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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.01 Draft CC 11-6-07 Min ][)) RAFT ]JllNlIJn:5 oor l1HHK rcIlTIf C01lJNCXn.. OW l1HHE: em ow IDJ1IJfffilI.JN U(fii~R IMHKlK']['][N6 - N<OlW'mlBHKlR. (5p 2CC1 CLOSlED SlESSION A closed seSSIOn was held at 6 38 pm, regardmg I CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code sectIOn 549569, subdivIsIOn a City of Dub 1m v Ralph Gt!, et aI, Alameda SuperIOr Court No VG05241773 II CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code section 549569, subdiViSIOn a Name of case Arroyo Vista Tenants AssocmtlOn, Rhenea Keyes, Andres Arroyo, Darlene Brown, Elise Veal v City of Dublin, Dublm Housmg AuthoTlty, Housing AuthoTlty of Alameda County, and Does 1 through 20, inclUSiVe, Alameda County SuperlOr Court RG 07351015 --<> A regular meetmg of the Dublm City CouncIl was held on Tuesday, November 6,2007, m the Council Chambers of the Dublm CiViC Center The meetmg was called to order at 7 04 P m by Mayor Lockhart <>- ROLL CALL PRESENT Councllmembers Hildenbrand, Oravetz, Sbrantt and Scholz, and Mayor Lockhart ABSENT None -0 DUBL][N C][TY COUNC][L MJINUTlES VOLUMlE 26 RJEGULAR MJEE'HNG NOVIEMBER 6, 2007 PAGE 4138 if, \ ][)) lRA18"f PLEDGE OF ALLEGJIANClE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited by the Council, Staff and those present <> RlEPORT ON CLOSED SIESSJION ACTJION Mayor Lockhart advised that no reportable actiOn had been taken -<). ORAL COMMlUNICA TJIONS Introduce New lEmplovees 705 pm 3 1 (700-10) Commumty Development Director Jen Ram mtroduced new Code Enforcement Officer Anthony Romero Parks & Commulllty ServIces DIrector Diane Lowart mtroduced new Recreatton Techmcian, Angela H Gamez The Council welcomed Mr Romero and Ms Gamez to the City of Dub 1m Staff <>- Apponntments to Clhzerns/OIl"2:annzatlOD of the Year Ad! ]floc Committee 709pm 32 (61030) Deputy City Clerk Carohne Soto presented the Staff Report and adVised that each year the City of Dublm recogmzed a Citizen, young citizen and organIzation of the year at Its Volunteer RecogmtlOn Event As part of thiS process, an Ad Hoc Committee compnsed of two DublIn CouncIlmembers was needed to perform dutIes mcludmg arrangmg for impartial Judgmg and selectIOn of wmners The City CouncIl would consider the appomtment of two Councllmembers to the Ad Hoc Committee DUBL][N CJITY COUNCJIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 RlEGULAR MElETING NOVlEMBER 6, 2007 PAGE 4139 ][))lRAJF'JI' Vm Hildenbrand asked when the nommatlOn penod would begm Deputy City Clerk Soto responded the nommatIOn penod would begm at the end of November and close January 31,2008 On motion of Vm HIldenbrand, seconded by em Oravetz and by unanimous vote, the Councll appoInted Mayor Janet Lockhart and Councilmember Sbrantl to the Ad Hoc Committee - <> PublIc Comments 7l1pm 33 John Zukoskl, Dubhn reSIdent, commented on the future extenslOn of DublIn Boulevard and asked if there would be any measures to mitIgate traffic flow durmg commute hours or proVIde trees or some type of coverage Pubhc Works Director Mehssa Morton commented there was a landscapmg plan that would Incorporate street trees along Dubhn Boulevard -<> CONSENT CALlENDAR 7 14 P m Items 4 1 through 4 13 Mayor Lockhart pulled Item 4 3 for discussIOn at the request of a member of the pubhc On motIOn of Vm Hlldenbrand, seconded by Cm Oravetz and by unammous vote the Counctl took the followmg actIOns Approved (4 1) Mmutes of Regular Meetmg of October 2, 2007, SpeCIal Meetmg of October 3, 2007, and Regular Meetmg of October 16,2007, Approved (4 2 330-40) the Budget Changes, DUBL][N C][TY COUNCIL MINUflES VOLUME 26 lREGULAR MlEE TING NOVlEMBER 6. 2007 PAGE 440 IDRAlF1I' Authonzed (4 4 600-35) Staff to SOhCit bids for Contract No 07-10, Village Parkway Soundwall Pamtmg Adopted (4 5 360-20) RESOLUTION NO 1941- 07 ORDER][NG 1'JHLE ANNEXATJION OF FALLON VILLAGE (TRACT 7586) 1'0 TJHIE DUBLIN RANCJHI STRlEJE1' LJIGHTIING MA][N1'JENANCE ASSESSMENT DJISTRICT 99-1 Approved (4 6 600 30) Change Order #2 for Callander ASSOCiates Landscape ArchItecture, Jnc m the amount of$5,727 Adopted (4 7 600 60) RJESOLU1'JION NO 195 - 07 APPROV][NG TRACT IMPROVlEMEN1' AGRlEEMENT WI1'JHI LENNAR 1EI0MlES OF CALJIFORNIA, JINC , FOR TRACT 7282, AND ACCEP1'JING IMPROVEMENTS AND APPROVING REGULA TORY TRAFFJIC CONTROL DEVJIClES FOR BRANNJIGAN STREET ReceIved (4 8 320-20) City Treasurer's Investment Report for l,t Quarter 2007-2008 Received (4 9 330-50) Fmancial Reports for the months of July, August, and September 2007 Adopted (4 10 360-60) RESOLUTION NO 196 - 07 SlE1'TING A lPlUBLJIC JHIEARlING ON 1'JHIE FORMATION OF THE lFALLON VILLAGE GJEOLOGIC JHIAZARD ABATEMENT DISTRIlCT DOOLIN CllTY COUNCIL MJINU1'ES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MlEETING NOVlEMBJER 6, 2007 PAGE 441 ]J)lRAJF'f Adopted (4 11 600-30) l RlESOLU110N NO 197 - 07 APPROVING A CONSULTING SIERVIClES AGREEMlEN1' WITH R3 CONSULTING GROUP Adopted (4 12600-30) ]RESOLU1'JION NO 198 - 07 APPROVING SALE AGREEMENT WITH OHLONlE PRlESlERVE CONSlERV A 'nON BANK FOR PURCIHIASE OF CONSERVATION CREDrJI'S FOR THE ][-580IlFALLON ROAD ][NTERCHANGE ][MPROVlEMlENT PROJECT and authonzed Mayor Lockhart to Sign the agreement Approved (4 13 300-40) the Warrant Register In the amount of $4076,84292 Mayor Lockhart pulled Item 4 3 (450-30) Emerald Place Retail Center for dlSCUSSlOn at the request of MIChael Lutz, Dublin reSident Michael Lutz Dublin reSident stated In relatzon to Item 43 he was In Opposltzon to vertIcal creep or anything hIgher than what the City currently had as far as blaldlng height DOOLIN Crn{ COUNC][L M][NUTlES VOLUMlE 26 REGULAR MlEET][NG NOVEMBER 6, 2007 PAGE 4412 ][))lRAlF'f On motIOn of em Sbrantl seconded by em Scholz and by unammous vote, the CouncIl adopted (4 3 450-30) ORDINANCE NO 22 - 07 APPROVING AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO REZONE PROPERTY TO THE PD- PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT AND APPROVING A RELATED STAGE 1 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE EMERALD PLACE RETAIL CENTER PROJECT, PA 07-019 <> WRITflEN COMMUNICATIlONS - None <> PUBLU:: H:EARJINGS MItIgated! NegatIve DeclaratIOn, West Dublm BART Specnfic Plan Amendment, Stage :n. Development PRaIll Amendment and Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone for a 309-Umt Resullenbal CommunIty. PA 06-009 Wmdstar 7 18 P m 6 1 (400-20/410-55/450-30) Mayor Lockhart read aloud a request by the applicant, Wmdstar Commumtles, to contmue thiS item to the November 20, 2007, City CounCIl meetmg On motlon of Cm Sbrantl, seconded by Vm Hildenbrand and by unanImous vote, the CouncIl approved the request by the apphcant, Wmdstar CommumtIes, to contmue the Item to the November 20, 2007, CIty Council meetmg <> DUBLJIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 RlEGULAR MlEET][NG NOVEMBER 6,2007 PAGIE 443 ][))RAlF'f PubBlc Hearnng An Ordmalllce Repealmg and Adoptmg New Chapters 5 08, "lFlIl'e Code," and 7 32, "Bmldmg Code," allld Ameilldmg Chapters 7 28, "Bunldl1llg