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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.05 PersonnelSystemRevisi CITY CLERK File # n[Z][Q][Q]-~[D] e AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 5,2005 SUBJECT: Revisions to the Personnel System Report Prepared by: Julie Carter, Assistant to the City Manager ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Amending the Classification Plan RECOMMENDATION:#, AdoptResolution FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The position of City Clerk is fully funded by the adoption of the Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Budget. DESCRIPTION: The City has received notification that the City's current City Clerk of 23 years will retire from the City later this year. In order to find a qualified replacement the City will begin a recruitment within the next few months. The City Clerk's job description was adopted by the City Council in March of 1990. The City Manager requested that the Personnel Office work with the current City Clerk to review the job description and recommend modification pursuant to existing responsibilities and laws. Pursuant to the City's Personnel System Rules, a job description must be adopted for each classification in _ the organization. The job description typically includes key elements, knowledge, skills, abilities and ., requirements of the position. All of the City's job descriptions make up the City's Classification Plan. The attached Resolution (Attachment I with Exhibit A) is the revised job description for the position of City Clerk based on current responsibilities. laws, and duties. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution amending the Classification Plan. . COPIES TO: I~\ ITEMNO.~ \'tf' RESOLUTION NO. - 05 . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********-k AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN WHEREAS, in accordance with the City's Personnel System Rules, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 30-84 and subsequent resolutions which comprise the Classification Plan; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to periodically revise job descriptions in the Classification Plan to reflect current responsibilities and laws. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Resolution No. 30-84 and subsequent resolutions shall be further amended to replace the City Clerk classification with the revised City Clerk classification as attached hereto as Exhibit A. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this document shall become a part of the official Classification Plan for the City of Dublin; and that the changes contained herein shall be effective April 5, 2005. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of April, 2005. . AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk e 1..\-5-0:5 "¡.$) Attachment I ~~ . Date Adoptod: Date Revised: March 12, 1990 April 5, 2005 Title: City Clerk FLSA: At-Will and Exempt; Designated Management General Purpose: To servc a$ City Clerk, to organize, plan and direct all activities of the City Clerk's Office. The work involves maintaining a complete and accurate legallhistorical rccord of City Council proceedings; administering City's Records Management program; conduct municipal election¡;; ensure City's compliance with Political Reform Act, Brown Act, Public Rccords Act and Conflict of Interest Code,; supervisc SecrctarialiClerical support functions of the City Manager and/or City Cl"k's Office; provide high-level ,ecretarial and cl"ical support to the Mayor and City Council; and provide prompt and courtcou< service to citizen, press and public requosts for assistanco and information. Distinguishing Characteristics: Within the City Manag,,', Office, the City Clerk exercises full respon¡;ibility for all functions and operations of the City Clerk', Office including records ruan.gomont and retention, production and publication of agendas and minutes for the City Council Meeting, and related puhlic mootings, and i, responsible for enforcement of laws and rcgulations pcrtaining to elections and campaign financing, public records, meeting notices and the çonflict of interest code. The City Clcrk is a Designated Management Position designated as an At-Will position that is exempt ftom the overtime provisions of tho Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and cxempr from thc City's Porsonnel System Rules. . Supervision RecelvedlExercised: Reports to and ,,",ceives administrativo direction from the City Manag" or hWher designee. Exerciscs direct and indirect supervision over assigned office support staff. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Under administtative direction, plans, manages, oversees and directs the operations and services of the City Clerk's Office, wbich includes the perfonnance of statutory and the preparation, posting and maintenance of agendas, minutes and records for the City Council as proscribed by statutes; conducts municipal elections and ensures compliance with conflict of interest laws and FPPC regulation¡;; coordinates civic activitics with other City officials, departments, outside agencies, organizations and rhe public; provides respon¡;ible and complex staff support to the City Council aud City Manager; performs related duties as required. Thc following duties are normal for this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from thc position if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment to this class. Prepare City Council Agendas_ e Exhibit A · · · ~øtG Attend City Council Meetings and prepare official Minutes in an accurate and timely manner. Coorilinate posting of City Council Agendas and Minutes on City's website. Follow up to ensure that City document, are properly executed and comply with applicable 10caVstate/federal regulations. Prcpare Staff Reports related to City Cltrk's function. Review, notarize and prepare specific City related documents for recordation (deeds, easements, 'development agrecments, certificates of project complotion, etc.). Communicate official City Council actions to