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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.4 Mayor Appoint Commission Committee~~~~~
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File # Q~~Q-~~
SUBJECT: Mayor's Appointments to City Commissions and Committee
Report Prepared by Caroline Soto, City Clerk
ATTA H NTS: 1) List of Current Commission and Committee Members
~" 2) Applications Submitted for Planning Commission, Parks &
Community Services Commission, Heritage & Cultural
Arts Commission, and Senior Center Advisory Committee
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council confirm the Mayor's
appointments to the various Commissions and Committee, or
provide other appropriate direction.
DESCRIPTION: Following the City of Dublin's general municipal elections in
November ofeven-numbered years, terms expire on each of the City's Commissions/Committee:
Planning Commission, Parks & Community Services Commission, Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission,
and Senior Center Advisory Committee. Openings were advertised extensively within the community by:
^ Providing information and applications at the City's Day on the Glen (September);
^ Placement on the City's website with a link to download applications;
^ Newspaper advertisements in the Valley Times on November 8th and 16th and the Tri-Valley Herald
on November 9th and 20th;
^ Posting of and application pick up at the Civic Center, Dublin Library and the Senior Center;
^ Direct mailings to those current Commissioners and Committee members whose terms were expiring,
and eligible for reappointment; and
^ Distribution to the City's Dublin 101 Academy participants on November 13, 2008.
A total of 9 applications were received by the advertised deadline in response to the 4 openings.
Applications were received from: Donald C. Biddle, Alan Brown, James Dowdy, Ramoncito Firmeza,
Scott Phan, Bill Schaub, Eric Swalwell, Jr., Elias Torrez, and Doreen Wehrenberg.
Page 1 of 2 ' /
ITEM NO. ~• ~If •
Mayor Sbranti recommends the re-appointment of Don Biddle, Bill Schaub and Doreen Wehrenberg each
to 4 year terms .which expire in December 2012, and the appointment of Eric Swalwell to the vacancy
created by the resignation of Greg Tomlinson, term to expire December 2010.
A total of 9 applications were received by the advertised deadline in response to the 2 openings.
Applications were received from: Robert Boboc, Steven Jones, Zev Kahn, Morgan King, Jr., Dan E.
Meloy, Alisha Newell, Sonal Nuckols, Anthony Totaro, and Yolanda Weaver.
Mayor Sbranti recommends the re-appointment of Steven Jones, and the appointment of Anthony Totaro
each to 4 year terms which expire in December 2012.
A total of 6 applications were received by the advertised deadline in response to 3 openings. Applications
were received from: Alisha Newell, Kim Halket, Morgan King, Jr., Steven Minniear, Greer L. Payton, and
Dayna Tutino.
Mayor Sbranti recommends the re-appointment of Kim Halket, and the appointment of Dayna Tutino and
Steve Minniear each to 4 year terms which expire in December 2012.
One application was received by the advertised deadline, in response to 3 openings.
Mayor Sbranti recommends the re-appointment of Albert Edge to a four year term which expires in
December 2012.
Staff recommends extending the application deadline to January 7, 2009, with additional appointments for
the 2 remaining openings anticipated to be made at the January 20, 2009, City Council meeting.
Staff recommends that the City Council confirm the Mayor's appointments to the various Commissions
and Committee, or provide other appropriate direction.
2 of 2
As of 12/2008
Indicates those whose terms expire in 12/2008
Term Limit Ordinance No. 20-02, adopted on 12/3/02 and effective 1/2/03
Name 1St Term 2° Term Status
Donald Biddle Appointed 12/04 -12/08 Eligible for
Re-A ointment
Bill Schaub Appointed 12/04 -12/08 Eligible for
Re-A ointment
Mor an Kin A ointed 1-7-03-12/06 Reap ointed 12/06-12/10 Mid-Term
Greg Tomlinson Appointed 12/06-12/10
Resi ned 11-25-08 Vacant
Doreen Wehrenberg Appointed 12/04 -12/08 Eligible for
Re-A ointment
Term Limit Reso No. 218-02 was adopted on 11/19/02, effective immediately.
Name 1 S Term 2n Term Status
Alan Elias A pointed 12/06-12/1.0 Mid-Term
Sue Flores Appointed 12/00 -12/04 Re-appointed 12/04 -12/08 Not Eligible for
Re-A ointment
Richard Guarienti A pointed 1/03 -12/06 Re-appointed 12/06-12/10 Mid-term
Steven Jones Appointed 2/03 -12/04 Re-appointed 12/04 -12/08 Eligible for
(appointed to fill vacancy) Re-A ointment
Angela Muetterties Appointed 12/04-12/06 Re-appointed 12/06-12/10 Mid-term
(appointed to 2-year term,
But sub'ect to limit)
Term Limit Reso No. 219-02 was ado ted on 11/19/02, effectively immediately.
Name 1 S Term 2" Term Status
Mary Beth Acuff Appointed 12/00-12/04 Re-appointed 12/04 -12/08 Not Eligible for
Re-A ointment
Anita Carr A ointed 12/06-12/10 Mid-Term
Kim Halket Appointed 12/04 - 12/08 Eligible for
Re-a ointment
Judy Lussie Appointed 12/00-12/04 Re-appointed 12/04-12/08 Not Eligible for
Re-A ointment
Connie Mack A ointed 1/03-12/06 Re-a ointed 12/06-12/10 Mid-Term
Eric Swalwell A pointed 12/06-12/10 Mid-Term
Vonheeder-Leo old Appointed 1/03-12/06 Re-appointed 12/06-12/10 Mid-Term
Term Limit Reso No. 213-03 was. ado ted on 11/4/03, effective immediately.
Name 1St Term 2° Term Status
Albert Edge Appointed 12/04 -12/08 Eligible for
Re-a ointment
Delilah Vanderpool Appointed 7/07-12/08
(appointed to fill vacancy) Eligible for.
Beth Wood Appointed 12/05 -12/08
(appointed to fill vacancy) Eligible for
Re-a ointment
Diane Bonetti A ointed 1/07-12/10 Mid-Term
Martin Baron Ap ointed 1 /07-12/ 10 Mid-Term
G:\APPTMTS\Commission -Committee Reappointment Elibility.doc
.- ...
Planning Commission Application
Name Donald C Biddle
Address 5981 Doreen Ct Dublin
cirr of ousuy~ ~5
NOV 2' 4 2008
Date Nov 24, IiANAGEH'S q~~ICI<
Phone # (Home} 925 - 828 - 2827 (Work} retired E -mail dondonnabl(cr~,
Why are you interested in serving on the Planning Commission?
I am currently serving on the Planning Commission and I wish to continue my service. I also
volunteer with other organizations in the conununity. My experience in the community
and on the Commission can continue to be utilized by the City.
2 What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning?
In addition to my 4 years experience on the Commission, my professional background is
in engineering and planning. I worked more than 30 years in the Engr/Construction
industry in Project Controls and Management.
3 How do you feet about the growth that has occurred in recent years in Dublin?
The City of Dublin has managed growth very well.
4 What should the City's position be regarding growth?
Continue balanced growth with both commercial and residential development in a
timely manner.
5 What type(s) of housing do we need?
Housing that meets the needs of all income levels in the community is important. Assure
that development of the 2009-2014 Housing Element for the General Plan update will
meet the needs of the City.
6 What do you think are the major concerns of Dublin residents regarding future
Maintain reasonable growth that has a positive impact on Dublin residents with a
minimum of negative impacts such as traffic and parking problems.
7 What, if anything, should be done to enhance the Downtown business districts?
Develop, revitalize and re-develope the Dublin Blvd corridor as the Downtown business
district utilizing the BART stations as hubs. Update the Downtown, West Dublin
BART and San Ramon Specific Plans into one comprehensive Plan that addresses the
entire Downtown area.
Complete Community Design Element of the General Plan to provide the design vision
for the City.
S What considerations should the City be concerned with in the future developments
in Dublin?
Continue the evolution from suburban community to complete full service city.
~TT~cNHt~t-7 ~
y~ ~5
9 How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community,
but unpopular with some neighbors?
I realize that decisions by the Planning Commission could have a long range impact on
the community. I will listen to all concerns, study staff reports, gather needed
information, discuss the issue at meetings and make the best decision for the overall
good of the community.
10 What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the
Planning Commission?
Study the issues and understand the needs of the City of Dublin. Prepare well for
meetings and make informed decisions as a member of the Planning Commission
Signature I ~ (~ Occupation retired
NAME: Alan Brown
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Hl_CEI p
Planning Commission Application ~:ITY QF pUgLIN
DEC - ~ 2003
DATE: O1 Dec. 2~~0$ ~~AG~~~s ®FFI(iE
Address: 3985 Strafford Ct., Dublin, CA 94568
Phone # (Home): (925) 829-6429 Work: (925) 875-4290
E-Mail: abrowns(
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Planning Commission?
My family and I love the diversity we find in the City of Dublin. Our appreciation
for the diversity we see results from living and working overseas for several years. We
are convinced Dublin offers the best prospects for our needs and desires. I want the
opportunity to have a positive impact on the future growth and development for the City
of Dublin.
2. What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning?
The bulk of my public service has included service on three School Site Councils.
Currently, I am serving as a board member on the Community Bond Oversight
Committee (CBOC) for the Dublin Unified School District. My experience with
planning and zoning has predominantly been in the context of school districts. This
context has furthered my knowledge about community planning for both residential and
commercial properties.
3. How do you feel about the growth that has occurred in recent years in Dublin?
Since 2000, the City of Dublin population growth has expanded 64% from 29,973
to the current 46,943. Directly related to the general population growth in the same
period has been the 68% increase in school enrollment. In terms of city planning and
zoning this would translate to being proactive on the needs for residential and
commercial zoning. With an active workforce of approximately 15,600 and the largest
employers providing less than half of the jobs available, this necessitates a planning effort
to complete and implement the Downtown Specific Plan for downtown business
development. This would also help to diversify the City of Dublin tax base which has
been impacted from the recent housing market devaluations.
4. What should the City's position be regarding growth?
The City's position on growth is well stated in Dublin's Mission Statement
adopted in Apri12005 by the City Council:
Pg. l
i w
Planning Commission Application ~ ~~ ~
"The City of Dublin promotes and supports a high quality of life that ensures a
safe and secure environment, fosters new opportunities and provides responsive fair
treatment to our diverse community."
The bottom line is that growth is necessary if the City is to continue to remain as a
vital fabric in the daily lives of it's residents. As residents mature and remain in Dublin,
the City must continue to support it's residents of all age groups and economic levels.
5. What types of housing do we need?
Provide diverse housing opportunities which provide balanced residential
communities for ALL economic levels.
6. What do you think are the major concerns of Dublin residents regarding future
Key concerns for residents would include:
- Pedestrian friendly projects.
- Accessible open space preservation and green building standards.
- Available adequate parking.
- Provide more park acreage and development in West Dublin.
- Provide more job opportunities in Dublin.
7. What, if anything, should be done to enhance the Downtown business district?
- The Downtown Specific Plan must be implemented.
- Implement the five year Capital Improvement Plan for infrastructure
- Provide the business district with priority permit processing to reduce
marketing time for the prospective businesses.
- Ensure the business district is pedestrian friendly and safe.
- Ensure available adequate parking.
8. What considerations should the City be concerned with in future developments in
- Balanced residential and commercial development which meet the needs of a
diverse population.
- Attract commercial development which will help to establish a solid tax
revenue base.
- Ensure the highest standards of energy efficiency and environmental practices.
- Traffic planning for efficient and safe vehicular transportation along with
ensuring safe pedestrian and bicycle traffic.
~ h _
P ~{.'~ ~ ~
Planning Commission Application ~
9. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community, but
unpopular with some neighbors?
All planning decisions must weigh the pros and cons for the overall good of the
community. A person serving in a public office, whether appointed or elected, must be
confident about their convictions and decisions which are believed to meet the overall
public good. Public officials must ensure they are actively engaged in seeking the
public's concerns and in examining an issue from all sides.
As a decision maker in my professional life, I have encountered many situations,
e.g. organization restructuring, which necessitated a decision be based upon the "overall
good", although it was unpopular among a few co-workers.
10. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Planning
My most important contribution will be the dedication of time and effort
supported by my wide range of experience. This dedication will include the twice
monthly meetings and more importantly, the time needed to study, investigate and
understand the planning issues for the City of Dublin. To be an effective contributor at
each meeting requires preparation on the issues and the readiness to ask appropriate
questions to clarify a decision.
My background which has prepared me for a position on the Planning
Commission is earmarked with experience in evaluating competing services for limited
funding among United Way non-profit organizations; Assessment of community needs
to match service providers to the needs; As a member of an appointed school district
special committee, I participated in deciding which neighborhoods would be assigned to
specific schools within the district; Voluntarily serving on three school site councils and
currently on the Dublin Unified School District's Community Bond Oversight Committee
(CBOC); And, as the Manager of a military logistics organization with 400 employees, I
faced daily challenges to decide on competing priorities for limited funds and limited
services which would best serve the overall good of the military community.
I look forward to the opportunity of focusing all of my skills and knowledge for
the benefit of the City of Dublin as a member of the Planning Commission.
~ ~ ~~
James Dowdy
7026 Mansfield Avenue
Dublin, California 94568
j amescdowdy@gmai 1. com
November 26, 2008
Dublin Planning Commission and City Council
100 Civic Plaza
Dublin, California 94568
Dear Planning Commission and City Council Members,
~~~ ~ ~~
NOV ~ b «~
+Glll(G~H"S CN=~"IC~
Please find attached my application for the Planning Commission vacancy and a copy of
my resume.
I moved to Dublin, California in August of 2007 and have very much enjoyed living in
this great city. I am interested in the functions of the Planning Commission and feel that
my professional skills and experience, as well as my competence and motivation would
make me a strong addition to your board.
Thank you very much for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.
~~ +~
James Dowdy
2 Enclosures
NAME James Dowdy DATE November 26, 2008
ADDRESS 7026 Mansfield Avenue
California 94568
PHONE # (HOME) 949-689-9839
(WORK) 925-275-3316
~ ~:~ $~.
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Planning Commission?
I am interested in serving on the City of Dublin Planning Commission so that I may contribute to the
future success of the city that I love. I would also like to provide a voice to the young professional
Dublin residents regarding the city's future growth and enhancements.
2. What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning?
Knowledge: Based on observation and research during the redevelopment of the City of Long Beach, CA while residing
there. I also have basic knowledge of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and how they can inform zoning /
planning projects.
_ Experience: In my current position, I recently worked with builders and the City of San Ramon to ensure m division's
interests were met during the construction of a new facility. I also attended and spoke during the August, 2008 Dublin
General Plan Community Design Meeting.
3. How do you feel about the growth that has occurred in recent years in Dublin?
I feel great about Dublin's recent growth and I think the Planning Commission has done a good job
balancing the needs of residential and employment generating growth while maintaining the City's
positive regional identity.
4. What should the City's position be regarding growth?
Due to the Bay Area's large projected population growth over the next twen years, Dublin's location as the "Downtown
of the Tri-Valley," and open land resources, I believe the city should take a fairly aggressive position regarding growth,
including increases in jobs and residential capacities, as well as highway, road and bicycle system infrastructure planning.
