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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.06 NoParkingDublinBlvd CITY CLERK 'AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 20, 2004 SUBJECT: Approve "No Parking" Zone on Eastbound Dublin Boulevard East of Civic Plaza Report Prepared by: Melissa Morton, Acting Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution 2) Location Diagram RECOMMENDATION: ~Adopt Resolution approving a 125-foot "No Parking" zone on  eastbound Dublin Boulevard east of Civic Plaza FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Sufficient funds are budgeted in the Street Maintenance Operating Budget to cover the minor cost of 125 feet of red curb. DESCRIPTION: The Dublin Boulevard widening project between Village Parkway and Sierra Court/Civic Plaza is nearly complete. As part of the widening project, a merge lane was created on eastbound Dublin Boulevard east of Civic Plaza to accommodate the third lane that was added in this direction west of Civic Plaza. In order to operate this lane merge safely, parking must be prohibited within the entire merge area. A 109-foot red curb currently exists on the south side of Dublin Boulevard immediately east of Civic Plaza, as shown on Attachment 2. This red curb should be extended by an additional 125 feet, for a total of 234 feet from the southeasterly comer of the intersection, to accommodate traffic flow safely through the merge area. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution approving a 125-foot "No Parking" zone on eastbound Dublin Boulevard east of Civic Plaza. COPIES TO: 4~ G:L4GENMISC,agstadublinnoparking. doc [ ~O1 ITEM NO. RESOLUTION NO. - 04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING NO PARKING ZONE ON EASTBOUND DUBLIN BOULEVARD EAST OF CIVIC PLAZA The City Council of the City o£Dublin hereby resolves as follows: Section 1: Pursuant to City of Dublin Municipal Code Section 6.04.250, and in the interest of public safety, parking is prohibited on the southerly curbline of Dublin Boulevard, from a point 8feet east of the prolongation of the easterly curbline of Civic Plaza, easterly a distance of 234 feet. Section 2. Said No Parking Zone shall be added to Section 6.28.010 of the City of Dublin Traffic Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of January, 2004. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G : IA GENMISCIreso dublin no parking, doc · i i ~- ~.~ :~..~, _~ _j ~; . · -... ~ V~l~ o~ ~ / aMto 9q~/SN*I w~[ Z~ 'gS~ ~ I INSTALL SION STA 13+04