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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.09 Dublin Village Historic Area CITY CLERK File # D~[3J[Q]-[ZJ[Q] lffO-55 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 17, 2007 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: 1) 2) 3) /U~ RECOMMENDATION: \ 1) cJI 2) FINANCIAL STATEMENT: COPY TO: Applicant/Owner In-House Distribution Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan and Zoning Map Amendments. Report prepared by Laura Karaboghosian, Associate Planner July 3, 2007 City Council Agenda Statement without attachments. Resolution to approve an Addendum to the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan (with the Addendum attached as Exhibit A, and the Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration attached as Exhibit B) and to amend the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan to add two parcels and to make related text changes. Ordinance to amend the Zoning Map to add the Historic Overlay Zoning District designation to the two parcels. Adopt a Resolution approving an Addendum to the Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration for the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan (with the Addendum attached as Exhibit A, and the Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration attached as Exhibit B) and amending the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan to add two parcels and to make related text changes; Waive reading and introduce an Ordinance to amend the Zoning Map to add the Historic Overlay Zoning District designation to the two parcels. None Page 1 of3 ITEM NO.!f: 9 G:\PA#\2002\02-074 Historical Study\3 new parcels\CC Direction on 070307\cc consent calendar sr 7-17-07.doc DESCRIPTION: Background On October 3, 2006, City Council directed Staff to initiate a Specific Plan Amendment to study the addition of three parcels within the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan. This direction stemmed from a desire to ensure that redevelopment of these properties would be in compliance with the Specific Plan's Design Guidelines arid for the purpose of ensuring consistency ofthe public streetscape. On June 12, 2007 the Planning Commission recommended to City Council the addition of the three parcels within the Specific Plan boundary. City Council Meeting - July 3, 2007 During the July 3, 2007 City Council meeting the City Council discussed the merits of including three additional parcels within the Specific Plan boundary (July 3, 2007 City Council Agenda Statement included as Attachment 1). Discussion focused around inclusion of the Briarhills parcel which is the only parcel located across Hansen Drive to the west and the use of Hansen Drive as a natural break for the Specific Plan boundary. In addition, the City Council discussed the lack of historically significant resources on-site and concerns raised by members of the Briarhills Subdivision during the June 12, 2007 Planning Commission meeting. The City Council determined that inclusion of the Briarhills parcel is not necessary in order to achieve the Specific Plan's goals. Based upon the City Council's direction, Staff has revised the Resolution and Ordinance as well as accompanying materials to reflect removal of the Briarhills parcel from the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan. ANALYSIS: Changes to the Specific Plan boundary would require minor modifications be made to the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan text and exhibits (Attachment 2) as well as a Zoning Map amendment to reflect inclusion ofthe parcels to the Historic Overlay Zoning District (Attachment 3). Exhibit 3 Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Boundary , \ \-- \" . ~/' fi v-- \ \ \ '- y:: , / '</ RiOO<I'3l a~..s ......... ,:'.bUnLas ~"\lrlt;;m~ Sj:.'<<'-'lkPLlr:f'.r<:>1 , '. " ; .-... Page 2 of3 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: An Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration (ISIMND) was prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), to identify and analyze impacts for the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan. Inclusion of the two parcels into the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan was not addressed as a part of the Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration which was adopted by City Council on August 1, 2006. In order to address the inclusion of the two parcels as it relates to CEQA review, an Addendum to the ISIMND for the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan has been prepared that notes the proposed boundary change and minor modifications to the Specific Plan text relating to the inclusion of the two parcels (Attachment 1, Exhibit A). The Addendum documents that no impacts would result from the Project and no additional mitigation measures are required. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Adopt a Resolution approving an Addendum to the Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration for the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan (with the Addendum attached as Exhibit A, and the Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration attached as Exhibit B) and amending the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan to add two parcels and to make related text changes; 2) Waive reading and introduce an Ordinance to amend the Zoning Map to add the Historic Overlay Zoning District designation to the two parcels. Page 3 of3 I ~ 77-- CITY CLERK File # DODD-DO AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 3, 2007 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: \ RECOMMENDATION: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) PUBLIC HEARING: P A 02-074 Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan and Zoning Map Amendments. Report prepared by Laura Karaboghosian, Associate Planner 1) Resolution to approve an Addendum to the Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration for the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan (with the Addendum attached as Exhibit A, and the Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration attached as EXhibit B) and to amend the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan to add three parcels and to make related text changes. Proposed Ordinance to amend the Zoning Map to add the Historic Overlay Zoning District designation to the three parcels. City Council Meeting Minutes dated October 3,2006. Planning Commission Resolution Number 07-29 recommending approval to City Council of an Addendum to the Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration for the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan and to amend the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan to add three parcels and to make related text changes. Planning Commission Resolution Number 07-30 recommending approval to City Council for adoption of an Ordinance amending the Zoning Map to add the Historic Overlay Zoning District designation to the three parcels. Modified Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan text. Draft Planning Commission Minutes dated June 12,2007. Draft Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission Minutes dated June 14,2007. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Open the public hearing; Receive Staff presentation; Take testimony from the public; Close public hearing; Deliberate; Adopt a Resolution approving an Addendum to the Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration for the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan (with the Addendum attached as Exhibit ~~-~~-~~;~~~~~~:~~~:~~~-~~~~-------------------------------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 1 of6 0 G:\PA#\2002\02-074 Historical Study\3 new parcels\CC\CCSR 070307.doc 7) c2. &2-;;} 7 '2- A, and the Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration attached as Exhibit B) and amending the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan to add three parcels and to make related text changes and introduce an Ordinance to amend the Zoning Map to add the Historic Overlay Zoning District designation to the three parcels; or Direct Staff to modify the Resolution approving an Addendum to the Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration and amending the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan and an Ordinance to amend the Zoning Map to add two parcels at the following meeting with the revised Resolution and Ordinance on the consent calendar. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: Background On March 19,2001, during the Goals and City's Objectives session, the City Council requested Staff, as a high priority, develop a Specific Plan for the historic area near the downtown. On January 18, 2005, the City Council adopted Ordinance 4-05 creating a new Historic Overlay Zoning District as Chapter 8.62 of the Municipal Code. The Ordinance also amended the Zoning Map to apply the overlay zone to the Historic Area as then defined. The Historic Overlay District allowed for the application of the Historic Area Design Guidelines while the Specific Plan was being prepared. The boundary of the District was based on where the City's historic properties were located. At the July 11, 2006 Planning Commission meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed and recommended approval of the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan, consistent with the boundaries of the Historic Overlay Zone. The Specific Plan was developed in order to guide future development in the Specific Plan Area to be sensitive to the area's historic past, and also to formalize the City's commitment to preserving and enhancing the area's remaining historic, cultural, and archeological resources for the future. The previously adopted Historic Area Design Guidelines were included in the Specific Plan. The Planning Commission expressed interest in including three additional properties in the Specific Plan boundary for the purposes of ensuring that any redevelopment of these properties would be in compliance with the Specific Plan's Design Guidelines and for the purposes of ensuring consistency of the public streetscape. The three parcels were identified as follows (see page 3 for map): . 11740, 11746, and 11750 Dublin Boulevard (APN 941-0113-004) -- property is owned by Burger Livermore Valley and contains two office buildings. . 11700 Dublin Boulevard (APN 941-0113-005-02) -- property is owned by Oleg and Linda Dubney and contains one office building. . 11684 Dublin Boulevard (APN 941-0113-007-01) -- property is owned by the Briarhills of Dublin Cabana Club and contains one building and a swimming pool. The Planning Commission adopted Resolution 06-19 on July 11, 2006, which included a recommendation to the City Council that the Specific Plan boundary be revised to include the three additional parcels described above. On August 1, 2006, the City Council reviewed and adopted the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan (Resolution 149-06). At that meeting, the Council reviewed the Planning Commission recommendation Page 2 of6 ~ Pj 72 and directed Staff to return to the City Council with a request to initiate a Specific Plan Amendment to study the addition of the three parcels. On October 3, 2006, the Dublin City Council initiated the related Historic Specific Plan Amendment Study (please see Attachment 3). ANALYSIS: The three parcels proposed for inclusion into the Specific Plan comprise approximately two acres and are located immediately adjacent to and across Dublin Boulevard from the existing Historic Area Specific Plan boundary. The proposal to amend the Specific Plan boundary and Zoning Map does not change the base zoning district or uses, nor modify the properties in any way. By including these properties within the Specific Plan boundary, future modifications to these properties would be subject to Site Development Review and Chapter 8.62 of the Dublin Municipal Code for consistency with the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan, including its design guidelines. 11740, 11746 & 11750 Dublin Blvd. Burger Livermore Valley 11700 Dublin Blvd. Oleg and Linda Dubney i10" / 11684 Dublin Blvd. \ Wi~~[ \ ~<p1.~/ \ \ \V Briarhills Cabana Club \ >__-\-:;-,,;;\ \: /'. /' --_ /~Jii+ (t) Exhibit 3 Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Boundary Freeway Streets m_ Dub!il Lots Bundilgs C Specific Plan Are. , Al.luusl 2006 n $1) ZJ(l ~~ feet aM ~C4 !.lEft Changes to the Specific Plan boundary will require that the following minor changes be made to the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan text and exhibits (Please see Attachment 4 for strike thru and underline document of the changes): . The acreage ofthe Specific Plan area will increase from approximately 38 acres to 40 acres. Page 3 of6 . The number of properties located within the Specific Plan boundary will increase from 21 ;tc1s 7:? to 24 parcels. . The number of property owners within the Specific Plan boundary will increase from 18 to 21. . The addition of a General Plan Land Use designation of Single Family Residential 0.9-6.0 dwelling units per acre will be added since this is a land use designation of a parcel within the Specific Plan. . The addition of a Single Family Residential zoning district within the Plan's boundary will be added since this is a zoning district of a parcel within the Specific Plan. . Maximum Development Potential (Table 1 in the Specific Plan) will be updated to include information associated with the three parcels. . The Specific Plan boundary will be updated to reflect inclusion of the three properties to the Specific Plan Area on Exhibits 2-10. . The Proposed Locations of Historic Monument Markers diagram will be updated to reflect inclusion of the three properties to the Specific Plan Area. . The property ownership table and diagram provided in Appendix A will be updated to include the three properties and related information. In addition to the aforementioned text and exhibit updates to the Specific Plan, the Zoning Map will also be amended to include the three parcels to the Historic Overlay Zoning District. The attached Resolution and Ordinance (Attachments 1 and 2) implement these changes. NOTIFICATION: Following the October 3, 2006 City Council meeting when Staff was given direction to prepare a request to initiate a Specific Plan Amendment Study to include the three additional parcels, Staff sent a letter to the three affected property owners dated October 4, 2006 advising them of the proposal to include their property in the Specific Plan Area. In addition, Staff sent a letter dated October 4, 2006 to each of the affected Native American tribes as required by State law indicating the City's intent to incorporate the three parcels within the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan. Staff did not receive correspondence from the affected property owners or the Native American Nations at that time. On June 1,2007, Staff sent a second letter to the affected property owners advising them of the proposal to include their properties within the Specific Plan Area. Notices of all public meetings were sent to the affected property owners. Staff has not received any written correspondence from the affected property owners. RECENT PUBLIC MEETINGS: Planning Commission On June 12, 2007, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to review the Specific Plan Amendment Study to include three parcels within the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan boundary and associated Zoning Map amendment for the Historic Overlay Zoning District. During the hearing, concern was voiced by Ms. Lucia Miller, Briarhills HOA Co-Chair and Ms. Claire Holtzapple, Briarhills HOA President. Concerns voiced revolved around including the Briarhills Cabana Club within the Historic Specific Plan Area. Ms. Miller and Ms. Holtzapple were concerned that the inclusion of the Briarhills parcel could result in negative financial impacts to the Briarhills HOA such as the HOA's inability to maintain, upgrade or potentially sell the site at a future date. Page 4 of6 5 rX.72- The Planning Commissioners and Staff explained that the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific PIa;[ design guidelines are for the exterior of the building, and are general design principles to ensure that changes or additions to structures are consistent with the Historic Area Specific Plan. In addition, two Briarhills residents, Mr. Bill Soliday and Mr. Thomas Gordon, spoke at the hearing. They voiced a desire to remove the Briarhills Cabana Club from the Specific Plan Area (please see Planning Commission minutes in Attachment 7). The Planning Commission approved the resolutions recommending approval to the City Council to amend the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan boundary and associated Zoning Map amendment. Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission On June 14, 2007 the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission considered the proposal to include three parcels within the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan boundary. There was no public attendance or communication during this meeting. Several members of the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission voiced concern that including the three properties within the specific plan area may have some negative implications to the property owners (please see Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission minutes in Attachment 8). The Commission recommended approval of the amendments to the City Council. ALTERNATIVE FOR CONSIDERATION: The proposed addition of three parcels within the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan furthers the goal of the Specific Plan to establish the City's historic downtown core. Through the inclusion of these three parcels and application of the Historic Overlay Zoning District, the City of Dublin is taking a proactive approach to future development of these properties in an attempt to create a cohesive historic district that further highlights the City's historic resources. Although an expansion of the Specific Plan boundary to the west would act to further the goal of the Specific Plan; inclusion of the Briarhills parcel may not be necessary in order to achieve this goal. Typically, properties located within boundary lines are contiguous. By including the Briarhills parcel the Specific Plan boundary would cross Hansen Drive and would only include one parcel on this block. The Briarhills parcel is a parcel of land owned by the Briarhills Cabana Club and is comprised of a pool and small building. The Briarhills parcel does not contain any known cultural or historical resources and the existing building and pool are not historic resources. By limiting the amendments to include two parcels and removing the Briarhills parcel, the Specific Plan boundary would be clearly defined in the area and in the future, all improvements would be architecturally compatible within a visually defined area. Staff has prepared two recommendations to City Council. The first recommendation involves adoption of the Resolution and Ordinance in their current form. The second recommendation involves directing Staff to revise the Resolution and Ordinance to omit the Briarhills parcel from inclusion within the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan and zoning overlay boundaries and return to City Council with revised materials. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: An Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration (ISIMND) was prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), to identify and analyze impacts for the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan. The Mitigated Negative Declaration was adopted by the City Council on August 1, 2006 (Resolution 148-06). An Addendum to the approved Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration was approved by the City Council on September 5, 2006 for certain Specific Plan and zoning Page 5 of6 implementation actions, including the establishment of a Planned Development Zoning District ft ~ 12- parcels in the Specific Plan area. Addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration: The proposed inclusion of the three parcels into the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan was not addressed as a part of the Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration which was adopted by City Council on August 1, 2006. However, the three parcels proposed for inclusion within the Specific Plan boundary do not consist of historically significant structures or resources. Also, all three of the parcels are developed. The proposal simply involves the expansion of an already existing Specific Plan boundary to incorporate three additional parcels in order to one day gain a greater degree of historic context within the plan area through zoning review under the overlay district. In order to address the inclusion of the three parcels as it relates to CEQA review, an Addendum to the ISIMND for the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan has been prepared that notes the proposed boundary change and minor modifications to the Specific Plan text relating to the inclusion of the three parcels (Attachment 1, Exhibit A). The Addendum documents that no impacts would result from the Project and no additional mitigation measures are required. