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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.04 DubRchAnnex99-1 CITY CLERK File # D[2][6J[Q]-[2][Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 6, 2005 SUBJECT: Ann~xalion of Dublin Ranch Ar~as B, C, F & II to the Dublin Ranch Street Lighting Maintenanc~ Assessmcnt District No. 99-1 Report Prepared by: Melissa Morton. Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: I) Resolution Ordering Anncxation of Dublin Ranch Arcas li, C, F & II to th~ Duhlin Ranch Street Lighting Maintenancc Asscssmcnt District No. 99-1. 2) Dublin Ranch Strcct Lighting Maintenance Asscssment District No. 99-1 Boundary Map. 3) Landowners Petition & Consent to Annexation to City of Duhlin Landscape Maint~nance District 99-1 RECOMMENDATION~. ~oPt resolution Ordering Annexation of Dublin Ranch Areas B, C, F & H to the Dublin Ranch Str~et Lighting Maintenance Assessment District No. 99-1. }'INANCIAL STATEMENT: Thc Engineer's Report for Fiscal Year 2005-06 provides for an assessmcnt of $21.10 per 101. The maximum assessment al10wcd by the District for 2005 is $41.17 per lot. This amount is adjusted for annual1y tòr inflation. DESCRIPTION: Th~ Duhlin Ranch Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District No. 99·) (the "District") funds th~ e1~ctric energy, maintenanc~, and repair costs associated with thc d~corative street lighting within Dublin Ranch. This assessment district was ¡òrmed in 1999 at the request of the developers in Phase 1 of Dublin Ranch. Wh~n the District was creat~d, it was intended that as additional land within Dublin Ranch developed, the new t~rritory would be annex~d to the District and would be subject to th~ assessment. The City annexed to th~ District the Clifden Parc (Tract 7067) dcvelopment in 2000 and Dublin Ranch Areas A and G in 2001. The cutrent Resolution will annex all the remaining arca of Dublin Ranch (Ar~as B, C, F & H) to thc District. The propcrty owners of Dublin Ranch Areas B, C, F & II have submitted pctitions requ~sting and cons~nting to the annexation of their Properties to the District. The property owner's petitions waiv~d the rcsolutions, reports, notices of public hearing, and the right of majority protest oth~rwìse requircd by the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 ft,r annexation to the District. A list of the property owners and their property description is contained in Exhibj t A 0 f the Rcsolution. Staff recommends that th~ City Council adopt the resolution Ordering Annexation of Dublin Ranch Areas B, C, F & H to thc Dublin Ranch Str~et Lighting Maintcnance Assessment District No. 99-1 _____________~______________________~____________w_____________ COPIES TO: Property owners \~\ ITEMNO.~ g:\dt::vt:lûp\dublin fanc:h\lighting l11aintcnançç dí~tri¡;l\agenda statemt:llt.duc ¡~z't RESOLUTION NO. _- 05 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF DUBLIN RANCH AREAS B, C, F & H TO THE DUBLIN RANCH STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 99-1 RECITALS 1. At the reqll<Jst oflhe dcvelopcrs of Phase 1 of the Dublin Ranch development, the City fom1ed the Dublin Ranch Street Lighting Maintenancc Assessment District No. 99 1 ("the District") in 1999. 2_ The District funds the electric energy, maintcnance, and repair costs assoeiated with the decorative street lighting within the Dublin Ranch dcvclopment. 3. When the District was crcatcd, it was intended that as additional1al1d within Duhlin Ranch deve1opcd, it would be annexed to the District and thc ncw territory would he subjcct to the assessment, and, accordingly, in 2001, the City anncxcd Dublin Ranch Areas A and G to the District, which bccame suhj ect to thc asscssment. 4_ In 2005, thc property owners of Dublin Ranch Areas B, C, F & H havc submitted petitions requcsting and consenting to the ann~xalion ol'thcir Properties described in Exhibit A to the District. 5. The property owncr's pctitions waived the resolutions, rcports, notices of public hcaring, and the right of majority protest otherwise required by the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 for annexation to th~ District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dublin as {allows: A, Thc City Council hereby confirms thc annexation of the land dcscribed on the attached Exhibit A to the Dublin Ranch Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District No. 99-1. The Assessment Diagram for the District shall bc amended accordingly. B. The territory annexed hcrcby shall be subject to the asscssment set forth in thc Engineer's Report prepared for thc District's fiscal year 2006-2007 annual assessment. Tn no cvent shall the annual per"lot asscssment exceed the maximum amount authorized by the Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Enginccr's Rcport for the Districl. 1 /;2-w-OS 4·1 ATTAUIlMENT 1.. ;1.1J "2 'if PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of Deccmbcr, 2005. