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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.1 Toyota Master Sign ProgCITY CLERK File # ^~~0^-Q~ `~LIFOR~''` AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 16, 2008 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING - PA 08-043 Toyota of Dublin Master Sign Program/Site Development Review for proposed signage at 4600 Dublin Blvd. (Quasi Judicial) (Report prepared by: Martha Aja, Assistant Planner) ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution approving a Master Sign Program/Site Development Review for Toyota of Dublin to allow the proposed signage in the PD (Planned Development) Zoning District Located at 4600 Dublin Blvd. (APN 986-0016-024) PA 08-043.; and 2) Project Plans. RECOMMENDATION: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the public hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and the public; C~~ 4) Close the public hearing and deliberate; and 5) Adopt a resolution approving a Master Sign Program/Site ~~ Development Review for Toyota of Dublin to allow the proposed signage in the PD (Planned Development) Zoning District located at 4600 Dublin Blvd. (APN 986-0016-024) PA 08-043. i~~ ~ .~ ~~ Toyota of Dublin is requesting a Master Sign Program/Site Development Review for signage at the future Toyota of Dublin dealership located at 4600 Dublin Blvd. Toyota of Dublin is currently located at 6450 Dublin Court; however, Toyota recently acquired the former Ford of Dublin site and the car dealership will be re-locating to 4600 Dublin Blvd. in the near future. The project site consists of a developed lot located west of Tassajara Creek, east of the Hacienda Crossings COPY TO: Applicant/Property Owner File In House Distribution Page 1 of 5 ITEM NO. / .1 G:\PA#\2008\PA 08-043 Dublin Toyota Signage MSP\City Council SR.doc PROJECT DESCRIPTION: shopping center, south of Dublin Blvd. and north of Interstate 580. The Master Sign Program/Site Development Review consists of building signage, on-site directional signs and freestanding signs (please refer to Attachment 2). The Applicant is proposing a total of three freestanding signs, which include a 24 foot freestanding sign on the corner of Dublin Blvd. and Toyota Drive (formerly Myrtle Drive), a 42 foot internal freestanding sign and a 78 foot freestanding sign along the freeway. Toyota of Dublin has indicated to Staff that they will not relocate to the newly acquired site until the signage has been approved, manufactured and installed on the project site. The Planned Development that was approved for the Hacienda Crossings site requires that Site Development Review applications be approved by the City Council at a public hearing. The project site is zoned as a Planned Development (PA 94-001), which is the same Planned Development zoning that governs the Hacienda Crossings shopping center. Toyota representatives have indicated that they intend to modify the site plan over time to provide integration between their site and the Hacienda Crossings center. Toyota of Dublin will create pedestrian and vehicular access between their site and the other tenants within Hacienda Crossings located adjacent to the project site which will result in Toyota becoming a part of the Hacienda Crossings shopping center. Toyota is proposing a freestanding sign located on the corner of Dublin Blvd. and Toyota Drive. A Condition of Approval has been placed on the project which requires that this sign include the Hacienda Crossings logo on the sign to clearly identify that Toyota is a part of the Hacienda Crossings center (Condition of Approval No. 15). BACKGROUND: On June 17, 1997 the City Council approved two 75 foot pylon signs along I-580 for Hacienda Crossings in addition to a Site Development Review application for Regal Theater (refer to photo below on the left). Shortly thereafter on December 2, 1997, the City Council approved the Master Sign Program/Site Development Review for the Hacienda Crossings Entertainment Center. Toyota of Dublin will be relocating to the former Ford of Dublin site (formerly Auto Nation). The project site has an existing Conditional Use Permit for car sales. The Applicant will be required to comply with the existing Conditions of Approval. The original Master Sign Program for the site (Auto Nation) was approved by the City Council on October 19, 1999. This Master Sign Program included a 75 foot freestanding sign along the freeway. This freestanding sign was designed to be consistent with the two existing Hacienda Crossings freestanding freeway signs, as depicted by the picture below on the right. t ,. ®EypNi~ ~; ~ =..