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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.1 Final 07-08 Goals & Objectives CITY CLERK File # D[Z][l2][l2]-~[Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 28, 2007 SUBJECT: Adoption of Final 2007-2008 Goals & Objectives Report Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. Report on the proposed Carry-Over 2006-2007 Goals & Objectives. 2. Preliminarily Adopted Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Goals & Objectives 3. Preliminarily Adopted 10-Year Strategic Plan RECOMMENDATION: ~Q}' Approve those Goals and Objectives that are proposed to be carried over from Fiscal Year 2006-2007 to Fiscal Year 2007-2008; and adopt the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Goals & Objectives and lO-Year Strategic Plan, as amended. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: On March 28,2007, the City Council preliminarily adopted the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Goals & Objectives and the 10-Year Strategic Plan. The Goals & Objectives and 10- Year Strategic Plan have been included in the Preliminary Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget for final adoption by the City Council. Those objectives listed as high priority are recommended for funding in the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget. Also included in the Budget is the final report as of May 31, 2007 for the Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Goals & Objectives. As ofthat date, a total of 58 of 102 objectives (56.9%) have been completed. With respect to high priority objectives, a total of 52 out of 83 (62.7%) have been completed. There have been 8 major additional assignments since July 1, 2006, of which 4 (50.0%) have been completed or are nearly complete. COpy TO: Page 1 of2 ITEM NO. 3./ 1:\0&0\2007-20080&0 - Strategic Plan\Working Folder for 6-28-07 Budget Hearing\as-final adopt O&O.doc The 2007-2008 Goals & Objectives include those Fiscal Year 2006-2007 objectives that Staff anticipates will not be completed by June 30, 2007. Those objectives that were expected to be completed by the end of Fiscal Year 2006-2007 were not included in the 2007-2008 Goals & Objectives program. Attachment 1 identifies those objectives that Staff originally estimated would be completed by the end of Fiscal Year 2006-2007, but are now expected to be completed after June 30, 2007. Funding for these objectives has been included in the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Preliminary Budget and Financial Plan. In order to properly track the progress of these objectives, it is appropriate for the City Council to consider adding these objectives to the 2007-2008 Goals & Objectives program. The 2006-2007 Council priorities for these objectives will be carried over to the 2007-2008 Goals and Objectives program unless directed otherwise by the City Council. These carry-over objectives will also be added to the pertinent section(s) of the Strategic Plan. Recommended placement of carry-overs in the Strategic Plan is shown on Attachment 1. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve those Goals & Objectives that are to be carried over from Fiscal Year 2006-2007 to the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Goals & Objectives and lO-Year Strategic Plan, and Adopt the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Goals & Objectives and 10-Year Strategic Plan, as amended. Page 2 of2 Report on the Proposed Carry-Over 2007-2008 Goals & Objectives I~lq The following list represents those objectives that Staff originally anticipated would be completed by the end of Fiscal Year 2006-2007, and consequently were not included in the 2007-2008 Goals & Objectives Program. These objectives are now expected to be completed after June 30, 2007. I. GENERAL GOVERNMENT A. ADMINISTRA nON: To ensure the smooth &. efficient functionin of those serviees rovided to the commnn.' . . STRATEGIC COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED START! STATUS GOAL PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING COMPLETION GOALS Dept. Goal High 2006 Develop Technology Sep 2006 UNDERWAY Master Plan for City of Sep 2007 Dublin Organization. B. FINANCE: To effectively manage the City~s fInancial resources, maximize revenues, control expenditureS and develop an ade uate information re rUn s stem. STRATEGIC COUNCIL YEAR GOAL PRIORITY Dept. Goal High 2005 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOALS Evaluate the need to replace the City's accounting system. ESTIMATED START! COMPLETION STATUS Sep 2006 Jul 2007 UNDERWAY; Consultant selected Jan 2007; Draft RFP and report submitted to Staff. II. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A. PLANNING: To develop plans for future growth and development; administer the zoning, subdivision and sign ordinances; analyze environmental reports; and provide assistance to developers, merchan~ and residents with planning, . issues. STRATEGIC COUNCIL YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE ESTIMATED START! STATUS GOAL PRIORITY FOR ACCOMPLISHING COMPLETION GOALS 4B,6C High 2003 Complete GP A Study Jan 2006 UNDERWAY; Community on the Transportation Sep 2007 meetings held on October 18, Corridor Right-of-Way. 2006 and Nov 15,2006; Ownership research in progress. 2006 Update Historic Village Sep 2006 UNDERWAY Area Specific Plan by Jul 2007 adding properties to the Specific Plan area. III. CULTURE & LEISURE A. PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES: To enhance the quality of life for all residents by providing recreational and other special interest programs; improve the utilization of existing recreation facilities; and pian and develop new recreation' fadJities an.d 0 ortunities. 2006 In cooperation with the DUSD, update the existing agreement regarding use of facilities between the City and DUSD. Oct 2006 Sep 2007 UNDERWAY; Procedures for Use of School Facilities updated; Update to Agreement to be done Summer 2007. 1 ffJ-~&~1J7 ATTACHMENT 1 3.. / PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOALS 2004 Develop a teen driver safety/education program. 3A High Dept. Goal High 2006 Formalize volunteer program to enhance community/police interaction and to support police operations. UNDERWAY; Working with Dublin HS Dean of Curriculum for instruction dates for next school year. The instruction for FY 2006-07 was not completed due to the lack of classroom time. UNDERWAY Aug 2004 TBD Aug 2005 Jun 2008 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOALS 2006 Install recycled water at Civic Center. Dept. Goal High V. TRANSPORTATION Dept. Goal High 2004 3B High 2004 Apr 2006 Jul 2007 UNDERWAY; Working with DSRSD to discuss feasibility. '8 future traffie circula PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOALS Update Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee Nexus Study together with the other (6) six agencies in the TVTC. Develop a Citywide Bicycle Master Plan including bicycle access to parks and open space areas. Jul 2005 TBD UNDERWAY; Staffto review preliminary study and provide review/comments. Jul 2005 Jul 2007 NEARLY COMPLETE 2 3'{) l ~ 2007-2008 PRELIMINARY ADOPTED GOALS & OBJECTIVES On March 28, 2007, the City Council preliminarily adopted the following Goals and Objectives for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. Those goals listed as a high priority are included in the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 budget. I. GENERAL GOVERNMENT A. P'D; COUNCIL PRIORITY High Hi h High High Medium Medium Low # 1. 2. 3. YEAR 2006 2006 2007 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Conduct comprehensive update to City's Municipal Code. Develo comprehensive community-wide diversity Ian. Work with the Dublin Unified School District and Dublin Partners in Education to develo a Local Government Career Day. Implement recommendations from the Civic Center Workspace Programming Study. Develop City Comprehensive Telecommunications Policy. (Relocated from Planning.) Conduct study of Labor Guidelines on both City projects and private development (i.e., pre-qualification, project labor, apprentice programs, etc.). Undertake Voter Opinion Research to determine community support for tax increase for Recreation! Aquatic Complex and Dublin Historic Park. COUNCIL PRIORITY High High 4. 2007 # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE 1. 2007 Replace financial accounting system. 2. 2007 Complete 2008-2013 financial forecast. 5. 1996 COUNCIL PRIORITY High High High 6. 