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G:I,DEVELOP\Dublin Ranch\Lighiing M'ljnt~n¡ m;~ Dimi(;[\Rc;o AtmC:'Œtion Li¡>;ht M¡¡lnl ]h~t LJI( Areas. B. C, F & H.DOC 2 31;2 Z EXHIBIT A PROPERTIES TO BE ANNEXED TO THE DUBLIN RANCH STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 99-1 Property Parcels 2, 5, 7, 8,9,10,11,12, I3, 14,15, 16, 17 & 18 - as shown on Final Map of Tract 7281, Illed September 3,2004, Map Book 277, Pages 82-87, Alameda County Records Parcel 3 - as shown on Final Map of Tract 728I, filed September 3, 2004, Map Book 277, Pages 82-87, Alameda County Records (Tract 7282) Parcel 4 - as shown On Final Map of Tract 7281, fil~d Septembcr 3, 2004, Map Book 277, Pages 82-87, Alameda County Records (Tract 7283) Parcel 6 - as shown on Final Map of Tract 7281, Illed Scptember 3, 2004, Map Book 277, Pages 82-87, Alam~da County Records (Tract 7641) Lot I - as shown on Final Map of Tract 7453, fil~d November 2,2003, Map Book 273, Pages 52-56, Alameda County Records Lot 2 - as shown on Final Map of Tract 7453, filed Novcmbcr 2, 2003, Map Book 273, Pagcs 52-56, Alameda County Records Lots 3 and 4 - as shown on final Map of Tract 7453, filed Novcmbcr 2, 2003, Map Book 273, Pagcs 52-56, Alameda County Rccords Parcels 1, 2 & 3 - as shown on Parcel Map 8640, filed November 10, 2005, Map Book 286, Pages 7 - 8, Alamcda County Records Owner Chang Su-O Lin, Hong Yao Lin, and Hong Lein Lin Standard Pacific Corporation Pulte Homc Corporation Toll BrotheTs, Inc, Duhlin Ranch Senior Apartmcnts, LP Fairway family Community, LP Chang Su-O Lin, Hong Yao Lin, and Hong Lein Lin Chang Su-O Lin, Hong Yao Lin, and Hong Lcin Lin mIBlT  i Q tÁe Ï(UO/ut':-JO)f m~...--,~""~r"eJ"7 4ft'·· ! ;,.;;;,¡¡, 1100 j' ! -, I .1 $ i I [ I \ I \ _~~L I!'I ~',_ I i )'¡¡'ItllI9m·-....' !'l1r¡¡.'rl~'" Lo"" ftl!:lt"!!L.: """'·IJo\r't1<'Io!I.~·: I ~(;;: iI ii ~=-¡ [ .~~r/nw~ --" =~!~;~~~ lr-:=~- -- ;~::-"=~J ~R~A -~C_ ~ LAND ¡ ~ Iß _"W~!.OO", c¡;jMpANY C ~ !M(IT,II.r^,lT) I PAACEl.1 I I ~I~~'¡ m,~'-_ ..",¡, ,,!:M.~ J ..............~ "''''~;,::~~", (_n 1_ - ~-:.-~ ~ - pU.LlN l"«:'~- :r;:--1(~~~--'-~ ~::~~ ~~-~;~~~,.':~~::~" 1..aT1 AREA 8 r' ~:=~~~<~{~~ \ ktir4,'~.IIU:J'~ LAND I DUsLIN RANcH -~.........._---=--¡ - ~ ~~---~- ~ ~~M!~~/ JAR D'~~~~PAF¡ŒL 2 I ~ Pl,Rc.tL 1 . I'AJl!t~, ~ ! .____ 'jl' I -,'" -n_·__n_,._ n~:;-r. ,¡~" ,..""'..~ ....- "nliiJ' ,,_ ar",!!,,,, NIIIi'./'!""'.;¡¡',;~u "flT~.~ r.¡ 'JiI"~(I"t I) 00' NØ~¡ql!¡ '100" j T " '00' '", 1IIIoI'!1']I·[I~,¡I·--- """'-'11 ''',I~' _. ' ,.,,,.¡..,:r'11'k~·\:1¡~ ".1111' ~.I"¡~'¡T 1,_i~1 1IM"1'l!'· 1'J;- ~iI¡ __1'·...! n.i~ 1r"W¡';;;:' I'IIII''II'I!~ IIAJ .4:rU'¡¡-. II.I~~S i~ . Lj z.Z :ß:þ.~,. ,,"'- t5' / ;TJit. r.""" "n , , , \ \ ,"~IfW-' .. '\ ¡9~ " j \\ /J" ~,.~~ij ~"--....¡¡;'¡I9" 6.'\' ."¡t l.'~'.lr --_111<'''''' ~"., .J,III"I"IJI)I,·I1!.o' ,T' '1 -. ......' "7~1 DUBLIN fÇANCH i4l'4I7r[ t1I ¡¡ AREA A ~1IlnJ"·n J:I!I!ii:[::m!i (.,¡::,~m/lolnlJlt~"i ~ ~~~~. IMWðol'~(oI'f,If \.''''-I~ IdI'J.!'JI"I1OOfIO' ~ m;¡,¡o¡¡¡¡ ·".~,~._,w., -- --- 1"-4IIO'A-1I'1 '00"!.-J~lr ..- _lrJi!:¡ r .10000~,~¡(IlII¡I L"III,lr !1I!I'~!1'¡uro.j'L·' UI ........ "'1I'.HI'wIJl/!III" , . I ~I<III~ r<¡'r"',rr 11I,1~ rlii:,Wij j..~NI~JIr1I'[~~11'1" ( /~I"'''·d'1I'¡'· __\. ........-:1«I1'J]'JI'II~jr 1II'ltl9.7r ,...1'''-*1,1.-'' ~!imN'~ -!I",Jð'J'1"I ,~· 1IDJ'1.'lnlft«l' l:rllll,?! "1I',,~1. ,1,).. ~~~~!Ir lq.I''''''t.,....,' Jr~ ·m III!<!:IDJ ~m~L 11_. III!i/iUillI P¡l.f!~EL II DUBLJN RANcH AREA B ~F'AII('.R 1~ .~/~. , I ~ ~ ~ i ~.HI)-:\J.I':" la "'-¡'lInn:l1IlIr / ~- - ,~....;~/"" ~~_'J~~",// , ." DusLlN RANC~! AREÄ C 'I/In!I"!!I'o ~,'r , Jk..,.InI'1II'~'·I""" '. .............1I.'i)'1WJ¡"¡II\1J11' . ·-..-~¡õ.¡TJð'lTJi¡,ij"-··--·~·--,.c~m;,· DUBLIN RANCH STREET LIGHTING MNNTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 99-1 OEÇ[M8lR 2005 ATTAUIDIENT 2,. '5 'bz 't LANDOWNER PETITION & CONSENT TO ANNEXATION TO CITY OF DUBLIN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 99·1 (DUBLIN RANCH STREETLlGHr MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) (Pun;¡uant tò the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972) 1) The undersigned are the owners of the lands ("the Property") shown in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2) The undersigned hereby requests and consents to the annexation of the Property to the existing Dublin Ranch Street LightMaintenance Assessment District formed to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 (Sections 22500 and following, California Streets and Highways Code) for the purpose of providing the following improvements: - The maintenance, operation, repair and· replacement of all public street lighting facilities within public streets and within public easements within private streets as further described in the Engineer's Report for City of Dublin Landscape Maintenance Assessment District 99-1 ("the District"). 3) The undersigned hereby understand that: a. The cost and expenses of the annual servicing, operation andlor maintenance will be charged to the land, which benefits therefrom, including our land. b, An engineer's report will be prepared for the project which will contain a description of the services proposed to be financed through the levy of assessments, a .cost estimate for the services to be provided, a description of each lot or parcel of property proposed to be subject to the landscaping and lighting assessment, the amount of the proposed assessment for each lot or parcel, and the basis and schedule of the assessment. . . . c. The cost of the engineering, legal, and other incidental fees and expense will be included in the project cost to be shown in the above report. d. Each property Owner will pay an annual assessment f()r the servicing, operation andlor maintenance of the public improvements referenced herein, the same to be set annually by the City Council by resolution or ordinance. e. The cost of the annual servicing, operation and maintenànce of said public improvements, together with the incidental expenses of said proceedings, will be assessed upon the district benefited thereby, the exterior boundaries of which are described as the exterior boundaries of the composite and consolidated area of áll parcels of property more particularly shown on a map attached as Exhibit B. J.../N;::¡ ATrAUlDfENT J.O · LotfJ2~ 4) The undersigned hereby waive the resolutions, report, notices of public hearing, and the right of majority protest otherwise required by the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 for annexation to the District. 