5. What type(s) of housing do we need?
I believe the housing types needed in Dublin depend on the area. The Eastern Extended Planning
Area needs mostly single family and medium-density housing as well as some medium-high density
housing. Downtown needs mixed-use housing.
1 Q `~ `'
6. What do you think are the major concerns of Dublin residents regarding future
1. Close proximity and easy access to high-quality schools, parks and recreation areas.
2. Effective highway and roads systems planning to accommodate the city's expansion.
3. Planning that generates residential and jobs growth as well as increased revenues for the ci
7. What, if anything, should be done to enhance the Downtown business districts?
1. Consolidate the districts into one Downtown area. 2. Create a plan to enhance or develop the area
into a pedestrian and bike-friendly city focal point that is accessible by car, transit, bicycle, or foot.
This plan should also work to attract shopping and dining establishments to the area.
8. What considerations should the City be concerned with in future developments
in Dublin?
Future Dublin developments should contribute to the city's positive regional identity by: 1. Continuing
the connections and linkages throughout the city; 2. Creating sustainability in building design and
materials, citing, access by alternative transportation modes, and protection of the natural environment.
9. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the
community, but unpopular with some neighbors?
I feel making decisions for the overall good of the community is the fundamental role of the Planning
Commission and the City Council. As long as the decision is truly made for the overall good of the
community, I would be proud to support that decision even if it may be unpopular with some neighbors.
10. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the
Planning Commission?
I believe my perspective as a young professional starting a family is the most important contribution I
can make as a member of the Dublin Planning Commission.
SIGNATURE \~, L~ OCCUPATION Training Manager
In order to be considered by the ayor for appointment to the Planning Commission,
please return this completed form to the attention Caroline P. Soto, City Clerk,
100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 by 3:00 P.M., MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2008.
7026 Mansfield Avenue
Dublin, California 94568
i ~ ~ .; t ~~
Thirteen years experience in the automotive industry as:
- Training Manager - Product Engineer
- Service Training Instructor - Dealership Warranty Administrator
- Curriculum Developer - Dealership Technician
- Technical Writer - Collision Repair Technician
Professional Experience
Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. -Torrance, California
Lexus San Ramon Training Center Manager and Service Training Instructor
Lexus Western Area Office
- Managed Lexus Western Area expectations and interests during construction of the
Lexus San Ramon Training Center.
- Instructed over 200 technicians on three new model vehicle launches and eight core
subjects ranging from basic electrical theory to advanced hybrid systems operation and
- Developed 2009 marketing plan to raise Bay Area dealers' awareness of training center
and increase average class size.
- Managed fleet of Lexus training vehicles; includes maintenance, new model rotation,
and special event allocation and distribution.
- Supervised technical setup of Lexus vehicles during special events in the Bay Area
including the 2007 and 2008 San Francisco International Auto Show.
Technical Training Development Administrator
Technical and Body Training Development Department
- Managed development of five core Technical Training courses including two on-line
learning courses and three instructor-led courses.
- Designed and implemented new course development process; reduced department
instructor-led core course development time and costs by 50 percent.
- Received Gold MarCom Creative Award for 021 -Technical Introduction to Toyota on-
line course.
- Assisted in development and delivery of four Toyota and Lexus new model courses.
- Instructed over 2,000 trainers and/or TMS associates on Toyota and Lexus new model
and advanced technical information.
- Managed Lean Thinking team to complete Storage Room Remodel and Control Lean
Thinking project; reduced storage room floor space by 50 percent, and decreased T3
support setup time by 90 percent.
Peter Kiewit Sons', Inc. Construction Company - I-15 Project; Salt Lake City, Utah
Intern -Maintenance Engineer
- Operated and maintained company fleet of over SO light-duty trucks.
- Operated, maintained, and repaired medium-duty trucks and heavy-duty equipment.
- De-mobilized, restored, and re-mobilized heavy-duty equipment for resale or relocation
to new job site.
- Trained five associates on proper truck finish repair; reduced outsourcing costs by
6/2007 -
9/2004 -
5/2002 -
~_~~ :-
James Curtis Dowdy 949-689-9839 jamescdowdy
Dagley Chevrolet -Kearney, Missouri
Warranty Administrator
- Completed and submitted warranty claims to manufacturer or extended warranty
- Tracked and received payment from manufacturer, extended warranty provider or
customers, debited or credited dealership accounts, and balanced service department
accounts daily.
- Discovered and corrected underutilized warranty time to increase billable labor hours.
Automotive Technician
- Diagnosed and repaired customer complaints on cars and light-duty and medium-duty
- Maintained medium-duty trucks and equipment.
- Performed pre-delivery inspections for fleet sales of light-duty cab-and-chassis trucks.
- Completed preventive maintenance procedures, campaigns, and bulletins.
- Coordinated with sales associates to deliver new vehicles to customers.
K.C. Collision -Kansas City, Missouri
Automotive Collision Repair /Refinish Technician
- Estimated and corrected vehicle structural and non-structural collision damage.
- Refinished, polished, and detailed vehicles.
- Billed and ensured payment from insurance providers or customers.
- Restructured shop work-flow and processes to increase revenue and efficiency; reduced
cycle time by 15 percent.
National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE)
- Master Automobile Technician
- Advanced Level Specialist
- Master Collision Repair /Refinish Technician
Pittsburg State University
Bachelor of Science
Major: Automotive Technology with emphasis in Service Management
Minor: Business Administration
Longview Community College
Associate's in Applied Science
Major: Automotive Technology with emphasis in General Motors Automotive Service
Education Program (GM ASEP)
1 /2000 -
8/1997 -
1 /2000
1995 -
Computer Skills
Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Visio, Photoshop CS, Acrobat Distiller, Vuepoint, and Flash
Special Skills /Experience
- Advanced Engine Controls - Corporate Emergency Response Team
- Techstream - CPR, First Aid, AED
NAME ~~~0 /IvJ C> ~ G' r /d ~"/ /'' ~1 ~=' ~ 1 / - ..~
DATE `iyQ~ 2 5 ~~~
ADDRESS ~ ~~ ~~(.> ~ •.5~~~ `~`~ ~~ ~ CITY MAiVAC~t~:~ t~~i~~
PHONE # (HOME) ~ ~'' ~5'~ ~ (WORK) E-Mail ~ i`=i~E'rr~ t!.~~ ~. ~~.~
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Planning Commission? Cc~~(
2. What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning?
3. How do you feel about the growth that has occurred in recent years in Dublin?
4. What should the City's position be regarding growth?
~~-~~- ~~7`~T-~~-i-~-~..i`~
5. What type(s) of housing do we need?
`,.5-~- ~-- ~~ C/~ ~
_~,. ~ ~~ `tea
- ~ 6: What do you think are the major concerns of Dublin residents regarding
future planning?
C' -~.-- ~ % ~c %~ e
7. What, if anything, should be done to enhance the Downtown business districts?
~- f~TT~ i~ ~' ~
8. What considerations should the City be concerned with in future developments
in Dublin?
,S ~- =~ >4 ~~"T~ i~ ~ ~~
9. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the
community, but unpopular with some neighbors?
10. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the
Planning Commission?
s-~~~ err-~~,y
SIGNATURE ~'~,~-~~~ ~~ OCCUPATION ~P ~~ ~~~~
In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Planning Commission,
please return this completed form to the attention Caroline P. Soto, City Clerk,
100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 by 3:00 P.M., MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2008.
* (~C~ ~'~
Planning Commission Application
Applicant: Ramoncito "Jing" Firmeza
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Planning Commission?
As a Dublin resident for the past 20 years, I am a concerned citizen in
the transformation of open spaces to commercial and residential
units. I moved my family here in 1988 because of its provincial
outlook. Dublin was a big improvement from Daly City where I came
from in regards to open spaces and quality of life. In the past, I
became active in opposing the increasing number of residential units
while a looming water problem from our Delta water source was
dwindling. As a realtor for the past 6 years, I was concerned with the
effect of multi unit housing to overall home prices. Dublin's ability to
attract high priced home buyers could diminish because of the
external outlook of our city being a multi unit housing community.
After attending Dublin 101, I am still a water and a home price
advocate. Sustainable growth can be achieved while making Dublin
home prices at a steady increase. To get there is through building
commercial establishment and attracting class A type businesses.
Through fostering commercial build outs with stay at home concepts
or minimal commute we will be in a great position to compete for
class A businesses with other cities. As price of commuting is
outrageously high, the future dictates "stay at home" and minimal
commute concepts. Dublin needs to be an entitlement city.
Residential growth is needed. A good mix of lesser high and more of
medium and low density housing is needed. We need to make sure
that home prices remain steady or increasing through a controlled
release of home inventory. Dublin will be faced with an abundant
multi unit housing inventory. High density units are released as the
whole building structure is built. High density unit developers are
hurting financially when units are not sold much quicker. The
potential of auctioning is a possibility; which can hurt overall home
prices. Medium and low density home developers are releasing units
as they are sold. Their construction loan costs are recuperated much
faster; while maintaining selling prices within comparable sales.
As a member of the Planning Commission, I will try to protect home
owners equities. I will ensure that their home investments are
protected and commercial and residential developers will continue to
invest in our city. I will work in making Dublin the most sought out
Date: l l/25/2008
Page No. 1
~ ~~ ~.
Planning Commission Application
Applicant: Ramoncito "Jing" Firmeza
city for potential home buyers compared to our neighboring cities;
that we continue to invest in improving quality of life for our
2. What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and
Dublin has a general plan. It dictates land use and zoning
requirements. The general plan is subject to changes by the specific
plan amendments. An area zoning could be either be commercial,
residential or public use. As a realtor, I am knowledgeable to all
zoning and land use.
3. How do you feel about the growth that has occurred in recent
years in Dublin?
Dublin is in a great central location. SO miles west is San Francisco,
30 miles south to San Jose, 20 miles north to Walnut Creek/Concord
and 40 miles east to Stockton. We are at an enviable location that is
serviced by 2 freeways north to south and east to west. San
Francisco and Oakland have experienced an explosion in growth that
can no longer be sustained. Eastern and Southern cities of San
Francisco have to fzll the void in the demand for commercial and
residential growth. With that Dublin must answer to the challenge of
growth in the Bay Area. As a city we have done our part in the
demand for housing and commercial establishment due to population
growth in the Bay Area in the past 10 years. Dublin have done an
excellent job in addressing these demands and still continue to
improve the quality of living for residents. We have the best parks
and outdoor malls. We have a good movie entertainment
establishment at Hacienda Crossings. One thing we need to learn
while we still to continue to grow is the pi falls of growth
development that the big metropolitan cities like San Francisco,
Oakland and San Jose. YVhere does the growth ends that will not
deteriorate our residents quality of living. With growth comes the
impact on the quality of city services we can offer our residents.
There is a fine line between growth and fiscal responsibility.
Oakland has grown that police services are impacted due to crime.
San Francisco has grown that low income or homelessness services
Date: l 1 /25/2008
Page No. 2
Planning Commission Application
Applicant: Ramoncito "Jing" Firmeza
are impacted. San .lose has grown that public works services are
impacted due to traffic gridlock. As a city that has grown in the past
10 years, we have done an excellent job in defining our future; but
care has to taken to ensure that we don't fall in the pitfalls of our
neighboring metropolitan cities.
4. What should the City's position be regarding growth?
We need to be an entitlement city. We need to get to the SOK
population to attain that goal. Growth should come not at the
expense of deterioration of quality of living for our residents.
Situated in a very central location in the Bay Area, we have great
opportunities to attract commercial establishments that will increase
our revenues and jobs for our residents.
5. What type(s) of housing do we need?
We still need more high, medium and low density housing. Care must
be taken in approving these developments in the next 3 - S years. I
believe that inventory must be controlled to maintain home prices and
protect resident's home equities. The planning commission has no
direct control to home inventory. Planning commission can work
hand in hand with the developers that their releases are in tune with
the housing market and that they don't flood the housing market with
new homes that resale homes cannot compete.
6. What do you think are the major concerns of Dublin residents
regarding future planning?
Dublin residents are divided with regards to the recent residential
growth? Majority are against the growth of high density unit
developments that has occurred in our city. As a member of the
Planning Commission, it will be difficult to satisfy our residents
demands and developers demands. Developers would want more
return on their investment that they will push for more units per area
footprint. Residents are also concerned of parking and trajfic
because of our population growth. Schools is a major concern for
residents. As a home price advocate, schools is my major concern to
attract more home buyers in our city.
Date: l l /25/2008
Page No. 3
Planning Commission Application ~ ~ ~~ ~,
Applicant: Ramoncito "Jing" Firmeza
7. What, if anything, should be done to enhance the Downtown
business districts?
The future for business requirements is "stay at home "and minimal
commute concepts. High density units must be included in our
Downtown Business District. Dwelling at these units must have
online access to business office voice and data central infrastructure.
All new residential developments must have direct fast voice and data
access to commercial developments. We will be at great competitive
advantage in attracting businesses in our city, if we adhere to these
concepts. Parking will be a big problem and will greatly affect the
beauty of our downtown. I favor no street parking at downtown
Dublin. Street parking is an eye sore and contributes to traj~c
gridlock. I favor parking structures that are not visible from the
outskirts of the development. Underground parking is desirable but
costly to developers. Street public transportation is a major concern.
8. What considerations should the city be concerned with in future
developments in Dublin.
Refer to item 7 and item 1.
9. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of
the community, but unpopular with some neighbors.
It will always be difficult to decide on these type of issues. My
decisions will be in accordance to these priorities. 1) Will it be
against our general or specific plan. 2) Is there a critical need for the
city, community or neighborhood. 3) Will it adversely affect home
prices. 4) Will the quality of living affect Dublin residents. S) Is it a
majority opinion of the residents.
10. What is the most important contribution you can make as a
member of the Planning Commission?
My profession has been in the Information Technology and Real
Estate business. My knowledge in these 2 areas will be my greatest
contribution to the planning commission.
Date:l 1/25/2008
Page No. 4
~~ ~ DU~1
~1DV 2 ~ 2aa~1
~1TY N!l1NAQEf~S f:~~l~l~
NAME Scott Phan DATE: November 24, 2008
ADDRESS 5838 Shadow Hill Drive
CA 94568
PHONE # (HOME) 925.556.9082
(WORK) 925.274.5142 E-Mail
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Planning Commission?
I feel the need to be involved as the City of Dublin is at or near a very important crossroad as it
continues to strive to be the crown jewel of the Tri Valley. I am very excited about this new ERA at
City Hall and it would be an honor to be a part of it and to serve my hometown.
2. What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning?
What I lack in experience I make up with passion and an utmost interest in the continued smart
development of our hometown and an utmost interest in City planning. I've stayed constantly in touch
with current and future projects coming to Dublin and educated myself with current zoning. My
professional background is in Real Estate and Mortgage Lending.
3. How do you feel about the growth that has occurred in recent years in Dublin?
I feel that Dublin has come a long ways but still has a long ways to go. In the coming years as we
approach build out we need to strive for a better balance of development. High density housing vs
traditional single family, commercial vs residential, class A office development vs retail/residential.