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Open the public hearing; 2) Receive Staff presentation; 3) Take testimony from the public; 4) Close public hearing; 5) Deliberate; 6) Adopt a Resolution approving an Addendum to the Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration for the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan (with the Addendum attached as Exhibit A, and the Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration attached as Exhibit B) and amending the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan to add three parcels and to make related text changes and introduce an Ordinance to amend the Zoning Map to add the Historic Overlay Zoning District designation to the three parcels; or 7) Direct Staff to modify the Resolution approving an Addendum to the Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration and amending the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan and an Ordinance to amend the Zoning Map to add two parcels at the following meeting with the revised Resolution and Ordinance on the consent calendar. Page 6 of6 IOjI2- RESOLUTION NO. XX - 07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING AN ADDENDUM TO THE INITIAL STUDYIMITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE DUBLIN VILLAGE HISTORIC AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AND AMEND THE SPECIFIC PLAN TO INCLUDE TWO ADDITIONAL PARCELS APN 941-0113-004 & 941-0113-005-02 PA 02-074 WHEREAS, on July 11, 2006, the Planning Commission reviewed the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan as well as a General Plan Amendment to re-designate five parcels of land within the Specific Plan area to Parks and Recreation for the future development of a Historic Park. At that meeting, the Planning Commission also recommended that the City Council include three additional parcels within the Specific Plan area to ensure that future development of the properties comply with the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan's Design Guidelines and for the purposes of ensuring consistency in the public streetscape; and WHEREAS, on August 1, 2006, the Dublin City Council approved the Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration for the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan, related General Plan Amendments, Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Master Plan, and Dublin Village Historic Area Rezoning (Resolution 149-06, incorporated herein by reference). The City Council also reviewed the Planning Commission recommendation to include the three additional parcels. As a part ofthe City Council's action, the three parcels were not added, but the City Council directed Staff to return to the City Council to discuss inclusion of the parcels at a later date; and WHEREAS, on October 3,2006, the Dublin City Council adopted Resolution 192-06 approving a Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Amendment Study recommended by the Dublin Planning Commission and directed by the Dublin City Council to include three parcels not originally considered for inclusion in the Specific Plan area. Amendments to the Specific Plan include the three parcels and a related amendment of the Zoning Map to apply the Historic Overlay Zoning District to the parcels together constitute the "Project"; and WHEREAS, the three additional parcels proposed to be included are as follows: · 11740,11746, and 11750 Dublin Boulevard (APN 941-0113-004) -- owned by Kenneth and Patricia Burger and contains two office buildings · 11700 Dublin Boulevard (APN 941-0113-005-02) -- owned by Oleg and Linda Dubney and contains one office building · 11684 Dublin Boulevard (APN 941-0113-007-01) -- owned by the Briarhills of Dublin Cabana Club and contains one building and a swimming pool; and WHEREAS, on June 12, 2007, the Planning Commission heard public testimony. Members of the Briarhills Subdivision voiced concerns regarding inclusion of the Briarhills parcel within the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan boundary. Ultimately the Planning Commission adopted Resolution Number 07-29 recommending approval for the Addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Specific Plan Amendments to the City Council; and WHEREAS, on June 14, 2007, the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission recommended approval for the Addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Specific Plan Amendments for the Specific Plan Update to the City Council; and Page 1 of 15 Attachment 2 ca ~ 72- WHEREAS, on July 3, 2007, the City Council held a public hearing to include three parcels within the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan. During the public hearing the City Council discussed inclusion of the Briarhills parcel and determined that inclusion of the Briarhills parcel would not be necessary in order to further the goal of the Specific Plan. The City Council directed Staff to prepare a Resolution approving an Addendum to the Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration and amending the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan and an Ordinance to amend the Zoning Map to include two parcels rather than three parcels at the following meeting with the revised Resolution and Ordinance on the consent calendar; and WHEREAS, the two parcels proposed to be included in the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan are as follows: . 11740, 11746, and 11750 Dublin Boulevard (APN 941-0113-004) -- owned by Kenneth and Patricia Burger and contains two office buildings . 11700 Dublin Boulevard (APN 941-0113-005-02) -- owned by Oleg and Linda Dubney and contains one office building WHEREAS, Staff considered whether adding these two parcels to the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan would constitute a substantial change to the project as analyzed in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines ~15162 and 15163 and concluded that it would not. Staff determined that an Addendum would be prepared which notes the minor changes in the Project compared to the Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, the Addendum to the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, dated July 2007, is attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A, incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours. The Addendum determined that the Project is minor in nature; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Sections 15162 and 15164 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, no subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) shall be prepared for this project, as no substantial changes have been proposed to the project which require revisions of the previous Mitigated Negative Declaration. No new significant environmental impacts have been identified and no substantial increase in the severity of previously identified impacts have been discovered; and WHEREAS, on the City Council did hold a public hearing on said application July 17, 2007, for the Project; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City Council approve the request for amendments to the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council has reviewed and considered the Addendum dated July 2007, together with the Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration (attached as Exhibits A and B to this Resolution), and finds that these documents reflect the independent judgment of the City Council and the City as the lead agency in the CEQA process. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council approves the following amendments to the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan based on findings that the amendments are in the public interest: 2 of 15 q ~ 72- A. Section 4.2 Topography and Natural Features on page 9 will be amended as follows: The project area is approximately 40 acres in size and is generally flat with a gradual slope to the south. Dublin Creek runs through the area from west to east on the Hexcel property and between the Heritage Center/Pioneer Cemetery and the Dublin Creek Kennel site. Alamilla Springs, a fresh water spring that was once the main watering hole for Dublin Village, sits to the northwest of the Dublin Boulevard/San Ramon Road intersection. A majority of the properties are developed and the Specific Plan area lies in an urbanized portion of Dublin. Exhibit 3 shows the boundary ofthe Specific Plan area. B. Section 4.4 Existing Land Use and Property Parcelization on page 12 will be amended as follows': A summary of parcels in the project area, including lot sizes and ownership (as taken from the most recent County Assessor records) is contained in the Appendix A of this document. Overall, there are 23 parcels in the project area with 17 different owners. The City of Dublin owns four parcels, the Dublin Historical Preservation Association owns two parcels, CalTrans owns two, and Hexcel Corporation owns two. All other property owners own one parcel apiece. C. Section 5 Land Use Concept Table on page 21 will be amended as follows: Section 5.1: Existing Development and Proposed Development Potential No General Plan density or intensity increases are proposed for properties in the Specific Plan area. However, there is development potential in the area due to the fact that the sites are currently developed at less than the maximum intensity permitted in the General Plan (See Table 1). All of this capacity exists today. The land use changes in the Historic Area Specific Plan decrease the development potential by shifting approximately 7.55 acres ofland from Retail/Office to Parks/Public Recreation. Table 1: Maximum Development Potential in the Specific Plan area (Existing development acreage and square footage from the Alameda County Assessor's Office - current as of March 2006) SP/GP land use Amount of Amount of Floor to Area Ratio or Development Difference category existing proposed number of dwelling Potential under development acreage III units Specific Plan Specific Plan area Retail/Office 217,882 square 12.55 acres .25 to .60 FAR Up to 328,086 SF +110,204 SF feet on 20 acres Med/High 150,656 SF (176 8.28 acres 14-25 units/acre Up to 207 units +31 units Density Res. units) on 8.28 acres Business Park! 56,054 square 8.95 acres .30 to .40 FAR Up to 154,202 SF +98,148 SF Industrial feet on 8.95 acres Parks/Public 6,344 square feet 10.07 acres No specific 7,144 SF * + 800 SF Recreation on 2.52 acres development intensity noted Total 279,770 SF and 489,432 SF +209,152 SF 176 units on and 207 units and +31 units ~39.75 acres * Draft Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan proposes an 800 square foot pavilion/classroom building. 3 of 15 10 ~7? D. Amend the Downtown Specific Plans Local Context Map (Exhibit 2) of the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan as follows: Exhibit 2 ~l1town SpecIfic Plans tocal (oot~'.\.t '.o4o 't~..<<.: P'"v;$4oo ~^ O.,~l(t' ~.,.... t,*'l~f.~ . ~:::::.:: '.". ~l. .7;' < >:;., #~ :Ie, ~> .'<: <t. -,..- ~ ll,v---f4IR' ......... ) 4oo~~ 4 of 15 1I~72- E. Amend the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Boundary Map (Exhibit 3) of the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan as follows: 5 of 15 Exhibit 3 Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Boundary FreeYIay Streets - CUb.n Lots 8llildings C Spocffic Plan Area ~ ,lllly200/ ..., FM't J_Ml "". 12-~72- F. Amend the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Existing Land Uses Map (Exhibit 4) of the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan as follows: \"'" ~\" \ -,,. ~~::rt "';.< " Y ! \ . '" ~'~i1~~t\, ~""" \ '1>1 ~ t;'" _ .: ~-- ;;, \ 1'..~';:: \ "'".~ ~~ \ \ \ 'i ~ \ ~- .' '" '" \/-\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~~ "-'- "'-, 6 of 15 Exhibit 4 Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Existing Land Uses Btildlngs - Dut:iin Lots 5>'_ fre~a'i Existing Land Use Apollll"'''' Complex Cemetay lIIIIiIIIIIIIII CI1UllCh - Da)'t-Me Certet GasStatlOn lIIIIiIIIIIIIII Heritege eerier ReSldemla.1<enne. iiffi,'&!l.iI Office Camp'~ ''$ '..' otfire aM Mal'llfs:tu1Og f ac:i:.ty r~~r Resk1entlllt1Swlm POOl - RI.>SWl'al'lt FJ",~)~ Kt-tzil lIIIIiIIIIIIIII !Y'a;art ~ , JIlI).-'2ll0! ~"'t"V'i.trr:~ t:*,,"tt'$s':V' '''*~;;..'' Su-3".tY' ~~ Il...: O~ ,.~ /3 ~72- G. Amend the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Existing General Plan Land Use Map (Exhibit 5) of the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan as follows: \ ",~.,j' 1'.~~ \ \' 1'" _".':'~~%:" ,# t\~ ,," co ~'i\1<"S "" ~ \\ \ "'~'~"\ \~ "'~ '. ~ 10tiI ,'- ~ (~. ~, 1\ '1. ,_~ ~ > \ \ V/ \ 1 \ ~,~ ~, "< ~ Exhibit 5 Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Existing General Plan land Use BUldlngs - Dublin lots st'<lOlS fre8ay General Plan Land Use Publlo1leml-PUbItcIOpen Sp8Ce .CiSemj-PltIht FatUity Parks.' Public ~crealloo eomm_t Retal.OOte BusinesS Pa1tJ1ndumta! - Roslden.aI t.1ediUlJl!'Higll-Oen5fty Res,deo1al - ~ JtJI}'2007 ~1"-t":lr:l,.._t' r:=~";-c~'t ..,., .- ~~$ '... 7 of IS J4 ~72- H. Amend the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Zoning Map (Exhibit 6) ofthe Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan as follows: , \ ~~~J \\:_' " 5\~ ~~ ~~/ ~" - i i "," ~ -----~ ~ ~'%l ~ ~:\\\ \ c \ . . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 8 of 15 @ Exhibit 6 Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Zoning S'uildings - ClJbbn lots Streets Freewav Zoning A ~ncu1tu~ lIIIlllIIIIIIII C.1 RetVlI Commerctdl ~'>';-_:""'A'- ~ C.N Netg~ CCmmerda! i~,1 {,' , CO Cort\'tlemal ctfire ~~0\L; M~ 1- ~lght Indu$trial - PO Pf~ De!.'elopmtmt - Rl.B-E Singie Family FIe_a! &'0~ R-l' Single Fam!y Re:Sidenbal R.M Mul/i-FamiIy FIe_a! f?:~)l! , July2CI01 'i:~ ""/$'4,.._~ ~~~Yr~'>"'''.~lI Zl':l <l;)~ .... '" ... 1.5 ~72 . I. Amend the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Circulation Map (Exhibit 7) ofthe Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan as follows: @) Exh ibit 7 Dublin Village Historic Area SpecifIC Plan CirOJlation Buildings Class', Proposed. Bike Path Class 2, Existing, Bike Lane - aass 2, Proposed, Bike tane - Clculatlon Arterial - Class 2 Resldenlla' Collector - Local Residential ~ July21107 41~ ,~ ,,. ~.. 9 of 15 1&::( 72. J. Amend the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Utility Plan Map (Exhibit 8) of the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan as follows: @ Exhibit 8 Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Utility Plan BUildlngs - ffef!JNay Storm Drain structures TYPE ~ Rip.><ap G PrlVatelOlet $ In.Out .. Inlet . WG o Mannae a PfivCteCaJIec;tor storm Drain Main. MUl!RIAL .............. DitCh ---.. Rflintorc.ed Coc.crete 60$ -..... ReHrorced Concrete Pipe ..hWIt:llO? ,/ <l> =~r~~.E;:' ~~~6f!\t~ ~O;rnl <<:~ ~M! :l0& "'. 10 of 15 11172 K. Aniend the Vision Diagram for the Dublin Village Historic Area Map (Exhibit 9) ofthe Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan as follows: LE. Ii..ll . .. ~ r~n t$J 'if' " . li ;.,,:!,, Historic IIQnlunl>>!1 Slgl) Stre.tsca:peJPedntriu Enh.ancemenl$- Gatt..., Signag8 Hlatotlo-Cor. Qp-POltunity SUe for Enlry P~an. Opportunity Site for ihu:al$ OppQrtlJliity $it. for Historie Re$ource Renovation- ' INTERSTATE 580 Conceptual Vision For the Future of Dublin Village 11 of15 . .. <',,' ';.': "p.."''() ~OU\..~ , . U~\..\~ .. " .' ~ ','. .--'t.: , ....f', ' ~.~ f, /, ~, ~..... . t I~~ L. Amend the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Land Use Plan Map (Exhibit 10) of the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan as follows: \ ,';0 \ \ 1'%' \ 1'" ~,~';'f::;;} ',of" \ "iV ~---\;\ \ .,,~ ~y , \ \ j \ \--\ \ %;/ \ ..._- \ /-)../"" ~- -~ ~~$'*~: (jl ---\' '" rt,,,,. ',., A Z ~l. , :-~ v' ~ ~ ~ . s:. \ ;; o '" \ z\ ~\ '~ , 12 of 15 Exhibit 10 Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Land Use Plan BUldlngs - [)J!jlfllDtS s...... Freeway General Plan Land Use PuDtiO'seml.p~ $1>>" PiiYk5.! Pubbc Rec rea10n comm_ndu$triol RelaiLO_ BusinesS Pa:1o;llf'ldwma; - Re$ldontutf SillJle Fml:lY Rest(\eltla ililiill MedlumiHlgn..JmsIty R.l?SidenJaI - ~ July 2007 -.a<?1">.otl'lil""'ljli'r~ r::'::;~;;~.'II'.rr~~i ,1l4 - Ii ~ 72- M. Amend the Existing and Proposed Monument Sign Map of the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan as follows: _ Existing Monument Sign . Proposed Monument Sign " ., '" INTERSTATE 580 13 of 15 .('! \ t- , ." ,~ . .-~. :~ " '1<.; . .",', .' ~ ~.", ;.., "f.' cVJ~72 N. The text in Appendix A will be amended as follows: Property owners in the Specific Plan area (per the Alameda County Assessor's Office as of March 31,2006) Assessor Parcel Number (APN) Owner Names Site Address 941-1 560-009-01 Hexcel Corporation 11711 Dublin Boulevard 941-1 560-003-04 Hexcel Corporation Not available 941-1560-001-01 City Of Dublin 6506 Donlon Wav 941-1560-001-02 City Of Dublin 6600 Donlon Wav 941-1560-002-02 HaQan, Steven E & Susan E 6572 Donlon Way 941-0040-006-16 Delorenzo, Mario & Dannye A 11865 Dublin Boulevard Fang Yuan Development & Investment 11760 Dublin Boulevard 941-0113-003-01 Corp 941-0113-1 54 Hoffman, Donald N & Mavis W 11824 Dublin Boulevard 941-1550-001-02 P T & T Co 279-1-34-4 11991 Dublin Boulevard 941-1550-001-12 Equilon Enterprises Lie 11989 Dublin Boulevard 941-1550-003-02 Dambrosio Brothers Investment Company 11891 Dublin Boulevard 941-1550-004 Trivalley Church Of Christ 11873 Dublin Boulevard 941-1550-005-02 Cranbrook Realty Investment Fund Lp 11887 Dublin Boulevard 941-1560-007 -01 Berkeley Land Company Inc 11759 Dublin Boulevard 941-1560-006 City of Dublin Not available 941-1560-005 City Of Dublin Not available 941-1560-003-03 DHPA Not available 941-1560-010-01 DHPA Not available 941-1550-002-02 CalTrans Not available 941-1550-001-1 0 CalTrans Not available 941-0040-006-1 0 Dublin 9-10b Lie 7100 San Ramon Road 941-0013-005-02 OleQ and Linda Dubney 11700 Dublin Boulevard 11740,11746 & 11750 Dublin 941-0013-004 BurQer Livermore Valley Boulevard 14 of 15 o?) ~72. O. Amend the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Assessor's Parcel Number Map in Appendix A of the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan as follows: PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of July 2007 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Assessor's Parcel Number t::::I Sp&dtlCPJarlM63 - CubinLols: $!reel; rre....'a~- . July 20C l' tl '!!In $ill <<la '- ,.tl~ ;i_:le "'6 15 of 15 G:\P A#\2002\02-074 Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan\Public Hearing Documents\CC\CC Reso textamendments&addendum ,doc 2.2 '?f 7 2.- ADDENDUM TO THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE DUBLIN VILLAGE HISTORIC AREA SPECIFIC PLAN PA 02-074 JULY 2007 On August 1, 2006, the Dublin City Council adopted an Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment, Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Master Plan, and Dublin Village Historic Area Rezoning. The MND is incorporated herein by reference, and available for review at Dublin City Hall. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND PRIOR APPROVALS Prior to the Dublin Historic Area Specific Plan adoption by City Council on August 1, 2006, the Specific Plan was considered by the Planning Commission at the July 11, 2006 Planning Commission meeting. At that meeting, the Planning Commission questioned why three parcels along Dublin Boulevard were not included in the boundary of the Specific Plan. The Planning Commission expressed their interest in including three additional properties in the Specific Plan boundary for the purposes of ensuring that any redevelopment ofthese properties would be in compliance with the Specific Plan's Design Guidelines and for the purposes of ensuring consistency of the public streetscape. On October 3, 2006, the Dublin City Council approved a Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Amendment Study to include three parcels not originally considered for inclusion in the Specific Plan area. The three parcels were identified as follows: . 