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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.04 DubRch Ph I Improvmts CITY CLERK File # b_~b(~=[~r~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 1, 2004 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Improvements for Tract 6925 (Dublin Ranch Phase I) and Tassajara Road Off-Site Improvements for Tract 6960 (MSSH Dublin Development LLC) Report Prepared by: Melissa Morton, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution 2) Vicinity Map Adopt the Resolution accepting improvements and approving the RECOMMENDATION: f~An- traffic control devices installed for Tract 6925, Dublin Ranch Phase  i, and Tassaj ara Road Off-Site Improvements for Tract 6960 FINANCIAL STATEMENT: MSSH Dublin Development LLC has provided a Maintenance Bond in the amount of $1,388,525.00 for Tract 6925, and a Maintenance Bond in the amount of $1,~00,000.00 for improvements to Tassajara Road to guarantee against defects for one year. Once these improvements have been accepted, the City will incur maintenance and street sweeping costs for the City street improvements on Antone Way, North Dublin Ranch Drive, South Dublin Ranch Drive, and Tassajara Road. The street light maintenance costs will'be paid by the Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District 99-1 since this development is within .its boundaries and parcels in the subdivision contribute to the Assessment District. Mainteriance of the Tassajara Road median landscaping will be performed by the City. Maintenance of street frontage landscaping, median landscaping on North and South Dublin Ranch Drive, and all landscaping within the open space and common areas will be performed by the Dublin Ranch Homeowner's Association~ DESCRIPTION: MSSH Dublin Development LLC recently completed the street improvements associated with Tract 6925 (Dublin Ranch Phase I) and Tassajhra Road associated with Tract 6960, subdivisions located in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area east of Tassajara Road. The street improvements included the construction of North and South Dublin Ranch Drive, Antone Way, and the widening of Tassaj ara Road between Dublin Boulevard and North Dublin Ranch Drive. COPIES TO: Jon McCaustland, Shea Homes ITEM NO. G:~d2)EVELOP\Dublin RanchWlaster Tract Map 6925XAgstacpt 6925.doc t~D The Tract 6925 work was governed by a Tract Developer Agreement executed on June 16, 1998, via City Council Resolution No. 83-98, as amended on June 19, 2001, by City Council Resolution No. 81-01. The Tassajara Road work was governed by an Improvement Agreement executed on March 16, 1999, by City Council Resolution No. 40-99. Since the street improvements have been constructed pursuant to the Tract Developer Agreement for Tract 6925 and the Improvement Agreement for Tassajara Road to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director, it is appropriate for the improvements to now be accepted by the City for permanent maintenance. The following regulatory traffic control devices will be accepted and approved as part of this project and added to the City of Dublin Traffic Code: A. Antone Way, North Dublin Ranch Drive, South Dublin Ranch Drive and Tassajara Road are designated as "Through Streets" (Traffic Code Chapter 6.08). B. A "No Parking Anytime" restriction has been installed on both sides of Tassajara Road between Dublin Boulevard and the northerly Tract 6925 boundary (Traffic Code Chapter 6.04.250). C. Stop control devices have been installed on all three approaches for the intersection of North Dublin Ranch Drive, South Dublin Ranch Drive and Antone Way, on all approaches of North Dublin Ranch Drive at Round Hill Drive, and on all approaches of North Dublin Ranch Drive at Oak Bluff Lane (Traffic Code Section 6.16.020). At the time the City and MSSH Dublin Development executed the Tract Developer Agreement and the Improvement Agreement, the developer provided a Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $5,554,100.00 and a Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of $2,777,050.00 for Tract 6925, and a Performance Bond in the amount of $4,000,000.00 and a Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of $2,000,000.00 for Tassajara Road to guarantee performance of the work. Now that the work is complete, these bonds may be released in accordance with the authority contained in §66499.7 of the Government Code, and replaced with Maintenance Bonds in amounts necessary to guarantee the work for a one-year period following acceptance. The developer has provided Maintenance Bonds in the amounts of $1,388,525.00 for Tract 6925 and $1,000,000.00 for the Tassajara Road improvements, which are 25% of the original Performance Bonds, and which are sufficient to guarantee the improvements for a one-year period after acceptance. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution accepting the improvements installed for Tract 6925, Dublin Ranch Phase [, and for Tassajara Road between Dublin Boulevard and North Dublin Ranch Drive, and approving the regulatory traffic control devices. Page2 Crb~ .. ¥ RESOLUTION NO. - 04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 6925 (DUBLIN RANCH PHASE I) AND TASSAJARA ROAD BETWEEN DUBLIN BOULEVARD AND NORTH DUBLIN RANCH DRIVE (TRACT 6960 OFF-SITE), AND APPROVAL OF REGULATORY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES WHEREAS, the subdivider of Tract 6925, filed on July 16, 1998, in Book 241 of Maps at Pages 39-52, previously entered into a Tract Developer Agreement with the City of Dublin to improve said Tract in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the Public Works Director, and; WHEREAS, the subdivider of Tract 6960, filed on April 7, 1999, in Book 242 of Maps at Pages 85-95, previously entered into an Improvement Agreement for Tassaj ara Road between Dublin Boulevard and North Dublin Ranch Drive with the City of Dublin to improve said road in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the Public Works Director, and; WHEREAS, said Tracts are identified as follows: a) Subdivider: MSSH Dublin Development LLC, A Delaware Limited Liability Company b) Tract Locations: North of Gleason Drive, West of Fallon Road and East of Tassajara Road c) Resolution Approving Agreements: Tract 6925: No. 83-98, City of Dublin City Council Tract 6960: No. 40-99, City of Dublin City Council d) City Streets Affected: Tassajara Road, North Dublin Ranch Drive, South Dublin Ranch Drive and Antone Way WHEREAS, the improvements associated with Tract 6925 and Tassajara Road are complete in accordance with said plans and specifications, and any approved modifications thereto, to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director; and WHEREAS, thc developer has installed certain regulatory traffic control devices as a part of the Tract improvements; and WHEREAS, the original Performance Bonds and Labor and Materials Bonds can be released, in accordance with thc authority contained in §66499.7 of the Government Code of the State of California, and replaced with Maintenance Bonds to guarantee the completed work for a one-year period following acceptance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that: 1. The improvements completed within said Tract 6925 are hereby approved and accepted subject to a one-year guarantee period; and 2. The improvements on Tassajara Road (Tract 6960 off-site) are hereby apprOved and accepted subject to a one-year guarantee period; and 3. The traffic regulatory devices installed by the developer are hereby included in the City of Dublin Traffic Code, said regulatory devices to include the following: a) Antone Way, North Dublin Ranch Drive, South Dublin Ranch Drive, and Tassajara Road are designated as "Through Streets." b) "No Parking Anytime" restriction on both sides of Tassajara Road between Dublin Boulevard and Tract 6925 northerly boundary. c) Stop control devices installed on all three approaches for the intersection of North Dublin Ranch Drive, South Dublin Ranch Drive and Antone Way. d) Stop control devices installed on all approaches of North Dublin Ranch Drive at Round Hill Drive. e) Stop control devices installed on all approaches of North Dublin Ranch Drive at Oak Bluff Lane. 4. The original Faithful Performance Bond issued by American Home Assurance Company (Bond No. 00-198-909) in the amoUnt of $5,554,100.00 be released; and 5. The original Performance Bond issued by American Home Assurance Company (Bond No. 00-222-941) in the amount of $4,000,000.00 be released; and 6. The original Labor and Material Bond issued by American Home Assurance Company (Bond No. ~00-198-909) in the amount of $2,777,050.00 be released; and 7. The original Labor and Material Bond issued by American Home Assurance Company (Bond No. 00-222-941) in the amount of $2,000,000.00 be released; and 8. The submitted Maintenance Bond issued by American Home Assurance Company in the amount of $1,388,525.00 (Bond No. 00-198-909-A) be accepted as security for the aforesaid one-year maintenance period, said period to commence on this date and terminate on the 1st day of June, 2005. 9. The submitted Maintenance Bond issued by Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland in the amount of $1,000,000.00 (Bond No. 08741713) be accepted as security for the aforesaid one-year maintenance period, said period to commence on this date and terminate on the 1 st day of June, 2005. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of June, 2004. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk GADEVELOP~)ublin RanchWIaster Tract Map 6925~resoacpt_6925.doc 2 O N. DUBLIN RANCH DR. I1- Z O ONE W/~¥  S. DUBLIN RANCH DR. DUBLIN BLVD. VICINITY MAP