ReguBatDon AdlmDDlstratIOn," 7 36, "lElectrIcal Code," 7 410, "Plumbml!: Code," and 7 44, "MechaDlcal Code," of the Dublm MUDRcIIDal Code 7 19 p m 62 (610-20) Mayor Lockhart opened the publIc hearmg Semor Buddmg OfficIal Gregory Shreeve presented the Staff Report and adVised that the CIty CouncIl would reView an Ordmance repealmg and adoptmg new chapters to the Dublm MUfilcIpal Code Because of a clencal error, the second resolutiOn on the Staff Report would be brought back to the CIty CounCil for consideratlOn of adoptIOn at the November 20 2007, City CouncIl meetmg Chns Dado, Dublm reSIdent, asked If any modificatIOn of a home reqUIred a new code upgrade for smoke detectors Semor Plannmg OffiCIal Gregory Shreeve replIed yes, the upgrade would be m regard to battery-operated smoke alarms Mayor Lockhart closed the public hearmg On motIon of Cm Oravetz, seconded by Vm HIldenbrand and by unammous vote, the CounCIl adopted RESOLUf][ON NO 199 - 07 APPROVING lFINDJINGS REGARDING TlHllE NEED FOR AMENDMENTS TO PROV.D.SIONS JIN TIHlE CALmFORNIA BU][LDING STANIDARDS CODlE AS ADOPTlED BY THE STATE OlF CALIFORNIA, JIN 1'HIE CALJIFORNIA CODE OF lRJEGULAl'IONS, TITLE 241, TO BE ADOPTED BY REFIERlENCIE JlN 1'HIE DUBL][N MUNJICIPAL CODlE DUB!LIN C][TY COUNCIL MIN1Ul'lES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MJEE'f][NG NOVlEMBIER 6, 2007 PAGE 44141 ][))RAlFT and waived first readmg and INTRODUCED Ordmance Repeahng Chapters 508, "FIre Code,' and 7 32, "BuIldmg Code," Addmg Chapters 5 08, "Fire Code," and 7 32, "BUlldmg Code," and Amendmg Chapters 728, 'Bmldmg RegulatIOn AdmmistratIOn," 7 36, "Electncal Code," 7 40 "Plumbmg Code," and 7 44, "Mechamcal Code," of the Dublm MunIcIpal Code m Order to Adopt by Reference and Amend the PrOViSIOns of the 2007 EditIon of the CahfornIa BUIldmg Standards Code TItle 24, CalIfornIa Code of RegulatlOns <> PublIc lHIeall"lng Amendment of DllIbBm MllIDnCIpal Code Chapter 240 ReBatmg to UnclaImed ProlPerty and AddItIon of DefinntIOn folf' the Term "County" to DunbBnn MUDlcmal Code SectIon 1 04 020 7 26 p m 6 3 (610 20) Mayor Lockhart opened the pubhc heanng AdmmIstratlve Services DIrector Paul Rankm presented the Staff Report and adVised that as part of a comprehenSive update to the Dublm MUlllcipal Code, the CIty Council consIdered an ordmance regardmg a proposed amendment to Chapter 2 40 Relatmg to Unclaimed Property at Its June 5, 2007, CIty CounCil meetmg At that meetmg, the Council directed Staff to reVise the ordmance to establIsh a "lost and found" for property turned mto the CIty and to proVIde for notIficatIOn of found items On the CIty's website No testImony was receIved by any member ofthe pubhc relatIve to thIS issue Mayor Lockhart closed the publIc hearIng On motlon of em Oravetz, seconded by Cm Sbrantl and by unammous vote, the Council Waived the first readmg and INTRODUCED Ordmance Amendmg Chapter 2 40 of the Dublm MumcIpal Code relatmg to UnclaImed Property and Addmg a DefimtlOn to Sectlon 1 04020 of the Dublm Municipal Code <> DUBL][N CITY COUNCIL MllNUl'ES VOLUME 26 RJEGULAR MlEETJING NOVlEMBER 6, 2007 PAGE 41415 IDlRAlF'f PunbRnc Hearmg 11'0 ConSider AdoptIon of III Resolutnon of NeceSSity to Condemn Interest m R.eal Property at 11837 Dublm Boulevard for CapItal Improvement Program (elF) ProJect No 95556 - DublIn }ll"Istorlc Park ACqUisItion (JH[entaee Center JExlPanslOn) 7 34 p m 64 (295-30) Mayor Lockhart opened the pubhc heanng CIty Manager Rlchard Ambrose presented the Staff Report and advised that m order to move ahead wIth the Hentage Center ExpansiOn, the City must acqUlre mterest m real property at 11837 Dubhn Boulevard No testImony was received by any member of the pubhc relatIve to thIS issue Mayor Lockhart closed the pubhc heanng Cm SbrantI stated that the findmgs In the Staff Report were well laid out and m order On motlon of Vm Hildenbrand, seconded by em Scholz and by unammous vote, the CouncIl adopted RJESOLU1'ION NO 200 - 07 DlETIERMINJ[NG TlHIA1' THlE PUBlL][C INTlERlES1' AND NIECESS][TY REQU][RE THE ACQUISI1'JION OIP' CERTAIN PROPlER.TY ][NTERlESTS AND DIREC'fING 1'B]E lFILING OlF lEM][NJENT DOMAJlN PR.OClEEDINGS lFOR THIE CAPITAL JIMPROVEMENl' PROGRAM (CJI!P) PROJECT NO 95556 - DUBLJIN HJISTORJIC PARK PROJECT (HER][1'AGJE CENTER EXPANSJlON) 0- UNlFJINJISJH[lED BUSJINESS - None <>- DUBLIN CITY COUNCIl. MJINUTJES VOl.UMlE 26 RlEGULAR MlEJE'f][NG NOVJEMBER 6,2007 PAGlE 4416 ][))lRAIP''f NEW BUSJINIESS AddntIOn of Crossmg Guard and Safety Improvements at Tassanara Road/GReason Dnve IntersectIOn 7 39 p m 8 1 (590-40/590-50) Traffic Engmeer JaImee BourgeOls presented the Staff Report and adVised that the City CounCIl would consIder placement of a crossmg guard and safety improvements at the mtersectIon of TassaJara Road/Gleason Dnve for improved pedestnan access safety to/from Eleanor Murray Fallon School em Oravetz asked how long It would take to Implement these improvements If the CouncIl approved the request tomght Traffic Engmeer BourgeOls stated the first step, implementmg SIgnal timmg changes would have to be done by the County but that could be done withm the next couple of days A crossmg guard was ready to start work Signs and markmgs could be done shortly, so improvements could be completed withm the next week Dr Stephen Hanke, Supermtendent of Dub 1m Umfied School Distnct, stated he wanted to stress the importance of safety to the School DiStrict He urged the CouncIl to support Staff s recommendatlOn and also thanked Council for conSIderatIon of the item Vm HIldenbrand stated she drove thIS mtersectIon every day and wOITled about students at thIS mtersectlOn She was glad that Citizens had brought thIS concern to Staff s attentIOn Cm Scholz thanked the parents that brought thiS item to the City'S attentlOn On motIon of em Scholz seconded by Cm Sbranti and by unammous vote, the City CounCIl approved the additlOn of a crossmg guard and other safety improvements at the mtersectlOn of TassaJara Road/Gleason Dnve to improve pedestnan access safety at Eleanor Murray Fallon School, and approved a budget change to the Crossmg Guards operatmg budget m the amount of$7,769 for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 DUBLIN CITY COUNCJIL MINUflES VOLUME 26 RJEGULAR MEE1'][NG NOVlEMBlER 6, 2007 PAGlE 447 lD>lRAlF'f <> JInntnatlOn of a GeneraR Plan allRd JEastern Dublm SpecIfic Plan Amenndment Study of a PortIon of Property Known as Area JH[ of DublIn Ranch, or Commonlv Known as the Grafton Plaza SIte 7 51 pm 82 (410-55/420-30) Planmng Consultant Mike Porto presented the Staff Report and adVised that the City Councll would deCide if the City should undertake a General Plan Amendment/Eastern Dubhn SpeCific Plan Study for a portIOn of property known as Area H of DublIn Ranch, or commonly known as the Grafton Plaza Site John Zukoskt, Dublm reSIdent, spoke of what he referred to as posItive pomts of the Grafton Plaza project, wIth the exceptlOn of the resIdentml flats The towers themselves would be an eyesore and obstruct the View, and could pOSSibly be a hazard m regard to the Livermore auport He mentlOned