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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.01 Draft Minutes 03-20-2007 DRAFT MINUTES OF THE cITY COUNCIL OF THE cITY OF DUBLIN RE6ULAR MEETIN6 - MARCH 20. 2007 CLOSED SESSION (held at end of meeting) L CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS (Government Code section 54956.8) Property: 11759 Dublin Blvd (Dublin Square Shopping Center) City Negotiator: City Manager Negotiating parties: City of Dublin; Berkeley Land Company, Inc., a California Corporation Under negotiation: Price and terms of payment IL CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code section 54956.9, subdivision a Name of case: Granite Construction Company v. City of Dublin, Office of Administrative Hearings Arbitration #A-0005-06 IlL PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54957, Title: City Manager .. A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, March 20, 2007, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m., by Mayor Lockhart. .. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Hildenbrand, Oravetz, Sbranti and Scholz, and Mayor Lockhart. ABSENT: None .. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2007 PAGE 79 ~ DRAFT PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited by the Council, Staff and those present. .. REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ACTION Mayor Lockhart advised that the Closed Session would be held at the end of the regular meeting. .. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Introduction of New Employee 7:04 p.m. 3.1 (700-10) City Engineer Mark Landers introduced Nicole Woolf as the new Public Works Technician I. The City Council welcomed Ms. Woolf to the Dublin City Staff. . Presentation by Dublin Police Services on Identity Theft 7:06 p.m. 3.2 (580-60) Dublin Police Services Detective Nate Schmidt presented information and materials regarding identity theft. It was intended to inform the City Council of identity and fraud related crimes including how to avoid becoming a victim and steps to take if you become a victim. Council and Staff discussed placing links on the City website to sites with additional crime prevention information. Presently 80-90 identity theft cases are being worked on by Dublin Police Services. This is a growing crime and was difficult to investigate. One such case led to six months of Dublin Police work and 83 felony counts against two DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2007 PAGE 80 DRAFT people. It is important that citizens stay vigilant about giving out personal information, especially via the computer. Council thanked Staff for its presentation and agreed to place links on the City web site to sites with additional crime prevention information. .. Update Presentation of Tri-Valley Adolescent Health Initiative Activities and Consideration of a Request to Appoint Two City Councilmembers as Members Of a Regional Work Group for the Tri-Valley Adolescent Health Initiative 7:22 p.m. 3.3 (560-10/110-30) Assistant City Manager Joni Pattillo presented the Staff Report and advised that the purpose of the Tri - Valley Adolescent Health Initiative is to engage the youth in the Tri- Valley in the planning process on health and wellness services for the adolescents living in the Tri - Valley region. Alameda County Supervisor Scott Haggerty and Alameda County Health Care Services Agency Director Dave Kears requested the appointment of no more than two governing bodies from the Cities of Dublin, Livermore, and Pleasanton and the respective School Districts to serve on a Regional Work Group for the Tri - Valley Adolescent Health Initiative. Jesus Verduzco, Planning Consultant, Tri - Valley Adolescent Health Initiative, introduced the members of the Youth Advisory Board of the Tri - Valley Adolescent Health Initiative. Justin Minor , Youth Advisory Board member, thanked the Council for its support and attendance at the January 24 Regional Stakeholder meeting. It is wonderful to see the support of over 100 people. Angelina Branch, Youth Advisory Board member, presented the video developed by the Youth Advisory Board. Fred Young, Youth Advisory Board member, presented regional research findings and Dublin student health survey results of approximately 4,200 Tri-Valley high school students. It was time for next steps. The first step being a meeting on April 24th in Livermore, to develop a shared vision to improve the adolescent health services in the Tri - Valley and implement the recommendations. Youth and adults should come together to work on improving Tri-Valley health for generations to come. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2007 PAGE 81 / DRAFT Mayor Lockhart commented she was unable to attend the meeting but had heard so many positive remarks from citizens that were very impressed with the hard work of the . members. It is something special for the community and of value for the children. She thanked the members and Mr . Verduzco for their work in bringing this issue to the attention of the Cities. Mayor Lockhart asked Vm. Hildenbrand and Cm. Sbranti to represent the City as members on the Regional Work Group. Cm. Sbranti commented on the in -depth information and the amount of work by the members on the survey. Vm. Hildenbrand commented on the wonderful product presented with the small amount of money available. On motion of Cm. Scholz, seconded by Cm. Oravetz and by unanimous vote, the Council received the presentation and confirmed the Mayor's appointment of Vm. Hildenbrand and Cm. Sbranti to the Regional