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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.01 Draft CC 08-07-2007 Sp Min DRAFT MINUTES OF THE cITY COUNCIL OF THE cITY OF DUBUN SPECIAL MEETIN6 - AU6UST 7. 2007 A special meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, August 7, 2007, in the Regional Meeting Room of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m., by Mayor Lockhart. . ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Hildenbrand, Oravetz, Sbranti and Scholz, and Mayor Lockhart. Planning Commissioners Wehrenberg, Biddle, King, and Tomlinson, and Chair Schaub. ABSENT: None . DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AND GENERAL PLAN COMMUNITY DESIGN ELEMENT 5:00 p.m. (410-55) Mayor Lockhart welcomed all in attendance and stated that the City Council would hold a Study Session with the Planning Commission to consider the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and Community Design Element. Mr. Jeff Baker, Senior Planner, gave the specifics of the project as outlined in the Staff Report. He introduced the Project Consultant Team Mr. Jason Jones and Mr. AI Zelinka with RBF IUDS Consulting. Mr. Jones and Mr. Zelinka discussed the project in detail. Mr. Zelinka stated that the intent of tonight's meeting is to be an educational session. He stated that the meeting would serve to inform the City Council and Planning DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 SPECIAL MEETING August 7, 2007 PAGE 293 DRAFT Commission of the overall process and to provide a set of ideals for the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and Community Design Element from which the City Council and Planning Commission would be able to provide guidance and ideas to the Consultant Team and Staff. Mr. Zelinka discussed six areas that form a framework of community design that communities around the country typically look at when contemplating the future of their communities. The six points consisted of Districts, Neighborhoods, and Villages; Paths and Corridors; Edges; Gateways and Nodes; Landmark Buildings; and Orientation. Mr. Jones discussed key components to be considered when contemplating the streets and buildings of a downtown specific plan. The key considerations and factors included: Commercial Concentration; Lot Patterns; Streets; Commercial Block Buildings; and Mass and Overall Shapes of Buildings. Mr. Zelinka concluded with a comparison of building footprints of typical downtown areas. Mayor Lockhart asked members of the Planning Commission to begin feedback on the project. Vice Chair Wehrenberg stated that the Consultant Team made very good comments. She stated that she would like to address the fact that most of the buildings in the Downtown area are in place and the businesses are thriving. She expressed concern about how the Consultant Team would work with the set infrastructure in the Downtown area. She stated that she would like a gateway or landmark incorporated in the area. She expressed concerns about the height to width ratio because the area should be as open and inviting as possible. She stated that she would like to know if the City Council feels that the public spaces requirement, such as plazas and open areas, has been fulfilled in the City. She stated that the BART station is a good starting point to expand around. She stated that she would like to see a pavilion plaza created depending on the timeframe of the Historic area build-out. Commissioner King questioned how much money the City is prepared to invest in legal leverage to implement the proposed Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and Community Design Element. He stated that the premise is to make western Dublin more of a destination area to attract more people. He expressed concern that attracting more people would add to more traffic on Dublin Boulevard. He suggested that the Downtown design be weighted towards the northern Downtown area to help. alleviate additional traffic on Dublin Boulevard. He stated that he would like to see a village DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 SPECIAL MEETING August 7, 2007 PAGE 294 DRAFT square or village green to create a center in the area. He stated that there is enough unused open space in some areas of western Dublin to create a village green, but is not sure if the buildings are situated properly to allow for such. Commissioner Biddle stated that he would like to see a process where the City moves from a suburban mall concept to a true downtown area. He stated that he would like to see the Downtown area move away from buildings that are setback from the street with parking in the front and move towards buildings that are on the street with wide sidewalks, trees, pedestrian access, benches, outdoor dining, and parking in the rear. He stated that Dublin Boulevard currently exists as a six lane highway and in time should be converted to a true downtown street environment with diagonal street parking and wider sidewalks, for example. He added that this type of change would take years, if not decades, to accomplish. He stated that the BART station is an asset that would mix residential and commercial very well. He stated that there is currently no greenery, park, or open space in the Downtown area, but that there are other options in the area that could be pursued. Commissioner Tomlinson stated that when he looks at the aerial of the Downtown area, there are big suburban uses in heart of the downtown and the chances of