office/condos as a pOSSIble optlOn at the project He requested the City Council take the reSidential portlOn of the project off the table Al Albarran, Dubhn reSident, spoke agamst bmldmg of the Grafton Plaza project Chns Didato, DublIn reSident, stated the Grafton Plaza project was not the best project for Dublm There would need to be addItlonal pohcmg and he belIeved the traffic survey for the project was flawed Zonmg m the City should stay as it was currently He was also concerned about available parkmg m the area He dId not beheve a high nse tower fit mto the area George Zika, Dubhn reSIdent, spoke of the mappropnateness of puttmg resIdenhal development m thIS area He asked that the CouncIl look at thiS project m relatIOn to a Jobslhousmg balance, and also the CIty s fiscal mfrastructure The City needed busmess- to-busmess sales taxes to keep servIces gomg The City should take a look at the fiscal impact thiS project would have on the CIty RIch Guarienti, DublIn reSident, stated the City did not need a big study There did not need to be any residentlal m thiS project The commercial retml that could support the DUBLIN C][TY COUNCIL MIN1U1'ES VOLlUMlE 26 RlEGULAR MlElE1'][NG NOVJEMBlER 6, 2007 PAGE 448 DRAlFT campuslretail was appropnate There might need to be adjustments to what was campus/retall The Cay mIght desIgnate a height or story lImIt He urged the CouncIl to deny the proposal Ramoncito Firmeza, Dublm reSIdent, stated hiS opposition to further reSIdentIal projects m the City There was a Delta water cnSIS that was a statewide issue Metro water agencies were predictmg water ratIOmng He asked the CouncIl to help control mventory of new homes and development BIll Schaub, Plannmg CommISSlOner Chmr and Dublm reSident, suggested the Council conSider height lImIts m relatlOn to where people lIved, what their view would be, lookmg out towards the proJ ect Ron Boggs, DublIn reSident, stated the City had the VISion and leadershIp to take on thiS project Jeff Keihl, Dublm reSident, stated that before the study was done, he would lIke to see directlOn from the City CouncIl regardmg heIght IImItatlOns Mayor Lockhart read comments from Roxanne Johannes, Dublm reSident Key items Ms Johannes noted were commumty, fiscal responsibllIty and scalabIhty Dave Chadbourne, Land Plan ASSOCIates, Pnncipal Planner for the Grafton Plaza ProJect, stated he was avmlable to answer questIOns, If necessary <> RECESS 8 32 p m Mayor Lockhart called for a bnef recess Councilmembers present at 8 43 p m The meetmg reconvened With all <> DUBLIN C][TY COUNC][L MINUTES VOLUMlE 26 RlEGULAR MlElE1'ING NOVIEMBlER 6,2007 P AGlE 449 ][)) RAlFT Mayor Lockhart explamed that City Manager Ambrose would go through a senes of questIOns With the Council, to dISCUSS issues, take a straw poll and garner directIOn, m aSsociatIOn WIth the project ThIS was not to approve a bUlldmg or project, but to start a process to' look at what project the Counell would be considenng CIty Manager Ambrose stated the questIOns were desIgned to try to provide an envelope for WhICh the apphcant could design a project whlCh would meet the Council's expectatIOns City Manager Ambrose asked m regard to Commerclal/Retail, QuestIOn # 1 Are the uses (not necessanly anCillary to a Campus Office land use) that are proposed by the ApplIcant appropnate for the Site If so, which are appropnate a) Hotel b) Spa, c) Sports club? Cm Scholz stated she was not mterested m seemg any ofthe three uses Cm Oravetz stated he supported all three uses Cm Sbranti asked the apphcant If the boutique hotel proposed m thiS project would be m addItion to the one at the Promenade or would It replace the hotel proposed at the Promenade Jim Tong, Charter Properties, explamed the hotel at the Promenade was approved about seven years ago The land for the hotel at the Promenade would probably be for a use other than the prevlOusly proposed hotel Current mformatlOn led the developer to beheve they could not support two hotels at the same tIme em Sbrantl asked what would become the underlymg zomng for the land that was prevIOusly planned for the hotel at the Promenade Planlllng Consultant Porto stated the land at the Promenade was deSIgnated vlllage/ commercIal Cm SbrantI asked If the hotel and spa would be one development Had the apphcant done market research to determme If there was a need for such busmesses m Dublm or the Tn- Valley? Dl[ffiLIN CITY COUNCIL M][NUTlES VOLUMlE 26 REGlULAR MlElE1'ING NOVJEMBlER 6, 2007 PAGE 450 DRAFT Mr Tong stated It would be a full service spa, not a health club It would be run m conJunctlOn With the hotel It would also cater to the residents of the condommmills They were m the process of seekmg boutique hotel consultants Cm SbrantI stated he supported all three uses Vm Hildenbrand stated she supported all three uses It would allow for a sports club, not that It would defimtely be bmlt In lookmg at the Staff Report, she did not beheve the resIdents m the area, were necessanly lookmg for a convemence store Mayor Lockhart stated she also supported all three uses They were amemtles for the entIre commumty She had received a call from John Chen CEO of Sybase, and he was very pOSit1ve about these uses and stated employees of hIS company could use these facIhties City Manager Ambrose asked, m relatIOn to CommercmllRetatl, the project proposed 181 000 square feet of office space, QuestIOn #2, Is the amount of Campus/Office square footage appropnate? Vm Hlldenbrand asked m regard to office space, were they referrmg to traditIonal Class A office space, not the shopkeeper or lIve/work umts? Because a hve/work umt could be a professlOnal office, would that be counted separately? City Manager Ambrose stated that issue would be addressed separately Vm Hildenbrand asked if all three types of uses were added, would it come close to that amount? Planmng Consultant Porto explamed that there were approximately 181 000 square feet proposed by the apphcant It was approximately 16,000 square feet for shopkeeper desIgnatlOn, 15,000 for lIve/work, and 19,000 square feet for other lIve/work Ulllts and the other 55,000 square feet was for the retml portiOn at the hotel and spa Vm Hildenbrand asked what was the ongmal campus/office designatlOn for the area? Planmng Consultant Porto rephed that It was 475,469 square feet DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLlUME 26 RJEGUJLAR MEE1'][NG NOVEMBlER 6, 2007 P AGJE 45Jl IDlRAlF1r City Manager Ambrose reiterated that the questIOn was did the Council feel comfortable with the amount proposed? DId they thmk there should be less or more? Cm Scholz asked if thiS would mean changmg the General Plan, If they went With the other uses smce It was now deSignated office space City Manager Ambrose rephed it -would not It was deSignated campus/office for the entlre SIte and they would have to change it only if they went With other uses Other uses were permItted by the General Plan, WhiCh mdicated there could be ancillary uses, retail uses for campus/office, and up to 50% reSIdential may be perrmtted With certam