We've done a wonderful job of attracting retail and high density housing developments, now we must
shift our focus to single family residences and class A office developments to round out our City and to
provide a strong customer base to support the retail that we want in Dublin, day and night.
4. What should the City's position be regarding growth?
Continued growth as the economy allows, balance and smart is the key to long term viability. Curb
High Density developments, especially away from the Transit Villages. Identify areas of opportunity
for Executive Single Family Residences instead of High Density. Attract quality class A office
development, position Dublin to be the premier address Companies want on their letterhead instead of
that of our neighbors. Walnut Creek, Palo Alto, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, San Mateo, Mountain View,
San Ramon, Pleasanton are all suburban Bay Area towns that have successfully branded themselves
through the years as the premier business address and are at the top of the list for any high profile
Company looking to relocate or expand. Dublin can strive to be in that elite group.
5. What type(s) of housing do we need?
Low density single family residences and executive homes. I believe we are deficient in this area. We
have an unbalanced housing stock in Dublin, current zoning on undeveloped parcels will only worsen
the balance in future years. Having a supply of the upper spectrum of housing could help in our
recruitment of Corporations and their Executives to town. Executives and Top Managements of these
Companies will need housing for their families, currently we don't have much to offer on the high end
compared to our neighbors. These same families will patronize and support the upscale businesses that
20 `~7 g~
we are trying to attract to Dublin. They will also add another dynamic to our school system. Having an
abundance of traditional single family residential neighborhoods will also help preserve and strengthen
the percentage of homeownership vs renters in Dublin. Entry level homes as it age are more
susceptible to becoming rentals than large single family residences.
6. What do you think are the major concerns of Dublin residents regarding future planning?
Housing Density, particularly the High Density variety. A lack of traditional single family
neighborhoods for families to grow and stay in Dublin for generations, we are seeing an alarming
number of wonderful families having to move to San Ramon, Danville or Pleasanton due to the lack of
options in Dublin. Also a better balance between Retail/Residential vs Office Jobs. Quality of life
increases when one has the opportunity to work at a high paying job in his/her hometown rather than
having to drive elsewhere.
7. What, if anything, should be done to enhance the Downtown business district?
Downtown needs a specific plan in place as soon as possible. I envision a vibrant urban downtown that
is a destination for locals and out of town guests. With the many different property owners it will be a
challenge but not impossible. Downtown needs to be integrated into one cohesive district, move away
from auto oriented to pedestrian oriented. Encourage higher density development, parking structures to
create a quaint cozy feel to it. And yes I believe high density housing in downtown would be more
acceptable to our residents as it is exactly where it should be. Having residential in Downtown will
give it a built in customer base 24 hours a day, allowing the recruitment of more
businesses/retailers/upscale restaurants to the district. Seek out opportunities for redevelopment, such
as the closing of The Good Guys, Mervyn's, Circuit City, possibly Crown Chevrolet, pending
ownership change of Long's and the departure of Golf Smith. I feel there should be an ordinance in
place requiring new users of old retail buildings to remodel and comply with certain design guideline
that will eventually create a cohesive feel to downtown. Unlike 99 Ranch that didn't do any
improvements to the Ralph's building, the City had no say. Create a cozy main street along the future
St. Patricks Way, work with the owner/s of OSH, Michaels etc. about potential redevelopment of that
property to make St. Patrick a successful main street USA. Possibly a combo project of Class A
Offices and Residential above retail with parking structures, much like the proposal at Grafton Plaza in
Eastern Dublin. Work with Dublin Place owners on redevelopment there, increase density with parking
structures. Other opportunities (Corrie Center, Bowling Alley, Iceland and along Regional Street).
Other than retail and restaurants, downtown needs some type of entertainment to draw people in. A
performing arts center, a jazz club, a family entertainment center combining ice skating, rock climbing
and bowling etc... With the unfortunate departure or pending departure of many long time retailers in
Downtown, we need to look at it as potential opportunities.
8. What considerations should the City be concerned with in future developments in Dublin?
Continued high standards for design and functionality of structures. Long term benefits vs short term
one time benefits. We need to be able to maintain the wonderful things the City plans to build, long
term revenue land use will help keep the City well funded for future maintenance and service needs.
We need to also focus on older areas of town that have become a bit blighted. Example, Village
Parkway, North side of of Dublin Blvd. between Village and Dublin Court. Focus on under grounding
of overhead utilities (Scarlett Court, Dublin Court, Village Parkway along I680, San Ramon Road,
Dublin Blvd.). Partner with Pleasanton, Caltrans and Alameda County to landscape the highway
2 (d~j ~~'
interchanges on I580 and along both sides of I680. These areas are very important as they are the
highly visible images of Dublin from the outside looking in.
9. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community, but
unpopular with some neighbors?
Unanimous approval of anything when dealing with so many people is difficult to come by. There will
always be detractors and criticisms, especially from ones more directly affected. Such as the issue our
school district faced last year. The closing of Nielson upset a lot of parents who were directly affected.
The district on the other hand felt it was for the good of the entire district. It is not easy but we need to
do what is best for the community as a whole. At the same time be respectful and understanding of
those that feel they are negatively affected. Government needs to be transparent as to not give the
impression of bowing to special interests, needs to gain the trust of the Community. Many times by
presenting a clear overall picture of the whys behind a decision can defuse a volatile environment.
10. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Planning
Be a representative of the people of Dublin, be their eyes and ears. Be an extension of the Mayor and
Council and to work cohesively within. Promote respect and professionalism, an open government that
protects the best overall interest of Citizens first.
SIGNATURE ~~' l,a d'% OCCUPATION Mortgage Banking for
~ ~~ Commercial and Private
~~"~ ~~ Client Services
Planning Commission Application
Bill Schaub RECEI~ber 10, 2008
7822 Bloomfield Terrace CiTM ~ -'
925 548-6258. ~0V 1 4 ZQQ$
For the past four years I have worked hard to understand best practices
planning, understand our Council's desires for planning and work with Staff to
steer projects that meet our community objectives and comply with our General
2) Knowledge?
See above.
3) Dublin's growth
For the most part, we have grown in an expected and orderly manner, placing
various housing types and densities in their proper location. We have also done
well in managing attractive architecture and building form.
The many new Specific Plans and Design Element will insure that those involved
in planning in the future will have the appropriate vision and tools to con#inue this
4) Regarding future growth
With few exceptions, most available land is now under some phase of
entitlement and future planning tasks will be focused on the SDR and CUP
The new challenges will be in the re-use of developed land, most importantly
rebuilding our core downtown with its new BART hub. That progression will be
greatly aided by the impending Downtown Specific Plan and the recently
approve Design Element to the General Plan.
We have a well conceived plan and we should continue building to that plan.
5) Housing needs?
We have an expected build out population that will require homes. What types
of homes we build should be left to the "market" to prevail within the guidelines
formally and informally established by Council, Commission and Staff.
~' ~ Z~~~~
I believe the next housing challenge will be in finding short-term
accommodations within our ability to assist our development community in
restarting the residential housing market first and foremost lowering the price of
new homes. Without new homes sales we cannot meet our other community
6) Resident's concerns
With few exceptions, our residents are focused only on changes within their
narrow world and rarely focused on the common good for the community. The
challenge for policy makers is to make high-quality decisions on behalf of all
residents while keeping those immediately affected feeling somewhat in control
of their future.
I believe that the vast majority of Dublin resident's are pleased with how we
have managed both the residential and commercial growth. Today, Dublin is a
better city to work in and live in than ten years ago.
7) Enhancing Downtown
The impending Downtown Specific Plan coupled with the competition of the
new BART station will provide the framework for willing development of the core
downtown area. The challenges to a coordinated "re-development" will
continue to be the many disparate property owners and their proprietary focus.
Providing guidance, structure and incentives to this development will fall on the
hands of the City Manager and the Council.
8) Future Dublin developments
Most of Dublin's residential development is in place, future planning will focus on
re-use of land and properties. I believe that we have the policies and tools in
place to meet unforeseen development needs.
9) Making decisions for the overall good
10) Contribution
I will continue to add my planning expertise, experience and leadership to our
planning process and those involved with that process. I always try to bring
about "win-win" resolutions while keeping focused on the Commission's top
priority, best practices land use.
,_ _ ~ $~..
2 ~j
During my four years as Chair, we have repeatedly and consistently moved
projects and legislative actions through the process always keeping in mind that
"time" is a precious resource for both Staff and our developers.
~cc s
~~ ~ ~~
NAME: Eric Swalwell, Jr.
ADDRESS: 4863 Swinford Ct.
PHONE: (925) 361-8409 (H)/(925) 487-8277 (C)
DATE: December 1, 2008
DEC - 1 20U~
1. Why are you interested in serving on the planning commission?
Having grown up in Dublin, and currently serving as Chairperson to the Heritage & Cultural
Arts Commission, it would be an honor to participate in the planning process that will determine
Dublin's future. My interest in the Planning Commission is guided by the following: (1) I
believe I will bring new passion and energy to the commission; (2) I believe my geographical
history (having grown up in the west and currently living in the east) will bring a unique
perspective to the commission; and (3) I have planning and zoning experience that will benefit
the commission. These beliefs will be detailed in responses to the questions below.
2. What is your knowledge of and experience in planning and zoning?
My planning and zoning experience originates in College Park, Maryland, where I served as
the student member of the City Council from 2002-2003 when I attended the University of
Maryland. As a member of the Council I worked on bringing mixed-use development to the City
of College Park. My duties included meeting with city, county, and state planners and local and
national developers. I was intimately involved in every step of the planning and zoning process,
from RFP's, architecture, permitting, ground-breaking and construction. From 2003-2004 I
worked as a business developer for the College Park City-University Partnership, a nonprofit
organization that worked to spur development in College Park. As a business developer I
worked to attract businesses to College Park, assisted developers in expediting the permit
process, and served as a liaison between the city and university.
3. How do you feel about the growth that has occurred in recent years in Dublin?
I believe Dublin's past council-members and commission members have brought a balanced
and sensible growth to Dublin. In the past 15 years Dublin has been in the enviable position of
having open space and businesses wishing to develop. Dublin's development has been matched
by a determination to preserve open space and implement smart growth. I believe that growth
and development in Dublin should continue; however, as we go forward we should have a
heightened sense of open space preservation. This means maintaining vast borders between
Dublin and Pleasanton; Dublin and Livermore; and Dublin and parts of San Ramon. Vast
borders, or "buffer zones" will preserve open space, reduce sprawl, and provide a sense of
~~~ ~~
4. What should the City's position be regarding growth?
The City of Dublin should always be open to growth, provided that it's smart, sensible, and
balanced. While other cities take "no growth" positions, Dublin should keep anopen-mind,
never shutting a door that may benefit the citizens of Dublin. For example, Dublin should re-
focus its development planning to bringing high-paying jobs to Dublin. This may require
"growth" in the sense that a business would need to develop a campus or office building in
Dublin. In this instance, the Planning Commission would have to weigh the cost of further
development in Dublin against the benefit of bringing higher-paid jobs to Dublin. As our
economy continues to fall, the value of bringing high-paying jobs to Dublin is high.
5. What type(s) of housing do we need?
In the past ten years, Dublin has seen an influx of multi-unit (apartment, townhome and
condominium) housing. Doubtless, multi-unit housing has brought scores of new persons to
Dublin. Many of these new Dubliners are younger working persons, two-person families and
older, retired baby-boomers. Before Dublin's development of multi-use housing, these
demographic groups have not populated Dublin. However, Dublin must provide single-family
housing options, with lesser density, for younger working-persons and families as they grow out
of their multi-unit residences. The risk of not providing single-family housing options for these
demographic groups is that Dublin's multi-unit housing will become a transient community, not
connected with the rest of the City.
6. What do you think are the major concerns of Dublin residents regarding future
For housing, Dublin's residents want a combination of single-family homes and multi-unit
.housing that are close to open space, parks, retail and transit centers. However, more single-
family homes, with less density, are needed to match the amount of multi-unit housing. For
retail development, the primary need is a true downtown with a promenade. This project, built
around the Whole Foods development in east Dublin, is a major step toward providing this need.
Further, Dublin's residents want the City to attract small and -large businesses that provide high-
payingjobs. Currently, the City's tax base is heavily supported by automobile dealerships. With
the uncertainty in Detroit, Dublin has already seen one dealership close, with possibly more
closing in the future. The proper response to the uncertainty in the automobile industry is for
Dublin to recruit and attract businesses that can fill the employment and property tax void of
departing dealerships.
7. What, if anything, should be done to enhance the Downtown business districts?
In the coming years the Planning Commission and Council need to capitalize on the pending
West Dublin BART station. The arrival of this transit center is an opportunity to attract new
businesses and mixed-use development to an area of Dublin that has historically performed
poorly. The immediate priority should be to find business owners to occupy vacant properties.
Providing priority permitting and small business grants is one tool available to provoke tenancy.
Further, I look forward to participating in the consolidation of four downtown specific plans (San
Ramon Road/Village Parkway/Downtown Core/West Dublin BART) into one comprehensive
Downtown Specific Plan. The consolidation of these plans will allow the City to refocus and
redouble its efforts in an efficient manner that will benefit all of Dublin.
8. What considerations should the City be concerned with in future developments in
For housing, the City should balance the following: (1) multi-unit homes with single-family
homes; (2) the supply of homes against the demand of homes -currently, the mortgage crisis has
caused an oversaturation of homes in the east; and (3) open space preservation.
To attract retail and small and large businesses, the City should create an expedited
permitting process program as an incentive to develop in Dublin. For this to be successful, the
Planning Commission and Council should work with the City's planners to recruit businesses.
This would start by identifying what types of businesses Dublin needs and then having the city's
planners act as lobbyists for Dublin, promising expedited permitting if the business comes to
Dublin and provides X amount of jobs.
9. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community,
but unpopular with some neighbors?
No public servant will ever satisfy the wants and needs of every member of the public.
Understanding this maxim of public service will serve me well in every decision I make as a
planning commissioner. I will approach every decision by asking myself, "What is the best for
my fellow Dubliners?" I will base this decision on what the community has told the Commission
it wants and needs as well as my experience and understanding in what will be the best for
Dublin. If a Dublin resident is dissatisfied with a decision of mine, I will never hesitate to
answer that citizen's concerns and respectfully explain my own position.
10. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the
Planning Commission?
As stated above, I believe my passion and energy, unique understanding of Dublin's
geography, and past planning experience will make me a valuable member of the Planning
Commission. I will bring these three tools to each planning meeting to provide development
Dublin can be proud of.
~~ cl:irr~D
NAME Elias Torrez DATE 11130/2008
DEC - Y ~ 2008
ADDRESS _8095 Aldea St
Dublin, Ca. 94568
PHONE # (HOME) 925-828-3920_ (WORK) 925-785-6367_
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Planning Commission?
1) As a small business owner and resident of Dublin, it is my belief that I can add value to the
Planning Commission fram both perspectives in a balanced and thoughtful manor.
2. What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning?
2) My experience with Planning and Zoning is limited and is primarily from the outside looking in at
the process.
3. How do you feel about the growth that has occurred in recent years in Dublin?
3) I feel the growth in Dublin has been good far the City, it has brought jobs, housing, shopping,
resources and necessary revenues.
