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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.10 Purch Code Enforce Vehicle CITY CLERK File # D[]~~-0~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 4, 2007 SUBJECT: Request to Waive Competitive Bid Process and Authorize Staff to Purchase Specialized Code Enforcement Personnel Vehicle Directly from Vendor Report Prepared by: Erin Lamberger, Administrative Analyst ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Waiving the Competitive Bid Process and Authorizing Staff to Purchase Code Enforcement Personnel Vehicle Directly from State Authorized Dealer ~~ /'l '/AdOPt the Resolution waiving the competitive bid process and \ VV\ 0 . ~uthorizing Staff to purchase a code enforcement personnel vehicle directly from the vendor, Senator Ford. In order to adopt this resolution, the City Council must approve it by a four-fifths (4/5) vote. RECOMMENDATION: FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Adequate funding exists in the adopted Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Internal Service Fund and General Fund for the purchase and equipment installation for this vehicle. DESCRIPTION: For Fiscal Year 2007-2008, the City is currently operating two and one-half Staff pool cars. The half-time pool car is shared with the City's Fire Prevention Bureau. A Higher Service Level was approved for this Fiscal Year for an additional code enforcement position, as well as the purchase of a vehicle for the code enforcement officers. The additional code enforcement officer's duties will include compliance with conditions of approval for projects, monitoring the health and growth of vegetation in the City, adequate striping of parking lots, and building repair and maintenance. This span of duties will necessitate the need for a dedicated code enforcement personnel vehicle. Code enforcement officers' duties often require a large cargo capacity and the ability to travel off-road. A sports utility vehicle (SUV) satisfies both of these requirements. COPY TO: Page 1 of2 ITEM NO. 4./0 G:\AGENDA STATEMENTS, MISC\agst waive comp bid SUY.doc As part of the City's effort to respect the environment and air quality, Staff is recommending that this sports utility vehicle be a hybrid gasoline-electric vehicle. The estimated gas mileage for this vehicle is 36 mpg and can travel up to 500 miles on a single tank of gas. During the last state competitive bidding process conducted within the past two years, Senator Ford (Sacramento) was the Northern California vendor awarded the bid for this category of specialty vehicle. Pricing information on the hybrid sports utility vehicle conforming to specifications of the vehicles in the City of Dublin fleet is outlined below: $23,942.00 $ 2,094.93 $ 8.75 $ 200.00 As is the City's normal practice in acquiring comparative prices from local businesses, Staff contacted the local Ford dealership (Ford of Dublin). The base cost plus sales tax provided for the vehicle, excluding tire fee and delivery charge, was $28,395. In addition, Staff was informed that the dealership is experiencing delays in the delivery of hybrid vehicles at this time. Typically, the City's Purchasing Ordinance requires that major purchases over $20,000 be subject to the competitive bid process. The adopted Purchasing Ordinance provides that the competitive bid process may be waived under the following circumstances: 1) When another public agency has administered a competitive bidding process within the past two years for the same or substantially similar supplies, services or equipment (D.M.C. 92.36.050(a)10); and 2) When City Council specifically waives the competitive bid process and authorizes Staff to negotiate the purchase of vehicles bya four-fifths (4/5) vote (D.M.C. 92.36.050(a)11). Staff requests that the City Council apply these exceptions and authorize Staff to purchase the vehicle directly from the vendor. The Northern California vendor has guaranteed delivery of the vehicle within 60 days of purchase. Following delivery, the City will be responsible for the additional costs associated with marking the vehicles. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution waiving the competitive bid process and authorizing Staff to purchase a code enforcement personnel vehicle directly from the vendor, Senator Ford. In order to adopt this resolution, the City Council must approve it by a four-fifths (4/5) vote. Page 2 of2 I~l RESOLUTION NO. - 07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ************* WAIVING THE COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO PURCHASE CODE ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL VEHICLE DIRECTLY FROM STATE AUTHORIZED DEALER WHEREAS, 92.36.050(a)(1O) and (11) of the Dublin Municipal Code provide that the competitive bid process shall not apply when another public agency has administered a competitive bidding process within the past two years for the same or substantially similar supplies, services or equipment; and when the City Council specifically waives the competitive bid proves and authorizes staff to negotiate the purchase ofthe vehicles by a four-fifth (4/5) vote; and WHEREAS, through a competitive bidding process conducted within the past two years, Senator Ford was awarded the State purchasing contract for hybrid sports utility vehicles; and WHEREAS, the City Council feels that significant benefits are possible by authorizing Staff to purchase a code enforcement personnel vehicle directly from Senator Ford, including costs savings and expedient delivery; < NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does specifically waive the competitive bid process pursuant to Dublin Municipal Code 92.36.050(a)(1O) and (11) (as amended) and authorizes staff to purchase one (1) Ford Escape Hybrid Sports Utility Vehicle for code enforcement personnel from Senator Ford. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager and or his designee is hereby authorized to execute any purchase orders, or other documents required to arrange for the purchase and delivery of the code enforcement personnel vehicle. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of September, 2007, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk G:\AGENDA STATEMENTS, MISC\reso waive comp bid SUY.doc ~1:t:-4 fJO t1 JLflo7 ATTA(;DMENT_