trying to do anything to the area is probably remote. He stated that he doubts anything can be done to Dublin Boulevard since it is such a vital corridor. He stated that it is probably unrealistic that Dublin Boulevard could be turned into a tree-lined pedestrian friendly street; however, a side street like Regional Street, for example, could be turned into such. He agreed that the BART Station could be used as a catalyst in the area. He stated that there is more potential to build and create a vibrant atmosphere in the areas south of Dublin Boulevard and near the BART Station. He stated that he likes the idea of establishing a public space. Vice Chair Wehrenberg asked why the areas above Amador Valley Boulevard were not included in the boundary of the proposed Specific Plan. Mr. Baker stated that this area is outside of the current Downtown Core Specific Plan boundary, but could be studied for inclusion in the future specific plan. Vice Chair Wehrenberg stated that she would like the areas to be considered for inclusion into the Specific Plan. Chair Schaub stated that pedestrian spaces could be created in the Downtown area with the right development. He stated that a lot of buildings in the Downtown area are tilt- ups and could be easily taken down and rebuilt or relocated within the City. He agreed that the area south of Dublin Boulevard and near the BART Station provides the best opportunity in the area. He further stated that parking structures could be built to alleviate utilizing land around the buildings for parking. He stated that thought needs to DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 SPECIAL MEETING August 7, 2007 PAGE 295 DRAFT be given to how visitors would get in and out of the area without interrupting the . residents. Commissioner Biddle stated that consideration also needs to be given to the fact that BART, while an asset, will create a lot of traffic in the area. Commissioner King stated that a destination could be created in an area where access to and from the area is simplified. Mr. Zelinka stated that extensive traffic analysis would be completed for any alternative developed for the project. Chair Schaub stated that with regards to the Community Design Element, the Planning Commission has a good understanding of how things should be built and how they should look. He stated that he hopes the Planning Commission's ideas are incorporated into the Community Design Element. Commissioner Biddle stated that the Scarlett Court Design Guidelines are a good example of the types of concepts that should be included in the proposed Specific Plan and Community Design Element. Mr. Zelinka stated that the overarching mission of the Community Design Element is to bring the majority of the existing policies together in a coordinated fashion. Councilmember Scholz stated that she moved to Dublin five years ago and was impressed with what Dublin had to offer. She stated that she is impressed with the friendliness of Dublin and would like to see it continue in the Downtown with a pedestrian and family friendly environment with plenty of public space. She stated that she does not see a way around the busyness of Dublin Boulevard. She stated that she would also like to see a public square or plaza as it would fit in well with the area. She stated that she is anxious to hear the public's comments on the project. Councilmember Oravetz stated that when he looks at the problems of the project, the first thing he likes to think about is what is good about the project. He stated that the first good thing about the project is the BART Station and the opportunity to develop the area south of Dublin Boulevard into a Downtown that the City wants to see. He stated that another good thing about the project is the new developments on Village Parkway over the past year that are attracting pedestrians to the area. He agreed that it is time to move some buildings in the Downtown area in order to create open space on which to build a village green area that would become a place that people want to go to. He stated that the other new developments in the area would also contribute to a more pedestrian friendly environment. He stated that this project provides plenty of good opportunities. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 SPECIAL MEETING August 7, 2007 PAGE 296 DRAFT Councilmember Sbranti stated that the challenges should be looked at first. He stated that the biggest challenge is that there are multiple property owners with multiple tenants and leases. He stated that a first step would be to take inventory of the properties and owners, tenants, and leases. He agreed that the starting place of the Specific Plan is south of Dublin Boulevard because there is more land. He stated that the other changes would be parcel by parcel as opportunities arise. He stated that the downtowns of Walnut Creek and Pleasant Hill should be looked at as models. He stated that Dublin does not have a history of a main street that can be refurbished. He stated that Amador Plaza Road has a lot of opportunities. He stated that another challenge is that there is a lot of underutilized space in the Downtown area that should be looked at to determine how the space could be better used. He stated that if the overall vision is to make the Downtown a commercial and pedestrian oriented center and a destination point, then the City should look at the individual pieces of how to achieve that overall vision. Vice Mayor Hildenbrand agreed that the BART Station