4. What should the City's position be regarding growth?
4) "Growth Is Not A Bad Thing" However as the City reaches it's build out potential we should look
for and approve projects that add value to the city, i.e projects bring in revenue to the city or
provide valuable services to the residence.
5. What type(s) of housing do we need?
5) Dublin needs all types of housing from affordable to low density, high density, single family and
custom homes. The challenge is continuing down this path as land continues to be developed and
providing a good mix of housing types so that they do not become centralized areas of one type or
the other.
6. What do you think are the major concerns of Dublin residents regarding
future planning?
6) I think some of the Major concerns of the residents as Dublin moves forward are: City
Infrastructure, Fire & Police services, The School system.
7. What, if anything, should be done to enhance the Downtown business distri ?
7) It would be nice to see the business districts become more unified in look and feel. By introducing
a revitalization program that will help existing owners with building planning, priority routing in
the permit process, and cosmetic upgrades to alder structures. A low cost shuttle buss that move
people to and from both ends of town. Maps of the different shops and services offered in Dublin
located in the BART station and other central areas throughout the city.
8. What considerations should the City be concerned with in future developments
in Dublin?
8) I think we should look at future development with a simple set of questions
• Does the project help round out the city's master plan
• Does the project bring value to the residence of Dublin
• Does the project generate revenue
• Is the project good for the tri-valley region
I do not believe that my simple litmus test is the "end all, be a11" of evaluating a projects
worthiness for consideration and approval. I'm sure that if appointed to the Planning Commission
my thought process will become more refined as I gain experience and exposure to the task at
9. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the
community, but unpopular with some neighbors?
I `m aware that some decisions will not always be popular with all residence here in Dublin.
10. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the
Planning Commission?
The most important contribution I can make to the planning commission is to listen, provide input
based on known facts, contribute balance discussion and demonstrate flexibility when needed. So
the most important thing I can bring is being mindful that it is not just one facet of decision
making that makes for a good City Office or it's People.
_ .__ _.,~
SIGNATURE ~_ - --~ -----~ ~`; OCCUPATION c~:,~~.~. ~:,,,-~,.,.~-
In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Planning Commission,
please return this completed form to the attention Caroline P. Soto, City Clerk,
100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 by 3:00 P.M., MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2008.
~~ rol= DuBL.IIV
NOV 2 6 200
NAME ~ ~ r ' ~ re ~ ~~ r DATE ~/ -~.5 =C5 ~Q
ADDRESS 113~.~ X131 G~,~ , ~c t~ ~~.i
~~ ~ 1, ~ G~ ~ ~~s~~
PHONE # (HOME) ~~ ~' ~~ ~O ~ (WORK) _qaS- ~fs.3-~~ E-Mail ~cee ~ . ~.~. h rya ~e ~~
~' - 1~ P. o r~:
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Planning Commission?
2. What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning?
~ h )Ya~.Scr cl'cs~~ ~ ~o-d~ c~,,ns~~ur~~~~
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3. How do you feel about the growth that has occurred in recent years in Dublin?
d 1 Ck'~ ~ ~G~ c.i{I IG~' ~' c.~rl,~
4. What should the City's position be regarding growth?
p C~f-v j'?QS ~17C Q G ~'c'.f~3hc ,c~ ~ SC> ?Cv~f' ~ ~%~~ra Xd~ ~f' lt'(~ }C;> SeC~ %yla: C~
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5. What type(s) of housing do we need?
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-~,, "What do .you think are the major concerns of Dublin residents rega~ing
future planning?
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7. What, if anything, should be done to enhance the Downtown business districts?
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8. What considerations s ould
in Dublin?
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the City be concerned with in future developments
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9. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the
community, but unpopular with some neighbors?
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10. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the
Planning Commission?
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In order to be considered by the ' ayor for appointment to the Planning Commission,
please return this completed form to the attention Caroline P. Soto, City Clerk,
100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 by 3: 00 P.M„ MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2008.
~ 2 `~~
NAME Robert Boboc DATE November 11, 2008 CITY OF DUBLIN
8303 Cavalier Lane
Dublin. CA 94568
PHONE # (HOME) (9251560-6455
E-Mail mrbobocna,
NOV 19 2008
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services
I strongly believe in public and community service. It has been a long time goal of
mine to serve the citizens of Dublin in some capacity. I also want to ensure that all
city parks are safe for the children and families that use them.
2. What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities in
I have a strong working knowledge of the parks and recreation facilities offered by
the city. My family has been to all of the city parks and used many of the facilities
including the swim center, Emerald Glen skate park, and the Heritage Center.
3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks &
Community Services Department? Have you or a family member
participated in a program sponsored by the Department?
I constantly monitor the city website for new and upcoming programs offered.
I have attended and graduated from the Dublin Leadership Academy in 2006 and
my son has attended the Dublin Law Enforcement Youth Academy.
4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the
community? Please describe.
I would like to see a Veteran's monument erected in one of the city's parks to
honor the men and women who have served our country.
" L./
5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility
I support user fees as long as they only cover the costs associated to provide the
services and maintain the parks. If not already in place, I would like to see a
program to waive or reduce fees for seniors and/or individuals who are at a lower
income level.
6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the
community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations?
I have no problem with making an unpopular decision for the overall good of the
community. I believe that if you clearly communicate the reasons you make for
your decision, the community will respect and support the decision.
7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the
Parks & Community Services Commission?
To ensure the safety of our citizens by promoting a monthly safety inspection of
our parks and facilities.
Supply Cham Manager
In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Parks &
Community Services Commission, please return this completed form to the
attention of Caroline P. Soto, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 by
3:00 P.M., MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2008.
G:\APPTMTS\2008 APPOINT\i2-08 p&cs-application.rtf
RECEIVED ~ 7~'Y' r
NOV 2 6 2005
NAME ~~~~/ C_.7~./ ~GY )~~ DATE f ~. ~ 2 7 - ~~~
ADDRESS `77(vZ ~C(6~~~1~/GC/~. ~/~-
,. ~
~ ~~~7
E-Mail cj~i.t~ !~ ~ J~ ~ /~l~I~
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services
2. What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities in
3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks &
Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated
in a program sponsored by the Department?
4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the
community? Please describe.
35.E ~5"
I am interested in serving on the Parks and Community Services Commission; once
again, because I would like to give something back to the community I have lived in for
over 30 years. As a Commissioner for the past four years, I would like to see ongoing
projects and future projects completed.
As a member of several non-profit groups throughout 30 yeazs, I have planned many
functions at Shannon Center, City Hall and Old St. Raymond's Church.
As a parent in Dublin, my children have attended Shannon Pre-School, played in city
sports programs and taken classes offered through the city. My daughter was married at
Old St. Raymond's Church. I have also played in adult sports programs. My wife
participates in Jazzercise at the Senior Center and several summers ago my
granddaughter attended a gymnastics class at the Dublin Library.
Our recreation department has a wide variety of programs that fit the community for now,
but as Dublin grows we need to continue to offer programs that will change with our
growing population. The expansion of Emerald Glen Pazk and the Fallon Sport Park is
meeting the needs of the community, but in the future I feel we will need to add small
community garden pazks.
As a member of many non-profit boards, I have had to make unpopular decisions for the
overall good of the organization. As a Commissioner for the past four years I have also
made some decisions that individuals in the community may not have agreed with but
have been necessary for the good of the city.
I bring to the Commission, my experience as a Commissioner for four years; over twenty
years work with youth sports boards, Dublin High School Athletic Booster President and
two years on Dublin High School Site Council. I have also been on the Dublin Lions
Club Board of Directors for the past fourteen years. I have consistently shown my
support of the city of Dublin and hope I can continue my service on the Pazks and
Community Commission.
~p (~~
5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facy
6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the
community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations?
7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the
Parks & Community Services Commission?
~~ ~
~ ,;
SIGNA - / __._. OCCUPATION - .r CJ~
In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Parks & Community
Services Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Caroline P.
Soto, City Cler/~ 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 by 3:00 P.M., MONDAY.
DECEMBER 1.2008.
G:~APPTMTS12008 APPOIN'I~12-08 p&cs-applicafion.rtf
GI11f M(~l~ UE'F..~i~
~~ /~/ DATE J
NAME /~ ,, // ~ ~ ~' L~
y ~
ADDRESS ~ ~ / ~~~ /'7c.~ ~ /ar/ ~C~
~u~I,~.~; CSI `~~~~,~
PHONE # (HOME) ~~~ ~a~ ~~/~/ (WORK) 5fU-S~vT -d~~'C/ E-Mail ~~' ~''~l~H~ ~ ~C`-.vrCa;~
~t,f ~~
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services
f'fPt'r~ Sln/CP
P Co
~~ s~~i I I e rJnui, h -I'tic~.C v ~,~~d~',rut io nJ a Cxj,~t Qa OKs ~t Y'c~c (`eu t-,~c~i~/ a ~'~ (`P
opt c~ #~r~. ~ ~. rr~,~;~~s~ c~~ty w~Lx,,~`e ~- Flo cu/ NN~~.S c~ ~~iC/P~.
3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks &
Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated
in a program sponsored by the Department?
ri z~
uNi ft,
2. What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities in
4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the
community? Please describe.
5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility
~' ~ reservations?
n J
Co~~ts 51~,,~ ~ e s: f'osS ~ l.~ ~~~,~ ~c=ru r~ S~a~N~~ ; ~ {,;~G s,
6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall
community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations?
good of the
7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the
Parks & Community Services Commission?
r ' P
In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Parks & Community
Services Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Caroline P.
Soto, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 by 3:00 P.M.. MONDAY,
DECEMBER 1, 2008.
G:WPPTMTS\2008 APPOINT\12-08 p&cs-application.rtf
~Qr C.. S~ NStP ~[~ i ~O ~
-1. rani lC~a(`AI N~rr~S c~F, c~ [~r~mm;-rt~P ~~©mm,ss~`~r,J .~ am ON_
= Attachments Enclosed 3~f.~~
NAME: Morgan King ~ l),111 November 14, 2008
AUI)IZE:SS 8348 Creekside Drive
Dublin, CA 94568
cell s(a9~?~~5) 336-9435 or
I'I IUNI~; IJ (I IUMI~:) (925) 829-281 6 ~ ~~OKh) I ~~t;iil morgan@arcbound. com
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks ~ Cunununih ~er-~ icc~
Com mission? I enjoyed being involved with Dublin's Youth
Advisory Committee (YAC) for three terms. On YAC, we worked
with the Parks and Recreation Commission. We discussed, and
wero Bart of the d-ecision making for youth activities.
I would apQreciate the opportunity to continue this
- - --- - --
process, through this Commission.
2. What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities in
Dublin? These include: Stager Community Gym, the Senior Center,
Heritage Museum and Church, Dublin Swim Center, Shannon Center,
_which is_ currently under reno_yati.4n, ~~hl~i<c fi~lds_, and
Parks; facilities through Dublin Schools is also used for
aet~ cities ~e# mss: after school activities and pre-school.
programs. Classes are offered for adults and youth on may
subjects, including. pet training, self-defense, crafts.
3. What knowledge do you have of the programs of~fercd through the E'arks ~A
Community Services Department? Have you or a familti~ member- participate~I
in a program sponsored by the Department:'
These programs include; Senior services, summer week-day
aot~vttes for- school-age children, seasonal classes for
Dublin residents of all _ a-~~__~~~.-e_E~~ _~d~_~~rk, , -teen
events, concerts, these programs often shared with other
adv-~sor-y groins such as; Senior, Heritage and YAC (Youth
Advisory Committee), which I was a member 9f from 2005-2006,
2t)t1~=ZUD7 and cFiarrnan for 2007-2008, I assisted in websit<~
4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needei~ b~ the
community? Please describe.
Dublin has added a good diversity of programs, to_see meetings to discuss this topic. I
would like an opportunity to continue asssiting our Website
updates; explore-ways to make activities appealing for
___residents}____ __
_ +
~~ ~~ ..
~.,, ~~°°
5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility
These fees are necessary for _maintaning__and_su~~.r_vising
our programs, the community expects high quality, well-
-- - -------------_ -.__ __ -- --
maintained parks and facilities; in addition, this allows
opportunity for expanded youth, senior, historic programs.
6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good ol• the
community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations?
Our neighbors and organizations are our community; this
needs to be kept in perspective, we need to consider the
community as a whole.
7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the
Narks & Community Services Commission?
I believe it is my communication skill, and I enjoy serving
in a group, as a team. As a high school senior, I was the
only student chosen, to assist with our new Principal interview,
n,--cart -ve~fy- this-.-__ -
I would brig a direct knowledge of our cities-~outh's__opinior~,j
I have lived in Dublin since age three. I always try to make
new residents feel welcome.
College Student
SIGNATURE ! F ~~ ~ UC'CUfA~I~ION _ Website Designer
In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Parks & Comnrurrit~•
Services Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Coroliire P.
Soto, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 by 3:00 P. M., MONDA Y,
DECEMBER 1, 2008.
G:\,~Pr' I M"1'ti\2008 ANPOIN7112-OS p&cs-applicatiun.rtf
~" / '~~,
"The l~'cbruary 27, ?OOb meeting of the Youth Advisory Committee was called to order at 7:03 PM at the
rJublin Public Library Program Room, by Chairperson Morgan King, Jr.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairperson M. King.
Committee Members (CM) Present:
Committee Members Absent:
Liaison Absent:
Staff Present:
Isabella Europa, Kevin Jung, Morgan King Jr., Justin Minor, Alex
Rogers, Emily Edlund, Aslan Brown, Taylor King, Bre'Auna
Pontiflet, Matt Pecota, Cammhung Tran, Adam Brissey
Jenny Lutz, Mike Pecota, Jessica Rose
Gabz-iella Lorenzo, Parks and Community Services Commission
Liaison Representative
Angela Uamez
Teetr Lock-Irt Evertt
Staff Member Gamez updated the Youth Advisory Committee regarding the proposed Tecn Luck-ln
event. The event is tentatively scheduled Tor Friday April 4, 2008 Ii•om 9:00 PM to 8:00 ANT. It will be
held at either Stager Gym or the Dublin High School Gym. Staff is awaiting confirmation. Admission to
the event will be $5.00 per participant or a food item. All food items collected at this event will be
donated to the Alameda County Food Bank. Registration will take place the night of the event and the
participants will aced waivers signed by legal guardians. Gamez addressed the Teen Lock-In
Subcommittee Members for updates on the organization of the night. All subcommittee members were on
schedule in regards to organizing the event, including creating a list of supplies, volunteers and writing
donation letters for local businesses. CM Minor asked the Connnittee to suggest movies to play during the
event. Activities planned for the evening will be various sports games, a "I~wister "Tournament, relay
games, and dodge ball.