findmgs Cm Scholz asked agam if the General Plan would be changed City Manager Ambrose stated It might be changed dependmg on what the City Council decided Mayor Lockhart stated that what they were trymg to do was nail down uses and approXimate Size so that Staff could study It and determme If it would reqmre a General Plan amendment or not Staff could not tell them tomght Just by the baSiC blocks the Council was now pIckmg out Cm Scholz stated that her understandmg of the General Plan was that thIS area was deSIgnated as office If the Council did go forward WIth the proJect, a change would have to be made to the General Plan Mayor Lockhart stated that even With an office deSignatiOn, there were other uses that could fit m there It did not necessanly mean 11 was Just an office bmldmg In fact, m the Stage I PD that they already had, It stated that if studies proved that other uses worked then they could have them m it So dependmg on what the Council ended up WIth, it mIght not reqmre a General Plan amendment em Scholz asked if they were then gomg to talk about the 749 residences Cm Sbranti stated he would hke to see more office square footage to the extent that it was feaSible He agreed With the other uses, but he felt the pnmary square footage should be DUBLllN CJITY COUNCJIL MINU1'lES VOILUMJE 26 REGULAR MlEETING NOVEMBER 6, 2007 PAGE 452 ][))lRAlF'f devoted to professIOnal office WIth 231,000 square feet, if you counted hve/work and office, he would hke to see more than half office because it was the pnmary designatIOn Vm Hildenbrand agreed With Cm Sbranti s comments The City had a good miX of uses Condo Ulllts had sold and people were lookmg to change the way they did busmess and where they worked People who bought the umts were commltted to work m the commumty where they hved The Council had made a commitment to mcrease office space m the commumty Mayor Lockhart and Cm Oravetz stated they also agreed with em Sbranti's and Vm Hildenbrand's comments Cm Scholz stated she was unsure of the prevIOUS questiOn City Manager Ambrose clar1:fied that when the Council discussed half of the Site, they were speakmg of half of all bmldmg constructlOn, all square footage that was bmlt on the Site, more than half of that would be office, not Just developed area, but half of all bUlldmg constructIOn Cm Sbranti stated they were speakmg of half of the 479,000 square feet City Manager Ambrose asked Question #3, Are there other uses that have not been proposed by the Apphcant that should be mcluded as a part of the proJect? Cm Sbranti stated that although gas statlOns, convemence stores and fast food restaurants were perrmtted uses withm the campus/office deSignatIOn, It might upset the character of the area The CounCIl might want to stay away from those uses City Manager Ambrose stated that was a good example, a reason to amend the General Plan If that use was a perrmtted use today, the Councll mIght want to conSider deletmg it Vm HIldenbrand stated she would be wllhng to do that A small market would be more m keepmg With the village concept versus a convelllence store DOOLIN C][TY COUNCIL MJINUIES VOLlUMJE 26 RlEGUILAR MJEET][NG NOVEMBER 6, 2007 P AGlE 453 IDlRAJFl' CIty Manager Ambrose clanfied that the Council could not desIgnate a particular retaller, but they would have to look at the uses Did the CouncIl agree that they did not want to see a gas statIOn m the proJect? Vm Hlldenbrand stated she did not believe the residents would want to have a gas statton there CIty Manager Ambrose moved on to ResIdentlal related QuestlOn # 1, Are residentlal umts appropnate on the Site? If so, WhICh types of umts were appropnate? a) Shopkeeper unitS, b) Live/work umts, c) Luxury condos, d) Tower flats, or e) Podmm flats Vm Hlldenbrand asked for clanficatIOn between a tower flat versus a podmm flat Plannmg Consultant Porto stated a flat was basically a flat The developer was proposmg to hide the parkmg structure with a nng of umts that were called podmm flats It would mclude a combmatlOn of hve/work umts, shopkeeper umts, and Just straight flat condommmms Then you had the tower UllltS themselves whICh were the flats that were m the towers, 4, 5, 6 and 8 to a floor, that went up m a vertlcal manner, where as the others would rmg the parkmg structures They were SimIlar m floor plans, if not identical The dIstmctlOn was how they were placed on the Site Cm Sbrantl asked what was a luxury condo? How would it be descnbed? Mr Tong stated there would be only 20 luxury condos and the mImmum square footage would be 2,500 square feet They would cater to these reSIdents by offenng hotel servICes, room servIce, and cleanmg The hotel employees would prOVIde these serVices The cost of mamtammg the condos would be higher These services allow the hotel to generate more revenue Cm Sbrantl stated he was opposed to the tower flats He could support the other four optIOns, potentlally He also wanted to dISCUSS a cap on the number of resIdenllal umts Some of those concepts could be Innovallve Vm HIldenbrand stated she would prefer to deCIde the bmldmg height Issue first ThIS would dictate how much residentlal could be put m the bmldmg DUBJLIN C][TY COUNC][L MINUTES VOJLlUMlE 26 RlEGULAR MlElET][NG NOVlEMBlER 6, 2007 PAGE 4541 ])) lRAlF'f Mayor Lockhart asked the CouncIl if they would agree to address the height Issue first Cm Oravetz supported all the reSidential Ulllts Cm Scholz stated she did not support the reSidential due to the Impact it would have on schools They were already maxed Mayor Lockhart stated that was why the Council wanted to talk about the height issue first Cm Scholz stated that the comments she had receIved from reSIdents mdicated that the height was ndiculous, absurd VfQ Hildenbrand stated that was why she suggested lookmg at the height lssue first That was where the reSIdential pIece came m Unul the Council answered the questlOn of height they did not know if there would be reSidentIal umts Cm Scholz reIterated that from the comments she receIved, no one would support the heIght and dId not understand how the CouncIl could make a declSlon as the developer had not presented any plans Mayor Lockhart stated the Idea was to give the developer some gmdehnes so that they could come back WIth a plan em Scholz stated she was gomg to deny the request Mayor Lockhart stated the CouncIl would now take on the height issue Cm Sbrantl stated he would hke to look at the height issue and then QuestlOn #2, regardmg office square footage percentage Although he supported some of the uses, he did not support all the uses Vm HIldenbrand stated she thought the project was very mtngumg and she had read all the emaIls received, both good and bad She had been a reSIdent III the commulllty that had supported and opposed proJects, so she understood the process and deSIres people had for their commumty She did not want to see 21 stones The City was on the forefront of DlUBL][N CITY COUNCIL MINUTIES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MlEETING NOVlEMBJER 6, 2007 PAGlE 4155 ][)) RAF'f green bmldmgs, VIllages, and