would be the catalyst to forming the Downtown area. She stated that there is an opportunity to put small streets in the underutilized parking area as opposed to relocating the existing businesses. She stated that the businesses in the Downtown provide good shopping experiences for a lot of people. She mentioned a development in Thousand Oaks that provides a fountain and stores such as Longs Drugs and Rite-Aid as a destination point. She stated that the City can get a variety of businesses closer towards the BART Station, but it is also important to take what we have and recreate it into walkable spaces with parking garages and to provide a destination point that makes people want to go to area and walk around. She stated that she would like to see walkable streets that are tree-lined, inviting, comfortable and safe. She stated that Dublin Boulevard is a challenge; however, as the City grows, additional traffic is inevitable. She stated that there is an opportunity to work with the traffic as the City grows or, as the alternative, the City could not grow and not have to deal with additional traffic. She stated that people eventually learn efficient ways to enter and exit areas they visit often. Mayor Lockhart stated that a ton of good ideas have been spoken. She cautioned that the economics should be considered first. She stated that Dublin is the City it is today is because the businesses in the Downtown made it happen for us. She stated that if moving a large tax generator is being considered, then it needs to be determined how the tax would be re-generated. She stated that economics need to stay in the forefront when thinking about designing. She stated that as businesses naturally change, opportunities for change naturally occur. For example, when the Honda dealership relocated, opportunities arose for another local business. She stated that she gets nervous when there is talk about replacing businesses that got the City where it is today. She stated that Dublin Boulevard is the only road that connects our community all the way DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 SPECIAL MEETING August 7, 2007 PAGE 297 DRAFT through. She stated that Dublin Boulevard is not only used by our residents, but also by others doing business in the City. She pointed out that travel on Dublin Boulevard helps to keep traffic out of the neighborhood streets. She stated that while it might be nice to narrow or slow traffic on Dublin Boulevard, it may cause traffic to leak out onto residential streets, and the City would not like this to occur in neighborhoods around the business district. She stated that the City has done a good job in eastern Dublin in keeping traffic on the main road. She stated that she likes the idea of the City supporting and investing in parking structures so that land can be freed for public andlor green spaces. She stated that she is not sure of how to break up a super-block, but thinks it is a good idea in order to allow for more pedestrian access. She stated that she is looking for ways to incorporate safer pedestrian access. She stated that at some point the businesses in the back, along Village Parkway, will find a new light industrial area that gives them more access to the public. She stated that if a road and parking structure were built behind Village Parkway, it would open the area to provide parking and allow pedestrians to walk on Village Parkway and enjoy the pedestrian-friendly amenities such as wide sidewalks and new street lamps. She stated that this could be less complicated and businesses would want to be in that type of atmosphere. She stated that overall, it will take time for the changes to be realized. She stated that the City is very fortunate that a new BART Station is coming in and there is land around it and people eager to invest in our community. She stated that forward movement in the area would show the rest of the community what can happen on the property and what investment can bring. She reiterated that she likes all of the ideas that were brought forth. Chair Schaub clarified that businesses in the Downtown area could be relocated within the City as opposed to leaving the City. Councilmember Oravetz agreed. Vice Chair Wehrenberg stated that the life expectancy of buildings is important to keep in mind. Mayor Lockhart stated that change, movement and relocation would happen naturally over time. For example Target recently remodeled and Expo located next door. Cm. Tomlinson pointed out that some business uses are more compatible with parking structures than others. He stated that the shopping areas in downtown Walnut Creek carry products that can be carried home in a shopping bag, while stores such as Target and Expo carry products that need shopping carts. Cm. Biddle stated that the mix of commercial and retail is good because the parking needs are different based on the time of day and day of the week. Vice Chair Wehrenberg stated that she would like to see the changes implemented sooner than later. She stated that this would complete the City. Mayor Lockhart stated DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 SPECIAL MEETING August 7, 2007 PAGE 298 ~ Of Ql'<1~ 1/~~~~~~\' 19~ i:Z8'2 ,~, r:&IroR~ DRAFT that implementation could start with the raw land and work northward. She stated that the City does not have a redevelopment agency and thus can not divert the City's tax dollars into it. She stated that the City needs to do something inviting and welcoming enough to encourage