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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.03 StreetLightRep04-12 CITY CLERK File # D[&[Q][Q]~~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 7,2005 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Work - Contract 04-12, Street Light Pole Replacement, Phase 3 Report Prepared by: Melissa Morton, Puh/ic Works Direc/or ATTACHMENTS: None RECOMMENDATION: ~ ~~ Accept the improvements constructed under Contract 04-12, and authorize final payment to St. Francis Electric, Inc., less retention to be paid in 35 days if no subcontractor or supplier claims are received. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Inspection (est.): Legal & Printing: Construction: Budget $ 2,600.00 250.00 217.140.00 Actual $ 2,544.00 133.23 187.924.66 Total Project: $219,990.00 $190,601.89 This project was completed within funds budgeted. The cost of the project is paid by the Gencral Fund. DESCRIPTION: This was the third year of a proposed four-year project to replacc thc old painted steel street light poles in subdivisions that were constructed in the 1960's. These ungalvanized poles have deteriorated over time, and many are corroded to the point of needing replacement. The City incurs some liabiJity exposure from the condition of these poles, and it was recommended in the 2002-2003 Capital Improvement Program to begin replacing all of the older poles. The project was originally programmed as a six-year project, but was changed to a four-year project in 2004-2005 when the condition assessment was updated and it became apparent that the poles were deteriorating faster than originally believed. The fourth and final phase of the project is proposed to bc completed in 2005-2006. This third-phase project replaced 154 poles. The ncw poles installed are galvanized steel, which has an estimated life span of 60 years or more. The galvanized poles will also reduce ongoing maintenance costs by eliminating the need to paint the poles every five years. - - - - - - - - __ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ___ - - - - - - - - - - __OIl....... ___ _.. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ g: Imiscprojlstl itepoleI2004-0S'<Igstoccept COPIES TO: St. Francis Electric, Inc. IOb6l, ITEM NO.-Y. ~ t'/ St. Francis Electric's work on this project has been completed according to specification. Staff therefore recommends that the City Council accept thc improvements constructed under Contract 04-12 and authorize final payment to St. Francis Electric, Inc., less retention to be paid in35 days ifno subcontractor or supplier claims are received. Page 2 f'J1öd..