transit centers The CIty had an opportumty to do somethmg dIfferent She would not hke to see anythmg higher than 10 stones She did not know how much residential that would allow Mayor Lockhart stated she hked Mr Schaub's comment regardmg relatiVity to where homes were located and theIr VIews There was opportumty to prOVide a streetscape that was excitmg for people If you had somethmg to work with, not just four story square bmldmgs She wanted to gIve the developer the flexibihty to bUIld somethmg that was creatIve and special, she could hve With 10 stones maXimum Cm SbrantI stated at the last meetmg With the Plannmg ComrmSSlOn somethmg was brought up about SIX stones bemg the height lImIt m the eastern Dubhn area He would hke to stay wIthm the confines of the Eastern Dublm SpeCIfic Plan It was the gmde that the Council had been usmg withm the eastern Dublm area He would hke to see the project hmlted to SIX stones and at that height, the applicant could stIll be creative Mayor Lockhart stated she would hke the apphcant to come back WIth some optlOns so the commumty could VIew At that pomt, if 10 stones did not make sense, then the CouncIl could say that The Council would be approvmg the footpnnt for some ideas and she dId not want to hmit It nght now, she would hke to see the dIfference between SiX and ten stones What dId It look lIke on paper? She had seen the emails also that stated some reSidents dId not want 21 stones, but she wanted to see more before the Council saId yes or no Cm Scholz asked why not deny thIS plan and request the appbcant return With a new project plan, mcludmg plans to ensure schools were not overcrowded? What about the park issue? Did the applIcant not have to proVide a certam amount of park for that development? Vm Hildenbrand stated that was why they were dIscussmg a study If the study was completed, then the apphcant could answer those questIOns Cm Scholz stated the Council was, m a way, bargammg for what they wanted and did not want, ahead of the game and the appbcant had not given the Council anythmg speCl:fic DUBLIN CITY COUNC][L MINUfJES VOLUMJE 26 REGULAR MlEJE1'ING NOVEMBJER 6, 2007 JP AGlE 4156 lI}RAJFl' Vm Hildenbrand stated the apphcant had presented the ongmal plan at the August 14, 2007, workshop and the Council told them they dId not hke the plan and wanted them to return Cm Scholz stated that 95% of the people that emalled or called had Informed the CouncIl that they did not want the project Vm Hildenbrand asked 95% of how many residents? Cm Sbranti stated there was not a plan, but what the CIty was currently dOIng was part of a process The CounCil had an InItial study seSSlOn and what had come before them was mappropnate, so now the apphcant had come back askmg for dlrectlOn from the Council Staff would work with the appl1cant on a plan that the CouncIl could approve or deny ThIS was all part of the process em Oravetz stated they should give the appl1cant an opportumty to come up With a plan, wIth dIrectIOn from the Council Cm Scholz asked about gettmg more mput from the commumty and askmg what they wanted Vm HIldenbrand stated the pubhc would have an Opportunity dunng the publIc hearmg process to speak RIght now the Councll was glvmg the apphcant dlrectlOn about what they would hke to see The CouncIl still had the Opportunity to say that after all the work, they did not agree with the project Cm SbrantI stated there had been much pubhc mput They had heard from reSidents through several venues There would be more meetmgs and study seSSIOns for pubhc mput and the City had done a goodJob ofmvolvmg itS reSidents Cm Scholz reiterated there were other areas that needed to be explored and evaluated such as parks and schools The Council agreed that thiS would be studIed DUBJLJIN C][TY COUNC][L MJINUTJES VOLUMlE 26 REGULAR MlElET][NG NOVlEMBlER 6, 2007 lP' AGlE 457 DlRAJF'f Vm Hildenbrand stated the publIc may not lIke some of the components of the project but all of thiS allowed for conversatlOn and they dId hke some of the amemtIes Cm Sbrantl reiterated he dId not want to see anythmg hIgher than SIX stones but with the square footage allowed, he did not thlllk they could do that He dId not want to see anythmg over 10 stones Mayor Lockhart stated the issue regardmg square footage was complIcated, it was not cut and dry It was an item that needed to be revIewed by Staff and the applIcant, and some agreement reached The Council wanted to gIVe the apphcant some dlrectlOn so they could return With a project the Councll could support Vm Hildenbrand stated she would not lIke to see the project higher than 10 stones and see what the applicant would bnng back Cm Oravetz stated he could support 10-12 stones Mayor Lockhart stated there were three Councllmembers that agreed to a height hmlt of 10 stones or less em Sbrantl asked Plannmg Consultant Porto how 479,000 square feet, m regard to Floor Area RatlO (FAR), was calculated Plannmg Consultant Porto stated that FAR was a fairly comphcated issue The Eastern Dubllll SpeCific Plan and the General Plan referenced a 45 FAR, baslCally 45% of the Site You took the square footage area of the Site, m thiS case it was 24 46 acres, multIphed it by an acre, WhiCh was 43,560 square feet and then multIply that by 45 Assummg the CIty had the correct parcel Size, It would give you a relahve square footage area of 475,465 square feet of developable area on the SIte That was under the eXlstmg Stage 1 PO and it was under the eXIstlllg General Plan and the eXlstmg Specific Plan Mayor Lockhart asked if thiS same method was used at the Waterford development Plannmg Consultant Porto stated no Waterford was done on a densIty baSiS He explamed that the Sybase property, prevlOusly referred to as SIte 15A, was set up for resldentml development and the CIty moved 390 umts off of the Sybase property to DUBJLIN C][TY COUNC][L MINU1'JES VOLUMlE 26 REGULAR MElETING NOVlEMBlER 6, 2007 PAGE 4158 ][JJ lRAF'f Waterford If you looked m the General Plan and Eastern Dublm SpecIfic Plan and read commerCial development, It spoke of the abilIty to put residential there as long as It was not the majonty use on the property So m the case of Waterford, the Waterford apartments were a smaller use, approximately five acres, where the commercIal use was approxImately seven acres The density of Waterford was 47 umts to the acre The CIty dId not have a mixed use land use designatiOn at the time Waterford was completed, so there was nothmg to whlCh the City could refer The mixed use land use desIgnatlOn came from the west side of town through Tralee and the project at San Ramon Road and Alcosta Boulevard In the east, the mixed use desIgnatIOn came to the City WIth Fallon VIllage and the commerCial core That was where the City had picked up the mixed use land use desIgnatIOn, which better defined the use than Waterford The Mayor stated the City had done it different ways City Manager Ambrose stated there was another difference, also The County requested the City transfer density from one part of its property, residentlal densIty, to