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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.2 Pioneer Cemetery Fees CITY CLERK File # 295-10 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JulY 6, 2004 SUBJECT: Dublin Pioneer Cemetery Interment Fees Report By Theresa Yvonne, Heritage and Cultural Arts Supervisor ATTACHMENTS: Resolution RECOMMENDATION: 1. Open Public Heating 2. Receive Staff Presentation  // 3. Receive Public Testimony 4. Close Public Heating 5. Deliberate 6. Adopt Resolution FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: At the April 20, 1999, meeting of the Dublin City Council, the Council adopted Resolution 76-99 adopting Interment Fees for the Dublin Pioneer Cemetery. The current fees are $1275.00 for full earth burial and $180.00 for burial o£cremated remains. The fees have not been revisited since 1999. The amount of labor estimated in 1999 when fees were adopted has proven to be inadequate for performing burials. As a result of these cost increases Staff is recommending an increase in the cremation burial fee to $230.00 and $1,335.00 for full burial, which will cover the increased costs. Notification of the proposed fee increase was sent to all plot holders at the Dublin Pioneer Cemetery. It is recommended that the City Council take the following action: 1. Open Public Heating 2. Receive Staff Presentation 3. Receive Public Testimony 4. Close Public Heating 5. Deliberate 6. Adopt Resolution COPIES TO: ITEM NO. ~ G\cemetery\cc46ph fees.doc RESOLUTION NO. - 04 A RESOLUTION OF ~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ADOPTING INTERMENT FEES FOR THE DUBLIN CEMETERY AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 76-99 WHEREAS, on October 18, 1993, the City of Dublin acquired the historic Dublin Cemetery from Dublin Cemetery, Inc.; and WHEREAS, one of the conditions of the acquisition was to handle all future burials at the Cemetery; and WHEREAS, burial fees were adopted on January 10, 1994; and WHEREAS, cremation burial fees were increased April 20, 1999; and WHEREAS, fees for the earth burial and cremated remains no longer meet the cost of said burials. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby adopt the fee schedule as shown below: Cremation Burial - $230.00 Earth Burial - $1,335.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Resolution 76-99 be rescinded in its entirety. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of ~ 2004. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G/cc- forms/reso, doc