5) In the event of the termination of these proceedings after the proceedings have been instituted but prior to completion, the undersigned will reimburse the City for any sums incurred or advanced by City up to said time for any costs incurred in the conduct of said proceedings including, without limitation, costs for engineering, legal or other services, or pay said items directly to the parties furnishing the same. ER Lin, Hong Yao Lin, and Hong Lein Un DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY As shown on attached Exhibit A By: \ \ Dated: //-:z.... "-.<><N Its: ~._,-~ ~'..~-._..~~- Assessor Parcel No. 11j$ EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Parcels 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,15, 16, 17 & 18 - as shown on Final Map ofTract 7281, filed September 3, 2004, Map Book 277, Pages 82-87, Alameda County Records, and Lots 3 and 4 - as shown on Final Map of Tract 7453, filed November 2, 2003, Map Book 273, Pages 52- 56, Alameda County Records, and Parcels 1, 2 & 3 - as shown on Parcel Map 8640, filed Noll ID , 2005, Map Book 'Z B"- ,Pages ..l-:!L, Alameda County Records EXHIBIT A· tv Ar71'/IuIn'lG/l.l'r 3 . LI IV.. 15 2.'t ' j T 0' 300' 6"" 1100' """ÇIIf~I'L ,~ ~_' 1o)'11"1'[ 'I!~'- ~.,,~ lIo'rl~"· !,o)' ',1- MI!:I:t"/.'1.... ."""ð.'T""'1011,"""¡ -if <' "I i ;¡!}tmtty /::: ,..--~¡¡;.f,'~.''-¡''ZII'L.'j1'T -",".~ . ."",. "-.... /... -h~r~ '....', "'¡.>."'._ , "I.,JI.I, .' \ \ }ij ' ¡' "~"" .V " j(;'J \\ / _'¡nl~II.]I·~ 1m'¡·"t['''IJIT~_ '"'11" /,o'J'I2'I~ L.~' '!Utl' ..1111' ,...,,.,,',1" L·.III~I F'.IlII:EL, '....,,~«~... "'"'è" \' "Æìl,¡" :---.. "''''''~' ~::. :-::~~ \{j_r~CEL)1 ¡, . ~ !Ii I ..-I-tæ.' I.-, 'I'IJO"OO' ""~,I~ ·~JJI"Z(l ¡!)\I" ¡m¡¡¡:¡¡¡¡¡1~.::::~""O..~': , tel' .. ' II.I ,¡ ]W¡"III.I~ ...IIÐ'!l.J_IJI!L_I!.\,~· -"""'" ~, .,,¡'1J'Jr~ II)!III' 1OJII'J3"S""IIII,or N¡~¡I' ¡"! I J,'" N¡~II'¡"! IT¡lr r~i'i~ ~""""J! "['~ ( /,~I ,.,¡tw ¡I',]'" ..... .--..¡-¡¡'3o"W,.l;, \....·.:<_,¡¡~....'llI"iI j .1¡' "'~.... "',. ~N¡~lr1l"W~,1!J oIIr"',r.~' ,v,Mr.,,:"';I· J''"lt!I _ 1tII'5I'lnIBI,~ ~I~""¡'W I' ,~' _WwðllJ NJ!I'. .t~ O¡!,"" ¡i~f/"" "'!I""lf"IA\O)" , , ¡ .. ~:~~J'~' \ P4RCEl~!,! y~:~ ~"-l"·"~-""/<;::---rf ['"DU~=~-:(=-"~= ~NCH\\~\A"éA F l.Þ.ND v II PAACEL 6 _ ~ cDMpANY I "PAR~EL 7 INQT/\'Þ.IITJ ! I , ) I .._/--=___ Lól ~ ~""=-=::-'ì! "~~::~;t"J~~;;~:~:::1 ~ / -<;:> ~ I ------ ---.- WI4 j DUBLIN I lAND ¡ rl-'II1~lrw IIN cDMpANY I II I'ocfL 2 I '"--,,"~i~,r, ,~Ii' "~..^~'! -. , WAA'" ~AA:::'J i OU"~~~AgCH /L::~~:;; ··--'iiUJi-l._I_.._ "(f:rira~r NIIIII'~i)¡]"' ,00.Ilol_ ' . ....._ "I.~..f¡ '"_U_n. '---I:1C .._ ... .~" "II!I'Z'I'I"i ,4111 ~n_.. r- -. - -,--"_.._.._",,,._.._..__.~ ¿'.j¡¡,W" HI'I'I~al'! I)~IIJ '!lr1~¡ ~:~:~r liII ~"i!.~~W'lu~ ~r" . ,,'!r L EXHIBIT -- '~1I""a'! l~H¡_ .::;~JIll~ ~'t·",- 'IIIII'I¡'aT(~!II'__. -----IUIl1'(¡,Ul'- D~]I'~ '¡'JI" KLI!!",," ¡1,¡Jj" ~ , ~ , "".'~.',(IJ'_.~ P."J'tr.:ELfI DUBLJN RANCH AREA B -,PNlÇ(l1J ¡ '---'-..-..- 1II¡~'n..'tzr¡1"-_ ",I'II';'((¡'¡'¡,' ~1IJ')1'¡'''¡ I!lill' __ ..~,,~. )1,11' , /<>~*:~~,~ . / "" DUsLlN RANC;;H AREA a -_m__ , "B" [)UBIIN RANCII 5lRŒT liGHTiNG MAINTENANCE DlSrRlCI NO. 99-1 nl:"rnlDI:"O "''',' EXIIIBIT ~ i 0 1lT7'ffCJ(-mEfi./r 3 - I- 111/.. LANDOWNER PETITION & CONSENT TO ANNEXATION TO Cf.'1J2ß CITY OF DUBLIN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 99-1 (DUBLIN RANCH STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) (Pursuant tò the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972) 1) The undersigned are the owners of the lands (''the Property") shown in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. . 2) The undersigned hereby requests and consents to the annexation of the Property to the existing Dublin Ranch Street LightMaintenance Assessment DistriCt formed to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 (Sections 22500 and following, California Streets and Highways Code) for the purpose of providing the following improvements: . The maintenance, operation, repair and replacement of all public street lighting facilities within public street!=.¡ and within public easements within private streets as further described in the Engineer's Report for City of Dublin Landscaþe Maintenance Assessment District99-1 ("the District"). 