private investment in public spaces. Vice Chair Wehrenberg questioned how long Longs Drugs and Mervyns would be in business since they have been closing many of their stores. Mayor Lockhart commented that the beauty of the plan is when businesses change, desired changes can then take place. Councilmember Sbranti stated that the Planning Commission has done a good job with the projects that have come before them. He emphasized the importance of four-sided architecture in the Downtown. He agreed that there are a lot of parking lots that are underutilized. He stated that those are the types of opportunities in which to incorporate a public center. He agreed that there is a lot the City can do without displacing or inconveniencing existing businesses and this should be the City's top priority. Mayor Lockhart stated that one of the original ideas for the Downtown plan was to take the area where Target and Toys R Us are located and make the entrances on the inside as well to take advantage of the space and low wind factor and to create a protected plaza. Councilmember Sbranti stated that a lot of work has already been done in the oviginal Downtown Plan and other documents and these ideas should be incorporated in the new plans and acted upon. Mayor Lockhart invited members of the public to speak. Mr. Pete Bargy suggested changing the parking requirements to allow for more of a neighborhood center with smaller pads and a parking structure that services both the smaller and larger retail establishments. Mr. R. Firmeza stated that he would like Dublin Boulevard limited to traffic only with parking directed towards the back side. Ms. Marilyn Hopkins asked why there is so much residential included in the San Ramon Road Specific Plan. Mayor Lockhart stated that the Specific Plan was probably implemented before the residential areas were there. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 SPECIAL MEETING August 7, 2007 PAGE 299 DRAFT Ms. Stephanie Ardrey, with Red Mountain Retail group, which is the owner of a site that borders Amador Valley Boulevard and Amador Plaza Road, stated her support for the project. Ms. Karyn Mitchell, with HHH Investments, which owns land next to the new BART Station, asked if they should move forward with their development ideas or wait until other things on Dublin Boulevard develop. Mr. Zelinka stated that having communication with City Staff as soon as possible is essential. Mr. Chuck Wraith, owner of a building on Village Parkway, asked if Village Parkway in envisioned as a separate village or to be included in the Downtown design. Mr. Zelinka stated that the intent is to respect the individual characteristics of the sub-districts within the larger Downtown and figure out how they can work together harmoniously in a mutually supportive way. Mr. Wraith asked if the intent is to try to increase foot traffic between Village Parkway and the Downtown or keep Village Parkway a separate entity. Mayor Lockhart stated the underpasses on Dublin Boulevard and Amador Valley Boulevard are intended as pedestrian connections. She stated that she is not sure how it could be connected more beyond the underpasses. She stated that Village Parkway could sparkle all by itself and it has a head start with its pedestrian friendly and walkable environment with trees, street furniture, and wide sidewalks. She stated that with getting a good mix of businesses and more residents living in the Downtown, it is a possibility that it could be its own district within the Downtown area. Ms. Linda Schmidt stated that she would like to see a restaurant plaza with outdoor seating, fountains, music, trees and canopies. Councilmember Sbranti stated that the point is well taken and the ideas can be expanded upon. Mr. R. Firmeza stated that he would also like to see a Downtown convention center with meeting facilities, etc. Mayor Lockhart stated that the City has attempted to recruit a large hotel with a big conference center, but could not find one that feels that it would be a viable project. She stated that the City would continue its recruitment efforts. Vice Chair Wehrenberg pointed out that bike paths were not addressed in the project. She stated that while Dublin Boulevard is not very conducive to bicycles, Amador Plaza and Amador Valley Boulevard would be friendlier streets for bicycles. Mayor Lockhart stated that the Bikeways Master Plan addresses bike paths on those streets. She agreed that bike paths should be a big part of the end results. Mr. Zelinka concluded by discussing the next steps in the process. He stated that there would be on -line image surveys of different design elements as they relate to the DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 SPECIAL MEETING August 7, 2007 PAGE 300 DRAFT Community Design Element and the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan. He further stated that there would be subsequent follow-up meetings and workshops to further discuss the project. Mayor Lockhart thanked Staff and the Consultant Team for putting the Study Session together. She also thanked the public for attending the meeting and providing input. . ADJOURNMENT L 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. to the next regular Council meeting of August 7,2007, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Minutes prepared by Rhonda Franklin, Secretary. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ~ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 SPECIAL MEETING August 7, 2007 PAGE 301