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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.04 Award Bid Street Overlay Project CITY CLERK File # D[1l][Q]~-[3][5J AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 18, 2006 SUBJECT: Award of Bid - Contract 06-04 2005-2006 Annual Street Overlay Program Report Prepared by' Melissa Morton. Puhlic Wurks Director ATTACHMENTS: 1) ResolutlOn of Award 2) Bid results 3) Location map of overlay streets ! Adopt resolution awarding Contract No. 06-04, 2005-2006 A.1mual Street Overlay Program to G. Bortolotto &. Company, Incorporated RECOMMENDATION: FINANCIAL STATEMENT: 2005-2006 Annual Street Overlay: Salad es/ lnspections/ Miscellaneous: lmprovements - Overlay' FY 2005-2006 Budget Low Bid $ 58,940* $ 737,651 * $ 435,19719 TOTAL. $ 796,591 * * The budget amount mcludes $305,268 in expenditures for the 2004-2005 Annual Street Overlay Program completed in early FY 2005-2006. A remaining balance of$491,323 will be available to complete improvements as part of the 2005-2006 program. The Annual Street Overlay Program is funded by Gas Tax and Measure B Local Streets & Roads funds. DESCRIPTION: On March 7, 2006, the City Council authorized Staff to solicit bids for Contract No. 06-04, 2005-2006 Annual Street Overlay Program. The A.1mual Street Overlay project consists of removing and replacing failed asphalt concrete (AC) pavement to a nll111mUm depth of 3 inches on residential streets and 6 inches on collector/arterial streets, COpy TO: G. Bortolotto & Company, Incorporated Page 1 of2 lTEMNO.~ g:\()\'erlay/20UMAS award resurfacing the street with a minimum l-l/2-inch overlay of AC, and re-striping pavement markings. Major cracks will also he sealed prior to resurfacing in order to prevent the cracks from reflecting through the new AC overlay The 2005-2006 Annual Street Overlay Program will repair and overlay the following streets: Street Ashford Way Carlow Way Castihan Road Dillon Way Galindo Court Galindo Dnve Rampart Drive Limits Edenberry Street to Langford Way Edenberry Street to Bandon Drive Padre Way to Silvergate Drive Betlen Drive to Silvergate Drive Galindo Drive to End Deervale Road to Deervale Road Betlen Drive to Betlen Drive A total of six bids were received (Attachment 2), with the low bid of $435,197 19 submitted by G. Bortolotto & Company, Incorporated. Staff has reviewed the bids and determined that the low hid contractor has satisfactorily performed similar projects. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution awarding Contract No 06-04, 2U05-2006 A.1mual Street Overlay Program, to G. Bortolotto & Company, Incorporated. Page 2 of2 liJb3 RESOLUTION NO. - 06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 01<' THE CITY OF DUBLIN *** **** ** **** ****** *** AWARDING CONTRACT NO. 06-04, 2005-2006 ANNUAL STREET OVERLAY PROGRAM TO G. BORTOLOTTO & COMPANY, INCORPORATED WHEREAS, the City of Dublm did, on April 4, 2006, publicly open, examine, and declare all scaled bids for doing the work described m the approved Plans, Specifications, and ModificatIOns for Contract No. 06-04, 2005-2006 AnnlLal Street Overlay Program, authorized by the City Council on March 7, 2006, which Plans, Specifications, and Modifications are hereby expressly referred to for a description of said work and for all particulars relative to the proceedings under the request for bids; and WHEREAS, said bids were suhrnitted to the Public Works Director, who has recommended that the bid heremafler mentlOned is the lowest and best bid for doing said work; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin docs hereby award City of Dublin Contract No. 06-04 to the lowest responsible bidder therefor, to wit, G. Bortolotto & Company, Incorporated, at a bid of Four HW1dred Thirty-Five Thousand, One Hundred Ninety-Seven Dollars and Nineteen Cents ($435,197 19), the particulars of which bid are on file m the Office of the Puhlic Works Dircctor BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor is authorized to execute the Agreement. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 2006. AYES. NOES. ABSENT ABSTAINING. Mayor ATTEST "..