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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.07 Annual Slurry Seal Program K,"- Of D{j/j/,~ 6~W4J r~l~I~~~ ,~~ q"lroR~\~ CITY CLERK File # D[6][O[Q]-~~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 16, 2006 SUBJECT: Award oCBld - Contract No. 06-05, 2005-2006 Annual Slurry Seal Program Report Prepared by- Melissu Morlon, Public Works Director ~ ATTACHMENTS: 1) 2) 3) Resolution of award Bid results Maps of streets to he slurry sealed RECOMMENDATlO~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Adopt the resolution awarding Contract No. 06-05, 2005-2006 AmIual SIUlT) Seal Program, to Bond Blacktop, Inc. The following is the a,ailahle budget in FY 2005-2006 for this capital project. ITEMS OF WORK FY 2005-2006 Budget Low bid Salaries/Inspections/Misc. : Improvements - Slurry seal. TOTAL: $ 34,561 $ 518.343 $ J65.245.58 $ 552.9Q4 $ 16524558 This project is funded by Gas Tax monies (Fund 206). Pavement failure repairs and crack sealing improvements required prior (0 slurry seal resurfacing have been included in the Annual Street Overlay Program as a cost savings measure. The cost of crack sealing and repairs is approximately $20,600 and will be paid through this slurry seal improvements budget. Tbe remaining budget is proposed to be carried over to FY 2006-2007 Annual Slurry Seal Program as part of the 2006-2011 Capital Improvement Progranl adoption. __.~WVW__~_~_P~.~____________________________________________________________..~_____________________________ COpy TO: Bond Blacktop, Inc. ITEM NO. L-\1 Page I of2 C;;IMAINT P"O.lbCTS\SI.U""Y Sr.ALlFV 2005-2006\AS uward.doc DESCRIPTION: On April 4, 2006, the City Council authorized Staff to solicit bids for Contract No. 06-05,2005-2006 Annual Slurry Seal Program. Slurry sealls a preventative maintenance technIque used to prolong the life of asphalt eoncrcte surfacing. As streets bcgin showing wear and stress cracking, it is important to seal thc cracks to keep water Irom getting Into the roadway subgrade. Slurry consIsts of a sand/oil mixture which seals cracks and provides a new uniform wearing surface. The followmg streets are scheduled to be slurry sealed as part of the 2005-2006 Program: Gleason Drive Oxbow Laue Donohue Drive Gardella Drive Dougherty Road Fir Court Spruce Laue Cedar Lane Cedar Court Ash Court Pine Court Poplar Way Millbrook Avenue Holauda Lane Hickory Laue Oak Court Elm Court Maugrove Drive Boxwood Way Pawn Way Hawk Way Pinch Way Myrtle Drive Pheasant Court Owl Court Sparrow Court Peacock Court The total slurry seal area in the PY 2005-2006 Program IS approximately 1,013,000 square feet. This amount represents