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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.04 SurplusPropDisposal . . It CITY CLERK File # D~IQl..~1liJ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 5, 2005 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: ~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Disposal of Property - Unclaimed and Surplus Property Report Prepared by: Amy Cunningham, Sr. Administrative AnalystkL- 1. Resolution Declaring Certain Items as Unclaimed and Surplus Property 2. Notice of Public Auction 1. Adopt Resolution 2. Authorize Staff to proceed with transfer of property to Nationwide Auction Systems pursuant to the current agreement with the City Pursuant to the Dublin Municipal Code proceeds from the sale of property will accrne in the General Fund and Equipment Replacement Fund. DESCRIPTION: Police Services Staff have identified a number of items that can be disposed of and would be appropriate to forward to an auction firm. The City also has surplus property available for disposal. Consistent with past practice Staff proposes to transfer all items to a single professional auction firm, which has a current agreement with the City (Nationwide Auction Systems). The firin conducts bi-monthly auctions of miscellaneous goods similar to those the City currently has available. Items Available for Auction Police Services Staff have identified various items of unclaimed property, which can be disposed of at this time. The need for storage space requires the City to periodically dispose of items stored at City facilities. The City's purchasing ordinance allows for auctioning of items declared surplus and the City's Municipal Code Section 2.40.070 provides for auctioning of unclaimed bicycles held at least three months, and other unclaimed items that have been held at least four months. Police Services Staff have verified that all unclaimed items to be auctioned exceed the minimum holding periods. The auction company is responsible for grouping the items and preparing the lots to be sold. In the past, the auctioneers successfully sold all iterns, including non-functioning equipment. On November 8, 1993, the City entered into an agreement with Nationwide Companies to auction various items including surplus vehicles. The agreement provided that it would remain in effect unless either party gave 30 days notice of termination. Staff has contacted Nationwide and they have indicated that they will continue to honor the terms of the 1993 agreement for their future auctions. Nationwide ____~~________________~.___~____~p__~~_______W_________________~M_~_~~______________________________p_______ HI...f.rm.18~d8.tmt.d.. COPIES TO: ITEMNO.~ Itb~ conducts auctions from their northern California facility located in Benicia. The firm arranges for the pick up of all items and transportation to their facility. They are also responsible for marketing the sale. Nationwide will retain a 10% commission on all items sold. The City has had positive experiences with the prices received on items auctioned by Nationwide in the past, although it is recognized that past sales _ prices cannot be a guarantee offuture sales. .. Recommend~ti!!D Staff requests that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, which declares the items surplus,and authorize the use of Nationwide Auction Systems for auction of all appropriate unclaimed and surplus property currently held. . . ~ ~.:9-- e . e RESOLUTION NO. -05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ******** I rtt;!. DECLARING CERTAIN ITEMS AS UNCLAIMED AND SURPLUS PROPERTY WHEREAS, Police Services staff have identified various items of unclaimed property which under state and local laws provide that it may now be auctioned; and WHEREAS, staff have also identified miscellaneous surplus property and equipment, including vehicles, which pursuant to the local purchasing ordinance may be disposed of at an auction; and WHEREAS, the most effective method of disposing of such items is by auction; and WHEREAS, independent firms are available to publicly auction items to the highest bidder; and WHEREAS, consolidating the sale of all items is a cost¡effective means to obtain auction services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that items including: bicycles, jewelry, audio/video equipment, electronics, clothing, household goods, office furniture, office machines, and five police vehicles are declared surplus property to be sold at auction. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager and/or his designee shall be authorized to arrange for the auction of unclaimed property and other surplus City property in accordance with state and local laws and regulations. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager and/or his designee shall be authorized to make any and all necessary arrangements to transfer the property to be auctioned to Nationwide Companies pursuant to an agreement between the City of Dublin and Nationwide dated November 8, 1993. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this Sth day of April,200S. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 1.f-5 -D5 if.1.f. ATTACHMENT 1 ~tlbÐ- . NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION OF SURPLUS & UNCLAIMED PROPERTY In accordance with Chapters 2.36 and 2.40 of the Dublin Municipal Code (DMC), the City Manager has determined that certain surplus and unclaimed property is currently held by the City. The unclaimed property has been held in excess of the Retention Period identified in Section 2.40.020 DMC (at least four months, except for unclaimed bicycles which shall be held for at least 3 months). The Auction shall be heJd April 22, 2005, at Nationwide Auction Systems, 1 Oak Road, Benicia, California 94510, (707) 745-0119. The surplus and unclaimed property to be auctioned includes: bicycles, jewelry, audio/video equipment, electronics, clothing, household goods, office machines and office furniture, and vehicles. . This Notice shall be posted for at least five days prior to the date of the Auction at the public notice hearing locations designated by the City of Dublin. April 5, 2005 Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager . ATTACHMENT 2