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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.3 Dublin Pride-Integrity Program CITY CLERK File # D[[]~Q]-m.. AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 5, 2006 SUBJECT: Presentation ofthe Dublin Pride-Integrity In Action Program Report Prepared by Joni Pattillo, Assistant City Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1) Letter from the Co-Chair, Tim Sbranti of Dublin Pride- Integrity in Action Program Dublin Pride-Integrity in Action - A Community Outreach Program Document 2) RECOMMENDATION: 1) 2) Receive and accept the report Direct Staffto bring back Proposed Strategies on the City's Participation in the Dublin Pride-Integrity in Action Program or supply Staffwith additional direction FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None at this time DESCRIPTION: The two Co-Chairs of the Dublin Pride - Integrity in Action committee, Tim Sbranti and Kendall Cooper will be making a presentation to the City Council on the program that has been developed by this committee. The Dublin Pride - Integrity in Action program was designed to promote established character traits on a citywide basis, and is being launched in the Dublin Unified School District this September. Although it is being launched in the Dublin public schools, this is envisioned as a community-wide program. The make up of the Dublin Pride - Integrity in Action committee consists of Mayor Lockhart, Councilmember Hildenbrand, various representatives from the Dublin Unified School District, local service organizations, community members, the business community, and the faith community. Over the next several months, the Dublin Pride - Integrity in Action committee will be approaching governmental agencies, private schools, local service organizations, community members, the Chamber of Commerce, and the faith community to determine ways that would facilitate active participation in the program. Recommendation: Staff recommends that City Council receive and accept the report and direct Staff to bring back proposed strategies on City's participation in the Dublin Pride - Integrity in Action program or supply Staff with additional direction. COPIES TO: Tim Sbranti Kendall Cooper I D1 \ b ITEM NO. n G:\JONI\9-S-06 AS Dublin Pride Integrity.DOC G I fr.() I l August 28, 2006 Dear Mayor Lockhart and Members of the Dublin City Council: I am writing to ask for an opportunity at your September 5th meeting to present the Dublin Pride - Integrity in Action program to the City Council. The Dublin Pride - Integrity in Action committee was designed to promote established character traits on a citywide basis, and is being launched publicly in the Dublin Unified School District this September. Although it is being launched in our public schools, this is envisioned as a community-wide program that simply starts with the public schools, and not as strictly a school-based program. Some of our neighboring cities in the Tri- Valley and other cities throughout the country are participating in similar efforts to promote and create civic unity through the promotion of positive character traits community-wide. This has the potential to be a great opportunity for unique partnerships Mayor Lockhart and Councilmember Hildenbrand serve on our committee, in addition to various representatives from the Dublin Unified School District, local service organizations, community members, the business community, and the faith community. In addition, over 700 residents have already been involved by participating in a survey designed to identify the traits our community values the most. This has helped make the program unique to Dublin. Thus far, every teacher in every classroom in the Dublin Unified School District has posters that reflect the "trait of the month." These traits will be promoted regularly with students, while informational cards, magnets, and bookmarks are being handed out in classrooms, at "Back to School Nights", and at the Day on the Glen Festival. Banners are also being put up in visible places at all Dublin public schools. Now that the program has formally started in the Dublin Unified School District, the committee is working on broadening it to our city's private schools. Over the next couple of months, the Dublin Pride - Integrity in Action committee will also be approaching local service organizations, community members, the Chamber of Commerce, and the faith community to determine ways that they can formally participate. At this time, we are requesting that the Dublin City Council determine ways that the City of Dublin can sponsor, promote, fund, and/or participate in the program. I have included more detailed information about the program with this letter, and I can be reached at (925) 858-5303 if you have any questions. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Y~~J' Tim Sbranti Co-Chair, Dublin Pride - Integrity in Action I ,,~..