3) The undersigned hereby understand that: a. The cost and expenses of the annual servicing, operation andlor maintenance will be charged to the land, which benefits therefrom, including our land. b. An engineer's report will be prepared for the project which will contain a description of the services proposed to be financed through the levy of assessments, a cost estimate for the services to be provided, a description of each lot or parcel of property proposed to be subject to the landscaping and lighting assessment, the amount of the proposed assessment for each lot or parcel, and .the basis and schedule of the assessment. . C. The cost of the engineering, legal, and other incidental fees and expense will be included in the project cost to be shown in the above report. . d. Each property Owner will pay an annual assessment for the servicing, operation and/or maintenance of the public improvements referenced herein, the same to be set annually by the City Council by resolution or ordinance. e. The cost of the annual servicing, operation and maintenance of said public improvements, together with the incidental expenses of said proceedings, will be assessed upon the district benefited thereby, the exterior boundaries of which are described as the exterior boundaries of the composite and consolidated area of all parcels of property more particularly shown on a map attached as Exhibit B. 5 T"I-¡vLJ~ fflc#t¡ ATTACHMENT 3.' \O~ 2. Z 4) The undersigned hereby waive the resolutions, report, notices of public hearing, and the right of majority protest otherwise required by the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 for annexation to the District. 5) In the event of the termination of these proceedings after the proceedings have been instituted but prior to completion, the undersigned will reimburse the City for any sums incurred or advanced by City up to said time for any costs incurred in the conduct of said proceedings including, without limitation, costs for engineering, legal or other services, or pay said items directly to the parties furnishing the same. LANDOWNER Standard Pacific Corp., a Delaware Corporation DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY As shown on attached Exhibit A By: ýc-./! (/~/ / Its:ïLJA~.-f H,J- Dated: lLl~JJ? Assessor Parcel No, EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 1/ 'bl.$ Parcel 3 - as shown on Final Map of Tract 7281, filed September 3,2004, Map Book 277, Pages 82-87, Alameda County Records (Tract 7282) mmlT Ii. it> ArrÆcHmeNr .3. ~~ ~ J T 0' ,_..., 600' '"" .",wui'"I,,,",:';'·· _¡'·I(!'ll~.II i.,'~' a-Ir'~,.· I .'.UJ_ ~~"1~ i,oJ 1I..'~lr,.. "1Iõ:!.II" ""',,",t.r':j¡ I.J¡ HÐt¡;I~~¡r~¡W','~- ~"., ,,:::;p~;,~,~,;::;: 1O\J"11t),"W".,¡"_ -~~~ , t rtII~.I'IIi~ 11","_.. HI¡~'n"lZIJ~ ",..".;t"(,.". rtIIJ'n'J(FE-__ "f'I'~". In,' NW'J1'lln!I&'/!' , ,¡ ~""¡I'~¡11,J. ,""Wf,1..j:\'_ I<'J~"T'!' 1I,~r'_ HIJ'~¡' J"W JI. '!' ~! , _4!' J"~II&!.II'_ , , ~ ¡ 12. 2-$ 1:,~ "!III'~J·M·. ,~ ¡¡¡¡' ~4Y··"-'! iIiiriin" I( i ¡ i 12(10' ! : ¡ I ~~ Ii ·1 i ~ ¡ ~In or ~ \ ~Lt.A~tf7¡)N i \ i \ ! . ! Ær.~!" ,;;,;.g¡ ,r-;r~r,r"",¡,,¡6' ",,11,17 , _ / _'!!M.: _ :-1'£ /.~ft4W,4 ',', ~¡¡¡'lI.oOII'œ~r(.m.,! ../ \\ """''' ì ..~ /¥ \ \ .1Mt",~IM' r:r-,"';~r if \, {. / pUBLlN RANCH AREA A rw;.,ii~ i-.-..¡¡t!l'""II"['I!.!.II' , HI!I'; '¡,~ I:IIt¡;" V .------...rJ~N.IVII. " l..-:" roi...o1'"r.\j ,¡¡' "'r..··"," 1¡~II·¡Tf~ _oJ '''¡',UiDW ':U ~Jn\ ,¡J z4.'III"r,\;,00' -~! 'j I, _,,,,,,i.'~I:>I _,Hl'oIi"UII,¡r r<IHi, ,.IU.I~ '~ 'ZO"~ I~?' ~¡:'/"R" rm;¡[]jJJ} ¡ ~ ,I r....,C2:~ ]..- ~ --:I:~~--= r::D~:=~l~-~-~-~= AANCH\~AR,^ f" II C~~~XNY I) 'AA"" ;~ If>lar II ~ART) I: L__~._--.JL".___~ ____ ~.~~~._~" I[ "c:~~:l~"~~':}(~~:r:~~--~~~-~J~~~:~"! :¿>~;;~~iA'~::\ >0- '"00 A "m II '="';i...,1! RANCH 7 I .-.:=. I ! ' I , "'fooooo-h I // l ." _! L_.._Jl::~·;_/AT~-'¡?¿;"(,c:::~ u= \ /;::-/. II ~ ¡-"----"T ----::.:; :_--..:..~-:::~ ~- CO; , l _ -':/ , ¡i JJ;:^~bN j DUsLlN RA~~~- = - - / "" Il~"..". COMPANY i AR H ~AF!ÇU ~ I "- N&1WIU ¡~ l¡'¡c(A~ART) : IP/,/!¡;t~ I OI,Jr3LIN RANCH rJ.-~~~i'-'¡ J I>ARÇÜ , PMCEl. ~ J! AREJ\ C ~~:j:I~lt:I:¡' '--"ìfJrJ~, ~. f:~(ll~r _~¡!I"t'''''1IoI ' ....'. :!!Ir -.-- --,." .-- -I..(:rt: _....,..."'" k r·, ..~ y-n_n r- _n ~'-"-"-"~''m.._.._.._.. f::i;;JP- t.11'1."'!I\<.11 ''''ifl~~~;~'r'lw "1'i'w ...." . 'II' . ., . ",. EXHIBIT PARCEL I mMm :( " -,!"~Iy!!'¡ -, fi1lj, ~J"""", ~'~4i~ p,I,}IC~L I~ li{-IW!~'L 11 ,Ii I ~ f'.IJ'!C(L ~ DUBLIN RANcH AREA B II!'illjjj) P~C[L7 "--f'.IitCELjJ -- f:~!t "BH DUBLIN RANCH STREET LIGHTING M~NT[NANC[ DISTRICT NO. 99-' "r-,-,..-................ mIBlT ~ ìf,l(rrACHn'/ëNT .;, - ~~f~te/) LANDOWNER PETITION ~ CONSENT TO ANNEXATION TO 1'3~LJ CITY OF DUBLIN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 99-1 (DUBLIN RANCH STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) (Pur!;luant to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of1972) 1) The undersigned are the owners of the lands ("the Property") shown in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. . 2) The undersigned hereby requests and consents to the annexation of the Property to the existing Dublin Ranch Street Light Maintenance Assessment District formed to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 (Sections 22500 and following, California Streets and Highways Code) for the purpose of providing the following improvements: . The maintenance, operation, repair and replacement of all public street lighting facilities within public streets and within public easements within private streets as further described in the Engineer's Report for City of Dublin Landscaþe Maintenance Assessment District99-1 ("the District"). 