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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.01 Draft CC 01-12-2007 Min DRAFT MINUTES OF THE cITY COUNCIL OF THE cITY OF DUBLIN SPECIAL MEETIN6 - JANUARY 12, 2007 A special meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Friday, January 12, 2007, in the Community Room of the Dublin Library. The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m., by Mayor Lockhart. ....." ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Hildenbrand, Oravetz, Sbranti and Scholz, and Mayor Lockhart. ABSENT: None . PUBLIC COMMENTS 1 :09 p.m. No comments were made by any member of the public at this time. +- STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOP 1:10 p.m. (l00-80) Strategic Planning Consultant Sherry 1. Lund facilitated the special workshop for the Dublin City Council. The Strategic Planning Workshop allowed the City Council to discuss the adopted 2006- 2007 strategies and goals and consider the progress to-date. The Council discussed DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 SPECIAL MEETING (STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOP) January 12,2007 PAGE 1 C/ DRAFT possible revisions and additions to the 2006-2007 Update to the City's 10-Year Strategic Plan and Goals and Objectives for Fiscal Year 2007 -2008. The Council directed Staff to include a new strategic goal under Strategy #5. Strategic Goal #5E would read: "Develop plans to assure that the provision of City services keeps pace with service demands and available revenues." The Council further directed Staff to develop goals to support Strategic Goal #5E and bring the document, as revised, back for consideration at that appropriate Council meeting. The City Council discussed and agreed that Strategies #1-6 from the 2006-2007 Update to the City's 10-Year Strategic Plan were still the major drivers for Dublin's desired future. 'V ADJOURNMENT L 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 4:49 p.m. to the next regular Council meeting of January 16, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk , - DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 26 SPECIAL MEETING (STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOP) January 12,2007 PAGE 2