2007 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Participate in the Tri-Valle Vision Project. Report on Post Office Expansion and/or new Post Office. Evaluate benefits of Tri-Valley Trans ortation Council artici ation. COUNCIL PRIORITY Hi h High High 7. 2005 # 1. 2. 3. YEAR 2003 2007 2007 # 1. 2. 3. YEAR 2005 2007 2007 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Plan and implement 25th Year of Cityhood Celebration. Produce a Citywide newsletter. Keep School District Administrators and Principals informed of City news (i.e., Annual Newsletter, Housing Newsletter, etc. . ATTACHMENT 2 1 ~1J'i COUNCIL PRIORITY High High Hi h # 1. 2. 3. YEAR 2007 2007 2007 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Crossin Guards Contract Evaluation. Building and Safety Contract Evaluation. Alameda County Si al Maintenance Contract Evaluation. COUNCIL PRIORITY High High High High High High High High Low Low COUNCIL PRIORITY High High High Hi h High High Medium # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE 1. 2004 Implement residential planned development and investigate opportunities to create a new village in Eastern Dublin Transit Center. 2. 2001 Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. 3. 2006 Prepare Community Design Element of General Plan. 4. 2006 Update Downtown, West Dublin BART and San Ramon Specific Plans into one comprehensive Plan that addresses the entire Downtown Area. 5. 2003 Com lete eneral Ian amendment on DiManto Prope 6. 2002 Complete Scarlett Court S ecific Plan. 7. 2007 Increase Zoning Code Enforcement to ensure better maintenance and compliance with conditions of approval for commercial and industrial areas. 8. 2007 Examine SDR Section of the Zoning Ordinance to determine if changes should be made that will increase its effectiveness. 9. 1996 U date City's General Plan. 10. 2007 Develop policy requiring play areas in walking distance of new homes in new subdivisions. G: # 1. YEAR 2004 2. 2006 3. 4. 5. 2007 2007 2007 6. 7. 2007 2007 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Complete evaluation of the potential renovation/redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista Housin site. Work with ABAG to ensure that the Regional Housing Needs Allocation process addresses Ci of Dublin housin needs in an e uitable manner. Process five (5) First Time Homebuyer Loans. U date Housin Element of the General Plan. Hold two (2) community meetings to educate the community on the City's affordable housing pro am. Educate the City's lar e em loyers on the Ci 's affordable housin Work with the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center to determine how the Center can com lement the services rovided by the Ci 2 ~+ ^ebftlree the Ci ^toensure the safe construction ,a41!,lmlblten COUNCIL PRIORITY High # 1. YEAR 2004 High 2. 2006 High High 3. 4. 2006 2007 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Prepare Universal Design Ordinances for adoption as an amendment to Building Code Requirements. Conduct study to determine amount of construction taking place without building permits to determine if an enhanced building permit compliance program is needed. 1m lement real-time electronic field ins ection system. Adopt the 2007 California Building Codes. e'ltJCdrrevie\V of bS to tra;ff~ ~f~ COUNCIL PRIORITY High # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE 1. 2007 Prepare an alignment for Central Parkway from Fallon Rd to Croak Rd/Dublin Blvd. COUNCIL PRIORITY High High # 1. 2. YEAR 2006 2003 Hi h High 3. 4. 2007 2007 High 5. 2007 desirEd PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Work with Dublin Honda on development options for Amador Plaza site. Work with Dublin Place Shopping Center to facilitate new improvements to the Center. Develop new Economic Develo ment marketing materials. Work with property owners in West Dublin BART Specific Plan area to identify develo ment 0 ortunities. Work to find a full-service hotel. COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR High 1. 2006 High 2. 2007 High 3. 2007 High 4. 2007 High 5. 2007 High 6. 2007 Hi h 7. 2007 High 8. 2007 Hi h 9. 