3) The undersigned hereby understand that: a. The cost and expenses of the annual servicing, operation andlor maintenance will be charged to the land, which benefits therefrom, including our land. b, An engineer's report will be prepared for the project which will contain a description of the services proposed to be financed through the levy of assessments, a cost estimate for the services to be provided, a description of each lot or parcel of property proposed to be subject to the landscaping and lighting assessment, the amount of the proposed assessment for each lot or parcel, and the basis and schedule of the assessment. . . c. The cost of the engineering , legal, and other incidental fees and expense will be included in the project cost to be shown in the above report, d. Each property Owner will pay an annual assessment for the servicing, operation andlor maintenance of the public improvements referenced herein, the same to be set annually by the City Council by resolution or ordinance. (;:. The cost of the annual servicing, operation and maintenance of said public improvements, together with the incidental expenses of said proceedings, will be assessed upon the district benefited thereby, the exterior boundaries of which are described as the exterior boundaries of the composite and consolidated area of all parcels of property more particularly shown on a map attached as Exhibit B. f(Al-n=, ATTACmNT 3.2. I Lf~ 2$ 4) The undersigned hereby waive the resolutions, report, notices of public hearing, and the right of majority protest otherwise required by the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 for annexation to the District. 5) I n the event of the termination of these proceedings after the proceedings have been instituted but prior to completion, the undersigned will reimburse the City for any sums incurred or advanced by City up to said time for any costs incurred in the conduct of said proceedings including, without limitation, costs for engineering, legal or other services, or pay said items directly to the parties furnishing the same. LANDOWNER Pulte Home Corp., a Michigan Corporation DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY As shown on attached Exhibit A BY~~ -> Its: Ar¡-'OfZ.N~ -t.V\- ç::A.."..,- Dated: {1-21-05 Assessor Parcel No. EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 16" 1J2Z Parcel 4 - as shown on Final Map of Tract 7281 , filed September 3,2004, Map Book 277, Pages 82-87, Alameda County Records (Tract7283) mIBlT 14. 1'0 A 7T~FItn&I/T .3 - Pt-u-rl!. J T " 600' '00' ,W'I]j;1!f"1 ,~,¡¡;. ·(I.)'Z'·'t!'I!""¡ ...,,~' ¡.,r,,',,· I,.¡¡'¡J'_ ~'!"!L: ',N ..Ir,!..,." I.) ,~" . ..\:T,r¡'¡ '1IO.!1' ~ ~1IJ'¡fln 11100 i-IJJ'I.'J'I¡'I~t~~ ~··OI!·"·I ' ,.¡t(·m' ""n~~~i ¡¡¡,J) "~~~~ji'f~J,W~·· ~~m.\,~~~7,- -","'''"''''¡''- t¡;J'.!~~¡I , r· , , , , """.¡,,~. ~OO·_. '«I1'1~~1: 2'1,11'-_ "'II"r L'!¡~¡!'_ "'JJ"H',",'t',¡¡;;:-__ .'J'I'-¡;~. 1121 ....,,;~. ,',Ir:I'_ h ~oð' '~¡T/i;'" '¡;;:-;,~':5,,'_)~'!W ~r'IJ';r. I~; · .u'~"Jr. ¡'.I~' ~. f':.l . üII~'MI'~1I14d~'· I (¡¡ 2'6 ,~'- . Il/Ol'.15'.... I~~¡OO ~~}'..-- ,I ì:riiriñ'. i( i ",·1 ! I!m:!mI , ! .1 £ ' ~ ! i ¡. ì ! .. #::';11iI;" ,,""~ t6 ,/ B.:" /,........,.,'..... " .....' .-v_ I' \\ \ \ \ \ / "~r~.."""' ( . . DUBLIN RANCH .1(1".......\ "',i·1 ARtÅ A ~..-'.";I'iJ.!II"t WI .~tr....'t:WOO"L_IÐUI' -\.-~1IO,00' ·_1I-1~'¡". ·'1II1fl-,1II",' _~~",.. ~~n<r i"iWi' '~_'_.'f'~"1"'~ ,....". ( /",!,L!i1fw¡,,¡, '"'\. /~,--I I~JJ']tw I?~ I· J. _-IIOI'oIII'llI'wIII,lr IIrÜ'¡¡;.ØI)..I' '¡rll'JiO)H,' ·~:¡ "1'tW ~!l) _~ ¡'!~,f. ~Hr ~"i'ln I!MY 1'I!!IT]jj ).. 'I " ¡! I ~lnIOI.7~ 1II1I',,··t·.,'"' =' ·Wð!.IJ !¡,..,.~w O¡!,,,· ~itt/" mm:Jjjj !{J _.,.1"...... ..'~'j!::::" r::~,tt~~ ··-~ELla .~-'PNICEL 17 " " Ii I M~, I - .... '.",",[- p~~~f~ _ _ __ , - . - PARCEl. 12 ..~_____-:::~_ ~-~ ';;·:"ø:e'L4 PIJII;tLI!....... r L coMf'ANY '" em I/'IOT" MIlT) II pMCEl.7 ( 'I _._..--.J'-._ r w:J[1~r'K:=- _-¡ L___.._.Jl~_~ARJi;,·,Oj;-=""",-"=::-, ~ I ,'- D~~~6N "ì --~~~~~~~~_.._J: ~..:--~- .. , l.____ cOMPANY i AR P,l,llCEL 2 lr1c1 A ~ARn i J ¡:'~Rç:(1;!t~-'!i __._.___ _~l¡:lráp( W'w¡n'oo~'_ ! 'tii1~~;o;.i;T¡''' ~,,_. ~ .¿ ",,~I_¡ 11<,11'" w¡nr¡;T.''',;'~·- .¡r.rY¡'~. .-"'""'¡¡~~¡:~;,¡,-:-"_.-~'-- ~j~Y;!- ~"JlTI,¡'! I,tI[]" ~11''j.yy¡ 1)00' '-.t.......~ ,-);,'" ¡¡¡¡;;em PNlÇ[L ~ DUBLIN RANcH AREA EJ ¡ ~ -PI.RÇ¡:LI,\ __~'.m /.;::>~ø:~,~,--~\~~~< ''''. CÐ.. ,~-- . ~.~_·E'2~r~ij ._n__._. .._n_.. I..y--.""''''' I·'\P"'¡"'" DUBLIN RANCH N~.' AREA B I I _J I _11 ~ ~ I ;' J.~'~'II.~!1!JD' 0!,,->q¡TIIII"¡"¡1'UI¡. I~-~''''''~'¡~ ~-'LV¡j;'!.:I"[ ~, ~ .~'~Ir\i'.\rrl~ .-- ../ /<.'j./-' -~/ LD)4 , , i , . DUBLIN RANCH ARf'.A c EXHIBIT "B'~ DUßLlN RANCH ,'"EET IIGHTINC M~NTEN^NCE D1\ 1RICT NO. 99-1 m'r~'w:<~ D ?( nJ:; mIBIT ~ if ¡f~&V'T.j-pµ,.lJE LANDOWNER PETITION ~ CONSENT TO ANNEXATION TO (1 ~ 2Z CITY OF DUBLIN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 99-1 (DUBLIN RANCH STREETLIGHT MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) (Pursuant tó the Landscaping and Lighting Act of1972) 1) The undersigned are the owners of the lands ("the Property") shown in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. ' 2) The undersigned hereby requests and consents to the annexation of the Property to the existing Dublin Ranch Street Light Maintenance Assessment District formed to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 (Sections 22500 and following, California Streets and Highways Code) for the purpose of providing the following improvements: - The maintenance, operation, repair and replacementof all public street lighting facilities within public streets and within public easements within private streets as further described in the Engineer's Report for City of Dublin Landscaþe Maintenance Assessment District 99-1 ("the District"). 