St. Patrick's Day Fcstivrrl YAC Bootlr
The Youth Advisory Connnittee will be have a booth at the St. Patrick's Day festival on Nlarch 1~`~' and
16`x'. In addition to needing volunteers to help with the booths, Staff Member Gamez asked for volunteers
to help with the SK fun Run and Walk on the morning of March l 6`~'. At the booth, volunteers will be
needed for different shifts. The first shift would set up the booth. The second shift would maintain the
~~ ' 1~
`' a 'CITY ~
~~~"a~.-~.,. OFDUBLIN;
-.=~MINUTES.OF..• `SEPTEiYIBER `~6, 20f17
The' September 26, 2007 meeting of the Youth Advisory Committee was called to ord
Dublin Civic Center Regional Meeting Room, by Recreation Supervisor Frank t,,,,,a er at 7:02 PM at the
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Recreation Supervisor Frank Luna.
Committee Members (CM) Present:
Committee Members Absent:
Liaison Present:
Staff Present:
Isabella Europa, Kevin Jung, Morgan King Jr., Justin Minor, Matt
Pecota, Taylor King, Alex Rogers, Adam Brissey, Jessica Rose,
Emily Edlund, Aslan Brown, Cammhung Tran
Mike Pecota, Bre'Auna Pontiflet, Jenny Lutz
Gabriella Lorenzo, Parks and Community Services Commission
Liaison Representative
Frank Luna and Angela Gamez
Staff member Angela Gamez coordinated an ``Ice Breaker" activity for the Comm'
activity encouraged Committee Members to share something about themselves with thttee Members. The
Youth Adviso Conunittee YAC Orietttatiott
Recreation Supervisor Luna reviewed YAC
Members. Members reviewed the Commissioner's Ha dbooksand werece~ures with the Committee
thoroughly. Luna emphasized to the YAC Members that attendance at the meetin Ts '
a quorum for each meeting in order to conduct business. Sta couraged to read it more
attendance, and. Members who are consistently absent from ff will monitor Comm~tteetMembers
subject to removal from the Youth Advisory Committee. meetings without proper notice could be
•-•««r ersott and Vice-C/rrrir ersoit
CHAIRPERSON FOR THE 2007-2008 YEOR. T ~~ asked if any Con m' OTE THE
in volunteering to take minutes for the YAC meetin s. Co MINOR AS THE I~ICE-
assume this task.
g mmittee MembertJessica Rose volunteeredtto
~43~, $5
'" -~~ n. ,~~~ ~ ~, CITYDFDUBLIN
,.._ ~ .:.
MINUTES OF..• O~'.~'OBER 25, 2006..
The October 25, 2006 meeting of the Youth Advisory Committee was called to order at 7:41 PM al the
Dublin Library Program Room, by Recreation Supervisor Frank Luna.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Recreation Supervisor Franlc Luna.
Committee Members (CM) Present
Committee Members Absent
Staff Present:
Brandon Chapin, Lauren DeMiguel, Isabella Europa, Kevin Jung,
Morgan King Jr., Justin Minor, Mike Pecota, Chen-Chen Paang,
Bre'Auna Pontiflet, Matt Spring
Megan Frantz, Alex Deering (Parks and Community Set-~~ices
Commission Liaison Representative), JiaXue He
Frank Luna and Robert Beasley
ORAL COMMUNICATIONS- 2006 Tri-Valley Yorrth Health and Wellness Sunurrit
Commtttee Member Justtn Mtnor, who is also a member of the Tri-Valley Youth Planning Board,
presented a brief report on the upcoming Youth Health and Wellness Summit. This summit will give
teenagers the opportunity to share their ideas on ways to address important health and wellness issues.
The Summit is scheduled for Wednesday, November 15, ?006. A follow-up regional meeting for this
event will be held on January 24, 2007.
Election of Yorrth Advisory Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
Commtttee Members nominated and elected members for the positions of Chairperson and Vice-
Chairperson for the 2006-2007 tern. Committee Member Matt Spring was elected Chairperson, and
Committee Member Morgan King was elected Vice-Chairperson.
Teem Events
Committee Members provided ideas for potential teen events to be offered during ?006 and ?007. It was
suggested that the Parks and Community Services Department plan more events involving sports, such as
3-on-3 basketball or flag football leagues for teens. Around robin dodge ball tournament was also
proposed, as well as dodge ball games played at Dublin Iceland. Rock climbing activities would also be
popular among teenagers. Other than sports, YAC Members recommended having an outdoor teen movie
night and a dance for high school students, in collaboration with other Tri-Valley cities. It was also
suggested that the high school cheerleaders put together an event or clinic for young children where they
would serve as role models or "big sisters". Football players could also do a similar event where they
would be "big brothers" to the young children.
Prrlaicity S.uGconimittee for Teen Special Events
Staff solicited Committee Members to serve on a Publicity Subcommittee to assist with the advertising
and marketing of teen special events. Committee Members Mike Pecota, Justin Minor, Matt Pecota,
Lauren DeMiguel, and Matt Spring volunteered to be members of this subcommittee.
Teen Website Subconunittee
Interested Committee Members were asked to serve on a Teen Website Subcommittee responsible for
providing information and features on the website which will draw teens to visit the site. Morgan King,
Isabella Europa, Megan Frantz, Brandon Chapin, Mike Pecota, Lauren DeMiguel, and Matt Spring
volunteered to serve on this subcommittee.
YAC members provided input on how to draw more teens to visit the site on a regular basis. Ideas
included putting articles, pictures, more games and perhaps apod-cast on the website, as well as posting
employment ads. YAC Members were also interested in having a bulletin board or chat room included on
the website. Other features recommended by Committee Members included jokes, connnunity ser<~ice
opportunities, illusion pictures, sports scores, and photographs of teenagers doing interesting things. It
was also suggested that teen users. could ask questions, one of which would be picked weekly to be
answered via a survey on the website. To increase awareness of the site, YAC members suggested
handing out shirts publicizing the teen website, or having miniature footballs and bouncy balls with the
website printed on them.
Dublin Tree Li.~htirr~ Ceremony
Committee Members were asked to volunteer to assist with set-up and general assistance during the Tree
Lighting Ceremony at the Civic Center on December 7, 2006 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Committee
Members Lauren DeMiguel, Justin Minor, Mike Pecota, Matt Pecota, Brandon Chapin, and Bre'Auna
Pontiflet offered to volunteer for this event. Committee Member Lauren DeMiguel suggested that the
City research the possibility of having events for lighting of the Menorah and Kwanza celebrations.
Mandatory Ethics Ti•airring
Recreation Supervisor Frank Luna stated to YAC members who did not attend the mandatory ethics
training on October 9, 2006, that there will be another scheduled training. Luna will contact Committee
Members when the next training session is scheduled.
Being no further biisii~ess'and on a~motion by Committee Member Justin Minor seconded by Committee
Member Kevin Jung, the meeting was adjourned at 8:33 PM.
Respectfully submitted:
Frank Luna
Recreation Supervisor
~~~, ~~
The October 16, 2006 meeting of the Parks and Community Services Commission was called to order at 7:O~p.m
at the Dublin Civic Center, Dublin, California, by Chairperson Flores.
Pledge of Allegiance
Chair Flores led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present: Flores, Guarienti, Jones, Muetterties, Cain and Deering
Oral CommuKications
3.1 BriefLiformational Only Reports from Senior Center and Youth Advisory' Committees
Senior Center Advisory Committee
Beth Wood reported that Roger Bradley, Administrative Analyst with the City Managers Office. gave.:
presentation at the Senior Center regarding emergency planning and preparation. In addition, .~nna Marie .Zones.
C.A.R.D. gave an excellent presentation describing some of the things that can be done to prepare for emergencies.
Wood reported that the number of people participating in senior programs is up significantly. The number of
volunteers has also increased. There is a demand for senior services which speaks highly of our Director and Staf:
members. The Foundation donated $3,000 to the Senior Center to purchase needed bingo cards and other items.
The Foundation also is moving forward on the Foundation Wall for which plaques can be purchased for 520.
Youth Advisory Committee
Cm. Deering reported that the Youth Advisory Committee held their first meeting in September. The Committee
spent most of the meeting discussing the Dublin 'teen website. Discussion included what to have on the ~~~ebsit
and how to incorporate the schoo] activities and how to promote them.
3.2 Public Comments
Mm~ia Fulwiler, 3777 Hebstone Place, President of the Dublin United Soccer League stated that the field usage
problems at the Dublin Sports Grounds continue. The league is working with the City of Dublin on these problems
and some have been addressed. There needs to be a permanent fi::. Children are falling and twisting their ankles.
It is time to put some serious money into the fields. It would be nice to overhaul the sports grounds or look at
putting in artificial turf. She understands the procedure for placing this item on the agenda and will call fir
placement on an agenda. Shc introduced Anthony Totaro, one of the soccer league coaches.
Anthony Totcuro, 8130 Brittan~~ Drive, stated that he is very concerned with the condition of the fields at the Dublin
Sports Grounds; the fields are old and worn. He indicated that he reported his concerns to Rich Jochner at the ias;
Sports Liaison Meeting. He wants the City to take a real serious look at the fields, come up with a permanen:
solution and include it in the CIP. He suggested that the City research the cost to put in artificial nir',~.
He envisions something similar to Dublin High School at the Dublin Sports Grounds.
Lowart stated that the staff has convened a committee to look at options for renovating the sports grow~ds. On::e
options are identified, the sports groups will be contacted for their input. She hopes to bring this to the
Commission sometime in February 2007 to get a project into the Capital Improvement Plan.
4.0 Minutes of the Regular Meeting -September 1 S, 2006
Cm. Guarienti referred, to Page 4, last paragraph, 2°d sentence. Delete ACTEA and insert "Alrrrneda Counn~
Transpor-tatdon Irnprovernent Authority (ACTIA) ".
SRVUSD Climate Committee
2007-08 Meeting Schedule
~~ ~ ~
~' --- -- -
Wednesda ,October 3
3:45 - 5:00 .m.
__._._L___- -
- Board Rooms AB
t -- - ----- --
Tuesda ,November 6 3:45 - 5:00 .m.
__ ___+ C a I H i~h L i b ra r-v
Wednesda ,December 12 3:45 - x:00 m•
-- ---- -----~-_-----__-
- Monte Vista Library
Wednesday, January 16 3:45 - 5:00
5an Ramon Hi h Lihrar-~
- - ---
-Wednesday, February 13 3:45 - 5:00 p.m. Dougherty Valle} Adrnin
---__-_____ ___ _
- I Conference Rooms
_- __~--
Wedncsday, March 12 3:45 - 5:00 rn.
-- _-___L• __ ~~ D e i A rn i~u L i b ra r-~~
-+--- - -
Wednesda , A ril 9 3:45 - 5:00 rn.
Venture double classro
_ _
Wednesday, May 14 3:45 - 5:00
Dougherty Valley Admin
---------------_- ~ Conference Room
_._- s
--- .
Wcdnesda ,June 11 3:45 - 5:00 rn
-~--.P. -__
- ~ San Ramon High I,ihr-a~
~7 ~~ ~
` / ~~/,
~- ~. !n .~~1 YI./ti
2008 Ga~Cene SuCCivan Award Rec~ients
Ally Mayer
The Athenian School
Presented by Eleanor Dase
Taylor Niles
California High School
Presented by Mark Corti
Andrew Dawson-Pollock
Del Amigo High School
Presented by Lisa Olson
Kenzie Haygood
Monte Vista High School
Presented by Becky Smith
Mike Zylberman
San Ramon Valley High School
Presented by ]oe Ianora
Morgan King
Venture School
Presented by Ron Houston
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9900 Pescadero Rd. Loma Mar, CA 94021 • (650) 879-0608 • Fax (650) 879-1539
Name: t h /~
-7 V _ Program:
Date: ~ -' / ~ Naturalist: ~~ ~ ~ ~~
The qualit}~ of our residential outdoor science program depends on the Counselors. Specific duties include living with the students,
assisting with lessons, supervising meals and showers, and coordinating a cabin skit. Staff members and teachers take the selection
and evaluation of Counselors very seriously. Underlined Dhrases indicate exceptional performance in that area
Performance Standards: 1=Unsatisfactory 2=Needs Improvement 3=Meets Expectations 4=Exceeds Expectations ~=Outstanding
RESPONSIBILITY: takes job seriously, is safety conscious, is dependable, is prompt for all activities, asks
te~ers and staff for help when needed, supervises stud is at all times
~. Cp
~1 ~^ ~l~ ~ ~ ~ C~ S c' ~r v~ l.i S Q' ~l/t Lki , s^'1 ~"~ , i~ c: ~1 c ` '"fl ; "fl t' <•,
STUDENT MANAGEMENT: uses positive discipline techniques, focuses group, sets limits clearly, organizes 1 2 , ~ ,
students to accomplish necessary tasks
COUNSELING: SKILLS: solves problems in cabin (discipline, medical matters, homesickness, personal and
interpersonal is11sues, etc.)„ considers specie ne1eds of ea(T`h child, guides students fairly and consistently
1_n. ! ... ~.~N /11~ 1..t.~f1M1JV\1 11 .. .-.~(--~nl_ _ _ _I ~~ _ I _ r
ROLE MODELING: follows the rules, exhibits a positive attitude, maintains enthusiasm towards participating
and learning, demonstrates ma~uri~y, leads by example
1 ~ ;~,;
I Z 3 ~,
COOPERATION/COMMUNICATION: works well with others, accepts responsibility, listens to and follows 1 2 , ~d",;
instructipns, supports students,~staff and program, communicates effectively, ~propriate}y inporporates feedback ~~ ~~
C ,,,. ,,...,., w, , ...~ ~ .-..
INITIATIVE: takes action, seeks out students with special needs, uses time and resources efficiently, seeks to
improve personal skills, leads activities when needed
~- S~•.~ ~
71~. ~.
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I ? ;~j ;
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Dublin Video Club
Presents The Dublin Kids'
~;~ ;~ ~~
~ ~~
V ~°!k~!.
Short videos produced by Dublin Kids
'~•lune 7 at 6:00 .m.
P p
Dublin Theatre Company ~ 6620 Dublin Boulevard
~o 0~ aD ~
Do you have a short video you made?
Want to show it to a live audience?
Register at .. .
~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ Cv~~~~
,~~~ .
5~j s
~~:. , ,~~
Y ~.,~
i' ~~_
t! - - ..
~; :,
~~, ~
~ ry
Cement Youth ~
~' ~ of students: -_
o senior~:year
\~ipate in
~, ,~..
~pn February 7, 2004. Classes
eoks on Saturday mornings from
tau 'ht in the academ are:
:,~,r~~9,.. Y
,~,;~. conflict resolution
r 'r,``ethics and integrity
`~ jail operations and tour
~~~" ~~ emergency vehicle
o`r's` °`~ operation course ~~
pn ,of Questions and answers.
~e parental consent before
Police Crime Prevention Unit
freeto participants.
30 students.
Please complete and stihmit the attached application to llublin Police Services
no later than ,January 30`x', 2004.
Dan E. Meloy
7100 San Ramon Rd. Apt. 143
Dublin, CA 94568
danmeloy(a,hotmail. com
November 24, 2008
City of Dublin /City Clerk
Caroline P. Soto
100 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 94568
Caroline P. Soto,
~~~~~~ ~3~ ~ ~~~
~i't'Y t~ ~ll~L9~'
WOV ~ b 2~9(1~a
This letter is in reference to my interest in obtaining a seat on the Parks and Recreation
Commission. I am a Dublin community member and I would like to be an integral part
of the community. As a current community member, I am already very impressed with
the City and hope to be an excellent addition to the committee.