another So it was dIfferent The result was a mIxed use project, but the way It happened was different than the General Plan, and the way resldentlal was allowed on campus/office Mayor Lockhart asked if the City had transferred reSidential denSity from the water qualIty ponds Planmng Consultant Porto stated that the water quahty ponds had always had a deslgnatlon of campus/office Cm Sbranti stated the FAR formula was a good formula to follow The CIty was gomg off the FAR, 45 to 60 ThIS Site m partIcular was umque due to the fact that half the SIte was not developable because of the water quahty basm So, 45 or 60 FAR was really 9 or 1 2 because you were only developmg half of the Site He did not want to go over 479,000 square feet m terms of developable land The CounCil had estabhshed that it wanted to see more than half of that as office It was important to stay wIthm the denSitIes that were allowed m terms ofF AR WIth the Emerald Place development approved earher In the meetmg you were lookmg at 305,000 square feet on 27 acres, and here the CounCil was lookmg at 479,000 square feet on 12 acres There was gomg to be denSity even III the form of 479,000 square feet and he did not want to go over that That was an appropnate FAR for thIS SIte DUBLJlN CJlTY COUNCJlL MJINU1'ES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING NOVJEMBER 6, 2007 PAGIE 459 IDlRAlF1f' City Manager Ambrose asked, regardmg the tOpiC of ResidentIal, QuestIOn #5, Should the bUlldmg square footage of residential development be considered as part of the maximum floor area ratIo? Mayor Lockhart stated she dId not know She needed to see what the dIfference would be and what it did to the density Cm SbrantI stated he belIeved it should be and they needed to keep m mmd that parkmg was not part of the FAR, so you were already gomg to have structures on the Site because parkmg was part of that The 479,000 square feet was not countmg any parkIng that was mcluded If you counted the parkmg, the Council should count the reSIdentIal towards that as well as the office or the sports club The applIcant did have the OppOrtulllty, m terms of the hotel, to move It back to the Promenade whIch might free up some of the square footage for some of the other thmgs they wanted to do UltImately on the 12 acre footpnnt, the Council should count the residentIal square footage towards the FAR Cm Oravetz stated he was not clear on thIS questIOn Cm Scholz asked If there would be four acres of park out of that, somewhere em Sbrantl stated the amount of park area reqUlred would depend on the number of reSidentIal umts, if there was reSIdential, then the City would apply itS standard park ratIO to that number Mayor Lockhart stated she would hke to see what that looked lIke, exactly what Cm SbrantI Just Said, uSlllg the FAR for the housmg But she would also hke to see the flip Side of it, if you were not mcludmg the housmg, and stIll stay under the cap CIty Manager Ambrose stated that one issue was the height but the other issue was if you did go With only SIX stones, you dId not want a sol1d City block With Just bUlldmg on it That was the other aspect of the massmg issue Mayor Lockhart asked if the Councll could have an example of what that would look hke Vm Hlldenbrand stated that it was hard to VisualIze how it would look DUBlLIN CiTY COUNC][L M][NUTlES VOLUMIE 26 RJEGULAR MEE1'JING NOVlEMBlER 6, 2007 P AGlE 460 llJllRAlF1r em Sbrantl stated the last thmg he would want would be 12 acres of a solId block He dId not beheve that would happen, but that was worth takmg a look Vm Hlldenbrand stated if the Councll put the appllcant m a box or under certam condltlons, then that might be wIth what they returned She would lIke to give them flexIbihty CIty Manager Ambrose clanfied that three of the Councilmembers were saymg, have the apphcant come back with two optlOns One would be to put a hard cap of 479,000 square feet WhICh apphed to all uses, WIth the exceptlon of the garages Another option would be the resldentlal not count agamst that square footage and wlthm the heIght lImIt of ten stones Mayor Lockhart stated that they would go back to the dlscusslOn of what types of umts to mclude m the project Did Cm Sbranti still want to get nd of the tower flats? em Sbrantl stated he dId not want to see a SiX story resIdential development He wanted to mamtam the office component With some of the uses that were conducive to office, whether it was the spa, sports club, or boutique hotel He thought luxury condos played mto that Shopkeeper, lIve/work UnIts also played mto that He was not partIcularly mterested In podmm or tower flats as the CIty already had many Of the five optlOns, he preferred shopkeeper, hve/work and luxury condos He was not m favor of tower flats He mIght conSider podlUm flats Mayor Lockhart stated there were people that hked podlUm flats, to have the entlre UnIt on one floor Vm HIldenbrand asked for clarlficatlOn on floor placement of tower flats She asked If the podlUm flats were hke Waterford and the tower flat were SImilar to the Elan development Plannmg Consultant Porto stated Waterford was what was called a wrap The podmm was generally lIke Elan, one or two levels of parkmg WIth structures pIled on top, and then structure wrappmg around the base That was what Elan did If you looked on Hamlet, you had umts facmg Dubhn Boulevard and DeMarcus, but they are screenIng the top floor DlOBLIN CJI1'Y COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUMIE 26 REGULAR MJEE1'JING NOVIEMBIER 6, 2007 PAGE 4161 ][))RAF'f of the parkmg structure Those were podlUm flats Whereas m the case of Waterford and Avalon, there was parkmg structure m the middle wIth umts around it What thIS project was proposmg was havmg parkmg and maybe some office on top of it and then maybe some reSIdentIal on top of that What forced it mto a tower was when it came down and started gomg vertIcal But generally it was a layered project Cm Oravetz stated he would hke give the apphcant dIrectIOn to use the five types of residential umts and see with what they returned He dId not want to tIe theIr hands Cm SbrantI stated that he was most opposed to havmg Just a resIdentIal bmldmg or condos, town homes or apartments completely separate But if the apphcant were to propose havmg Class A Office, then on the top floor have some condos or if you had a boutlque hotel and you had 20 condos as part of that, then it would not Just be a residential development There would be other uses In the bulldmg - mixed use Plannmg Consultant Porto clanfied that the CounCil dId not want to see a residentIal bUlldmg They wanted to see everythmg mcorporated m It, mixed use City Manager Ambrose asked for clanficatIOn from the Council m terms of mixed use DId they mean mixed use m the confines of the same bUlldmg, not hke the City had at San Ramon VIllage where there was commerCial In one place and resldentlal m another The CouncIl replIed that was correct, the mIxed uses m the confines of the same bmldmg Cm Sbrantl asked if regardmg ResIdential, had QuestlOn #6 been answered? What percentage ofthe total bulldmg square footage on the Site should be residential? City Manager Ambrose stated that the dlrectlOn was more than half, 50% plus one would be campus/office Mayor Lockhart added that the rest would be a mIX of other uses Cm Sbrantl stated that the resldentlal should be the smaller portlOn to help enhance the project DOOLIN CITY COUNCIL M][NUTES VOLUME 26 RlEGULAR MJEIETIING NOVEMBlER. 