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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 Dublin Corners Shopping Center CITY CLERK File # D[5][J][Q]-[2JlQ] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 21,2006 SUBJECT: Adopt Resolution Approving Parking Regulations on Myrtle Dnve in the Vicinity of Dublin Comers Shoppmg Center Report Prepared by' Rav Kuzbari. Traffic Engineer ATTACHMENTS: I) Resolution Approving Parking Regulations on Myrtle Dnve m the VICInity of Duhlin Corners Shupping C"ntcr Area Map lor Proposcd Parking Regulations on Myrtle Drive Letter from Business Owners at the Dublin Comers Shoppmg Center 2) ~) RECOMMENDATION: -{(1Yf--- ~ (Iv) " Adopt Resulution approving Parking Regulations on Myrtle Drive in the vicinity of Dublin Comers Shoppmg Center FINANCIAl" STATEMENT: The cost to mstall ne" signs desib'11ating thc proposcd parking regulations on Myrtle Drive is estimated at $500 SuffiCIent funds are budgeted m the Street Maintenance Operating Budget to cover this cost. DESCRIPTION: Constructiun uf the Dublin Corners Shopping Center located at the southeast comer of the Dublin Boulevard/Myrtle Drive intersection was recently completed and IS now partIally occupIed hy vanous husmesses. The shoppmg center has two main acccss driveways, onc on Dublin Boulcvard and thc other on Myrtle Drive. Some of the stores at this shoppmg center are fronled on Myrtle Drive and located imme(hately south of the dnve"ay along Ihls street. Owners of these storcs recently contacted the City to express concerns ahout large commercial vchiclcs parking on Myrtle Drive in front of the stores for extended periods of time including vehicles that belong to residents from the adjacent neighborhoods located on the north side of Dublin Boulevard. They requested the City to prohibit parking at this lueation lor large commercial vehicles to ensure that the view of their stores is not blocked from Myrtle Drive, as this can be detrimental to their busmesses. (A letter from husiness uwners IS mcluded as Attachment 3 ) In response to this request, City Staff conducted a comprehensive review of field conditions at thIs location. There is approximatcly 170 feet of curb space available for parking on the east Side of Myrtle Drive fronting stores at the Dublin Corners Shopping Center This curb space can accommodate on-street parking for up to seven vehicles. Although the shopping center was designed to mclude suffiCient on-site parkmg spaces to accommodate pruJected parkmg demand for the center, provision of the additional off- site parking spaces on Myrtle Drive will help supplement the existing parking supply wlthm the shopping ITEM NO. 5.1 COPIES TO: ({"\ lRAFFJ(.'\N(J Pnl'killg\(Jg.~t _"0 pfll'kin~_ Mwtle.dnc \GbL. c.. center, especially during busy holiday seasons. This on-street parking on Myrtle Dnve was not intended for storage of oversized vehIcles. Although Myrtle Drive is a privatcly owned street, Ordinance No 9-00, which was ad{Jpted hy the City Council on April 18, 2000, gives the City the authonty to enforce the Calilllrnia Vehicle Code within the HacIenda CrosslTIgs Shoppmg Center including traffic regulations on Myrtle Drive. Proposed Parkin!!: Re!!:ulations Based un Staff reVIew of the ahove request, it is recommended that the 170 feet of parkmg space on the east side of Myrtle Drive facing stores at the Dublin Corners Shopping Center be restncted to pruhibit "vehicles over twenty feet long or seven feet high" from parking in this area. Larger non-commercial vehicles such as Sport Ul1hty Vehicles (SUVs) have standard exterior dimensions that fit into this length/height restnetion, hence allowing this parking restriction to be practicaL Staff contacted the property management company for ilie shopping center (ANB Property CorporatIOn) and received their concurrence to implement this parkmg restnctlOn. ln addition, Staff recommends that 280 