~` .~ n y~ o~oriAVr ~~ ~ .~ ~ ~~ ~... 75 foot Hacienda Crossings freeway sign ~. Existing 75 foot Auto Nation/Ford freeway sign Page 2 of 5 The previous car dealerships located on the project site, Auto Nation and Shamrock Ford/Ford of Dublin, never wanted to be a part of the Hacienda Crossings shopping center which is the reason why there was never a freestanding sign on Dublin Blvd. for the site. Since Auto Nation and Shamrock Ford/Ford of Dublin were not a part of Hacienda Crossings, any signage on Dublin Blvd. would have been considered off-site signage. ANALYSIS: Master Sign Program/Site Development Review The Applicant will locate the proposed Toyota freeway freestanding sign in the same location that the Auto Nation/Ford freestanding sign is currently located. The Applicant is proposing to place a 72 foot sign on the existing 6 foot base for a total height of 78 feet. Please refer to the photo below for a picture of the freeway sign proposed by the Applicant. _~~ T41ft)"~"A' -~ Staff had requested that the Applicant incorporate the Hacienda Crossings logo into the freeway sign; however, the Applicant has indicated that Corporate Toyota does not want to do this. According to the Applicant, a 78 foot freeway sign is necessary because the existing trees within Tassajara Creek largely block the freeway sign from motorist passing by. Modification or alteration to the landscaping within Tassajara Creek must be approved by the City of Dublin and any required permitting agencies such as the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board, the Department of Fish and Game, and Army Corps of Engineers, and must be consistent with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report, the Comprehensive Stream Restoration Program and the Master Drainage Plan; therefore, it could potentially take several years for the Applicant to obtain the necessary permits to trim the trees within Tassajara Creek. f ~ The proposed sign location is adjacent to I-580 and at a height of 78 feet; the architectural elements present a high quality image identifying the Toyota auto dealership. The maximum allowable height for a freestanding sign may exceed thirty-five (35) feet upon approval of a Master Sign ~ Program/Site Development Review application. A 78 foot tall freestanding sign at the proposed location may be considered appropriate when taken in '- context of the site. The existing trees within Tassajara Creek largely shield the sign from motorists passing by; therefore, a 78 foot tall sign is necessary in order for Toyota to achieve freeway visibility. Staff has included a Condition of Approval requiring a Hacienda Crossings identifier on the sign. If the City Council is not concerned about this issue, Condition of Approval No. 14 should be removed. The Master Sign Program/Site Development Review also includes a 42 foot freestanding sign which would be located internally on the site near the proposed used car lot (refer to sign location #11 on the last page of Attachment 2). The Applicant has agreed to incorporate the Hacienda Crossings logo into this sign. In addition, the Applicant is proposing a 24 foot freestanding sign located on Dublin Blvd. In order to conform to other Hacienda Crossings signage along Dublin Blvd. the sign placement shall be facing east/west. The lighting for the Dublin Blvd. sign would be up-lit and would not be internally illuminated. The current sign proposal includes 2 signs along Dublin Blvd., which consist of the 24 foot tall freestanding sign and a Hacienda Crossings sign. The Applicant is in the process of meeting with the management of Hacienda Crossings regarding incorporating the Hacienda Crossings logo into the signs. A Condition has been added (Condition of Approval No. 15 of Attachment 1) which states that the Applicant shall work with Page 3 of 5 Staff on the final design of the 42 foot and 24 foot freestanding signs and both signs shall include the Hacienda Crossings logo. The Applicant has indicated that they will be removing some of the landscaping at the intersection of Dublin Blvd. and