2004 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Conduct in-depth community needs assessment and opinion survey of Department programs and services, and develop a Strategic Plan for Department programs and servIces. Re-evaluate the Facilities Feasibility Study and update the conceptual Master Plan for the Emerald Glen Recreation/A uatic Center. Undertake development of design and construction documents for Fallon Sports Park, Phase I. Expand operational hours, programs, and marketing of activities at the Dublin Senior Center. Expand the Day on the Glen Festival to include an evening concert, fireworks show and City birthda arty. Expand Outdoor Movie Night events. 1m rove identification of Dublin Senior Center. Expand sorting events for youth and teens. Assess otential for' oint ro' ect/facility im rovements at Dublin Hi h School. 3 IL{ COUNCIL PRIORITY High High Medium Medium Medium # 10. YEAR 2006 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Explore the feasibility of establishing a Police Activities League (PAL) program in partnership with Dublin Police Services. If feasible, establish PAL non-profit organization and Board of Directors. Re ort on feasibility of artificial turf fields at the Fallon Sports Park. Work with EBRPD to complete negotiations for land acquisition in the western hills for an en S ace Area. Identify and secure sources of funding for land acquisition in the western hills for an Open Space Area. Upon completion of land acquisition in the western hills, complete an Open Space Master Plan and ap ropriate CEQA documents. B. COUNCIL PRIORITY High High High High High High High High High High Hi h Medium Medium Medium 11. 12. 2007 2004 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Facilitate the selection of public art for three (3 Private Development ro'ects. Facilitate inclusion of artworks in the Shannon Community Center Reconstruction roj ect. Upon acquisition of the Dublin Square Shopping Center, undertake development of design and construction documents for Phase I of the Dublin Historic Park. Implement a self study and peer reView for the Phase II Museum Assessment Program - Public Dimension Assessment for the Dublin Heritage Center. Enhance, or anize and document the collections of the Dublin Heritage Center. Establish a Visitor Center at St. Raymond's Church. Work with the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation on the Art Takes Place roject. Work with the developer to locate significant works of art in two key places of the Dublin Transit Center, the Village Green and the "Iron Horse" Plaza. Offer monthly historical and cultural family workshops at the Dublin Heritage Center. Explore opportunity to develop Poet Laureate. Ex lore op ortunity to develo Historian for the City. Assess the condition of the Kolb Family properties (house, barn, and workshop) and develop a Ian for relocation of the properties if ap ropriate. Work with BART to incorporate high quality artwork as part of the West Dublin BART Station Project. 1m lement Phase II of the Downtown Public Art/Bus Shelter Project. COUNCIL PRIORITY High Hi h High 13. 2004 14. 2004 # 1. 2. YEAR 2007 2006 3. 2007 4. 2007 5. 6. 7. 8. 2007 2007 2007 2004 9. 2007 10. 11. 12. 2007 2007 2007 13. 2004 14. 2004 # YEAR 1. 2007 2. 2007 3. 2007 4 'l ltf IV. PUBLIC SAFETY A. POLICE: To deter crime~ respond to calls, apprehend criminals, enforce tramc regulations and educate the public to enhance communit safe and securi. CONTINUED High Implement program targeting underage drinking and illegal/pharmaceutical drug use. B. ANIMAL CONTROL: To ensure public health and safety by providing animalliceusing, enforcement and shelter services and vector control. COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE NO NEW OBJECTNES PROPOSED FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 C. FIRE SERVICES: To reduce the loss of life and property due to emergency incidents by providing effeetivefIre rotection and emer en medical res onses. COUNCIL PRIORITY High High # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE 1. 2007 Conduct open houses at each fire station with emphasis on self preparedness for disasters. 2. 2007 Identify and provide all Dublin HOAs with disaster preparedness informational bulletins, and provide at least two (2) opportunities for Dublin residents to attend Neighborhood Emer ency Training (NET) sessions. D. DISASTER PREPAREDNESS: To plan, prepare, & train emergency personnel & the community to handle disasters in an effective & ex editlous manner in order to rotect ersons and TO rt. COUNCIL PRIORITY High High # 1. 