Work Group for the Tri-Valley Adolescent Health Initiative for a limited time for a period ending December 2007. .. Public Comments No comments were made by any member of the public at this time. .. CONSENT CALENDAR 7:40 p.m. Items 4.1 through 4.9 Mayor Lockhart pulled Item 4.5 for discussion. On motion of Cm. Scholz, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) Minutes of Special Meeting of February 20, 2007; nUBLINCITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2007 PAGE 82 DRAFT Waived Reading (4.2 610-20) and adopted ORDINANCE NO.3 - 07 REPEALING CHAPTER 8.52 OF THE DUBUN MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADDING NEW CHAPTER 8.52 OF THE DUBUN MUNICIPAL CODE (ZONING ORDINANCE) RELATING TO DENSITY BONUS REGULATIONS (PA 06-035) Waived Reading (4.3 585-60) and adopted ORDINANCE NO.4 - 07 AMENDING CHAPTER 4.16 OF THE DUBUN MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO PEDDLERS AND SOUCITORS and ORDINANCE NO. 5 - 07 ADDING CHAPTER 4.18 TO THE DUBUN MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO CHARITABLE SOUCITATION AND SALES Adopted (4.4 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 31 - 07 A WARDING CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING AND PARKING LOT SWEEPING SERVICES TO UNIVERSAL BUILDING SERVICES DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2007 PAGE 83 DRAFT Adopted (4.6 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 32 - 07 APPROVING UTILITY AGREEMENT WITH PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR THE I-580/FALLON ROAD INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Authorized (4.7 600-35) Staff to Solicit Bids for Contract No. 07 -06,2006-2007 Annual Street Overlay Program; Approved (4.8 330-50) Budget Change and Operating Transfer of $1,097; Approved (4.9 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $960,009.08. Mayor Lockhart pulled Item 4.5 (420-30/, Annual Progress Report on the Status of the Dublin General Plan and Housing Element Compliance:? for discussion and stated there were interesting numbers in the report and it was not just information on low-income or affordable housing but market rate housing. She requested the report be put on the City website for access by interested citizens. Cm. Sbranti commented on the diversity of information in the report. It is a housing report but also includes economic development and open space information. Vm. Hildenbrand commented the report helps with understanding affordable housing. It helps visualize and communicate the breakdown of income necessary to qualify for certain housing programs. Mayor Lockhart thanked Staff on the work accomplishe~ across the communif)T, across all income levels and types of projects:? not just housin~ but also commercial and it represents the diversity of the community. On motion by Mayor Lockha~ seconded by Cm. Sbranti and by unanimous vote:? the Council accepted the Annual Progress Report on the Status of the Dublin General Plan and Housing Element Compliance; and directed Staff to forward the Annual Progress Report to the California State Office of Planning & Research (OPR) and the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD):? and requested Staff put the report on the City~ website. .. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2007 PAGE 84 DRAFT WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Request for the Placement of Purple Ribbons on City Street Trees to Recognize the American Cancer Society's "Paint the Town Purple" Campaign 7:48 p.m. 5.1 (130-60) Housing Assistant Gaylene Burkett presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consider the American Cancer Society's request for the placement of Purple Ribbons on City street trees to recognize the "Paint the Town Purple" Campaign. Maureen Cornejo, volunteer for the American Cancer Society, commented that ribbons could also be added to Amador Valley Boulevard. On motion of Cm. Sbranti, seconded by Cm. Oravetz and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the placement of Purple Ribbons on City street trees as outlined in the Staff Report, with the addition of including ribbons on Amador Valley Boulevard street trees. .. Donation of Piano to City 7:51 p.m. 5.2 (150-70) Parks and Community Services Director Diane Lowart presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consider the donation of a baby grand piano and, if accepted, notify the donor of the Council's action. Necia Omo, daughter of Mary Jane Hyde, spoke of her mother's history with the City. Mary Jane Hyde worked for 30 years in the Dublin Unified School District (DUSD). As a retiree, she went back into the DUSD to teach patriotic songs to school children. She wanted to donate the piano as a token of inspiration for Dublin children and adults. Adela Cook, Dublin San Ramon Women's Club member, commented Ms. Hyde was a very loved educator and the piano was a symbol of her love of children. Bonnie Andreasen, Dublin San Ramon Women's Club member, commented they were excited about the donation of the piano. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2007 PAGE 85 DRAFT Cm. Scholz commented she had played this piano and it was in excellent condition and it was a beautiful and inspirational donation. She had spoken to Lee Jouthas, Manager of the Dublin Library about the possibility of having it in the Library's Community Room. Dublin had art all over the City and the piano would add to the performing arts of Dublin. The piano could also be placed at the new Shannon Center or Fallon School, or somewhere else in the City if it could not be accommodated in the Library. Cm. Sbranti commented it was a great opportunity for the City and there should be a place for the piano somewhere in the City and this would show the City's support of the performing arts. Mayor Lockhart commented that it was fitting to have such a gift of elegance, the piano, from Ms. Hyde. On motion of Cm. Scholz, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the Council determined the City would accept the donation of the piano and notify the donor of the Council's action. .. PUBUC HEARINGS Public Hearing Shannon Community Center - Environmental Review and Award of Bid 8:02 p.m. 6.1 (210-30/600-35) Mayor Lockhart opened the public hearing. Parks and Facilities Development Manager Herma Lichtenstein presented the Staff Report and advised that the Council would receive a presentation of the CEQA documentation by the City's Environmental Consultant and conduct a public hearing for the Shannon Community Center project; and Council would also evaluate and consider awarding the base bid and alternates from Sierra Bay Contractors, Inc. who was the low bidder for the project. Norman Weisberg, Environmental Consultant, made a presentation regarding the CEQA process for the reconstruction of the Shannon Center. An Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration were prepared and the City determined that the project would not result in any adverse environmental impacts with the mitigation measures that would be incorporated into the project. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2007 PAGE 86 DRAFT No testimony was received by any member of the public relative to this issue. Mayor Lockhart closed the public hearing. Mayor Lockhart thanked Staff for finding the funding to have all alternates included in the contract, and not having to incorporate them later. The item was voted on as two separate motions. On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Cm. Sbranti and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 33 - 07 ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM FOR CONTRACT NO. 07-02, SHANNON COMMUNITY CENTER On motion of Cm. Sbranti, seconded by Cm. Oravetz and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 34 - 07 AWARDING CONTRACT NO. 07-02 SHANNON COMMUNITY CENTER TO SIERRA BAY CONTRACTORS, INCORPORATED with alternates; and approved the Budget Change. .. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Possible Incorporation of the Village Parkway Specific Plan Area into the Future Downtown Dublin Specific Plan 8:10 p.m. 7.1 (410-55) Mayor Lockhart opened the public hearing. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2007 PAGE 87 DRAFT Senior Planner Jeff Baker presented the Staff Report and advised that Staff requested City Council direction regarding whether to incorporate the existing Village Parkway Specific Plan area into the scope of work for the preparation of the future Downtown Dublin Specific Plan, or to leave the Village Parkway Specific Plan as a separate planning area from the future Downtown Specific Plan. Mayor Lockhart stated that there was and had always been connectivity of Dublin Boulevard to Village Parkway. Every time there had been a Downtown Task Force, Village Parkway had been included as part of the Downtown core. It made sense to include it in the Downtown Specific Plan and coordinate it with the efforts already started on Village Parkway and no reason not to include the businesses. It would be very beneficial to them. Cm. Sbranti asked Staff if there would be a need to approve a budget change at this point. City Manager Ambrose advised that the additional cost would probably be folded into the 2007 - 2008 Budget so there might not be a need for a budget change. On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Vice Mayor Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the Council directed Staff to incorporate the Village Parkway Specific Plan area into the future Downtown Dublin Specific Plan. . Presentation Regarding Geologic Hazard Abatement Districts (GHAD) and Potential Annexation of Additional Parcels 8:20 p.m. 7.2 (360-60) Public Works Director Morton presented the Staff Report and advised that pursuant to the City Council's direction at the December 5, 2006, Regular Council meeting, this presentation would discuss the feasibility of annexing additional parcels to a pre- existing GRAD to allow property owners to make an informed decision whether to pursue a GRAD. Vm. Hildenbrand questioned if this item had been brought back from comments made by residents at a previous Council meeting. Public Works Director Morton confirmed that it was. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2007 PAGE 88 DRAFT Cm. Oravetz asked for clarification of the term of Councilmembers on the GRAD Board. Public Works Director Morton stated that Councilmembers were on the Board as Councilmembers, not by name, so if they were no longer Councilmembers, they would no longer be on the Board. The Council and Staff discussed the necessary percentage of property owners needed for approval of formation of a GRAD. Assistant City Attorney John Bakker explained that you could not go forward with the formation of a GRAD if more than 50% of property owners protested before the hearing. But the 50% was based on assessed value of the property, so you added up the total assessed value of the annexed area and that is how you calculate the majority. If someone has property more valuable than their neighbor, their vote is weighted higher than others. And that was because assessments are weighted on value