire Department. Final Lighting Plan A Final Lighting Plan shall be prepared and approved by the Dublin Planning Division and Dublin Police Services Department. The Lighting Plan shall indicate minimum illumination levels as required by the City Non-Residential Security Ordinance (or as specified by the Police Services Department). All lenses shall be equipped with cut-off devices to minimize spillover of unwanted light. Master Sign Plan A Master Sign Plan shall be approved by the Dublin Community Development Department indicating the type, size, location, method of illumination (if any) and proposed sign copy. 4 11. Dublin Zoning -Applicable Requirements. Unless otherwise specified herein, all other provisions of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance shall apply to the Eden Housing project. The base zoning district for this site shall be R-M. 12. Compliance with PD Plans. The project shall comply with the project plans and details as shown in Exhibit A-2 and all follow on final plans, including but not limited to lighting plans, sign plans and landscape plans, except as modified herein. Project plans are incorporated by reference. g:\pa#L2003\03-003\cc reso pd. doc 5 ......... ._~. ....... . ................ ~ ............................. LIJ CHRIS LAMEN PLANT MATERIAL KEY AND SOHEDULE OF 81ZES: Pm MUN PmYST ~m SWOrn I GAL FULL~ ~SITE PLAN o*m,.o,ms JASM,N~ PALmTTO FE8 CLAFEST~A ~ FLAT8 ~ B' OC 4. ~TAbL 8' ~ I~ORT T~fL OV~ ALL ABEAS PLANTIN~ TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 8144