3) The undersigned hereby understand that: a. The cost and expenses of the annual servicing, operation andlor maintenance will be charged io the land, which benefits therefrom. including our land. b, An engineer's report will be prepared for the project which will contain a description of the services proposed to be financed through the levy of assessments, a cost estimate for the services to be provided, a description of each lot or parcel of property proposed to be subject to the landscaping and lighting assessment. the amount of the proposed assessment for each lot or parcel, and the basis and schèdule oftheassessnient. .. , c. The cost of the'engineering, legal, and other incidental fees and expense will be included in the project cost to be shown in the above report. d. Each property 'owner will pay an annual assessment for the servicing, operation andlor maintenance of the public improvements referenced herein, the same to be set annually by the City Council by resolution or ordinance. ¡:1. The cost of the annual servicing, operation and maintenance of said public improvements, together with the incidental expenses of said proceedings, will be assessed upon the district benefited thereby. the exterior boundaries of which are described as the exterior boundaries of the composite and consolidated area of all parcels of property more particularly shown on a map attached as Exhibit B. ï"ou.. AT'fAUDENT 1.1 \ <¿' i/) 2$ 4) The undersigned hereby waive the resolutions, report, notices of public hearing, and the right of majority protest otherwise required by the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 for annexation to the District, 5) In the event of the termination of these proceedings after the proceedings have been instituted but prior to completion, the undersigned will reimburse the City for any sums incurred or advanced by City up to said time for any costs incurred in the conduct of said proceedings including, without limitation, costs for engineering, legal or other services, or pay said items directly to the parties furnishing the same up tp a maximum ofTen Thousand Dollars ($1Q,QQQ). LANDOWNER Sorrento at Dublin Ranch I, a C IIfornia limited rtnership DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY As shown on attached Exhibit A By: Its: Dated: \ 1)fÍ..t.J, '\ -\I12Jj /!)l') Assessor Parcel No. {q 1fj?> EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Parcel 6 - as shown on Final Map of Tract 7281, filed September 3, 2004, Map Book 277, Pages 82-87, Alameda County Records (Tract 7641) mmIT ~ To IIT77K1f11Efl/T J - ~¿¿ J T " 300' 600' 'IIJ~I"I~¡ '11101'-... '."1'""''''',('.,,,1.>'- ~~','!'?l..: '.!II'^"'r""··,·¡'~'·· e· """"",',,,rm,JI "rJ¡'¡.¡-.1·1,11'_ ~'YJ1"¡·]]~ ':'.':;;:.>';~~,:- . 'Ii~,¡'¡'" 111 ~'. 'IIY"'~W¡ '¡!- , _''':~'~,\lJ'--i 'ol"'n·'¡¡-I¡i'-· "rl'I""JO," 'llitl¡']'·¡~,::::...-.. "T,J'¡¡¡".U.1I "M'1>'I'fOz,r}ll'- ;;: ':111 ~¡¡ ·.,.¡,~t¡''''' ~ ~ ...."...r.IH.',· "y,!')!'. "..~~ , ~1'\r;'jI W 'aD 2-$ ,..J;¡I.,-. \~"~'n,,"OO "'1*.' ,r ¡,;¡¡r¡¡¡¡.. ,r( f- i 1200' , i I!I'ImmI i i.l1 'I ~ ! i i ! i 1:¡¡m "'~MJ~ ~. v_. 'If. " ~~ f ~"'¡I~ ~ . !I¡; L.I! 1T ~~'rJQ \. -~ ::t\i.~ / .o!!:"", \ ::;MDI\l6_tI!';"l.'~1 / "",'," ì " - , \ \ HI .':., I \ \ I"""LiirlId"tl"'¡ (Œ~&~:_ , , (.:::-~ / J\ DUB~~J;A~CH ~."..,,' "'" - ---.-. t!.---oðl'U'J'I"I¡œ,¡r 1·M"'·"'·'·"'" ~JY¡tlmœ' :1f(~.',:-."'''rl.I'''I ""J~:.iil )00:.1' t 'I),\! .,,,",.,,,". ,:.,'~,- r"'i-¡' (-.,.".,.,,,, ~/_"~'\'!nr~.,¡; L..t:..........,::~~::~ ',7'" ~"".... """ '111")TWIUJ _,,1""".1~ ;,)[;¡]' ,~,~:);-. IH1 .....,fW'~~ ''''''' _' IJ~"~~'Ð',' ~"7.'·'¡"' ., II 'IlnII"~" ]I) ! .J'.,,¡~. '1'" __I<III"I¡\~~ ¡,¡¡, '-l=¡~~~i~ ¡¡:'""'"'" ~'i .... _'!.>J.:'"~ \~i·.I!Wj!; . \ '-~¡;:1:}(l""!,".., , "' i ··-Pi\RC~I. 1~ li·-r~EL 11 Ie ;'1 I -¡ 1i ~j IJII.<LiiijJ PMCELI I ~ '-"'·-··'1 ..- \ _PfflC~~'-j _ ~ ""''' i~ g:m ~ -= ~-_...:: ....'" <\ '\ ~--- -- \\ Ir:'Du::'~l-:"'~~'~':~~'=~~ -- -/;-)) LAND I PARCEL 5 \'1 /, coM "ANY ~ ~ ·-~"JH:(L IJ ,"";,..,, !I 1"1 ~ Ln___~_______! I~ ,..----------, .- --. ) [. ¡Ii ------i"'-:·-:··---J( /::' DU"LIN ¡ ~ /.1 DU8L1~-·)¡r-·;¡:-:::~.:-- - ¡--. =<;.. \~ I LAND 'I }¡' 1:--., '(" -- - ¡ ,-.... --- ) I : COMFANY ! -:-____. Y --- --;.------_-_~¿ / ) [(IT I I '"'" "m !I' --"'..':.../... RANell;! / 1!!!i!I:1Jj¡ ... ....:.:=/1.-- . II I' ~ ····r'oo<j¡C,!_ ".'<.'\.Ý III) ,":~,:." ¡ I . ! ". ~--\. ) I.-.:__n_n-'" --.::_1/"'7110 / '.'-.". :::l· -- ------,____ ..---..!_ ~ ll)l' \' -~. --..J.. - ..' I ---..-.---::__------.:..-~...:- -_ -' l_'. t DUSLJN .r<:^NcH -- --=-=-1 "".. - ,-,.-...... j AR H r'AITI:.I,1 ~ i ¡ I....'''.. """ go.",] ! DUBLIN RANCH p.o.RœL' , I I AREA (: .)J.....'..."'I~'~(~ ,..,,. .__' ~CEL3 ' "~~'!'!"./ j ¡::.~~ "'!.""pf{ I~I~ ~~r,~'-_ '_.. (L_Iil~i _¡'¡)~"OO( ~ , . riiji'7' z'l"t .~'..J''-T--' -. .- --ir .¿- 'm'I;'!"! 'J;,:IJ NIJ.c",l. m.l1' .~¡;-J1.?~~..-..-..;;..~.'TS:;,l.~.._..~....... R::~W;r R'··,""" lOW' ..o.<l''''~'''r 'liIJ' t"'!¡, '¡,. 'I, [JUBLlN RANcH A~I"A B II!õiIJjij) PAACEL3 / .~.!ii~;'~~~- ..- , ; , I _~J~'~ PAII'{ll.' \ :\, ~;.. P.o.RC~L 16- - _':r~~\I"J )UBLI~";~NCH----~ '<t:iJl~·"·)I·"..·¡..':r'I,"". ARCA " \ \! I j J ! ~ ¡: ~ ! ~_"'!r\~'''.. '¡I" !.. M711/;''¡"[¡ ,... .;:<"., , ~ ¡ , DUsLJN LAND COMFANY INti! A PART) l~T 4 W~,~~ \,.,· EXHIBIT ,tB" DUBLIN R^NCH STREET LIGHTING M~NTENANCf DISTRICT NO, 99-1 f"1FN·U¡:¡F~ ':IN"" mIBlT ~ 1'-0 ~ 7P'IcNn£Nr .J - ..,-O'-L · LANDOWNER PETITION &CONSENTTO ANNEXATION TO 210ó 2$ CITY OF DUBLIN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 99-1 (DUBLIN RANCH STREETLIGHT MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) (Pursuant to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of1972). 