Toyota Drive to accommodate the proposed freestanding sign. If there are any significant changes to these signs, the project will be brought back to City Council for review. Staff supports the proposed heights and locations of the 24 foot and 42 foot freestanding signs. Staff recognizes that a 24 foot tall sign on Dublin Blvd. is necessary because it will help motorists passing by find the site and direct them to the appropriate location. The Master Sign Program/Site Development review also includes the building signage and on-site directional signs. Staff feels that these signs are appropriate because the signage provides clear directional instruction to motorists by designating the location of the dealership. In addition, all of the wall signs are consistent in size, colors and materials. Please refer to Attachment 2 for details on these signs. Site Development Review Findings: Staff is recommending approval of the Master Sign Program/Site Development Review to allow construction of the proposed signage including the 3 freestanding signs for the auto dealership. Affirmative findings of fact must be made prior to approving a Master Sign Program/Site Development Review. These findings are specified in the attached resolution (see Attachment 1). NOTICING: In accordance with State law, a public notice regarding this hearing was mailed to all property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the proposed project. A public notice was also published in the Valley Times and posted at several locations throughout the City. To date, the City has not received comments or objections from surrounding property owners or tenants regarding the current proposal. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project has been reviewed under the California Environmental Quality Act, (CEQA), State CEQA Guidelines and the Dublin Environmental Guidelines, and the project has been found to be Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), according to the CEQA Guidelines, Section 15311, Class 11(a) (on-premise signs). CONCLUSION: This application has been reviewed by the applicable City departments and agencies, and their comments have been incorporated into the Conditions of Approval for the project. The proposed project, as conditioned, is consistent with the Dublin General Plan and the Zoning Districts in which the project site is located and represents an appropriate project for the site. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Open the public hearing; 3) Take testimony from the Applicant and public; 4) Close the public hearing and deliberate; and 5) Adopt a resolution approving a request for a Master Sign Program/Site Development Review for Toyota of Dublin to allow the proposed signage in the PD (Planned Development) Zoning District located at 4600 Dublin Blvd. (APN 986-0016-024) PA 08-043. Page 4 of 5 GENERAL INFORMATION: APPLICANT: Guy Houston Valley Capital Reality & Mortgage 7080 Donlon Way #208 Dublin, CA 94568 PROPERTY OWNER: LOCATION: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION: ZONING: SURROUNDING USES: Ed Cornelius Toyota of Dublin 6450 Dublin Court Dublin, CA 94568 4600 Dublin Blvd. 986-0016-024 General Commercial PD (Planned Development) Location Zoning General Plan Land Use Current Use of Pro e Site PD (Planned General Commercial Retail Development) North • PD (Planned General Commercial Retail Development) South N/A N/A Interstate I-580 East PD (Planned Open Space Tassajara Creek Stream Development) Corridor West PD (Planned General Commercial Retail Development) Page 5 of 5 ~ ~ J3 RESOLUTION NO. XX - O8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING A MASTER SIGN PROGRAM/SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FOR TOYOTA OF DUBLIN TO ALLOW THE PROPOSED SIGNAGE IN THE PD (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT) ZONING DISTRICT LOCATED AT 4600 DUBLIN BLVD. (APN 986-0016-024) PA 08-043 WHEREAS, the Applicant, Guy Houston, on behalf of Toyota of Dublin has requested approval of a Master Sign Program/Site Development Review for Dublin of Toyota located at 4600 Dublin Blvd; and WHEREAS, Toyota plans to integrate their site into the Hacienda Crossings site which will result in Toyota becoming a part of the Hacienda Crossings shopping center; and WHEREAS, the Planned Development that was approved for this site requires