onc-half of the anticipated area identified for slurry seal In FY 2005-2006. Due to coordination efforts with Dublm San Ramon Scrviees District (DSRSD) scwcr rehabilitation work and other vanous projects, scvcral streets have been deferred to the PY 2006-2007 slurry seal program. A total of 5 bids were received (Attachment 2), with the low bid of $165,245.58 submitted by Bond Blacktop, Inc. Staff has reviewcd the bids and detennined that the low bid contractor has satIsfactorily performed SImilar projects. StafY reeommcnds that the City Council adopt the rcsolution awarding Contract No. 06-05, 2005.2006 Annual Slurry Seal Program, to Bond Blacktop, Inc. Page 2 01'2 101 ~ RESOLUTION NO. - 06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN * * * ** *** ** ** ***** **** * A W ARDTNG CONTRACT NO. 06-05 2005-2006 ANNUAL SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM TO BOND BLACKTOP, INC. WHEREAS, the City of Dublin did, on May 2, 2006, publicly open, examine, and declare all sealed bids for doing the work described Il1 (he approved Plans, Specifications, and Modifications for Contract No. 06-05, 2005-2006 Annual Slurry Seal Program, authorized by (he City Council on April 4, 2006, which Plans, SpecificatlOlls, and Modifications are hereby expressly referred to for a descriptIOn of said work and f\Jr all particulars relative to the proceedings under the rcquest for bids; and WHEREAS, said bids were submitted to the Puhlic Works Director, who has recommended that thc bid hereinafter mentioned IS the lowest and best bid for doing said work; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin docs hereby award City of Dublin Contract No 06-05 to the lowest responsible bidder therefor, to wit, Bond Blacktop, Inc., at a bid of One Hundred Sixty Five Thousand, Two Hundred Forty-Five Dollars and Fifty- Eight Cents ($165,245.58), the partICulars of which bid are on file in the Office of the Public Works Department. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of May, 2006 AYES. NOES. ABSENT ABST ATNING Mayor ATTEST City Clerk Lf~ '7 5/ /blOb g:1nll!cprq;\s!lInyIFY 2005-2006\re.sUllWtd ATTAUIDIENT ,. (:J ~:J ~ I :iiiiii!!!!l ~ r BI D RESU L TS - AN N UAL SLURRY SEAL, CONTRACT NO, 06<)5 Page 1 of 2 BID OPENING DATE - MAY 2. 2oo€; .--~ ----- BON D BLACKTOP VALLEY SLURRY SEAL ENG I N EER'S ESTIMATE BID , UNIT OF ITEM ITEM DEseRI PTI0N MEAS. QTY U NIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRIC E UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE - , 1 . Slreet Slu rry Seal Su rfacing SF 1.012,442 $ 0.13 $ 131,617 46 $ 0.1125 $113.899.73 . $ 0.12 ' $ 121 ,493~04 - , 2 Remove Oi I Deposits SF 1,000 $ 5.00 $ 5,Ooo~00 $ 0.25 