-. ~'-- "." City Clerk '-/-/2 - Ok> 4.Lf ATTAUIDIENT ,. G;\OVERLAY\2006\re,wawlIro.duc F-::l 1-3 ~ i ~~ 1-3 r SUMMARY OF BID RESULTS - April 4, 2006 I , ! ; CONTjCT 06-04, ANNUAL STREET ~VERLAY PROJECT : I , I , I -- ----- r , ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE G. BORTOLOTTO C.F ARCHIBALD O'GRADY PAVING BID I : UNITOF! TOTAL PRICE: UNIT PRICE : TOTAL PRICE: UNIT PRICE i TOTAL ITEM ITEM DESC RIPTION 1 MEASUREi QTY 1 UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE UN IT PRICE PRICE 1 StripLflg & Marki fl9 Removal I LS , 1 ! S 8,000.00 . $ 8,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 S 3,000.00 , S 3,000.00 , $ 1.496.00 i 5 1,496.00 ; 2 Plane AC Pa'IJement 12' Wide LF 765 i S 1.38 $ 1,055.70 $ 3.01 $ 2,302.65 S 3.00 , S 2,295.00 $ 5.00 i s 3,825.00 - 3 Plane AC Pavement 6' Wide LF 9,240 ; S 0.68 ! $ 7,946.40 $ 1.85 $ 17,094.00 S 1.00 S 9,240.00 $ 1.00 S 9,240.00 4 Pavement Failure Repa Irs 3R SF 30,948 S 2.820 I $ 87,273.36 $ 1.75 I $ 54,159.00 S 2.40 S 74,275.2Q $ 2.40 S 74,275.2Q Pavement Failure Repa Irs 3R 5 SI urry Seal Streets SF 2,956 S 3.100 ; $ 9,163.60 $ 2.49 S 7,360.44 S 2.60 S 8,276.80 $ 3.50 i S 1 0,346.00 I Pavement Failure Repa irs 4 R 6 DOO9herty Road SF 2,000 $ 4.50 $ 9,000.00 ; $ 3.491 S 6,980.00 $ 4.50 $ 9,000.00 $ 7.00 S 14,000.00 7 i Crack Sealing LS 1 $ 15,000.000 $ 15,000.00 I $10,000.00 ' S 1 0,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 5,500.00 $ 5,500.00 8 Install 1 1/2" AC overlay SF 145,590 $ 0.66 $ 96,089.40 I $ 0.74 S 107,736.60 $ 0.80 $ 116,472.00 $ 0.82 $119,383.80 9 i Reconstruction - 4" A C. SF 96.748 $ 2.30 $ 222,520.401_$ _2.25 !S 217,683.00 $ 2.45 $ 237,032.60 $ 2.50 $241,870.00 10 'Adjust Monuments to Grade EA 23 $ 334.00 $ 7,682.00 I $ 301.00' S 6,923.00 $ 250.00 $ 5,I50.()O_ $ 200.00 $ 4,600.00 11 12" Li ne, WhitelY ellow Thermo LF 198 $ 2.80 $ 554.40 $ 3.75; S 742.50 $ 4.25 $ 841.50 $ 413 $ 817.74 Detail 21, Yellow, Thermoplastic $ $ $ $ u_ $ $ $ 12 LF 322 1.00 322.00 3.00 S 966.00 3.50 1,127.00 3.30 1,062.60 13 Detail 22, Mart<ers LF 50 $ 1.00 $ 50.00 $ 5.00 S 250.00 $ 6.00 $ 300.00 : $ 5.50 $ 275.00 14 STO P AH EAD Legeod, Thermo. EA 7 $ 152.00 $ 1,084.00 $ 100.00 S 700.00 $ 110.00 $ 770.00 , $ 110.00 $ 770.00 15 Refiective Mart<ers (Blue) EA 20 $ 25.00 $ 500.00 $ 15.00 S 300.00 $ 17.00 $ 340.00 ! $ 16.50 $ 330.00 - TOTAL, $ 466,221.26 $ 435,197.1& $ 474,720.10 $ 487,791.34 ! ---- , , I EL CAMj~O PAVING 1 L TOP GRADE eONST MeK SERVICES i BID UN IT OF i -~ ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION MEASURE' QTY U NIT PRICE ! TOTAL PRICE U NIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE U NIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 1 Striping & Marking Removal_ LS 1 $ 2,000.00 : S 2,000.00 5 1,360.00 $ 1 ,380.00 $ 1,428.00 $ 1.428.00 2 Pia ne AC Pavemenl12' Wide LF 765 $ 6.00 S 4,590.ooTs 1.50 $ 1,147.~ $ 8.02 $ 6,135,30__. , - 3 Plane AC Pavemenl6' Wide LF 9,240 $ 1.55 S 14,322.00 I S 1.50 $ 13,680.00 $ 2.45 $ 22.636.00 I 4 Pavement Failure Repairs 3" SF 30,948 $ 2.200 $ 68,085.60 ; S 1.63 $ 56,634.84 $ 2.75 $ 85,107.00 : Pavement Fa ilure Repairs 3" I , , 5 ,Slu rry Seal Streets SF 2,956 $ 3.250 $ 9,807.00 S 6.07 $ 17,942.92 $ 6.80 JS 20,100.80 6 i ~OU9herty Road SF 2,000 $ 5.75 $ 11 ,500.00 S 9.38 $ 18,760.00 S 10.2Q S 20,400.00 7 Crack Sealing LS 1 $ 2,000.000 $ 2.000.00 $15,000.00 $ 15.000.00 , S 5,250.00 S 5,250.00 8 Ilnstall 1 112" AC overlay SF 145,590 $ 0.86 $ 125,207 40 S 0.77 $ 112,104.30 I S 0.765 S 111,376.35 9 Reconstruction - 4' AC. SF 96,748 $ 2.50 $ 241 ,870.00 $ 2.52 $ 243,804.96 i S 2.80 S 270,894 40 10 Adjust Monuments to Grade EA 23 $ 320.00 $ 7,360.00 $ 285.00 $ 6,555.00 ! S 482.00 $ 11,086.00 11 12" Line, WI1 ilelY e1low Thermo LF 196 S 4.00 $ 792.00 $ 3.75 $ 742.50- S 3.94 $ 760.12 12 Delai121, Yellow, Thermoplastic LF 322 S 3.25 $ $. $ S $ --- -- . 1,046.50 3.00 966.00 3.15 1,014.30 -- ------ 13 Detail 22, Markers LF 50 S 5.50 $ 275.00 $ 5.00 $ 250.00 S 5.25 $ 262.50 ' ~ 14 STOP AHEAD Legend, Thermo. EA 7 5 105.00 $ 735.00 $ 100.00 $ 700.00 S 105.00 $ 735.00 i ; 15 Refteclive Markers (Blue) EA 2!J S 15.00' $ 300.00 $ 15.00 S 300.00 $ 15.75 $ 315.00 :'-1 - i I \ TOTAL: $ 489,690.50 : $ 490,128.02 ' $ 557,522.77 JJ 2005-2006 Annual Street Overlay Prog7~ <fi' \1~~'Y',lf~:I' II'" j& ';!: ., 'I' 'I "1,: ~" t ,/~.lhlrS" "'< ;/ \ ~""--"'-.J rrnccooy GALlNDQ DRIVE ' ...~ :".'.. 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