of the property. The Council and Staff discussed the process of how GRADs are formed or annexed and whether a pre-existing GRAD could decline to have new homes annexed. The existing GRAD members can speak in favor of or against the proposed annexation and the Board would then make the final determination if new properties could be annexed into the existing GRAD. If the engineer's report is prepared in such a way that there is a net zero impact for those new annexed properties to be included, then they would contribute to the reserve accumulation and their assessment is weighed based on the frequency and severity of potential risk. It is a benefit to those new owners because the reserve pool is amortized over a larger group of properties. The assessments of all involved property owners would go down. Cm. Sbranti asked Staff about the process for forming a new GRAD, not an existing GRAD. Public Works Director Morton commented that contiguity is not required to form a GRAD so it is possible to have non-contiguous parcels within a GRAD. They could be in several locations in a city and still be included in the same GRAD. Less than 300 parcels in a GRAD is risky. City Attorney Bakker added that there had not been discussion on the Proposition 218 process, but there is also an assessment process and if you annexed territory to a GRAD and there is no funding source coming from that new territory, it would not be a good DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2007 PAGE 89 ~ Of QlJ~ 1/~~:&~~~\1 19~ ~ln ,~, Qfl/roV.~ DRAFT situation. You would want to be sure that at the time they asked to be annexed, that they would vote in favor of the assessment and there were mechanisms to do that. City Manager Ambrose commented the process for forming a GRAD is different when done by a developer versus formation by a group of property owners. . Consultant Services Agreement for the Park & Community Services Needs Assessment 8:35 p.m. 7.3 (600-30) Parks and Community Services Manager Paul McCreary presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council had a high priority objective to conduct a Parks & Community Services Needs Assessment. This would provide a community-based assessment of the recreation and cultural arts programs the City currently offered and recommendations for future programs that the City should design and implement. Staff received proposals from eight firms for the project. The Council and Staff agreed that this was a good opportunity to incorporate questions into the survey that would relate to large City projects, such as the aquatic center, heritage center, open space and possible funding sources. Cm. Sbranti suggested interviewing people at actual parks or events. They are users of the facilities and an added segment that could be surveyed. Parks and Community Services Manager McCreary added that both recreation facility users and non -users would be surveyed. City Manager Ambrose commented that one of the objectives of the City is to provide services to the widest population possible, so if we have groups of residents not using the facilities or programs, the City wants to know why and find out if there is a way the City can provide better services to that segment of the population. On motion of Vm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Scholz and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2007 PAGE 90 DRAFT RESOLUTION NO. 35 - 07 APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH NATIONAL RESEARCH CENTER TOCONDUCT THE PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES NEEDS ASSESSMENT . Proposed Impact Fee Assistance Program for Second Units 8:42 p.m. 7.4 (430-60) Community Development Director Jeri Ram presented the Staff Report and advised that at the City Council meeting of January 16,2007, Staff presented a report on options for a proposed Impact Fee Assistance Program for Second Units funded from the Inclusionary Zoning In-Lieu Fee Fund. The City Council directed Staff to work with the Housing Committee on proposed recommendations and then report back to the City Council. The City Council would then consider the Housing Committee's recommendations. Cm. Oravetz asked Staff if an applicant of a second unit did not also apply for fee assistance, would they then not have to rent to low or very low-income households. Community Development Director Ram stated that that was correct, they would not have to rent to low or very low-income households. The fee assistance program is voluntary. Cm. Sbranti asked if Staff would be monitoring compliance with the affordability aspect of renting these units. Vm. Hildenbrand stated her concern that residents that received fee assistance would not rent the units as required. If a resident was going to build a second unit, then they should pay the City's fees. It is a fairness issue. It will be difficult to maintain the unit as an affordable unit. The City Council and Staff continued discussion of the difficulty of monitoring the second units as affordable units. Documentation could be required to prove the unit was being rented as an affordable unit. The original homeowner could take advantage of the City's fee assistance program, but choose not to rent the unit at all, or once they sold the DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2007 PAGE 91 DRAFT home and unit, there would be no guarantee the new owner would comply with the requirements. Mayor Lockhart commented that the unit would be affordable by design because it was most likely going to be a small unit and there was not enough control to be able