S 250.00 $ 175, $ 1,750.00 3 SP _Remove Detail 1 0, Thermoplastic IF 7.050 $ 0~53 $ 3,736.50 $ 0.10 S 705.00 $ 0.500 $ 3,5.2~00 - 4 SP Remove Delai I 21, Thermoplastic IF 1.422 $ 0~90 $ 1 ,279.80 $ 0.10 S 142.20 $ 0.800 $ 1,137.60 5 SP Remove Detai I 22, Thermoplasti c IF 1,407 $ 114 5 1,603.98 $ 0.10 $ 140.70 $ 1.00 $ 1,4070Q - 6 SP Remove Delai I 23, Thermoplasti c IF 150 $ 114 5 171.00 $ 0.10 $ 15~00 $ 1 ~ooo $ 150.00 r--~ ~P Remove Delail 29, Thermoplastic LF 2,035 S 1.50 $ 3,052.50 $ 010 $ 203.50 S 2.00 $ 4,070.00 8 SP Remove Delail 38, Thennoplaslic LF 1,392 S 0.90 $ 1,252.80 $ 0.10 $ 139.20 5 0.80 $ 1,113.60. 9 SP Remove Deta il 39, Thermoplastic LF 240 $ 0.73 $ 175.20 S 0.10 u$ 24,00 $ 0.65 $ 156.~ t-- 10 SP Remove 12" WhitelY ellow li ne, Thermo. LF 1,473 $ 2.08 $ 3,063.84 S O~ 15 $ 220.95 $ 1~85 S 2,725.05 ~SP Remove "YIELD" Legend, Thermo. EA 1 $ 79.35 $ 79.35 $ 20~00 $ 20.00 $ 65.00 $ 65.00 - 12 SP Remove "STOP" Legend, Thermo~ EA 19 $ 79.35 $ 1 ,507~65 $ 20~00 S 380.00 $ 65.00 $ 1,235.00 f- ~ $ $ $ 20~00 ; S $ $ 240.00 13 SP Remove Type I (24) Arrow, Thermo. EA 2 146.50 293~00 40.00 120.00 I~ - 14 SP Remove Type III (UR) Arrow, Thermo~ EA 5 $ 146~50 S 732~50 $ 20.00 $ 1oo~00 $ 120.00 $ 600.00 15 SP Remove Type IV (L) Arrow, Thermo. EA 8 $ 146.50 $ 1,172.00 $ 20.00 , $ 160.00 $ 100.00 $ 800.00 -"---" ~ Remove "Bike lane" WIArrcNi. Thermo~ EA 2 S 77.35 $ 154 70 $ 20.00 $ 40.00 S 65.00 $ 130.00 17 SP Remove 4" Edgeline, ThermoplasUc LF 5.465 5 073 $ 3,989 45 $ 0.20 $ 1,093.00 S 0.60 $ 3,279.00 -~ 38.00 ' 18 SP Remove Blue Markers EA 38 S 6.30 $ 239.40 S 1.00 $ ,5 500 $ 190.00 19 SP Remove Delineators a17 -11 Store EA 32 $ 2.00 $ 64.00 $ 10.00 $ 320.00 . 5 10.00 $ 320.00 20 SP I nslall Detail 1 0, Thermoplastic Lf 7,050 $ 0.80 $ 5,640.00 S 1.60 $ 11,280.00 $ 0.50 $ 3,525.00 , 21 SP I nslall Detail 21, Thermoplastic LF 1,422 $ 1.22 $ 1.734.84 S 2.20 $ 3.128.40 . $ 1 ~OO $ 1.422.00 22 SP: Install Detai I 22, Thermoplastic LF 1,407 $ 2.20 $ 3,095.40 S 2.75 $ 3,869.25 $ 1~80 , 5 2.532.60 23 SP ~,~I nstatl Delai I 23, Thermoplastic LF 150 $ 2.44 $ 366.00 $ 5.50 $ 825.00 $ 2~00 i $ 300.00 24 SP.1 nsta II Delai I 29. Thermoplastic IF 1,392_!.~_J 2,032.32 $ 1.35 S 1,879.20 $ 1.20,$ 1 ,670~4O ~ ~ 25 SP I nsta II Delai I 38, Thermoplasti c IF 2,035 $ 2.50 $ 5,087.50 $ 3.30 S 6,715.50 $ 3.00 $ 6,105~oo -- 26 SP Insta II Delai I 39, Thermoplastic IF 240 $ 0~94 $ 225.60 $ 1 10 S 284.00 $ 0.55 $ 2~ 27 SP Install 1~ 2" Wh iteN ellow Line, Thermo. IF 1~.473 $ 2.85 $ 4,19S~05 $ 4.40 - 5 6.481.20 $ 2.50 $ 3,682~50 ~ Install "YIELD" legend, Thermo. EA 1 $ 81.56 S 81.56 $ 100.00. $ 1 OO~OO $ 100.00 $ 100.00 29 SP Install-STOP" lagend. Thenno. EA 19 $ 81~56 