11740, 11746, 11750 Dublin Boulevard (APN 941-0113-004) -- property is owned by Burger Livermore Valley and contains two office buildings. . 11700 Dublin Boulevard (APN 941-0113-005-02) -- property is owned by Oleg and Linda Dubney and contains one office building. . 11684 Dublin Boulevard (APN 941-0113-007-01) -- property is owned by the Briarhills of Dublin Cabana Club and contains one building and a swimming pool. During the July 3, 2007 City Council meeting Staff was directed to omit the Briarhills parcel from inclusion within the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan boundary. Therefore the two parcels proposed for inclusion within the Specific Plan boundary are as follows: . 11740, 11746, 11750 Dublin Boulevard (APN 941-0113-004) -- property is owned by Burger Livermore Valley and contains two office buildings. . 11700 Dublin Boulevard (APN 941-0113-005-02) -- property is owned by Oleg and Linda Dubney and contains one office building. Addendum to the approved MND for the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan and amendments, Zoning Map Update, and Historic Overlay designation, P A 02-074 lof3 EXHIBIT A ~ ,3 ~ ,2- Revisions to the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan The Project amends the Specific Plan to extend the planning area boundary to include the two above- referenced parcels. Conforming amendments to exhibits, text and tables will reflect the expanded Specific Plan area. Zoning Amendment The Project amends the Zoning Map to add the Historic Overlay Zoning District to the two properties in the expanded Specific Plan area. The Specific Plan and Zoning Map amendments are collectively referred to as the "Project." PRIOR CEQA ANALYSES AND DETERMINATIONS An Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration (ISIMND) was prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), State CEQA Guidelines, and the City of Dublin Environmental Guidelines. The Specific Plan project encompassed approximately 38 acres, including land use changes on approximately 7.5 acres, adoption of a Historic Park Master Plan and related actions. The Specific Plan site included Dublin's existing Heritage Center as well as interim and ultimate improvements in an identified expansion area. Dublin Creek runs through the southerly portion of the Specific Plan area. The ISIMND identified potential impacts and mitigations for the Specific Plan project, mostly related to potential future construction and ground disturbance in the creek area. The Specific Plan project would also involve demolition of certain existing structures; related mitigations require compliance with asbestos and lead-based paint removal procedures. CURRENT CEQA ANALYSIS AND DETERMINATION THAT AN ADDENDUM IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE PROJECT The City has determined that an Addendum to the adopted ISIMND is the appropriate CEQA review for the Project. Prior to making this determination, the City reviewed the ISIMND to determine whether further environmental review was required for the current proposal to incorporate two parcels into the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan boundary and to amend the Zoning Map to add the Historic Overlay Zoning District to the two parcels. CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 identifies the conditions requiring subsequent environmental review. After review ofthese conditions and the adopted ISIMND dated May 25, 2006, the City has determined that no subsequent environmental review is required for this Project. The current Project adds two properties to the Specific Plan area and applies the City's Historic Overlay Zoning to these properties. The properties are across Dublin Boulevard from the planned Historic Park but are not included in the Historic Park. The two properties are already developed and no change to the existing general plan or zoning uses is proposed. The properties are not near Dublin Creek or the existing Heritage Center. Addendum to the approved MND for the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan and amendments, Zoning Map Update, and Historic Overlay designation, P A 02-074 20f3 o?4 c;J 72- This determination is based on the above description ofthe Specific Plan project, the previously identified impacts and mitigation measures, and the factors noted above. a) Are there substantial changes proposed to the project which will require major revisions to a previous EIR or Negative Declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects? There are no substantial changes from the project analyzed in the ISIMND. b) Are there substantial changes which will occur with respect to the circumstances under which the Project is undertaken which will require major revisions to a previous EIR or Negative Declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects? There are no substantial changes in the conditions assumed in the ISIMND. c) Is there new information of substantial importance, which was not known and could not have been known at the time a previous EIR(s) was certified or Negative Declaration was adopted which shows the Project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous EIR(s) or Negative Declaration; or, significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the previous EIR; or, mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact be feasible and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects of the project but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measures or alternative; or, mitigation measures or alternatives which are considerably different from those analyzed in the previous EIR would substantially reduce one or more significant effects on the environment but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measures or alternative? There is no new information showing a new or more severe significant effect that has not already been identified and analyzed as part of the ISIMND d) Ifno subsequent EIR-level review is required, should a subsequent Negative Declaration be prepared? No subsequent Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration is required because there are no impacts, significant or otherwise, ofthe Project beyond those identified in the adopted ISIMND. Conclusion. Pursuant to Sections 15162 and 15164 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, no subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration shall be prepared for this project, as no substantial changes have been proposed to the project which require revisions ofthe previous Mitigated Negative Declaration. No new significant environmental impacts have been identified and no substantial increase in the severity of previously identified impacts have been discovered. With minor technical amendments as outlined in this Addendum, the Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration will continue to adequately address the environmental impacts ofthe project for the purposes of CEQA. As provided in Section 15164, this Addendum need not be circulated for public review, but shall be considered with the prior Mitigated Negative Declaration before making a decision on the Project. Addendum to the approved MND for the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan and amendments, Zoning Map Update, and Historic Overlay designation, PA 02-074 30f3 ~) 8\ 'l~ .-'f . Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment, Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Dublin Village Histo.ric Area Rezoning . Planning Application File No. PA 02-074 Lead Agency City of Duplin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Public Review period: May 31, 2006 - June 30, 2006 . ExhibitB . . . ')V . 'If -7 o<b~, 2- 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Environmental Checklist Form ............. .................... 1 Background and Project Description ................ 3 Existing Physical Setting. Uses. and Structures ........................... 5 Exhibit 1 Regional Context ....................... ......................................7 Exhibit 2: Project area Boundary ...,...................................................................... 8 Exhibit 3: Assessor Parcel Number and Address Map ...........................................9 Exhibit 4 Building and Resource Site Map ............................ .........................10 Exhibit 5. Proposed Land Use Plan for the Project area (axcerpted from the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan)............ 11 Exhibit 6. Proposed Interim Historic Park Improvements.. .........................................12 Exhibit 7 Proposed Ultimate Historic Park Improvements.......................................................................... 1 3 Environmental Factors Potentially Affected 15 Determination ..'... .......... ............ .............. ........................... 15 Evaluation of Environmental Impacts ................... .....16 Aesthetics 18 Ag ricultural Resources.................................................. ................................... ............. ................. ................ 18 Air Quality 19 Biological Resources .23 Cultural Resources .25 Geology and Soils....... ...... ...... ............. ..... .......... .......... ........... .................. ...... .......................... ..................,.28 Hazards and Hazardous Materials.,............,...........,....,................................................... - _..........................,.30 Hydrology and Water Quality 32 Land Use and Planning 34 Mineral Resources.,.,.......................................... ........................................................................,. ............. .... 35 Noise..........................,........ _......... ........ ..,...................................................................................................... 35 Population and Housing.... ............ ................................ ............ ........... ........ '.,........ ...... ....... .................. ........ 37 Public Services 37 Recreation .38 Transportation and T raffle............. .............................. ................................................................................... 38 Utility and Services Systems... ...... ........................................... ........,.,... ...................... ..... ............................. 39 Mandatory Findings of Significance ....................... ...................... ............... ............. .,.......40 Background Information.............. .......... ...... ...... .... ..... ................... .......... ....42 Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration ':)"'4 .f) 7 "'- I ,cll '1 ,,",., I .... \ ,<...." ~,~ , I . ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM -INITIAL STUDY This Initial Study has been prepared in accord with the provisions of the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to assess the potential environmental impact of implementing the proposed project described below The Initial Study consists of a completed environmental checklist and a brief explanation of the environmental topics addressed in the checklist. 1. Project Title: 2. Lead Agency Name and Address: 3. Contact Persons and Phone Number: . 4 Project Location: 5. Project Sponsor's Name and Address: 6. GenerallSpecific Plan Designation: 7. Zoning: . Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Dublin Village Historic Area Rezoning City of Dublin Community Development Department 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Kristi Bascom, Senior Planner Community Development Department (925) 833-6610 Approximately 38 acres surrounding the intersection of Donlon Way and Dublin Boulevard. Specifically, Assessor Parcel Numbers 941-0040-006-10,941-0040-006-16,941-0113- 003-01,941-0113-154,941-1550-001-02,941-1550-001-12, 941-1550-003-02,941-1550-004,941-1550-005-02,941- 1560-001-01,941-1560-001.02,941-1560-002-02,941- 1560-003-03, 941-1560-005, 941-1560-006, 941-1560-007- 01, 941-156~003-04, 941-1560-009-01, 941-1560-010-01, 941-1550-002-02, and 941-1550-001-10. City of Dublin Community Development Department 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Various, including Parks/Public Recreation, RetaillOffice, Business Park/Industrial, Medium Density Residential Various, including C-1 (Retail Commercial), M-1 (Light Industrial), A (Agriculture), R-M {Medium Density Residential}, PO (Planned Development), C-O (Commercial Office), and C-N (Neighborhood Commercial) Initial Swdy for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Page 1 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning May 25, 2006 ;J{ ~;f '1,2 8. Surrounding land uses and setting: North: Residential and Commercial Office South: Interstate 580 East: San Ramon Road West: Single-family Residential and Business Park . 9. Other Public Agencies: None 10. Actions to which this Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration may be applied (including but not limited to): Dublin City Council approval of General Plan Amendments in the project area Dublin City Council approval of the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Dublin City Council approval of the Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update Dublin City Council Approval of the Dublin Historic ParK Draft Master Plan Dublin City Council Approval of Amendments to the Zoning Map for the Dublin Village Histone Area Dublin City Council Rescission of the Dublin Village Design Guidelines Dublin City Council Approval of an Amendment to Chapter 8.62 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review) Acquisition by the City of Dublin of any property within the project area that is identified in the Dublin Village Historic District Specific Plan for park purposes Building and Grading Permits issued by the City of Dublin Encroachment Permits or other permits issued for streetscape and roadway improvements by the City of Dublin Water Service Permits issued by the Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) Permits issued by the State Department of Fish and Game or other regulatory agencies for improvements made adjacent to Dublin Creek (as needed) Any action of the Federal Department of the Interior or the California State Office of Historic Preservation relating to the formal designation of historic resources . e Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment. Page 2 of 42 Draft Pa11<s and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning May 25, 2006 . . . ;{ c; t)f 'lA- c! PI BACKGROUND AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION Background In August 2001 the Dublin City Council initiated a specific plan study for the Donlon Way area, which comprises the City's historic settlement area (Exhibit 2). The City Council desired to mold this core area into a cohesive historic district to better highlight Dublin's historic and archeological resources, to protect and preserve these resources, and to further enhance the area with development that is compatible with the historic buildings and remnants in the area. In addition to the specific plan study, the City has also been examining various ways to eliminate the 5.3~acre parkland deficit that was identified in the Park and Recreation Master Plan 2004 Update. The City has considered several potential park sites, one of which is the Dublin Square Shopping Center site adjacentto the City's Heritage Center and in the project area. The two parallel planning processes (the Historic Area Specific Plan study and Parkland Deficit Elimination assessment) have moved forward concurrently r and it is the intention that this Initial Study be the environmental document which covers the entirety of these activities and the actions described as follows. Project Description In an effort to further the City's efforts stated above, the City of Dublin is proposing the following actions, which collectively describe the project for the purposes of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA): 1. Adoption of an amendment to the City of Dublin General Plan to change the land use designation (and any related map or text amendments) on the parcels listed as follows (See Exhibit 3 for reference): Site Common Name Address APN Existing GP land Proposed GP land use use designation designation Dublin Square 11759 Dublin Blvd. 941.1560-007-01 Retail/Office Parl<slPublic Recreation Shopping Ctr Green Store 11873 Dublin Blvd. 941-1550-004 Retail/Office Parks/Public Recreation Hawthorne Lanel N/a 941-1560-005 Retail/Office Parks/Public Recreation Pioneer Cemetery Pioneer Cemetery Nfa 941-1560-006 Retail/Office Parks/Public Recreation DHPA parcel N/a 941-1560-003-03 Retail/Office Parks/Public Recreation 2. Adoption of the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan. The Specific Plan contains greater detail on the City's goals for the historic area,.an analysis of the existing conditions in the area, design guidelines for future development in the area, recommendations for streetscape improvements, and designation of the specific plan land use categories compatible with the General Plan. Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Mea Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Page 3 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning May 25. 2006 r:-3t) f 12- ,>] 3. Rezoning of sites in the Project area to reflect General Plan Amendment. Rezoning to change the zoning designation for the following sites to become compatible with the Park/Public Recreation Specific Plan and . General Plan land use designations: Green Store 11873 Dublin Blvd. 941-1550-004 Planned Development Proposed Zoning Planned Development (Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan) Planned Development (Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan) Site Common Name Dublin Square Shopping etr Address 11759 Dublin Blvd. APN 941.156Q..007-01 Existing Zoning C-1 (Retail Commercial) 4 Adoption of an amendment to the Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2004 Update to reflect the elimination of the park deficit after the General Plan land use change and to note the future Dublin Historic Park location. 5. Adoption of the Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan. The Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan contains the Conceptual Design for the park including both interim and ultimate improvements. (See Exhibits 6 and 7 for a description of the interim and ultimate improvements). Interim improvements include streetscape improvements along Dublin Boulevard and Donlon Way, acquisition and demolition of the existing shopping center at 11759 Dublin Boulevard, construction of the park parking lot, and installation turf as well as temporary rotor irrigation. Ultimate improvements include full construction of all park and cemetery facilities as . shown in Exhibit 7 6. Rescission of the Dublin Village Design Guidelines. The Design Guidelines were adopted in January 2005 with the intention that they would serve until the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan was finalized and adopted, which would contain the design guidelines inside the specific plan document. Once the Specific Plan is in place, there is no need for the stand-alone design guidelines document. 7 Amendment to Chapter 8.62 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Historic Overlay Zoning District Site Development Review). This section of the Zoning Ordinance will be amended to remove reference to development in the Project area needing to be in compliance with the Dublin Village Design Guidelines and instead note that development in the Project area will need to be in compliance with the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan. a. Acquisition of those sites in the specific plan area designated Parks/Public Recreation that will be needed for the implementation of the Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan. 9. Demolition of the existing structures and pavement on the Dublin Square Shopping Center site (APN 941- 1560-007-01) to prepare for the implementation of the Daft Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan. 10. Construction of the Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan interim improvements. 