2. YEAR 2007 2007 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Conduct Citywide disaster exercise. Integrate and implement, to the extent appropriate, FY 2007 National Incident Management System (NIMS) requirements into the City's emergency management programs and practices. E. WASTE MANAGEMENT: To coordinate the provision of garbage coUection and recycling activities including the im lementation of new ro rams to meet the statuto r uirements for waste reduction. COUNCIL PRIORITY High High High # 1. 2. 3. YEAR 2007 2007 2007 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Increase commercial organics recycling participation by 10 businesses. Process annual rate adjustment. Undertake and complete Citywide diversion study and submit data to the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) for diversion rate, base-year data modification. V. TRANSPORTATION A. MAINTENANCE: To maintain and improve the overaD.qu.ality~ condition and appearance of pu~lic facilities and ; r COUNCIL PRIORITY High High High # 1. 2. 3. YEAR 2007 2007 2007 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Implement five (5) new community volunteer rojects. Identi site for Maintenance Facili /Emer enc erations Center (EOC). Conduct assessment of the storm drain system and develop an appropriate re lacement schedule. 5 'J.:~I COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR High 1. 2004 High 2. 2007 High 3. 2007 High 4. 2007 ~tlL\ PROPOSED OBJECTIVE As part of the GP A for Parks RFT A, evaluate alternatives for a Central Parkway extension through Dougherty Road and interface options to the planned Scarlett Drive Extension. Using the Tri-Valley Triangle Study, work with the Tri-Valley Cities to develop a strategy to pursue ro"ect fundin in the re ion. Work with the region's transportation partners to develop projects for the 1-580 Corridor that will minimize im acts to the Civic Center Com lex and businesses. Develop a phased plan to expand the Traffic Management System to include all arterials. 6 CITY OF DUBLIN TEN YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN q'bl'-\ Preliminary Adopted 2007-2008 Update STRATEGIES STRATEGY #1: Establish villages within the City of Dublin. PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Develop policy defining villa e conce t. (COMPLETE) 2. 2004-2005 3. 2005-2006 4. 2005-2006 5. II-A-1 6. II-A-2 7. II-A-4 8. II-B-1 PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Complete Pak 'n Save General Plan Amendment and Planned Development Rezoning. (COMPLETE) Complete review of Dublin Ranch West Annexation (Wallis) General Plan & Specific Plan Amendments. (COMPLETE) Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners Annexation Area. (COMPLETE) Investi ate creating new village around West Dublin BART Station. (COMPLETE) Implement residential planned development and investigate opportunities to create a new village in Eastern Dublin Transit Center. Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. Update Downtown West Dublin BART and San Ramon Specific Plan into one com rehensive Plan that addresses the entire Downtown Area. Complete evaluation of the potential renovation/redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista Housing site. "':('" ',," ':;',"'<'.;.': ., 1,y" ;i~'WPers to stren en ' '~S. PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Prepare Community Design Element for General Plan. STRATEGY #2: Facilitate and encourage continued investment in Downtown Dublin. 3. 4. 2005-2006 2005-2006 5. 2005-2006 6. 2005-2006 7. 2006-2007 ',.....en. th..~.'...../"Fv ''''.I"aestl1eti(5\i1 ,~'''''".. ,,""", . ..", PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Complete Senior Housin Project. (COMPLETE) Complete construction of new Senior Center and prepare for operation of new facility. (COMPLETE) Work with Dolan Lumber owners to facilitate develo ment 0 ortunities. (COMPLETE Negotiate Lease Agreement and resolve funding for the West Dublin BART project. (COMPLETE) Install lighting at approaches to the 1-680 Freeway Underpass Art Projects. (COMPLETE) Develop and implement program to keep trucks out of shopping centers and overnight arkin . (COMPLETE) Develop Historic District Master Plan for Dublin Blvd/Donlon property and implement S ecific Plan, ifre uired. (COMPLETE) 1 ATTACHMENT 3 8. 