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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.2 RepealNO ParkHoustonPl CITY CLERK AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 4, 2003 SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Repeal of Designated "No Parking" Zone on Houston Place Report Prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution Repealing "No Parking" Zone 2) Location Diagram RECOMMENDATION: 1) Open Public Hearing 4/2/543 ) Receive Staff presentation 3) Receive public testimony  4) Close public hearing 61 Deliberate Adopt Resolution Repealing Designated "No Parking" Zone FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Sufficient funds are budgeted in the Street Maintenance Operating Budget to cover the cost of removing existing "No Parking" signs and red curb. DESCRIPTION: On July 25, 1988, the City Council adopted Resolution 105-88 designating a "No Parking" zone on the northerly and southerly curblines of Houston Place from Dougherty Road to the end of the street. The "No Parking" zone was established in order to provide adequate access for regular traffic and emergency vehicles to abutting land uses due to a limited street width. Subsequently, and as part of the acceptance of improvements for Parcel Map 7537 (Iron Horse Trail Apartments by Archstone Communities Trust), the City Council adopted Resolution 20-03 on February 18, 2003, which included a "No Parking" restriction for vehicles over 20 feet in length along the north side of Houston Place between Dougherty Road and the easterly parcel map boundary. The northerly curbline of Houston Place was recently relocated as part of the Archstone project improvements, and the street was widened to 40 feet and extended to the newly constructed Scarlett Drive connection to Dougherty Road. As a result, Houston Place is now wide enough to accommodate vehicle parking on both sides of the street, while also providing adequate access for regular traffic and emergency vehicles. Therefore, the designated "No Parking" zone on Houston Place (as established by Resolution 105-88) is no longer necessary for ease of access purposes, and a repeal of this zone would be consistent with the provisions of Resolution 20-03. Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a public hearing, deliberate, and adopt the resolution repealing the designated "No Parking" zone on Houston Place east of Dougherty Road. COPIES TO: Houston Place Property Owners ITEM NO. __~ G:lTRAFFiClagst_houston place no parking repeal, doc ~/ ~.~ j RESOLUTION NO. -03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN REPEALING DESIGNATED "NO PARKING" ZONE ON HOUSTON PLACE WHEREAS, on July 25, 1988, the City Council adopted Resolution 105-88 designating a "No Parking" zone on the northerly and southerly curblines of Houston Place from Dougherty Road to the end of the street; and WHEREAS, said "No Parking" zone was established in order to provide adequate access for regular traffic and emergency vehicles to abutting land uses due to a limited street width; and WHEREAS, as part of the recently constructed improvements on the Iron Horse Trail Apartments project, Houston Place was widened to 40 feet and extended to the newly constructed Scarlett Drive connection to Dougherty Road; and WHEREAS, Houston Place at its present configuration is wide enough to accommodate vehicle parking on both sides of the street, while also providing adequate access for regular traffic and emergency vehicles; and WHEREAS, the designated "No Parking" zone on Houston Place (as established by Resolution 105-88) is no longer necessary for ease of access purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin hereby resolves as follows: Section 1' The designated "No Parking" zone on Houston Place, east of Dougherty Road, is hereby repealed. Section 2: Said "No Parking" zone shall be deleted from Section 6,28.010 (Houston Place_) of the City of Dublin Traffic Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of March, 2003. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ~ ~ /. ......... '-"~, ........ ...... :.:.':.~_~:_. . ~ ':~........'.~.:' ,,.~ , . ..... ยท ::;! ~ . :.:,. .... ----:,: ....... ...., ~' ~. .......' ..........,. ~~ ~'~.... . ........: ............~-.~ ..~ - . i ~ ! ~ .:..~'-~.., ..... :: .. . ...... ~ , ~ ~.'~ ~ ! '. . i -~ CATO]Y::' ' - ..... ~. ' ....... ": .... HOUST~ON Repeal "No Parking" Zone on~ Both Sides of Houston Place LOCATION DIAG M