11 Construction of the Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan ultimate improvements. . .~ Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Page 4 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update. Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning May 25, 2006 . . . ~3! p, p \;::;';-.' I r' ! ~/2- ExiSTING PHYSICAL. SETTING, USES AND STRUCTURES Project Location The City of Dublin is a community of approximately 39,610 people located in the Amador Valley of central Alameda County The precise location of Dublin is identified in Exhibit 1 The Dublin Village Historic Area consists of approximately 38 acres of land located northwest of San Ramon Road and Interstate 580. The Historic Area includes commercial, residential, public, and business park/industrial properties near the intersection of Donlon Way and Dublin Boulevard, as shown in Exhibit 2. From this point forward, the Dublin Village Historic Area will be referred to as the RProject Area." Specifically, the project area is made up of the following parcels (as shown in Exhibit 3): ;ParC'srNumber 'B.Il'lness/Use: , 941-0040-006-10 lAoartment comolex 7100 San Ramon Road 941-0040-006-16 Retail store 11865 Dublin Boulevard 941-0113-O03~O1'~' Davcare Center 11760 Dublin Boulevard 941-0113-154 Office Buildina 11824 Dublin Boulevard 941-1550-001-02 Telecommunications switching station 11991 Dublin Boulevard 941-1550.001-12 Gas station 11989 Dublin Boulevard 941~ 1550-003-02 Restaurant 11891 Dublin Boulevard fM1-1550-004 Church 11873 Dublin Boulevard 941-1550-005-02 Office Park 11887 Dublin Boulevard 941 ~ 1560-001-01 City Of Dublin Heritaoe Center St Raymond's Church 6506 Donlon Way City Of Dublin Heritage Center Murray Schoolhouse and 6600 Donlon Way 941-1560.001-02 Pioneer Cemetery 941-1560-002-02 Sinole Family H~me and DoQ Kennel 5572 Donlon Way Vacant property owned by Dublin Historical Preservation 941-1560-003-03 Association No address 941-1560-005 City of DUblin Heritaae Center Pioneer Cemetery No address 941-1560-006 City Of Dublin Hemaae Center Pioneer Cemetery No address 941-1560.007-01 Retail Shoooina Center 11759 Dublin Boulevard 941-1560-003-04 Hexcel Corooration Business Park No address -........- 941-1560-009-01 Hexcel Corooration Business Park 11711 Dublin Boulevard 941-1560-01 ()..{) 1 Medical buildina No address 941-1550-002-02 !Vacant orooertv owned b~ q,altrans-- No address 941-1550-001-10 Vacant orooertv owned by Cattrans No address Physical Setting, Uses, and Structures The general character of the project area is urbanized postwar suburban, and although today dominated by late twentieth century commercial, retail and residential uses, the project area also contains several historically significant buildings, structures. sites, objects and landscape features dating from the latter half of the nineteenth century and the early part of the twentieth century Most of the buildings in the project area are commercial and residential structures of one and two stories, built primarily in the 1960's, 70's, and 80's, but there are several Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendmen~ Page 5 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dub!in Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning May 25, 2006 S::? of 72- .,.; J historic structures as well. Exhibit 4 shows the general location and common names of the buildings and sites in . the area. Identified historic resources are concentrated along Donlon Way, centering on the City-owned Dublin Heritage Center sije, which includes the Murray Schoolhouse, Dublin Pioneer Cemetery and St. Raymond's Church. Another identified historic resource is Green's Store, a privately owned former general store and tavern located on the southeast comer of Dublin Boulevard and Donlon Way Previously unidentified potential historic resources are scattered throughout the survey area. These include. "Ponderosa," a circa-1929 bungalow at 6570 Donlon Way; the Bonde House, a circa-1923 bungalow at 11760 Dublin Boulevard; AJamilla Springs and remnants of a walnut grove at 7100 San Ramon Road; historic walnut and pepper trees on the Heritage Park Office Center property at 11887 Dublin Boulevard; as well as potential archaeological sites in the vicinity of Dublin Creek and the Heritage Park Office Center The other structures in the area are a 176 unit apartment complex on the north side of Dublin Boulevard (The Springs Apartments), an approximately 41 ,000 square foot commercial center on the southwest comer of Dublin Boulevard and Donlon Way (Dublin Square Shopping Center), and an approximately 106,000 square foot office complex on the southeast comer of Dublin Boulevard and Donlon Way (Heritage Park Office Center). The Hexcel Corporation owns an approximately 56,000 square foot light industrial officeJmanufacturing complex on the south side of Dublin Boulevard, between the street and Interstate 5BO. Other smaller-scale commercial buildings are also prevalent in the area and include a gas station, restaurant, bank, and other retail and office establishments. In addition to the built environment, the project area also contains a valuable natural resource. DL,!blin Creek runs through the portion of the project area adjacent to the Dublin Heritage Center and the vacant property proposed . for the cemetery expansion. Although partially channeled today, this section of Dublin Creek retains its natural bed as well as some of its riparian woodland corridor . Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specliic Plan/General Plan Amendment, Page 6 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update. Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning May 25, 2006 . . . EXHIBIT 1: REGIONAL CONTEXT I...., '1", .., ? c...:5,,"~) 72- ~ba':""'.' e:moe NM"E~ Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment Draft Parks and Recreaijon Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning Page 7 of 42 May 25, 2006 Q L1 ,"1 P 12- Q :-,J$'., ,{ j ~i EXHIBIT 2: PROJECT AREA BOUNDARY . '" E' (i) Q) Itl c <: O'iVltl ~ Jfl i ~~a: "" '" Q. IU ., ...J '" t. 5.!i~ '"C jl: i ,&i J; I:: ~ :l!i ii I:: .... .- :;) if, ::> .~ 0 :n II.. Q (Il rn .c1ii!:i. ~ lJi 8!:VJ " i ,...It 2'" <it .. ..; i, ~,. ..~ _ HI. Jm i$; ! ~ IS ......,- , l .., t'.~ ~ 'Q'f\t'r..;, ". d,AON'R,'nV ~ fiN- ftP"lVI.. '. ....'- .'-,... . . ?'sY':;':'O";:\"':\ ".i ,:t ,I .. P' - I ---- ~ ' ~ f ... ! : , \ . ) I: __.l...- , \ ,1 _. ,.. ! I ~ , ! -~::. , " I, , I d' I ~ f , , . , . , , ' . , , , . . . , , -,--- , f l , , . , ; , '\ . \, I " ' \' : ld " ~ : , , I' ~ I. I r : l: , " ; :. , ' : r . ,"~~~~. \;,~ . Initial Study tor the Draft Dublin Vilfage Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update. DUblin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Alea Rezoning Page 8 of 42 May 25, 2006 . . . J""') ,f"'" " "'"'"I ~ c~;/ . 2- J EXHIBIT 3: ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER AND AODRESS MAP @) ~lBr: 10 ... tI:l =<.(Q. >Vl"l c-.;s; :ElIllP ::::I - Q. Or(/) " i .;;; ill' ~. 51 i ~ .: ~ ~'; I D'~ 1 1 j 1 ~ji .., l 1:11' Ii D I 5 . ?; , ! ,- ~ . i ;' y I I I i 1.-- -_M.... ". YI ... @-a!1{ [l ~ E lI)~ :::l 42 ~ , \ i" \ I ., ! , , i . j I Ii ~; ! i ~ l ~: ~ : . ! :. r ;:, : ! 1 : ~ ~ ,. ,. -:--;.. ."\1 ~ \ it . 1UI :! i ~ ,,'~' ' .J- ~ \ ~~ _ ~ : i lUJ ...'~ I. \.r m'!~; \if~ \ ~ : ~ ::! i: . \ .~ r'" ., ',~ : \ . ' , \- ~i. ,1 i.~ ~ -:.: r: ,- . T J /~~ I ::: i ~ . , , , -;, \. -\ \ \ " Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan. and Area Rezoning Page 9 of 42 May 25. 2006 EXHIBIT 4: BUILDING AND RESOURCE SITE MAP Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan. and Area Rezoning \ ) .~ o Page 10 of 42 May 25, 2006 ,~;! 7 2- . . . ,,- J ..., \..) i ~ CI' 72- ---J . EXHIBIT 5: PROPOSED LAND USE PLAN FOR THE P~9JECT AREA (FROM THE DRAFT DUBLIN VILLAGE HISTORIC AREA SPECI~IC PLAN) ~:' ;I \.; ; . IE ~ i ~ ~ ~~; ;:. 1 ~u I : ~ bi iil~ ,@-oil !f:l!11 i. : l .,~ .... .. .. .. . &roc: m ~ IV I::"<C: ....uv cL::S =.Bi;l -g ;Y! c. C:t:Vl 1~t: Q. -0 .m o~o.. Et!S a ~ l'! ,I; ~ ~ ~ Iii If:] I .. ! ;: 'alii ~ ~f i i t: ~ " ;t!.~" I ~ - i ~ ~ II i i I ~ 5 . I '.f I 'to t' , , " \ . , \ ' . I V t t , , '\!. I \ \ \ 1 .:..i..,-, :.,.d,;,.." .1 ';" .-{f~. '~(lIt,", l,.,:" \ ... ,,,' .. .. :':::', 0'1:.;8 .. ,,,I h NMON.::R ,. 'S~\::" l"\r','" ,.,:' " ' , , r.........~ - "1'"1 , , I I! . I, ' I' I: ' , I i~ ~ . ll, I ! ~ " . 1'1 ili \ ! ! ~ .;! ! it , I ! ! . I _: ; l i : ~ ; 1 f t I I ! \ I i \ I i i, II : l ,1 : \i , " . .. . , . I,; ~ tt ! ~ : ~ I ; f . . . ' ! ! i . , , , . Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update. Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning Page 11 of42 May 25, 2006 :'. ~ .: .j' .1 ~.I' " ~. ~ \. ,r" ::::~i ~~~i:;' II'" i. "'.:!-' '~l .:i. ~~. to' .,,:;,~?:::::::: . .j. .. ,~ '..~;~',:., .~~ "('. ~.. ',.I".' "..',. ''1"..... I 4 :.;. ~~:'r::' .! . ."..:;~.;:" . ., -hue 55 _treetscape improvements I Demolish existing sidewalk along Dublin Boulevard and north end of Donlon Way. asphalt in median on Dublin Boulevard. asphalt on Donlon Way adjacent to Green Store. (Exclude from demohtion areas of sidewalk and driveway needed to maintain access to Dublin Square shopping center.) Relocate $term drains. 2 I Construct new sidewalk and median on Dublin Boulevard. 3 ) Install trees in ~idewalk and medi<ln on Dublin Boulevard. Install tree grate for trees in sidewalk. - 41 Install unit paving and special crosswalk paving on Donlon Way. ') I Restripe street. add bike lanes. Demolition urainage Paving Planting & irrigation Site fumishings & structures Mobilization. administrtltion & contingency $ 15,500 $ 3,000 $ 164,000 $ 34,200 $ 17.500 $ 169,700 Phase IS total $ 403,900 "') ~J ...::.; l..., -/2- . . ::.,..i. 'I!r-.:.i '\,: lttf ~I~~' . .... ......:........,~. }. L":':,:'j;:~.;'.i L~~~~:,. .!:.: "~,;~' 1'. ....::'. ,.... Phase I Interim Park - to) .kqLirn Dublin Sq..sre site (lot irduie::l in cost eslimale - tr ~ roilS. see Section 4.1). 17, Demolish ~ D.bIin 5qL9'e stoppng CEmf, parkirg bts ard bark buik:fir,€ (Hazardous rrntffiaI removal am ard-eoIog(aJ reso...rce I"I"IO/"Iltorng not inclt.ded i1 cost estirrate.) t 8' Re:yde bJk:fng waste, asP'1aftard ~ 1:Ese. . : ':,II Maintlin existing drainage i~. Cap. exterd ard odd risers as recessary. (!Ut Obtain additional fiU IocaJy rom otI-er pns prcjeds. Re-grcre site to drain 10 existing calrl1 basin; ard drains. Test 10p 6" r:J subgrade br herbiOde residu=. II II Cooitruct vvest parI<ilg lot Vvi1h temporary pavirg (to be pGVed CNef in~3). 112: Installturfard1emporary ro1or inigarbnsvstem on restofsite. I I J j Construct piec:;es of streets:;;lpe abidged in flI'1.R SS to l1'1<Jintain ~perty evvner s ao;ess. Demolition Earthwork Drainage Paving Planting & irrigation Site furnishings & structures Mobilization, administration & continger:ll;:Y $ I .162.300 $ 167,000 $ 33.000 $ 179,000 $ 329,700 $ 32.000 $ 1,379.500 '. Phase I total R1H.I'AIA EXHIBIT 10 FIGURE 3-1 . . . 3~ oj 72- ~ ...., ~ R ! ~ HEPJTAGE PAAK OffICE CENTER . .1J"~ "it -7.:2- r. L/ ;;"j .. _ rj ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "potentially significant impace as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. Aesthetics Agricultural Resources Air Quality Biological Resources Cultural Resources Geology/Soils Hazards and Hazardous HydrologylWater Quality Land Usel Planning Materials Mineral Resources Noise Population/Housing Public SelVices Recreation Transportationl Circulation Utilities/Service Systems Mandatory Findings of Significance . Signature: DETERMINA liON: On the basis of this initial evaluation: x I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environrrent, there will not be a significant effect in this case because revisions in the project have been made by or agreed to by the project proponent. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment. and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. I find that the proposed project MAY have a .potentially significant impact" or .potentially significant unless mitigated. impact on the environment, but at least one effect 1} has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2} has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets. An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project, nothing further is required. \;.btL~t:-- '~ Date: May 25, 2006 . Printed Niilme: Kristi Bascom, Senior Planner For City of Dublin Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Page 15 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning May 25, 2006 1)lr r ~7'-2- ~li _~ EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS . Scope of the Environmental Assessment This environmental assessment addresses the potential impacts of the proposed General Plan Amendment, proposed Specific Plan, proposed Parks and Recreation Master Plan Amendment. and proposed implementation of the Draft Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The scope of review includes only potential impacts resulting from development of the facilities described in the above documents. Any potential site-specific environmental impacts not anticipated during this environmental review will need to be addressed as part of an application submittal consistent with CEQA requirements. Additionally, any development in the project area that is outside the scope of this document may need further analysis if it can be determined that potential environmental impacts exist. The method of environmental analysis includes a review to determine whether the impact related to the City's evaluation criteria would be' potentially significant; less than signit1cant unless mitigation is incorporated; less than significant; or no impact. The analysis includes a summary of the affected environment and a review of the threshold for determining significance The evaluation of potential impacts applies the threshold, determines significance and, if necessary, includes recommended mitigation measures. Sources used to determine potential envirunmental impacts: 1 Determination based on Staff review of the project. 2. Determination based on field visit and site inspection. 3. Determination based on communication with appropriate City of Dublin departments and utility service . providers 4 Determination based on the City of Dublin General Plan {1985. updated to 2002}. 5. Determination based on the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. 6. Determination based on the Archeological Assessment Report for the Donlon Way Area Specific Plan (prepared by William Self Associates, Inc.) August 2003 7 Determination based on the Dublin Historic Resources Identification Project (Final) (prepared by Page and Turnbull, Inc.) January 2004 8 Determination based on the Dublin Village Design Guidelines (prepared by RBF ConsultinglUrban Design Studio) January 2005. 9 Determination based on the National Register of Historic Places Registration Form completed for the Dublin Heritage Center (prepared by Elizabeth Isles and Amanda Wells, City of Dublin) September 2004 10. Detennination based on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update (2004) and accompanying Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, approved by the Dublin City Council on March 16, 2004, Resolution Numbers 48-04 and 49-04 11 Determination based on the Draft Dublin Draft Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan (prepared by Royston, Hanamoto, Alley, and Abey) May 2006 12. Determination based on the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific: Plan (prepared by the City of Dublin Community Development Department) May 2006 . Inmal Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Alea Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment. Page 16 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning May 25, 2006 t.p oj! '72- I J . 13. Determination based on the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for 11759 Dublin Boulevard (prepared by Treadwell & Rollo Environmental and Geotechnical Consultants for the benefit of Meyers Nave Riback Silver and Wilson) January 2005 Notes: 1) 2) 3) 4) . 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) A brief explanation is required for all answers except "No Impact" answers that are adequately supported by the infonnation sources a lead agency cites in the parentheses following each question. A "No Impact" answer is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved (e.g., the project falls outside a fault rupture zone). A "No Impact" answer should be explained where it is based on project-specific factors as well as general standards (e.g., the project will not expose sensitive receptors to pollutants, based on a project-specific screening analysis). All answers must take account of the whole action involved, including of-site as well as on-site, cumulative as well as project-level, indirect as well as direct, and construction as well as operational impacts. Once the lead agency has detennined that a particular physical impact may occur, then the checklist answers must indicate whether the impact is potentially significant, Less than significant with mitigation, or less than significant. "Potentially Significant Impact~ is appropriate if there is substantial evidence that an effect may be significant. If there are one or more "Potentially Significant Impact" entries when the determination is made, an EIR is required. .Negative Declaration: Less than significant with mitigation Incorporated" applies where the incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect tom "Potentially Significant Impact" to a "Less Than Significant Impact. n The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures, and briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a less than significant level (mitigation measures from Section XVII, "EarlEr Analyses,. may be cross- referenced) . Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, an effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. Section 15063(c)(3)(0). In this case, a brief discussion should identify the following: a) Earlier Analysis Used. Identify and state wnere they are available for review. b) Impacts Adequately Addressed, Identify which effects from the above checklist were within the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and state whether such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis. c) Mitigation Measures. For effects that are "Less than significant with mitigati01 Measures Incorporated," describe the mitigation measures that were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the extent to which they address site:-specific conditions for the project Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate into the checklist refernnces to infonnation sources for potential impacts (e.g., general plans, zoning ordinances). Reference to a previously prepared or outside document should, where appropriate, include a reference to the page or pages where the statement is substantiated. Supporting Information Sources: A source list should be attached, and other sources used or individuals contacted should be cited in the discussion. This is only a suggested form, and lead agencies are free to use different formats; howevtl', lead agencies should normally address the questions from this checklist that are relevant to a project's environmentat effects in whatever format is selected. The explanation of each issue should identify' a) the significance criteria or threshold, if any, used to evaluate each question; and b) the mitigation measure identified, if any, to reduce the impact to less than significance On the following page, the source of determination is listed in parenthesis. See listing of sources used to determine each potential impact at the end of the checklist. Copies of the documents referenced in this document are available for public review at the City of Dublin Community Development Deparlment, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568. . Page 17 of 42 May 25, 2006 Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Draft Parks and Recreation Masler Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Histonc Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning Aesthetics Would the project: (Sources: 1, 2, 11, 12) a) Have a substantial adverse impact on a scenic vista? b) Substantially damage scenic resources. including but not limited to trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic highway? c) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings? d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare that would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? Lf-S d,.i P 1 2- - I ,_. I i Potentially Less than Less then No, '1mpaot Significant significant Significant Impact with Impact mitigation ., '" X X X X . a-c) Have a significant impact on scenic vista, damage to scenic resource, degrade visual character of the site? No impact. The project area is not located in an area with any scenic corridor or scenic vista designation, so there will not be any impacts associated with implementation of the proposed project. The project will not degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site, but will instead improve and enhance the area with substantial public improvements, including the expansion of the City's Heritage Center and related streetscap~ improvements. d) Create a new source of substantia/light or glare that would adversely affect day or nighttlme views in the area? . less than sianificant impact. The proposed project will involve the installation of new light fixtures in and around the Dublin Historic Park and related streetscape improvements, but it will not be in excess of the existing lighting on the current 4.2.acre shopping center site, which will be removed to make way for the future park. Therefore, the new lighting that is installed will be less than existing with the removal of the existing shopping center lighting when the center is demolished, and the new lighting will not adversely affect daytime or nighttime views. It is standard practice that a photometric study is provided with final construction drawings for any project prior to the issuance of an electrical permit. Adherence to this practice when construction documents are prepared for any project will ensure that the impact of new site lighting will be less-than-significant. This requirement will apply to all future development proposals in the project area. Agricultural Resources Would the project: (Sources: 1. 