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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.04 FEMA Winter Storm Disaster CITY CLERK File # D[5]~-rn[Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 21, 2006 SUBJECT: Designation of Agent for Application to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 2005-2006 Winter Storms Disaster Report Prepared By Melissa Morton. Public Works Direr ATTACHMENTS: Resolution designating the City of Dublin's Agent RECOMMENDATION: ~~doPt the resolution designating the City of Dublin's agent for submitting an application for Federal Assistance to recover costs associated with the 2005-2006 Winter Storms Disaster. ~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The City of Dublin incurred $14,343 in costs for the mud and debris clean-up during the FEMA-declared 2005-2006 Winter Storms Disaster. Tbe designation of agents within City Staff is required in order to submit an application to FEMA for recovery of three- quarters of the costs incurred, or $10,757 The State of California will reimburse the City for the remaining one-quarter, or $3,586. DESCRIPTION: Alameda County, as well as other counties in the State of California, experienced heavy damage as the result of winter storms beginning December 27, 2005, and extending into January 2006. This storm period was declared a disaster event by both the State of California and the Federal Government. Tbe City of Dublin's contract maintenance forces responded to the effects of the storms by cleaning up mud and debris on the City's streets and in the storm drain systems. In order to submit an application for Federal financial assistance, FEMA requires that the applicant designate an agent, by resolution, to sign the various official forms. It is appropriate that the Assistant City Manager be designated as the City's agent, with the Public Works Director and Administrative Services Director being designated as alternates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPY TO: Page 1 of2 ITEMNO.~ G:\Storm Damage 2005.2006\agst designating agents for FEMA application. doc Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution designating the City of Dublin's agent for submitting an application for Federal Assistance to recover costs associated with the 2005-2006 Winter Storms Disaster. ofl RESOLUTION NO. - 06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********************** DESIGNATION OF CITY OF DUBLIN'S AGENT FOR SUBMITTING APPLICATION TO THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY, 2005-2006 WINTER STORMS DISASTER WHEREAS, the winter storms of December 2005 and January 2006 caused heavy damage to Alameda County and other counties in the State of California, and WHEREAS, Alarneda County was declared a disaster area by the State of California and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin incurred costs for mud and debris clean-up as the result of said storms; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin wishes to submit an application to FEMA for partial recovery of said costs; and WHEREAS, FEMA requires that an agent be designated by an applicant for Federal assistance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dublin that the Assistant City Manager, OR the Public Works Director, OR the Administrative Services Director is hereby authorized to execute for and on behalf ofthe City of Dublin, a public entity established under the laws ofthe State of California, this application and to file it in the Office of Emergency Services for the purpose of obtaining certain federal financial assistance under P.L. 93-288 as amended by the Robert T Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988, and/or state financial assistance under the California Disaster Assistance Act. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Dublin, a public entity established under the laws of the State of California, hereby authorizes its agent(s) to provide to the State Office of Emergency Services for all matters pertaining to the 2005-2006 Winter Storms Disaster assistance the assurances and agreements required. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of March, 2006. AYES: NOES: ABSENT ABSTAINING: ATTEST Mayor City Clerk Lf l.f 3/:21/0 7