I am a BSIT graduate, seeking employment opportunities in the Bay Area. I have
enjoyed volunteer opportunities for the Bay Area Rescue Mission and the San Ramon
Forest Farms. I am seeking to expand my community involvement and hope to be a part
of the Parks and Recreation Commission.
I have a history in Website development, customer service, software development,
Management and a wealth of various volunteer experiences. I can bring excellent ideas
to the city and take part in preserving our community. I am a team player with a desire to
be put to good use for the community and its members.
Thank you for taking the time to read my information and I look forward to learning
more about what I can do to become an active community member.
Kind Regards,
Dan Meloy
NAME Dan E. Meloy DATE
ADDRESS 7100 San Ramon Rd. Apt. 143
Dublin, Ca 94568
PHONE # (HOME) (925) 361-8480 (WORK) NIA
November 24, 2008
~q ~g5
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services
I love to serve my community in any way that I can. Helping to plan for community activities and parks
sounds like a good fit for me.
2. What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities in
I walk around quite a bit in my neighborhood and usually pass many parks. I've always been a park lover.
I have seen some great ideas in many parks. I may have some insight there. I use the County bike paths
quite a bit as well.
3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks &
Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated
in a program sponsored by the Department?
I do not have much knowledge on the subject, but my family and I use quite a few parks and trails around
the neighborhood. We personally know the importance of a clean and safe park, as a family, we
understand the importance of a supportive community and that it takes effort to make it so.
4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the
community? Please describe.
I have participated in St. Patrick's Day Fun Run and I would definitely enjoy being a part of organizing
more such events. Maybe we could have more festivals themed around all the cultural diversity we have
in Dublin including enriching the lives of our community through green energy resources and education.
We have the opportunity to grow into the new future of green energy and planet safe resources, we could
use our parks and recreation to enhance this knowledge, to teach people the importance of recycling,
walking or biking safely through the community. If we simply increase the level of foot traffic by
enhancing our parks and recreation, we help serve the community in many more ways through a healthy
and proactive mindset. I would love to help Dublin be a community known for its educational parks and
recreation services.
+5. 'How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility S~'~ ~J
I would think we would have to keep fees down to make programs as attractive to as many users as
possible, however, I'm sure there are times when there is special user services offered which would
require special fees. I believe community members are apt to pay user fees as long as they believe the
community is giving back.
6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the
community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations?
I think good, compelling evidence of greater value to the community is a sure way to sway the most
unenthusiastic of community members. I'm sure as long as community members feel they are fairly
listened to and have their viewpoints earnestly taken into consideration they will feel good about any
decision made. I also would assure the community members that still have concerns after a decision has
been made, that we will be watching the effects of the things they are concerned with, to see if we might
have to make small changes in the future. Ultimately though, I would think that what's best for the city
long term is what must be done. Making the tough decisions is what public service is all about.
7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the
Parks & Community Services Commission?
I would bring fun, energetic, youthful energy and a fair and open heart and mind. I'm also very good at
research and I speak Spanish fluently. Most importantly though, I bring a strong love for serving those in
my community.
SIGNATURE OCCUPATION ~~ y~~p ~ ~d°~ ~ 1°'~ M~-
In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Parks & Community
Services Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Caroline P.
Soto, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 by 3:00 P.M., MONDAY,
DECEMBER 1, 2008.
G:~APPTMTS~2008 APPOINT\12-08 p&cs-application.rtf
Alisha Newell
7100 San Ramon Rd. Apt. 143
Dublin, CA 94568
November 24, 2008
City of Dublin /City Clerk
Caroline P. Soto
100 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 94568
Caroline P. Soto,
CI'~1(OF ~D®L.11~
~~V ~ 6 20(J~i
l NIA~I~t~EF~'S ~t=FfC~
This letter is in reference to my interest in obtaining a seat on the Heritage and Cultural
Arts Commission or the Parks and Recreation Commission. I am a Dublin community
member and I would like to be an integral part of the community. As a current
community member, I am already very impressed with the City and hope to be an
excellent addition to the committee.
I am a BSIT graduate, seeking employment opportunities in the Bay Area. I have
enjoyed volunteer opportunities for the Bay Area Rescue Mission and the San Ramon
Forest Farms. I am seeking to expand my community involvement and when I heard
about the wonderful opportunity to fill a possible seat through my neighbor, MaryBeth
Acuff, I jumped at the opportunity.
I have included an application for each seat and hope to hear from you soon. Thank you
for taking the time to read my information and I look forward to learning more about
what I can do to become an active community member.
Kind Regards,
Alisha Newell
NAME Alisha D. Newell
DATE November 24, 2008
ADDRESS 7100 San Ramon Rd. Apt. 143
Dublin, Ca 94568
PHONE # (HOME) (925) 361-8480 (WORK) N/A
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services
I enjoy the city of Dublin, I plan to be here for a very long time. I would like to take an active role in the
community. The Parks and Community Services is something that I often use as a community member,
its important that I be involved in the protection and future growth of a community I live in.
2. What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities in
I know of many of the local community parks, I would like to think that I have explored each and every
one of the parks on more than one occasion. I am a big fan of the newer local dog park and I often take a
long walk in my community where I am able to visit three local parks. I enjoy that these parks are safe
and clean, well kept and in wonderful areas of the community. Each park has its own bit of shared history
of the City of Dublin and I would like to be actively involved in continuing this trend.
3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks &
Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated
in a program sponsored by the Department?
My family members and I have not yet had the opportunity to be actively involved in programs sponsored
by the Parks and Community Service Department. This is our first step into being actively involved
within this department.
4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the
community? Please describe.
I see pockets of Dublin where Parks and Community services could be sponsored to highten foot traffic,
encourage green living and green education while preserving our Dublin community enriched history.
Our world is forever changing, and now more than anytime before, we are seeing a need to be more
reliant on public transportation, safe walking and biking zones, convenient ways of conserving our energy
and our planet. How cool would it be to see Dublin utilize green energy as a resource for education and
growth in our very own community?
~~~ ~ ~
5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility
User fees seem to be necessary for continued safety of our parks and recreation. Most community
members are comfortable with spending a small fee if they understand how the money is being spent or if
they simply see that the parks and recreations are providing back to the community. I have found that
most community members under healthy economic times, do not mind spending user fees to help preserve
and facilitate positive growth within their community.
6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the
community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations?
In all communities, decisions will be made that do not always please every community member. I feel
that it is important to show empathy and validate one's concerns through discussion and shared ideas. As
a commission committee member, I would feel confident in our community decisions in an environment
where honesty and overall good of the community took precedence over what was unpopular.
7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the
Parks & Community Services Commission?
My most important contribution to the Parks and Recreation Commission would be my youthful energy
and ideas. I am confident in my skill level and my people skills. I believe I will make a positive change
in my community and I would like to be a part of Dublin. The City of Dublin is absolutely wonderful to
me but we have the ability to bring much more to our community, to expand on an already sturdy
foundation and create some history of our own.
SIGNATURE I a~~~Q~ OCCUPATION ,~/1'lin~~s7~~lyil
In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Parks & Community
Services Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Caroline P.
Soto, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 by 3:00 P.M., MONDAY,
DECEMBER 1, 2008.
G:~APPTMTS~2008 APPOIN'I112-08 p&cs-application.rtf
~;:~r ~,,
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C DEC -1 ~ 2008
NAME ~a~1 IyUC-kDIS DATE 12~i ~ b ~
ADDRESS ~lt~?, V~iGt Gif-z~
(~c~tin ~ C~ ~1N~~--~
PHONE # (HOME) ~1.~J 5J1 3 t4(.~ (WORK) ~'ly'~~~7lc~t ~.iZrb E-Mail :SnOC~ k l [b0U ~~c,~l(X?~ C: ~?v/1
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services
~ Uvt.u.~ ~.-v ~S+v~-,~-, 'T ~~ arncizec~ cc~ -ice c~:~vi~icn (kxid b~ ~~ rc~ca ~~ ar~y~de u-~iC~~c-
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2. ~ `~~t knowledge do you hav~~f~ the arks ~nd~recreation facilities in
Dublin? CCU n -~C:i l i FciF~ i~-
3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks &
Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated
in a program sponsored by the Department?
~ktr t v~
~.1 Q~CpP1~l;F.liICQ~ U~ `-41,~~. P`(~iif:f,~~eC~F' Cl4a~ ~n.~.Q,n b i ~ r~t'1 C'~ ~ i.( t~rl~s , 1 ~ ' ~/ .
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4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the ~
community? Please describe.
d~~.hv c7Q, ~r tAk~-:~-w ~-ocx~ ~~-~+~~ e.~LC~.~~ isa~
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S. 'How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility
' reservations?
u~r ~~ a.y~ nccre~ f-c~.b l.~ __o vt.,~.-i --~ `~'~- 4e'..eS ~>~ `~?,~~~~a r~at~.e
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t~ tin ~h~~ C~S2 ~~-~u.v~cR~t,k1i~ G~u,posil~ CO~~QcI b~ ~.~c£ avid o~-~~ .
6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the
community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations?
PtS L oti~`i CAS ~ 0~2 i S c~ GFC:oc~ ~rc~ ue u"ytC ~' ~~_~ ~ n ~ ~~- t^ o~P c ~S f e Y~ r
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7. What is the most important contribution you can ~~~e as a ~`i~emtier of the
Parks & Community Services Commission?
r ~ ,
SIGNATUR~ -'' .fir ~,~(~ ~f~'~OCCUPATION S
~~~ ~ (QCLS C~. ~~ ~~~ ~G ~-~r ~ V ~4SLC°til.,
In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Parks & Community
Services Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Caroline P.
Soto, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 by 3:00 P.M., MONDAY,
DECEMBER 1, 2008.
G:WPPTMTS~2008 APPOINT\12-08 p&cs-application.rtf
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DEC -1 200
NAME / n -~ ~ o n ~( f v -~-G r o DATE ~o / e .r, ~ C ~ 3 ~/ ~ O O
ADDRESS t~ 1 3 O ~ ~, -~-G^,~ ~~ ~, / e
~~u ~~,~ ~ , c~i ~4s~~
PHONE # (HOME) $ 2 `t - $~ ~ ~ 9 (WORK) $ ~ ~' 4 ~ ~ 2 E-Mail Q) -~ o ~-a To @ C.~ M cq.~ -~ . n e ~
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services
I ~ ~ V ef.~ ri u c I, 1. l~ c -~ ~ ~ ~ e b a ~ /r ~ ~ ti e ~...-r .~ ~..., , -~
"1y ~"''rly a~~l" 1 alc -~,r-~,~L.~~ -~-a 1,,~~ ,r d ~ !,~ /~~,~n~
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I~/t 1 0? ~e HI/)(-. n ry ~ S~/r C~-f Yo S S r ~ IP/ ~, ,.~ G• 11 l~c.. ~~, .~ r~-q Id cam, ~S
2. What knowledge do you have of they parks and recreation facilities in
~T ~/" C/1 S' / / ~ ~~ /I~ 0 4J ~/~C d` °I ~ ~ ~/+L n l~ S T~ ~ G / I /1 G~` ~ YJ G G ~1 , / ~,~ ! ~
3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks &
Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated
in a program sponsored by the Department?
-tea ~ e., o~'a n e /P G -~- ~~ -~ -~/ M e e -~ , ., ~_/ G -. d' re a or • ~ 7 ~ v e c l
/JY ~I i Q4 -~7unS.
4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the
co jm~mu/nity? Please describe. / n /, /
~J ti h l,~ , S G~iie~~ l ~ In C'~', -tr ca l n P eX e~ G~Y~, I
~a/nnK f~.Crl,-IreSn ~ Su/~~~/-~' ~0,.,-1^ S`~/1./~T '~/ae~/c,~nS,
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d~~cC~/P of a DG/~' ~ Con-,.nc,~!"i+~ ~2//~Ces ~-.i~.~•„SSienel.
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"` 5 How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and par lity
r ~" reserv~ations? / q /
T C G S' M G ~ b e /~C Pc.~ i re- d' ~ k ~ ~ ~ e ~r e .~ ~ -Y ~ P C , -~ ~/
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/S ~ O ti ' O" r $' er / o c.. J ~ ~ / o c % 4 -/ 7. -~ e., -~i t ~ S /~o n f o ~ s ~ , p t.
6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the
community but unpopula /r with n/eighbors or /organizations?
A lI ~CCIS/On (' l~Grc T6 ~c r'1Ga~~ c~i --~~~ o/P~,~~ goo~t"
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IM~uc-FC.Y ner~j h b•/S o~n~l' °/'~qn/Zt-+-~..~ f
7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the
Parks & Community Services Commission?
~y o~e -~ er.h , ~ a -~-- . „ --Lb s ~ P ~~ u ~ I , -, 6~c..~ ~. ~ ~ N-, e -~
-f-l, e ~, ~ e S ~ -~ a ~ k s a -~ ~ ./~ N -~ ~. S ~ ° ifs .~, c- , / , -~, e r
/~ ,
~er~~~e ~, o~ ~ , .~ 5 /~ c r
~,~ ~ree O+~~cer'
In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Parks & Community
Services Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Caroline P.
Soto, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 by 3:00 P.M., MONDAY,
DECEMBER 1, 2008.
G:WPPTMTS~2008 APPOINT\12-08 p&cs-application.rtf
Parks and Community Services Commission
Name: Yolanda Weaver Date: December 1, 2008
Address: 7638 Millbrook Avenue, Dublin CA 94568
Home: 925/828-2727 Work: N/A
Email Address: webeweavers(a,
(,p~~ ~~RECEIVED
DEC - 1-2008
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks and Community Services Commission?
I want to bring Dublin more in the limelight against the step sister label often bestowed upon it while
compared to neighboring cities. While enjoying events in other neighboring cities, I've often found myself
wondering why Dublin isn't doing similar events. Becoming a commissioner would be my opportunity to
remedy those concerns. I think bringing new voices to any organizational hierarchy is key to change and
progress. I can help shape that image with my education and work experience as well as my perspective as
an actual participant in recreational services within Dublin and neighboring cities.
I've always enjoyed the outdoor environment while walking, hiking riding my bike, or walking the dog.
The benefits of sunshine to one's psyche and the vitamin D benefit is often over shadowed with the risk of
skin cancer. I think bridging those health benefits and risks is a challenge to many. Physical activity is key
to good health and life longevity and witnessing an increase of citizens striving to achieve that balance is
evident in park attendance and activity.
Many individuals and parents are striving to find ways to increase physical activities for better health
benefits. I think Dublin's Parks and Community Service; Commission can partner with other health, state
and federal government sponsored programs which encourage outdoor activities and physical exercise.
More integrated and interactive games and/or events could be one aspect of enhancing current programs and
services Dublin's Park and Community Services currently provide.
2. What knowledge do you have in parks and recreation facilities in Dublin?
I utilized Shannon Park in terms of walking, picnicking, exercise classes and compost education. At
Emerald Glen Park, I've walked the park and enjoyed the view and community joys of laughter,
conversation, smiles and sense of community amongst citizens.
All of these physical activities enhance the quality of life and health, not to mention the social network all
communities need to thrive and enhance a city's pride.