9. II-A-3 10. II-A-4 11. II-E-1 12. II-E-2 13. II-E-4 (New) 14. III-B-1 (New 15. III-B-13 16. III-B-14 G&O Ref # 2004-2005 2004-2005 2005-2006 2005-2006 5. 2006-2007 6. II-A-3 7. II-A-4 8. II-E-1 9. II-E-2 10. II-E-4 (New) IL{- Work with property owner of Ralph's Grocery store to identify replacement alternatives. (COMPLETE) Prepare Community Design Element for General Plan. Update Downtown West Dublin BART and San Ramon Specific Plans into one comprehensive Plan that addresses the entire Downtown Area. Work with Dublin Honda on develo ment 0 tions for Amador Plaza site. Work with Dublin Place Shopping Center to facilitate continued develo ment in the center. Work with property owners in West Dublin BART Specific Plan area to identify development opportunities. Facilitate the selection of ublic art for three (3) Private Development pro'ects. Work with BART to incorporate high quality artwork as part of the West Dublin BART Station Pro'ect. Implement Phase II of the Downtown Public Art/Bus Shelter Project. PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Investi ate Options for Shamrock Villa e. (COMPLETE Work with Shamrock Village to facilitate improvement to the Center. (COMPLETE) Work with Dolan Lumber owners to facilitate development 0 ortunities. (COMPLETE Negotiate Lease Agreement and resolve funding for the West Dublin BART project. (COMPLETE Work with property owner of Ralph's Grocery store to identify replacement alternatives. COMPLETE) Prepare Community Design Element for General Plan. Update Downtown West Dublin BART and San Ramon Specific Plans into one comprehensive Plan that addresses the entire Downtown Area. Work with Dublin Honda on develo ment options for Amador Plaza site, Work with Dublin Place Shopping Center to facilitate continued development in the center. Work with property owners in West Dublin BART Specific Plan area to identify development opportunities. STRATEGY #3: Develop a transportation system that facilitates ease of movement throughout the City 3A: str< PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Work with Contra Costa Transportation Authority to develop a regional traffic model and seek concurrence from the TVTC for the adoption of the model for use in regional traffic lanning. (COMPLETE 2. 2004-2005 Examine the feasibility of coordinating central communications for traffic signals in downtown Dublin. (COMPLETE 3. 2006-2007 Participate in Tri-Valley Triangle Analysis to prioritize 1-580,1-680 and route 84 trans ortation im rovements. COMPLETE) 4. 2006-2007 Utilize new CCT A traffic model to work with Livermore, Pleasanton, Alameda County and the Tri- Valley Transportation Council to examine configurations of streets parallel to 1-580 (i.e. Dublin Blvd./North Canyons Parkway, Stoneridge Drive/Jack London Blvd.) and make recommendations/advocacy. (COMPLETE) 5. 2006-2007 Work with Pleasanton and Livermore to develop a cost sharing agreement for the ultimate improvement of the I-580lFallon Road Interchange. (NEARLY COMPLETE; Jun 2007) 6. V-B-2 (New) Using the Tri-Valley Triangle Study, work with the Tri-Valley Cities to develop a strategy to pursue project funding in the region. 7. V-B-3 (New) Work with the region's transportation partners to develop projects for the 1-580 Corridor that will minimize impacts to the Civic Center Complex and businesses. 2 II 1 Y. # 1. 2. 2006-2007 3. 2006-2007 4. 2006-2007 5. 2006-2007 6. 2006-2007 ran !il9f~ PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Negotiate Lease Agreement and resolve funding for the West Dublin BART project. (COMPLETE) Work with EBRPD and the City of Pleasant on to conduct a preliminary engineering study and identify funding sources to facilitate the connection of Alamo Canal Trail under 1-580 to Pleasanton trails. (COMPLETE) Work with LA VTA and BART to improve connectivity between the City Park-and-Ride Lot and the BART Station. (COMPLETE) Work with ACTIA for the implementation of the Measure B transportation project along the Scarlett Drive corridor between Dublin Blvd. and Dougherty Road. (NEARLY COMPLETE; Jun 2007) Develop a City-wide Bicycle Master Plan including bicycle access to parks and open space areas. (NEARLY COMPLETE; Jul 2007) Prepare global transportation plan for City (multi-modal). (NEARLY COMPLETE; Jun 2007) 3. 