S 1,549.64 $ loo~OO . $ 1 ,900~00 $ 100.00 $ 1,900.00 30 SP Install Type_I_124) Arrow, Thermo. EA 2 $ 159.00 S 315.00 $ 145.00: $ 290.00 $ 145.00 $ 290.00 -------- 31 SP Install Type III {UR) Arrow, Thermo~ EA 5 $ 159.00 S 795.00 $ 180.00 $ 9oo~00 $ 145.00 $ 725.00 32 SP tnsIaIl Type IV IL) Arrow. Thenno. EA 8 S 159.00 $ 1,272.00 $ 70.00 $ 560~00 $ 75.00 $ 600.00 -- ----- 33 SP InslaU-Bike lane" WiArrow, Thermo. EA 2 S 69.35 $ 138.70 $ 50.00 $ 160.00 S 65.00 $ 130,00 34 SP Install 4" Edgeli ne. Thermoplastic LF 5,465 S 1.00 $ 5,465.00 $ 0.55 $ 3,005.75 S 0.50 $ 2,732.50 - 35 SP Install Blue Markers EA 38 $ 16.31 $ 619.78 $ 22.00 $ 836.00 '$ 15.00 $ 570.00 -- 36 SP I nstall Del ineators at 7-11 Store EA 32 $ 4.00 $ 128.00 S 160.00 $ 5.120.00 $ 75~00 $ 2.400.00 - TDTAl BID: $ 191,932.52 $ 165,245.55 . 5 173,275.29 ... ..., Amount colTeCted after veliflcatton of calcu lation % "'" -,." ~ BID RESULTS - ANNUAL SLURRY SEAL, CONTRACT NO. OO-\l5 fslD OPENING DATE - MAY 2, 2006--------- BID ~M ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 Street Slu rry Seal Surtacing ~ -Remove 011 DepoSits 3 SP Remove Detail 10, Thermoplastic ~~ Remove Detail 21, Thermoplastic 5 SP Remove Detai I 22, Thermoplasti c 6 SP Remove Detail 23, Thermoplastic 7 SP Remove Detail 29, Therrooplastic 8 SP Remove Detail 38, Thermoplastic 9 SP Remove Detail 39. Thermoplas~c 1 0 SP Remove 12- WhitelY ellow Line, Thermo. 11 SP Remove "VI ELD- Legend, Thermo. 12 S P . Remove 'STOP" Legend, Thermo. 13 SP Remove Type I (24) Arrow, Thermo. 14 SP Remove Type III (UR) Arrow, Thermo. 15 S P Remove Type IV (LI Arrow, Thermo. 16 SP . Remove "Bike Lane- WIArrow, Thermo. 17 SP -.'Remove 4. Edgeli ne, Therrooplastic 18 SP Remove BI ue Markers 19 SP Remove Del ineators at 7-11 Store 2() SP Install Detai I 10, Thermoplastic 21 SP Install Detai I 21, Thermoplastic 22 SP I nsta II Detail 22, Thermoplastic 23 SP I nsta II Detail 23, Thermoplastic 24 SP Insta II Detail 29, Thermoplas~c 25 SP IrlStall Detail 38, Thermoplas~c 26 SP IrlStall Detail 39, Thermoplaslic 27 SP IrlSta II 12- WhitelY ellow Line, Thermo. 28 SP IrlStall"V1 ELD- Legeoo, Thermo. 29 SP IrlStall .STOP" Legeoo, Thermo. __ 30 SP IrlStall Type I (24) Arrow, Thermo. 31 SP Install Type III (UR) Arrow, Thermo. 32 SP Install Type IV (LI Arrow, Thermo. 33 SP Install "Bike Lane" W/Arrow, Thermo. 