feet of existing parking along the east Side of Myrtle Drive between the shopping center dnveway and Dublin Boulevard he prohihlted and designated as a "Tow Away" L.One. This curh space is adjacent to the northbound approach lanes at the Duhlin Boulevard/Myrtle Drive intersection where traffic must flow safely lTIto the turn lanes without being impeded hy parked vehlcles. No stores are fronted on Myrtle Drive at this location. Staff received concurrence from ANB Property Corporation to implement this parking prohibition. An area map of the pruposed parkmg regulatiuns on Myrtle Drive in the vicinity of the Dublin Comers Shopping Center is included as Attacluuent 2. Staff contacted the property management company for HacIenda Crossmgs/Myrtle Dnve (Colhers International) and reedved their concurrence regarding these parking regulations on Myrtle Drive. Recommendation Staff recommends that the City CouncIl adopt the Resoluhon approving parking regulations on Myrtle Drive in the vlcmity ofthe Dublin Comers Shopping Center Page2 ~L lofS- RESOLUTION NO. - 06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY O}<' DUBLIN ********* APPROVING PARKING REGULATIONS ON MYRTLE DRIVF: IN TilE VICINITY OF DUBLIN CORNERS SHOPPING CENTER The City Council of the City of Dublin hereby resolves as follows in the interest of public safety Section 1: Pursuant to City uf Duhlin Municipal Code Section 6 04.250, parking is prohihited at the /ollowing localion, '" specified below, and shall be added 10 Ihe Cilv o.fD"blin Trafjic ('(Jde as Section 6.28.1127 "!vo Parkin?; Lone - ~ ehicles Over l'wentv Feet Long or Seven Feet High" on Ihe easterlv curhline of Myrtle Drive. ji-OIn a point 350 feet south of the w<"ler(v edge oj the e~,isting curb ramp at the southeast corner of the Duhlin Boulevard,Mvrtle Drive intersection, soulherlv a distance oj 1m feet Section 2: Pursuant to City of Dublin Municipal Code Sections 6.04.250 and 6.04.330, parking is prohihited at the following location. as specified helow, and shall he added 10 the Cilv oj Dublin Traffic Code as Section 6. 28Jil 5 "No Parking 7(Jne - T(Jw Awav" on the e'lSIerly curh/ine '!! Myrtle Drive,from the wester(v edge of the exiSlino; curh ramp at the ,,,,,,theast corner of the Duhlin Boulevard/Mvrtle Drive intersection, southerly a distance o{"280 (eet. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED thiS 21st day ufFehruary, 2006. AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN: ATTEST Mayor CIty Clerk (;.'\ JRAF}"j(.'\Hf'd (:I/I'hlr~.m _ no p(Jrkillg_ Mvrtte..nnc Z,I ;;"/:;"\/01..0 ATTAUmNT ,. I liIi-o ~ ~~ ~ Ii ~ :iiiii!!!!l ~ f\) . Proposed Parking Regulations on Myrtle Drive PvcIl~.,..-p~md:tor ~~odJJ. ~tIN9Itup~:i'lMIl200Sb~ HJN~.n::. ta<wnal;a....cl1in=to2DO..... 2110 300 Feet o 50 100 Parcels e 30(5' January 31, 2006 Mr. Ray Kuzbari Traffic Engineer City of Dublin 200 Civic Plaza Dublin CA 94568 Dear Mr Kuzbari; Weare a group of business owners at the new Dublin Corners Shopping Center, located on the comer of Dublin Boulevard and Myrtle Drive. We have a situation where large container & trailer trucks are parking for extended periods of time on Myrtle Drive. The size of their vehicles blocks the visibility of our stores. Various trucks park for hours at a time, some even over nights and weekends. We have enclosed some photos for your perusal. We do not waut to see Myrtle drive become a "Truck Stop" Not only is it a sore sight to see in tbis nice commercial area in Dublin, but it will surely become detrimental to our businesses. We respectfully propose that "NO TRUCK PARKING" signs be posted along Myrtle Drive. Thank you for your kind consideration. Sincerely, I jjtiw 1(~4c~ { f'/Crut:e-7"t::'lC:+"ECl p,f(t~n; <::: .~.."'.~- ,,~.. ;i WOJ<s. Uf '- ~W. P Aff+ ~~/'u I'D vA- ~t>,/"f~ I ,.-/ . l!".v>c, M-,t)/J'1'/, I- r;11'''.;,!-'''~' t/Jv.d~J.1':. L.-- fChJL ATTAUDIIENT 3. ~~X:i~.:,\. LUI.." \:r, ;;.t!.'i