- ;: / <:,.J ATTACHMENT 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I ~4Jl \ A Community Outreach Program Sponsored by The City of Dublin and The Dublin Unified School District ATTACHMENT 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6~11 is for integrity + is for who I am = am integrity can make a difference in the world is the center of pride. The theme for the new Dublin Pride character-based awareness campaign is IIlntegrity in Actionll, The campaign identity will be built around the letter IIi". I is for Integrity. I is for who I am. I is also at the center of the word "Pride", In a play on words, the "action" comes from motivating each individual to take it upon themselves to make a difference by embodying the word integrity. The "i" in the proposed logo creates a character that represents an individual shining with pride - an example of who we all can be. The "halo" of "i's" shining around the head of the character represents a consciousness of the individuals in the community that will benefit from the awareness of one individual. Visually, it becomes a recognizable icon symbolic of the campaign. It can be used as part of the word "Integrity" as well as a stand-alone graphic element. The design will carry through and will give the entire campaign an identity with instant recognition. To create community awareness and support, the campaign will include banners, signage, t-shirts and other items that can be given out at school registrations, back-to-school nights and other city events such as Day on the Glen, 5t. Patrick's Day Festival, as well as on web sites, recognition awards, etc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L\~ \ \ Dublin Pride's Integrity in Action campaign will consist of the following elements for the upcoming year: District-wide Elementary and Middle School Program Community Awareness Awards Recognition Program The program will hopefully be implemented in our district's elementary schools for the upcoming year, with every teacher at every school site promoting the monthly character traits and building on the theme of individual responsibility. Monthly lesson plans will be centered on positive character traits: SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE 1 am Responsible 1 am Respectful 1 am Caring 1 am Giving 1 have a Positive Attitude 1 am Trustworthy 1 am Cooperative 1 do My Best 1 am Honest 1 have Self-Discipline I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S~l \ 7 all day visits throughout the year Align with themes for the whole city Start with Respect and Responsibility Introduce tools and strategies Make school commitments Whole school involved Parents and City Services invited Teach transition to middle school All Dublin 5th graders must attend Team building and skill building Create expectations for middle school Involve the community All teachers and staff know and use tools Positive discipline and rules alignment Consequence alignment related to themes Integrating in curriculum and everyday life Create expectations for all students Train 30 students in each school Create a culture of Respect, using these students as leaders Train students and parents in conflict resolution Encourage involvement city and community events Teach tools Positive discipline Forum for parents to support each other Create clear expectations The most effective character education programs are those constantly reinforced in every classroom district-wide. Laminated signs will be made every month for every classroom with the featured character trait of the month. Teachers would then make sure to direct students' attention to the trait of the month and give age-appropriate examples for the students on how their actions in the classroom can help them emulate the desired trait. The goal is that at every school's monthly staff meeting, the principal will review the upcoming trait of the month and that there can be brief discussion on how that trait can best be promoted by individual teachers and on a school-wide basis. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lo'b t \ To gain visibility in the community, it will be important to create an awareness of the Dublin Pride - Integrity in Action theme. Banners, signage and other items in front of every school in the district, the Dublin Public Library, the Dublin Senior Center and Emerald Glen Park will help raise community awareness and be a foundation for future city-wide campaigns, The Chamber of Commerce will also be likely to engage the business community once the visibility has been increased from the city and the school district. Local service organizations will do the same, but the district and the city need to ta ke the lead, ~1".'j"ji';J j...,',_~ " .' __.";;'1'/ w The City of Dublin Citizen of the Year nomination and selection process could be modified to include elements of the Integrity in Action campaign. The details of this, as well as any other city-wide/district-wide recognition programs for students and/or adults for Dublin Pride will need to be discussed more thoroughly once the committee reconvenes in the fall, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~ 1\ ~ I I r-~--- I--- I ltem ASI#: Quantity 2' x 6' 3 color Banner 8 $1,079,58 White T-shirt 3 Color imprint ? $3.61 Gatorboard Wall mount- 6" x 10" laminated sign ? $28,35 Lightpost Banners - 3 Color imprint, Sunbrella material 4 sets of 100 -- ~- Black Baseball cap - 2 color Loqo 100 $345 Water Bottles 2 location 3 color imprint 30111 1500 .95/$1425 Magnets - Rectangular with Full 3 color Logo 1000 ,36 / $364,50 ~-- -- Key Chain - 2 Color "I" Loqo 1500 .71/$1053 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 15~ II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UJ 8 ~ ~' ,J ~'" ~ A......... f" t"\.. .,' 1-'01' "', ...- ' Z ~ ''>,. !' '1'~ ~ '"-'" I ' , ~ . ',,'.' ~ .2:~'z ",. ,.;,: 1""'\ ~.:: ~ r-"....... i ' ............ 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