34 S P Install 4" Edg eli ne, Thermoplastic 35 S P Install Blue Markers 36 8 P I nstall Del ineators at 7-11 810re - ~ TOTAL BID' UNiITQF MEAS. SF SF LF LF LF IF LF LF LF LF EA EA EA EA EA EA LF EA EA Lf LF LF LF LF LF LF LF EA EA EA EA EA EA LF EA EA QTY 1,012.442 1,000 7,050 1422 14lJ7 150 2,035 1,392 240 1.473 1 19 2 5 8 2 5.465 38 32 7,050 1 422 1,407 150 1,392 2.035 240 1.473 1 19 2 5 8 2 5,4.65_ 38 32 AMERICAN ASPHALT UN IT PRICE $ 0.113 $ $ 4.20 $ $ 0.50 $ $ 1.50 $ $ 1 71 $ $ 766 $ $ 2.00 $ $ 0.80 $ $ 4.82 $ S 1.85 $ $1,065.00 $ $ 65.00 $ $ 120.00 $ $ 120.00 S $ 100.00 S $ 65.00 S $ 0.60 $ '$ 5.00 S $ 10.00 $ $ 0.50 $ $ 1.00 $ $ 1.80 $ $ 2.00 $ $ 1.20 $ $ 3.00 $ $ 0.85 $ $ 2.50 $ $ 100.00 $ $ 190.00 $ $ 145.00 $ S 145.00 $ S 75.00 $ $ 65.00 $ $ 0.50 $ $ 15.00 $ $ 75.00 S TOTAL PRICE 114.405.95 4,200.00 3,525.00 2,133.00 2,405.97 1,149.00 4,070.00 1,113.60 __ 1,156.80 2,725.05 1,005.00 1,235.00 240.00 600.00 800.00 130.00 3,279.00 190.00 320.00 3,525.00 1,422.00 2,532.60 300.00 1,670.40 6,105.00 204.00 3,682.50 100.00 3.610.00 290.00 725.00 600.00 , 130.00 2,73250 570.00 2,400.00 S 175,342.37 y GRAHAM CONTRACTORS Page20f2 U NIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE U NIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE CALI FORN IA PVT MAl NT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ S $ $ $ . $ $ $ $ $ l $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ S 's S .$ $ $ $ 0.13 2.00 0.52 0.!l4 1.05 1.05 2.10 0.!l4 0.68 1.94 70.00 6800 125.00 125.00 105.00 68.00 0.53 5.25 10.50 0.52 105 1.85 2.10 1.25 3.15 0.88 2.62 105.00 105.00 150.00 150.00 80.00 70.00 0.52 16.00 79.00 $ 131,617 46 $ $ 2,000.00 $ $ 3,666.00 $ $ 1,1(14.48 $ $ 1,477.35 $ S 157.50 $ $ 4,273.50 $ S 1,169.28 S . S 163.20 S $ 2,857 62 $ $ 70.00 $ $ 1,292.00 $ $ 250.00 $ $ 625.00 $ $ !l40.00 $ $ 136.00 $ $ 3,442.95 $ $ 199.50 $ $ 336.00 $ $ 3,666.00 $ $ 1,493.10 $ $ 2,602.95 $ $ 315.00 $ $ 1,74lJ.00 $ $ 6,410.25 $ S 211.20 $ S 3,859.26 S $ 105.00. S $ 1~995llQ... $ , $ 300.00 S $ 750.00 . $ $ 540.00 :-, $ $ 140.00. $ $ 2,!l41.80 $ $ 608.00 $ $ 2,528.00 $ $ 185.973.4lJ 0.167 $1'69,077.81 5.98 $ 5,980.00 0.540 S 3,S0700 0.660 S 1,222.92 1.07 $ 1,505.49 1.070 $ 160.50 2.14 $ 4,354.90 0.860 $ 1,19712 0.70 -$ - 1-68.00 1.98 $ 2,916.54 69.55 $ 69.55 69.55 $ 1.321 45 128.4lJ $ 256.80 128.4lJ $ 642.00 1 07 00 $ 856.00 69.55 $ 139.10 0.54 $3.497.60 5.35 $ 203.30 10.70 $ 342.40 0.54 $ 3,807.00 1.07 $ 1,521.54 1.93 _ $ 2,715.51 2.14 $ 32100 1.29 S 1,795.68 3.21 S 6,532.35 0.91 $ 218.40 2.68 . $ 3,(147.64 107.00 ' $ 107.00 107.00 $ 2,033.00 155.15 $ 310.30 155.15 $ 775.75 80.25 $ 64200 69.55 $ 139.10 0.54 $ 2,951 10 16.05 $ 609.00 80.25 $ 2,568.00 $ 228,713.75 IJ.\ "" ~ IJI * Amount corrected after verification of calculation -~ <to (~/ ,~ 2005-2006 Annual Slurry Seal Program !>::,'.'. ~ ~ i ~ ~ a '" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. !1 i~ILL8RC()..(: AVENU E~ !MILL"OCK"EN~. .. i ' ~. / "-IOLA.'\IDA.ANE( ~~... 0" GAR~ELU. 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