6, 2007 PAGlE 462 ][)) RAF'f City Manager Ambrose recapped that what the CIty dId hke, m regard to Commercial RetaIl, was the hotel, spa and sports club Cm Scholz voted no, but the other four mdICated yes WIth respect to office square footage there was a consensus that the City would hke to see at least more than one half of that be profeSSiOnal office space There were some concerns about gas statIOn use bemg permItted as well as lookmg at the Issue of convelllence stores and how they fit m WIth zomng The CouncIl preferred not to have convemence type stores WIth respect to the residential, there was a consensus to penmt some resIdential on the Site That It be mixed-use There was some support for lookmg at all five types Identified m the Staff Report whICh mcluded shopkeeper units, hve/work umts, luxury condos, tower flats, and podIUm flats WIth respect to heIght, the consensus was ten stones or less CIty Manager Ambrose clanfied, m regard to professIOnal office, the Council was referrmg to offices uses The CouncIl was not lImltmg It to doctors, etc The dlstmctlOn was made not to mcorporate the shopkeeper or hve/work umts as part of the office square footage Was that the consensus? The Council stated no City Manager Ambrose stated those were m additIOn to half of the SIte bemg campus/office Mayor Lockhart asked if Cm Sbranti wanted more than half of it to be office, plus add m the hve/work umts Cm Sbrantl stated that when they spoke of hve/work or shopkeeper, what type of office was that Vm Hildenbrand stated it could be a photography studiO, counselor, or msurance There were all kmds of professlOnal people that could use those umts CIty Manager Ambrose asked PlannIng Consultant Porto If the square footage that was shown mcIuded the reSidential portIOn of that umt, as well as the office or retaIl portlOil when you looked at the square footage the apphcant mcluded DOOLIN CiTY COUNCIL MiNUTES VOLUME 26 RlEGULAR MlEET][NG NOVEMBJER 6, 2007 PAGIE 463 ][)) lRAFT Planmng Consultant Porto stated that if you looked at the chart on Page 4 of the Staff Report, you could see the dIfferentlatlOn City Manager Ambrose asked that where it stated Shopkeeper umt square footage at 16,000 square feet, dId that mclude the entIre space? Plannmg Consultant Porto replIed that no, that would be Just the portIOn that was their workmg part of the bUildmg City Manager Ambrose asked then if it would be 50,000 square feet m additIon to the 181,000 square feet? Cm Sbrantl stated that one way to reach it was saymg 200,000 square feet of the Class A office, and then you could count the rest of the Shopkeeper, Live/work to get you over 240,000 square feet because the CounCIl was saymg they wanted over half to be office So If one of the scenanos had a cap at 479,000 square feet, lfthere was 200,000+ of the Class A Office and you counted the rest, WhiCh would get the amount over That would stlll mcrease the Class A Office He would lIke to see was 250,000 square feet total, at least Vm Hlldenbrand added, but without mcreasmg the shopkeeper, lIve/work Ulllt, makmg up that additIOnal wIth extra office Cm SbrantI stated he thought 181 000 square feet was too low for Class A, but there were a lot of dIfferent thmgs they could look at so he dId not want to be overly restrictive without a plan But If the CIty were to get a mmimum of 250,000 square feet, then 50,000 was hve/work, that would be a mmImum of200,000 square feet of Class A Office CIty Manager Ambrose asked em SbrantI If he was baSically addmg 19,000 square feet of Campus/Office? Cm Sbranti replIed, yes, at a mlmmum The maJonty of the CounCil agreed Cm Scholz stated she did not want it to appear she dId not want good thmgs for Dublm, but there were many concerns Many people felt the City had plenty of apartments, DOOLIN C][TY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 R1EGlU lLAR MlElE'nNG NOVlEMBJER 6, 2007 PAGlE 464 ]lJ)lRAF'f condos and houses Some of her questIOns that remamed were was the Councll gomg to change the General Plan? How were they gomg to handle the school sItuatIon relatIve to number of students? Was the City gomg to bUlld another high school? What about parks and recreatIOn and play areas If you were gomg to bUlld thiS big of a project? Those issues had not been reviewed Did the City want to add more denslty m terms of people m the residentIal unitS? What about parkmg? It seemed some of the basic questIOns she heard from the pubhc needed to be looked at more carefully The City needed more opportumhes for pubhc mput Was thiS what they really wanted? Cm Oravetz stated he agreed With much of what Cm Scholz stated, but he would hke to see the City contmue With the prOject He hked a lot of the amemties and what it would bnng to Dublm The Councll had gIVen the apphcant good feedback He was m agreement with the resolutIOn m Ophon 1 of the Staff Report recommendatIOn Cm SbrantI stated the CounCil was movmg forward m the process They were mamtammg the mtegnty of the plan They were stlll Iookmg predommately at campus/office They wanted to have over half of it be more professlOnally onented to proVIde jobs for the reSidents of Dubhn Ranch and eastern Dublm By movmg forward, they were Iookmg at amemtles and a httle resldential, makmg It a lesser use There was creatIvity that brought dIstmctlOn to the plan The CIty should senously look at the cap m terms of square footage Just because It was pushed onto the once 12 acre parcel They should shck wIth the current FAR, 479,000 square feet developable, was Important Staff would work With the apphcant to address all of Cm Scholz's concerns as the process contmued Vm Hildenbrand stated she loved how the commumty would come together on all different issues She hked to work With the pubhc and was sure the pubhc would stay mvolved The CIty would work WIth the School DIstnct to ensure that there was enough space at the schools The parks issue would have to be figured out It was an OppOrtulllty to bUlld a project that was dIfferent ThiS was an opportumty to spur mterest m the Promenade ThIS would be one step closer to gettmg it bUilt She would hke to see the project come back and study It ThiS was an opportumty to gIVe directIOn and mput on what the CounCIl was lookmg for, ahead of tIme Cm Sbrantl added that he appreciated the apphcant's willmgness to work With Staff and the Commulllty on the project DOOLIN Cny COlUNC][L MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MJElE'nNG NOVJEMBIEIR 6, 2007 PAGIE 4165 ]lJ)RAlF'f Mayor Lockhart stated thiS project would be a catalyst for the Promenade It would mcrease the value of the mvestment m the community She appreciated the fact that