1) The undersigned are the owners of the lands ("the Property") shown in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2) The undersigned hereby requests and consents to the annexation of the Property to the existing Dublin Ranch Street Light Maintenance Assessment District formed to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 (Sections 22500 and following, California Streets and Highways Code) for the purpose of providing the following improvements: . The maintenance, operation, repair and replacement of all public street lighting facilities within public streets and within public easements within private streets as further described in the Engineer's Report for City of Dublin Landscape Maintenance Assessment Districtg9-1 ("the District"). 3) The undersigned hereby understand that: a. The cost and expenses of the annual servicing, operation andlor maintenance will be charged to the land, which benefits therefrom, including our land. b, An engineer's report will be prepared for the project which will contain a description of the services proposed to be financed through the levy of assessments, a cost estimate for the services to be provided, a description of each lot or parcel of property proposed to be subject to the landscaping and lighting assessment, the amount of the proposed assessment for each lot or parcel, and the basis and schedule of the assessment. . ' c. The cost of the'engineering, legal, and other incidental fees and expense will be included in the project cost to be shown in the .above report. d. Each property owner will pay an annual assessment for the servicing, operation andlor maintenance of the public improvements referenced herein, the same to be set annually by the City Council by resolution or ordinance. e. The cost of the annual servicing, operation and maintenance of said public improvements, together with the incidental expenses of said proceedings, will be assessed upon the district benefited thereby, the exterior boundaries of which are descriÞed as the exterior boundaries of the composite and consolidated area of all parcels of property more particularly shown on a map attached as ExhiÞlt B. DW!JutIJ .e.t4NC.)f :;¡e. ~P7:¡;' ATTAUIDIENT I." '2 2~l 't 4) The undersigned hereby waive the resolutions, report, notices of public hearing, and the right of majority protest otherwise required by the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 for annexation to the District. 5) In the event of the termination of these proceedings after the proceedings have been instituted but prior to completion, the undersigned will reimburse the City for any sums Incurred or advanced by City up to said time for any costs incurred in the conduct of said proceedings including, without limitation, costs for engineering, legal or other services, or pay said items directly to the parties furnishing the same. LANDOWNER Dubl!,' nch Senior Apartments, LP DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY As shown on attached Exhibit A Dated: //-- 2-" - :J-û ~- Its: L: ,'# ~.R- ~~~~ Assessor Parcel No. EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Z 31;21 Lot 1 - as shown on Final Map of Tract 7453, filed November 2, 2003, Map Book 273, Pagas 52-56, Alameda County Records EXHIBIT A, i:v /f7TÆctHnetVT 3 - /)ud~.v Ié~ $f!~,t>.e I'Ins. zy, z1 j 1 """""'" -~ -r- i PARCEl! --' f'NiC'£L2 -- \1 JÞf.IK;t-~--, ""'''' rnI!I:!:1mI _'"!'~ IL...,-- 1_ ~R:~_~:_ ..... - __¡..,r- =.--- ______ 1\ r'- "---I-~- DUBLIN "ANtH!.\ AREA F i D::':~~NJI ~ II~II : COMPANY Co' I 11'11:11 A ~Arm I \ I rL::=::-l-- - -Ir-";::::---)) ,f~~~,~,-- DI~8~~~y III ~}¡!'h_D_~BLI~--r~~:::::~~· ~"r-:-:->--'I)\ - DUBLIN RANCH ~~M!;;';;,; II¡'::':"" 7' ;;;~-~~---¡r / I!I>J:! !IJ.:=:::~ '__ ,.' _j ARéÅ " , ... 1/ /. I r --- , J ¡ ·······:·::¡OOO"oo.l1 / .//. , "" II I I I aomm: ),O_-_cc<:_ ,~. \ I, I!!IillJm _ I i... J.,............ .' ARro/,lo r-- '<""'----' , r'-:='::::: -~:"'__:~~::;.:-J - !. "~~:'-J "., j \_ ~;_I~'j"..,,,,,,, 6' /~}I':Jo"' /.,....ð'~~!~1 ,,;.~. ',' -"'I'11'IIw.. ) , , , 4> " r II ./ J\ r-- -~ I\'.~' 0' 300' 'OJ' ,,$&>-', ¡(. ! i i .,11?C· I ¡ I ' -¡ Ii , ' ~ iL- , , I ~ ~ I: ':liY \I' ì \ PL,,~~,MTIJr- _:- ¡ , i ¡ ! ì .~.,c."'.' -.",.,,,. (·'r=-1 ùUBLlN RANCH ,...!,'¡r¡ '71.1) ARr.A A _i=lI·¡:~¡) ~ ~'~\.''I'~'W\.,"'" ~ -'....~.~ NJl]'zn¡(w ~"ICI) ~.,-,_.."",, (.!:..::ø.. J'Jir~ ¡OO,OC l1lI!Ii!::!TIm _')fl'''!''.-' 1O)1J"¡nllPl,O¡-,' h"¡·¡"'~'\·'" ,.).)1.\'- ~>:I:~ "l1li' ~"'~'\"" "'''' ,"' .~ I l!I!!<!ÆI.' , " ¡! wi ¡··..if;; .f..._ _ Hr~,'n'·~ th,I,:.,· ( .rNl~mr.,",, ~ \. ..~.-HI ¡-¡¡')'I'v ,...,,, 101~' "! I~IZ'·_· ~1T>"".~ , :¡,OO'· "'I~ ~"1T1¡'lr ,"".Ii'. . 11'~ I'I(!I. ,.1\. ,·, '¡J'Jr ...II~I ,.. HOO'tI'I"\I'~ ¡!¡,II . .::~)](t:" ~~~" ooIl·,JOrr¡M '__ ....,III,il,a·· ,oJ':.J'¡¡·1I11I.JI'· III~"·~W ¡'¡,II " , , ~-~ l'A~tfL 11 II!õ!i:¡¡¡¡ P.oJ'ICÐ..ð DUBLIN RANcH ARI::A B 1vIi'."uo·.",)'_.1I' IIEI:DIll PAlKfl1 - ~'I.II~£L \3 ",,'·'p(I,"-"V- ....";',1 ,/I' ,,",~!~¡.,·rf"~.:..:.- hOzu''''·wJI,¡jI' --~~ ·~:~·tr~ ''''''<'t'J , , , " , ~~ ~¡q '1. 'I!21'¡¡'!! ·,,"'-1 I"'~_ ....... -,.... . .,-:><,.-'. Xji ____n_ ,J J~ ~ 1Ið!' "¡. "¡¡I¡¡.)'· .....~I·.i. ",,\'. _ "'~"',,(. ,., 1 -... f~ , , ~ DUBLIN LAND coMpANY DUF!!.IN RANcH AR H - LOl4 ~."",.mrw'¡.oo !..-"lI"i"u'·"·~ ¡)", 1II0'o"lh '~,\D". PARI;(l7 INITTJlPAIITI W"""f''''''H''''''' ¡ DUI::JLlN RANCH "!II"\II'~Wi ,1 . P....¡¡:i'L I PNlDEl}. ,,1 AREA C )~.~:¡:!]:~: . -"---ii:ffr.~"~!i~_.._.__ ._ ___--"".(~:Irrii,ol Hm'õV¡n ¡oo.oo . ~.. .~¡1¡'f."IIi ":Ii' ~"-W' '....