2006-2007 4. II-A-2 5. II-A-6 6. II-D-1 (New) 7. V-B-1 8. V -B-3 (New) 9. V -B-4 (New) PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Adopt a s ecific alignment of Fallon Road from 1-580 to Bent Tree Drive. (COMPLETE) Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners Annexation Area. (COMPLETE) Work with ACTIA for the implementation of the Measure B transportation project along the Scarlett Drive corridor between Dublin Blvd. and Dougherty Road. (NEARLY COMPLETE; Jun 2007) Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. Complete Scarlett Court Specific Plan. Prepare an alignment for Central Parkway from Fallon Rd to Croak Rd/Dublin Blvd. As part of the GP A for Parks RFT A, evaluate alternatives for a Central Parkway extension to Dougherty Road and interface options to the planned Scarlett Drive Extension. Work with the region's transportation partners to develop projects for the 1-580 Corridor that will minimize impacts to the Civic Center Complex and businesses. Develop a phased plan to expand the Traffic Management System to include all arterials. STRATEGY #4: Create an open space network that ensures environmental protection and provides public access where appropriate. 2. III-A-13 3. III-A-14 {.. WestemJ1il:Y"" ;jEt .. ..,~".",.....,.........,." PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Work with EBRPD to complete negotiations for land acquisition in the western hills for an Open Space Area. Identify and secure sources of funding for land acquisition in the western hills for an Open Space Area. Upon completion of land acquisition in the western hills, prepare an Open Space Master Plan and appropriate CEQA documents. 2. 2005-2006 ace ctf'e ro, PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners Annexation Area. (COMPLETE) Complete Review of Mission Peak Annexation and General Plan & Specific Plan Amendments. (COMPLETE) 3 3. 2006-2007 I~ Work with EBRPD and the City of Pleasant on to conduct a preliminary engineering study and identify funding sources to facilitate the connection of Alamo Canal Trail under 1-580 to Pleasanton trails. (COMPLETE) Complete review of Moller annexation and General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. (COMPLETE) Complete GP A Study on the Transportation Corridor Right-of-way. (UNDERWAY; Sep 2007) Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. 4. 2006-2007 '~GP PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners Annexation Area. (COMPLETE) Complete Review of Mission Peak Annexation and General Plan & Specific Plan Amendments. (COMPLETE) Complete review of Moller annexation and General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. (COMPLETE) STRATEGY #5: Continue to develop a community that provides a balance of jobs, housing, and services in a fiscally sound manner. 5. 2006-2007 6. II-A-2 ?1'~~iCam PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. Prepare Community Design Element of General Plan. # 1. G&O Ref # 2005-2006 2. 2005-2006 3. 2006-2007 2. II-A-3 2. 2005-2006 3. 2005-2006 4. 2006-2007 5. II-A-1 6. II-A-5 STRATEGIC # G&O Ref # 1. 2004-2005 2. 2005-2006 3. 2006-2007 4. 2006-2007 5. 2006-2007 6. 2006-2007 7. II-A-5 lWe... . .iI!'';';;;/ r::. ontmJ.l~~.; PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Develop a master plan & phasing plan for Sports Park on Gleason Drive & Fallon Road inc1udin evaluation ofBMX Track. (COMPLETE) Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners Annexation Area. (COMPLETE) Complete Review of Mission Peak Annexation and General Plan & Specific Plan Amendments. COMPLETE) Complete review of Moller annexation and General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. COMPLETE) Implement residential planned development and investigate opportunities to create a new villa e in Eastern Dublin Transit Center. Complete General Plan Amendment on DiManto Property. PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Undertake Housing Needs Assessment. (COMPLETE) Complete Senior Housing project. (COMPLETE) Work with cities in the Tri-Valley Area to develop and maintain affordable housing opportunities, and publicize and coordinate the re ion's