that the application for a Site Development Review be approved by the City Council at a public hearing; and WHEREAS, the Applicant submitted project plans and a written description for the requested entitlement received by the Planning Division, which are on file in the Community Development Department; and WHEREAS, the application has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and this project was found to be categorically exempt under the CEQA Guidelines Section 15311, Class 11(a) (on-premise signs); and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin City Council ("City Council") held a public hearing on said application on December 16, 2008; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending that the application be conditionally approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony herein above set forth and used its independent judgment to make a decision; and WHEREAS, the City Council has found that the proposed project is appropriate for the site. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council does hereby find that: Master Sign Program: A. The Project, as conditioned, contributes to effective and attractive identification of businesses, services and uses and the design quality of the site and surrounding area in that, 1) the signage provides clear directional instruction to motorists by designating the location of the dealership; 2) all walls signs are consistent in size, colors and materials; 3) the locations of e wall signs are -f~ ~~-,t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ zi t h f A-g ATTACHMENT 1 a~33 placed to achieve maximum visibility; 4) the wall signage will be illuminated channel letters to provide visibility of the signage after dusk; 5) freestanding signage is placed at the entrance to the project and along the freeway to direct motorist to their destination; and 6) the freestanding signage is consistent with the colors and materials with wall signage and the car dealership which it serves. B. The Project, as conditioned, is compatible with the style and character of existing improvements surrounding the sign locations and the signs are well related to each other in that, 1) the design of the signs are consistent with one another in color, style and fonts; and 2) the signs are consistent with the existing architecture of the buildings. C. The Project, as conditioned, generally conforms to the Design Criteria in Section 8.84.060 in that, 1) the signs have been designed at an attractive scale with the immediate surroundings; 2) the signs are graphically designed with simplicity and a basic color scheme; 3) each sign has been coordinated in color, style, and font to create an aesthetically pleasing sign to complement the existing building; and 4) the signage has been carefully placed so it will not obstruct pedestrian circulation. Site Development Review: A. The Project, as conditioned, is consistent with the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.104 in that, 1) the signage will promote orderly, attractive, and harmonious identification of the Toyota Dealership through a coordinated signage program; 2) the proposed Master Sign Program is consistent with the intent/purpose of Section 8.84 (Sign Regulations) of the Zoning Ordinance; 3) the permit approval ensures compliance with the development regulations and requirements of the Planned Development Zoning District in which the signs are located through the incorporation of conditions of approval; and 4) the permit approval promotes the general welfare by providing clear identification of the project's tenants and directing vehicular traffic throughout the site and aiding motorists in locating their destination quickly and efficiently. B. The Project, as conditioned, complies with the development regulations and performance standards established for the Planned Development Zoning Districts in which the signs are located, and with all other requirements of the Zoning Ordinance in that, 1) the proposed project is consistent with the intent of the General Plan to provide adequate signage for businesses; 2) the Dublin Zoning Ordinance permits signage in Planned Development Zoning Districts with the approval of a Master Sign Program; and 3) the property is located in a Planned Development which permits signage. C. The Project, as