~..,_.. ìi;.u~,._.._.._.._....i:\õ"_"_"_'."""· -:"U". .".1,1'" 11111'H,·[ 1'_,11_ "J ';I:~';! 11.OO")C~,W~~·"w ~r"', ." .",' I "'!m',,., EXHIBIT "B" DußLlN RANCH :;IREE] LIGHTING MAINlfNANCE DISTRICT NO. 99-1 1\¡:l'r!)¡-¡r~ '}/"Ifìc;. EXHIBIT a. ÝoÆ7T¡¡.ç.¡.H>1e»r .3 - /Jw$j.,/,v ~ SEJJlþ/t /l-PTS. LANDOWNER PETITION & CONSENT TO ANNEXATION TO 25 'bZ$ I CITY OF DUBLIN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 99-1 (DUBLIN RANCH STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) (Pursuant to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972) 1) The undersigned are the owners of the la nds ("the· Property") shown in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. . 2) The undersigned hereby requests and consents to the annexation of the Property to the existing Dublin Ranch Street Light Maintenance Assessment District formed to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 (Sections 22500 and following, California Streets and Highways Code) for the purpose of providing the following improvements: . The maintenance, operation, repair and replacement of all public street lighting facilities within public streets and within public easements within private streets as further described in the Engineer's Report for City of Dublin Landscape Maintenance Assessment Dlstricì99-1 ("the District"). 3) The undersigned hereby understand that: a. The cost and expenses of the annual servicing, operation andlor maintenance will be charged to the land, which benefits therefrom, including our land. b. An engineer's report will be prepared for the project which will contain a description of the services proposed to be financed through the levy of assessments, a cost estimate for the services to be provided, a description of each lot or parcel of property proposed to be subject to the landscaping and lighting assessment, the amount of the proposed assessment for each lot or parcel, and the basis and schedule of the assessment. . . c. The cost of the engineering , legal, and other incidental fees and expense will be included in the project cost to be shown in the above report. d. Each property owner will pay an annual assessment for the servicing, operation andlor maintenance of the public improvements referenced herein, the same to be set annually by the City Council by resolution or ordinance. e. The cost of the annual servicing, operation and maintenance of said public improvements, together with the Incidental expenses of said proceedings, will be assessed upon the district benefited thereby, the exterior boundaries of which are described as the exterior boundaries of the composite and consolidated area of all parcels of property more particularly shown on a map attached as Exhibit B. FAIÆWlfV I"MnI/,Y 0:JI'>¡MWVPr'( ATTAUIDIENT .a.5 " ZlI'!J2Z 4) The undersigned hereby waive the resolutions, report, notices of public hearing, and the right of majority protest otherwise required by the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 lor annexation to the District. 5) In the event of the termination of Ihese proceedings after the proceedings have been insliluted but prior to completion, the undersigned will reimburse the City for any sums incurred or advanced by City up to said lime for any costs incurred in the conduct 01 said proceedings including, without limitation, costs for engineering, legal or other services, or pay said items directly to the parties furnishing the same. LANDOWNER Fair / amily Community, LP DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY As shown on attached Exhibit A Dated: /;/:....?J.- ,~d- B' ~ Its:_l &;¿. <-"'~ P~"""'" / ~~" ~.'~"~~-~, .~'~.~__n~_~,~.~~" Assessor Parcel No. EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 2í1;zí Lot 2 - a& shown on Final Map of Tract 7453, filed November 2,2003, Map Book 273, Pages 52-56, Alameda County Records mmlT A. * Arr,<ICHlYlt:71/'T $ -FM",",/1 Y F'1ffI11L.Y ~I T'( '2-'6 { 1 T "",:r;~!'~.~fI!___ IIII!roIiI " ""', 000' "00' PilRCEL2·· -r~j , PAA~ ~i1--PMm ~_:.:~~_,_ .~LIMI~ :il--------........ .::~~~; r~:~~:l: ~ --~~~~;, RANCH ~ AREA F __ INOTAP¡!,,rr~1 PARÇql ~~I'li'~m.¡ji'·_ L..___ I >Id'~'J(rl~-==--,. _ .,,"~...' r"--'-", -- - - ------- ¡ ·L J ' l!II!II!:mI , -#--- "----i:- ,.¿ I II!mE!I ~!""'''' "_n__. ·L_.---.-'~AR" G.-.. r-- ~,,-OO:- ---- .::.::,::~ I--"-l--=~~-~~;-·--:-- _:::::-j_l ---DPJIDJri" l C,,, !,,,¡;'II'IJI.I " ,_.'. ---- r..:¡,;¡ , ------. ---- ~ DUBLJN LAND DU8L1N RANCH r- cOMpANY ARF: H P.IfI(;Ei 2 i I"IIYTJ.PAI T! IPARI'SIIW' \'\( , DUaUN 1iANt:..H ,,"", ""'''' J ¡ AREA C -·-·-"'_i~!irJ--._ .r F.I~$~· r<m'!1II'w""'1T ! .' '--"ø~'Jn ,01'{- ..,I r --.¡,¡;m4"T.i-....-··.)..l.._-~_.-_..~mt~'ffii~r-----~· .--<"t.~~r 1Ið~1.·OH 'J~I~ ....'.JO...r ,AlII' '( ...."7f!1r 1100' L:&~" -- .'1\1,; A'_,g,:lr'/r /" ~:U._''''¡''~I·L_I~1.1T +',-.!IJnu~.f~, ....;_. / \. \. ~ fi/' \. \ ..rW~, / \\ /' 'J: .'~:t DUBLIN RANCH ~ .....IY, ,11~ AREA A ," ._rr)"¡II;\"IIb:ID.1 I!Œ!D ~'''\\"i1T l ,iHI -ol.\~n1EOO' ~. I_Ie" ¡,. 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IIIIIi::I:J II INOT A ~"'Jnl ~~'PARCEL 17 b . t Ii _.1__.. ~~~~~.~_.- J ' I ~ ~ ~ DUBLIN RANCH AREA 8 PAllQ.L ~ "-~El13 .!4'I~ r¡ ~,iII', IM:II,'IINI ~I.OO' - - / , / _/;..;,~ ,,' " ./ "" i rL~7"Jl"" '¡,I~' k~[¡2'OIi'w¡m,'1 N/l!'IBJ"WI!II-'O , ~ ~ ¡ ~~¥"W~",.y k."~JnJo)¡14' /'r6:IJ:¡IHIIUII EXHIBIT "B" DUBLIN RANCH STREET LIGHTING MAINT[NANCr DISTRICT NO. 99-1 DfCfMBER 2005 EXHIBIT 8. to Æ~NT 8-P,<H"'''W þ'M'>!It-'( QQmmUNIT'{