the applIcant was hstelllng to the commumty and CouncIl She hoped there would be productive work study seSSlOns between the CouncIl and the Planmng CommissIOn so they could all stay on track and the community could be m attendance She understood the concerns about what was gomg to happen to the commumty, but the City'S General Plan needed to be able to adapt to the needs of the commumty The schools m the east would have room With two new ones commg on lIne and there would not be a lot of kids commg out of the luxury condos It was Important to hear the facts, see what was gomg to happen and then make a declSlon She did not want the City to mISS somethmg because they were not wllhng to look On motion of Cm Sbrantl, seconded by Vm Hlldenbrand and by majorIty vote (Cm Scholz votmg no), the City Council adopted RESOLU1'JION NO 201 - 07 ADOPT RJESOLUTJION APPROVING THlE IN][1lA1'JION OF A GENERAL lPLAN AMENDMJEN1' AND JEAS1'lERN DUBLIN SlPEC][lF][C PLAN AMlENDMJENT STUDY WITH DIRJECTJION lFOR MODIlFJICA TIONS 1'0 1'HlE PROJECT 1'0 BE STUDIED lFOR THE PROPJERTY COMMONlL Y KNOWN AS GRAFTON PLAZA, A PORTION OF DUBLIN RANCH AREA IE[ wlthm the parameters detmled m the ResolutlOn, under the headmgs of CommerclallRetml, Residential and BuIldmg HelghtlMassmg -- <> lFallon Sports Park Phase I - Landscape Archltec1turaR Services 10 11 P m 8 3 ( 600- 30) DIrector of Parks and Commumty ServIces DIane Lowart presented the Staff Report and advised that as approved In the 2006-2011 CapItal Improvement Program, deSign of Fallon Sports Park Phase I would begm m Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Staffwas seekmg City DUBLJIN C][TY COUNCIL MJINU1'JES VOLUMlE 26 REGULAR MEJETING NOVlEMBJER 6, 2007 PAGE 466 ][)) lRAF'f Council authonzatlOn to contract wIth CarducCi and Associates, Incorporated to complete the commumty design process through constructIOn documents and blddmg Vm Hildenbrand asked If Staff would be lookmg at the feasIbIhty of turf grass Parks and Commulllty Services Director Lowart stated one of the goals of the City was to look at the feasIbIlity of turf grass, but they needed to complete a study to show the pros and cons of such surfacmg On motIOn ofVm Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm Scholz and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RlESOJLlU1':llON NO 202-07 APPROVING AN AGRlEEMENT WJI1'H CARIDUCCJI AND ASSOC][ATES, ][NCORPORA1'ED FOR FALLON SPORTS P AR.K PHASlE I <> ])esl2nahorn bv Cnty CouDlcIl of an Ad Hoc AudIt ReView CommIttee 10 14 P m 8 4 (110- 30) City Manager Ambrose presented the Staff Report and adVised that mdependent audItors from the firm of CapOrlCCl and Larson would soon complete the Comprehensive Annual FmancIal Report (CAFR) for the year endmg June 30, 2007 City CouncIl would establIsh a Ad Hoc Committee to review the report With the Auditors On motlOn of Mayor Lockhart, seconded by Cm Oravetz and by unammous vote, the CIty Council deSIgnated Cm Sbrantl and Vrn HIldenbrand to reView and dISCUSS the audIt reports for the penod endmg June 30,2007 <> DUBLJIN CITY COUNCJIL MJINlUTES VOLUMJE 26 lRlEGULAR MlEETING NOVlEMBIER 6, 2007 PAGE 467 IDRAJF'f MedlatImn In Appeals Before City Conned 10 15 p m 85 (610-25) CIty Attorney Ehzabeth Silver presented the Staff Report and advised that at the October 17, 2006 City Councll meetmg, the CouncIl asked whether requmng parties to mediate would save City bme by resolvmg disputes early m the admlll1stratIve process ThIS report completed by Staff and the City Attorney s Office, detatled further analySiS on the subject City Manager Ambrose explamed that there had been an item the Council had approved at a CIty Council meetmg regardmg hmlted parkmg, then the parties resolved the issue that dId not reqUIre the approved lImited parkmg, and they had to come back and rescmd the Council's decisIOn Cm Sbranb stated he was m favor of medmtlon With no expense to the CIty If someone did not want to partIcipate, they did not have to The Council stated they were all m agreement With medIatiOn City Attorney Sllver asked Council how they would hke to see the cost of mediatlOn dlVlded Mayor Lockhart asked If there was a cost to an appeal The cost for mediatlOn should be picked up by the person who was appeahng a declSIon City Attorney Silver stated Staff would return With a proposed Ordmance at the first meetmg m December regardmg thiS issue <> DUBL][N CJI1'Y COUNCIL M][NUTIES VOLUMIE 26 REGULAR MlElETING NOVlEMBER 6, 2007 PAGIE 468 ][)) lRAFT OTHER BUS][NlESS Bnef INFORMATION ONLY reports from CouncIl and/or Staff, mcludmg Committee Reports and Reports by Council related to meehngs attended at CIty expense (AB 1234) 1024 P m City Manager Ambrose stated Staff had been workmg With the Army at Camp Parks to develop an Industry Day In whIch they could make presentatiOns to the development commumty and the City and the local government partners They had not firmed up a date yet Cm Scholz stated she had attended the FIre StatIOn Open House at StatIOn 16 and the firefighters had made it a fun event for the kids Cm Oravetz stated he and the Mayor had attended the LA VT A meetmg and worked on the BR T bus deSign Cm SbrantI stated he had attended the Chamber Real Estate Tour and Lunch It was a great event between the Chamber and the City to help hIghhght econOmIC development opportumtles wlthm the City He attended the East Bay DlVIsIOn DInner where they discussed SucceSSIOn Plannmg In City government The City was gomg to have a career day WIth the schools ASSIstant CIty Manager JOlll PattIllo had approached the Supermtendent With such a plan and receIved pOSitive receptlOn from the parents to work on an event for the SprIng The parents were mterested m attendmg Career Day, also Vm Hlldenbrand stated she also attended the East Bay DIVISion DInner The next East Bay DlVIsIOn bocce ball tournament would be In the Spnng Green Elementary School had ItS offiCial grand openmg There were many elected offiCIals at the event It was well attended by the community She also attended a City LIaIson meetmg WIth DUSD Mayor Lockhart stated there were a few parents m attendance at the DUSD which was mce The next Alameda County Mayors Conference would be hosted by DublIn on November 14, highlightIng the Dublm Hentage Center The Dublm High Drum Ime would also be performmg She had attended the US Conference of Mayors Chmate ProtectlOn Workshop In Seattle Speakers mcluded MlChael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City, PreSident Chnton, and Al Gore She had some Ideas on developmg a Green DUBL][N CIITY COUNCIL MINUTJES VOLUMlE 26 REGULAR MElE1'ING NOVEMBlER 6, 2007 IP AGlE 469 ][))lRAlF'f Valley and would diSCUSS with Staff She would speak to offiCials at the Livermore Lab on how they mIght work together on proJ ects <> ADJlOlURNMIENT 101 There bemg no further busmess to come before the Councll, the meetmg was adjourned at 1035 pm Mmutes prepared by Carolme Soto, Deputy CIty Clerk. Mayor ATTEST Deputy City Clerk ~ DUBLIN CITY COUNCJIlL MJINU1'lES VOLlUMlE 26 REGUJLAR MlEJE'fJING NOVEMBER 6,2007 PAGlE 470