2, 5) a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland or Farmland of Statewide Importance, as showing on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to a non-agricu~ural use? b) Conflict with existing zoning for agriculture use, or a Williamson Act contract? Potentially Significant Impact Less than SignmcBm Impact No Impact Less than significant with mitl ,~Uon x X . Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area SpeCific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Page 18 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning May 25. 2006 . Agricultural Resources Would the project: (Sources. 1, 2, 5) c) Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of farmland to a non-agricultural use? LIL/ Of 72.. 1~ Potentiaily . Significant Impact "Less than significant with &liti ation. Less than Significant lmpact NQ impact' x No Imoact. The project area does not contain any properties that are currently used for agriculture or farming, nor does the project area contain any properties with Williamson Act contracts or any farmland that would be converted to a non-agricultural use. There are six properties in the project area that have an Agricultural zoning designation, and of those six, five are contained in the proposed Historic Park expansion area (Assessor Parcel Numbers 941-1560-001-01 , 941-156CJ..001-02, 941-1560-003-03, 941-1560-005, and 941-1560-006) and three are the subject of General Plan land use changes from RetailfOffice to ParksIPublic Recreation (APNs 941-1560-003- 03,941-1560-005, and 941~1560~006) to accommodate the implementation of the Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan. The park use proposed on the parcels (which fall into the community facility and cemetery use categories for purposes of zoning classification) are permitted in an Agricultural zoning district. so the proposed project does not conflict with the zoning and has no detrimental impact to agricultural resources. . Ai r Quality (Where available. the significance criteria established by the applicable air quality management district may be relied on to make the following determinations). Wou{d the project: (Sources: 1,2, 3.4, 12) a} Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation? c) Result in a cumulatively considerab~ net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is non-attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard (including releasing emissions that exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors)? d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? e) Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial . number of people? Potentially Less than Lessihan No Impact Significant significant Significant Impact with Impact mitigation X X X X X - IniUal Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning - Page 19 of 42 May 25, 2006 L75 01 l~ 1 The project site is located within the Tri~ Valley area, a sheltered, inland area surrounded by hills to the west, south . and east. Most of the airflow into the southern portions of the Valley is accomplished through two gaps in the hills: the Hayward and Niles canyons. Local wind data show the frequent occurrence of low wind speed and calm conditions (the latter approximately 23 percent of the time). These local limitations on the capacity for horizontal dispersion of air pollutants combined with the regional characteristic of restricted vertical dispersion give the area a high potential for regional air quality problems. However, given the nature of the proposed project and the lack of land use intensification proposed. the overall impact to the region's air quality from this project will be less than significant. a-b) Would the project conflict or obstruct implem9ntation of an air quality plan or violate any air quality standards? Less than significant with mitiaation and Less than sianificant impact. The proposed project would not conflict with the local Clean Air Plan adopted by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, because the land use changes being proposed will actually result in a de-tensification of land uses (from Retail/Office to ParkslPublic Recreation) and there are limited new facilities proposed in the area as part of the proposed Draft Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan. Air quality impacts result from two main sources: temporary impacts due to project construction and long~term impacts due to project operation. Generally, air quality impacts from project operation are based on vehicular emission from traffic. Project implementation will first involve the redesignation of five parcels from Retail/Office to ParkslPublic Recreation, acquisition of those properties, and then the eventual demolition of approximately 40,000 square feet of commercial space to accommodate the development of the Historic Park. In terms of potential air . quality impacts due to project operation, the proposed project will actually reduce the square footage of actual and potential development in the project area, which will reduce the number of vehicle trips generated by and to the project area, which will reduce the overall vehicle miles traveled and vehicle emissions. See Table 1 below for a summary of the proposed land use changes and how they will impact the overall development potential in the project area. TABLE 1. MAXIMUM DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL IN THE PROJECT AREA (Existing development acreage and square footage from the Alameda County Assessor's Office - current as of March 2006) SP/GP land use Amount of existing Amount of proposed Floor to Area Ratio or Development Difference category development acreage in project number of dwelling Potential area units .'N RetaiVOffice 182,306 square feet 11 acres .25 to .60 FAR Up to 287,496 SF +105,190 SF on 18.55 acres Med/High Density 150,656 sf (176 8.28 acres 14-25 units/acre Up to 207 units +31 units Res. units) on 8.28 acres Business Park! 56,054 square feet 8.95 acres .30 to 40 FAR Up to 154.202 SF +98,148 SF Industrial on 8.95 acres ParkslPublic 4,904 square feet on 9.91 acres No development 5,704 SF * +800 SF Recreation 2.36 acres intensity noted Total 243,264 SF and 446,602,SF +203,338 SF 176 units on -38 and 207 units and +31 units acres ~ Draft Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan proposes an 800 square foot pavilion/classroom building. . Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan. and Area Rezoning Page 20 of 42 May 25. 2006 Lt b &}.. "/'2 \ . Although the development potential of the site is higher than the amount of existing development currently in the project area, that potential exists now under current general plan and zoning designations, without the proposed project. The proposed project will actually decrease the development potential in the area and thereby reduce the potential amount of vehicular trips generated and the air quality impacts of those vehicle miles traveled. In addition to there being less development potential with the proposed project and therefore fewer vehicle trips generated in the project area, parks and recreational facilities are typically not large traffic generators, they are not typically peak-hour trip generators, and vehicle trips are spread throughout the day on weekdays as well as weekends. The proposed Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan includes the construction of an outdoor classroom as well as an outdoor stage, but even with those facilities the amount of traffic generated will be less than significant when compared to the existing and/or potential development under the existing designations. In terms of construction-related impacts, it is anticipated that the project would generate temporary increases in dust and particulate matter caused by minor site excavation and grading activities as buildings and facilities in the area are constructed. Construction vehicle equipment on unpaved surfaces generates dust as would wind blowing over exposed earth suJiaces. However, City regulations require that a project-specific Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) be developed when the construction drawings for the Historic Park are prepared, which will also address air quality issues. The SWPPP will contain measures relating to the containment of fugitive dust during grading and construction activities, mandating that construction equipment be kept in proper running order, mandating that the developer is responsible for watering or other dust-palliative measures to control dust as conditions warrant or as directed by the City Engineer, and mandating the avoidance of construction waste . burning to reduce short-term air quality impacts to a less-than-significant level. Through the required SWPPP I the project shall implement dust control measures to reduce project dust deposition to acceptable levels. Dust control shall conform to the requirements of the SWPPP, which forthe proposed Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, will be developed by the Parks and Community Services Development Staff in cooperation with the City's Public Works Staff. Adherence to the following mitigation measure for all construction projects in the project area will ensure that the impacts of construction are less than significant: Mitigation Measure 1. In accordance with City reoulations. a oroiect-soecific Storm Water Pollution Prevention ProQramlSWPPP) shall be prepared in compliance with the City's NPDES permit. The SWPPP shall have the following minimum reguirements: 1 Active construction areas will be watered daily and more freQuently if necessary. 2. All trucks hauling soil. sand or other loose materials shall be covered. 3. Water shall be aoolied dailv. or aoolv non-toxic soil stabilizers on all unoaved access roads. oarking areas, and exposed stockpiles at construction sites. 4 All access roads and parking areas at construction sites shall be swept daily with water sweepers. When any building in the Project area is proposed to be demolished, the Applicant or Contractor will be required to obtain a demolition permit from the City of Dublin. Part of the City's permit process is to require the Applicant or Contractor to provide notification of the demolition to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) and provide the BMQMD with the results of a survey to determine if there is Asbestos Containing Material in the e Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Page 21 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning May 25, 2006 . .... U "'7 e,; 12 I ) structures to be demolished. If there is ACM in the structure(s), additional BAAQMD regulations apply A job . number is issued by the BAAQMD before a demolition permit can be issued by the City. which will ensure that aU requirements of the BAAQMD are followed and that the air quality impacts of the demolition will be less than significant. c) Would the project result In cumulatively considerable air pollutants? Less than significant impact. The BAAQMD has established thresholds for determining whether a given project has the potential for significant air quality impacts. If a project exceeds the thresholds, detailed air quality analyses are usually required. If the project does not exceed the thresholds, it is typically assumed to have a less than significant impact on air quality BAAQMD does not usually recommend a detailed air quality analysis for projects generating less than 2,000 vehicle trips per day Implementing the proposed project will not generate significant additional amounts of traffic, as described above. Vehicular emissions are estimated to be less than is currently permitted with the existing land use categories and the existing buildings, and no cumulatively considerable air pollutants are expected to be generated. Overall, the air quality impacts associated with the proposed pmject would be below the standard of air quality significance as established by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District since no intensIfication of land use is proposed. d, e) Expose sensitive receptors to signlflcant pollutant concentrations or create objectionable odors? Less than significant impact. The Bay Area Air Quality Management District defines sensitive receptors as . facilities where sensitive receptor population groups (children, the elderly, the acutely ill and the chronically ill) are likely to be located. These land uses include residences, schools, playgrounds, centers, hospitals and medical clinics. This project would involve construction and development of a new park and recreational facility where people would gather for recreation, among other facilities which could be developed at a later date. The proposed Historic Park is not located in the vicinity of any significant generators of pollutants such as a factory or agricultural operation, but portions of the park are located adjacent to Interstate 580, which carries a significant amount of traffic and produces pollution and odors from vehicle emissions. However, the Historic Park Draft Master Plan includes the construction of a freeway sound wall incorporated into the project design, which will serve to shield the future park space from freeway noise, as well as air quality impacts. The portion of the Historic Park that will be closest to the freeway will be the cemetery expansion area. That is not an area that children, the elderty, the acutely ill and the chronically ill will typically gather for long periods of time, so limited impacts to sensitive receptors in the proposed project area are anticipated. Additionally, the cemetery expansion area is where the combination columbarium/soundwall is proposed to be constructed, which will serve to shield cemetery visitors from both the noise and air quality impacts of the adjacent freeway Therefore, the overall impact of significant pollutant concentrations or objectionable odors is anticipated to be less than significant. . - "- .. Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Page 22 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan. and Area Rez.oning May 25, 2006 . Biological Resources Would the project: (Sources: 1 2, 3, 4, 11 12) a} Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in local or regional plans, policies or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Game or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies or regulations or by the California Department of Fish and Game or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? c) HavEl a substantial adverse impact on federally protected weUands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (including but not limited to marsh, vernal pool, coastal, ete,) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interruption or other means? d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species Dr with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? e) Confiict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as tree protection ordinances? n Conflict with the provision of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan or other approved local, regional or state habitat conservation plan? . '/g' 1'').(' ~fl' 2,... u \i,... :-1 - ; Potentially Less than Less than No Impect : Significant significant Significant Impact w;th Impact .mitiaation X X X X X X a-b) Have a substantial adverse effect either directly through habitat modifications, on any riparian habitat or species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in local or regional plans, policies or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Game or the U,S, Fish and Wildlife Service? Less than siQnificant w~h mitiaation. A majority of the project area is already urbanized and therefore the potential for impacts to flora or fauna are very limited. However, Dublin Creek runs through a portion of the project area, and there is a possibility that a candidate, sensitive, or special status species is in the creek that could be impacted by the construction of the proposed project. The California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) contains records for nine special-status animal speCies in the vicinity of the project area. California tiger salamander (Ambystoma ca/ifomiense), California red~legged frog (Rana aurora draytonil), and Alameda whipsnake (Masticophis lateral is euryxanthus) are federally listed as threatened, while San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica) is federally listed as endangered. San Joaquin kit fox and Alameda whipsnake are also state-listed as threatened. The five remaining animal species are considered Species of Special Concern by the CDFG: burrowing owl (Athena cun/culana), Callfomia homed lark (Eremophi/a . Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Masler Plan, and Atea Rezoning Page 23 of 42 May 25, 2006 qt.::}' ",;11 'J ~. , ,.