housing needs. (COMPLETE) 1m lement First Time Homeowner Pro am. (COMPLETE Revise Density Bonus Ordinance. (COMPLETE) Process five (5) First Time Homebuyer Loans and make progress report to City Council. (NEARL Y COMPLETE; Jun 2007) Com lete General Plan Amendment on DiManto Pro e 4 13 l~ 9. II-B-2 10. II-B-3 (New) 11. II-B-4 (New 12. II-B-5 (New) 13. II-B-6 (New) 14. II -C-1 Complete evaluation ofthe potential renovation/redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista Housing site. Work with ABAG to ensure that the Regional Housing Needs Allocation process addresses City of Dublin housing needs in an e uitable manner. Process five (5) first time homebuyer loans. Update Housing Element of the General Plan. Hold two (2) community meetings to educate the community on the City's affordable housing rogram. Educate the City's large employers on the City's affordable housing program to assist with employee attraction and retention. Prepare Universal Design Ordinances for adoption as an amendment to Building Code requirements. STRATE 'downt' # G&O Ref# 1. II-A-3 2. II-A-6 3. II-B-1 'Miners to optimize PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Prepare Community Design Element of General Plan. Complete Scarlett Court S ecific Plan. Complete evaluation of the potential renovation/redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista Housing site. s G&O Ref # I-A-4 (New) I-B-2 (New) V-A-2 (New) PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Implement recommendations from the Civic Center Works ace Programming Study. Complete 2008-2013 Multi-year Financial Forecast. Identify site for Maintenance Facility/Emergency erations Center (EOC). STRATEGY #6: Develop dynamic community facilities that provide unique recreational and cultural experiences in the region. 2. 2006-2007 3. 2006-2007 4. 2006-2007 5. 2006-2007 6. 2006-2007 7. III-B-3 (New) 8. III-B-4 (New) 9. III-B-6 (New) 10. III-B-12 (New) "Ex PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Refurbish exhibit space within the Murray Schoolhouse to provide a fresh setting that will optimally highlight Dublin's history. COMPLETE) Develop Historic District Master Plan for Dublin Blvd./Donlon property and implement S ecific Plan, if re uired. COMPLETE) Prepare an update to the Parks & Recreation Master Plan. (COMPLETE) Undertake a site master plan, programming and financial feasibility study for the Dublin Historic Park including DHP A land/cemetery feasibility study. (COMPLETE) Research and submit new application for Murray Schoolhouse to be placed on the National Register of Historic Places. (COMPLETE) Submit application for California Cultural Historic Endowment grant for Dublin Historic Park project. (COMPLETE) Upon acquisition of the Dublin Square Shopping Center, undertake development of design and construction documents for Phase I of the Dublin Historic Park. Implement a self study and peer review for the Phase II Museum Assessment Program - Public Dimension Assessment for the Dublin Heritage Center. Establish a Visitor Center at St. Raymond's Church. Assess the condition of the Kolb Family properties (house, barn, and workshop) and develo a Ian for relocation of the ro erties as a ro riate. 5 If lex. # PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL 1. Undertake Voter Opinion Research to determine community support for tax increase for Recreation! Aquatic Com lex and Dublin Historic Park. 2. III-A-2 (New) Re-evaluate the Facilities Feasibility Study and update the conceptual Master Plan for the Emerald Glen Recreation! A uatic Center. S1RATEGrC/Go.~ # G&ORef# 1. 2005-2006 J;'lties for develg ;m~nt PROPOSED OBJECTNE FOR ACCOMPLISHING STRATEGIC GOAL Complete General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments for Eastern Dublin Property Owners Annexation Area. (COMPLETE) Conduct research on various unique passive park/recreation facilities and identify preferred components and site requirements. (COMPLETE) Closely monitor development projects Citywide to identify potential sites for a unique passive park/recreation facility. (COMPLETE) Complete GP A Study on the Transportation Corridor Right-of-way. (UNDERWAY: Sep 2007) Complete Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. 2. 2005-2006 3. 2006-2007 4. 2006-2007 5. II-A-2 6