conditioned, will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare in that, 1) prior to the installation of the signs Building Permits will be required to ensure that the signs are installed safely and in accordance with this approval; 2) the proposed project will comply with all City Regulations; 3) the location and design of the signs will not obstruct the site distance of motorists and 4) the proposed project will be compatible with similar projects in the vicinity. D. The approved site development, including site layout, structures, vehicular access, circulation and parking, setbacks, height, walls public safety and similar elements, has been designed to provide a desirable environment for the development because: 1) the location and design of the signs will provide effective and attractive identification of the project; and 2) the design and style of the signs are at an appropriate scale for the auto dealership. 2 E. The subject site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of the approved development because: 1) the type and number of signs are consistent with the auto use of the area; and 2) the sign area and letter size will be proportional to the building frontage and building size. F. The Project, as conditioned, will not impact views because: 1) the locations of the signs have been reviewed to ensure that the signs will not obstruct the views of motorists; and 2) the wall signs are illuminated channel letters and will not cause excessive light or glare. G. The Project, as conditioned, will not impact existing slopes and topographic features because: 1) no grading will be required for the installation of the signage. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin City Council does hereby approve PA 08-043, Master Sign Program/Site Development Review to allow the proposed signage in the PD (Planned Development) Zoning District located at 4600 Dublin Blvd. subject to the following Conditions of Approval: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building permits or establishment of use, and shall be subject to review and approval by the City of Dublin. The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approval: [PL.] Planning, [B] Building, [PO] Police, [DSR] Dublin San Ramon Services District and fFl Alameda C'rntnty F1PA T~e„a,-r„~,P„r CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN ' SOURCE AGENCY REQ'D Prior to: GENERAL 1, Permitted uses. This Mater Sign Program/Site PL On-going Planning Development Review approval for PA 08-043 shall generally conform to the project plans submitted by Pattison Sign Group dated received by Dublin Planning on December 10, 2008 stamped approved and on file in the Community Development Department, Planning Division and other plans, text and diagrams relating to this approval, unless modified by the Conditions of Approval herein. Signs approved under this Master Sign Program/Site Development Review shall conform to the following Conditions of Approval and all dimensions, restrictions and notations indicated on the project plans. 2, Conditional Use Permit Condition of PL On-going Planning Approvals. The Applicant shall comply with all existing Conditions of Approval in place for the current Conditional Use Permit for the site. 3, Revocable. This Master Sign Program PL On-going DMC Amendment/Site Development Review 8.96.020 approval shall be revocable for cause in accordance with Section 8.96.020 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. 3 ~ X33 4, Clean-up. The Applicant/Developer shall be PL On-going Planning responsible for clean-up and disposal of project related trash to maintain a safe, clean, and litter- free site. 5, Modifications (MSP/SDR). Modifications or PL On-going DMC changes to this Master Sign Program/Site 8.104.100 Development Review approval may be considered by the Community Development Director if the modifications or changes proposed comply with Section 8.104.100 of the Zoning Ordinance. The City Council shall approve all significant revisions or amendments to this Master Sign Program for free standing freeway-oriented signs. 6, Controlling Activities. The PL On-going Planning Applicant/Developer shall control all activities on the project site so as not to create a nuisance to the existing or surrounding businesses and residences. ~, Property Maintenance. The Applicant and/or PL On-going DMC 5.64 Property Owner shall keep the property maintained in a safe, clean, and litter-free condition at all times. g, Nuisance. The Applicant shall control all PL On-going DMC business activity so as not to create a public or 5.28.020 private nuisance to the existing and surrounding businesses and residents. 