-1' ~".1r} j ,(;,;"'- alpestris aetia), tricolored blackbird (Age/aius tricolor), American badger (Taxidea taxus), and western pond turtle (Emys marmorata) . Two special-status plant species have been recorded in the greater Dublin area: Diablo helianthella (Helianthella castanea) and Congdon's tarplant (Centromadia parryi ssp. congdonil) (CNDDB 2006). It is unknown whether either of these species exist in the project area. However, due to the limited amount of construction proposed for the area immediately adjacent to Dublin Creek; primarily hardscape improvements, including a walkway and future cemetery plots, there would be a less-than- significant impact on biological resources with the mitigation measure below as no sensitive or special-status species or riparian features will be disturbed or destroyed in the project area. There are several guiding policies of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update that will ensure that impacts to biological resources resulting from project implementation are minimized. Guiding Policy 3 1 requires the creation of continuous visual open spaces, which are valuable for both recreational opportunities as well as habitat protection. Guiding Policy 3.2 encourages the protection of riparian corridors and oak land areas so that they will contribute to the ecological health of the open space system. Guiding Policy 3.6 emphasizes the protection of wildlife habitats and corridors and cooperation with the State Department of Fish and Game to define and preserve wildlife habitats. Adherence to these policies of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan and the other mitigation measure identified below will ensure that the park development portion of the project's potential impacts to Dublin's biological resources are less than significant. Mitiaation Measure 2: A biological survey shall be conducted by a Qualified biologist prior to any disturbance . within 150 feet of Dublin Creek (j.e arading. construction of nearby oathways, construction of the creek foot bridge) and on the undeveloDed DHPA parcel to verify that no special species are located in the area proposed for park exoansion. Reaulatorv permits shall be obtained as necessary from the Fish and Wildlife Service, California DeDartment of Fish and Game, Armv CorDS of Enaineers, or State Water Resources Control Board as necessary. and in coniunction with the recommendations of the bioloaical reQort. c) Have a substantial adverse Impact on federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (including but not limited to marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interruption or other means? Less than significant with mitigation. There are minimal alterations proposed to Dublin Creek in the project area. The Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan shows plans for a footbridge to connect the existing Pioneer Cemetery with the cemetery expansion area on the south side of Dublin Creek. The Master Plan, which is a conceptual-level document at this point, envisions using a prefabricated steel structure that is 88 feet in length and 12 feet wide. The concrete footings will be designed to minimally impact the riparian area, but the specifics won't be known until the bridge engineering is done at the stage when a construction bid is prepared. At that time, the potential impacts of the footbridge footings can be more accurately assessed and the City can work with the relevant regulatory agencies to ensure that the impacts to the riparian corridor are less than significant. Mitigation Measure 3: As detailed engineering is develo~ed for the design of the footinas for the Qedestrian footbridae over Dublin Creek as envisioned in the Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, the City shall work with the appropriate reQulato[l[ 8,gencies to ensure that impacts to the creek are minimized and addressed to the . - Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment. Page 24 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic ParK Draft Master Plan, and lVea Rezoning May 25. 2006 . . . 50 of 71;.. f'" satisfaction of the agencX. For the most part, the creek is proposed to be left in its natural state without any impacts to water quality through stormwater runoff or discharge, which will be retained and recharged on site in the Historic Park area. Because there is no land use intensification being proposed in the project area, because each development proposal is reviewed by the City Public Works Staff for compliance with the City's NPDES permit, and because discharge into the City's stormwater system is minimized through site design, it is not anticipated that any substantial adverse impact would occur or that permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or Regional Water Quality Control Board would be required. d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? Less than significant imRact. Because the creek and its associated flora is proposed to be left in its natural state, with the exception of the construction of the footbridge footings, no migration corridors should be interrupted. e.f) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such a$ tree protection ordinances or conflict with the provision of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan Or other approved local, regional or state habitat conservation plan? Less than sianificant imoact and No impact. At this point, there are no trees proposed to be removed from the project area. A tree survey will be required as part 'Of the detailed construction drawings for the Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan. The tree survey will plot the location of any tree that is subject to the City's Heritage Tree Ordinance and a tree removal permit would need to be obtained if a protected tree were proposed to be removed. Adherence to this requirement will ensure that the project's potential impacts to local policies and ordinances are negligible. Additionally, there are no adopted conservation plans in the project area with which the proposed project would be in conflict. Cultural Resou rees Would the project: (Sources: 1,2,4,5,6, 7,9, 11. 12) a) Cause a substantial adverse impact in the significance of a t.1istorical resource as defined in CEOA Guidelines Sec. 15064.5? b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archeological resource pursuant to Sec. 15064.57 cj Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or unique geologic feature? Potentially Significant impact Less than significant with mltiaation Less than S!gnific~mt Impact No. Impact x x x Initial Study for the Oraft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Page 25 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning May 25, 2006 6 / ~( 72 Cultural Resources Would the project: (Sources: 1,2,4. 5. 6. 7, 9, 11, 12) d} Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of a formal cemetery? Potentially Significant impact ."-ess then 'significant with mitiaation . X Less than Significant Impact No Impact . a) Cause substantial adverse change to a significant historic resource? Less than sianificant. In 2003, the City contracted with architectural historians Page & Turnbull, Inc. to identify and map existing historic resources in the project area and to make recommendations for the continued preservation of those resources. The Historic Resources Identification Project (Final) was completed in January 2004 and it identified several resources that should be protected as development in the Dublin area continues. Some of these resources have special status at either the State or Federal level, and all of them are included in the Dublin Historic Resources Inventory, which is contained in the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan. Subsequent to the research conducted for the Historic Resources Identification Project} the Dublin Village Design Guidelines and the Historic Overlay Zoning District were adopted by the Dublin City Council (January and February 2005), which set forth the process to review new development in the project area and the guidelines under which modifications to identified historic resources would be considered. All development in the project area that impacts an identified historic resource, whether it be new construction or modifications to an existing building, should conform to the design guidelines (proposed to be incorporated as Section 7 of the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan), which were based on the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Buildings. Any historical resource renovation or rehabilitation project that is done consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards can be classified as a categorical exemption under CEQA Guidelines Section 15331 At the time of any development application impacting an identified historic resource, Section 15064.5 (Determining the Significance of Impacts on Historical and Unique Archeological resources) of the CEQA Guidelines shall be consulted and all requirements of this section are required by State law to be met in the course of reviewing and implementing the project. . Additionally, compliance with Chapter 862 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Historic Overlay Zoning District) and the Design Guidelines (Section 7) of the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan will ensure that impacts to significant historic resources in the project area are less than significant. b-d) Cause substantial adverse change to significant archeological or paleontological resource or a unique geologic feature or disturb any human remains (either inside or outside a formal cemetery) ? Less than significant with mitiaation. In 2003, the City contracted with archeological firm William Self Associates, Inc. to identify and map archeological resources in the project area and to make recommendations for the continued preservation of those resources. The Archeological Assessment Report for the Donlon Way Area Specific Plan was completed in August 2003, and it summarized the type of and state of the archeological resources in the project area. Pursuant to a records . Initial Study for tt1e Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment. Page 26 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning May 25, 2006 . . . 9 ~"I "":) ... ~.~-.. search through the Northwest Infonnation Center (NWIC). there were found to be eight archeological sites within a quarter mile radius of the area, although no previously recorded prehistoric sites were known within the project area boundaries itself. In addition to the records search through the NWIC, William Self Associates also conducted a pedestrian survey of the project area. The pedestrian survey resulted in the identification of one previously unrecorded historic resource within the area boundary at Alamilla Springs (the exact details of the discovery are kept confidential in order to ensure that the resource is not disturbed). The pedestrian survey was also successful in identifying Archeological High Probability areas within the project area boundaries. Based on the existence of the archeological resources within and adjacent to the project area, the City's consultants, as well as the NWIC, believe that there is a moderate to high probability of identifying Native American archeological resources and a high probability of encountering historic-period archeological resources when the ground within the project area is disturbed, particularly within a 150 meter (493 foot) corridor centered on Dublin Creek and within the general vicinity of 81. Raymond's Church, Pioneer Cemetery, and the Dublin Square Shopping Center site. Section 15126 4 of the CEQA Guidelines directs public agencies to avoid damaging effects on an archeological resource whenever possible. For a project that could impact an archeological resource, Section 15064.5 (Detennining the Significance of Impacts on Historical and Unique Archeological resources) of the CEQA Guidelines will be consulted and all requirements of this section shall be met in the course of reviewing and implementing the project. In order to mitigate any potential impacts to resources in the project area, further archival and field study by an archeologist shall be undertaken prior to the construction of any development projects in the area in accordance with the recommendations of the William Self Associates document (pages 25- 28) and in consultation with the Public Works Director and Community Development Director, as detailed below' Mitiaation Measure 4: In High Archeoloaical Probability Areas (including a 150 meter (493 foot} corridor centered on Dublin Creek and within the general vicinity of 81. Raymond's Church, PIoneer Cemetery, and the Dublin Square Shopping Center site), the permitting of future Qround disturbance shall include provisions for further archival and field study by an archeoloaist. archeolQgical testing and. if necessary, archeoloaical monitonna durina construction, Mitigation Measure 5. Should oreconstruction excavation or borings be conducted outside of the Hioh Archeological Probability Areas. but within the proiect area, a Qualified archeoloaist shall monitor the work to define the oresence or absence of buried resources in order to oromote advance plannino for mitigation pUlDoses. Mitigation Measure 6. If a Native American artifact or human remains are identified during any demolition or construction in the oroiect area. work on the proiect shall cease immediately until those steps outlined in CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5 (e) can be taken to the satisfaction of the Dublin Community Development Director. Proiect work ma~ be resumed in compliance with the reouirements of Section 15064.5 (e). Additionallv, the County Coroner shall be contacted immediatel}! and Section 7050.5(b) of the California Health and Safety Code (relatina to the discovery of Native American remains) should be imolemented. Mitiaation Measure 7. If an archeological. prehistoric. or paleontoloQical resource is discovered durina any demolition or construction in the project area, work on the project shall cease immediately until a resource Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Page 27 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning May 25, 2006 r <) 'I I '>"') ifi',." 2- ~ .",<'" "t ' ...,.'" -~ " orotection plan conforming to CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5 (f) is .Qrepared by a Qualified archeoloaist and . approved by the Dublin Community Development Director. Project work may be resumed in compliance with such plan. Mitiaation Measure 8: Future roadwork or subsurface construction and maintenance within the Donlon Way road right of way and the portion of Dublin Boulevard within the proiect area shall include protocol for inadvertent discoveries made dun'19 constructionL includino the development of a resource protection plan conforming to CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5 to. prepared by a Qualified archeologist and aoproved by the Dublin Public Works and Community Develooment Directors. In the event of a discovery, proiect work resumed in compliance with such plan. The implementation of the above mitigation measures will ensure that the proposed project has a less than significant impact. Geology and Soils Would the project: (Sources: 1, 2,3,4, 13) a) Expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury. or death involving: i) Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated on the most recent A1quist.Priolo Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist or based on other known evidence of a known fault? il) Strong seismic ground shaking? iii) Seismic-related ground failure, including liquefaction? iv) Landslides? b) Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? c) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project and potentially result in on. and off-site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction or similar hazards? d) Be located on expensive soil, as defined in Table 13-1.B of the Uniform Building Code (1994), creating substantial risks to life or property? e) Have soils capable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative wastewater disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of waste? Potentiaily Less than Less than No Impact Significant significant Significant Impact with Impact mitia8lion .., X X X X X X X X . The project area is located in the central portion of the Coast Ranges geomorphic province. The Coast Ranges are characterized by a series of parallel, northwesterly trending, folded and faulted mountain chains. Mt. Diablo is located approximately nine miles north of the City of Dublin. Expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death involving rupture of a known earthquake faul~ as delineated on the most recent Alquist~Priolo Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist or based on other known evidence of a) . Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Pian Amendment, Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning Page 28 of 42 May 25, 2006 ,'i, .. 8'+ 't -72- a known fault? Expose people to strong seismic ground shaking, seismic-related ground failure (including liquefaction), or landslides? . Less than significant impact. Active earthquake faults within the region that influence earthquake susceptibility include the San Andreas, Hayward, Calaveras and Greenville Faults. The Calaveras Fault runs through Dublin generally along San Ramon Road, and has been traced to run across five of the properties wnhin the project area, including APNs 941-0040-06-010 (Springs Apartments), 941-0040-06-016 (PetCo), 941~1550-01-012 (Shell Gas Station), 941-0550-05-02 (Heritage Park Office Complex), and 941-0550~01-010 (Vacant CalTrans property). Eight additional properties in the project area are within an Alquist-Priolo Fault Zone, which is approximately 500 feet on either side of the fault itself The properties within the Fault Zone are those listed above in addition to the following: p~~~ .NU'mb~ 941-1550-001-02 941-1550-003-02 1-1550-004 1-1560-001-01 Address, 11991 Dublin Boulevard 11891 Dublin Boulevard 11873 Dublin Boulevard 506 Donlon Wa 6600 Donlon Wa 6572 Donlon Wa No address No address . Signed into law in 1972, the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act was signed into law with the intent to mitigate the hazard of surface faulting to structures for human occupancy The Act requires that all residential construction within a fault zone has a comprehensive geologic investigation completed prior to building that shows that the fault does not pose a hazard to the proposed structure Under moderate to severe seismic events, which are probable in the Bay Area, structures and facilities in the project area would be subject to damage caused by ground shaking, The General Plan contains policies in both the Conservation and Seismic Safety and Safety Element that will reduce the potential impact of ground failure and rupture. Adherence to these policies is required for any development in the City Adherence to all requirements of the Uniform Building Code (UBe), and the Alquist~Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act requirement that all construction plans in a fault zone incorporate the recommendations of a geotechn ical investigation. will ensure that the project impacts are less than significant. It is a City standard that a registered Professional Engineer design the grading and foundation plans for any new construction. A Registered Geotechnical Engineer is is required to stamp and sign the grading and foundation plans certifying that they conform to the recommendations contained in the final geotechnical investigation, and this is verified when grading plans are reviewed and approved by the Building Division and the Public Works Department. Additionally, all structures proposed to be built within the Alquist-Priolo Fault Zone will be subject to additional near-fault structural requirements and the plans will be reviewed by the Building Division through the plan check process. . b..d) Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil, be located on s geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or be located on expansive soil? Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Page 29 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning May 25, 2006 155 n( '"'72- rj Less than significant with mitigation. The project area is underlain by stiff to very stiff clay soil to a depth of . approximately 20 feet below ground suriace. At depths greater than 20 feet, soil varies from medium dense to dense clayey and s.ilty sands. Properties in the project area have been previously disturbed, graded, and paved in many instances to accommodate buildings, parking areas, roads, and other public and private improvements. For any construction project that is proposed in the project area, the Applicant will be required to obtain a grading permit from the City, and approval of the permit will be based on compliance with standard City development procedures. According to the United States Geologic Survey and the California State Department of Emergency Services. properties in the project area are all classified as having moderate susceptibility for ground liquefaction, as well as other seismic hazards. The following mitigation measure will serve to reduce the impacts of the project to less than significant: Mitigation Measure 9: A site-specific soils reportlgeotechincal investigation shall be reguired for any development prooosal in the proiect area and shall be conducted bv a California-registered aeologist or a California-registered enQineerina oeologist. The report shall address the potential forexoansive soils andjJround liquefaction. Specific measures to reduce seismic hazards. expansive soils. and liQuefaction hazards to a less than significant level shall be included in the report and those measures shall be implemented as Dart of the site development. e) Have soils capable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative wastewater disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of waste? No impact. The project area is served by a sewer system. Hazards and Hazardous Materials Would the project: (Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 13) a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use or disposal of hazardous materials? b} Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous into the environment? c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one-quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? d) Be located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites complied pursuant to Government Code Sec. 65962.5 and, as a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? . -. ;Potantially Less than Less than No Impact Significant significant $ignificant : Impact with Impact mitiaation . . . X X X X . Initial Study for the Draft DUblin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Page 30 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning May 25, 2006 . ir" .,-' /I r-)2 .; " i I -<'- "'-J e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such plan has not been adopted, would the project result in a safety hazarr,1 for people residing or working in the project area? ~ For a project within the vicinity of private airstrip, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? g) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with the adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? h) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland fires. including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where residences are intermixed with wildlands? x x x x a-c) Create a significant hazard through transport of hazardous materials or re/eas. or emission of hazardous materials? Less than significant with mitiaation. It is not anticipated that any uses would be permitted in the project area that would entail activities that involve hazardous chemicals in any fashion. However, should that ever be the case, such materials would need to be used and stored in accordance with permits issued by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, County Environmental Health Department and Alameda County Fire Department. so that a . less-than-significant impact would therefore result. When demolition occurs in the area to implement the Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, it shall be done in accordance with a City of Dublin demolition permit. which requires compliance with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) regulations. Because the shopping center proposed to be demolished was constructed in 1963, there is a possibility that either lead paint or asbestos is present in the building, both of which are considered hazardous materials. Adherence to the following mitigation measure will ensure that the presence and removal of those materials in that building, as well as any other building proposed to be demolished in the project area, has a less than significant impact on the environment. . Mlth:latlon Measure 10: Prior to demolition of any building in the Qroiect area, the building shall be sampled to determine if the building contains lead paint and/or asbestos. If either of the materials are determined to be Dresent. they shall be handles and disDOsed of as a hazardous material and in compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations. The project site is not within one quarter mile of an existing school. d) Be located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials $Ites complied pursuant to Government Code Sec. 65962.5 and, as a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? Less than significant impact A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment was conducted for the Dublin Square Shopping Center site at 11759 Dublin Boulevard in January 2005, which is one of the properties within the project Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Page 31 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Reloning May 25, 2006 b '} c./) , (' '!-/2- , J area. The study found that there are several facilities within the City that appear on regulatory agency lists, but that no facilities appear to be affecting the environmental conditions in the project area itself. Properties in the . project area were used in the past for agricultural purposes, so there is a possibility that pesticide/herbicide contamination may be present near the surface, but it is not expected to be present in high levels due to the amount of time that has passed since agricultural operations were underway e,f) Is the site located wIthin an airport land use plan of a public airport or private airstrip? No Impact. The project site is not located within an airport land use plan or within the immediate vicinity of a public airport; therefore no impacts are anticipated regarding airport noise or crash hazards zones. g,h) Interference with an emergency evacuation plan, expose people and structures to a 5ignlfIcant risk Involving wildland fires, and are nearby residences intermixed with wildlands? No Imoact. The project site is not located in an area that is at risk involving wildland fires. Hydrology and Water Quality Would the project: (Sources: 1,2,3,4, 11, 12, 13) a) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge reqUIrements? b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that there Would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of lt1e local groundwater table level (e.g. the production rate of existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted? c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the aeration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner which would result in substantial erosion or siltation on or off-site? d) Substantially altar the eXisting drainage pattern of the site or areas, including through the alteration of a course or stream or river, or SUbstantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner that would result in ftooding on- or e) Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff? n Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? g) Place housing within a 10o-year flood hazard area as mapped on a Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood delineation map? .Potentially Lass than Less than No '",pact Significant significant Significant Impact with :impact mitigation X X X X X x X . . Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Histonc AJea $pecific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning - Page 32 of 42 May 25, 2006 ~ 58'.., {-';'-/'? _ f ^ r'j' -- h) Place within a 1 QO'year flood hazard area structures which impede or redirect flood flows? i) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury, and death involving flooding, including flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam? D Inundation by seiche, tsunami or mudflow? Potentially Less -than Less than .N() ImpatJt Significant significant Significant Impact with impact . . mitigation , x x x . Hydrology and Water Quality Would the project: (Sources: 1,2,3,4, 11, 12, 13) a-~ Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements, deplete groundwater resources, alter drainage patterns, effect surface or subsurface water quality, result in placing housing in a "ood plain? . Less than significant impact. The City of Dublin is a co-permittee of the Alameda County Clean Water Program, which isa coordinated effort by local governments in the County to improve water quality in San Francisco Bay In 19941 the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control8oard issued a set of recommendations for New and Redevelopment Controls for Storm Water Programs. These recommendations include pOlicies that define watershed protection goals, minimum non-point source pollution controls for site planning and post construction activities. Watershed protectIon goals are based on policies identified in the San Francisco Bay Basin Water Control Plan, which relied on Best Management Practices (8MPs) to limit pollutant contact with stormwater runoff at its source and remove such pollutants prior to being transported into receiving waters. Any development project in the City of Dublin requires the preparation of a project-specific Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP), ensuring that any surface water quality pollution impacts will be less-than-significant. As the implementation of the Historic Park Draft Master Plan is executed, one of the first phases of the project will be to demolish the existing Dublin Square Shopping Center site and remove the vast parking fields that surround the buildings. The removal of the buildings and the conversion of a shopping center site from a commercial use to a park use will reduce the amount of impervious surface in the project area. Park sites typically have a lot of pervious surface area, which allows for groundwater recharge and minimizes the potential for wastewater to drain off the site. Additionally, the City will prepare a project-specific SWPPP which will address the development ofthe Historic Park in particular For other properties in the project area, development proposals will be reviewed by the City's Public Works Department to ensure that stormwater runoff from the site is kept to a minimum through careful site design and on- site retention and recharge. The development of any new facilities in the project area will require that the project conforms to Alameda County Flood Control and Water Quality District, Zone 7 requirements and will meet the water quality standards of the City of Dublin's NPDES permit and the Alameda County Urban Runoff Clean Water Program. The future developer will be responsible for obtaining all permits necessary from Zone 7 prior to construction. and follow all provisions of the City's Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) and the Water Quality Control Board requirements, listing Best Management Practices that reduce the potential for water quality degradation during construction and post-construction activities. Implementation of these required actions . ensures that surface water quality pollution is a less than significant impact. Initial Study for the Draft Dublin VIllage Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Page 33 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft. Master Plan, and Area Rezoning May 25. 2006 t" A J 172- . Water to the proposed project would be supplied by the Dublin San Ramon Services District, relying on long-term contracts for imported water to the site. There would therefore be no impacts to groundwater supplies. 91) Place housing within a 1oo-year flood hazard area as mapped on a Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood delineation map? Place within a 100-year flood hazard area structures which Impede or redirect flood flows? Expose people or structures to a significant risk of 10$s, Injury, and death involving flooding, including flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam? Inundation by seiche, tsunami or mudfJow? Less than sianificant impact and no imDact. According to the Flood Insurance Rate Map published by FEMA (Community Panel Number 060705-0001 B), a bulk of the project area is located within a 500-year flood zone while a few of the parcels closest to Dublin Creek are within the 1 Oo..year flood hazard area. The properties that are within the 100-year flood hazard area are those that are proposed to be included in the Historic Park. The Historic Park area currently has two buildings that are in the flood hazard area, one being a church and the other a classroom/meeting/exhibit space. Neither of the buildings is used for residential purposes. The only new building proposed to be constructed in the Historic Park area is one 800 square foot pavilion/classroom building, which will be used intermittently and not for residential purposes. Therefore, the flood impacts to people or structures will be less than significant. land Use and Planning Would the project: (Sources: 1,4,5, 7, 10, 11, 12) a) Physically divide an established community? b} Conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the project (including but not limited to the general plan, specific plan, or zoning ordinance) adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effecl? c) Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or nalural community conservation plan? P.otentially Less than Less than No Im.pact Significant significant .Significant Impact with Impact mitigation X X X . a) Physically divide an established community? No impact. The project area is within an urbanized portion of Dublin and implementation of the project will not serve to physically divide the community in any fashion. The redesignation of parcels in the area from a Retail/Office General Plan land use category to Parks/Public Recreation will allow for the logical expansion of the City's Heritage Center and the development of a cohesive Historic Park. This will help to unify the City's historic core by connecting several of the City's historic buildings, archeological resources, and former historic sites into a single public space. b) Conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy or regulation? Less than sianificant imDact. The proposed project includes changes to several planning documents, including: . Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Page 34 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Reroning May 25, 2006 . . . 00 -~ ")2- . Amendment to the General Plan land use designation for five properties in the project area; . Amendment to the Zoning Map for two properties in the project area; . Adoption of the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan; . Amendment to the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update (2004) . Adoption of the Draft Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan Approval of these changes ensures consistency between the proposed project and the City plans and regulations. c) Conflict with a habitat conservation plan or natural community cons8IVatJon plan? No impact. No such plan has been adopted within the project area. There would, therefore, be no impact to a habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan. Mineral Resources Would the project (Sources: 1, 2, 4) a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of value to the region and the residents of the state? b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general Plan, specific plan or other land use plan? Potentially Signifioant Impact Less than .' significant. : with . mffi ation No Impact Less than Significant Impact x x No imDact. The Conservation Element of the General Plan does not reference any significant mineral resources in the City, nor are any properties within the project area designated by the California State Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, as having deposits of minerals. Additionally, no mineral resources are shown on the State of Califomia's maps of such resourceSj and therefore no impacts are expected as a result of project implementation. Noise Would the project result in: (Source: 1,2,3,4,5, 7, 11, 12) a) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in the general plan or noise ordinance. or applicable standards of other agencies? b) Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? c) A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above existing levels without the project? d) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels without the project? Potentially " Less than Less than NO.lmpact Significant significant Significant Jmpar;t with Impact ." mitiaatiph X X X X Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendm8n~ Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning Page 35 of 42 May 25, 2006 hI 'oJ- -17- Noise Would the project result in: (Source: 1.2,3,4,5,7, 11, 12) e} For a projecllocaled within an airport land use plan Of, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working n the project area to excessive noise levels? f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project expose people residing or working In the project area to excessive noise levels? Potentially , Less than Less than No Impact Significant significant Significant Impact with Impact "m;tioation x x . The General Plan identifies that the normally acceptable maximum outdoor Ldn noise level is 60 dBA for neighborhood parks, and up to 65 dBA as conditionally acceptable. Noise measurements are expressed in decibels ("dBA"), which is the standard measure of sound pressure. New recreation facilities will need to be located in areas where the noise exposure level was not higher than 65 dBA in order to be in conformance with the General Plan. a-f) Would the project expose persons to or generate noise levels in excess of standards established by the General Plan or other applicable standard, expose people to groundborne vibration, result in permanent increases in ambient noise levels? . Less than significant imDact. There are two possible noise impacts resulting from the proposed project: construction noise and operational noise. Construction noise is generated when a new facility is being built. Operational noise occurs when the facility is completed and is being used for its intended purpose. Operational noise is not expected to be a significant impact of any new park, residential building, office complex, commercial building, or business park because such noises generated are compatible with a suburban environment and will be mitigated at the project level by the conditions of approval for the project consistent with the City's noise standards. Such conditions typically include prohibitions on amplified sounds outside of the building and the like. Construction noise would be present at the time any new structure or facility is built, and short-term construction related noise could be expected. The City has adopted common practices for all construction and grading operations, and which are included in the construction documents for any construction project, to limit the hours of construction to 7.30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, including the idling of equipment, unless the Director of Public Works approves alternative hours. Additionally, all equipment used on the construction site is to be in good, well-maintained condition, and mufflers, to minimize noise generation that could affect the residents in the project area. Therefore, noise~related impacts of the project will be less-than-significant. While there are limited noise impacts expected to be generated by the proposed project, there are existing noise impacts in the project area due to the proximity of Interstate 580 and the vehicular noise generated from that facility One of the components of the Draft Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan is to install a soundwall along the freeway in a portion of the project area to reduce noise impacts to the existing Heritage Center and the future Historic Park expansion area. The soundwall will minimize noise impacts to future users of the Historic Park and . cemetery expansion area and will improve the existing conditions near the Pioneer Cemetery, Murray Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Pfan/General Plan Amendment, Page 36 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Histonc Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning May 25, 2006 0c? oj 7 2- Schoolhouse, St. Raymond's Church, and the Dublin Creek Kennel/Hagan residence area. Although the General Plan does not contain noise exposure standards for an unique recreational/civic facility like the Historic Park, with the installation of the soundwal! and the improvement that will provide to current noise impacts in the area, the impacts of the project will be less than significant, and in factI will improve the situation. . Additionally, the project area is not located within the vicinity of a private airstrip or within the boundaries of an airport land use plan area. Population and Housing Would the project: (Sources: 1,4, 12) a) Induce substantial population growth in an area, either directly or indirecijy (for example, through extension of roads or other infrastructure)? b) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? c) Displace substantial numbers of people. necessitating the replacement of housing elsewhere? Potentially Less than Less tM,n :tl/t) Impact Significant significant Significant Impact with ,Impact miti~tipn " X X X No impact. Implementation of the proposed project will not induce additional growth in Dublin, as no new residential units are proposed that are not currently permitted under the existing project area General Plan land use designations and Zoning Districts. Therefore, no population growth impacts are anticipated that have not already been assessed in the General Plan. The implementation of the proposed project will not displace any existing housing units or people, and therefore the project will have no impact. . Public Services (Sources: 1, 3.4, 11. 