to make sure it was being rented as an affordable unit. Cm. Sbranti asked Staff for specifics on how the units might be monitored for compliance. Housing Specialist John Lucero stated that for similar City verifications, the City requested the management company of a complex get copies of check stubs and W - 2 forms from renters. This would probably be the same method of verification used for this Fee Assistance program Vm. Hildenbrand reiterated her concerns of applicants of this program not wanting to comply with producing required rental paperwork for these affordable second units. Cm. Scholz asked for clarification on the origination or need for this Fee Assistance Program. Vm. Hildenbrand commented that the City Council had seen developers come before them with second units and suggested these units could be used as affordable units and therefore could give residents credit for that specified use. But as a private property owner, you could build and choose to rent or not rent, a unit on your own and not have the City involved to verify this unit as an affordable unit. Cm. Oravetz stated he felt the City was doing a great job in providing affordable housing already and did not feel this program was necessary. Cm. Sbranti stated that if a property owner agreed to be part of the Fee Assistance Program, then they were asking the City to get involved and were inviting monitoring of this unit. Property owners understood that there would be deed restrictions on their property if they were part of the program and yes, there would be a small number of applicants, but it was another way of providing affordable housing in the City. Mayor Lockhart commented that there was not enough control and benefit in putting money into this program and if the numbers were so low, then money might be better budgeted in programs where there was more demand. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2007 PAGE 92 DRAFT Cm Sbranti commented if the number was low then it would be a lower amount of money that would need to be budgeted. He was in support of the program. City Manager Ambrose commented that of three applications the City had recently received for second units, the fees varied in different parts of the City and priced some units so high they could not be built. Mayor Lockhart asked that the Council have a straw vote to determine whether the City's Inclusionary Zoning In-Lieu Fee Fund should be used to subsidize second unit impact fees. The item failed by a majority of Council opposed, and Cm. Sbranti in favor. On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by a majority vote (Cm. Sbranti opposed), the Council determined not to consider the Housing Committee's recommendation and directed Staff to end this item. .. Dublin Civic Center - Workspace Programming Report 9:08 p.m. 7.5 (600-30) City Manager Ambrose and Parks and Facilities Development Coordinator Rosemary Alex presented the Staff Report and advised that as approved in the 2006-2011 Capital Improvement Program, the Dublin Civic Center Workspace Programming Study provided a recommendation to accommodate the space needs associated with the growth in staffing levels through 2026. The process for the Work Space Programming Study included an evaluation of population data, projected staffing needs, storage requirements, work functions and technological options. Nate Goore, Principal Chief Operating Office, MKTHINK, made a presentation on space solution alternatives and the recommended approach, which was to construct an addition to the Civic Center, along with interior renovations to the existing facility. City Manager Ambrose discussed the $10.5 million price tag which did not include costs associated with temporary space needs. The primary funding source would be to go back to the consultants that developed the Public Facility Impact Fee Program, developed in accordance with State law, identify the nexus and raise those funds through that program. The problem was the difference between the $2.1 million that was in the fund for this process and the $10.2 million needed. It was recommended the City take temporary measures and work in phases. This approach assumes that certain City Staff DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2007 PAGE 93 DRAFT would be moving to newer facilities such as a new Emergency Operations Center (EOC), Shannon Community Center in 2008, and the expansion area of the library. Mayor Lockhart asked if Staff had a timeline regarding getting the impact fees necessary to complete this project. City Manager Ambrose stated it would depend on how fast building occurred in the City. The City had a five year estimate and Staff is in the process of updating the Public Facility Impact Fees, Traffic Impact Fees and Fire Impacts Fees, based on these projections. Once Staff moves into the budget process, there will be a better sense of what the cash flow will be. A legal backdrop is also needed to allocate the additional cost to development. It is anticipated Staff will be able to do that within the next several months. Mayor Lockhart asked if there were reserves that could be used to fund any portion of this expansion and then replaced once the other fees came in. City Manager Ambrose explained that could be done, but at that level the City would significantly impact its operating revenues. If the City took $8 million out of its reserve, it would be using that investment income to pay for annual operating costs. Cm. Sbranti asked Staff if there is a combination of funding that could be used, such as when the original Civic Center