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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.01 Draft CC 03-20-2004 MinA special joint meeting (Goals & Objectives Workshop) of thc Dublin City Council~ Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission~ Parks & Community Services Commission, and Planning Commission was held on Saturday~ March 20~ 20047 in the Regional Meeting Room of the DuSlin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m, by Mayor Lockhart. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers McCormick, Oravetz and Sbranti, and Mayor Lockhart Heritage & Cultural Arts Commissioners Acuff, Fasulkey, Lussie, Mack, Muetterties, Vonheeder~Leopold and White Parks & Community Services Commissioners Cain, Flores, Guarienti, Hildenbrand, Jones and Young Planning Commissioners Fasulkey, Jennings, King, and Machtmes ABSENT: Vice Mayor Zika and Planning Commissioner Nassar I. WELCOME Mayor Lockhart welcomed the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission, Parks & Community Services Commission, Planning Commission, Staff and members of the public to the Goals & Objectives WorkShop. Mayor Lockhart reviewed ground rules, indicating that the purpose of this meeting was to provide each Commission an opportunity to have a dialogue with the City Council related to those goals related to their respective area of responsibility. This information would assist City Council as they consider the City's 2004-2005 Goals & Objectives Program in April. The discussion at this meeting would be initially focused on those objectives in which the priority of the Commission differed from City Staff and any new objectives proposed by the Commission, as well as how thOse objectives related to the newly created 2004 Strategic Plan. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 ....... REGULAR MEETING ," March 20, 2004 .~ ~ ~ PAGE 119 ~ %~ . Each Councilmember gave a brief explanation as to why they believed the Strategic Plan to be an impor*,mat element in the City Goals & Objectives planning process. II. I-IERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION/DISCUSSION OF GOALS & OBJECTIVES Mayor Lockhart briefly reviewed the Strategic Plan as it related to Heritage & Cultural Arts programs. The Council and Commission discussed the proposed objectives for accomplishing each of the goals, focusing primarily on those goals in which the Staff and Commission rankings differed, as well as two additional objectives proposed by the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission. Goal #5: IDENTIFY A NEW CULTURAL ARTS SPECIAL EVENT TO REPLACE THE CLASSIC AFFAIR AT THE CIVIC CENTER. Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission Chair Vonheeder-Leopold advised that Staff had ranked this goal as a High Priority; however, the Commission had ranked it as Medium. The Commission felt that the program should be replaced; however, the focus should be on the. Heritage Center. The Commission suggested the Jazzmasters Workshop, listed as a High priority in Additional Objective # 16, to fill the void. Goal #16: (ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE) IDENTIFY FUNDING SOURCES TO OFFSET PROGRAM FEES FOR 2004 JAZZMASTERS WORKSHOP PROGRAM. Chair Vonheeder-Leopold advised that the Commission added this objective as a possible program to replace the Classic Affair. This music teaching program would enhance the School District's existing music program, would benefit more of the community than the Classic Affair, and would have a longer lasting affect on the community. Mayor Lockhart advised that the Jazzmasters Program got a good kick-start from Hacienda Child Fund donated $1,000. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2004 PAGE 120 Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor Theresa Yvonne confirmed that a $1,000 donation had been received. The rest of the funding would possibly come from a grant from Starbucks. The grant has been applied for; however, grant recipients would not be announced until May 2004. Because the Commission hoped to begin the program this summer, back-up funds from the City's Budget would need to be procured. If the grant was obtained, it would be used to repay the City for monies spent on the program. The Council and Commission also discussed the possibility of charging $100 per student to offset costs. Councilmember McCormick advised that Dublin Fine Arts Foundation had been discussing a possible interactive, demonstration-type Arts Fair in the spring, which would be another good program alternative to offer the community. A winter concert series at Old St. Raymond Church as also discussed. Goal # 17: (ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE) INVESTIGATE THE POSSIBILITY OF OBTAINING ACCREDITATION FOR THE HERITAGE CENTER THROUGH THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF MUSEUMS Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor Yvonne indicated that preliminary research indicated that it could take up to 10 years to become accredited. One major criterion that is not currently being met is the need to have full-time Staff at the Heritage Center. The Council and Commission discussed the issue and agreed that the goal for accreditation should still be pursued, and included in a future Goals & Objectives Program when there is the need for full-time