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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.4 Pres from Alameda County HMIS CITY CLERK File#~-~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 5, 2007 SUBJECT: Presentation from Alameda County on the County Wide Homeless Continuum of Care Council (HMIS). Report prepared by Gaylene Burkett, Housing Assistant A TT ACHMENTS: 1) Letter from Alameda County requesting matching funds from all cities in the County. 2) Supportive Housing Program Match Request Chart for all cities in County of Alameda. 3) InHOUSE Overview (provided by the County) RECOMMENDATION: ^.f~ -KReceive Staff Report; and l){' Ii/' 2) Receive presentation by the County FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Money has been budgeted in the 2006-2007 City's Affordable Housing In-lieu fee fund. DESCRIPTION: At the April 19, 2005 City Council meeting, a representative from Alameda COU11ty Housing and Community Development Department presented a request to the City Council for financial support of the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). The financial support requested would assist the Alameda County-Wide Homeless Continuum of Care Council (HCCC) meet a required twenty percent match for a Supportive Housing Program Grant. The grant was awarded from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to maintain the HMIS. The HCCC also requested financial support from other municipalities in Alameda County to meet the twenty percent match. HMIS is a tracking and database system for homeless individuals and households that receive housing and social services. HMIS assists in obtaining an unduplicated count, demographics, and needs of the homeless population in Alameda County. Congress has mandated the use of the HMIS for housing and homelessness agencies that receive Federal funding. HUD has also made the utilization of the HMIS system a part of its scoring criteria for funding. The Council supported the financial support; however Councilmember Zika requested that HCCC return the following year to the City Council with a presentation on the implementation and effectiveness of the -------------------------------------------------------.--------------------------------------------------------.------------.- COPIES TO: In House Distribution ITEM NO.ft Page 1 of2 K:\Agenda Statements\2007\InHOUSE grant match req. by County 6-S.doc HMIS and provide the Council with the number of Dublin residents that have received supportive servIces. The data in the Alameda Countywide Continuum of Care Council's Homeless Management Information System reports that of the homeless population surveyed: ~ Eight households whose last permanent housing for 90 days or longer was in the City of Dublin; and ~ Five persons had attended high school in Dublin. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Receive Staff Report; and 2) Receive presentation from the County. 212- M~r-30-D6. 02:S4pm FrDm-Alameda CDunty Plannini 510 670 6S78 T-847 P.ODZl009 F-417 I ~ 'f ALAMEDA COUNTY-WIDE HOMELESS CONTINUUM OF CARE COUNCIL 224 W. Winton Ave. #108, Hayward, CA 94544 Phone (510) 670-5944, FAX (510) 670-6378 March .30,2006 Julia Abdala Cit)' of Dublln 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Ms. Abdala: The purpose of this letter is to request your continued suppon of the Continuum of Care Council (Council) in the 2006-2007 fiscal year. Last year the City of Dublin financially supponed InHOUSE Homeless Management Information System activities. I am respectfully requesting the City of Dublin support InHOUSE. in the amount of $1,946. Significant accomplishments were achieved in the first year ofimplc..-rnentation, as specifically detailed the attached InHOUSE Overview and SucceSses. In response to this federal mandate for automated data collection, the Council produced full implementation of the system with 32 mandated agencies panicipating, training all participant agencies and over 500 staff countywide in amplified Privacy and Security Standards, and establishing and implementing standardized data coUection tools and a foundation for outcome performance IDC;."8.SUres. In 2006-2007, anticipated InHOUSE activities include: building a full-year of client data, utilization of additionallnHOUSE modules, e"pansion to additional agencies, on~going Privacy and Security Certification training, exploring streamlined technological data ent!)' solutions, uploading olher data sets (for example. food distribution projectS and olher dal.abase platforms), and generating countywide and jurisdiction-specific reports and data for an updated 2007 Homeless Count. Enclosed is an InHOUSE project description which includes ba.ckground, overview, description, purpose, and Capacity of the InHOUSE system.. The majority of InHOUSE funding is from a McKinney-Vento Supportive Housing Program (Sl-IP) srant, coupled with significant contributions from service providers who are using InHOUSE. The SHP grant was renewed in the January 2006 funding announcement and mandates an annual cash match of $91,568 to complement the project funding.. Similar to last year, the cash match is being requested from each jurisdiction in the county proportional to its share of servicr:: users as detailed in the enclosed SHP Match Shares of Cost. In the second year of operations, InHOUSE funding will support the on-going operations to facilitate the production of significant information about the homelr::ss and service-using population. its demographics, and outcomes ofpanicipation in services, including the acquisition of permanent housing. Thank you very much for your continued support of and c:ommltmc.."J1t to this work. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (51 0) 670~9797. Since~, K~A-1{A)~ Riley ~i~~ Interim Coordinator Enclosures: InHOUSE "Invoice InHOUSE HM:JS Overview InHOUSE SHP Match Shares of Cost tr~ 2'4 c./~/tH- ATTACHMENT 1 0- 03/30/2008 THU 15:00 [TX/RX NO SOBS] raJ002 Mar-3D-OS. 02:34pm From-Alameda County Plannini 510 670 Gn8 T-847 P.oOSlo09 F-417 2,!if If ALAMEDA COUNTY-WIDE HOMELESS CONTINUUM OF CARE COUNCIL 224 W. Winton Ave, #108. HayWard, CA 94544 Phone (510) 670r5944. FAX (510) 670-6378 M&ch 30, 2006 Julia Abdala City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin) CA 94568 200612007 INVOICE InHOUSE HMIS Match Contribution $1,946.00 TOT AL AMOUNT OF TffiS INVOICE $1,946.00 Payment is due by July 1, 2006. Thank you again for your contribution. ;?t~- U)~ Riley wi~~cl Interim Coordinator Please make payment to: . Alameda Connty Housing and Community Development Department 224 W. Winton Ave, Room 108 Hayward. CA 94544 03/30/2008 THU 15: 00 [TX/RX NO 8088) i4I 003 > ~ = ~ t:r' = ~ == I""t-- N ALAMEDA COUNTY-WIDE HOMELESS CONTINUUM OF CARE COUNCIL SlIP lVlatch Re{IUest Proposal . This formula assesses a minimum membership fee and a jurisdictional-specific needs fee to calculate each jurisdiCtion's HMIS Matcb Amount. Th I t I th' ht'd' ffi tI h t h t d ' e as co umn on e nQI I en lIes 1e cas ma c reques e . Column # 1 #2 #3. #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 Jurisdiction Population Share of Share of ADJUSTED Base Needs Jurisdiction Final Match (Area) County Service USER. Membership Adjustment Specific Needs Amount Total Population Users SHARE Fee Amount Fee 1,496,200 Average of Initial Share x Population Full Match ' Flexible Match Share & minus Amount Share of Membership Roun~ed to Service Total near~st whole Users $91568 -24000 dollar = $ 67,568 Alameda 74,900 . 5.0 4.3 4.7% $ 1,000 $ 67,568 $ 3,176 $ 4,176 Albany 16,800 . 1.1 0.2 0.7% $ 1,000 $ 67,568 $ 473 $ 1,473 Berkeley 104,600 7.0 9.8 8.4 % $ 1,000 $ 67,568 $ 5,676 $ 6,676 Dublin 35,550 2.4 .0.3 1.4 % $ 1,000 $ 67,568 $ , 946 $ 1,946 EmelYyille 7,550, 0.5 0.4 0.5% $ 1,000 $ 67,568 . $ 338 $ 1,338 Fremont 209,000 14.0 8,8 11.4% $ 1;000 $ 67,568 $ 7,703 $ 8,703 Hayward 144,700 9.7 ,1.7 5.7% $ 1,000 $ 67,568 $ 3,851 $ 4,851 Livermore 78,000 5.2 5.2 5.2 % $ 1,000 $ 67,568 $ 3,514 $ 4,514 Newark 43,950 2.9 0.8 1~9 % $ 1,000 $ 67,568 $ 1,284 $ 2,284 Oakland 412,200 27.5 56.8 41.2 % * $ 1,000 $ 67,568 $ 27,566 * $ 28,566 Piedmont 11,150 0.7 0.8 0.8% $ ,1,000 $ 67,568 $ 541 $ 1,541 ' Pleasanton 67,000 4.5 0.5 2.5% $ 1,000 $ 67,566 $ 1,689 $ 2,689 Sari Leandro 81 ,400 5.4 4.4i 4.9% $ 1,000 $ 67,568 $ 3,311 $ 4,311 Union City. 70,300 4.7 3.6 4.2% $ 1,000 $ 67,568 $ 2,838 $ 3,838 Unincorporated 139,100 9.3 . 4.4 6.9% . $ 10,000 $ 67,568 $ 4,662 $ 14,662 Total 1,496,200 100.0 % . 102.0 %Ii 100% $24,000.00 $91,568.00 (- /'- i In Table 2-5, data from San Leandro was reported together with unincorporated Castro Valley area. IiI this Table, the service users are divided equally between' tlle Unincorporated row and San Leandro. . ii Some respondents identified more than one area of residence as allowed by the survey instrument. * . Rounding adjustments to reach whole-number totills. . CN ~ -t> Page 2 of2 40;(4 Alameda Countywide InHOUSE . . .l11formation about Homelessness, OUtcomes, and S.ervice !J.ngagement InHOUSE Overview HMIS stands for "Homeless Management Information System", an automated system that contains specific demographic, service and outcome data collected throughout the community about persons using homeless-targeted housing and service centers. HMIS is required by an unfunded federal mandate from early 2000 whereby all communities receiving homeless-targeted federal funds must collect and maintain a standard dataset of information. Failure to do so would jeopardize $20 million in local HUD-homeless funding throughout the County. Final federal standards dictating specific data elements, participation rates, and requisite privacy and security considerations were published in July 2004. InHOUSE is the name of the Alameda Countywide HMIS system which includes all of the requisite federal standards. 1'".'^"'~""""'-~"""""'''~'''''''''''''''~~''''~~'''''''1<;I~'''~'_ ,__ --..,,"""....-. ~.v~ - ~~~~~ InHOUSE Accomplishments: :> 718 stafffrom agencies trained and certified in Privacy and Security Standards :> 188 users from 26 agencies licensed and certified to access client data in InHOUSE :> 9,442 unduplicated clients entered into InHOUSE InHOUSE Activities in Fiscal Year 2006/2007: :> Completed extensive revamping and streamlining of paper-based data collection forms, client consent forms, and policies and procedures :> Updated the database consistent with the new forms and retrained agency staff :> Adopted standardized performance outcomes regarding housing placement, housing retention, and acquiring and retaining income and benefits :> Implemented a new reporting tool and eleven data monitoring reports resulting in significant improvements to the data quality (completing missing data fields and eliminating erroneous and inconsistent answers) :> Published custom report templates for agencies, including statistical and other reports agencies can run by date range and/or program :> Piloted and field tested a data mapping schema to allow agencies to upload data into InHOUSE from an existing database :> Completed site visits of InHOUSE-using agencies to assess barriers to implementation and reporting needs :> Continued monthly Privacy and Security training and monthly software and refresher classes :> Continued system administration functions including resetting passwords, deactivating licenses, managing software updates and service packs May 2007 Aspire Consulting LLC Attachment 3