3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks and Community Services
Department? Have you or a family member participated in a program sponsored by the
I have knowledge of Dublin's programs offered through Dublin's "The Guide", letters and postcards and
newspaper bulletins. I do think, that more media exposure is needed promoting and exposing Dublin's own
recreational events either through Channel 30, radio station KKIQ and their website, KTVU's bulletin
board, Diablo Magazine's event listings and local newspapers.
! ~~~ '~
Recently, I noticed a Holiday Tea Party function as part of Dublin's recreation offerings, I thought this was
great! More innovative programs, such as this is needed in Dublin.
In regards to my own participation in programs, I've utilizing exercise classes; aerobics at Shannon Center,
water aerobics at Dublin High School. In addition, I've attended the Winter Concert Services at the
Heritage Center, Day on the Glen, St. Patrick's Day Parade, composting class at Shannon Center. I'm an
avid Arts and Craft Fair and Music Events attendee in Dublin and surrounding cities. I've experienced
great planning and otherwise and I can bring to the Commission discussion table what other surrounding
cities are contributing in terms of building a community and attempt to meet or exceed those for Dublin
citizens and city pride.
4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the community? Please
The simple answer is Yes! I think the West side of Dublin needs m~e parks and this has been echoed in
news reports and evident in Dublin's "The Guide" catalog. I've also heard local politicians and citizens
mention this concern.
I also think more fun activities and opportunities for children, families and senior citizens could increase. A
few ideas are: an annual animal parade, Halloween children's parade, geo caching in our parks for children
utilizing math skills and GPS systems and a farmer's market! Essentially, branding some type of
recreational or social event that is unique to Dublin, thereby making local or regional news. The bottom
line is creating new, dynamic and evolving recreational programs that citizens will actually attend regularly,
thereby building a sense of community.
Perhaps, bridging the generational gap between youngsters and senior citizens in terms of social interaction
and physical activities could be an area of opportunity for growth in program additions. In addition,
perhaps, providing some exercise class and having channe130 tape it for the benefit of all to view on
community access might be up for consideration. I've seen this on San Mateo's television community
access channel.
Another concept, I would like to recommend is this. I attend Garden tours in neighboring cities, too often
Dublin is off that grid. Our city needs to obtain a sponsor and promote our own garden tours at homes or
our own designed gardens benefiting various organizations within Dublin or regionally. I really think this
should happen.
Lastly, providing a plot of land at our parks for all citizens for the enjoyment of gardening education,
physical activity and socialization while gardening organically for their own use or for a charity.
5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility reservations?
Initially, I'm against fees for citizens utilizing picnic facilities. However, I have witnessed what appears to
be non citizens monopolizing Dublin services at parks, some monitoring needs to be in place for this.
Perhaps, citizens could be more active in monitoring this problem and report to officials for enforcement
thereby creating a safe and law abiding environment for all.
If park use fees need to be charged, a tiered program fee for citizens should be considered. Senior citizens
and low income individuals should be exempt from those fees.
Park utilization fees might be considered for concerts, but again, I think providing this musical and cultural
event should remain free. Charging a fee for reserving a picnic table to non Dublin citizens should be
significantly higher.
Community's participation in recreational events and locations is vital to a dynamic and thriving
~~ ~"`~
community. Part of doing this is reducing additional costs to a family who wants to exercise, enjoy the
outdoors and help create a thriving sense of community. In order to create a sense of community, recreation
facilities and service fees need to be minimized thereby maximizing park attendance. That is the bottom
6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community, but unpopular
with neighbors and organizations?
Change is hard for some people, while for others it's the opposite. My opinion is change is good. It shows
progress and innovation. However, for those changes to occur, the perception and foundation for those
change agents need to be in place for peer review. Obtaining feedback from the community is vital while
making access to that feedback channel easy, accessible andvisible; thereby justifying changes to program
as well as providing change methodologies to those who are resistant to change.
A famous quote from Aristotle can sum up the bottom line on justifying the overall good for the community
commitment "The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few, or the one." -- Aristotle,
Nichomachcan Ethics. This ultimately is the universal h~uth for society and civilization.
7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Parks and Community
Services Commission?
I have utilized Dublin's many recreational and park facilities over the past tens of years; exercise programs,
Winter Concert Series at the Heritage Center, St. Patrick`s Day Parade, Day on the Glen, Arts and Crafts
Fairs and Musical Events in Dublin and neighboring cities. With this, I bring a real perspective to those
services and how they impact my~lf and the community.
Since I don`t work outside of the home, I bring a real time perspective on how others use our parks during
the day. I have wifiessed families, neighbors and friends enjoying their physical activities at our parks.
The smiles and laughter of children learning to ride a bike, walls their puppies and dogs, picnics for family
reunions, elderly neighbors wallcing their wayback to a healthy life after surgery or for better health.
I think my enthusiasm, educational and media background and the fact I actually use Dublin recreational
services bring insight to the Commission and could benefit ongoing changes in our services to Dublin's
citizens. Finally, I have made some suggestions in question # 4 on some new recreational services/events.
Education and Work background: B.A. in Mass Communications with a minor in Adverfsing with an
options in Public Relations and a certificate from The Leadership Institute from Cal State East Bay
(formerly Cal State Hayward.) I've interned with KTVU in the Promotional Department and
Programming. I've offered volunteer time with Channe130 several years ago and to the Literacy Project in
Alameda county. Finally, I've worked at Hewlett Packard Company for nearly 14 years in Marketing and
Human Resources.
Signature 2~ Occupation: Homemaker
NAME Alisha D. Newell
ADDRESS 7100 San Ramon Rd. Apt. 143
Dublin, Ca 94568
DEC -1 2ous
PHONE # (HOME) (925) 361-8480 (WORK) N/A E-Mail
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Heritage & Cultural Arts
I appreciate the Dublin community and the efforts of the community members. When I walk around the
City of Dublin, I see evidence of our history and I want to be a part of the committee to uphold this
history and to continue to expand our heritage and cultural arts.
2. In what organizations are you currently a member?
Dublin Fine Arts Foundation
Dublin Historical Preservation Association Other (Please list)
San Ramon Forest Farms -volunteer member
Bay Area Rescue Mission -volunteer member
National and local elections volunteer, 2000, 2004, 2008
Local Proposition signature gathering volunteer
3. What experience do you have serving on advisory committees, task forces, boards
or commissions?
My most recent experience includes party and event committee Team Lead for RHFS, Inc. Being the
Team Lead Committee member gave me the opportunity to learn to Manage the money, time and people
in order to have successful events. We decreased the budget in 2007 giving us new challenges but I found
the experience to be creative and uplifting. I have been the Lead Coordinator for Holiday events, business
meetings onsite/offsite, offsite annual company picnics for over 200 employees and in house training
programs. I am also an experienced Restaurant Manager and LT. Administrator where I have had the
opportunity to be a part of project committees serving as an advisor and team member.
DATE November 24, 2 t~EC~l1/ED
~~~ $ ~
4. What education, training or experience do you have in cultural arts or
My training and experience in cultural arts and heritage includes several art and history courses at Diablo
Community College where I completed an Associate in Arts degree. Much of the curriculum included
hands on community experience of cultural arts in the Bay Area. This experience greatly influenced my
desire to continue my personal journey of educating myself in the area of art and heritage.
5. List the artistic, cultural, and/or historic activities in which you have participated;
particularly within the City of Dublin.
My personal experience began when I moved to Dublin. While living on the corner of San Ramon Rd
and Dublin Blvd, I quickly learned I was living where Jose Maria Amador and many others had once
lived. I was personally enamored by Dublin Heritage Center that I have continued to learn much about
the history and the people whom rest there. I often share this history with the visitors in my life. I have
become a volunteer Dublin for tourists, my family and friends, I truly enjoy what I have learned and
shared with others. I felt a personal connection with the Dublin Heritage Center and wrote a poem upon
my first visit, please see attached. I then learned that my respected neighbor, MaryBeth Acuff, is a
Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission member. I am inspired to join the commission and would love to
be a valuable commission member in continuing the Dublin Heritage Center efforts. I often walk azound
our great city of Dublin and have been greeted by bits of history all over the Tri-Valley, it is something I
want to be involved in.
6. What knowledge do you have of the Dublin Heritage Center?
I visit the Dublin Heritage Center on a weekly basis. I have met local volunteers during museum hours
and have introduced many of my friends and family members to the history of the City of Dublin and the
Dublin Heritage Center. I enjoy teaching the history as we travel the azea and I have accomplished a great
deal of personal research on the subject. I enjoy knowing the history of those who rest at the Dublin
Heritage Center and I am very excited about the community expansion that is currently happening to the
7. What knowledge do you have of public art and public art programs in Dublin?
I know that Dublin is filled with public art within its underpasses of the freeways, from the library to the
police station to the Dublin Heritage Center that express the history of our environment by local, modern
artist of today. I am unaware of current public art programs but I would like to be more involved in this
.portion of the community and I am willing to learn more about public art programs. ~ ~
8. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community
that may be unpopular with neighbors or organizations?
In all communities, decisions will be made that do not always please every community member. I feel
that it is important to show empathy and validate one's concerns through discussion and shared ideas. As
a commission committee member, I would feel confident in our community decisions in an environment
where honesty and overall good of the community took precedence over what was unpopular.
9. What is the most important contribution you feel you can make as a member of
the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission?
My most important contribution to the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission would be my youthful
energy and ideas. I am confident in my skill level and my people skills. I believe I will make a positive
change in my community and I would like to be a part of Dublin. The City of Dublin is absolutely
wonderful to me but we have the ability to bring much more to our community, to expand on an already
sturdy foundation and create some history of our own.
SIGNATURE ~_ ~ OCCUPATION --~~/1~ flL~~~~~?~.TGy~'I
In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Heritage & Cultural Arts
Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Caroline P. Soto,
City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 by:
3:00 P.M., MONDAY, DECEMBER 1.2008
G:~APPTMTS112-08 H&CA App.doc.rtf
i took a special walk today
by Alisha Newell
I took a special walk today
A corner of the town seemed so far away
But something lurked along the way
The putt was a feeling 1 could not free
I took a special walk today
The path presented history
stones with moments inscribed
I learned along the way
This corner of town was all for me in a special way
Old structures at first it seemed and then
Stoned crosses, marbled tomb stones became visible
I smiled as I knew I was embarking on a peaceful place
Where lives once lived now lay at rest
This was no place for the common man
This was a place for those who made this place
1 faced each tomb realizing I was greeting those
Who simply paved this place
I took a special walk today
To a place where others forever rest
77`` r` .
SEC -1; 2~0~
NAME L'1~'L ~~~~ DATE ~ c 3Z? O~ ,
ADDRESS ~ p ~ 5 1..~ CR~V~Q,(Yl,~ l-~J1~~
PHONE # (HOME) ~~ _ ~ ~ ~ ( (WORK) ~ ,~/ _3 3 ~~ E-Mail ~'~~ ~~~-~~
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Heritage & Cultural Arts
2. In what organizations are you currently a member?
Dublin Fine Arts Foundation
Dublin Historical Preservation Association ~( Other (Please list)
3. What experience do you have serving on advisory committees, task forces,
boards or commissions?
4. What education, training or experience do you have in cultural arts or
0 '
5. List the artistic, cultural, and/or historic activities in which you have
participated; particularly within the City of Dublin.
~.~..~~,.Q~,~. ~ s~ Cam G~ o .~``~~~
~. ~~~-~ Q~-- 1~o Ir~.~.~-e.,
What knowledge do you have of the Dublin Heritage Center?
- J
7. What knowledge do you have of public art and public art programs in Dublin?
8. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the
community that may be unpopular with neighbors or organizations?
- ,..
9. What is the most important contribution you feel you can make as a member of
the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission?
~.~~ ~ w~~- ~ ~ ~~
SIGNAT OCCUPATION ~~(,Op ~ ~,('~ l~ Yl~-L
In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Heritage & Cultural Arts
Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Caroline P. Soto,
City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 by:
3: DO P.M., MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2008.
G:\APPTMTS\12-08 H&CA App.doc.rif
RTS COMMI~~ION2o~~ ~ ~~
APPLICATION ~I~~i Y M~i~wv~~i'~ nFFiG'~
NAME Morgan King Jr. ~ATI- -~- ~~-/
ADnRF.,SS 8348 Creekside Dr. -
Dublin, CA 94568__ __ __ __-___.
cell (925) 336-943 or~ gan@morganking.Cp
(925) 829-281 6 (WORK) com m
PHONE # (HOME) ~-Mail. _
--- - - or Nancyfk@comcast.
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Heritage & Cultural Aief
To continue working with the City of Dublin,
I would like to be part of the decic,nn m~ti;ny Stith-future
projects in regards to our Heritage, Arts and the
ee-our projects.
2. In what organizations are you currently a member?
Dublin Fine Arts Foundation
Dublin Historical Preservation Association Other (Please list)
done,- at preserit~` r vi y, ~, or year - 008, which
ended June 2008
3. What experience do you have serving on advisory committees, task forces,
boards or commissions?
Chairman of YAC, 2007-2008, v; r-A-rr,a; r ~~T^~ ~nnc ~nn~ ~__-.___ _ _
Boardmember YAC, 2005-2006, YAC Subcommittee-Website Design
- i e or - SRVUSD Climate
Invited as only student to artici ate Committge,__
firing process for Venture's new P~incipal, with thr~~~~~~ & V.F
4. What education, training or experience o you lhtave in cultura a s '
I have promoted cultural artc t-h,-,,,,nh TM.~__~~-ma}~-ng
7 l
which involves many of Dublin's youth; each film project
is a 'work of art', by each participant.
5. List the artistic, cultural, and/or historic activities in which you have
participated; particularly within the City of Dublin.
s on to describe
•• our project. Ch. 30 presented clips from our movies.
Attended Christmas programs at the old St. Raymond's Church
Continued Morgan King, Jr.
6• What knowledge do you have of the Dublin Heritage Center?J ..~ !/
My friends and I have, and do, visit this location, and it is
great to see. I have thbejon 'Dublin'. I think to keep the
Heritage Center alive, there should be continued activities on
7. What knowledge do you have of public art and public art programs in Dublin?
First of all, the Murals under the freeway are awesome. I
really like the circle with an optical illusion.
great idea. I like seeing the different sculpture, fountains,
I I T 7r' L R_1'T~C f T'~- lA ~ L. ~ /l ~ 1 T ~~~
y f1 !„/C1lL
I would encourage the city continue this exhibition.
8. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community
that may be unpopular with neighbors or organizations?
It seems there is usually one (or more), who may be against
~ h -- ~.,, u~ ,~.y--I den--~taan t t e
sound cliche', however, 'you can't please everyone all the
unexpected. An individual or group would need to
9. What is the most important contribution you feel you can make as a member of
the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission?
I believe this would be my communication skills. In
addition, I have knowledge of recently proposed, and ongoing,
youth projects, i.e, teen website; I bring a viewpoint from
the 18-24 age group.
SIGNATURE~~~ ~ ~ ,~ Student -College
In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Heritage & Cultural Arts
Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Caroline P. Soto,
City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 by:
3:00 P.M. MONDAY DECEMBER 1 2008.