was built. City Manager Ambrose explained that there was a significant difference between operating revenues and the operating expenditures during the early years of the City. That is one of the reasons the City has the significant reserves it has today. That difference is now a lot closer. There was a lot less flexibility. But that would be reviewed at the Budget hearing. Cm. Sbranti asked if when Staff looked at the Public Facility Fee, would they also be taking into account the proposed Maintenance Yard. City Manager Ambrose stated the land for the Maintenance Yard will also be needed and that is an expensive proposition. The discussion now was did the Council agree with Staff's recommended approach, and if so, finding the most cost effective way of getting the space work done. More in-depth details need to be scoped out. Once the five year cash flow is done for the upcoming CIP period, within the next two months, Staff will have a better idea of what the cash flow looks like from development projections. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2007 PAGE 94 DRAFT The City Council and Staff discussed the building of a Maintenance Yard, which would come after the expansion of the Civic Center. The EOC would also move from the Police area at the Civic Center to the Maintenance Yard. The EOC could not be at Fire Station 17 because it is too small and an EOC should be away from where emergency services are located. Parks and Facilities Development Coordinator Alex discussed Next Steps as outlined in the Staff Report. On motion of Cm. Oravetz, seconded by Vm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the Council 1) Approved Dublin Civic Center Workspace Programming Study's recommended alternative to accommodate growth through 2026, in concept; 2) Approved a budget change and change order #2 for additional consultant services; 3) Authorized Staff to study the inclusion of the additional Civic Center expansion costs as part of an update to the Public Facilities Fee; and, 4) Authorized Staff to develop a Request for Proposal for Architectural Services to provide services identified in the Next Steps portion of this report. . NEW BUSINESS - None . OTHER BUSINESS Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from Council and/or Staff, including Committee Reports and Reports by Council related to meetings attended at City expense (AB 1234) 9:45 p.m. City Manager Ambrose advised the Council of the upcoming Goals and Objectives Study Session on Wednesday, March 28. There would be a Triangle PAC meeting at 2:30 p.m. on March 26. Cm. Scholz stated she enjoyed being part of the Dublin Partners in Education (DPIE) art preview. The St. Patrick's Day Festival and parade went well and she was proud to have been part of it. The turnout was amazing and she asked if Staff had a number on attendance. She announced a Dublin San Ramon Women's Club Chili Cook-Off on May 12 at the Historic Park. She also expressed appreciation of acceptance of the donation of the piano. Cm. Oravetz stated he would be attending an ACAP meeting tomorrow in Hayward. The St. Patrick's Day Parade and festival were very nice. He attended the Tri-Valley Hall of DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2007 PAGE 95 DRAFT Fame Dinner and two Dublin residents were inducted into the Hall of Fame, Don Nelson and Justin Peele. Cm. Sbranti commended City Staff for a job well done at the St. Patrick's Day Festival, Parade and Fun Run. Vm. Hildenbrand stated she participated in the DPIE art judging and she and the Mayor would be taking some of the artwork to the City's Sister City in China. She attended the League Dinner last week and the speaker discussed MB funds and projects in the area. She was asked to mention the bocce ball tournament sponsored by the League of California Cities that would take place in Livermore on June 27. The League hopes City Managers and City Council members will participate in the tournament. She attended the Green and White Gala and participated in the St. Patrick's Day Parade and received positive feedback regarding the new Civic Center location. Mayor Lockhart was in agreement with Council's comments on the St. Patrick's Day Festival weekend and showcasing of the City. She especially thanked City Staff Lorri Polon, John Hartnett, Damien Sandholm and Rich Jochner for their work on the Festival. .. CLOSED SESSION 9:54 p.m. Mayor Lockhart announced that the Council would adjourn to Closed Session. L CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS (Government Code section 54956.8) Property: 11759 Dublin Blvd (Dublin Square Shopping Center) City Negotiator: City Manager Negotiating parties: City of Dublin; Berkeley Land Company, Inc., a California Corporation Under negotiation: Price and terms of payment IL CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code section 54956.9, subdivision a Name of case: Granite Construction Company v. City of Dublin, Office of Administrative Hearings Arbitration #A-0005-06 III. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54957, Title: City Manager DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2007 PAGE 96 DRAFT . REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ACTION Mayor Lockhart advised that no action had been taken during Closed Session. . ADJOURNMENT . 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m., to an Adjourned Regular Meeting on March 28, 2007. Minutes prepared by Deputy City Clerk Caroline P. Soto. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ~ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2007 PAGE 97