appropriate/interested parties. Respond in a timely manner to requests for public information, ensuring compliance with the Publio Rccords Act. Rcoeive snbpoenas for rccords and lawsuits filed on the City. Ensure the City's compliance with provisions ofthe Brown Act. Perform duties of Elections Official and oversee all local elections. Perform Filing Officer duties required by the Political Reform Act for campaign disclosure statements for candidates and officeholders. Administer provisions of the City's Conflict of Interest Code. Coordinate advertisement of openings on the City's Commissions/CommitteesfTask Forces. Maintain list of City Council appointments, as well as boards/committeeslbodies on which City Councilmembers serve. Administer Oath Of Officc to new electedlappointcd officials. Develop and oversee City's Records Management Prognun and maintain legal custody of official City records and doc1llTI"nts. Oversight of automated Cnstomer Service Reqnest System and related support functions. Maintain custody of the City Scal and affix to legal documents. Attest Mayor's and/or City Manager's signarnre on alllega] City documents. Maintain updated City Records Rctention Schedule and oversee timely compliance for all rccords. Maintain Legislative History Index of City documents (Minutes, Contracts, Agreements, Resolutions, Ordirumce<) , Maintain thc City's Law Library. Coordinate regular updates to the Dublin Municipal Code (paper and electronically). Receive and publicly open bids for City contracts. Exhibit A LfifQ ~ Suporvise secrctariaVclerical support functions of the City Manager and/or City Clerk's Office. . Provide high"level secretarial and clerical support to thc Mayor and City Council. Coordmatt program schedule for advertising, judging, selecting and recognition of Citizen and Organization of the Year on an annual basis. Analyze programs, policies and procedures utilizcd in the City Clerk's Office on a regular basis to ensurc that the department is operating in the most efficient manner possibJe. Participate to maintain required certifications in appropriate professional organizations (i.e. CCAC & liMC) Provide input and assist in the establishment and/or improvement of procedures, policies and budgctary matters. Obtain and maintain commission as a California Notary Public. Minimum Qualifications: Koowledl!e of: Municipal government operations. Federal, state and local laws, codes and regulations applicable to City government operations, procedures, and elections. e Municipal Codes and laws such as the Brown Act, Political Reform Act, Public Rccords Act and Election Code. Basic budgeting principals and' statistical analysis. Electronic document lma~"'¡ng practices_ Use of proper business English, grammar, spelling and proofreading. Modern public relations practices. Modem office practices, methods and equipment. Customer s~rvioe techniqut!:s_ Federal, state and local laws, regulations and court decisions applicable to assigned areas of responsibility; Ability To: Work independently with minimal direction. Effectively work with a variety of people at varying levels in the organization, as well as the public and rttmbcrs of the City CounciL Provide information and organize material in compliance with laws, regulations and policies. . Exhibit A sif Learn, interpret and appJy City rules regulaÜoDs, policies practices, ordinances1 resolutions and laws. e Research and inteIprct rules/regulations/laws/ordinances relattd to: the Brown Act, California Corúlict of Interest Code, Dublin Municipal Code, Elections Code, Government Code, Political Refonn Act, Public Rccords Act, Record. Retention Schedule. Establish and maintain cooperative-working relationships with tho.e contacted in the course of work. Communicate clearly and concisoly, both orally and in writing. Physical Standards: The physical standard described arc representative of those that must be 1M! by employocs to successfully perfonn the es,ontial functions of this class. Reasonablc accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabi1ities to perfonn the essential functions. An employee is regularly rcquired to sit for long periods of lime; talk or hear, in p",,"on, in meetings and by telephone; use hands and fingers to handle, feel or opcrate standard office equipmrot such as VDTs, computer, te1<)Jhone, 10-key calculator; and reach with hands and anns. The employee is frequent1y roquircd to, bend and twist to reach files, walk and stand. Whilo perfomring duties, the employee is regularly rcquired to use wrilton and oral corrnnunication skills; read and inteIprot complex data, information and documents; anal~ and solve probl"""'; interact with City management, other governmental officials, contractors, vendors, employees and the public. In addition, the City Clerk must be willing and able to att<nd and take Minutes at lengthy evening and weekend mectings. e Training and Experience: Any combination equivalent to education and experiencc is likely to providc the required knowledge and abilities. A typical way to ohtain the knowlcdge and abilities would be: Education' Equivalent to graduation from the 12~ grade and an AA degree from an accredited collegc or university with major coursework in public administration, public policy Or a closely related fidd are required; RAIB.S. degree is desirable. EXDeriencc: Five years of management or administrative experience, preferably in a City Clerk Department, of which at least three years has included administering local elections, supervision of staff, rocords management, completion of complex analytical studies and the intctpretation of laws and ordinances. Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements: Certification as a Municipal Clerk by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks is required. Current California Notary Public Commission is required, or must bc obtained within first six months of employment. Possession of a valid California Class C Drivers' License and Certificate of Automobile Insurance for Personal Liability are requirod. e G:\C1TYRECR\JOBSPECSICit)' Clerk.doc Exhibit A