G:\APPTMTS\12-08 H&CA App.doc.rtf
NAME: Steven Minnieaz ~'~ DUBLIN
DATE: November 30, 2008
ADDRESS: 11902 West Vomac Road, Dublin, CA 94568 ~~~ ~ ~. 2Q9a
PHONE NUMBER (HOME): 925 829-2124
(WORK): 925 423-9872 ~TY IV~N~p~l~'S
E-Mail: Minniear~;c~cumcasi.n~t
1. Why aze you interested in serving on the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission?
As an 18 yeaz resident of Dublin, I now have time to devote to a new public service. My
fascination and experience with studying and interpreting history, my interest in the heritage of
my city and a desire to help insure the historical preservation of Dublin's heritage, in all its
forms, shows that I could be a valuable contributor to the commission. In addition, I have many
years experience working with small groups to accomplish various tasks.
2. In what organizations are you currently a member?
_ Dublin Fine Arts Foundation
_ Dublin Historical Preservation Association
X Other (Please list)
Society for Military History
American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS) International
3. What experience do you have serving on advisory committees, task forces, boards or
I have worked on a number of task forces and teams throughout my over 28 years of federal
government and five yeazs private sector experience. These include leading short term study
groups evaluating Federal and local government issues, ranging from a Maria County Grand Jury
study on county budgeting to a review of U.S. foreign military sales to foreign country, not to
mention many other studies. I also participated as a Federal Officer as part of the FBI (San
Francisco) Joint Terrorism Task Force. I have experience working with large and small groups
ranging in composition from senior Federal government officials; members of Congress and their
staffs; state and local government officials; members of the public and academia; and
businessmen and women. At various times I worked with many people on many different efforts
including planning reseazch efforts, gathering information, reviewing documents, advising on
hiring applicants, evaluating policy making options, deciding on policy recommendations, and
planning and writing reports.
4. What education, training or experience do you have in cultural arts or heritage?
I have a Master of Arts, Government (National Security Policy, includes history) from
Georgetown University which included completing course work and writing papers on political,
military and diplomatic history. I have a Bachelor of Arts, Political Science (International
Relations) from the University of California, Berkeley, which included completing course work
and writing papers on cultural anthropology, economics, and political, military and diplomatic
Page 1 of 3
history. For the last ten years I wrote over 15 book reviews for the Journal of Military History
and acted as a peer reviewer for a submitted article. Currently, I am editing the 1863 diary of
Mrs. Abby Fulkerth who traveled overland from Iowa to California. I also participated in living
history activities focused on the American Civil Waz.
5. List the artistic, cultural, and/or historic activities in which you have participated; particulazly
within the City of Dublin.
In addition to the information provided above, I participated in a number Wells Middle School
fund raising activities. I also promoted the music programs at Wells Middle School by
participating setting up and tearing down sets and seating for Jazz Band and Drumline
6. What knowledge do you have of the Dublin Heritage Center?
I am familiar with the center's mission and public pages and I enjoy visiting the Dublin Heritage
Center. I especially enjoyed the recent exhibit on American farm life. I recently spoke to Ms.
Elizabeth Isles about the center and its future plans. I am very impressed with the beautiful and
comprehensive plans for the azea azound old St. Raymond's Church and I look forward to the
movement of the Kolb House into its new location.
7. What knowledge do you have of public art and public art programs in Dublin?
While my primary interest is history, as a walker and bicyclist I enjoy the various public art
items throughout Dublin. While I am in no way a connoisseur of public art, I am familiar with
aspects of Western and Middle Eastern art, much of it designed and placed to influence the
public. Also, I am fascinated with the implications digital art has for the public, especially
younger audiences.
8. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community that may be
unpopular with neighbors or organizations?
Every public decision involves making some people unhappy, just as it makes some people
happy. I also recognize that, especially in small cities, disapproval can take some forms of loud
and personal comments. That is just the way these things work. I prefer to look at such
situations as an opportunity to involve as many parties as possible to make the best decision
possible. That is, after all, one of the important purposes of a public commission.
9. What is the most important contribution you feel you can make as a member of the Heritage
and Cultural Arts Commission?
I think I bring a new and different perspective to the ideas of heritage and history from what it
.now stands in the commission. My contribution would be to bring a wider sense of history for
Dublin, one that incorporates what we have accomplished in the 20~' century. The Heritage and
Cultural Arts Commission, the Parks and Community Services Department, the City Council and
many others have made extraordinary progress in highlighting the life and times of Dublin's
Page 2 of 3
,.. ~~ ~~~
early residents. I think it is time to build upon the progress made and incorporate into our
heritage a wider perspective. This perspective would reflect the history which made Dublin a
city and the history associated with Camp Parks, Camp Shoemaker, Fleet City and other military
installations that preceded the City of Dublin. Now is the time to do that, before the memory and
physical remnants of that history fade away.
OCCUPATION: Senior Counterintelligence Officer, Office of Intelligence and
Counterintelligence, U.S. Department of Energy
In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Ileritage & Cultural Arts
Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Caroline P. Soto, City Clerl~
100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 by: 3:00 P.M., MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2008.
Adapted from G:\APPTMTS\12-08 H&CA App.doc.rtf
Page 3 of 3
CITY +C~ bUBll~ ~ ,,-~
NOV ~ 6 zuo~
NAME Greer L. Pa on DATE November 20, 2008
ADDRESS 7705 Creekside Drive, Dublin, CA 94568
PHONE # (HOME) 925-828-6339 (WORK) Cel 925-323-0491
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Heritage & Cultural Arts
I served on the Senior Advisory Committee for 4 nears and would like to continue to serve
Dublin on the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission as I have a degree in the arts and my
interests have always been in history, the arts and cultural affairs.
2. In what organizations are you currently a member?
Dublin Fine Arts Foundation
Dublin Historical Preservation Association X Other (Please list)
I have been a member of several organizations over the nears but currently I am a member of the
Business Women's Network
3. What experience do you have serving on advisory committees, task forces,
boards or commissions?
I served and chaired the .Senior Advisory Committed. I served on the board and for the east 10
years I have been the President of the Business Women's Network. My business career was in
Project Management and Meeting Planning and I have lead and chaired many teams.
4. What education, training or experience do you have in cultural arts or
I haye_a Royal Society of Arts Degree from England. I am also an artist and have sold many of
my works. This has provided me with considerable experience in the arts. As a member of the
aristocracy of En lg_ and mX background provided me with experience with knowledge of history.
My_experience as a proiect manager and a meeting planner has also provided me with experience
in leading andplannina activities.
5. List the artistic, cultural, and/or historic activities in which you have
participated; particularly within the City of Dublin.
I have not served with Dublin but I have served on artistic and craft committees at Pacific Bell. I
also wrote several history essays for my BA
Spy ~S
6. What knowledge do you have of the Dublin Heritage Center?
It has been some time since I visited the Heritage center and look forwazd to bein ag ble to
participate in some of the activities for the new park. My knowledge of other commissions and
committees is limited but I learn quickly. Since leaving the Senior Advisory Committee I have
been inactive as I had hip surgery with complications but I am now able to pazticipate in
activities and look forwazd to serving Dublin and particulazly the Heritage Commission.
7. What knowledge do you have of public art and public art programs in
I have followed the process of the selection of some of the art exhibits in Dublin and I am aware
of some of the art work in Dublin although not familiaz with most of the artists. I do know that
Dublin has more artwork that the surrounding cities and that it certainly enhances the city.
8. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the
community that may be unpopular with neighbors or organizations?
When active on the Senior Advisory Committee I was very active in the selection of the design
and furnishings of the Dublin Senior Center. Not all our decisions were ~opulaz with some
members, however, our objective was to provide a senior center that would please the, majority
of our seniors. There were times when our discussions became, shall I say `excitable', but we
managed to compromise and I think we agreed on some lovely furnishincs. Needless to sap as
the Chairperson there were times when I was unpopulaz and I handled this by respecting others
and listening to them. In the end however, one must do what is best for the majority.
9. What is the most important contribution you feel you can make as a
member of the Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission?
My experience as a Project Mana eg r and a Meeting Planner provides me with the skills to
coordinate efforts. I am open minded and experienced with selecting art work and while I prefer
the traditional I know when contemporary is more appropriate. I have the time to spend to
contribute to this commission and look forward to doing so•
SIGNAT _, cti CCiJ1~ATION Retired
In order be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Heritage
&Cultural Arts Commission, please retut~n this completed form to the attention
of Caroline P. Soto, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 by:
3:00 P.M.. MONDAY. DECEMBER 1, 2008.
G:WPPTMTS112-08 H&CA App.doc.rtf
• ,.~
participated; particularly within the City of Dublin.
r _ _ DATE __ ,
~. ~ .-._
~ -- -
ii ~~ir t 0 ~A
PHONE # (HOME)~~~~ t0 ~ ~ t'V~70RK) -i-K->C~~~? ~ ~~ E-Mail ~ . ~~
~, ' ~ ~}'
1. Why are you interested in serving on the kler~tage & Cultural Arts
_ ~ Commiss~onry , i _ _ ~ . _ i P, . ,;1 . r.. _ .~. r 1 y _ 1
,.~ h o hr~t ~ hp n -^~.~ ~ ~~ ~ r.~, r r1 ,~hh Q .. ('rim rn ~rz.
Tn ~ orga~ni~za ons ar on curre y a r.`
_ Dublin Fine Arts Foundation 1
Dublin IIistorical Preservation_Association _~ O (P eas st)
~-S~ ~P
.._.. --T-~----------- v -
3. What eaperieuce do you have serving on advisory committees, .task forces,
~ r s or c missio~? ~ ~ d.Y ~ ~ ,
`~ ~ ~s =
(' ,, _
4. What education, training or ezpe~ience do you have in cultural s
e 'cage? .. ~ e
r /_) ,,,
S, the a c, cul 1, ~a~ or istoric acti es wh ou have
~{ ~ f ~ _
s ~ ~ f-~
7 •d vu ~ i ~rv~cu~ ~u i_ur•i r~ onn~ rn Dart
. ~..
6. WLat 1 vied ~ o yo th` lsh~x~ :a'~e~tage Center?
//~~ ~~
. a owi ge o on a o pu car any[ ~pu is art ro rai
-.~ ,
tow d~ ybu feel about tt[alung a decision roa the a~ra7r
that main be unnopuL~r e~th nel;~hbors a~ organizations?
`t ~~j 8 ~
re .dab
~~ ~
,.., -
_ C~bl.~
9. ~ is be mo rrnpo an ` n tion you eel you ake as em er o
the ritage &.Cultural Com lion? '~ yy~
~. A
~~~~ ;
IGN / , ~ ` OCCUPATION ~ ~.r'~~ ~/ ~~~ I c~ ~~-( t~/~
S A [~-~ ll~ _ "" l
I» order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the .Heritage & Cultural Arts
Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Caroline P. Soto,
City Clerk, ADO Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA' 44568 by:
3:00 P.M., MONDAY, DECEMBER ~, 2008.
G:IAPPTMTS\12-08 H&CAApp.doc.rtf
~` ~3~ B ~
DEC - 1 20~$
NAME %L Q ,~ k T ~' D G ,~' DATE ~' ~'~ ~~D ~
70 ~ ~ ~wl.9~oo.c. ~~//r ~, i3c vo
d,U~ Lim C.4• JS~SG P
TELEPHONE # (HOME) 9L S = X33 - /~G G (WORK)
E-Mail Address i¢ T N D G-.r ~ Cp ~ p,A.f i ~Vi~E /
1. Why are you interested in serving on the Senior Center Advisory
.2-T i^S ~ ~~ 6v i..sf/ T~ C'U~ Ti~~a~ ~~el~ S1• i~vG-
FOK f ~yEK~1~y5 THAT w®u[v /~yTk-k~1% M~ ~v~
2. What knowledge do you have of the programs and services
offered through the Dublin Senior Center?
T /~i! v~ /.v D ~,v TiS~ /~ ~v w L,~ a G ~ o r /ii10s
~ u T iye ?" ~ // ~ r Tiy~ -~~~ yi ~ ,~j o ~-i= ,~ k ~ ~
~ 7'" Tic o u~9 ~ ~.~. S,r.v~ o ~ C' ~t's~T.+~ ~
3. Have you or a family member taken advantage of the programs
and services offered through the Dublin Senior Center?
.~// O~ 7"H- /~ .S~..E ~ /sv ~ L ,u.~i ~H x d ~1r~, Se ~'-1.~ T.e ~~.t ,
,~a'a nec y w ~ ,cam ~TT~c.~,v J ~~eT G''L.lrs •~ r ~~ ~ 6dd n
1 ~(/ s f Q..c1 ~ Ti D .r/ ~L ~9 s s .~ s
4. Are there additional programs and services that should be offered
through the Dublin Senior Center? Please describe.
,4 S~Ti1aa ~4y ~~~all 1=s9rT~ ONE 7~iM k. ~ MD~Ti
ivr ~ 6-~7" ,~ir~ T, e.,w ~ p,c ~ M,E w To ~,E~T i•v y 0 z V /~ ~ ~9.vb
B ~ C D oN !E / N ~.El2 ~.~ T,~ o ~ x ~/p L.t/ /~ T,F'.~ is • .r/G- -
5. What do you feel are some of the most pressing issues facing elder
adults in our society?
M ~k y Gv is o w t ~ /K~,v s4 k~ Gv B ~ ~ ,u ~.~ v~
~n~'eG~td o~ COMd~u/D~S~~;y wff,c~ C~4~v ~3~
D ~d tit d F' h ~ y ~ff~ ~ u~ G , n/ s,~',iii 0~., C ~ ~ T~ K
6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of
the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations?
~5~ ~~
p~0 p L,~ W h~U l~iV d rb /v1 ~ /¢~!9 M V /~ i ,t Ty K
off ~ s i`s K~-T" ~ /~i2 ~ 8 L-.~ ~ ~ B.2 ~ ~ . Z ~.~ v ~ ~
~~sT~c~ view o~ R~~~- >9~~, ~e.~,~~
7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a
member of the Senior Center Advisory Committee?
C + u T ~v ~ ~ To C rL i <r c- L''/ ~r ,cr o •ci S ,~ ,r/ .r ,~
S o ~ ~- f ~ ~b ~ R2 r A ~ M a tr ,~ A-1 a .y.r % d T/t~
/~.d y i s d .c y G~~.-rr.~ tic i Ti ~ 4' ~/~/D T T/.f.~ S~~y i D r~
,~ ,~ r,~ ~ ~.S' r~~r=.
/~s ~.K ~- ~ ti ~ w o r Tff~ S ~ ~v: arr c'.t ,yTi~' ~ ,t'o a y ,G ,y T, o .v
~ N p ,iii ~ ~'!E ~/ ~ ~S4 ~' .ll L L i.q i' 0 •v .
SIGNATURE ~~ ~ ~~G ~
OCCUPATION i2 ~ T i ~ ~ h
In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Senior Center Advisory
Committee, please return this completed form to the attention of Caroline P. Soto, City
100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 by 3:00 n.m., Mondny, December 1, 2008.
G:12008APPTMTS~SCac-applicatn 1-08.doc