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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 Global Transportation Plan
File # rn[Q][(t][]-~~
Report on Development of a Global Transportation Plan
Report Prepared by: Melissa Morton, Public Works Dire~
RECOMMENDATIO~ Receive the report, and provide comments as appropriate,
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: There are no financial impacts associated with this report.
DESCRIPTION: On February 4, 2006, the City Council, Planning Commission, Parks
& Community Services Commission, and Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission held a special joint
meeting to discuss Goals and Objectives for Fiscal Year 2006-2007. As a result of that meeting, a goal
was generated to prepare a global transportation plan that included multi-modal transportation for the City
as its objective. Since, by definition, multi-modal transportation uses two or more transportation modes in
a single trip, it is the purpose of this report to demonstrate that the objectives of a global transportation
plan that includes multi-modal methods of transportation are already being met.
General Plan and Specific Plans: The City's General Plan and planning area Specific Plans include
language discussing roadway, transit, bicycle and pedestrian plans. A well-rounded project in the City
will include important links between these amenities.
Bikeways Master Plan: This document establishes bicycle and pedestrian connections between major
transit, civic and park destinations in the City. The document also serves as an important link between
these facilities and potential federal, state and local funding sources.
ADA Transition Plan: A complete inventory of all curb ramps in the City has been finalized, and outreach
to the disabled community regarding routes of travel is ongoing to ensure that resources in the City are
accessible by the entire community.
Interagency Coordination: City Staff conducts regular meetings with representatives of Wheels, BART,
the Dublin Unified School District, the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency, the Alameda
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County Transportation Improvement Agency, the Metropolitan Transportation Agency, East Bay Regional
Park District, the Cities of Livermore and Pleasanton and other related stakeholders to discuss providing
transportation in all modes for the region.
Technical Review: Staff is currently participating on the Technical Advisory Committees for the agencies
listed in the previous paragraph, as well as in discussions regarding the Eastbound and Westbound 1-580
HOV Lane Projects, the 1-580/I680 Interchange Project, the Regional Rail Plan, the Direct Bus Access
Project for the East Dublin BART Station, and the coming update of the Regional Transportation Plan.
While all of these resources have not been placed in one unabridged document, the collective efforts of
the Public Works, Community Development and Parks and Community Services Departments in concert
with the business and development communities, are providing multi-modal transportation opportunities
for the community. Through continued coordination, linkages between resources and transportation
modes will only broaden and diversify in Dublin and throughout the Tri- Valley.
Staff recommends that the City Council receive the report, and provide comments as appropriate.
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