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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.03 Dolan Park Furniture Replacement K-~ Of DlJ/j/h 6~~ f~@I~~~ ~~~ qJ;IrOR~"\":, CITY CLERK File # OroJ[o[o-f3]6J AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 2,2006 SUBJECT; Park FurnIture Replaccmcnt - Contract Number 06-06 Report Prepared bv Rosemary Alex, Park. and Facilities Development Coordinator ATTACHMENTS; I) Resoluhon or Award 2) Budgct Change Form 3) NotlficatHln to G and G Builders RECOMMENDATION;d 1) ~- J 2) FINANCIAL STATEMENT; Adopt rcsolution awarding Contract 06-06 to Ross R"crcation EqUIpment Company Incorporated for Base Bid ApprovL Budget Change Form 2005-2006 ADOPTED BUDGET -DOLAN PARK Measure D Funds Bid Proposal from Ross Rccreation Difference $31,310 $52.064 ($20,754) In order to award basc bid plus a 10% contingency, an addlhonal appropriation from Measure D Funds for $25,960 is required. DESCRIPTION; Thc Park Furniture Replacement Project was approved as part of the 2004-2005 Capital Improvement Program. The project extends over four fiscal years at the following locations: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Dolan Park Alamo Creek Park Stagecoach Park Shannon Park Kolb Park FY 2005-2006 FY 2006-2007 FY 2006-2007 FY 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 On April 4, 2006 the City Council authon.<ed Staff to solicit bids for furnIture rcplacement at Dolan Park. In an cffort to garncr improved pn"mg by increasing the furmture purchase, Alanlo Creek and Stagecoa"h Park's were included as an additive bid item. A fler a two-week solicitation penod, on April 2U, 2006 the following bids were submltted: ---------------------------------_.----------------------------_.------------------~----~-------------_.----- COPY TO: G and G Builders, Ro!;!; i{ecTl:mlioll ElIuj~mcnl t ,ompany, Inc. and McNabb ConstI'uctiun, In!;:. Page I or 2 ITEM NO. 1f~ G:\c. ~()I JNClI IAgenda Stat~mcllt!;\200fi\5-2 P,irk Furniture Report.doc :Nil: am an ' 1 G and G Builders 2 Ross Recreation 3 McNabb Cunstruction 'TY:I,.'A1dd Sta 'n '''I'I'III''!'!' .. : 'I...I'...'..!..I.I...,.,.'.'.'...."'...... geca. a... .e.... ". ..... '.':1... 1,...".......1.,. III:,!:,: Alamo Creek ,Park,',,':, $31,374.00 $42,939.60 $52,064,00 $72,613.00 $119,700.00 $77700.00 ~ltlliti'l" \"", $74,313.60 $124,H77.00 $197,400.00 Although G &. G Builders submItted the lowest apparent bId, It was deemed non-responsive since the proposal dId not mclude all or the required documents. In that regard, Staff reCOI1illlem!s awarding contract to Ross Recreation Equipment Company In~orporated, as their bid proposal was deemed responsive and responsible. If fundmg is approv"d in FY 2006-2007 Budget, Starr will seck Council approval to include additive bid item #1 at a latcr date. RECOMMENDATION; It is the recommendatIon of Staff that the City Council adopt the resolution in Attachment I awarding the contrad to Ross Recreation Equipment Company Incorporated for the base hId. It IS also recommended that the City COlIncil approve the Budget Change, Attachment 2. z. C5b 7- RESOT,UTTON NO. - 06 1063 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********** A W ARDTNG CONTRACT NO. 06-06 PARK FURNITURE REPLACEMENT TO ROSS RECREATION EQUIPMENT COMPANY INCORPORATED WHEREAS, the City of Dublin did, on April 20, 2006, publicly open, examine and declare all sealed hids ror doing the work described in the approved Plans and Spceifieations for Contract No 06-06, which Plans and Specifications are hcreby expressly referred to for a description of said work and for all particulars relative to the proceedings under the request for bids; and WHEREAS, the apparent lowest bid for the ProJect was thc bid of G and G Builders in the anlount of seventy-four thousand three hundred thirteen dollars and sixty cents ($74, 313.60) which is a total of the base bId of thIrty-one thousand three hundred and seventy-four dollars ($31,374) plus additive bid item #1 offorty-twu thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine dollars and sixty ecnts ($42,939.60); and WHEREAS, G and G Builders failed to submit a bid schedule tu the City within twenty-four hours of bid opening in accordance WIth Section 6.A of the Instructions to Bidders; and WHEREAS, by the letter dated April 24, 2006 Stafrnotified G and G Builders of such failure, and of Staff's intent to recommend that the City Council reJect the bid of G and G Builders as non- responsIVe and afrorded G and G Builders an opportunity to submit materials concerning the responsiveness of It'S bid 111 accordance with the case ofGhilotti Construction Co. v Richmond (1996) 45 Ca1.App. 4th 897, and WHEREAS, the apparent next lowest bid for the Project was submitted by Ross Recreation Equipment Company, Incorporated 111 the amount of one hundred twenty-four thousand, six hundred and seventy-seven dollars ($124,677 (0) whIch IS the total of the base bid of fifty-two thousand and sixty-four dollars ($52,064) plus additive bid item #1 of seventy-two thousand six hundred and thirteen ($72,613). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AS FOLLOWS; I The City Council ofthe City of Dublin, hereby finds the bId submitted by G and G Builders in the amount of$74,3l3.60 to he non-responsive due to failure ofG and G Builders to submit a bid schedule withm twenty-four hours of bid opening, and rejects such hid. 2. The City Council ofthe City orOublin, hereby finds the bid submitted by Ross Recreation Equipment Company Incorporated III the amount of$124,677 00 to be the lowest, responsIVe b,d. 3 TIle City Council of the City of Dublin, docs hereby award Contraet No. 06-06 to the lowest responsible bidder thereror, to wit, Ross Recreation Equlpment Company Incorporated, at a base bid of$52,064 the particulars of which bid are on file in the ofl1ee or the City Engineer l.i.3 ATTACHMENT #1 S/Z/Of.R CITY OF DUBLIN RUDGETCHANGEFORM ;}Jj63 CHANGE FORM # New :'\ppropriatiolls (City COllndl Approval Required): Budget Tr.usfe,'s: 1ll1;('!~i\.SE::BIl"'G'I1:TAC<!ii um'U. ~IUN1' From Budgeted Contingcnt Reserve (I 0800-7"'i.()()()) Within Same Department Activity Between Departments (City Council Approv,,1 Required) Other XNGRE~Iiiit:ll11:P =","~\"i:" ..AMoUNT $25,960 X From Unappropriated ReSL'TVCS (If Other than General Fund, Fund No - 224 From New Reyenues Name: Name: Park F umiturc Account #. 224.750.050.95631 At.;count #' Name: Name: .<\ccuunt #. NattIe: Account #' Name: Al\collnt #. N(lm~: Account #. N~lnle: A':';Cllunt # Name: At.;{;uunt #' Name: 4.t::cul1nt # ACl,;Ount #. ASDIFin Mgr Date: Signature _._~~- -.. ..,. "'-~- REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY In order to award the Contract 06-06 for Park Furniture Replacement - FY 05-06 Dolan Park, additional funding is needed. City Manager Date: SI(,,'nature As approved at the City Council Meeting on. Date. Mayor' Date: SIgnature Posted BY' Date: Signature fl:Il'C-FOf/.M~',f'Of/.M-brldJ!.~1 ch~lrrJ:~ d('(' ATTACHMENT #2 ~;', ;.(,~'1\ 1/1 -",}\{\~ ij"I~'~)ITI) _.._.\~+~ l!i ,lUJJi5W April 24. 2006 30tJ3 CITj' ( II' IJliUIJN 1\)(1 ,j\lil 1)la~,.:l. ~,~lll.JLr:. JlllllI':II,.~ !.::1"1'~'\:'J W8hsite: tittr..'lwww Gi.dllblin,r.n.ll~ Mr Gerard Callahan G & G Builders 3589 Nevada Street, Suite B Pleasanton. CA 94566 Re: Park Furniture Replacement Project Contract No 00-06 NOTICE AND OPPORTUNITY TO SUBMIT MATERIALS CONCERNING RESPONSIVENESS OF BID Dear Mr Callehan: Pursuant to Section 6.A in the Instructions to Bidders for this project, which provides in pertinent part that "the City reserves the rigllt to reject any or all bids" please be advised that City of Dublin staff intend to recommend that the bid received from G & G Builders for this project be found non-responSive and rejected due to the failure of G & G Builders to submit a completed Bid Schedule within 24 hours of bid. opening in accordance with Section 4 C of the Instructions to Bidders. The purpose of this letter is to afford G & G Builders notice and an opportunity to submit any materials G & G Builders wishes concerning the responsiveness of its bid. The City Council may make a decision concerning award of the project at its meeting on Tuesday, May 2, 2006. Failure to provide information that establishes the responsiveness of the bid by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 28, 2006, may result in rejection of the bid as non-responsive and award of the project to the next-lowest, responsive bidder. This notice and opportunity to submit materials is provided in accordance with the requirements of Ghilolti Construction Co. v. RiChmond (1996) 45 Cal.App 4th 897 If you have any questions, please contact the Parks and Community Service Department at (925) 833.6645. Material concerning bid responsiveness may be faxed to (925)-833-6651 Sincerf'ly, ~"V .1,. . '''-2 'j"/11.1.J / f/y osemary Alex ? Parks and Fatilitiei'iDevelopment Coordinator cc: Diane Lowart, City of Dublin Herma Lichtenstein, City of Dublin Eric Danly, Meyers Nave ATTACHMENT #3 Am;:!' Alde 1~.v~i'l .. r;liy i\II:-Hl~ltwr i-::~:.J ti()f/(l :it,V C. ~)l.JlICil (.u:3"f;ti~)( ':)(:~r!:;rmn~~: ~3,~-f;ni"}(,i ECCHHJfI1ic D8V{~I(Jpmunt 83~:"'6650 Fin<Jilc~. 1-:):-1:.: ,1364fl Public Wn['k;:IEnqini"'0Iinl;.II~.'~:;,-AI1:-~1 i ~::HII(:: t, {-,{)~rllrll;nilV :)(,!!'Vil;(~~, 1I.')~\ ,fit;4.:, Pl1licc 833-6R70 f")lanniruv' r1(le F:iljor(~(~rrH"!rlt ,(l?'"1lf)1~1 H1JlldlrlC' Ill,iPl:ctiun u:.J.l..6f;;?() Fire F)reventinn Rllre<'!.u f'i::l::l-m)()f-j Pf'/n/f-::'! (~f) hucl"..:fccJ PiJDOI