Staff at the Heritage Center. Goal #10: WORK WITH BART TO INCORPORATE HIGH QUALITY ARTWORK AS PART OF THE WEST DUBLIN BART STATION PROJECT CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2004 PAGE 121 Councilmember McCormick noted that Staff gave this a Medium priority; however, the Commission ranked it as High. In her opinion, it was important that the County be advised of their Public Art responsibilities and expectations from the beginning. City Manager Richard Ambrose advised that Staff had listed it as a Medium priority because of tirning. Staff won't know until November there will be a station and the design process would not happen until later. If the project comes to fruition, the objective would come back as a High priority in next year's Goals & Objectives. Chair Vonheeder-Leopold advised that the Commission ranked this project as High so BART could be presented with numbers so they could budget from the beginning. The Commission felt that it was important to let the Developer know up from and right away what was expected from them. City Manager Ambrose stated that Staff could make certain that there was an art component in the fiscal analysis. The Council and Commission further discussed art at the BART Station, including the possibility of working with the Pleasanton Arts Council as it related to the Western Dublin BART Station. Goal # 11 EXPLORE WITH DHPA LAND/CEMETERY EXTENSION FEASIBILITY STUDY Mayor Lockhart noted that Staff had ranked this objective as Medium, whereas the Commission had ranked it as High. She advised that the Dublin Historic Preservation Association (DHPA) had indicated that a cemetery on their property would an appropriate public use. The Council and Commission discussed in length the growing need for cemetery space in the region, and the feasibility of expanding the existing cemetery to the DHPA property across the creek. Goal # 15 INVESTIGATE THE FEASIBILITY OF A PERFORMING ARTS CENTER CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2004 PAGE 122 Councilmember Sbranti noted that both Staff and the Commission recommended that this project be deleted, and advised that the High School was updating its Master Plan to accommodate growth and renovate the old buildings. The Master Plan Committee would be recommending performing arts facility at the High School, which would potentially serve both the needs of the school and of the larger community. He was bringing it to the attention of the Council and the Commission to get feedback as to the City's interest in participating in the program. The Council and Commission discussed the possibility and agreed that it would put the performing arts facility in the ream of multi-use and had the potential to serve the needs of the community. A partnership with the School District would make it cost effective. Councilmember Sbranti advised that he did not want to lose the concept in terms of the Goals & Objectives, and indicated that he may add, at the Council's Goals & Objectives Meeting, a new goal that would read "Investigate the feasibility of parmering with the Dublin School District to build a community theater as part of the refurbishment of the High School." The Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission thanked the City Council for their support. Mayor Lockhart called for a recess at 10:09 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 10:20 a.m. III. PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION/DISCUSSION OF GOALS & OBJECTIVES Mayor Lockhart reviewed the Strategic Plan as it related to Parks & Community Services programs. The Council and Commission discussed the proposed objectives for accomplishing each of the goals, focusing primarily on those goals in which the Staff and Commission rankings differed, as well as two additional objectives proposed by the Parks & Community Services Commission. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2004 PAGE 123 Goal #10: EXPLORE OPPORTUNITY TO USE DOUGHERTY HILLS OPEN SPACE ON AMADOR VALLEY BLVD AT STAGECOACH FOR DOG PARK Parks & Community Services Chair Hildenbrand advised that Staff had ranked this objective as Medium; however, the Cormnission ranked it as High. Although the Commission had some concerns regarding parking and site elevation, it agreed that the goal should be treated as a High priority because it had been on the list since 2001 and should be completed. Parks & Community Services Director Diane Lowart advised that Staff ranked this objective as Medium due to Staff time. Although, Staff had begun the process, they have not yet identified barriers. Parking may be a challenge, Mayor Lockhart advised she suggested the Dougherty Hills site because it did not have any direct residential interface. Most residents do not want a dog park in their neighborhood. Goal # 13 REPLACE EXISTING MARQUEE AT SHANNON COMMUNITY CENTER WITH AN ELECTRONIC MARQUEE Chair Hildenbrand advised that although Staff had ranked this objective as Medium, the Commission ranked this objective as Delete. The Commission recommended replacing this objective with Additional Objective # 19, "Develop plan for replacement of existing marquee at Shannon Community Center with an electronic marquee," and ranked it as Medium. The Commission advised that the re-worded objective would allow Staff to develop plans to give the City an actual cost of replacing the marquee and then allow for a community fundraising campaign to help offset costs. The Council and Commission discussed alternative or additional future locations for marquee signs and appropriate usage. Mayor Lockhart expressed concerns about having advertising on the sign. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2004 PAGE 124 The Commission advised that it envisioned the placement of a non-profit organization's logo on the sign to show sponsorship of the sign. The non-profits would also have air-time on the marquee to promote their upcoming events. It would basically be a community board. The Council and Commission discussed the need for a second sign at Emerald Glen Park, as well, and the possibility of adding it to the verbiage of the objective. Goal # 18 (ADDITIONAL) EXPLORE OPPORTUNITIES TO IMPROVE PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TO EMERALD GLEN PARK Chair Hildenbrand advised that she added this additional goal forward because pedestrian access to Emerald Glen Park is very limited. The goal would provide safe, pedestrian friendly access to the park's southern side from the neighborhoods to the west. Mayor Lockhart stated pedestrian access to the park was extremely critical, and this goal should be a high priority. The Commission congratulated Staff and the Council on an excellent Strategic Plan, including the Mission, Vision and Values Statements. Mayor Lockhart suggested putting the adopted Strategic Plan documents into the Recreation Guide to communicate the City's values and mission to the community. Mayor Lockhart called for a short recess at 11:09 a.m., and reconvened the meeting at 11:20 a.m. IV. PLANNING COMMISSION/DISCUSSION OF GOALS & OBJECTIVES Mayor Lockhart stated that the wording in the Mission Statement was awkward and needed to be reworded. The Council and Commission discussed the current wording and agreed that the statement should read, "The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2004 PAGE 125 quality of life that ensures a safe and secure environment, fosters new opportunities and provides responsible services for the entire community." City Manager Ambrose advised that the Council would have the opportunity to fine-me and adopt the document at its April 19th Goals & Objectives meeting. Mayor Lockhart and Council reviewed, at length, all six strategies in the Strategic Plan, especially as it related to Planning Commission projects. The Council and Commission discussed the proposed objectives for accomplishing each of the goals, focusing primarily on those few goals in which the Staff and Commission rankings differed. Goal # 20: UPDATE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN Planning Commission Chair Fasulkey advised that the Commission felt this should be a High priority because there were so many huge projects, including Goal #8, "Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area General Plan Amendment," which would really affect the General Plan. The General Plan should be totally updated with all of the amendments incorporated into one document. Community Development Director Eddie Peabody outlined the process of updating a General Plan, which could take up to three years. The General Plan was up-to-date in terms of all the Specific Plans and amendments that have taken place over the past ten years. Dublin is a specific plan City and the specific plans are referenced in the General Plan. The Council, Commission and Staff discussed the issue at length. Councilmember Sbranti suggested that a joint Planning Commission/City Council workshop be held to educate everyone as to the process of the General Plan and all of the Commissions concerns would be addressed. Mayor Lockhart agreed that a joint workshop would be a good idea. Goal # 19 INVESTIGATE OPTIONS FOR SHAMROCK VILLAGE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2004 PAGE 126 Chair Fasulkey advised that although Staff had ranked this goal as Medium, the Commission had ranked this goal as High because it felt it was important to begin redevelopment in western Dublin. Mayor Lockhart advised that the whole Downtown area was a top strategy to make improvements wherever possible. City Manager Ambrose advised that Dublin did not qualify for a Redevelopment Agency, so up to private investment to make many improvements. The Council, Staff and Commission discussed the plans for the Downtown area. Goal #21 DEVELOP CITY TELECOMMUNICATION POLICY BEYOND ZONING ORDINANCE FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Chair Fasulkey advised Staff had ranked this goal as Medium and the Commission had ranked it as High. He stated that the City was currently making mistakes in the installation of wireless communications and outlined how the City could correct mistakes and do a better job in the future. There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Lockhart thanked the Commissioners and Staff for their participation, and adjourned the meeting at 12:31 p.m. to the next regularly Scheduled City Council meeting to be held Tuesday, April 6, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin. Meeting minutes taken and prepared by Fawn Holman, Deputy City Clerk. Mayor ATFEST: City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 23 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2004 PAGE 127