12) a) Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities. the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts. in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives for any of the public services: Fire protection? Police protection? Schools? Parks? Other public facilities? . , Potentially Less than Less than No Impact Significant significant Significant Impact with (mpact mitiqat;on X X X X x No ImDact. Implementation of the proposed project will not create additional need for new public services or facilities, as there is no land use intensification being proposed. Any new facilities constructed in the project area Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Am8ndmen~ Page 37 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update. Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning May 25, 2006 1021 72- will be required to meet the requirements of the Alameda County Fire Department, Dublin Police Department. . Dublin Unified School District, and other applicable governmental agencies during the plan review phase and any project-specific concems could be addressed at that point. including an analysis that adequate response times can be met as necessary Any future development projects in the area will pay impact fees appropriate to the type of project. Recreation (Sources: 1, 3,4, 10, 11, 12 a) Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood or regional facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated? b) Does the project include recreational facilities Dr require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities that might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? Potentially Significant Impact Less than signifICant with mili ation No Impact Less than Significant Impact x x No Impact. The proposed project does not include residential development that is not already anticipated under the General Plan, so there would be no increase in the need for or impact on recreational facilities. The project would add a much-needed recreational facility to the Dublin community, thereby increasing the City's recreational resources and facilities to serve the community No adverse impact related to recreational facilities will result, but rather, the park development will provide more recreational activities and facilities for the public's use. . This Initial Study is studying the impacts of developing a new park in the project area and the possible effects on the environment that the park might have, but the proposed project in and of itself will not have a negative impact on recreational facilities in the project area, and in fact will create additional recreational opportunities. Transportation and Traffic Would the project: (Sources. 1,2,3,4, 11, 12) a) Cause an increase in traffic that is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system (i.e. result in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips, the volume to capacity ratio on roads or congestion at intersections)? b} Exceed. either individually or cumulatively, a Jevel of service standard established by the County Congestion Management Agency for designated roads or highways? c) Result in a change in air traffic patterns, including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results in substantial safety risks? d) Substantially increase hazards due to a design feature (e.g. sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses, such as farm equipment? Potentially Less than Less than No lii/padt Significant significant Significant :/mpact with Impact mitiaation X X X X . Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan AmendmenL Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan. and Area Rezoning Page 38 of 42 May 25, 2006 . Transportation and Traffic Would the project: (Sources: 1,2,3,4, 11, 12) e) Result in inadequate emergency access? ~ Result in inadequate parking capacity? g) Conflict with adopted policies, plans or programs supporting alternative transportation (such as bus turnouts and bicycle facilities)? b4 () t -;2- Potentially Significant Impact Less than No Jmpact , Significant impact Less than significant with mit; ation x X X No impacts. No impacts are anticipated with regard to traffic or parking for the proposed project. Existing and proposed roadway improvements have been designed and sized to provide adequate transportation facilities and transit modes with sufficient capacity for the existing and proposed uses. No land use intensification is proposed for properties in the project area, though there is the capacity for the overall maximum development potential in the area to increase due to the fact that many of the sites are currently developed at less than the maximum intensity permitted in the General Plan, as discussed in the previous section on Air Quality However, all of this capacity exists today, without the land use changes proposed in the Specific Plan (which actually decreases the development potential because of the shift from Retail/Office to ParkslPublic Recreation). and recreational facilities - even those with classroom and small outdoor stage facilities - are typically not large traffic generators. They are typically not peak-hour trip generators, and are primarily local. serving. Vehicle trips are spread throughout the day, and in fact the concentration of trips tends to be during non- peak hour times such as afternoons, evenings, and weekends, which minimizes potential impacts to the city circulation systems. . Additionally, both the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan and the Draft Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan call for several public improvements to be made to the streets and sidewalks in the project area, which will increase pedestrian safety Adequate parking for the proposed Draft Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan is proposed, including the construction of a new parking lot and the addition of on-street parking on Donlon Way, and therefore, no adverse impacts relative to parking are anticipated. . Utilities and Service Systems Would the project (Sources: 1 3,4,11, 12) a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board? b) Require or result in the construction of new water or wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? c) Require or result in the construction of new storm water drainage facilities or expansion of existing faoilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? Potentially Less than Less than No Impact Significant significant Significant Impact with Impact , mitiQation X X X Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment. Page 39 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Histonc Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning May 25. 2006 Utilities and Service Systems Would the project (Sources: 1,3,4. 11, 12) d) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project from existing water entillements and resources, or are new or expanded entitlements needed? e) Result in a determination by lI1e wastewater treatment provider which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand in addition to the provider's existing commitments? ~ Be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the project's solid waste disposal needs? g) Comply with federal, state and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste? II' r ta~ cC';~ 72- 1 . Potentially Less than Less than NB,Jmpact Significant significant Significant Impact with Impact . mftiqation . , X X X X No imoact. The following service providers serve the project: . Electrical and natural gas power' Pacific Gas and Electrical Company . Water supply and sewage treatment: Dublin San Ramon Services District " Storm Drainage: City of Dublin . Solid waste disposal: Amador Valley Industries The proposed project will not result in a demand for new water and wastewater services for potable or irrigation water, because no land use intensification is proposed for properties in the project area and existing service . infrastructure can be used, It is not anticipated that utility service beyond that which is already provided to the area will be required. As is typically the case with new development applications in the City, individual development proposals will be reviewed on a basis by City Staff as well as utility providers to ensure that services can be provided as needed. It is not anticipated that development in the project an:J8 will require the extension of additional services, and the impacts to utilities and service systems will not be significant. Future development in the project area will be consistent with General Plan policies. allowing necessary utilities and services to be provided without significant impact. When construction drawings are submitted for specific future projects, City Departments and other governmental agencies will review plans in accordance with adopted regulations to determine feasibility and suitability Mandatory Findings of Significance. a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species. cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number of or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? Potentially Less thEln Less than No, impact Significant significant , Significant Impact with Impact . mitiaation. x . Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Draft Parks and Recreation Masler Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning Page 40 of 42 May 25, 2006 . . . b) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects and the effects of probable future projects). c) Does the project have environmental effects that will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either direcUy or indirectly? / ,," l- f?) b,~~ -j 2- l' X X a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wlldlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self- sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number of or restrict the range of II rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? Less than significant with mitiaation. The preceding analysis indicates that the proposed project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment with the incorporation of all mitigation measures as proposed. The implementation of all stated mitigation measures will ensure that any potential impacts are reduced to a less than significant level. bJ Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ('Cumulatively considerable.r means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effscts of other current projects and the effects of probable future projects). No. Although incremental increases in certain areas can be expected as a result of the implementation of the proposed project, the implementation of all stated mitigation measures will ensure that any potential impacts are mitigated to a less than significant level. c) Does the project have environmental effects that will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? No such impacts have been discovered in the course of preparing this Initial Study Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village HistOriC Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Area Rezoning Page 41 of42 May 25, 2006 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 01 ':f 72- . INITIAL STUDY PREPARER Kristi Bascom, Senior Planner, City of Dublin Community Development Department AGENCIES AND ORGAN IZA TIONS CONSULTED The following agencies and organizations were contacted in the course of this Initial Study' City of Dublin, Community Development Department City of Dublin, Parks and Community Services Department City of Dublin, Public Works Department Dublin San Ramon Services District REFERENCES Archeological Assessment Report for the Donlon Way Area Specific Plan (prepared by William Self Associates, Inc.) August 2003. City of Dublin General Plan (1985, updated to 2002). . City of Dublin Zoning Ordinanee. Draft Dublin Draft Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan (prepared by Royston, Hanamoto, Alley, and Abey) May 2006 Draft Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan (prepared by the City of Dublin Community Development Department) May 2006 Dublin Historic Resources Identification Project (Final) (prepared by Page and Turnbull, Inc.) January 2004 Dublin Village Design Guidelines (prepared by RBF ConsultinglUrban Design Studio) January 2005. National Register of Historic Places Registration Form completed for the Dublin Heritage Center (prepared by Elizabeth Isles and Amanda Wells, City of Dublin) September 2004 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update (2004) and accompanying Initial StudylMitigated Negative Declaration Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for 11759 Dublin Boulevard (prepared by Treadwell & Rollo Environmental and Geotechnical Consultants for the benefit of Meyers Nave Riback Silver and Wilson) January 2005 . Initial Study for the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendmen~ Page 42 of 42 Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update. Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan. and Area Rezoning May 25. 2006 . . . 68 or 1 2- A' CITY OF DUBLIN 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California 94568 Website: D:RA'FT MfTIG:A TE:D N'EGATI:VJ; 'D:E':CLAllATfO'N Project Title: PA # 02-074 Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment, Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and Dublin Village Historic Area Rezoning Project Description: The City of Dublin has prepared several documents that will guide the planning for future public and private development in City's historic core. These documents include the Draft Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan and related General Plan Amendment. the Draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2006 Update, the Dublin Historic Park Draft Master Plan, and the Dublin Village Historic Area Rezoning. This Initial Study examines the potential environmental impacts of implementing these documents, collectively referred to as the proposed project. Project Location: Approximately 38 acres surrounding the intersection of Donlon Way and Dublin Boulevard. Specifically I Assessor Parcel Numbers 941-1560..Q09-01. 941-1560-007-01, 941-0113-003- 01. 941-0113-154, 941-0040~006-16, 941-1550-004, 941-1550-005--02,941-1550-003-02, 941-155Q..001-12, 941-1550-001-02, 941-1560-001-01, 941-1560-002-02, 941..Q040-006- 10,941-1560-003-04, 941-1560-001-02. 941-1560~006,941-1560-005, 941-1560-003-03, 941-1550-002-02, and 941-1550-001-10 Applicant: City of Dublin, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there WILL NOT be a significant effect in this case because revisions in the project have been made by or agreed to by the project proponent. \.l--DA.S~ S(2.>Jo'=' Kristi BaIom, Senior Planner Date A copy of the Initial Study documenting the reasons to support the above finding is available at the City of Dublin, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568, or by calling (925) 833-6610. Determination: Date NOI Mailed: Date Posted: Date Published: Comment Period: To be considered bY' On: N.D.D. filed: City Council Resolution No, May 26, 2006 May 26, 2006 May 31, 2006 May 31, 2006 - June 30, 2006 Dublin City Council August 1,2006 (tentative) 01 tj 72. ORDINANCE NO. XX - 07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ************************* AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO ADD THE HISTORIC OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT TO TWO PARCELS IN THE DUBLIN VILLAGE HISTORIC AREA SPECIFIC PLAN PA (02-074) The City Council ofthe City of Dublin does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1. Recitals WHEREAS, the City of Dublin is desirous of improving the appearance, functionality, economic vitality of Dublin's core historic area in a manner consistent with the broad vision expressed in the Dublin General Plan; and WHEREAS, the City prepared the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan pursuant to Government Code Sec. 65450 et seq. The Specific Plan is implemented, in part, through the Historic Overlay Zoning District in Chapter 8.62 of the Municipal Code, which provides for Site Development Review of certain improvements for consistency with the Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, on June 12,2007, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 07-30 recommending approval of the Zoning Map Amendment to the City Council; and WHEREAS, on June 14,2007, the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission recommended approval of the Zoning Map Amendment to the City Council; and WHEREAS, on July 3,2007, the City Council reviewed a proposal to amend the Zoning Map to incorporate three parcels within the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan. The three additional parcels are as follows: . 11740, 11746, and 11750 Dublin Boulevard (APN 941-0113-004) -- owned by Kenneth and Patricia Burger and contains two office buildings . 11700 Dublin Boulevard (APN 941-0113-005-02) -- owned by Oleg and Linda Dubney and contains one office building . 11684 Dublin Boulevard (APN 941-0113-007-01) -- owned by the Briarhills of Dublin Cabana Club and contains one building and a swimming pool; and WHEREAS, on July 3,2007, the City Council directed Staffto revise the proposed Zoning Map amendment to the Specific Plan omitting the Briarhills parcel from inclusion within the Specific Plan boundary. WHEREAS, following a duly noticed public hearing on July 17, 2007, the City Council adopted Ordinance XX-07 amending the Zoning Map to add the Historic Overlay Zoning District to two parcels in the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan. The two parcels are as follows: 1 Attachment 3 /0 172- . 11740, 11746, and 11750 Dublin Boulevard (APN 941-0113-004) -- owned by Kenneth and Patricia Burger and contains two office buildings . 11700 Dublin Boulevard (APN 941-0113-005-02) -- owned by Oleg and Linda Dubney and contains one office building WHEREAS, the Zoning Map amendment does not change the base zoning of Commercial Office for the parcels. Section 2. Findings: Pursuant to 8.120.050 B ofthe Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council makes the following findings and determinations regarding the Zoning Map amendment (Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan) for P A 02-074: 1. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Dublin General Plan and Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan. The properties to be included within the Specific Plan area will maintain their current land use and zoning designation and no modifications to the properties are proposed. In the future when modifications in use or exterior improvements are proposed, the proposal will be subject to the use and design requirements specified in the General Plan and Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan. Section 3: Zoning Map Amendment: Pursuant to Title 8 of the Dublin Municipal Code the City of Dublin Zoning Map is amended to add the Historic Overlay Zoning District designation to the following properties: . APN 941-0113-004 (11740, 11746, and 11750 Dublin Boulevard) . APN 941-0113-005-02 (11700 Dublin Boulevard) A map of the two-parcels to be included within the Zoning Map amendment area is shown below: 2 \ "" .M1~- ~.-r,~- ,,,,M-..\~'~~tG \"" ~. ";8 %t-. ' . , " i '1/9;f 7z Exhibit 6 Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan Zoning 8JlIdings - OJWIO lots Streets f'eeway Zoning A Pgncu,'/Ure lIIIIIiIIII!III 1.>1 RNailCommercial , ;AIiI c.N Nelghb<1rllood Con>rrn>rcial ~ c.O Commeroal Cf!Iee , ',:1!Jll 1,1-1; Light Industrial - PO Plarmed o...eiopm<>.nt - R-l-8-E Single Family' Rl>Sidel>/lal ';:..:Jf R-l SlfIgle Famly Re51dential R-M Mlilli.J'amiiy Rl>SKlenllal ff,';' ::' . July 2001 'C':"!-<t"".'ll.oJiliV<.J' ~~,..~,.'" ~ ~ '"I)';: '- ,'" ... Section 4: Severability: In the event any section or pqrtion of this ordinance shall be determined invalid or unconstitutional, such section or portion shall be deemed severable and all other sections or portions hereof shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5: Effective Date and Posting of Ordinance: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its adoption. The City Clerk ofthe City of Dublin shall cause the Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 ofthe Government Code of the State of California. 3 ~2- 0;/ /2- PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin, on this 17th day of July 2007, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK G:\PA#\2002\02-074 Historical Study\3 new parcels\CCDirectionon070307\CC Ord Zoning Map Update. doc 4