9, Temporary Promotional Banners and PL On-going DMC Balloons. Temporary Promotional Banner 8.84.050 Signs and Balloons shall only be permitted after first securing an approved Temporary Promotional Sign Permit. Any Signage on site shall be subject to the sign requirements contained in the City of Dublin Municipal Code. 10. Maintenance. All freestanding and wall- PL On-going Planning mounted signs shall be well maintained in an attractive manner and in accordance with the approved plans. Any indirect light fixtures used to illuminate any Signage shall be glare- shielded. 11. Wall Mounted Signage. Wall mounted signs PL Prior to Final Planning shall be placed flat against the building wall of the tenant's occupied frontage as applicable. No sign shall appear above the roofline. If signs change, all mounting holes from previous signs shall be repaired and walls repainted prior to mounting the new signs. 12. Signage. The design, colors, sign copy, PL On-going Planning illumination, size and location of all signs shall be shown and indicated in the Master Sign Program. 13. Freestanding Signs. All freestanding signs PL On-going Planning shall be installed in a landscaped planter with attractive plant materials so that the base of the sign is attractively landscaped at all times. The landscape planter shall be regularly maintained free of weeds and other debris. 14. Freeway Sign. The proposed 78 foot PL On-going Planning freestanding freeway sign shall be redesigned to incorporate a Hacienda Crossings identifier on the sign. 15. Hacienda Crossings Logo. The Hacienda PL Issuance of Planning Crossings Logo shall be incorporated into the Building 24 foot freestanding sign on Dublin Blvd. and Permits the 42 foot freestanding sign located near the used car area. The Applicant shall work with Staff on the final design of these signs. If there are any significant changes to these signs, the project will be brought back to the City Council for review and approval. 16. A-Frame Signs. The use of any A-Frame, PL On-going DMC portable, sandwich-board, pennants, or human- 8.84.150 held signs on the premises is strictly prohibited. Said signs and any form of off-site advertising signs shall also be prohibited upon any public property, including City streets and sidewalks. 17, Vehicles. Any vehicles with signage shall PL On-going Planning conform to the requirements of the Sign Regulations. LANDSCAPING 1 g, Damaged Landscaping. Any landscaping PL Prior to Final Planning which is damaged as a result of the installation of the signs or any improvements associated with this permit shall be replaced prior to Final Building Inspection. BUILDING DIVISION 19. Fees. The Applicant shall pay all applicable B Issuance of Standard fees in effect at the time of building permit Building issuance, including, but not limited to, Planning Permits Fees, Building Fees, Dublin San Ramon Service District fees, Public Facilities fees, Tri Valley Transportation fees, Downtown Traffic Impact Fee, Dublin Unified School District impact fees, City of Dublin Fire Bureau fees, Noise Mitigation fees; Inclusionary Housing in lieu fees, Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and Water connection fees. When and if applicable and customary, credits shall be applied for existing improvements. ~ Q~ 33 20, Building Codes and Ordinances. All project construction shall conform to all building codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit. B Through Completion Building 21. Building Permits. Building Permits for B Issuance of Building installation of all signs for Toyota of Dublin Building shall be secured and all calculations must be Permits signed/stamped by a California State Registered Engineer. Construction must be commenced within 6 months of the effective date of approval of this Master Sign Program or said approval shall be void. 22. Construction Drawings. Construction plans B Prior to Building shall be fully dimensioned (including building issuance of elevations) accurately drawn depicting all building permits existing and proposed conditions on site that is prepared and signed by a California licensed Architect or Engineer. All structural calculations shall be prepared and signed by a California licensed Architect or Engineer. The site plan, landscape plan and details shall be consistent with each other. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Dublin on this 16th day of December 2008, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G: IPA#120081PA 08-043 Dublin Toyota Signage MSPICC Reso.doc 6 ~i; ~, n ~J RECEIVE® Dublin Toyota-4600 Dublin Blvd Master Sign Program NO V 14 Zpp8 ~BLIN PLANNING GROUND SIGN DETAILS Freeway Sign-1572sc (#10 on Ground Sign Package): Height: 72' Si n Size: Top Section (monolithic): 15' wide x 27' high Bottom Section (double pole): Poles: 5' wide x 3'-7" thick Space between poles: 5' Height of pole to underside of Scion logo: 45' luuminated suns on top section: Toyota logo: 6'-6" high x 10'-1"wide Toyota letters: 2'-2" high x l 3'-7" wide Scion logo: 5'-5" high x 7'-10" wide Certified Used Vehicles pylon sign-1042cuv (#ll on Ground Sign Package)• Height: 42' Si n Size: 10' wide x 42' high Illuminated signs on top section: Certified Used Vehicles logo: 2'-1l"high x 8'-2" wide Used Vehicles routed-out text: 12" high x 9' wide Toyota/Scion Pylon sign-824sc (#16 on Ground Sign Package)• Height: 24' Sign Size: 8' wide x 24' high Illuminated suns on top section: Toyota logo: 3'-5" high x 5'-4" wide Toyota letters: 1'-2" high x 7'-3" wide Scion logo: 2' 11" high x 4'-3" wide ATTACHMENT 2 <~ ~~ ~~ Directional Suns (D-45: #13, 14, 15 on Ground Sign Package)• Height: S Sign Size: D45-3 (Qt1x-#13 on Ground Sign Packa Illuminated Top Box with text: 2'-3" high x 4'-1" wide 4.65" high vinyl text Non-illuminated Bottom Section: 2'-3" high x 4' wide D45-2 (Qt 2x-#l4 & 15 on Ground Sign Package Illuminated Top Box with text: 1'-6" high x 4'-1" wide 4.65" high vinyl text Non-illuminated Bottom Section: 3' high x 4' wide Aluminum Panel installed on Existing Aluminum Structures (#17 & 18 on Ground Sign Package)• Panel Sizes: 4'-6" high x $'-8" wide Qt of panels: 4x panels per structure Qt of Structure: 2x Structure on property BUILDING SIGN DETAILS: Main Toyota Building South Elevation: SL108-Toyota letters & logo (#1 on Building Sian Package Toyota logo: 9' high x 18'-10" wide Toyota letters: 3'-1" high x 13'-11"wide Total: 13'-6" high x 18' 10" PDNI27-DUBLIN letters (#2 on Building Sign Package) 2'-3" high x 9'-7" wide SBLl 8- SCION letters (#3 on Building Sign Packa~ I'-6" high x 15'-10" Black Panel supplied by other-part of building finish West Elevation• TB41-Toyota letters & logo (#4 on Building Sign Packag,~ Toyota logo: 3'-5" high x 5'-3" wide Toyota letters: 2'-5" high x 14'-7"' wide Total: 3'-5" high x 20'-7" wide PDNI27-DUBLIN letters (#5 on Buildin~Sign Package) 2'-3" high x 9'-7" wide SBL18- SCION letters (#6 on Buildin~Sign Packa 1'-6" high x 15'-10" Black Panel supplied by other-part of building finish North Elevation: TB41-Toyota letters & logo (#7 on Building Sign Packaa_e) Toyota logo: 3'-5" high x 5'-3" wide Toyota letters: 2'-5" high x 14'-7" wide Total: 3'-5" high x 20'-T' wide Toyota Service Buildin~• West Elevation• Si18-PARTS letters (#8 on Building Sign Package) 1'-6" high x 5'-5" wide Si21-SERVICE RECEPTION letters (#9 on Buildin~Sign Package) 1'-9" high x 20'-2" wide ,~ `/ 0 N C~ W H 0 0 Z~ ~ z~ J m ~ 00 Z 0 W °° N ~ a V ~ z z z4 0 o~ yy~ z z~~ t~ y W~ y W a N H z w U H W H H W J D Z Q O C7 O J D W Y V H N D W a z J J 00 O r J U o M <<0-.6 «9-,£ L a~ w C1 w I-= LL i H M W Z J m LIJ J cc~ -- 0 ~~ := ~__ ~ - _ Z~ y m D 1 ~~ Z O H W J W F- ~1 ~ 1 ,--, C W H W J J Z Z ~ a J _ _ V °° W J ,~E-.z J N Z O H C~ 00 co r N c u c u Z O H W J W I- O r W W J W Z Z Q 2 V W Z J J 00 J m 0 T r ~...,~ Z O H W J W 2 H O t W W J J W Z Z Q 2 V D W Q Z J J r m O LL d N t0 M a z O a w J W W -~ ~ .,s-,E ~ "~ r W H H W J J W Z Z Q 2 V D W Q Z J J I` N Z 0. ti J m ..£-.Z c~ W c~ T N u «o ~ -1 z O Q w J W H W r W W J J W Z Z Q 2 V W Z J J 00 r J m 0 0 r .. ~-.~ ti M N W Z J ~_ H H Z (_~ J Q W 2 H O m Z a Y a J m ~~ Z J W Q m W J t:J m~~ '', ~'7 i r~-' ~~ z O a w J W H to W -~ t W F- H W J J W Z Z a z U D W Q Z J J r d' m n a ~~ ~o ;~ 0 N H LL d N M a y d' H 2 _~ 0 H Z C7 J Q Z O Q W J W H O z m t W H H W J J W Z Z Q 2 U D W Q Z J J 00 r 4 T _1 ~/~ ,^ \// ~a' T ..9-. 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